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A new perspective…A new perspective…



Room D103

Page 2: Classroom Procedures A new perspective… M s. W i l b u r Room D103

Class begins …

when the bell rings

You should NOT be late to class.

– A 4th really isn’t that far away.

– I have actually been there and I can make it to D 1st in under 4 minutes, with a bag of books…and I’M OLD!

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Class begins …

when the bell rings

You should NOT be late to class.

– In only 50 short minutes, you will get to talk to your friends again about what ever life-altering situation is so much more important than science…

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Class begins …

when the bell rings

You should NOT be late to class.

– Besides, I am well aware that you will actually succeed in getting away with texting in some of your classes….

– NOT mine, of course!

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Class begins …

when the bell rings

Binders/Notebooks should be out and ready for action.

You should NOT sound like a herd of unsettled buffalos!

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Tardy Policy   Tardy Policy   

If you arrive to class late

please sign the Tardy Log.     

               If you have an excused pass, make

sure your name is on it and give it to me. 

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Tardy Policy   Tardy Policy   

If you arrive to class late

please sign the Tardy Log.     

You should not be with other teachers when you are scheduled to be in this classroom.

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Tardy Policy   Tardy Policy   

If you arrive to class late

please sign the Tardy Log.     

Make sure I am aware of your arrival so that I alter my attendance records accordingly.

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Tardy Policy   Tardy Policy   

If you arrive to class late

please sign the Tardy Log.     

If you miss lab safety procedures and instructions, you will not be able to participate in that day’s lab.

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Tardy Policy   Tardy Policy   

If you arrive to class late

please sign the Tardy Log.     

Excessive Tardy’s = Excessive Tardy’s = Loss of Loss of

Class Class Participation Participation Points Points 

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As much as I do love my job…

There are some mornings that I wish I could have stayed in bed.

However, I can’t sleep through class…Neither can you!

If you put your head down on the desk…I will call on you!

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Daily AnnouncementsDaily Announcements today’s date


important announcements

are posted to the left of the smart board 

Read these everyday!

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Includes all important SHS dates: progress reports end of terms early Thursdays events

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Bathroom Procedure

• Ask• Sign out• Take Pass• Return Pass• Sign Back In

It is important not to miss vital lab and safety instructions at the beginning of class.

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Bathroom Procedure

• Ask• Sign out• Take Pass• Return Pass• Sign Back In

Please use the bathroom during activity time, not while I’m teaching.

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Be prepared for class!

Unless you have a photographic memory…

…you need a writing utensil !

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Do not ask to go to

your locker during class

Be prepared for class!

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Name: __________________ Date: _______ Class: _____

The tops of almost every paper I give you look like this for a reason.

Can you guess why?Can you guess why?

You only have to learn the last names of 5 or 6 teachers and the hour in which you see each of them.

I have to learn the first and last names of like 120 students and the hours in which I see all of you.

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It’s rude to It’s rude to interrupt !interrupt !Ask for missed worksheets

BEFORE the bell rings…

NOT after I begin teaching or explaining today’s lab/activity… Otherwise, wait until I’m done.

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Make-Up Work

Labs, activities, & quizzes must be made

up after school.


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Make-Up Work

Your agenda book outlines

allowed time for make-up work.

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Make-Up Work

I am usually here until at least 2:45 for make-up

work or extra help.

If you let me know you are coming I will remain in my room.

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Late work will NOT be accepted! 

You can NOT hand in work when ever you feel

like doing it!

It is due…when it is due.

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Wilbur World of Science

Become familiar with my website!

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Wilbur World of Science

Each unit for this course will be

outlined here!!!

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Wilbur World of Science

Most worksheets and diagrams etc can be

downloaded and printed from this


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Wilbur World of Science

I will try to update the agenda daily to

accurately reflect what

we do in class.

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Wilbur World of Science

I may require you to access links or templates

at this site in order to complete homework or project assignments.

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This is Science class!

Science work is done in science


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This is Science class!

Math, English and history work are

done in other classes.

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This is Science class!

