







Letter to friend inviting him/her to picnic


FFC Township,

FFC, Goth Machhi,


15th August, 2021.

Dear ________,

I hope this letter finds you in best spirits. You will be glad to know

that we have planned picnic to the riverside on coming Sunday. I want you to join

us without any excuse. I have sent the invitation letters to all our common friends.

We shall gather outside the computer market at 8 o‟clock. From there we shall hire a

private van to reach the picnic spot. Everyone is going to bring their own favourite

eatables. However I would request you to bring Biryani, because everyone loves the

taste of your home-made biryani. Tell your parents that we shall be back home latest

by 6 o‟clock in the evening. The van will drop us all at our doorsteps.

Waiting anxiously for your reply.

Yours sincerely,



Letter to friend inviting him/her to your birthday party.


FFC Township,

FFC, Goth Machhi,


15th August, 2021.

Dear _________,

Hello! I hope you must have guessed what this letter is for. You are

absolutely right; it‟s my birthday on 25th August. It‟s going to be lot of fun because

many of our common friends are coming this time. But, I want you to come a day

before the event to help me with the arrangements.

I have planned to invite a local band to play some music. To add more fun to the

event, I want all of my friends to wear blue dresses/suits. There will be many party

games. So, get ready for lots and lots of fun. Let me know the date of your arrival so

that I may pick you from the station.

Waiting anxiously for you to come.

Yours sincerely,



Letter to father about your progress in studies


FFC Township,

FFC, Goth Machhi,


15th August, 2021.

Dear Father,

I received your letter yesterday. You have asked about my progress in

studies. You will be very glad to know that I am doing very well in studies. I have

scored 90% marks in my class tests. However, I still need to work a bit harder in

Mathematics. My Maths teacher has agreed to give me some extra coaching after

school. I am sure I shall get better at it in just a few weeks.

I am also taking an active part in co-curricular activities. I won second position in

the speech competition last week. The principal has decided to send me for inter-

school debate competition next month. Please pray for my success.

Please convey my regards to everyone at home.

Yours affectionately,



Letter to friend inviting him/her to spend summer vacation with you


FFC Township,

FFC, Goth Machhi,


15th August, 2019.

Dear _________,

At last the schools are close for summer vacation. I was waiting for

this summer break quite impatiently. I hope you remember that you promised to

spend your vacation time with me. We are going to make it the best summer time of

our life. I have planned lots of things to help you enjoy your time here in my village.

You will enjoy the morning walks in the green meadows around my village. I have

also collected the material to build a small tree house with you. We shall also go for

a boating trip in the nearby lake. Please don‟t forget to bring your collection of

novels. We shall read them together. In short, there is going to be a lot of fun.

Please let me know the date and time of your arrival. I shall pick you from the

station with my dad.

Yours sincerely,



The Old Man and his Sons

Once upon a time, an old man lived with his three sons in a village. The three sons

were hard workers. Still, they quarreled all the time. The old man tried a lot to unite

them but he failed. Though the villagers appreciated their hard work and efforts,

they made fun of them on their fights.

Months passed by and the old man fell sick. He told his sons to stay united, but they

didn‟t listen to him. So, he decided to teach them a practical lesson.

The old man called his sons. He gave them a bundle of sticks and asked them to

break each stick separately. The sons were quite happy to do such an easy task. They

broke the sticks into pieces in minutes.

The old man said, “Dear sons, the game is not over. Now I will give another bundle

of sticks to each of you. You will have to break the sticks as a bundle, not as separate


The sons agreed and tried to break the bundle of sticks. Though they tried their best,

they could not break the bundle. They failed to complete the task.

At this the old man said, “Dear sons, See! You could easily break the single sticks

into pieces, but you were not able to break the bundle! So, if you stay united, nobody

can do any harm to you. If you quarrel every time with your brothers, anyone can

easily defeat you. I request you to stay united.”

The three sons understood the power of unity and promised their father that they

would all stay together.

Moral: Unity is Strength!

The Hare and the Tortoise

Once a speedy hare met a tortoise. He began to laugh at the tortoise for his slow

pace. He also started to brag about his fast speed. The tortoise took it very ill and

challenged him to run a race. The hare laughed at the challenge and accepted it.

Next day, the race began. All the animals in the forest gathered to watch.


The hare ran very fast and left the tortoise far behind. He looked back at the tortoise

but the tortoise was nowhere to be seen. He decided to take some rest under a thick

shady tree. Soon he fell asleep.

The Tortoise walked on slowly but steadily and passed the sleeping hare. The

animals who were watching cheered so loudly for tortoise that they woke up the

hare. The Hare stretched, yawned and began to run again. He still believed that he

was far ahead of the tortoise. However he kept running at his usual pace. In a short

while he reached the finish line.

He was greatly shocked to see the tortoise who had already reached the winning

post. Surely, it was too late for him. The hare was much ashamed and never again

made fun of the tortoise. Tortoise had already crossed the finish line.

Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

The Angel and the Wood-cutter

Long ago, there lived a woodcutter in a small village. He was sincere in his work

and very honest. Every day, he went to the nearby forest to cut trees. He brought

the woods back into the village and sold them out to a merchant and earned his

money. He earned just about enough to make a living. He was satisfied with his

simple living.

One day he was cutting some wood on the bank of the river. His axe slipped and fell

into the deep water.he became very sad. Just then an angel happened to pass that

way. He asked him why he was sad.

The woodcutter said, “I have lost my axe with which I earned my daily bread.”

The angel took pity on him and dived into the water for the axe. He brought out a

golden axe, but the woodcutter refused to own it. The angel dived again and

brought out a silver axe but, this too, was refused by the woodcutter. The angel

dived for the third time and brought out the axe that the man had lost. The

woodcutter was delighted to see his own axe and accepted it at once. The angel was

so pleased with his honesty that he made him a present of the other two axes also.


Moral: Honesty is the best policy

The Lion and the Mouse

Once upon a time, a lion lay asleep in the forest. His great head was resting upon his

paws. Unfortunately, a little mouse came that way. The mouse was terrified at the

sight of this terrible beast. He decided to run away before the lion woke up to see

him. But, in his fright and haste to get away, the mouse accidently ran across the

lion‟s nose.

This act of the mouse awakened the mighty lion from his nap. The lion placed his

huge paw on the tiny creature to kill him. The mouse was in great trouble now. He

knew that his time had arrived. However he collected some courage to ask the lion

to show some mercy.

He said, “Please spare my life, sir. Forgive me this time and I shall never forget your

kindness. Let me go and someday I will surely repay you.”

