
Classificatie van doodsoorzaken 01-06-2019

In de scans van 1868 verschijnen plotseling getallen bij de doodsoorzaken. Deze coderingen zijn kennelijk toegevoegd in de registers door de inspecteurs van het Geneeskundig Staatstoezicht. Maar waarop zijn de codes gebaseerd?

Na anderhalf jaar zoeken heb ik de exacte lijst voor 1868 gevonden.

Tijdens mijn zoektocht ben ik allerlei andere indelingen tegengekomen die een inzicht geven in hoede statistiek in de loop der tijd met de ontwikkelingen in de maatschappij, de wet- en regelgeving en de medische wetenschap is meegegroeid.

1831 Sterflijst1858 Indeling doodsoorzaken1868 Indeling doodsoorzaken1890 Indeling doodsoorzaken1901 Nomenclatures destinées à la statistique des décès1901 Nomenclatures destinées à la statistique des décès (Kleine lijst)1901 Oorzaken der levenloosheid1909 International List of Causes of Death, Revision 21910 Intrauterine causes of death1920 International List of Causes of Death, Revision 31929 International List of Causes of Death, Revision 4

Naamlijst van ziekten, ten gebruike van sterflijsten, aanbevolen door den Heer PHILIP GABRIEL HENSLER (i).

I. Ziekten van het hoofd en van de zenuwen.

Beroerte en Verlamming , Slaapzucht en. Zinvang (Starrsucht), Toeval (Anfall) en Stuipen , Krankzinnigheid en Melancholie.

II. Ziekten van den Hals en van de Borst.

Keelontsteking en andere ongemakken van de keel (Halsschaden), Borstvliesontsteking ,Hoest van allerlei aard , ook Kinkhoest ,Bloedspuwing ,Tering (Hektik), Aamborstigheid en Longtering,Stikzinking (Stickfluss).

III.Ziekten van den Onderbuik. Kolijk ,

Graauwe en Roode Loop ,Gal- en Bloedbraking , Miserere , Geelzucht ,Waterzucht en Trommelzucht, Steen- en Nierpijn ,Wormen.

IV.Ziekten van andere deelen.

Jicht, Podagra, Handeuvel, Heupjicht en Rheumatismus,Venusziekte ,Schurft en alle. soorten van Zeere hoofden en Uitslag,Scheurbuik,Uitwendige ongemakken, Wonden , Zweeren , Fistelen (Salzfliisse) , Beenëter (Winddorp, Spina ventosa) , Pijpzweeren , Koudvuur.


Tusschenpoozende of Koude koortsen , Hete koortsen.

VI.Uitslagziekten met koorts. Gierstvormig uitslag.,

Vlekkoorts en Petechiae , Roos- en, Scharlakenkoorts , Pokken,Mazelen.

VII.Toevallen aan de kinderen eigen.

Uittering en verzwakking door gebrek aan voeding (Diirrsucht, atrophia) , Spruw , Tanding,Ontijdig- en Doodgeborenen.

VIII.Toevallen aan het vrouwelijke geslacht eigen.

Na ontijdige verlossing gestorvenen , In de verlossing en in het kinderbed , Bleekzucht (Chlorosis) , Witte vloed en onregelmatigheid in de maandstonden ,Bloedvloeijing en bloedstorting, vooral bij oudere vrouwen.

lX.Toevallen des ouderdoms. Zwakken door ouderdom , aflgeleefden , lang bedlegerigen.

X.Gewelddadig gestorvenen. Doodgedrukte kinderen,

Vermoorden,Verdronkenen,Door vallen, slaan, stooten enzv. omgekomenen.Geregtelijk ter dood gebragten. Zelfmoordenaars.

(i) P. G. HENSLER'S Beitrag zur Geschichte des Lebens und der Fortpflanzung der Menschen auf dem Lande. Altona und Lübeck 1767, 4°., pag. 26 seq.

Bron: Onderzoek naar de doelmatigste inrigting van sterflijsten. Gerard Conrad Bernard Suringar - 1831

Indeling doodsoorzaken 1858

I.Ziekten van verschillende zitplaats.


DoodgeborenAangeboren misvormingenOnvoldragenLevenszwakteAtelectasis pulmonum. CyanosisPaedatrophia. Tabes meseraicaScrophulosis. ArthrocaceAnaemia. ChlorosisAbces. Fistula, UlcusHaemorrhagiaScorbutus. Morbus maculosusUlcus NomaCarcinoma. Fung. med. (except. 85 en 94)Hydrops (except. 50, 57, 84, 88, 93)Tering van volwassenenPlotselingMarasmus senilis. Ouderdomszwakte

II.Koortsen 18


Typhus. F Typhoidea. Zenuwzink. koortsZinkingskoortsRheumatische koortsFebris biliosa. Febris gastricaIntermittens perniciosaKoortsHectische koorts. Pyaimia

III.Huidziekten. 25


VariolaeScarlatinaMorbilliErysipelas. Exanthemata febrilia aliaDaauwworm. Indurat. telae cellul. enz.Syphilis congenita en secundariaExanthemata chronica alia

IV.Hersen-, zenuw-ziekten. 32


Meningitis en Hydrocephalus acutusMeningitis en Hydrocephalus chronicusApoplexiaEpilepsiaDelirium tremensDementia. Vesania. Mania (ook puerperalis)Paralysis


Trismus. Tetanus. ChoreaConvulsiones. StuipenZenuwtoeval. Eclampsia (except 96)Hersen-lijden van volwass., -abces, -malacia, enz.Ruggemergs-lijden, -ontsteking, etc.

V.Longziekten. 44


Croup. Tracheitis exsudativaLaryngitis etc.Bronchitis acuta. Griep. InfluezaBronchitis chronicaPneumonia. Gangr. P. Bezetting op de borstPleuritis. EmpijemaHydrothorax. Oedema. Paralysis pulmonumAsthma. EmphysemaTussis convulsivaHaemoptoëPhthisis pulmonum. Tuberculosis pulmBorstlijden. Longlijden, etc.

VI.Ziekten der vaten en beweg.-org.


PericarditisHydrops pericardiiHartziekte. Angina pectorisOssificatio arteriarum. Gangraena senilisRheumatismus acutus. EndocarditisRheumatismus chronic. ArthritisAneurysmaDifformiteit van den thorax. Rhachitis

VII.Ziekten der digestie-organen. 64


SpruwTanden. DentitieAnginaDysphagiaGastromalaciaGastritis. Ulcus ventriculiMaagtering. Maaglijden. DyspepsiaHaematemesis. MelaenaEnteritis. GastroenteritisDiarrhoea. (Wormen)Cholera nostras en asiaticaUlcera intestinorum, enterophthisisIleus. Intussusceptio. ColicaGangraena intestin. Hernia incarcerataDysenteriaPeritonitis. PerityphlitisHepatitis


Icterus. Icterus neonatorumZiekten der lever, pylephlebitisZiekten der miltAscitesCarcinoma der digestie-organenOnderbuiks-lijden,enterostenosis, proctitis, enz.

VIII.Ziekten der pis- en gesl.-org. 87


DiabetesMorbus BrightiiNephritis, nierverzwering, nierkolyk, enz.Haematuria. SteenCystitis. Ischuria etc.Strictura urethrae. Fistulae urinariaeHydrops ovarii. Oophoritis chronicaMorbi uteri, Cancer uteri. Cancer mamm.

