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  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres


    Toda challenge,Tomorrow CIOLaying the groundwork and creating conditions or success

    Eoling Role o the CIO

    IBM Global Business Services

  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres



    Gone are the days o Chie Inormation Ocers (CIOs)

    being responsible solely or delivering reliable Inormation

    Technology (IT) to the business. Contemporary CIOs

    take a much broader role in the business, driving

    business transormation, innovating or competitive

    advantage and acting as key strategic partners to the

    Chie Executive Ocer (CEO) and wider organisation.

    How is this achieved? IBM conducted in-depth ace-

    to-ace interviews with CIOs who have either made the

    transition to senior roles beyond IT or extended their

    responsibilities, keeping IT and including more business

    ocus accountability (see Diagram 1). The results conrm

    that todays CIOs have the opportunity to extend their

    reach and remain relevant to the enterprise o the uture.

    The interview results and associated research indicate

    that there are three key actors that infuence CIOs

    evolution to a more business-ocused role:

    ltheir personal profle (personality, background

    and skills)

    lthe business environment in which they

    operate (in particular, the degree o change

    happening in the wider enterprise)

    l the maturity o the IT unction in which

    they operate

    O course, every company views the role o IT

    dierently and there is certainly room or those that

    wish to maintain the traditional role o IT director. But

    there is an increasingly wide and exciting range o

    opportunities available to CIOs who want to take on

    more business responsibility and play a more creative

    role in the business.

    Peronal profle

    In order or CIOs to evolve into a more strategic,

    business-ocused role, their personal prole needs to

    be geared towards business and change leadership.

    They also need to be able to apply these capabilities

    to enterprise-wide issues in a way that goes beyond

    the technical remit o the traditional IT director.

    Bine backgrond

    The Evolving Role of the CIO1 described the trend or

    CIOs to have more o a mixed background o IT and

    business management. Those more predisposed to a

    strategic role will oten have had previous experience

    managing areas o the business other than IT.

    CIOs with broader backgrounds are more likely to

    want to lead business discussions and generally have

    more empathy with the business. They have managed

    other business areas beore and are thereore better

    able to build credibility at Board level. They will work

    as partners solving business problems, rather than

    just providing support.

    Strong relationships with Board-level colleagues are

    vital or successul evolution. These relationships

    enable CIOs to demonstrate that they have the

    personal credentials needed to take ownership o

    domains beyond the traditional connes o IT.

    CIOs need to have a passion or the business.

    Business innovation requires emotional empathy

    with customers and the business.

    - David Lister, Chief Architect, Royal Bank of Scotland

    Leaderhip kill

    Tomorrows CIOs are likely to have well-developed

    leadership capabilities, skilled in creating a vision

    or the business and in collaboration, decision-

    making and execution. To succeed, they need to

    be ocused outwards towards the enterprise and

    its customers, as well as inwards towards the IT

    organisation. They should be able to articulate where

    and how technology contributes to business strategy,

    identiying business change issues and driving

    operational innovation.

  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres


    Theme 3

    Aligning IT

    and bine


    Theme 2

    Deliering IT-

    centred change

    Theme 1

    Keeping the

    light on

    Theme 1

    Keeping the



    Theme 2




    Theme 3




    Toda Tomorrow

    Source: The Evolving Role of the CIO1

    Diagram 1: The eoling role o the CIO

    The Evolving Role of the CIO1, IBMs recent survey o successul

    CIOs rom a number o industries, identifed three transitions

    that progressive CIOs make in evolving rom an IT-centric to

    a more business-oriented role. They would move:

    lrom keeping the lights on to keeping the bine

    rnning: CIOs would no longer just be responsible or

    providing applications and inrastructure. With the rise

    o shared services and outsourcing arrangements, they

    would be increasingly responsible or business process

    services, too.

    lrom delivering IT-centred change to driing bine

    tranormation: CIOs would no longer just react to changing

    business requirements. They would be at the very heart o

    business transormation initiatives, identiying opportunities

    or perormance improvement and taking on accountability or

    business change.

    lrom aligning IT and business strategies to enabling

    bine innoation: while todays CIOs would ensure

    that IT strategy was aligned with that o the organisation,

    tomorrows CIOs would expand possibilities or business

    innovation through the use o IT.