The lion was much amused to think that a mouse could ever help him. He showed

some kindness and let the mouse go.

Some days later, the lion was caught in a hunter‟s net. Unable to free himself, he

filled the whole jungle with his angry roars. Just then the little mouse happened to

pass by. He ran up to him and started gnawing the ropes that bound him. Soon the

lion was free. He thanked the mouse for his timely help.

1. Moral: kindness is never wasted

Compositions: A Rainy Day

It was a hot summer noon. There was no air. The atmosphere was stifling. The fan in

my room was still and I felt restless. I came out of the room. I looked up at the sky


and prayed to God to send rains. All at once a cool breeze began to blow. Soon dark

clouds came moving fast. I thanked God for granting my prayers.

Then it began to drizzle. I heaved a sigh of relief. The drizzle turned in to a heavy

shower. It rained cats and dogs. In a few minutes there was water everywhere. The

dusty trees became green. Everything looked washed and clean. Children turned out

on the streets.

They splashed water on one another. Some children made paper boats and floated

them in the water. Birds too were bathing in the water. They sprinkled water on

their feathers. I also waded through the water and enjoyed the rain. It was indeed a

fine rainy day.

2. My Hobby

Different people have different hobbies. It is an activity that you do in your free

time. It gives you pleasure. People with hobbies are never bored. Instead, they are

more active and agile in their routine matters as well.

My hobby is gardening. I grow and cultivate different kinds of plants and seeds in

my garden. Over the years, I have become a skilled gardener. I know exactly when

to plant different kinds of seeds. I have almost all kinds of flowering plants in my

garden, but I love roses the most. They are of different colours. When they are in full

bloom, they look majestic.

The other flower that I have is Carnation. They too are of different colours. I sow

their seeds with great care. Carnation is a very delicate flower. One has to take a

great care of it. Another flower that adds to the beauty of my lawn is Hybrid Pansy.

The beauty of all these flowers becomes even more majestic in spring. I simply love

my hobby.

3. My Best Friend

Saba is my fast friend. She comes of a noble family. Her father is a manger in a firm.

We happen to live in the same street. We are class fellows, and of the same age too.

She enjoys a sound health because she takes exercise daily. She gets up early in the

morning and calls on me to go out for a morning walk.


In the evening she takes me to the playground. We play hockey and enjoy it. She

never picks a quarrel with anyone. She is always cheerful. As far as studies are

concerned, she is an excellent student. She loves books and is always willing to read

more and more of them. She is also fond of computers and also writes a blog on

different issues.

Teachers admire her for her punctuality, discipline and dedication. She is never late

for school and always submits her home task well in time. Her dress is simple but

neat and clean. She always helps the weak and poor students in their lessons.

Everyone likes her company. I love her and respect her too.

4. Morning Walk

Wordsworth, the famous English poet called Nature as the nurse, the guide, the

guardian, the soul of the moral being. We can feel it true if we go on a morning

walk. Nature is in its majestic and the most beautiful form in the morning. Early

morning walk is very refreshing and it provides us the opportunity to regain our

physical and mental strength.

I get up early in the morning. First of all, I say my prayers. Hina is my best friend. I

join her for a long morning walk every day. There is a garden on the way. When we

enter it, we feel very glad. There are beautiful flowers and their fragrance refreshes

us through and through. The dew drops on the green grass looks like pearls.

Moving ahead, we take our way to the canal. We walk pretty fast and enjoy the sight

of green fields on either side of the track. The air is fresh and cool. We do some

jogging for some short distances as well. Birds fly high in the air and sig. we feel

mesmerized by the melody of their songs.

We reach the canal in half an hour. It is so calm all around. We sit there for some

time. After an hour we came back home. A late riser misses the charm of the

morning. All the day long, I feel cheerful and refreshed because of this morning

walk. A morning walk thus becomes a fit prelude for the day‟s work.

A Visit to the Zoo

Last Saturday, we had a holiday and we decided to pay a visit to the Lahore zoo. So,

I visited the zoo with my parents. We packed our necessary equipment and left for

zoo at 1:30p.m. The weather was very fine and pleasant. A cool breeze was on the


move. We reached there at 2:00p.m. My elder brother bought the entry tickets and

we entered the zoo. Many visitors had come there to enjoy the weather.

First of all, we went to the cages of monkeys and baboons. We threw some grains to

them. Then we went to see the birds. There, we saw the enclosures of the pigeons,

parrots, sparrows, owls, kingfishers, swans, cranes, ducks, pelicans and many other

birds and amused to see their colours and play. We also saw deer, stags, rabbits,

ibexes, two-humped camels, kangaroos, bears, and many other animals. We enjoyed

their movements. Then we went to the cages of lions, tigers, wild cats, leopards and

panthers. They were roaring and enjoying their meals. We also beheld snakes,

peacocks, crocodiles and alligators.

Lastly, we saw the elephant. We had a ride on the elephant. We enjoyed the ride

very much. Then, we had cold drinks at the cafeteria of the zoo. After this, we left

the zoo and reached home at 6:00p.m. It was really a pleasant experience for me.

Application for attending a marriage ceremony

The Principal,

FFC Model School,

Goth Machhi,


Respected Sir,

It is submitted that the marriage ceremony of my uncle is going to take

place on 21st of this month. It is a very important event and the whole family is

invited. In fact we shall have to reach there a couple of days before the wedding day

to help them with the arrangements.

I have already revised my syllabus for the upcoming exams, so my participation in

the ceremony will not affect my studies. You are therefore requested to grant a leave


from school at least for four days i.e. from 19th August to 22nd August 2021. I shall be

very grateful to you for this favour.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours obediently,



Roll No. 14

17th Aug, 2021.

Application for an urgent piece of work

The Principal,

FFC Model School,

Goth Machhi,


Respected Sir,

It is submitted that I will not be able to attend school today on account of

an urgent piece of work. My parents have left for Lahore to participate in a

conference. They will be back by tomorrow morning. Since it is an official visit, they

cannot take any of us along with them.


I am the eldest son/daughter at home. So, I shall have to take care of my siblings,

and does some kitchen work for them. You are requested to grant me a leave for one

day i.e.17th August, 2021. I shall be very grateful to you.

Yours obediently,



Roll No. 27

17thAug, 2021.

The Principal,

FFC Model School,

Goth Machhi.

