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Clarity 7.5.3 Content Portlets and Reports

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Table of Contents 1 Business Sponsor Portlets..................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Projects View .............................................................................................................................5 1.2 Projects by Budgeted Cost ........................................................................................................6 2 Portfolio Manager Portlets...................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Portfolio Benefits and Costs ......................................................................................................8 2.2 My Portfolios ..............................................................................................................................9 2.3 Portfolio Investment Benefits By Goal .....................................................................................10 2.4 Portfolio Views .........................................................................................................................11 3 Program Manager Portlets.................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Program Manager Schedule Dashboard .................................................................................14 3.2 Program Manager Cost Dashboard.........................................................................................15 3.3 Program Views.........................................................................................................................16

3.3.1 Program ROI/NPV..............................................................................................................16 3.3.2 Program Cost Realization ..................................................................................................17

4 Project Manager Portlets ...................................................................................................... 18 4.1 Project Manager Schedule Dashboard....................................................................................19 4.2 Project Storyboard Drill Down..................................................................................................20

4.2.1 Late Tasks and Milestones.................................................................................................21 4.2.2 Open Milestones ................................................................................................................22 4.2.3 Team Capacity ...................................................................................................................23 4.2.4 Issues By Priority................................................................................................................24 4.2.5 Issues Drill Down................................................................................................................25

4.3 Project Manager Cost Dashboard ...........................................................................................26 4.4 Project Costs Drill Down ..........................................................................................................27

4.4.1 Project Costs By Phase......................................................................................................27 4.4.2 Project Costs By Task ........................................................................................................28 4.4.3 Project Costs By Resource ................................................................................................29

4.5 Project Manager Alerts ............................................................................................................30 4.5.1 Schedule Performance – 30 Day Outlook..........................................................................31 4.5.2 Schedule Performance Details...........................................................................................32 4.5.3 Upcoming Milestones – Due in Next 30 Days....................................................................33 4.5.4 Staffing – 30 Day Outlook ..................................................................................................34 4.5.5 Staffing – 30 Day Outlook Details ......................................................................................35 4.5.6 Current Issues ....................................................................................................................36 4.5.7 Current Issues Drill Down...................................................................................................37

5 Resource Manager Portlets .................................................................................................. 38 5.1.1 Role Capacity .....................................................................................................................38 5.1.2 Resource Workloads ..........................................................................................................39 5.1.3 Resource Allocations..........................................................................................................40

6 Non-Role Specific Portlets.................................................................................................... 41 6.1 Issue Management ..................................................................................................................42 6.2 Risk Management....................................................................................................................43 6.3 Reports ....................................................................................................................................44 7 Reports ................................................................................................................................... 46 7.1 Program Schedule Review ......................................................................................................46 7.2 Project Storyboard ...................................................................................................................47 7.3 Key Tasks and Milestone Status .............................................................................................48 7.4 Portfolio Alignment...................................................................................................................49 7.5 Project Stoplight.......................................................................................................................50

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7.6 Budget/Forecast Analysis ........................................................................................................52 7.7 Project Transactions Inquiry ....................................................................................................53 7.8 Project Analysis and Profitability..............................................................................................53 7.9 Resource Forecasted Utilization Summary and Detail ............................................................54 7.10 Capacity vs. Demand By Resource.........................................................................................57 7.11 Capacity vs. Demand By Role .................................................................................................58 7.12 Resource Availability ...............................................................................................................59

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1 Business Sponsor Portlets

The Business Sponsor Dashboard is a customer’s view of project risk, budget, and schedule. It consists of two portlets: Projects View and Projects By Budgeted Cost.

Business Sponsors can drill to the project properties pages directly from these portlets for more detailed information concerning specific projects.

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1.1 Projects View

The Projects View portlet lists projects on which the sponsor participates. It shows a Risk stoplight, Budgeted Cost, and a Monthly Gantt Schedule. This portlet is based on a system object and may be easily modified to show any project attributes to the customer. By clicking on the Project Name, the sponsor can drill to the project properties for more detailed information.

The top bar of the Gantt Schedule indicates the planned project start and finish dates. The bottom bar of the Gantt shows the baseline project start and finish dates.