    Within the enterprise, next-generation CIOs will use

    their collaborative skills to build relationships across

    dierent areas rather than taking a silo approach. CIOs

    oten have a panoramic view o the business, gleaned

    rom implementing IT-driven transormational change

    across their enterprise. The wider view can give CIOs

    deep understanding o the strategic and operational

    levers aecting business perormance, a distinct

    advantage or stepping into more broadly based roles.

    Externally, tomorrows CIOs will be ocused typically

    on developing networks o executives across

    industries to grow their personal capabilities and to

    gain insights that can be applied in their own industry.

    Decision-making or tomorrows CIOs will involve

    multiple levers, including business processes,

    operating models and vendor relationships.

    Peronalit trait

    IBMs research indicates that CIOs who have made

    the transition to a more strategic business role

    are oten charismatic, always energetic and have

    considerable fair and vision.

    Tomorrows CIOs exhibit traits that are distinctly

    entrepreneurial they are innovative, inspirational

    and willing to challenge the status quo in their

    approach to business.

    These CIOs are natural networkers who extend

    themselves across the enterprise and beyond,

    rather than conne their contact only to direct

    customers o IT. Their day-to-day ocus does not

    lie solely in IT innovation; instead, they are interested

    in building creative new business models that apply

    to the entire enterprise.

  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres


    They have a passion not just or IT solutions, but or

    solving knotty issues across the enterprise, using IT

    as just one problem-solving tool.

    CIOs who evolve into business leadership roles

    can drive the enterprise-wide agenda, elevating

    their infuence beyond the traditional limits o their

    position. They will be invited to lead initiatives

    where they can add signicant value to complex,

    cross-boundary issues.

    Their personal prole a combination o personality,

    business background and leadership skills allows

    them to go beyond the realms o the traditional CIO.

    And crucially, they passionately want to do this.

    Bine enironment

    Personal prole is not the only actor in the

    development o the CIO. The state o the wider

    enterprise also has a role to play in determining

    whether that evolution will progress or alter;

    evolved CIOs take advantage o the opportunity

    to grow skills and competencies that their business

    environment oers them.

    For the CIO to thrive, the business must also

    fourish. Another piece o research published by IBM,

    The Global CEO Study 2008: The Enterprise of the

    Future describes key characteristics o enterprises

    with sucient scope to allow the CIO to step into

    an evolved role.

    The Global CEO Studygathered eedback rom

    over 1,100 CEOs world-wide and showed ve traits

    which characterise the successul enterprise o the uture.

    Diagram shows maturity levels or each o these traits.

    Through our interviews with CIOs, we ound that

    the enterprise itsel had to exceed the basic level o

    maturity or three o the ve traits in order or CIOs

    to have enough headroom to demonstrate their

    broader operational ability. Lets look at each o

    these aspects in turn.

    Hngr or change

    Its a question o improvement through transormation:

    the ultimate aim or the enterprise o the uture will be

    an organisation that can change beore being driven to

    do so. This involves enterprise-wide change leadership,

    combined with expertise in managing a portolio o change

    programmes both tried and tested waters or the CIO

    with a grounding in leading IT-centred change. Under

    these circumstances, ambitious CIOs have an opportunity

    to orm and drive business-wide transormation, rather

    than be conned to IT-centred change.

    Innoatie beond ctomer imagination

    As organisations try to exceed their customers

    growing expectations, the astute CIO will position

    him or hersel at the heart o this mission. Customers

    are searching or organisations that oer consistency

    o service across an increasing number o channels;

    CIOs can answer the challenge through IT-based

    innovation, enabling closer collaboration with

    customers, at a aster pace and with greater

    accuracy and eciency than ever.

    The area o ideas I nd most interesting right now is the shit rom the structured world (including

    business) o today and yesterday into a more unstructured place in the uture. For the world o the CIO,

    this means a shit in many ways, including rom a ocus on technology projects and business cases

    towards the implications o truly networked businesses.

    - Neil Cameron, Global CIO, Unilever

  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres


    For CIOs this will involve traditional IT challenges, such

    as extending IT networks. It also allows them to lead

    the agenda that includes driving global capabilities,

    or example, through business process management

    innovations or by developing centres o excellence.

    Dirptie b natre

    CIOs have a cross-boundary view o the organisation

    in which they work. They can see the challenges and

    opportunities o new business models in a way that

    other Board members may not.