Dated : June 23, 2021

Subject : Casual Leave

Respected sir,

With due regards, it is stated that the marriage ceremony of my eldest brother is

going to take place on Friday June 25, 2021. Much work is yet to be done in

connection with it. Therefore, I cannot attend the school for the next three days. You

are requested to grant me leave for the said days; i.e. June 23-25, 2021.


I shall be highly grateful to you for your act of kindness.

Yours obediently,

Muhammad Ahmed

Roll No : 10

Class : VII - B

Words Confused / Pairs of Words

Sr. No.

Words Meanings Sentences / Usage

1. Accept


ك ن قبو ۔ ما ننا

سوا ئے ۔ علا و ہ

I accept your proposal.

All, except Ayesha, were present in the class.

2. Access


ر سا ئی ۔ پہنچ

ز یا د تی

He is proud of his access to the Chief Minister.

Excess of everything is bad.

3. Advice


نصیحت ۔ مشو ر ہ

نصیحت ن ۔ مشو ر ہ د ینا

Father gave him a very good piece of advice.

The teacher advised us to work hard.

4. Affect


ثر ن ا

ا ثر

This incident did not affect his health.

My advice failed to have an effect on him.

5. Angels


فر شتے


ز ا و ی

Allah Almighty sent His message through His angels.

Every triangle has three angles.

6. Ant


چیو نٹی

خا لہ

Ant is a social insect.

My aunt lives in Lahore.

7. Bail


ضما نت

گا نٹھ

He was released on bail. There are five bales of cotton in this room.

8. Berth


ر یل کی لمبی نشست

پید ا ئش

I have got a berth reserved in Pakistan Express.

What is your date of birth?

9. Beside


بر ا بر میں ۔ پہلو میں ۔ سا تھ میں

اس کے علا و ہ ۔ علا وہ ا ز یں

Ahmed is sitting beside Rashid.

Besides writing, I am to learn it by heart.

10. Brake


بر یک

تو ڑ ۔

The brakes of the car failed on the way.

Handle it carefully; otherwise it may break.


11. Bridal


عر و سی ۔

لگا ل ۔

She is wearing her bridal dress.

I bought a bridle for my horse.

12. Cool


خو شگو ا ر ٹھنڈا ۔ ٹھنڈ ک

خو شگو ا ر ٹھنڈا ۔ ٹھنڈ ک

A cool breeze is blowing across.

It is very cold outside.

13. Cloth


ا م سلا کپڑ ا ۔

سلا ہو ا کپڑ ا ۔

She bought three metres of silk cloth.

Ali is wearing new clothes.

14. Cast


پھینکنا ۔

ذ ا ت ۔

The fishermen cast the net early in the morning.

Muslims do not believe in caste system.

15. Cattle


مو یشی ۔

کیتلی ۔ ہنڈ یا

The cattle are grazing in the pasture.

Place the kettle on the fire.

16. Cell


سیل ۔

بیچنا ۔

I have lost my cell phone.

He sells newspapers for his living.

17. Check


پڑ تا ك ن ۔

بینک کا چیک ۔

Please check my account.

He handed me a cheque of Rs. 50,000/-.

18. Childish


ا حمقا نہ ۔

بچو ں جیسا ۔

I am sick of your childish behaviour.

I like him for his childlike nature.

19. Coarse


۔ کھر د ر ا

ر ا ستہ ۔ نصا ب ۔

He is dressed in coarse clothes.

We have adopted a wrong course.

20. Deny


پکا ا نکا ر ن

ا نکا ر ن

No one can deny the importance of cleanliness.

He has refused to accept our offer.

21. Diary


مچہ ر و ز

ڈ یر ی فا ر ل

What are writing in your diary?

We get milk and butter from the dairy farm.

22. Desirable


پسند ید ہ

خو ا ہش مند

Health and wealth are desirable things.

I am desirous of getting admission in this school.

23. Device


ا لہ

تد بیر ن ۔ کو ئی نیا طر یقہ نکا لنا

Cell phone is a very useful device.

Asad has devised a new method.

24. Dew



کی و جہ سے

Dew drops fall at night.

He could not come to school due to illness.

25. Doe


ہر نی

ھا ہو ا ا ٹا گو ند

Doe is the female deer.

Knead the flour into dough.

26. Dual


د و ہر ا ۔ د و گنا

د و کی لڑ ا ئی

His cell phone has dual SIMs.

Rustam and Sohrab fought a duel.

27. Elder


) ر شتے میں( بڑ ا

) عمرمیں( بڑ ا

Javed is my elder brother.

He is older than I.

28. Enviable

قا بل ر شکHe holds an enviable post.


Envious حا سد

He is envious of my success.

29. Fair


میلہ ۔ صا ف ستھر ا

ن ا یہ

Annual fun-fair was held in our school.

I have already paid the fare.

30. Feat


ن تب

پا و ں

Everyone liked the juggler‟s feats.

The cat has four feet.

31. Floor



ا ٹا

Do not spit on the floor.

Bread is made of flour.

32. Foul


گو ا ر ۔ بد بو د ا ر

پر ند ے و غیر ہ

We must not use foul language.

Fowls are kept in cages.

33. Gait


چا ك

صد ر د ر و ا ز ہ

She has a graceful gait.

He has locked the gate.

34. Hail


ا و لے

تند ر ست

We had to brave the hail-storm.

He is quite hale and hearty.

35. Heal


ہو ) ز خم و غیر ہ کا ( ٹھیک

) جو تے یا پا و ں کی ( ا یڑ ی

The wound will soon heal.

My left heel is aching.

36. Healthful


صحت بخش ۔ صحت سے بھر پو ر

صحت مند

Milk is very healthful for our body.

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

37. Hole


سو ر ا خ

مکمل ۔ تما ل

The snake came out of the hole.

Tell me the whole story.

38. Ice


) مصنو عی ( بر ف

) قد ر تی ( بر ف

People use ice in summers.

In winters, there is a heavy snow-fall on the mountains.

39. Idle


کا ہل ۔ سست ۔ غبی ۔ نکما ۔


Do not waste your time by sitting idle.

Hindus worship idols.

40. Invent


ا یجا د ن

د ر یا فت ن

Marcony invented radio.

Columbus discovered America.

41. Lion




The lion is the king of the jungle.

Gird up your loin.

42. Lessen


کم ن


Please lessen the speed of the bus.

We are going to start a new lesson today.

43. Loose


ڈ ھیلا

گم ن ۔ کھو ۔ ضا ئع ن

Loose-fitting shirts are no more in fashion.

Never lose hope.

44. Lovable


پیا ر کے قا بل

پیا ر ا

My pet is very friendly and lovable.