The sponsor may filter this portlet by the Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) and/or a Budgeted Cost dollar range.

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1.2 Projects by Budgeted Cost

This portlet is a pie graph that shows the comparative budgeted costs of projects. This portlet is based on a system object and may be easily modified to show any project attributes to the customer. By clicking on a slice of the pie graph, the sponsor can drill to the project properties for more detailed information.

The sponsor may filter this portlet by the Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) and/or a Budgeted Cost dollar range.

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2 Portfolio Manager Portlets

The portfolio manager reviews portfolios, selects investments for the next investment period, and makes adjustments to the current “in flight” portfolios. The Portfolio Dashboard consists of three portlets: Portfolio Benefits and Costs, My Portfolios, and Portfolio Investment Benefits by Goal.

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2.1 Portfolio Benefits and Costs

This portlet is a column graph that provides a quick snapshot of the total benefits and costs in each of your portfolios. The numbers displayed are the portfolio budgeted benefit and cost amounts.

The portfolio manager may filter this portlet by a Parent Portfolio to see the child portfolios nested within the parent portfolio. The portlet also contains a Portfolio(s) filter so the portfolio manager may pick and choose the portfolios to view in the graph.

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2.2 My Portfolios

This portlet shows a list of selected portfolios and their cost performance indicators. The Portfolio Budgeted Cost, Approved Investments Budgeted Cost (sum of all applications, assets, products, projects or other investments included in the portfolio), Cost Variance, and Portfolio Budgeted Benefit amounts are shown for each portfolio. The stoplight alerts give the portfolio manager a quick view of portfolio performance.

The Cost Variance Indicator is calculated as follows:

Green: Approved Investments Budgeted Cost <= Portfolio Budgeted Cost Red: Approved Investments Budgeted Cost > Portfolio Budgeted Cost

The portfolio manager may filter this portlet by a Parent Portfolio to see the child portfolios nested within the parent portfolio. The portlet also contains a Portfolio(s) filter so the portfolio manager may pick and choose the portfolios to view in the graph.

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2.3 Portfolio Investment Benefits By Goal

This portlet is a pie graph showing the total benefit amounts for all approved investments in the selected portfolios. The benefits are grouped according to the goal of each individual investment. The below graph shows that the goal of ‘Grow the Business’ is producing the greatest benefit for the selected portfolios. The totals are calculated based on benefits incurred within the portfolio horizon. Each slice of the pie is represented as a percentage; however, a mouse over a slice of the pie displays the budgeted benefits as an amount.

The portfolio manager may filter this portlet by a Parent Portfolio to see the child portfolios nested within the parent portfolio. The portlet also contains a Portfolio(s) filter so the portfolio manager may pick and choose the portfolios to view in the graph.

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2.4 Portfolio Views A host of Portfolio views are standard with Clarity Portfolio Management. The following views are samples of the many views available.

The below Scorecard consists of a Balance bubble graph showing how the Portfolio Investments align with corporate objectives. This graph also depicts relative budgets and finish dates of the Investments. The Scorecard also contains a listing of the Investments with their risk scores and stage progress indicators.

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The Analyze area of the Portfolio consists of several graphs including the Life-cycle Funnel, Benefits By Goal, Budgeted Costs, and ROI/Alignment Zones.

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3 Program Manager Portlets

The Program Dashboard is designed to provide the Program Manager more visibility and control into program governance. The Program Dashboard consists of two portlets: Program Manager Schedule Dashboard and Program Manager Cost Dashboard.

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3.1 Program Manager Schedule Dashboard

This portlet shows the selected program and all projects belonging to the program. The first line of the portlet is the program and the remaining lines are the projects belonging to the program. With the Gantt view the program delivery date can be quickly compared with the schedules of associated projects. The Status stoplight shows the overall performance of the program and each project. Clicking on the Status stoplight drills down to a Project Storyboard view which contains the following portlets: Late Tasks and Milestones, Open Milestones, Team Capacity, and Issues By Priority. (See the Project Manager Schedule Dashboard portlet in this document for Project Storyboard details).