    By NATuRE









    JusT GENEROus


    The Enterprie o the Ftre: fe trait o tre cce

    Diagram 2: Minimm organiational condition or the CIO role to eole

    The Enterprise o the Future will provide the ideal environment or a CIO seeking to expand beyond traditional IT activities. With these

    characteristics in place, the motivated CIO will fnd the path to a more business-driven role easier to ollow. Based on interviews with

    CIOs who have evolved their roles, the highlighted maturity level or each o the traits o the Enterprise o the Future was the state

    o the wider enterprise at the time the evolution took place. For CIOs who are keen to move beyond their traditional IT remit, recognising

    this pattern o maturity in their enterprise is critical to identiying opportunities to evolve.

    Source: The Global CEO Study 20082

    Globall integrated

    The globally integrated organisation is joined-up, able

    to adjust its business model to be able to do the right

    thing, in the right place, to the right level o quality,

    at the right cost, or the right price, at the right level

    o service, according to IBMs Global CEO Study. It

    operates under a fexible business model, based on

    common enterprise-wide disciplines, processes and

    supporting applications and inrastructure.

    Exploring BMIOpportunitie

    Radical and PeraieBuine ModelInnoation (BMI)

    Multiple BMI


    Implementing BMIInitiatie

    Experimentingwith BMI

    Exploring GlobalOpportunitie

    Global EnterprieInnoation

    Globally Integrated

    Buine andOperation Model

    Building GlobalCapabilitie


    Driing specificGlobal Initiatie


    Expanding CutomerApiration

    Cutomer Collaboratie


    Two-way CutomerInteraction

    Cutomer InformationTranparency


    Proactie Change

    Change Becomethe strategy

    Ad-hoc andReactie Change

    Change Portfolioand Programme

    Project DrienChange


    Corporate socialReponibility (CsR)

    a Growth


    Through CsR

    value-Baedself Regulation


  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres


    Experience gained in other areas o the business

    beore becoming CIO, combined with a deep

    understanding o the power o technology to

    transorm operating models, will position the CIO

    as a driving orce in business model innovation.

    Genine, not jt genero

    The enterprise o the uture sees corporate social

    responsibility (CSR) as an opportunity to stand out rom

    the crowd and to grow the business by servicing new

    market segments with responsible products and services.

    However, CSR requires a high degree o transparency.

    Smart CIOs will work with ellow Board members to shape

    the CSR agenda, or example, by creating management

    inormation systems that give data on the environmental

    impact o the organisations sourcing strategy.

    The IT organiation

    To have scope or the CIOs role to grow, the IT

    organisation which he or she leads will need to be

    perorming at a mature level. CIOs running mature IT

    organisations are not just concerned with traditional IT

    issues they are also expected to deliver against the

    wider needs o the enterprise.

    IBMs Component Business Model or the Business o

    IT ramework describes seven core competencies in

    a typical IT organisation:

    1. IT customer relationship

    . service and solution development

    . service and solution deployment

    . service delivery and support

    . inormation management

    . IT business management

    7. risk and compliance management

    O these, the rst our in particular need to be at an

    optimised level o maturity to allow the CIO urther

    scope or development (Diagram ).

    1 IT ctomer relationhip

    The CIO and his or her teams ability to manage

    good communications and interactions between

    IT providers and the users o IT is critical to the

    success o both the IT organisation and the larger

    enterprise. Fostering good relationships also helps

    build credibility and earn trust with the Board.

    2 serice and oltion deelopment

    A CIO competency that encompasses

    development o classic IT activities as well as

    service-oriented architecture (SOA) environments

    and solutions. An optimised level o perormance

    in this ability means that new services are brought

    to market quickly and cost-eciently, making a

    signicant contribution to business strategy and

    competitive advantage.

    3 serice and oltion deploment

    Covering all aspects o change and release

    activity including assignments, scheduling,

    synchronisation, installation and monitoring,

    the IT organisations capability in service and

    solution deployment balances the objectives

    o new or revised unctionality with maintaining

    service availability. In a mature IT organisation

    this enables business capabilities to be rolled

    out systematically across the enterprise, which

    in turn drives competitive advantage. The CIOs

    organisation is seen as crucial to delivering

    products to market successully.

