  • 8/18/2019 Clifford the Big Red Dog Rules



    Clifford Sweepstakes

    (the “Sweepstakes”)

    By participating in the Sweepstakes, y! agree t "e "!n# "y these O$$icia% R!%es

    an# the #ecisins $ the spnsr $ the Sweepstakes, Bstn &%"e 'e#ia artners

    LLC (“Spnsr”), which are "in#ing an# $ina% n atters re%ating t thisSweepstakes* +he Sweepstakes is s!"ect t a%% app%ica"%e $e#era%, state an# %ca%



    nt increase y!r chances $ winning* .i# where prhi"ite#* Open t %ega%

    resi#ents $ 'assach!setts, wh are -/ years r %#er at the tie $ entry*

    Spnsr, pri0e pr1i#er, an# pri0e pr1i#er2s a#1ertising an# prtin agencies

    (an# each $ their ep%yees, parents, a$$i%iates, s!"si#iaries) an# their respecti1e

    ie#iate $ai%ies an# h!seh%# e"ers are nt e%igi"%e t enter r win*

    3* TO ENTER.  Between -345545- a** Eastern +ie (“E+”) n Apri% --, 35-6 an#

    --478478 p** E+ n Apri% -/, 35-6 (the “Entry eri#”), 1isit "stn*c9pr

    (“:e"site”) an# cp%ete an# s!"it an $$icia% registratin $r !sing the

    prtin c#e “CLIFFOR;” (“Entry”)* Liit ne Entry per persn* ;!p%icate

    Entries an# Entries generate# "y script, acr, ther a!tate# eans, r "y any

    eans which s!"1ert the entry prcess wi%% "e 1i#*

  • 8/18/2019 Clifford the Big Red Dog Rules


    party pr#!ct r ser1ice re%ate# t the ri0e* Spnsr is nt %ia"%e $r in!ries,

    %sses, r #aages $ any kin# arising $r participatin in this Sweepstakes an#

    !se $ the ri0e* :inner !st cp%y with any thir# party ters an# cn#itins

    app%ica"%e t the re#eptin an# !se $ the ri0e*

    :inner ay nt s!"stit!te, assign, r trans$er the ri0e r re#ee the ri0e $r

    cash* :inner is respnsi"%e $r a%% app%ica"%e $e#era%, state, an# %ca% ta?es, as we%%as any ther csts an# e?penses assciate# with the ri0e* :inner $r$eits any

    !n!se# prtins $ the ri0e* +he awar#ing $ any ri0e is cntingent n $!%%

    cp%iance with these O$$icia% R!%es* I$ a :inner is $!n# t ha1e 1i%ate# the

    O$$icia% R!%es r therwise #es nt eet e%igi"i%ity criteria, that :inner wi%% $r$eit

    the ri0e an# the ri0e ay "e awar#e# t an a%ternate winner*

    7* PRIVACY AND PUBLICITY* E?cept where %ega%%y prhi"ite#, "y entering an#

    pr1i#ing the re>!ire# entry in$ratin, :inner cnsents t "e phtgraphe# "y r

    n "eha%$ $ the Spnsr an# perits Spnsr, its parent crpratins, s!"si#iaries,

    a$$i%iates, agents, an# assigns, t !se :inner2s nae, %ikeness, phtgraph, city rtwn $ resi#ence, Entry, an# any ateria%s :inner s!"its t Spnsr (“Entrant