The color of the Gantt bars is determined by schedule status as follows:

Blue: Gantt Bar will be blue if there is no project baseline Green: On Schedule Yellow: Behind Schedule by <= 10 Days Red: Behind Schedule by > 10 Days

The color of the Status stoplight is determined based on the Project Status field as follows:

Green: Status is excellent (or green) Yellow: Status is good (or yellow) Red: Status is poor (or red)

By selecting a program in the filter, the program manager may see any program and the associated projects in the portlet. The filter may be saved so that it is very easy to toggle this view between different programs.

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3.2 Program Manager Cost Dashboard

This portlet shows a comparison of the program budget to the cost performance of the projects. The total EAC of all the projects is presented in the Aggregation row of the portlet. The Comparison row is the total program budget. The Variance shows the difference between the project costs and the program budget. In addition to showing how the project costs compare to the program, this portlet also shows how the EAC for each project compares to the Baseline Cost. The % Cost Variance (%CV) is calculated as follows: ((EAC – Baseline Cost) / Baseline Cost) x 100. There is also a Cost Variance stoplight to quickly assess the performance of the project cost to baseline. Clicking on the Cost Variance stoplight drills down to a Project Costs view which contains the following portlets: Project Costs By Phase, Project Costs By Task, and Project Costs By Resource. This drill down is used to determine the source of the variance. (See the Project Manager Cost Dashboard portlet in this document for Project Costs Drill Down details).

The color of the Cost Variance stoplight is determined based on % CV as follows:

Green: EAC is <= Baseline Yellow: EAC is Over Baseline By < 10% Red: EAC is Over Baseline By >= 10%

The color of the Risk stoplight is determined based on total risk score as follows:

Green: Low Risk (0 to 33) Yellow: Medium Risk (34 to 68) Red: High Risk (68 to 100)

By selecting a program in the filter, the program manager may see the cost information for the projects in the program. In the Aggregation row, the total Baseline Cost, total EAC, average % ROI, and average % CV are calculated.

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3.3 Program Views The following standard program portlets are presented on the Program Overview page in Clarity.

3.3.1 Program ROI/NPV Clarity’s Program ROI portlet displays the cost and benefit stream of a program. It uses Clarity’s Investment formulas to calculate % ROI, NPV, and Breakeven analytics.

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3.3.2 Program Cost Realization The Program Cost Realization graph aggregates the cost information for the projects belonging to the program. It shows the total project budgeted costs compared to the program budgeted cost over the time horizon of the program. This portlet also calculates the % Realization of project costs versus program cost. This provides a way to review the cost performance of the projects within a program.

The view can also be toggled from “Cost” to “Benefits” to present the same information for benefits.

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4 Project Manager Portlets

The PM Dashboard shows all projects managed by a Project Manager in a two panel display. The PM Dashboard consists of two portlets: Project Manager Schedule Dashboard and Project Manager Cost Dashboard.

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4.1 Project Manager Schedule Dashboard

This portlet shows the comparative schedules of selected projects. With the Gantt view, the project delivery dates can be quickly gauged. The Status stoplight shows the overall performance of each project. Clicking on the Status stoplight drills down to a Project Storyboard view which contains the following portlets: Late Tasks and Milestones, Open Milestones, Team Capacity, and Issues By Priority.

The color of the Gantt bars is determined by schedule status as follows:

Blue: Gantt Bar will be blue if there is no project baseline Green: On Schedule Yellow: Behind Schedule by <= 10 Days Red: Behind Schedule by > 10 Days

The color of the Status stoplight is determined based on the Project Status field as follows:

Green: Status is excellent (or green) Yellow: Status is good (or yellow) Red: Status is poor (or red)

The Project Manager Schedule Dashboard also has a variety of filters, including Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Project Manager, and Program. These filters may be saved so that it is very easy to toggle this view between different Organizations, Managers, or Programs.

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4.2 Project Storyboard Drill Down

By clicking on the Status stoplight in the Project Manager Schedule Dashboard, the Project Manager may drill to the Project Storyboard. The Project Storyboard consists of four portlets: Late Tasks and Milestones, Open Milestones, Team Capacity, and Issues By Priority. These portlets provide an overall picture of the performance of the project.