Rose is a lovely flower.

45. Meat گو شت

As far as meat is concerned, mutton is my favourite.


Meet ملنا ۔ ملا قا ت ن

I shall meet him next week.





د خل د ینا ۔ مد ا خلت ن

Fakkar has won the gold medal in the race.

We should not meddle with other people‟s affairs.

47. Metal


د ھا ت

د لیر ی ۔ بہا د ر ی ۔ جر ا ت

Gold is a precious metal.

Pakistanis are yet to show their mettle.

48. Miner


کا م کن

معمو لی ۔ چھو ٹا

He is a miner by profession.

Don‟t worry; it is a minor problem.

49. Naughty


شر ا ر تی

پیچید ہ ۔ ا لجھا ہو ا

He is a very naughty boy.

This is a knotty problem to solve.

50. Necessary


ضر و ر ی

ضر و ر ت

Air and water are very necessary for every living being.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

51. Pain


د ر د ۔ تکلیف

شیشہ ۔ شیشے کا ٹکڑ ا

No pains, no gains.

He has broken the window pane.

52. Peace


ا من

ٹکڑ ا

May the departed soul rest in eternal peace! (Amen)

Father gave him a very good piece of advice.

53. Pore


مسا ل

ا نڈ یلنا ۔ ڈا لنا

Our body has countless pores.

Please pour some tea in my cup.

54. Practice



ن مشق

Practice makes perfect.

You should practise this exercise.

55. Pray


د عا ۔ د عا ن ۔ نما ز پڑ ھنا

شکا ر

We only pray to Allah Almighty for His help.

He fell a prey to bad company.

56. Profit


منا فع

سو ك نبی ۔ پیغمبر ۔ ر

Our club is run on „no-profit-no-loss-basis‟.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) is the Last Prophet of Allah Almighty.

57. Principal


بڑ ا ۔ ا د ا ر ے کا سر بر ا ہ

ا صوك

Our principal is very honest, punctual and dutiful.

Quaid-e-Azam was a man of principle.

58. Quiet


خا مو ش

با لکل

Can‟t you keep quiet?

Your answer is quite correct. / His role in the play was quite difficult.

59. Rain


با ر ش ۔ با رش ہو

لگا ل

It is raining cats and dogs.

He pulled the reins of his horse.

60. Respectable


قا بل ا حتر ا ل

مو د ب ۔ ا حتر ا ل ن نے و ا لا

He belongs to a respectable family.

I am very respectful to my teachers and elders.

61. Ring


ا نگو ٹھی

نچو ڑ ۔ مر و ڑ

The peon rings the school bell.

Wring this wet cloth.


62. Root



ر ا ستہ

All trees have roots.

The land route is safer than the sea route.

63. Role


ن د ا ر

فہر ست

His role in the play was quite difficult.

What is your roll number? / Please attend to your roll-call.

64. Sail


با د با م

بیچنے کا عمل

Sails are made of canvas.

These books are not for sale.

65. Scene


منظر ۔ نظا ر ہ

د یکھنا ۔ د یکھا

She has painted lovely scenes of rural life.

I have you after a long time.

66. Sink


ڈ و بنا بے جا م کا

جا م د ا ر کا ڈ و بنا

The ship is sinking is the ocean.

A drowning man catches at a straw.

67. Sole


) جو تے یا پا و ں کا ( تلو ا ۔ و ا حد ۔ ا کیلا

ر و ح

The sole of this shoe is very hard. / He is the sole owner of this business. May the departed soul rest in eternal peace! (Amen)

68. Stationary


لکھنے پڑ ھنے کا سا ما م

سا کت ۔ سا کن ۔ ر کا ہو ا ۔ ٹھر ا ہو ا۔

The earth is not stationary.

I bought stationery items from the bookshop.

69. Steal


ی ن چر ا ۔ چو ر

لو ہا

Bad boys steal books. This cutlery set is made of stainless steel.

70. Storey


منز ك

کہا نی

This building has four storeys.

It is a very long story. / Please tell me the whole story.

71. Tail


د ل ۔ ا خر ی حصہ

کہا نی

The horse has a beautiful tail. / The elephant has a short tail. Please cut the tale short.

72. Teach


پڑ ھا


Mr. Nasir teaches us English and Social Studies.

We learnt a lot of new things today.

73. Team


ٹیم ۔ گر و ہ ۔

ا ۔بھر ا ہو

Our cricket team has won the trophy.

This well teems with insects.

74. Tamper


قطع بر ید ن ۔ کا نٹ چھا نٹ ن

مز ا ج

Do not tamper this document.

He never loses his temper.

75. Urban


شہر ی

مہذ ب ۔ شا ئستہ ۔ نفیس

I do not have any urban property.

Her manners are fine and urbane.

76. Vain


ر گ

بے کا ر ۔ فضو ك

The thirsty crow looked for water everywhere, but all in vain. Our body has countless veins.

77. Vale


و ا د ی

نقا ب

The vale of Kashmir is famous for its beauty.

She covers her face with a veil.

78. Waist

کمرHe is wearing leather belt round his waist.


Waste ضا ئع ن

Do not waste your time.

79. Wander


بے مقصد گھو منا پھر

حیر ا م ہو

Do not wander about in the streets.

I wonder how easily you have done it.

80. Way


ر ا ستہ

وزم ہو ۔ و ز م ن ۔ تو لنا

Can you tell me the shortest way to the museum?

He weighs 55 kg.

81. Weak


کمز و ر


He is too weak to walk.

I shall see him next week. / They will visit us next week.

82. Write



سید ھا ۔ د ا یا ں

Write your name and roll number at the top of the sheet. I write with my right hand.

83. Yoke


بیلو ں کی جو ڑ ی

ا نڈے کی ز ر دی

He has a yoke of oxen.

The yolk of egg is a very nourishing food.