    'ateria%s”) in a%% e#ia, thr!gh!t the :r%#, in perpet!ity, an# $r any p!rpse

    (inc%!#ing a#1ertising, p!"%icity, an#9r tra#e p!rpses), with!t ntice t :inner

    an# with!t $!rther cpensatin*

    Entrants agree that Spnsr ay !se their Entrant 'ateria%s an# any ther

    persna%%y i#enti$ia"%e in$ratin c%%ecte# r !se# in cnnectin with the

    Sweepstakes in accr#ance with the pri1acy p%icy pste# n www*"stn*c*

    Entrants $!rther agree that Spnsr has the right t !se the Entrant 'ateria%s in

    c"inatin with s!ch ther ateria% as Spnsr in its s%e #iscretin sha%%

    #eterine, an# that Entrants ha1e n right $ appr1a%, c%ai t cpensatin r

    "ene$its c%ai, inc%!#ing with!t %iitatin, c%ais "ase# !pn in1asin $ pri1acy,

    #e$aatin, r right $ p!"%icity arising !t $ any !se $ Entrant 'ateria%s*

    6* RELEASE* Re%ease# arties (as #e$ine# "e%w) are nt respnsi"%e $r %st, %ate,

    incp%ete, #aage#, inacc!rate, st%en, #e%aye#, is#irecte#, !n#e%i1ere#, r

    gar"%e# entries r eai% $r whate1er ca!se r ther errrs whether h!an,

    echanica%, e%ectrnic, cp!ter, netwrk, typgraphica%, printing r therwise

    re%ating t r in cnnectin with the Sweepstakes* Re%ease# arties are a%s nt

    respnsi"%e $r any incrrect r inacc!rate in$ratin, whether ca!se# "y :e"site

    !sers, tapering, hacking, r "y any e>!ipent r prgraing assciate# with r

    !ti%i0e# in the Sweepstakes* Re%ease# arties are nt respnsi"%e $r in!ry r

    #aage t participants r t any ther persns cp!ter re%ate# t r res!%ting

    $r participating in this Sweepstakes r #wn%a#ing ateria%s $r r !se $ the

    :e"site* ersns wh taper with r a"!se any aspect $ the Sweepstakes r

    :e"site, wh are in 1i%atin $ these O$$icia% R!%es, as s%e%y #eterine# "y

    2095202.1 2

  • 8/18/2019 Clifford the Big Red Dog Rules


    Spnsr, wi%% "e #is>!a%i$ie# an# a%% assciate# Entries wi%% "e 1i#* Spnsr

    reser1es the right at its s%e #iscretin t s!spen#, #i$y r terinate the

    Sweepstakes at any tie an# $r any reasn, inc%!#ing, "!t nt %iite# t, i$ any

    prtin $ the Sweepstakes is, in Spnsr2s s%e pinin, cprise# "y 1ir!s,

    wrs, "!gs, nn=a!thri0e# h!an inter1entin r ther ca!ses which, in the s%e

    pinin $ the Spnsr, crr!pt r ipair the a#inistratin, sec!rity, $airness r

    prper p%ay, r s!"issin $ Entries, an#, i$ terinate#, Spnsr ay se%ect thetentia% :inner in a ran# #rawing $r ang a%% nn=s!spect, e%igi"%e Entries

    recei1e# $r s!ch #rawing prir t actin taken r as therwise #eee# $air an#

    apprpriate "y Spnsr*

    By participating, Entrants agree that Spnsr, s!pp%iers $ the ri0e, an# their

    respecti1e parents, a$$i%iates, s!"si#iaries an# a#1ertising an# prtin agencies

    an# a%% $ their respecti1e $$icers, #irectrs, ep%yees, representati1es an# agents

    (c%%ecti1e%y, “Re%ease# arties”) wi%% ha1e n %ia"i%ity whatse1er $r, an# sha%% "e

    he%# har%ess "y Entrants against, any %ia"i%ity, $r any in!ries, %sses r #aages

    $ any kin#, inc%!#ing #eath, t persns, r prperty res!%ting in wh%e r in part,#irect%y r in#irect%y, $r acceptance, pssessin, is!se r !se $ the pri0e r

    participatin in this Sweepstakes* In the e1ent $ a #isp!te regar#ing Entries

    recei1e# $r !%tip%e !sers ha1ing the sae e=ai% acc!nt, the a!thri0e#

    s!"scri"er $ the eai% acc!nt at the tie $ entry wi%% "e #eee# t "e the

    Entrant an# !st cp%y with these O$$icia% R!%es* A!thri0e# acc!nt s!"scri"er is

    the nat!ra% persn wh is assigne# the e=ai% a##ress "y the internet ser1ice

    pr1i#er (IS), n%ine ser1ice pr1i#er, r ther rgani0atin respnsi"%e $r

    assigning e=ai% a##resses*

    Any an# a%% c%ais, !#gents an# awar#s wi%% "e %iite# t act!a% !t=$=pcketcsts inc!rre#, inc%!#ing csts assciate# with participating in this Sweepstakes "!t

    in n e1ent attrneys $ees an# !n#er n circ!stances wi%% any Entrant "e

    peritte# t "tain awar#s $r, an# here"y wai1es a%% rights t c%ai, p!niti1e,

    inci#enta%, an# cnse>!entia% #aages an# any ther #aages, ther than $r

    act!a% !t=$=pcket e?penses, an# any an# a%% rights t ha1e #aages !%tip%ie# r

    therwise increase#*

    * GOVERNING LAW/JURISDICTION* +he Sweepstakes an# these O$$icia% R!%es

    are g1erne# "y an# sha%% "e cnstr!e# in accr#ance with the s!"stanti1e %aws $ 

    the Cnwea%th $ 'assach!setts (as #isting!ishe# $r the chice $ %aw r!%es)an# the Unite# States $ Aerica app%ica"%e t cntracts a#e an# per$re#

    entire%y in 'assach!setts an# where the re%e1ant cntacts are with s!ch state*

    E?cept where prhi"ite#, as a cn#itin $ participating in this Sweepstakes,

    Entrants agree that any an# a%% #isp!tes, c%ais an# ca!ses $ actin arising !t $ 

    r cnnecte# with this Sweepstakes, the pri0es awar#e#, r the #eterinatin $ 

    the :inner sha%% "e res%1e# in#i1i#!a%%y, with!t resrt t any $r $ c%ass actin*

    Entrants $!rther agree that in any ca!se $ actin, the Re%ease# arties entire

    2095202.1 3

  • 8/18/2019 Clifford the Big Red Dog Rules


    %ia"i%ity wi%% "e %iite# t the cst $ entering an# participating in the Sweepstakes,

    an# in n e1ent sha%% the Re%ease# arties "e %ia"%e $r attrneys $ees an#9r

    e?perts $ees an# csts* By entering, Entrants wai1e the right t c%ai any #aages

    whatse1er, inc%!#ing, "!t nt %iite# t, p!niti1e, cnse>!entia%, #irect, r in#irect

    #aages an# $!rther wai1e a%% rights t ha1e #aages !%tip%ie# r increase#*

    8. WINNER’S NAME* Fr the nae $ the :inner(s), sen# a se%$=a##resse# stape#en1e%pe t4 C%i$$r# Sweepstakes, c9 Bstn &%"e 'e#ia artners LLC, -!ests $r :inner naes !st "e recei1e#

    n %ater than 65 #ays $r the #rawing #ate #escri"e# in paragraph