    4 serice delier and pport

    Meeting service requirements within budget and to

    a high degree o customer satisaction, while also

    delivering IT services as dened by the IT Service

    Catalogue is a pre-requisite or the evolved CIO. He

    or she can clearly articulate the business benets o IT

    services and the impact o IT service ailure in order

    to prioritise services across the enterprise. The CIO who

    delivers successully is seen as business-aware, ocused

    on the same priorities as those o the enterprise.

  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres


    CIOs who run an IT organisation with high customer

    satisaction; develop and deploy new IT services eciently

    and cost eectively, and who deliver pervasive but invisible

    support to the business have achieved the undamental

    requirements or their personal growth. While the

    remaining IT competencies are important, a managed

    level o maturity in these areas is enough to enable the

    CIOs role to evolve.

    5 Inormation management

    Here the CIO ocuses on capturing, managing

    and distributing onwards business inormation. I

    the enterprise can not process inormation well or

    rene it into useul insight, it will miss its business

    objectives. Managing inormation across the

    enterprise so that it cuts across silos and delivers

    value through inormation needs a solid base in

    clear and reliable processes.

    6 IT bine management

    Delivering the IT business strategy and IT administration

    in a well-run IT organisation adds value by:

    integrating business and technology to

    ignite innovation

    creating and delivering integrated business

    strategies that leverage technology, while

    measuring and managing the money spent

    (and the value received) rom the IT portolio

    actively communicating the business value

    o IT investments

    For the CIOs role to evolve, the CEO and the

    executive team need to have a clear understanding

    o the value-add IT brings to the business.

    Diagram3: IT organiation competenc matrit leel

    IT ctomer relationhip

    serice and oltion


    serice and oltion


    serice delier and pportInormation management

    IT bine management

    Rik and compliance








    Matrit leel Defnition

    1. BaicIT Processes/services/solutions not ully documented and not standardised across business units

    Processes/services/solutions not aligned to business needs

    2. ControlledIT processes/services/solutions are designed or parts o the major business areas, but not coherent enough to

    meet all business needs

    3. ManagedIT processes/services/solutions are designed or all the major business areas based on business needs

    Understanding the business needs and designing the IT strategy are ormulated at some level

    4. OptimiedIT processes/services/solutions contribute to the business area, with understanding o the management plan

    and business needs

    5. AdancedIT processes/services/solutions contribute to the business area, with understanding o how IT can drive

    business strategy and vice versa

    Source: Component Business Model for the Business of IT3and IBM research

  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres


    7 Rik and compliance management

    The last competency ocuses on risk management,

    enabling rms to rapidly adapt and respond to any

    internal or external opportunity, demand, disruption or

    threat. Silent running o this competency is needed to

    demonstrate control o the traditional IT unction.

    To evolve into a more business-ocused role, CIOs will

    have developed their IT organisation to an appropriate

    level o maturity, while gaining respect or their

    achievements rom their peers across the enterprise. The

    IT organisation will be run as a business unit, with pricing,

    services and perormance comparative to the market.

    The value o IT will be clearly understood by key business

    stakeholders, with whom the CIO will enjoy productive

    relationships. In short, the CIO who is ready to evolve will

    have created a successul IT organisation that is ready

    and able to support his or her uture development.


    Based on IBMs research, there are three key actors that

    infuence the CIOs evolution to a business-ocused role.

    O these three, personal prole is the most important

    all CIOs interviewed took personal initiative to drive

    their own evolution. The second most important actor

    in evolving is the context o the wider enterprise, since a

    turbulent environment will create countless opportunities

    or ambitious CIOs to grasp. Finally, the health o the IT

    organisation itsel, where the CIO will need to demonstrate

    exemplary capabilities in managing their own ground,

    serves as the minimum platorm or growth.

    The CIO cannot evolve without Board-level

    acceptance. The CEO and ellow executives must be

    convinced that the incumbent CIO is able to step up

    to broader responsibilities while continuing to deliver

    excellent IT services and applications.

    Tomorrows CIOs need to be sel-aware, smart about

    their business environment and agile enough to build

    a strategy or their personal success. As the orces

    o change grow stronger, the pressures on CIOs to

    evolve will only increase. Those who step up and

    create their own opportunities will be in a better

    position to take control o their careers.

    While the traditional responsibilities o the CIO role will

    remain, the role will become broader. In uture, CIOs

    perorming a 100 per cent traditional role may only

    exist in organisations that do not value IT as a key

    strategic business driver.