S. No.

Present / First Form

Meaning Past / Second Form

Past Participle / Third Form

Present Participle / Fourth Form

1 abide حکم ما ننا abode abode abiding

2 arise ا ٹھنا arose arisen arising

3 awake جا گنا awoke awoken / awaked awaking

4 is, am, are ہو was, were been being

5 bear بر د اشت ن bore born, borne bearing

6 beat ما ر ۔ پیٹنا beat beaten beating

7 become ہو جا became become becoming

8 begin شر و ع ن began begun beginning

9 bend جھکنا bent bent bending

10 bet شر ط لگا bet bet betting

11 bid حکم د ینا bade, bid bidden, bid bidding

12 bind با ند ھنا bound bound binding

13 bite د ا نت سے کا ٹنا bit bitten biting

14 bleed خو م بہنا bled bled bleeding

15 blow پھو نک ما ر blew blown blowing


16 break تو ڑ broke / broken breaking

17 breed / پا لنا bred / bred breeding

18 bring / لا brought / brought bringing

19 broadcast نشر ن broadcast broadcast broadcasting

20 build / تعمیر ن built / built building

21 burn / جلنا ۔ جلا burned, burnt / burned, burnt burning

22 burst / پھٹنا burst / burst bursting

23 buy / خر ید bought / bought buying

24 cast / پھینکنا cast / cast casting

25 catch / پکڑ caught / caught catching

26 choose / منتخب ن ۔ چننا chose / chosen choosing

27 come / ا came / come coming

28 cost / لا گت ا cost / cost costing

29 creep / ر ینگنا crept / crept creeping

30 cut / کا ٹنا cut / cut cutting

31 deal / بر تا و ن dealt / dealt dealing

32 dig / کھو د dug / dug digging

33 dive / غو طہ لگا dived, dove / dived diving

34 do / ن did / done doing

35 draw / کھینچنا drew / drawn drawing

36 dream / خو ا ب د یکھنا

dreamed, dreamt

dreamed, dreamt dreaming

37 drink / پینا drank / drunk drinking

38 drive / گا ڑ ی چلا drove / driven driving

39 dwell / ر ہنا ۔ بسنا dwelt / dwelt dwelling

40 eat / کھا ate / eaten eating

41 fall / گر fell / fallen falling

42 feed / کھلا fed / fed feeding


43 fight / لڑ fought / fought fighting

44 find / ڈ ھو نڈ found / found finding

45 flee / بھا گ جا fled / fled fleeing

46 fly / ا ڑ flew / flown flying

47 forbid / منع ن

forbade, forbad /

forbidden forbidding

48 forget / بھو ك جا forgot / forgotten forgetting

49 forgive / معا ف ن forgave / forgiven forgiving

50 forsake / چھو ڑ د ینا ۔ forsook / forsaken forsaking

51 freeze / جمنا froze / frozen freezing

52 get / حا صل ن got / gotten, got getting

53 give / د ینا gave / given giving

54 go / جا went / gone going

55 grind / پیسنا ۔ ر گز ground / ground grinding

56 grow / ا گنا ۔ ا گا grew / grown growing

57 hang / لٹکا hung hung hanging

58 have / ر کھنا ۔ ما لک ہو had / had having

59 hear / سننا heard / heard hearing

60 hide / چھپنا hid / hidden hiding

61 hit / ما ر hit / hit hitting

62 hold / پکڑ held / held holding

63 hurt / ز خمی ن hurt / hurt hurting

64 keep / ر کھنا kept / kept keeping

65 kneel / جھکنا knelt / knelt kneeling

66 knit / ا


knitted, knit / knitted, knit knitting ب

67 know / جا ننا knew / known knowing

68 lay / ر کھنا laid / laid laying

69 lead / ر ا ہنما ئی ن ۔ led / led leading


70 lean / اا




leaned, leant / leaned, leant leaning

71 leap / چھلا نگ لگا leaped, leapt / leaped, leapt leaping

72 learn / سیکھنا learned, learnt / learned, learnt learning

73 leave / ر خصت ہو left / left leaving

74 lend / ا د ھا ر د ینا lent / lent lending

75 let ا جا ز ت د ینا / let / let letting

76 lie / لیٹنا lay / lain lying

77 light / ر و شن ن lighted, lit / lighted, lit lighting

78 lose / ضا ئع ن lost / lost losing

79 make / بنا made / made making

80 mean / معنی ہو meant / meant meaning

81 meet / ملنا ۔ ملا قا ت ن met / met meeting

82 mistake / غلطی ن mistook / mistaken mistaking

83 partake / حصہ لینا partook / partaken partaking

84 pay / ا د ا ن paid / paid paying

85 put / ر کھنا put / put putting

86 quit تر ک ن quit quit quit

87 read / پڑ ھنا read / read reading

88 rend / ٹکڑ ے ٹکڑ ے ن rent / rent rending

89 rid / خلا صی پا ۔ نجا ت د لا rid / rid ridding

90 ride / سو ا ر ی ن ۔ rode / ridden riding

91 rise / طلو ع ہو ۔ rose / risen rising

92 run / بھا گنا ran / run running

93 say / کہنا said / said saying

94 see د یکھنا / saw / seen seeing