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4.2.1 Late Tasks and Milestones

This portlet only shows tasks that are not completed and are late. A task is considered not completed if it has a status other than ‘Completed’. A task is considered late if it has a Due Date (Finish Date) that is later than the Baseline Due Date. The Days Late column shows the number of days the task is late (Current Due Date – Baseline Due Date). The Gantt view shows the task timeline on a monthly basis. By clicking on the Task Name in the portlet, you drill down to the location of the task in the full project plan (Work Breakdown Structure).

The color of the Gantt bars is determined by whether the tasks are on the critical path as follows:

Green: Late Task, but not on the Critical Path Red: Late Task on the Critical Path

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4.2.2 Open Milestones

This portlet only shows milestones that are not completed. A milestone is considered not completed if it has a status other than ‘Completed’. The Days Late column shows the number of days the milestone is late (Current Due Date – Baseline Due Date). By clicking on the Milestone Name in the portlet, you drill down to the location of the milestone in the full project plan (Work Breakdown Structure). The color of the Schedule stoplight is calculated based on the Days Late as follows:

Green: On Schedule Yellow: Late by <= 2 Days Red: Late by > 2 Days

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4.2.3 Team Capacity

This portlet presents the Project Manager with a snapshot of their future resource needs on the project. This view shows the project resource demand, compared to the remaining allocation of the team members currently staffed on the project. The graph begins with the current month (based on today’s date) and moves forward for the duration of the project. The Staff Allocation is equal to the ‘Remaining Allocation’ on the project. The Demand is equal to the ‘Estimate to Complete’ on the project.

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4.2.4 Issues By Priority

This portlet shows the number of open issues on the project, grouped by priority. An issue is considered open if it has a status other than ‘Closed’. By clicking on a slice of the pie, you drill down to the Issues Listing portlet. If you click on the ‘High Priority’ slice, then you see the details of the high priority issues in the Issues Listing portlet.

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4.2.5 Issues Drill Down

By clicking on a priority slice in the Issues By Priority pie graph, you may drill to the Issues Listing. This portlet provides details of issues related to the project being reviewed.

In the Issues Listing portlet, you may click on the issue description or project to drill directly to the issue or project properties, respectively. This portlet also has a variety of filters, including Category, Owner, Status, and Target Resolution Date.

The color of the Priority stoplight is determined based on the Issue Priority field as follows:

White: The stoplight will be white if the Issue Priority field is blank. Green: Low Yellow: Medium Red: High

The color of the Schedule stoplight is calculated by subtracting the Target Resolution Date from today’s date as follows:

Green: Target Resolution Date is equal to today’s date or a date in the future (>= today’s date) Yellow: Late By <= 2 Days Red: Late By > 2 Days

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4.3 Project Manager Cost Dashboard

This portlet shows the comparative cost performance of selected projects. This portlet shows how the EAC for each project compares to the Baseline Cost. The % Cost Variance (%CV) is calculated as follows: ((EAC – Baseline Cost) / Baseline Cost) x 100. There is also a Cost Variance stoplight to quickly assess the performance of the project cost to baseline. Clicking on the Cost Variance stoplight drills down to a Project Costs view which contains the following portlets: Project Costs By Phase, Project Costs By Task, and Project Costs By Resource. This drill down is used to determine the source of the variance.

The color of the Cost Variance stoplight is determined based on % CV as follows:

Green: EAC is <= Baseline Yellow: EAC is Over Baseline By < 10% Red: EAC is Over Baseline By >= 10%

The color of the Risk stoplight is determined based on total risk score as follows:

Green: Low Risk (0 to 33) Yellow: Medium Risk (34 to 68) Red: High Risk (68 to 100)

In the Aggregation row, the total Baseline Cost, total EAC, average % ROI, and average % CV are calculated. The Project Manager Cost Dashboard also has a variety of filters, including Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Project Manager, Finish Date, Program, and Baseline Cost. These filters may be saved so that it is very easy to toggle this view between different Organizations, Managers, or Programs.