    However, CIOs capable o crating a post-evolutionary

    role are likely to progress to Board level with aspirations

    o reaching COO or even CEO. CEOs in the 190-190s

    oten came rom a sales and marketing background; in

    the 1990s-000s CEOs were more likely to come rom

    backgrounds dealing with nance and risk management.

    In uture, CEOs may well come rom the ranks o those

    with deep-rooted IT service, transormational change and

    business innovation experience, especially those who

    have grown up with technology and who see IT as part

    o the status quo. For CIOs willing to grasp the nettle,

    the opportunities are immense.

    As a result o my infuence, the business changed its perception o how the CIO should be involved and

    this was catalysed by it being a time o accelerated organisational changethe business came around to the

    view that the CIO should be held accountable or the business, as well as IT deliveries/outcomes/results and

    I was able to gain greater infuence and involvement in business executive teams.

    - Gary Edwards, CIO, Cattles

  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres


    Peronal profle Well honed CxO level capabilities

    Able to create a vision or the organisation with a clear understandingo the role o IT in business strategy and operating model innovations

    Externally, ocused on developing networks o equivalent executivesacross industries

    Internally, ocused on building links and relationships across multiple andcomplex areas o the business with a cross enterprise view

    Communications are ocused on enterprise-wide benefts, based ondeployment o multiple levers, eg IT, business processes, vendor relationships

    Execution includes IT and business areas not directly related to IT to anequal extent

    A natural at networking, curious about the total enterprise, innovative,has entrepreneurial spirit and great at building relationships

    Bine enironment Signifcant levels o external actors impacting the organisation

    Organisation response to external drivers o change is multiaceted throughtransormation in all aspects o the organisation

    The enterprise is striving to become an Enterprise o the Future with

    plenty o opportunities or the CIO to extend his or her impact and movethe organisation orward

    IT nction A mature, well run IT unction that delivers business value to the organisation

    The IT unction excels in core IT activities, such as IT service and solutiondevelopment and delivery, IT service and support, and customer relationship

    Diagram4: smmar o characteritic needed or the CIO role to eole

  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres


    Frther inormation

    For more inormation please send an

    e-mail to [email protected] or visit

    Abot the athor

    Robin Riordan is a Partner in IBM Global Business

    Services and leads the Strategy and Change

    Consultancy practice in the Distribution Sector

    covering Pharmaceutical, Retail, Travel and Transport

    and FMCG clients. Robin has a wealth o experience

    in IT transormation and governance, IS strategy

    development, strategic IT/ Business transormation

    outsourcing, IT systems integration strategy and

    major change programme leadership.

    Email: [email protected]

    Janet White is a Senior Managing Consultant in

    IBM Global Business Services working in the Strategy

    and Change Consultancy practice ocusing on

    Technology Strategy consulting. Janet works with

    clients across industries to develop IT strategies,

    designing and implementing IT transormation

    programmes or global organisations.

    Email: [email protected]


    Special thanks to Jeremy Book, Mariellen Romer

    and Julian Ashley or their contribution to the

    development o this paper.

    Abot the Exectie sponor or

    the Eoling Role o CIO erie

    David K. Henderson is a Partner in IBM Global

    Business Services consulting practice. David has over

    0 years o experience in multiple client industries, working

    with clients to develop IT strategies, design and implement

    IT transormations. David is a Fellow o the Institute o

    Management Consultants, the Chartered Institute o

    Management and the British Computer Society.

    Email: [email protected]

    Abot IBM Global Bine serice

    With business experts in more than 170 countries,

    IBM Global Business Services provides clients with

    deep business process and industry expertise across

    17 industries, using innovation to identiy, create

    and deliver value aster. It oers one o the largest

    Strategy & Change practices in the world, with over

    ,0 strategy proessionals. IBM GBS draws on the

    ull breadth o IBM capabilities, standing behind its

    advice to help clients implement solutions designed

    to deliver business outcomes with ar-reaching impact

    and sustainable results.


    1 Henderson, David K. The Evolving Role o the CIO.

    IBM Global Business Services. March 00.


    The Enterprise o the Future: The Global CEO Study

    00. IBM Global Business Services. May 00.


    Component Business Model or the Business o IT.

    IBM Global Business Services. Updated 00.

  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres


  • 8/3/2019 Cio 2 Final Lowres


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