IX.Kraambed 95


Metrorrhagia, dystokia, abortusEclampsia gravidarum, puerperarumFebris puerperalis. Peritonitis enz.

X.Gewelddadige invloeden etc. 98


OnmatigheidGebrek, verwaarloozingGemis van zogKoude. ZonnesteekVerbrandingVerdrinkenStikking, enz.Gevolg van een val, stoot; overreden, enz.VerwondingVergiftiging, loodvergiftigingHydrophobia. Droes, etc.Zelfmoord

XI.110 Onbekend

Bron: Archief Amsterdam

819: Archief van het Genootschap ter Bevordering van de Genees-, Heel- en Natuurkunde

Indeling doodsoorzaken 1868

I. Ziekten van algemeene en afwisselende zitplaats

1 OnvoldragenAangeboren misvormingen, aangeboren gebreken van het hart, onvolkomen uitzetting der longen

2 LevenszwakteBloedarmoedeGebrekkige voeding bij kinderen, paedatrophiaKliertering, tabes meseraica (beneden 14 jaar)

3 Tering van volwassenen, phthisis (exc. 27) (van 14-65jaar)

4 Ouderdomszwakte (boven 65 jaar)

5 Scrofulosis, rhachitis, syphilis

6 Haemorrhagia (exc. 27 en 46)

7 Zweren, absces, ulcus, fistulaGangraena, hectische toestand, etterkoorts, arthrocace

8 Scorbutus, morbus maculosus WerlhoffiUlcus noma

9 Kanker (exc. 39 en 45)

10 Waterzucht (exc. 15, 17 en 42)

11 Plotseling

II. Koortsen 12 Typhus

13 Zenuwzinkingkoorts, febris typhoïdea

14 Aanhoudende koortsen

15 Tusschenpoozende koorts en hare gevolgenKwaadaardige tusschenpoozende koorts

III. Huidziekten 16 Pokken en hare gevolgenGewijzigde pokken

17 Roodvonk en zijne gevolgen

18 Mazelen en hunne gevolgen

19 Andere acute huidziekten, anthrax, carbunculus

20 Chronische huidziektenDauwworm, eczemaVerharding van het celweefsel

IV. Ziekten van hersenen en zenuwen

21 Convulsiones (exc. 47)Trismus, tetanus, chorea, epilepsie

22 Krankzinnigheid, dronkaardswaanzin

23 Apoplexie

24 Acute hersenziekten

25 Chronische hersenziekten

26 Ruggemerglijden, paralyse

V. Ziekten van de ademhalingswerktuigen

27 Longtering, keeltering, bloedspuwing

28 Croup

29 Kinkhoest

30 Griep, influenza

31 Acute ziekten der ademhalingswerktuigen

32 Chronische ziekten der ademhalingswerktuigen

VI. Ziekten van hart en vaten 33 Acute ziekten van hart en vatenAcuut rheumatisme

34 Chronisch rheumatisme, jicht, gangraena senilis

35 Organische gebreken van het hart, aneurysma

VII. Ziekten van de spijsverteringswerktuigen

36 Angina diphtherina

37 DiarrhoeaDysenterie

38 Cholera nostras

39 Carcinoma der spijsverteringswerktuigen

40 Acute ziekten der spijsverteringswerktuigen, hernia incarcerata

41 Chronische ziekten der spijsverteringswerktuigen (exc. 39)

VIII. Ziekten van de pis- en geslachtswerktuigen

42 Morbus Brightii

43 Acute ziekten der pis- en geslachtswerktuigen

44 Chronische ziekten der pis- en geslachtswerktuigen

45 Kanker der baarmoederKanker van den bal

IX. Ziekten van het kraambed 46 Metroohagia,dystokia, abortusPlotselinge dood in het kraambed

47 Eklampsia, mania puerperalis

48 Kraamvrouwenkoorts, febris puerperalis

X. Gewelddadige invloeden 49 Gebrek en verwaarlozing

50 Verdrinken

51 Verbranden

52 Gewelddadige doodgeborenZelfmoord

53 VergiftigingZelfmoord door vergift

XI. Onbekend 54 Onbekend (geneeskundig behandeld)

55 Onbekend (niet geneeskundig behandeld)

Bron: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde Mei 1872, Bijlage B

Indeling doodsoorzaken 1882

1 Gebrekkige ontwikkeling

2 Lichaamszwakte, tering (exc. 18)

3 Klierziekte. Rachitis. Syphilis

4 Absc. Ulc. Gangr Pyaem. Haem. (exc. 31)

5 Kanker

6 Waterzucht. Scheurbuik

7 Typhus en febris typhoïdea

8 Aanhoudende koorts (exc. 7)

9 Tusschenpoozende koorts

10 Pokken

11 Roodvonk

12 Mazelen

13 Huidziekten (exc. 10, 11 en 12)

14 Stuipen. Trismus. Epilepsie

15 Apoplexie

16 Hersenziekten (exc. 15). Krankzinnigh

17 Ruggemergslijden. Paralysis

18 Keel- en longtering. Bloedspuwing

19 Croup

20 Kinkhoest

21 Acute ziekten der ademhalingsorganen

22 Chron. ziekten der ademhalingsorganen (exc. 18)

23 Hart- en vaatziekt. Rheumat. Arthrit

24 Organ. hartgebreken. Aneurysma

25 Angina diphtherina

26 Diarrhoea. Dysenterie

27 Cholera nostras

28 Acute ziekten der spijsverteringswerkt

29 Chron. ziekten der spijsverteringswerkt (exc. 5)

30 Ziekten d. organa urogenitalia (exc. 5)

31 Ziekten van het kraambed

32 Gewelddadige dood (exc. 33)

33 Verdrinken

34 Onbekende oorzaak. Plotseling

Bron: Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, Volume 26 1882

Indeling doodsoorzaken 1890

1 Gebrekkige ontwikkeling

2 Lichaamszwakte. Tering (Exc. n°. 18)

3 Klierziekte. Rachitis

3a Syphilis

4 Absces. Ulcus. Gangraena. Pyaemia. Haemorrhagia (Exc. n°. 31)

5 Kanker

6 Waterzucht

6a Scheurbuik

7 Typhus

7a Febris typhoïdea

8 Aanhoudende koorts

9 Tusschenpoozende koorts

9a Febris intermittens pernicosa

10 Pokken

11 Roodvonk

12 Mazelen

13 Andere huidziekten

14 Stuipen. Trismus. Epilepsie

15 Apoplexie

16 Hersenziekten (Exc. n°. 15)

17 Ruggemergslijden. (Paralysis)

18 Keel- en longtering

18a Diabetes mellitus

19 Croup

20 Kinkhoest

21 Acute ziekten der ademhalingswerktuigen

21a Influenza

22 Chron. ziekten der ademhalingswerktuigen (Exc. n°. 18)

23 Hart- en vaatziekten. Rheumatismus. Arthritis

24 Organische hartgebreken. Aneurysma

25 Diphtheritis

26 Diarrhoea

27 Cholera asiatica

27a Cholera nostras

28 Acute ziekten der spijsverteringswerktuigen

29 Chronische ziekten der spijsverteringswerktuigen (Exc. n°. 5)

30 Ziekten der organa urogenitalia (Exc. n°. 5)

31 Ziekten van het kraambed

31a Febris puerperalis

32 Gewelddadige dood

32a Zelfmoord

33 Verdrinken

33a Zelfmoord door verdrinken

34 Onbekende oorzaak

34a Plotseling

35 Zonder geneesk. behandeling (begrepen in de vorige nummers)

Bron: Statistisch jaarboek der gemeente Amsterdam 2e Jaargang 1896

Nomenclatures destinées à la statistique des décès (1901)