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4.4 Project Costs Drill Down

By clicking on the Cost Variance stoplight in the Project Manager Cost Dashboard, the Project Manager may drill to the Project Costs Drill Down to discover the source of the project-level variance. The Project Costs Drill Down consists of three portlets: Project Costs By Phase, Project Costs By Task, and Project Costs By Resource.

4.4.1 Project Costs By Phase

This portlet shows the comparative cost performance across the project’s phases. The Project Manager is able to quickly identify which phases of the project plan are in trouble, from a cost standpoint. This portlet shows how the EAC for each phase compares to the Baseline Cost. The % Cost Variance (%CV) is calculated as follows: ((EAC – Baseline Cost) / Baseline Cost) x 100. There is also a Cost Variance stoplight to quickly assess the performance of the phase cost to baseline.

The color of the Cost Variance stoplight is determined based on % CV as follows:

Green: EAC is <= Baseline Yellow: EAC is Over Baseline By < 10% Red: EAC is Over Baseline By >= 10%

In the Aggregation row, the total Baseline Cost, Actual To Date, EAC, and average % CV are calculated. The portlet also includes a filter on Phase Status.

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4.4.2 Project Costs By Task

This portlet shows the comparative cost performance across the project’s tasks. The Project Manager is able to quickly identify which tasks in the project plan are in trouble, from a cost standpoint. The % Cost Variance (%CV) is calculated as follows: ((EAC – Baseline Cost) / Baseline Cost) x 100.

The color of the Cost Variance stoplight is determined based on % CV as follows: Green: EAC is <= Baseline Yellow: EAC is Over Baseline By < 10% Red: EAC is Over Baseline By >= 10%

In the Aggregation row, the total Baseline Cost, Actual To Date, EAC, and average % CV are calculated. The portlet also includes a filter on Task Status.

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4.4.3 Project Costs By Resource

This portlet shows the comparative cost performance of resources (or roles) on the project. The Project Manager is able to quickly identify which resources (or roles) assigned to the project plan are in trouble, from a cost standpoint. This portlet shows how the EAC for each resource (or role) compares to the Baseline Cost. The % Cost Variance (%CV) is calculated as follows: ((EAC – Baseline Cost) / Baseline Cost) x 100. There is also a Cost Variance stoplight to quickly assess the performance of the resource (or role) cost to baseline.

The color of the Cost Variance stoplight is determined based on % CV as follows:

Green: EAC is <= Baseline Yellow: EAC is Over Baseline By < 10% Red: EAC is Over Baseline By >= 10%

In the Aggregation row, the total Baseline Cost, Actual To Date, EAC, and average % CV are calculated. The portlet also includes the following filters: Resource Type, Is Role, and Resource.

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4.5 Project Manager Alerts The Project Manager Alerts provide a high level exception based view of the Project Manager’s activity. They indicate potential problem areas to monitor over the next 30 days. The projects included in these portlets are those which are managed by the person currently logged into Clarity.

The Project Manager Alerts consists of the following four portlets:

Schedule Performance – 30 Day Outlook

Upcoming Milestones – Due in Next 30 Days

Staffing – 30 Day Outlook

Current Issues

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4.5.1 Schedule Performance – 30 Day Outlook

This portlet evaluates tasks which are not completed and are due in the next 30 days to determine their schedule performance. The portlet shows the number of tasks that are Critically Late, Past Due, or Scheduled Late in a column graph format. The projects included in this portlet are those which are managed by the person currently logged into Clarity. The only tasks included in the graph are tasks which are late. A task is considered late if the Current Due Date (finish date) of the task exceeds the Baseline Due Date. The calculations of the columns in the graph are as follows:

Critically Late – These tasks lie on the critical path and may cause the project to be late Past Due – These tasks are not critical. Their due dates are before the current date. Scheduled Late – These tasks are not critical. Their due dates are today or in the future.

Clicking on one of the columns in the graph drills down to the Schedule Performance Details for the respective classification (Critically Late, Past Due, or Scheduled Late).

