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CISSIGAuthor(s): Deborah BooneSource: Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America, Vol. 3,No. 2 (Summer 1984), p. 55Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Art Libraries Society of NorthAmericaStable URL: .

Accessed: 14/06/2014 12:09

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The University of Chicago Press and Art Libraries Society of North America are collaborating with JSTOR todigitize, preserve and extend access to Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of NorthAmerica.

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Jackson, Virginia, and Zafran, Eric, eds. Art Museums of the World.

Publisher: Greenwood Press. Date: Late 1984. Status: Final stages of preparation, ready for type

setting by January 1984.

Lexicon Iconographicum Mytho/ogiae Classicae. Publisher: Artemis Verlag. Date: 1981-1993. Status: Volume 1 published Fall 1981, Volume 2 ex

pected before June 1984. 7 volumes antici pated at 2-year intervals.

Reviews: American Journal of Archaeology 86 (1982): 599-600. Revue des ?tudes Grecques 95 (1982): 476 480.

Museum Helveticum 39 (1982): 274- 275.

Petteys, Chris. Women Artists: An International Historical Dictionary.

Publisher: G. K. Hall. Date: 1985. Status: Manuscript stage.

Reference Publications in Art History Series. Publisher: G. K. Hall. Date: 1983- . Status: Series progressing as planned. No delays.

Schmidt, Mary. Index to Nineteenth Century American Art Journals.

Publisher: Date: Status: Approximately one-fifth of the work has been

completed. Author is searching for other fund ing sources and estimates the project will take two years to complete when a source is lo cated. Copies of the index in print-out form are available at Avery Architecture Library, New York Public Library, and Princeton University Library.

Swartzburg, Susan G., ed. Conservation in the Library. Publisher: Greenwood Press. Date * 1983 Status: Published: ISBN 0-313-23267-9; LC 82-15582;

$35.00 Reviews: Mid-Atlantic Archivist (Fall 1983)

PhotographiConservation 5 (Sept. or Dec. 1983)

Teague, Edward H. Cross-Index Guide to World Architecture. Publisher: Greenwood Press. Date: Late 1984- Early 1985. Status: Manuscript in progress.

Weidner, Ruth Irwin. American Ceramics Before 1930: A Bibliography.

Publisher: Greenwood Press. Date: 1982. Status: Published: ISBN 0-313-22831-0; ISSN 0193

6867; LC 82-6117; $35.00. Reviews: Art Documentation 2 (Feb. 1983): 24.

Decorative Arts Society Newsletter 11 (March 1983): 19.

Yarnell, James L. Pre-1877 Exhibition Catalogue Index. Publisher: Date: Early 1985. Status: Manuscript nearing completion.

Janet Clarke-Hazlett Vassar College Barbara Polowy

Rochester Institute of Technology

Art Documentation, Summer, 1984 55

CISSIG edited by Deborah Boone

Karen L Meizner (Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum) is the new CISSIG editor. In future issues, answers to questions submitted to LC for the Cataloging Discussion Group Meet ing at the Cleveland Conference, which Mr. Tucker and Mrs.

Smislova did not have the time to discuss there, will be published in the CISSIG column.

Karen Miezner Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum Spencer Art Reference Library 4525 Oak Street Kansas City, Mo. 64111

LITERATURE "Beyond '1981': The Future of Library Technical Services"

is the theme of thirty-eight articles in Technical Services Quarterly, vol. 1, nos. 1-2 (articles include: "The Past, Present and Future of a Cataloguer" by Ruth B. McBride; "Authority Control ?Beyond Global Switching of Head ings" by Kimi Hisatsune; "Technical Services in Ten Years" by Neal L. Edgar)

"Subject Access: Lesson I"; "Modern Subject Access in the Online Age" taught by Professor Pauline A. Cochrane. American Libraries, Feb. 1984.

Kilgour, Frederick G. "The Online Catalog Revolution," Library Journal, Feb. 15,1984.

Freedman, Maurice J. "Must We Limit the Catalog?" Library Journal, Feb. 15,1984.

F?rber, Evan Ira. "Catalog Dependency," Library Journal, Feb. 15,1984.

Simonds, Michael J. "Database Limitations & Online Catalogs," Library Journal, Feb. 15,1984.

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