I. - MALADIES GÉNÉRALES 1 Fièvre typhoïde (typhus abdominal)

2 Typhus exanthématique

3 Fièvre récurrente

4 Fiévre intermittente et cachexie palustre

4 bis Dont : cachexie palustre

5 Variole

6 Rougeole

7 Scarlatine

8 Coqueluche

9 Diphtérie et croup

10 Grippe

11 Suette miliaire

12 Choléra asiatique

13 Choléra nostras

14 Dysenterie

14 bis Dont : dysenterie épidémique

15 Peste

16 Fièvre jaune

17 Lèpre

18 Erysipèle

19 Autres affections épidémiques

20 Infection purulente er septicémie

21 Morve et farcin

22 Pustule maligne et charbon

23 Rage

24 Actinomycose, trichinose, etc

25 Pellagre

26 Tuberculose du larynx

27 Tuberculose des poumons

28 Tuberculose des méninges

29 Tuberculose abdominale

30 Mal de Pott

31 Abcès froid et par congestion

32 Tumeur blanches

33 Tuberculose d'autres organes

34 Tuberculose généralisée

35 Scrofule

36 Syphilis

37 Blennorragie de l'adulte

38 Affections gonococciques de l'enfant

39 Cancer et autres tumeurs malignes

de la cavité buccale

40 de l'estomac, du foie

41 du péritoine, des intestins et du rectum

42 des organes génitaux de la femme

43 du sein

44 de la peau

45 d'autres organes et d'organes non spéciiés

46 Autres tumeurs (tumeurs des organes génitaux de la femme exceptées)

47 Rhumatisme articulaire aigu

48 Rhumatisme chronique et goutte

49 Scorbut

50 Diabète

51 Goitre exophtalmique

52 Maladie bronzée d'Addison

53 Leucémie

54 Anémie, chlorose

55 Autres maladies générales

56 Alcoolisme aigu ou chronique

57 Saturnisme

58 Autres intoxications professionnelles chroniques

59 Autres empoisonnements chroniques


60 Encéphalite

61 Méningite simple

61 bis Dont : meningite cérébro-spinale épidémique

62 Ataxie locomotrice progressive

63 Autres maladies de la moelle épinière

64 Congestion et hémorragie cérébrales

65 Ramollissement cérébral

66 Paralysie sans cause indiquee

67 Paralysie générale

68 Autres formes de l'aliénation mentale

69 Epilepsie

70 Eclampsie (non puerpérale)

71 Convulsions des enfants

72 Tétanos

73 Chorée

74 Autres maladies du système nerveux

75 Maladies des yeux et de leurs annexes

76 Maladies des oreilles


77 Péricardite

78 Endocardite aiguë

79 Maladies organiques du coeur

80 Angine de poitrine

81 Affections des artères, athérome, anévrisme, etc.

82 Embolie et thrombose

83 Affections des veines (varices, hémorroïdes, phlébite, etc.)

84 Affections du sytème lymphatique (lympangite, etc.)

85 Hémorragies

86 Autres affections de l'appareil circulatoire


87 Maladies des fosses nasales

88 Affections du larynx

89 Affections du corps thyroïde

90 Bronchite aiguë

91 Bronchite chronique

92 Broncho-pneumonie

93 Pneumonie

94 Pleurésie

95 Congestion et apoplexie pulmonaires

96 Gangrène du poumon

97 Asthme

98 Emphysème pulmonaire

99 Autres maladies de l'appareil respiratoire (phtisie



100 Affections de la bouche et des annexes

101 Affections du pharynx

102 Affections de l'oesophage

103 Ulcère de l'estomac

104 Autres affections de l'estomac (cancer excepté)

105 Diarrhée et entérite (au-dessous de deux ans)

105 bis Dont : chronique

106 Diarrhée et entérite (deux ans et au-dessus)

107 Parasites intestinaux

108 Hernies, obstructions intestinales

109 Autres affections de l'intestin

110 Ictère grave

111 Tumeurs hydatiques du foie

112 Cirrhose du foie

113 Calculs biliaires

114 Autres affections du foie

115 Affections de la rate

116 Péritonite simple (puerpérale exceptée)

117 Autres affections de l'appareil digestif (cancer et tuberculose exceptés)

118 Appendicite et phlegmon de la fosse iliaque


119 Néphrite aiguë

120 Maladie de Bright

121 Autres maladies des reins et de leurs ennexes

122 Calculs des voies urinaires

123 Maladies de la vessie

124 Autres maladies de l'urètre, abcès urinaeux, etc

125 Maladies de la prostate

126 Maladies non vénériennes des organes génitaux de l'home

127 Métrite

128 Hémorragie utérine non puerpérale

129 Tumeur utérine (non cancéreuse)

130 Autres maladies de l'uterus

131 Kystes et autres tumeurs de l'ovaire

132 Autres maladies des organes génitaux de la femme

133 Maladies non puerpérales de la mamelle (cancer excepté)

VII. - ÉTAT PUERPÉRAL 134 Accidents de la grossesse

135 Hémorragie puerpérale

136 Autres accidents de l'accouchement

137 Septicémie puerpérale

138 Albuminurie et éclampsie puerpérales

139 Phlegmatia alba dolens puerpérale

140 Autres accidents puerpéraux. - Mort subite

141 Maladies puerpérales de la mamelle


142 Gangrène

143 Furoncle

144 Phlegmon, abcès chaud

145 Autres maladies de la peau et de ses annexes


146 Affections des os (tuberculose exceptée)

147 Maladies des articulations (tuberculose et rhumatisme exceptés)

148 Amputation

149 Autres affections des organes de la locomotion

X. - VICES DE CONFORMATION 150 Vices de conformation congénitaux (mort-nés non compris)

XI. - PREMIER AGE 151 Débilité congénitale, ictère et sclérème

152 Autres maladies spéciales au premier âge

153 Défaut de soins

XII. - VIEILLESSE 154 Débilité sénile


155 Suicide par le poison

156 Suicide par asphyxie

157 Suicide par pendation ou strangulation

158 Suicide par submersion

159 Suicide par armes à feu

160 Suicide par instruments tranchants

161 Suicide par précipitation d'un lieu élevé

162 Suicide par écrasement

163 Autres suicides

164 Fractures

165 Luxations

166 Autres traumatismes accidentels

167 Brûlure par le feu

168 Brûlure par substances corrosives

169 Insolation

170 Congélation

171 Commotion électrique

172 Submersion accidentelle

173 Inanition

174 Absorption de gaz délétères

175 Autres empoisonnements aigus

176 Autres violences extéreures


178 Mort subite

179 Causes de décès non spécifiées ou mal définies

Bron: Nomenclatures des maladies: (statistique de morbidité--statistique des causes de décès)Jacques Bertillon 1903