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4.5.2 Schedule Performance Details

By clicking on a column in the Schedule Performance – 30 Day Outlook graph, the Project Manager may drill to the Schedule Performance Details. This portlet shows the detailed information of each task in the respective classification (Critical Late in this example). The Project Name, Task Name, Task Status, Classification, Due Date, Days Late, and Total Effort are displayed for each task. By clicking on the Project Name in the portlet, you drill to the project overview page. By clicking on the Task Name in the portlet, you drill down to the location of the task in the full project plan (Work Breakdown Structure).

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4.5.3 Upcoming Milestones – Due in Next 30 Days

This portlet lists milestones which are not completed and are due in the next 30 days. The projects included in this portlet are those which are managed by the person currently logged into Clarity. The Project Name, Milestone Name, and Milestone Due Date are listed for each milestone. The Days Late column shows the number of days the milestone is late (Current Due Date – Baseline Due Date). By clicking on the Project Name in the portlet, you drill to the project overview page. By clicking on the Milestone Name in the portlet, you drill down to the milestone properties page. The color of the Schedule stoplight is calculated based on the Days Late as follows:

Green: On Schedule Yellow: Late by <= 2 Days Red: Late by > 2 Days

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4.5.4 Staffing – 30 Day Outlook

This portlet shows the Project Manager the un-staffed hours that exist on their projects. Un-staffed hours are hours for which a role is assigned to do work on tasks that are not completed and are due in the next 30 days. The Project Manager needs to search for resources to do the work and replace the role ‘place holders’ with resources. The projects included in this portlet are those which are managed by the person currently logged into Clarity.

By clicking on one of the bars in the graph, you may drill down to the Staffing – 30 Day Outlook Details for the respective Project.

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4.5.5 Staffing – 30 Day Outlook Details

By clicking on a bar in the Staffing – 30 Day Outlook graph, the Project Manager may drill to the Staffing – 30 Day Outlook Details. This portlet shows the detailed information of each un-staffed role in the respective project. The Task Name, Un-staffed Role, Assignment Start Date, Assignment Finish Date, and ETC are displayed. By clicking on the Task Name in the portlet, you drill down to the location of the task in the full project plan (Work Breakdown Structure). By clicking on the un-staffed Role, you drill down to the team area of the project where you may search for resources or complete a resource requisition, depending on your rights. The Gantt is not colorized so the bars will always be blue.

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4.5.6 Current Issues

This portlet shows the number of open issues, grouped by priority, across all projects managed by the Project Manager. An issue is considered open if it has a status other than ‘Closed’. The projects included in the issue count are those which are managed by the person currently logged into Clarity.

By clicking on a slice of the pie, the Project Manager drills down to the Current Issues Listing portlet. If you click on the ‘High Priority’ slice, then you see the details of the high priority issues in the Current Issues Listing.

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4.5.7 Current Issues Drill Down

By clicking on a priority slice in the Current Issues pie graph, you may drill to the Current Issues Listing. The projects included in this portlet are those which are managed by the person currently logged into Clarity.

In the Current Issues Listing portlet, you may click on the issue description or project to drill directly to the issue or project properties, respectively. This portlet also has a variety of filters, including Category, Owner, Status, and Target Resolution Date.

The color of the Priority stoplight is determined based on the Issue Priority field as follows:

White: The stoplight will be white if the Issue Priority field is blank. Green: Low Yellow: Medium Red: High

The color of the Schedule stoplight is calculated by subtracting the Target Resolution Date from today’s date as follows:

Green: Target Resolution Date is equal to today’s date or a date in the future (>= today’s date) Yellow: Late By <= 2 Days Red: Late By > 2 Days

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5 Resource Manager Portlets

5.1.1 Role Capacity

This portlet provides the Resource Manager a view of total resource demand and capacity by role. The graph is drillable by role to quickly identify staffing demand areas that need to be addressed.

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5.1.2 Resource Workloads

This portlet provides the Resource Manager a view of resource demand and capacity by resource. The graph is drillable by resource to view the current staffing profile for each individual.

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5.1.3 Resource Allocations

This portlet provides the Resource Manager a weekly review of resource staff allocations, by project or activity. This view can be toggled to an edit mode to allow a direct, spreadsheet-type, editing of the resource assignments.