95 seek / تلا ش ن sought / sought seeking

96 sell / بیچنا sold / sold selling


97 send / بھیجنا sent / sent sending

98 set / ر کھنا ۔ ملا set / set setting

99 sew سینا sewed sewn sewing

100 shake / ہلا shook / shaken shaking

101 shed / گر ا ۔ بہا shed / shed shedding

102 shine / چمکنا shone / shone shining

103 shoot / گو لی چلا ۔ تصو یر کھینچنا shot / shot shooting

104 shrink / ڑ


shrank / shrunk shrinking س

105 shut / بند ن shut / shut shutting

106 sing / گا sang / sung singing

107 sink / بے جا م کا ڈ و بنا sank / sank sinking

108 sit / بیٹھنا sat / sat sitting

109 slay / کا ٹنا slew / slain slaying

110 sleep / سو slept / slept sleeping

111 slide / لڑ ھکنا slid / slid sliding

112 sling / ا چھا لنا ۔ پھینکنا slung / slung slinging

113 slit / لمبا شگا ف ڈا لنا ۔ کا ٹنا slit / slit slitting

114 speak / بو لنا spoke / spoken speaking

115 speed / تیز ر فتا ر ی ن sped, speeded / sped, speeded speeding

116 spin / گھو منا ۔ گھو ما spun / spun spinning

117 spit / تھو کنا spat / spat spitting

118 split / ا لگ ن split / split splitting

119 spread پھیلا spread spread spreading

120 spring / پھو ٹنا sprang / sprung springing

121 stand / کھڑ ا ہو stood / stood standing

122 steal / چو ر ی ن stole / stolen stealing

123 stick / چپکنا ۔ چمٹنا stuck / stuck sticking


124 sting / کا ٹنا ۔ ڈ نگ ما ر stung / stung stinging

125 stink / بد بو چھو ڑ stank / stunk stinking

126 stride / لمبے قد ل ا ٹھا strode / stridden striding

127 strike ٹکر ا ۔ ضر ب لگا struck struck striking

128 strive / کو شش ن strove / striven striving

129 swear / قسم کھا swore / sworn swearing

130 sweat پسینہ لا ۔ پسینہ ا sweat sweat sweating

131 sweep / جھا ڑو د ینا swept / swept sweeping

132 swim / تیر swam / swum swimming

133 swing / جھو لنا ۔ جھو لا لینا swung / swung swinging

134 take / لینا took / taken taking

135 teach / پڑ ھا taught / taught teaching

136 tear / پھا ڑ tore / torn tearing

137 tell / بتا told / told telling

138 think / سو چنا thought / thought thinking

139 throw / پھینکنا threw / thrown throwing

140 thrust ٹھو سنا ۔ د ھکیلنا thrust thrust thrusting

141 tread / چلنا trod / trodden, trod treading

142 understand / سمجھنا understood / understood understanding

143 upset / پر یشا م ہو upset / upset upsetting

144 wake / جا گنا ۔ بید ا ر ہو woke / woken, waked waking

145 wear / پہننا ۔ wore / worn wearing

146 weave ا


wove / woven weaving / کپڑ ا ب

147 weep / ر و wept / wept weeping

148 win / جیتنا won / won winning

149 wind / چا بی بھر wound / wound winding

150 wring / نچو ڑ ۔ مر و ڑ wrung / wrung wringing


151 write / لکھنا wrote / written writing

Genders / Masculine & Feminine

Sr. No. Masculine Feminine Meanings (a) : By adding ‘ ess ‘ without dropping the last vowel. 1. Author Authoress

۔ مصنفہ مصنف

2. Baron Baroness نو ا ب ۔ نو ا بن

3. Conductor

Conductress کنڈ کٹر ۔ خا تو م کنڈ کٹر

4. Count Countess ۔ نو ا بن نو ا ب

5. god goddess د یو ی ۔ د یو تا

6. Giant Giantess د یو ۔ د یو ئی

7. Heir Heiress و ا ر ث ۔ و ا ر ثہ

8. Host Hostess میز با م

9. Jew Jewess یہو د ی ۔ یہو د م

10. Lion Lioness شیر ۔ شیر نی

11. Mayor

Mayoress میئر ۔ خا تو م میئر

12. Poet Poetess شا عر ۔ شا عرہ

13. Shepherd Shepherdess چر و ا ہا ۔ چر و اہن

14. Steward Stewardess منتظم ۔ منتظمہ

15. Tailor

Tailoress د ر ز ی ۔ د ر ز م

16. Tutor

Tutoress معلم ۔ معلمہ

17. Waiter Waitress بیر ا ۔ بیر م

( b ) : By adding ‘ ess ‘ with dropping the last vowel.

18. Actor Actress ا د ا کا ر ۔ ا د اکا رہ

19. Editor

Editress مد یر ۔ مد یر ہ

20. Director Directress ڈا ئر یکٹر

21. Duke Duchess ۔ نو ا بننو ا ب

22. Governor

Governess گو ر نر ۔ خا تو م گو ر نر

23. Headmaster Headmistress ہیڈ ما سٹر ۔ ہیڈ مسٹر س

24. Hunter Huntress شکا ر ۔ شکارم

25. Inspector Inspectress ظم ۔ ظمہ

26. Master Mistress ما لک ۔ مالکن

27. Emperor Empress شہنشاہ ۔ ملکہ


28. Negro Negress حبشی ۔ حبشن

29. Porter

Portess قلی ۔ خا تو م قلی

30. Priest Priestess ر ا ہب ۔ ر ا ہبہ

31. Prince Princess شہز ا د ہ ۔ شہز ا د ی

32. Sultan Sultana سلطام ۔ سلطام

33. Tiger Tigress شیر ۔ شیر نی

( c ) : By adding a word or using some other word.