Nomenclatures destinées à la statistique des décès (1901) Kleine lijst

1 Fièvre typhoïde (typhus abdominal) 1

2 Typhus exanthématique 2

3 Fiévre intermittente et cachexie palustre 4

4 Variole 5

5 Rougeole 6

6 Scarlatine 7

7 Coqueluche 8

8 Diphtérie et croup 9

9 Grippe 10

10 Choléra asiatique 12

11 Choléra nostras 13

12 Autres maladies épidémiques 3, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

13 Tuberculose des poumons 27

14 Tuberculose des méninges 28

15 Autres tuberculoses de 26, 29 à 31

16 Cancer et autres tumeurs malignes de 39 à 45

17 Méningite simple 61

18 Congestion, hémorragie et ramollissement du cerveau 64, 65

19 Maladies organiques du coeur 79

20 Bronchite aiguë 90

21 Bronchite chronique 91

22 Pneumonie 93

22 bis Autres affections de l'appareil respiratoire 87, 88, 89, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 et 99

23 Affections de l'estomac (cancer excepté) 103, 104

24 Diarrhée et entérite (au-dessous de deux ans) 105

25 Autres affections de l'intestin 108

26 Cirrhose du foie 112

27 Néphrite et maladie de Bright 119, 120

28 Tumeurs non cancéreuses et autres maladies des organes génitaux de la femme

de 127 à 132

29 Septicémie puerpérale (fièvre, péritonite, phlébite puerpérales)


30 Autres accidents puerpéraux de la grossesse et de l'accouchement

134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141

31 Débilité congénitale et vices de conformation 150, 151

32 Débilité sénile 154

33 Morts violentes de 155 à 176

33 bis Dont: suicides de 155 à 163

34 Autres maladies 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 35, 36, 37, 38, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 100,101, 102, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 133, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 153

35 Maladies inconnues ou mal définies de 177 à 179

Bron: Nomenclatures des maladies: (statistique de morbidité--statistique des causes de décès)Jacques Bertillon 1903

Oorzaken der levenloosheid (1901)

A Ziekte van den vader of de moeder

A1 Syphilis

A2 Andere algemeene ziekten

A3 Habitueele voorbeschiktheid tot abortus

A4 Albumerie en andere ziekten met de zwangerschap in verband staande

A5 Ondergaan geweld of overmatigen arbeid

B Ziekten van de placenta en de vliezen(Placenta praevia)

C Ziekte van het foetus

C1 Monstruositeit en andere vormgebreken, hydrocephalus enz.

C2 Niet onder A te brengen ontijdige geboorten

D De omstandigheden waaronde de geboorte plaats had

D1 Afwijkingen in den vorm van het moederlijk bekken

D2 Liggingsafwijkingen van het kind

D3 Uitzakking, inklemming van de navelstreng

D4 Stikking bij de geboorte

E Ander, niet onder de vorige rubrieken te brengen oorzaken

F Onbekende of niet opgegeven oorzaken

Bron: Statistiek van de sterfte naar den leeftijd en naar de oorzaken van den dood over het jaar 1907

International List of Causes of Death, Revision 2 (1909)

1 Enteric fever

2 Typhus


3A Relapsing fever

3B Mediterranean fever

4 Malaria

5 Small-pox

6 Measles

7 Scarlet fever

8 Whooping cough


9A Diphtheria

9B Membranous laryngitis

9C Croup

10 Influenza

11 Miliary fever

12 Asiatic cholera

13 Cholera nostras

14 Dysentery

15 Plague

16 Yellow fever

17 Leprosy

18 Erysipelas


19A Mumps

19B German measles

19C Varicella

19D Other epidemic diseases


20A Pyaemia

20B Septicaemia

20C Vaceinia

21 Glanders

22 Anthrax (Splenic fever)

23 Rabies

24 Tetanus


25A Actinomycosis

25B Other mycoses

26 Pellagra

27 Beri-beri


28A Pulmonary tuberculosis

28B Phthisis (not defined as tuberculous)


29A Acute phthisis

29B Acute miliary tuberculosis

30 Tuberculous meningitis


31A Tabes mesenterica

31B Other peritoneal and intestinal tubercle

32 Tuberculosis of spinal column

33 Tuberculosis of joints


34A Lupus

34B Scrofula

34C Tuberculosis of other organs

35 Disseminated tuberculosis


36A Rickets

36B Other forms of bone softening

37 Syphilis


38A Soft chancre

38B Gonococcus infection

38C Purulent ophthalmia

39 Cancer of the buccal cavity

40 Cancer of the stomach, liver, etc.

41 Cancer of the peritoneum, intestines, and rectum

42 Cancer of the female genital organs

43 Cancer of the breast

44 Cancer of the skin

45 Cancer of the other or unspecified organs


46A Angioma

46B Adenoma

46C Other tumours (situation undefined)

47 Rheumatic fever


48A Chronic rheumatism

48B Osteo-arthritis

48C Gout

49 Scurvy

50 Diabetes

51 Exophthalmic goitre

52 Addison's disease


53A Leucocythaemia (Leuchaemia)

53B Lymphadenoma

54 Anaemia, Chlorosis


55A Diabetes insipidus

55B Purpura

55C Haemophilia

55D Other general diseases

56 Alcoholism (acute or chronic)


57A Occupational lead poisoning

57B Non-occupational lead poisoning

58 Other chronic occupational poisonings

59 Other chronic poisonings

60 Encephalitis


61A Cerebro-spinal fever

61B Posterior basal meningitis

61C Meningitis, other forms

62 Locomotor ataxy


63A Diseases of the spinal cord formerly classed to "Other nervous affections"

63B Poliomyelitis

63C Other diseases of the spinal cord


64A Apoplexy

64B Serous apoplexy and oedema of brain

64C Cerebral congestion

64D Cerebral atheroma

64E Cerebral haemorrhage

65 Softening of brain


66A Hemiplegia

66B Paraplegia

66C Other forms of paralysis

67 General paralysis of the insane

68 Other forms of mental alienation

69 Epilepsy


70A Epileptiform convulsions

70B Other convulsions (non-puerperal; 5 years and over)


71A Convulsions with teething

71B Other infantile convulsions (under 5 years)

72 Chorea


73A Hysteria, Neuralgia, Sciatica

73B Neuritis


74A Idiocy, Imbecility

74B Cretinism

74C Cerebral tumour

74D Other diseases of the nervous system

75 Diseases of the eyes and annexa


76A Mastoid disease

76B Other diseases of the ears

77 Pericarditis


78A Acute myocarditis

78B Infective endocarditis

78C Other acute endocarditis


79A Valvular disease

79B Fatty degeneration of the heart

79C Other organic disease of the heart

80 Angina pectoris


81A Aneurysm

81B Arterial sclerosis

81C Other diseases of arteries


82A Cerebral embolism and thrombosis

82B Other embolism and thrombosis


83A Phlebitis

83B Varix

83C Pylephlebitis

83D Varicocele


84A Status lymphaticus

84B Other diseases of the lymphatic system


85A Functional disease of the heart

85B Epistaxis

85C Other diseases of the circulatory system

86 Diseases of the nasal fossae


87(1) Laryngismus stridulus

87(2) Laryngitis

87(3) Other diseases of the larynx

88 Diseases of the thyroid body


89A Bronchiectasis, Bronchial catarrh, etc.

89B Other bronchitis


90A Bronchiectasis, Bronchial catarrh, etc.