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6 Non-Role Specific Portlets

The Issues and Risks page provides a place to manage all issues and risks tracked in the Clarity application. Both of these portlets implement issue and risk level security, which means an individual must have access to the specific issue or risk to see it in the portlet.

These portlets may be filtered in a variety of ways to view only the issues and risks most important to the individual. The Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS), which is a hierarchical grouping of projects in the Clarity application, may be used to filter through issues and risks. In addition, they may be filtered based on Project, Category, Owner, Status, and the Target Resolution Date.

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6.1 Issue Management

The Issue Management portlet provides a listing of issues, which may be associated to projects or to tasks in the work breakdown structure (WBS). An individual may click on the issue description or project to drill directly to the issue or project properties, respectively. This portlet also has a variety of filters, including Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Project, Category, Priority, Owner, Status, and Target Resolution Date.

The color of the Priority stoplight is determined based on the Issue Priority field as follows:

White: The stoplight will be white if the Issue Priority field is blank. Green: Low Yellow: Medium Red: High

The color of the Schedule stoplight is calculated by subtracting the Target Resolution Date from today’s date as follows:

Green: Target Resolution Date is equal to today’s date or a date in the future (>= today’s date) Yellow: Late By <= 2 Days Red: Late By > 2 Days

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6.2 Risk Management

The Risk Management portlet provides a listing of risks, which may be associated to projects or to tasks in the work breakdown structure (WBS). An individual may click on the risk description or project to drill directly to the risk or project properties, respectively. This portlet also has a variety of filters, including Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Project, Category, Calculated Risk, Owner, Status, and Target Resolution Date.

The Above Threshold indicator is determined by comparing the Calculated Risk to the Risk Threshold as follows:

No Icon: Calculated Risk < Risk Threshold Yellow Checkmark Icon: Calculated Risk >= Risk Threshold

The color of the Probability stoplight is determined based on the Risk Probability field as follows:

White: The stoplight will be white if the Risk Probability field is blank. Green: Low Yellow: Medium Red: High

The color of the Impact stoplight is determined based on the Risk Impact field as follows:

White: The stoplight will be white if the Risk Impact field is blank. Green: Low Yellow: Medium Red: High

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6.3 Reports

The Reports portlet provides a way to distribute reports to peoples’ Clarity login pages. By clicking on the Report Name, a pre-run Actuate report instance is displayed in a pop-up window. Below is an example of the Resource Bench Report displayed by clicking on the Report Name in the portlet.

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When running a report, there is the option to share it with specific Resources or Groups. The portlet will display the report for the following people:

1. The person who schedules the report

2. Resources selected in the Sharing section of the Reports properties page upon scheduling the report (Jason Berry in the below example)

3. Resources belonging to the Groups selected in the Sharing section of the Reports properties page upon scheduling the report (Project Approvers in the below example)

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7 Reports

The following reports are delivered with the Clarity Content Pack. These are in addition to the 30 standard reports currently shipped with Clarity.

7.1 Program Schedule Review

The Program Schedule Review provides a Gantt view of the projects within a program, including milestones. The report can list full or summary detail, and identifies the inter project dependencies.

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7.2 Project Storyboard

The Project Storyboard allows Project Managers to automate monthly status reporting to Stakeholders. Each panel displays information about Issues, Risks, Financials, Status and Delivery. Additionally, clicking on the ‘Full Project Plan’ link allows you to drill to the Key Tasks and Milestone report to review the complete plan details.

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7.3 Key Tasks and Milestone Status

The Key Tasks and Milestone Status is a very powerful report that allows you to scan across a portfolio and quickly identify the status of phases, milestones, and key tasks. Additionally, the parameter feature allows you to scan for just late items, if this is the information you require.

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7.4 Portfolio Alignment

The Portfolio Alignment report shows all of the projects within a portfolio, ranked by their strategic alignment score. It also shows how resources are being spread against those same strategic numbers (i.e., the graph on the left half of the screen shows how your projects align to your objectives and the graph on the right shows how your current resource assignments also map to those objectives). It allows you to quickly identify if your resources are working on the projects that you consider to be “most important” and of the highest priority.