Does this really need to be explained?

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This is Science class!

If I you are not busy enough, I would be happy to give you more work to do.

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Lab Instructions / Demo

Be quiet when I am

giving instructions!

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Lab Instructions / Demo

You are required to look at me

while I am demonstrating

lab procedures!

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Lab Instructions / Demo

If you have to ask me something I just

explained…you were NOT listening!

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You want me to what… listen and take notes???


If I teach it…You are required to hear,

learn and know it!

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You want me to what… listen and take notes???

Which means I might ask it on your quiz!

Just because you didn’t hear it, doesn’t mean I didn’t explain


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You want me to what… listen and take notes???

Contrary to the opinion’s of many former students, I

don’t speak just because I like to hear myself…

I’m actually an introvert…I enjoy silence!

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READ!!!If I take the time to

research it, summarize it and type it …

You are required to read it!

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Pre-Lab Readings

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READ!!! I may ask you about them on a quiz or exam!

See a pattern?

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READ!!!Read all lab or

activity instructions & procedures.

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READ!!!Even if you were

listening to my instructions/demo.

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In fact…

read everything I give you.

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…myself and others when speaking.

You will play nicely with everyone in this classroom!

…because I said so!

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There will be no tapping, knocking, banging in my classroom.

Pens and pencils are for writing.

Drumsticks are for drumming.

This is not the band room.

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Do your share…

Many activities/labs are done with a partner or a group.

Pull your own weight…

don’t be lazy!

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Lab Safety Do NOT touch anything in thisDo NOT touch anything in this classroom unless instructed classroom unless instructed to do so!to do so!

• Chemicals

• Equipment out on desks or counters

• Windows

• Stuff on my desk

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No Food or Drink are No Food or Drink are to be consumed in to be consumed in this classroom!!this classroom!!



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Dress appropriately

Temperatures vary greatly in

this room.

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Lab Safety

• No Wandering!No Wandering!

• Remain in Remain in your seat at all your seat at all times unless times unless otherwise otherwise instructed.instructed.

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Lab Safety• Absolutely NO horseplay!Absolutely NO horseplay!

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Lab Safety• Goggles should always be

worn when using chemicals other than water and when using heat sources.

• Gloves and aprons should be worn when I instruct you to.

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All book bags, All book bags, purses, coats & purses, coats &

other stuff other stuff MUST be placed MUST be placed

under your under your chair or table. chair or table.

Especially Especially during labs!during labs!

Lab Safety

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Back packs• Will not be worn in

this classroom.

• This is a safety hazard.

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We will do a scavenger hunt for a reason!

You should not have to ask me where the

scissors are or where to put broken glass!

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All school rules will be followed.All school rules will be followed.

FU$@ #%&

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Cheating is Cheating is UNACCEPTABLE! UNACCEPTABLE! 

There is absolutely NO talking while taking exams,

quizzes or completing practical assessments.  

Copying HW’s, Lab’s, or any other assignment is

considered cheating.

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In case of fire alarm…

•Turn Right out of room.Turn Right out of room.•exit through D -1exit through D -1stst doors. doors.•Proceed to the grass Proceed to the grass

area of the track.area of the track.•You MUST stay with me.You MUST stay with me.

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End of Class…

As you leave, please make sure the room looks the way it did when you got here.

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End of Class…

Your work area should

not look like a tornado hit it!

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End of Class… Clean up after


Each group will be responsible for the entire table/area.

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End of Class…

Return supplies to their original location

Push in chairs

Throw all trash away 

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This class ends… when the bell rings!

And not a moment sooner!

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This class ends… when the bell rings!

Packing up your belongings early is considered disrespectful and disruptive.

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This class ends… when the bell rings!

Remain in your seat until the bell rings.

Do not stand in my doorway…ever!!!

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I am always looking for Constructive Criticism. 

Especially from you! 

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If there are things you would like to discuss about the class, or

other concerns, please feel free to talk with me. 

See me after school, during a free period, or drop me a note. 

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Thank You

for your

undivided attention throughout this