90B Other bronchitis

91 Broncho-pneumonia


92A Lobar pneumonia

92B Pneumonia (type not stated)


93A Empyema

93B Other pleurisy


94A Pulmonary apoplexy and infarction

94B Pulmonary oedema and congestion

94C Hypostatic pneumonia

94D Collapse of lung (3 months and over)

95 Gangrene of the lung

96 Asthma

97 Pulmonary emphysema


98A Fibroid disease of lung

98B Other diseases of the respiratory system


99A Diseases of the teeth and gums

99B Thrush, Aphthous stomatitis

99C Parotitis

99D Other diseases of the mouth and annexa


100A Tonsillitis

100B Ludwig's angina

100C Other diseases of the pharynx

101 Diseases of oesophagus

102 Perforating ulcer of stomach


103A Inflammation of stomach

103B Other diseases of the stomach


104A Infective enteritis, age under 2 years

104B Diarrhoea - not returned as infective, age under 2 years

104C Enteritis - not returned as infective, age under 2 years

104D Gastro-enteritis - not returned as infective, age under 2 years

104E Dyspepsia, under 2 years

104F Colic, age under 2 years

104G Ulceration of intestines, age under 2 years

104H Duodenal ulcer, age under 2 years


105A Infective enteritis, age over 2 years

105B Diarrhoea - not returned as infective, age over 2 years

105C Enteritis - not returned as infective, age over 2 years

105D Gastro-enteritis - not returned as infective, age over 2 years

105E Dyspepsia, age over 2 years

105F Colic, age over 2 years

105G Ulceration of intestines, age over 2 years

105H Duodenal ulcer, age over 2 years

106 Ankylostomiasis

107 Other intestinal parasites

108 Appendicitis


109A Hernia

109B Intestinal obstruction

110 Other diseases of the intestines

111 Acute yellow atrophy of liver

112 Hydatid of liver


113A Cirrhosis of the liver (not returned as alcoholic)

113B Cirrhosis of the liver (returned as alcoholic)

113C Diseases formerly classed to "Other diseases of liver and gall bladder"

114 Biliary calculi

115 Other diseases of the liver


116A Infarction of spleen

116B Other diseases of the spleen

117 Peritonitis (cause unstated)


118A Abdominal abscess, Sub-phrenic abscess

118B Other diseases of the digestive system

119 Acute nephritis


120A Bright's disease as in 1901 list

120B Nephritis (unqualified), 10 years and over, and uraemia

121 Chyluria


122A Abscess of kidney

122B Cystic disease

122C Suppression of urine

122D Other diseases of the kidney and annexa

123 Calculi of the urinary passages

124 Diseases of the bladder


12A Perineal abscess

125B Other diseases of urethra, etc.

126 Diseases of the prostate

127 Non-venereal diseases of male genital organs


128A Menorrhagia

128B Other uterine haemorrhage

129 Uterine tumour (non-cancerous)


130A Disorders of menstruation (except menorrhagia)

130B Other diseases of the uterus

131 Ovarian cyst, tumour (non-cancerous)


132A Diseases of ovary (excluding ovarian tumour)

132B Other diseases of the female genital organs

133 Non-puerperal diseases of the breast (non-cancerous)


134A Abortion

134B Haemorrhage of pregnancy

134C Uncontrollable vomiting

134D Ectopic gestation

134E Other accidents of pregnancy

135 Puerperal haemorrhage

136 Other accidents of childbirth

137 Puerperal fever


138A Puerperal nephritis and uraemia

138B Puerperal albuminuria and Bright's disease

138C Puerperal convulsions


139A Puerperal phlegmasia alba dolens and phlebitis

139B Puerperal embolism and sudden death

140 Puerperal insanity

141 Puerperal diseases of the breast


142A Senile gangrene

142B Noma, Gangrene of mouth

142C Noma pudendi

142D Other gangrene

143 Carbuncle, Boil


144A Phlegmon

144B Acute abscess


145A Ulcer, Bedsore

145B Eczema

145C Pemphigus

145D Other diseases of integumentary system

146 Diseases of the bones

147 Diseases of the joints

148 Amputations

149 Other diseases of locomotor system


150A Congenital hydrocephalus

150B Phimosis

150C Congenital malformation of heart

150D Other congenital malformations


151A Premature birth

151B Infantile atrophy, debility, and marasmus

151C Icterus neonatorum

151D Sclerema and oedema neonatorum

151E Want of breast milk


152A Diseases of umbilicus, etc.

152B Atelectasis

152C Injuries at birth

152D Cyanosis neonatorum

153 Lack of care


154A Senile dementia

154B Senile decay

155 Suicide by poison

156 Suicide by asphyxia

157 Suicide by hanging or strangulation

158 Suicide by drowning

159 Suicide by firearms

160 Suicide by cutting or piercing instruments

161 Suicide by jumping from high place

162 Suicide by crushing

163 Other suicides

164 Poisoning by food

165 Other acute poisonings

166 Conflagration

167 Burns (conflagration excepted)

168 Absorption of deleterious gases (conflagration excepted)

169 Accidental drowning

170 Injury by firearms

171 Injury by cutting or piercing instruments

172 Injury by fall

173 Injury by in mines and quarries

174 Injury by machines

175 Injury by other crushing (vehicles, railways, landslides, etc.)

176 Injury by animals

177 Starvation

178 Excessive cold

179 Effects of heat

180 Lightning

181 Electricity (lightning excepted)

182 Homicide by firearms

183 Homicide by cutting or piercing instruments

184 Homicide by other means

185 Fractures (cause not specified)

186 Other violence

187 Dropsy


188A Syncope (aged over 1 year and under 70)

188B Sudden death (not otherwise defined)


189A Heart failure (aged over 1 year and under 70)

189B Atrophy, Debility, Marasmus (aged over 1 year and under 70)

189C Teething

189D Pyrexia

189E Other ill-defined deaths

189F Cause not specified

Bron: Wolfbane Cybernetic Ltd

Handleiding: Manual of the International List of Causes of Death 1909

Detailed Nomenclature of intrauterine causes of death (1910)

1 Syphilis

2 Other general diseases of the mother

3 Predisposition of the mother to abortion

4 Albuminuria and other diseases incident to pregnancy

5 Traumatism and overwork

6 Diseases of the placenta and of the membranes

7 Malformations of the infant

8 Premature birth

9 Difficult labor

10 Prolapse and compression of the cord

11 Asphyxia of the child

12 Other and unclassified causes

13 Causes not specified or unknown

Bron: International Classification of Causes of Sickness and Death, Volume 3 (1910)Jacques Bertillon

International List of Causes of Death, Revision 3 (1920)


1a Typhoid fever

1b Paratyphoid fever

2 Typhus fever

3 Relapsing fever (Spirillum Obermeieri)

4 Mediterranean fever

5 Malaria

6 Small-pox

7 Measles

8 Scarlet fever

9 Whooping cough

10 Diphtheria


11a Influenza with pulmonary complications

11a(1) With pneumonic complications

11a(2 With other pulmonary complications

11b Influenza without pulmonary complications

11b(1) With non-pulmonary complications

11b(2) Without stated complications

12 Miliary fever

13 Mumps

14 Asiatic cholera

15 Cholera nostras


16a Amoebic dysentery

16b Bacillary dysentery

16c Other or unspecified dysentery


17a Bubonic plague

17b Pneumonic plague

17c Septicaemic plague

17d Plague not otherwise defined

18 Yellow fever

19 Spirochaetosis ictero-haemorrhagica

20 Leprosy

21 Erysipelas


22(1) Acute poliomyelitis

22(2) Acute polioencephalitis

23 Encephalitis lethargica

24 Meningococcal meningitis


25(1) German measles

25(2) Varicella

25(3) Other epidemic and endemic diseases

26 Glanders

27 Anthrax

28 Rabies

29 Tetanus


30(1) Actinomycosis

30(2) Other mycoses

31 Tuberculosis of the respiratory system

32 Tuberculosis of the central nervous system

33 Tuberculosis of the intestines and peritoneum

34 Tuberculosis of the vertebral column

35 Tuberculosis of the joints


36a Tuberculosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

36b Tuberculosis of the bones (vertebral column excepted)

36c Tuberculosis of the lymphatic system (abdominal glands excepted)

36d Tuberculosis of the genito-urinary system

36e Tuberculosis of other sites


37a Disseminated tuberculosis: acute

37b Disseminated tuberculosis: chronic or unstated

38 Syphilis

39 Soft chancre


40(1) Gonococcal infection (ophthalmia excepted)

40(2) Gonorrhoeal or purulent ophthalmia

41 Purulent infection, Septicaemia

41(1) For the years 1924-1930 only.