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7.5 Project Stoplight

The Project Stoplight report shows a high-level overview of project health indicators across an Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS). The health indicators include budget, issues, schedule, milestones, and risks.

Project Stoplight Report – View #1 (OBS Level Indicators)

Project Stoplight Report – View #2 (Project Level Indicators)

The “More…” links allow you to open separate reports about each of the areas. The color of the overall stoplight reflects the worst condition of any of the other stoplights (i.e., if there is a red stoplight for issues and all of the other lights are green, the overall health of the project would still register as red).

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Project Stoplight Report – View #3 (Budget Details)

Drilling on the “More…” link for the budget stoplight allows you to see a breakdown of the budget by transaction type (labor, equipment, expense, and material) as well as the plan vs. budget variances.

Project Stoplight Report – View #4 (Project Tasks)

Drilling on the “More…” link for the schedule stoplight allows you to see the tasks and their status.

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7.6 Budget/Forecast Analysis

The Budget/Forecast Analysis (Budget Analysis Summary) report compares the budget costs of the latest budget revision to the project plan costs. The report can be run to include project team allocations or project schedule assignments. The team allocations view displays scheduled costs, based on the specific resources allocated to the project team. The schedule assignments view, on the other hand, focuses on the resources that are specifically assigned to tasks within the project schedule. The “As Of” date is the starting month of the forecast to be displayed in this report and is generally today’s date.

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7.7 Project Transactions Inquiry

The Project Transactions Inquiry report allows you to review all financially posted project transactions.

7.8 Project Analysis and Profitability

The Project Analysis and Profitability report provides project financial information grouped by Project Manager. This report facilitates reviewing the budget status and profitability metrics.

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7.9 Resource Forecasted Utilization Summary and Detail

The Resource Forecasted Utilization report focuses on the Availability, Allocation, and Assignment of resources across the business. By organizing your resources into Resource Pools (which may be up to 10 levels deep), you can summarize the resource availability and demand at each level of the pool.

At the highest level in the Resource Pool, you can see the hours for ‘All Resources’. This allows a Resource Manager to get an overall view of how many hours their resources are available and how they are committed moving into the future.

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As you drill down through the Resource Pool, you are able to view summary hours at each level. The below screenshot shows the Availability, Allocations, and Assignments for the following levels of the Resource Pool: ‘Development and Services’ and ‘Leadership’.

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After drilling through the Resource Pool, you reach the listing of specific resources and their utilization. If you drill-down on a specific resource, you can view the detailed schedule with specific projects and tasks.

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7.10 Capacity vs. Demand By Resource

This report shows the availability (capacity) of individual resources verses their demand on projects over time. The report may be grouped by Resource Role. The report lists availability for each resource, demand on each project, and total demand for each resource. The report also shows the difference between availability and total demand, indicating shortages or overages.

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7.11 Capacity vs. Demand By Role

The Capacity vs. Demand by Role report shows essentially the same information as the Capacity vs. Demand by Resource report; however, it is grouped by Role. It shows this higher level grouping to facilitate strategic resource management decisions.

Drill-down to the Capacity vs. Demand by Resource

If you click on the “Resource Role” link in the Capacity vs. Demand By Role report (see above screenshot), you drill down to the Capacity vs. Demand by Resource report (see below screenshot). You may also run the report independently (see the previous section of this document for a detailed explanation of this report).

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7.12 Resource Availability

The Resource Availability report shows the demand for resources on projects. The report displays the resource name in the first column and the resource’s role in the second column. The report shows the demand for each resource over time (weeks or months), with a total column displaying the demand for the resource covered by the report period. The last row of the report shows the total demand for all resources, on a period (week or month) basis, and a grand total for the report period.

The flexibility of the report allows the option of viewing demand based on allocations or assignments. A resource is “allocated” to a project if he/she is added to the project’s team. A resource is “assigned” to a task by designating a resource to perform a task and entering the ETC (Estimate to Complete).

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The final pages of the report show a summary view of demand subtotaled by Resource Role and the headcount for each Role.