34. Bachelor Spinster کنو ا ر ہ ۔ کنو ا ی

35. Boar Sow سور ۔ سو رنی

36. Billy-goat Nanny – goat بکر ا ۔ بکر ی

37. Bull-calf Cow-calf بچھڑ ا ۔ بچھڑی

38. Bride-groom Bride د و لہا ۔ دلہن

39. Brother Sister بھا ئی ۔ بہن

40. Buck Doe ہر م ۔ ہر نی

41. Buck-rabbit Doe-rabbit خر گو ش

42. Bull Cow بیل ۔ گا ئے

43. Cock Hen مر غا ۔ مر غی

44. Cock-sparrow Hen-sparrow چڑ ا ۔ چڑ یا

45. Colt Filly بچھڑ ا ۔ بچھڑی

46. Czar Czarina ژا ر ۔ ژارینہ

47. Dad

Mom ا با ۔ ا ما ں

48. Doctor Lady-doctor ڈ ا کٹر ۔ لیڈ ی ڈ ا کٹر

49. Dog Bitch کتا ۔ کتیا

50. Drake Duck مر غا بی بطخ

51. Drone Bee شہد کا مکھا ۔شہد کی مکھی

52. Earl Countess نو ا ب ۔ نو ا بن

53. Executor Executrix جلا د ۔ خا تو م جلا د

54. Father Mother با پ ۔ ما ں

55. Father-in-law Mother-in-law سسر ۔ سا س

57. Fox Vixen لو مڑ ۔ لو مڑی

58. Gander Goose دہ ر اج ہنسنر راج ہنس ۔ ما

59. Gentleman

Lady مہذب ا د می ۔ مہذ ب خا تو م

60. Grandfather Grandmother دادا ۔ دا دی ۔ ۔ نی

61. Hart

Roe ہرم ۔ چکا را


62. He-bear She-bear ر یچھ ۔ ر یچھنی

63. He-goat She-goat بکر ا ۔ بکری

64. Hero Heroine ہیرو ۔ ہیروئن

65. Horse Mare گھو ڑ ا ۔ گھو ڑ ی

66. Husband Wife شو ہر ۔ بیو ی

67. Jack-ass She-ass گد ھا ۔ گد ھی

68. King Queen با د شا ہ ۔ ملکہ

69. Lad Lass لڑ کا ۔ لڑ کی

70. Landlord Landlady ز میند ا ر ۔ ز میند ا ر نی

71. Lord Lady ا قا ۔ بیگم

72. Male

Female مر د ۔ عو رت

73. Man Woman مر د ۔ عو رت

74. Man-servant Maid-servant نو ن ۔ نو ن ا نی

75. Milkman Milkmaid گو ا لا ۔ گو ا لن

76. Monk Nun ر ا ہب ۔ ر ا ہبہ

77. Monsieur

Madame ب ۔ ما د ال جنا

78. Nephew Niece بھتیجا ۔ بھتیجی

79. Papa Mama ا با ۔ ا می

80. Pea-cock Pea-hen مو ر ۔ مو ر نی

81. Prosecutor

Prosecutrix مد عی ۔ خا تو م مد عی

82. Ram Ewe مینڈ ھا ۔ بھیڑ

84. Signor

Signor عورت/ا طا لو ی مر د

85. Sir Madam جنا ب ۔ جنا بہ

86. Son Daughter بیٹا ۔ بیٹی

87. Stag

Hind با ر ہ سنگھا ۔ ہر نی

88. Stallion Mare گھو ڑ ا ۔ گھو ڑ ی

89. Step-father – Step-mother سو تیلا با پ ۔ سو تیلی ما ں

90. Step-son – Step-daughter بیٹا ۔ سو تیلی بیٹیسو تیلا

91. Son-in-law – Daughter-in-law د ا ما د ۔ بہو

92. Tom-cat Tabby-cat بلا ۔ بلی

93. Uncle Aunt چچا ۔ چچی

94. Wizard Witch جا د و گر ۔ جا د و گر نی

95. Widower Widow ر نڈ وا ۔ بیو ہ


Degrees of Adjectives:

S. No.

Adjective / Positive

Meanings Comparative Superlative


1 Able قا بل Abler Ablest

2 Bitter تلخ ۔ کڑ وا ۔ ترش Bitterer Bitterest

3 Black سیا ہ Blacker Blackest

4 Bold جر ا ت مند Bolder Boldest

5 Brave بہا در Braver Bravest

6 Bright چمکدار Brighter Brightest

7 Clean صا ف Cleaner Cleanest

8 Clear و ا ضح Clearer Clearest

9 Clever چا لا ک Cleverer Cleverest

10 Close قر یب ۔ نز د یک Closer Closest

11 Cold سر د ۔ ٹھنڈا Colder Coldest

12 Cute ر ت حسین ۔ خو بصو Cuter Cutest

13 Deep گہر ا Deeper Deepest

14 Fair صا ف ستھر ا ۔ منصفا نہ Fairer Fairest

15 Fast تیز Faster Fastest

16 Fine عمد ہ Finer Finest

17 Firm مضبو ط Firmer Firmest

18 Gentle شر یف ۔ مہذ ب Gentler Gentlest

19 Great عظیم Greater Greatest

20 Idle کا ہل ۔ سست۔ نکما Idler Idlest

21 Hard سخت Harder Hardest

22 Harsh سخت ۔ درشت Harsher Harshest

23 High ا و نچا Higher Highest

24 Kind مہر با م Kinder Kindest


25 Large بڑ ا Larger Largest

26 Light ہلکا Lighter Lightest

27 Little چھو ٹا Littler Littlest

28 Long لمبا Longer Longest

29 Loud ا و نچی ا واز و الا ۔ گر جدار Louder Loudest

30 Mild ہلکا ۔ نر ل مز اج Milder Mildest

31 Mean گھٹیا Meaner Meanest

32 Narrow تنگ Narrower Narrowest

33 Near قر یب۔ نز د یک Nearer Nearest

34 Nice

Nicer Nicest عمد ہ ۔ ا عل

35 Noble مثا لی Nobler Noblest

36 Old پر ا ۔ بو ڑ ھا ۔ قد یم Older Oldest

37 Polite مہذ ب Politer Politest

38 Poor غر یب Poorer Poorest

39 Proud و ر مغر Prouder Proudest

40 Pure خا لص Purer Purest

41 Quiet خا مو ش Quieter Quietest

42 Rich ا میر Richer Richest

43 Rough کھر د ر ا Rougher Roughest

44 Safe محفو ظ Safer Safest

45 Short چھو ٹا Shorter Shortest

46 Simple سا د ہ Simpler Simplest

47 Slow ا ہستہ Slower Slowest

48 Small چھو ٹا Smaller Smallest

49 Strange عجیب و غر یب Stranger Strangest

50 Strict سخت Stricter Strictest

51 Strong مضبو ط Stronger Strongest


52 Sweet میٹھا ۔ شیر یں Sweeter Sweetest

53 Tall لمبا Taller Tallest

54 Thick گھنا Thicker Thickest

55 Tough سخت ۔ مشکل Tougher Toughest

56 True سچا ۔ د ر ست Truer Truest

57 Vast و سیع Vaster Vastest

58 Warm گر ل ۔ گر مجوش Warmer Warmest

59 Weak کمز و ر Weaker Weakest

60 White سفید Whiter Whitest

61 Wide چو ڑ ا Wider Widest

62 Wild و حشی Wilder Wildest

63 Young جو ا م Younger Youngest

64 Wise عقل مند ۔ سمجھد ا ر Wiser Wisest

B : The consonant preceded by a short vowel is doubled.

65 Big بڑ ا Bigger Biggest

66 Dull کند ذ ہن ۔ پھیکا Duller Dullest

67 Fat مو ٹا Fatter Fattest

68 Glad خوش Gladder Gladdest

69 Hot گر ل Hotter Hottest

70 Mad پا گل Madder Maddest

71 Quick تیز Quicker Quickest

72 Red سرخ Redder Reddest

73 Sad ا د اس ۔ ا فسر د ہ Sadder Saddest

74 Sure یقینی Surer Surest

75 Thin پتلا Thinner Thinnest

76 Wet گیلا Wetter Wettest

C : ‘y’ preceded by a consonant is changed inti ‘i’.


77 Angry غصہ ۔ ر ا ض ۔ بر ہم Angrier Angriest

78 Busy مصر و ف Busier Busiest

79 Crazy غیر معقوك ۔ جو شیلا Crazier Craziest

80 Dry خشک Drier Driest

81 Early جلد Earlier Earliest

82 Easy ا سا م Easier Easiest

83 Happy خو ش Happier Happiest

84 Healthy صحت مند Healthier Healthiest

85 Holy پا ک ۔ پا کیز ہ Holier Holiest

86 Heavy بھا ر ی Heavier Heaviest

87 Lazy سست ۔ کا ہل Lazier Laziest

88 Lovely پیا را ۔ حسین Lovelier Loveliest

89 Lucky خو ش قسمت Luckier Luckiest

90 Noisy پر شو ر Noisier Noisiest

91 Pretty بصو ر تخو Prettier Prettiest

92 Tiny چھو ٹا ۔ معمو لی Tinier Tiniest

93 Ugly بد شکل Uglier Ugliest

94 Wealthy دو لت مند Wealthier Wealthiest

D : By adding ‘more’ and ‘most’.