41(2) (Mention of Vaccinia) for the years 1921-1923 only.

41(3) (Other) for the years 1921-1923 only.


42(1) Vaccinia

42(2) Other infectious diseases

43 Cancer of the buccal cavity

44 Cancer of the pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, liver and annexa

45 Cancer of the peritoneum, intestines & rectum

46 Cancer of the female genital organs

47 Cancer of the breast

48 Cancer of the skin

49 Cancer of other or unspecified organs

50 Tumours not returned as malignant (brain and female genital organs excepted)

51 Rheumatic fever


52(1) Chronic rheumatism, Chronic arthritis

52(2) Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteo-arthritis

52(3) Gout

53 Scurvy

54 Pellagra

55 Beri-beri

56 Rickets

57 Diabetes


58a Pernicious anaemia

58b Other anaemias and chlorosis

59 Diseases of the pituitary gland


60a Exophthalmic goitre


60b(1) Myxoedema

60b(2) Cretinism

60b(3) Other diseases of the thyroid gland


61(1) Tetany

61(2) Other diseases of the parathyroid gland

62 Diseases of the thymus

63 Diseases of the adrenals

64 Diseases of the spleen


65a Leukaemia

65b Lymphadenoma

66 Alcoholism (acute or chronic)


67(1) Occupational lead poisoning

67(2) Other chronic poisoning by mineral substances

68 Chronic poisoning by organic substances


69(1) Purpura

69(2) Haemophilia

69(3) Other general diseases


70(1) Cerebral abscess

70(2) Other encephalitis

71 Meningitis

72 Tabes dorsalis (locomotor ataxy)

73 Other diseases of the spinal cord



74a(1) Cerebral haemorrhage so returned

74a(2) Apoplexy (lesion unstated)


74b(1) Cerebral embolism

74b(2) Cerebral thrombosis


75a Hemiplegia

75b Other forms of paralysis

76 General paralysis of the insane

77 Other forms of insanity

78 Epilepsy

79 Convulsions (non-puerperal)

80 Convulsions (non-puerperal)

81 Chorea

82 Hysteria and neuritis

83 Cerebral softening


84(1) Idiocy, Imbecility

84(2) Cerebral tumour

84(3) Disseminated sclerosis

84(4) Paralysis agitans

84(5) Other diseases of the nervous system

85 Diseases of the eye and annexa


86(1) Diseases of the mastoid sinus

86(2) Diseases of the ear

87 Pericarditis


88(1) Malignant endocarditis

88(2) Other acute endocarditis

88(3) Acute myocarditis

89 Angina pectoris


90(1) Aortic valve disease

90(2) Mitral valve disease

90(3) Aortic and mitral valve disease

90(4) Other or unspecified valve disease

90(5) Fatty heart

90(6) Dilatation of heart (cause unspecified)

90(7) Other or unspecified myocardial disease

90(8) Disordered action of the heart

90(9) Heart disease (undefined)


91a Aneurysm


91b(1) Arterio-sclerosis with cerebral vascular lesion

91b(2) Arterio-sclerosis without record of cerebral vascular lesion

91c Other diseases of the arteries

92 Embolism and thrombosis (not cerebral)

93 Diseases of the veins (varix, haemorrhoids, phlebitis, etc.)

94 Diseases of the lymphatic system (lymphangitis, etc.)

95 Haemorrhage without stated cause

96 Other diseases of the circulatory system


97(1) Diseases of the nose

97(2) Diseases of the accessory nasal sinuses


98(1) Laryngismus stridulus

98(2) Laryngitis

98(3) Other diseases of the larynx

99 Bronchitis

99a Acute bronchitis

99b Chronic bronchitis

99c Bronchitis not distinguished as acute or chronic

99d Bronchitis not distinguished as acute or chronic

100 Broncho-pneumonia


101a Lobar pneumonia

101b Pneumonia (not otherwise specified)


102(1) Empyema

102(2) Other pleurisy

103 Congestion and haemorrhagic infarct of lung

104 Gangrene of the lung

105 Asthma

106 Pulmonary emphysema


107a Chronic interstitial pneumonia, including occupational diseases of the lung

107b Diseases of the mediastinum

107c Other diseases of the respiratory system


108(1) Diseases of the teeth and gums

108(2) Ludwig's angina

108(3) Other diseases of the buccal cavity and annexa


109(1) Tonsillitis, Adenoid vegetations

109(2) Other diseases of the pharynx and tonsils

110 Diseases of the oesophagus


111a Ulcer of the stomach

111b Ulcer of the duodenum


112(1) Inflammation of the stomach

112(2) Other diseases of the stomach


113(1) Ulceration of the intestines

113(2) Colitis

113(3) Other diseases included under diarrhoea and enteritis


114(1) Ulceration of the intestines

114(2) Colitis

114(3) Other diseases included under diarrhoea and enteritis

115 Ankylostomiasis


116a Diseases due to cestodes (hydatids of the liver excepted)

116b Diseases due to trematodes

116c Diseases due to nematodes (other than ankylostoma)

116d Diseases due to coccidia

116e Diseases due to other specified intestinal parasites

116f Diseases due to undefined intestinal parasites

117 Appendicitis


118a Hernia

118b Intestinal obstruction


119(1) Intestinal stasis

119(2) Other diseases of the intestines

120 Acute yellow atrophy of the liver

121 Hydatid tumour of the liver

122 Cirrhosis of the liver

122a Returned as alcoholic

122b Not returned as alcoholic

123 Biliary calculi

124 Other diseases of the liver

125 Diseases of the pancreas

126 Peritonitis without stated cause

127 Other diseases of the digestive system

128 Acute nephritis (including unspecified under 10 years of age)

129 Chronic nephritis (including unspecified over 10 years of age)

130 Chyluria

131 Other diseases of the kidney and annexa

132 Calculi of the urinary passages

133 Diseases of the bladder

133(1) Cystitis

133(2) Other diseases of the bladder


134a Stricture of the urethra

134b Other diseases of the urethra, etc.

135 Diseases of the prostate

136 Non-venereal diseases of the male genital organs

137 Cysts, and other tumours of the ovary not returned as malignant


138(1) Salpingitis

138(2) Pelvic abscess in females

139 Tumours of the uterus not returned as malignant

140 Non-puerperal uterine haemorrhage


141(1) Other diseases of the uterus

141(2) Diseases of other female genital organs not included under other headings

142 Non-puerperal diseases of the breast


143a Abortion

143b Ectopic gestation

143c Other accidents of pregnancy

144 Puerperal haemorrhage

145 Other accidents of childbirth

146 Puerperal sepsis


147(1) Puerperal phlegmasia alba dolens not returned as septic

147(2) Puerperal embolism and sudden death

148 Puerperal albuminuria and convulsions

149 Childbirth not assignable to other headings (puerperal insanity)

150 Puerperal diseases of the breast


151(1) Senile gangrene

151(2) Other gangrene

152 Carbuncle, Boil


153(1) Cellulitis

153(2) Acute abscess


154(1) Ulcer, Bedsore

154(2) Eczema

154(3) Pemphigus

154(4) Other diseases of the skin and its annexa


155(1) Acute infective osteo-myelitis and periostitis

155(2) Other diseases of the bones

156 Diseases of the joints

157 Amputations

158 Other diseases of the organs of locomotion


159(1) Congenital hydrocephalus

159(2) Congenital malformation of heart

159(3) Other congenital malformations


160(1) Congenital debility and sclerema

160(2) Icterus neonatorum


161(1) Premature birth

161(2) Injury at birth


162(1) Diseases of the umbilicus

162(2) Atelectasis

162(3) Other diseases peculiar to early infancy

163 Lack of care


164(1) Senile dementia

164(2) Other forms of senile decay

165 Suicide by solid or liquid poisons & corrosive substances

166 Suicide by solid or liquid poisons & corrosive substances

167 Suicide by poisonous gas

168 Suicide by hanging or strangulation

169 Suicide by drowning

170 Suicide by firearms

171 Suicide by cutting or piercing instruments

172 Suicide by jumping from high place

173 Suicide by crushing

174 Suicide by other means

175 Food poisoning

176 Poisoning by venomous animals

177 Other acute accidental poisoning (not by gas)

178 Conflagration

179 Accidental burns (conflagration excepted)

180 Accidental mechanical suffocation

181 Accidental absorption of irrespirable or poisonous gas

182 Accidental drowning

183 Accidental injury by firearms

184 Accidental injury by cutting or piercing instruments

185 Accidental injury by fall

186 Accidental injury in mining and quarrying

187 Accidental injury by machinery

188 Accidental injury by other forms of crushing (road vehicles, on railways, etc.)

189 Injury by animals (poisoning by venomous animals excepted)

190 Wounds of war

191 Execution of civilians by belligerent armies

192 Hunger or thirst

193 Excessive cold

194 Excessive heat

195 Lightning

196 Electricity (lightning excepted)

197 Homicide by firearms

198 Homicide by cutting or piercing instruments

199 Homicide by other means

201 Fracture (cause not specified)

202 Other and unstated forms of accidental violence; Execution

203 Violent deaths of unstated nature (i.e. accidental, suicidal, etc.) and cause

204 Sudden death


205(1) Heart failure (age 1-70)

205(2) Other ill-defined causes

205(3) Cause not specified

Bron: Wolfbane Cybernetic Ltd

International List of Causes of Death, Revision 4 (1929)

1 Typhoid fever

2 Paratyphoid fevers

3 Typhus fever

4 Relapsing fever (Spirillum Obermeieri)

5 Undulant fever

6 Small-pox

7 Measles

8 Scarlet fever

9 Whooping cough

10 Diphtheria



11a(1) Influenza with respiratory complications, with pneumonic complications

11a(2) Influenza with respiratory complications, with other respiratory complications


11b(1) Influenza without respiratory complications, with non-respiratory complications

11b(2) Influenza without respiratory complications, without stated complications

12 Cholera


13a Amoebic dysentery

13b Bacillary dysentery

13c Other or unspecified dysentery

14 Plague

15 Erysipelas


16(1) Acute poliomyelitis

16(2) Acute polioencephalitis

17 Encephalitis lethargica

18 Cerebro-spinal fever

19 Glanders

20 Anthrax

21 Rabies

22 Tetanus

23 Tuberculosis of the respiratory system

24 Tuberculosis of the central nervous system

25 Tuberculosis of the intestines and peritoneum

26 Tuberculosis of the vertebral column

27 Tuberculosis of the other bones and joints

28 Tuberculosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissues

29 Tuberculosis of the lymphatic system (abdominal and bronchial glands excepted)

30 Tuberculosis of the genito-urinary system


31(1) Tuberculosis of the adrenals

31(2) Tuberculosis of the other sites


32a Acute disseminated tuberculosis

32b Chronic disseminated tuberculosis

32c Disseminated tuberculosis not distinguished as acute or chronic

33 Leprosy


34a Congenital syphilis

34b Acquired or unspecified syphilis

34c Acquired or unspecified syphilis


35(1) Gonorrhoeal or purulent ophthalmia

35(2) Other venereal diseases


36a Septicaemia

36b Pyaemia

36c Gas gangrene

37 Yellow fever

38 Malaria

39 Other diseases due to protozoa

40 Ankylostomiasis


41a Hydatid cysts of liver

41b Hydatid cysts of other organs

42 Other diseases due to helminths


43(1) Actinomycosis

43(2) Other mycoses


44(1) Vaccinia

44(2) Other sequelae of vaccination

44(3) German measles

44(4) Varicella

44(5) Mumps

44(6) Pink disease

44(7) Other infectious or parasitic diseases

45 Cancer of the buccal cavity and pharynx

46 Cancer of the digestive organs and peritoneum

47 Cancer of the respiratory organs

48 Cancer of the uterus

49 Cancer of the other female genital organs

50 Cancer of the breast

51 Cancer of the male genito-urinary organs

52 Cancer of the skin

53 Cancer of the other or unspecified organs


54a Non-malignant tumours of the female genital organs

54b Non-malignant tumours of the other sites


55a Tumours of undetermined nature of the female genital organs

55b Tumours of undetermined nature of the other sites

56 Rheumatic fever


57(1) Chronic rheumatism

57(2) Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteo-arthritis

58 Gout

59 Diabetes

60 Scurvy

61 Beri-beri

62 Pellagra


63(1) Rickets

63(2) Spinal curvatures of undetermined nature

64 Osteomalacia


65(1) Infantilism

65(2) Other diseases of the pituitary gland


66a Simple goitre

66b Exophthalmic goitre

66c Myxoedema, Cretinism

66d Tetany

66e Other diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands

67 Diseases of the thymus

68 Diseases of the adrenals


69(1) Amyloid disease of unstated origin

69(2) Other general diseases


70a Purpura

70b Haemophilia


71a Pernicious anaemia


71b(1) Splenic anaemia

71b(2) Other anaemias and chlorosis


72a Leukaemia


72b(1) Aleukaemia (Lymphadenoma)

72b(2) Aleukaemia (agranulocytosis)


73(1) Banti's disease

73(2) Other diseases of the spleen

74 Other diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs

75 Alcoholism (acute or chronic)

76 Chronic poisoning by other organic substances


77(1) Occupational lead poisoning

77(2) Other chronic poisoning by mineral substances


78a Cerebral abscess

78b Other encephalitis

79 Meningitis

80 Tabes dorsalis (locomotor ataxy)


81(1) Progressive muscular atrophy

81(2) Sub-acute combined sclerosis

81(3) Myelitis of unstated origin

81(4) Other diseases of the spinal cord



82a(1) Cerebral haemorrhage so returned

82a(2 Apoplexy (lesion unstated)