95 Acceptable قبو ك ن نے کے قا بل More acceptable Most acceptable

96 Active متحر ک ۔ فعا ك ۔ پھر تیلا More active Most active

97 Admirable قا بل تعریف More admirable Most admirable

98 Advisable قا بل نصیحت

More advisable Most advisable

99 Amazing


More amazing Most amazing حیر ا م ک

100 Amusing ۔ خو ش ن نے و ا لاپر لطف More amusing Most amusing

101 Annoying ز چ ن نے و ا لا More annoying Most annoying

102 Astonishing حیر ا م ن نے وا لا More astonishing Most astonishing


103 Attentive متو جہ More attentive Most attentive

104 Attractive کشش پر More attractive Most attractive

105 Awful خو شگو ا ر More awful Most awful

106 Beautiful خو بصو رت More beautiful Most beautiful

107 boring بیز ا ر کن ۔ غیر د لچسپ More boring Most boring

108 Brilliant شا ند ا ر More Brilliant Most Brilliant

109 Capable قا بل ۔ ا ہلیت ر کھنے و ا لا More capable Most capable

110 Careful محتا ط More careful Most careful

111 Careless لا پر و اہ More careless Most careless

112 Certain یقینی More certain Most certain

113 Challenging پر ا ز ما ئش More challenging Most challenging

114 Charming د لکش More charming Most charming

115 Cheerful مسکرا تا ہوا ۔ More cheerful Most cheerful

116 Colourful ر نگین More colourful Most colourful

117 Comfortable ا ر ا ل د ہ More comfortable Most comfortable

118 Complex پیچید ہ More complex Most complex

119 Confident پر ا عتما د More confident Most confident

120 Confused ا لجھن میں مبتلا More confused Most confused

121 Confusing ا لجھن میں مبتلا ن د ینے More confusing Most confusing

122 Convenient ا سا م More convenient Most convenient

123 Correct د رست ۔ صحیح More correct Most correct

124 Corrupt بد عنو ا م More corrupt Most corrupt

125 Courageous حو صلہ مند More courageous Most courageous

126 Coward بز د ك More coward Most coward

127 Creative تخلیقی More creative Most creative

128 Cruel ظا لم More cruel Most cruel

129 Cunning مکا ر ۔ چا لا ک۔ عیا ر More cunning Most cunning


130 Dangerous خطر ک More dangerous Most dangerous

131 Daring جر ا ت مند More daring Most daring

132 Delightful خوش کن More delightful Most delightful

133 Delicious مز ے د ا ر More delicious Most delicious

134 Deserving مستحق More deserving Most deserving

135 Different مختلف More different Most different

136 Difficult مشکل More difficult Most difficult

137 Disappointed ما یو س More disappointed Most disappointed

138 Dishonest بے ا یما م More dishonest Most dishonest

139 Dreadful خو فنا ک More dreadful Most dreadful

140 Dutiful فر ض شنا س More dutiful Most dutiful

141 Eager مشتاق ۔ ا ر زو مند More eager Most eager

142 Eligible ا ہل More eligible Most eligible

143 Embarrassing شر مند ہ ن د ینے و ا لا More embarrassing Most embarrassing

144 Enjoyable پر لطف More enjoyable Most enjoyable

145 Exciting ا گیز ۔ یجا م یزو لو لہ More exciting Most exciting

146 Faithful و فا دار More faithful Most faithful

147 Famous مشہو ر More famous Most famous

148 Grateful شکر گذ ار More grateful Most grateful

149 Handsome خو بصورت More handsome Most handsome

150 Honest ا یما ند ا ر More honest Most honest

151 Honourable قا بل عز ت More honourable Most honourable

152 Hopeful پر ا مید More hopeful Most hopeful

153 Horrible خو فنا ک More horrible Most horrible

154 Impossible ممکن More impossible Most impossible

155 Incredible قابل یقین More incredible Most incredible

156 Intelligent ذ ہین More intelligent Most intelligent


157 Joyful پر لطف ۔ مز ید ا ر More joyful Most joyful

158 Loyal و فا د ا ر More loyal Most loyal

159 Miserable قابل ترس More miserable Most miserable

160 Obedient فر ما نبر د ا ر More obedient Most obedient

161 Peaceful پر ا من More peaceful Most peaceful

162 Pitiable قابل ر حم More pitiable Most pitiable

163 Pleasant خوشگو ا ر More pleasant Most pleasant

164 Possible ممکن More possible Most possible

165 Powerful طا قتور More powerful Most powerful

166 Presentable پیش ن نے کے قابل Most presentable Most presentable

167 Proper منا سب More proper Most proper

168 Punctual و قت کا پا بند More punctual Most punctual

169 Regular با قا عد ہ More regular Most regular

170 Remarkable قابل ذ ن More remarkable Most remarkable

171 Respectful مو د ب More respectful Most respectful

172 Secured محفو ظ More secured Most secured

173 Sorrowful غمگین More sorrowful Most sorrowful

174 Splendid ز بر د ست ۔ شا ند ا ر More splendid Most splendid

175 Stupid بیو قو ف More stupid Most stupid

176 Surprising حیرام ن د ینے و ا لا More surprising Most surprising

177 Terrible خو فنا ک More terrible Most terrible

178 Thankful شکر گذ ا ر More thankful Most thankful

179 Thrilling و لو لہ ا گیز ۔ یجا م یز More thrilling Most thrilling

180 Tragic ا لمنا ک More tragic Most tragic

181 Truthful سچا More truthful Most truthful

182 Unforgettable قابل فرا مو ش More unforgettable Most unforgettable

183 Urgent فو ری More urgent Most urgent


184 Wonderful کما ك کا ۔ حیر ت ا گیز More wonderful Most wonderful

E : Irregular Comparisons

185 Bad برا Worse Worst

186 Far د و ر Farther Farthest

187 Fore پہلے ۔ سا بق Former Foremost

188 Forth ا گے ۔ سا منے Further Furthest

189 Good ا چھا Better Best

190 Late د یر سے ۔ Later Latest

191 Little چھو ٹا Less Least

192 Many / Much بہت More Most

193 In اندر Inner Innermost

194 Up ا و پر Upper Uppermost

195 Out با ہر Outer Outermost

For Q/A and exercises, follow your notebook, Textbook and Grammar book. (Everything has been done during regular classes in books already )