82b(1) Cerebral embolism

82b(2) Cerebral thrombosis

82b(3) Cerebral softening


82c(1) Hemiplegia

82c(2) Other paralyses of unstated origin

83 General paralysis of the insane


84a Dementia praecox

84b Other forms of insanity

85 Epilepsy

86 Infantile convulsions (age under 5 years)


87a Chorea

87b Neuritis, Neuralgia

87c Paralysis agitans

87d Disseminated sclerosis

87e Other diseases of the nervous system

88 Diseases of the eye and annexa


89a Otitis, and other diseases of the ear

89b Diseases of the mastoid sinus

90 Pericarditis


91(1) Malignant endocarditis

91(2) Other acute endocarditis


92(1) Aortic valve disease

92(2) Mitral valve disease

92(3) Aortic and mitral valve disease

92(4) Endocarditis, not returned as acute or chronic

92(5) Other or unspecified valve disease


93a Acute myocarditis


93b(1) Fatty heart

93b(2) Cardio-vascular degeneration

93b(3) Other myocardial degeneration

93c Myocarditis, not returned as acute or chronic

94 Diseases of the coronary arteries, Angina pectoris


95a Disordered action of heart

95b(1) Dilatation of heart (cause unspecified)

95b(2) Heart disease (undefined)

96 Aneurysm


97(1) Arterio-sclerosis, with cerebral haemorrhage

97(2) Arterio-sclerosis, with record of other cerebral vascular lesion

97(3) Arterio-sclerosis, without record of cerebral vascular lesion


98a Senile gangrene

98b Other gangrene

99 Other diseases of the arteries


100(1) Varix

100(2) Other diseases of the veins

101 Diseases of the lymphatic system (lymphangitis, etc.)

102 Abnormalities of blood-pressure

103 Other diseases of the circulatory system


104(1) Diseases of the nose

104(2) Diseases of the accessory nasal sinuses


105(1) Laryngismus stridulus

105(2) Laryngitis

105(3) Other diseases of the larynx


106a Acute bronchitis

106b Chronic bronchitis

106c Bronchitis, not distinguished as acute or chronic

107 Broncho-pneumonia

108 Lobar pneumonia

109 Pneumonia (not otherwise defined)


110(1) Empyema

110(2) Other pleurisy


111(1) Hypostatic congestion of lungs

111(2) Other congestion and haemorrhagic infarct of lung, etc.

112 Asthma

113 Pulmonary emphysema


114a Chronic interstitial pneumonia, including occupational diseases of the lung


114b(1) Gangrene of the lung

114b(2) Other diseases of the respiratory system


115(1) Diseases of the teeth and gums

115(2) Ludwig's angina

115(3) Diseases of the tonsils

115(4) Other diseases of the buccal cavity, pharynx, etc.

116 Diseases of the oesophagus


117a Ulcer of the stomach

117b Ulcer of the duodenum


118(1) Inflammation of the stomach

118(2) Other diseases of the stomach


119a Colitis (age under two)

119b Other diarrhoea and enteritis (age under two)

119c Ulceration of intestines (age under two)



120a(1) Colitis

120a(2) Other diarrhoea and enteritis

120b Ulceration of intestines

121 Appendicitis



122a(1) Strangulated hernia

122a(2) Hernia not returned as strangulated

122b Intestinal obstruction


123(1) Constipation, Intestinal stasis

123(2) Diverticulitis

123(3) Other diseases of the intestines


124a Cirrhosis of the liver returned as alcoholic

124b Cirrhosis of the liver not returned as alcoholic


125(1) Acute yellow atrophy

125(2) Other diseases of the liver


126(1) Biliary calculi with cholecystitis

126(2) Biliary calculi without mention of cholecystitis


127(1) Cholecystitis, without record of biliary calculi

127(2) Other diseases of the gall bladder and ducts

128 Diseases of the pancreas

129 Peritonitis, without stated cause

130 Acute nephritis

131 Chronic nephritis

132 Nephritis, not stated to be acute or chronic


133a Pyelitis

133b Other diseases of the kidney and annexa


134a Calculi of kidney and ureter

134b Calculi of the bladder

134c Calculi of unstated site


135a Cystitis

135b Other diseases of the bladder


136a Stricture of the urethra

136b Other diseases of the urethra, etc.

137 Diseases of the prostate

138 Diseases of the male genital organs



139a(1) Diseases of the ovary

139a(2) Diseases of the Fallopian tube

139a(3) Diseases of the parametrium

139b Diseases of the uterus

139c Diseases of the breast

139d Other diseases of the female genital organs

140 Post-abortive sepsis


141(1) Haemorrhage following abortion

141(2) Abortion without record of haemorrhage

142 Ectopic gestation

143 Other accidents of pregnancy


144a Placenta praevia

144b Other puerperal haemorrhage


145a Puerperal septicaemia and pyaemia not returned as post-abortion

145b Puerperal tetanus not returned as post-abortion

146 Puerperal albuminuria and convulsions

147 Other toxaemias of pregnancy


148a Puerperal phlegmasia alba dolens not returned as septic

148b Puerperal embolism and sudden death

149 Other accidents of childbirth


150(1) Puerperal insanity

150(2) Puerperal diseases of the breast

150(3) Childbirth (unqualified)

151 Carbuncle, Boil


152(1) Cellulitis

152(2) Acute abscess

153 Other diseases of the skin and its annexa

154 Acute infective osteomyelitis and periostitis

155 Other diseases of the bones


156a Diseases of the joints

156b Diseases of other organs of locomotion


157a Congenital hydrocephalus

157b Spina bifida and meningocele

157c Congenital malformation of heart

157d Monstrosities


157e(1) Congenital pyloric stenosis

157e(2) Cleft palate, Harelip

157e(3) Imperforate anus

157e(4) Other stated congenital malformations

157e(5) Congenital malformation, unspecified

158 Congenital debility

158 Premature birth


160a Injury at birth with mention of Caesarean section

160b Injury at birth without mention of Caesarean section


161a Atelectasis

161b Icterus neonatorum

161(1) Diseases of the umbilicus

161(2) Pemphigus neonatorum

161(3) Other diseases peculiar to early infancy


162a Senile dementia

162b Other forms of senile decay

163 Suicide by solid or liquid poisons and corrosive substances

164 Suicide by poisonous gas

165 Suicide by hanging or strangulation

166 Suicide by drowning

167 Suicide by firearms

168 Suicide by cutting or piercing instruments

169 Suicide by jumping from high places

170 Suicide by crushing

171 Suicide by other means

172 Infanticide (under one year)

173 Homicide by firearms

174 Homicide by cutting or piercing instruments

175 Homicide by other means

176 Attack by venomous animals

177 Food poisoning

178 Accidental absorption of irrespirable or poisonous gas

179 Other acute accidental poisoning (not by gas)

180 Conflagration

181 Accidental burns (conflagration excepted)

182 Accidental mechanical suffocation

183 Accidental drowning

184 Accidental injury by firearms

185 Accidental injury by cutting or piercing instruments

186 Accidental injury by fall, crushing, etc.

187 Cataclysm

188 Injury by animals (poisoning by venomous animals excepted)

189 Hunger or thirst

190 Excessive cold

191 Excessive heat

192 Lightning

193 Electricity (lightning excepted)


194(1) Inattention at birth

194(2) Other and unstated forms of accidental violence

195 Violent deaths of unstated nature (i.e. accidental, suicidal, etc.)

196 Wounds of war

197 Execution of civilians by belligerent armies

198 Execution

199 Sudden death


200(1) Heart failure

200(2) Other ill-defined causes

200(3) Cause not specified

Bron: Wolfbane Cybernetic Ltd

Handleiding: Manual of the International List of Causes of Death 1929
