Page 1: Codons, Genes and Networks Bioinformatics service Math@Bio group of M.Gromov Andrei Zinovyev

Codons, Genes and Networks

Bioinformatics service

Math@Bio group of M.Gromov

Andrei Zinovyev

Page 2: Codons, Genes and Networks Bioinformatics service Math@Bio group of M.Gromov Andrei Zinovyev

Plan of the talk Part I: 7-clusters structure of

genome (codons and genes)

Part II: Coding and non-coding DNA scaling laws (genes and networks)

Page 3: Codons, Genes and Networks Bioinformatics service Math@Bio group of M.Gromov Andrei Zinovyev

Part I: 7-clusters genome structure

Dr. Tatyana Popova

R&D Centre in Biberach, Germany

Prof. Alexander Gorban

Centre for Mathematical Modelling

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Genomic sequence as a text in unknown language


frequency dictionaries:t a g g g a c g c a c g t g g t g a g c t g a t g c t a g g g

ta gg ga cg ca cg tg gt ga gc tg at gc ta gg

tag gga cgc acg tgg tga gct gat gct agg

tagg gacg cacg tggt gagc tgat gcta gggr

N = 4=41

N = 16=42

N = 64=43






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From text to geometrycgtggtgagctgatgctagggacgcacgtggtgagctgatgctagggacgacgtggtgagctgatgctagggacgc




10000-20000 fragments


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Method of visualizationprincipal components analysis




PCA plot

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Caulobacter crescentus

singles N=4

doublets N=16

triplets N=64

quadruplets N=256


the information in genomic sequence is encodedby non-overlapping triplets (Nature, 1961)

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First explanation


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tga tgc tag ggr cgc acg tgg

ctg atg cta ggg rcg cac gtg

Basic 7-cluster structure


gct gat gct agg grc gca cgt


atc ggt ggg tga gtg tgc tgc

tcg gtg ggt gag tgt gct gct

cgg tgg gtg agt gtg ctg ctg

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Non-coding parts

gtgagctgatgctagggr cgcacgaat

Point mutations:insertions, deletions


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The flower-like 7 clusters structure is flat










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Seven classes vs Seven clusters

StanfordTIGRGeorgia Institute of Technology

Hong-Yu Ou, Feng-Biao Guo and Chun-Ting Zhang (2003). Analysis of nucleotide distribution in the genome of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) using the Z curve method. FEBS Letters 540(1-3),188-194

Audic, S. and J. Claverie. Self-identification of protein-coding regions in microbial genomes.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 95(17):10026-31, 1998.

Lomsadze A., Ter-Hovhannisyan V., Chernoff YO, Borodovsky M.Gene identification in novel eukaryotic genomes byself-training algorithm. Nucleic Acids Research, 2005, Vol. 33, No. 20

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Computational gene prediction

Accuracy >90%

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Mean-field approximationfor triplet frequencies


FIJK : Frequency of triplet IJK ( I,J,K {A,C,G,T} ):

FAAA , FAAT , FAAC … FGGC , FGGG : 64 numbers

position-specific letter frequency + correlations

: 12 numbersjiP

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Why hexagonal symmetry?







GC-content = PC + PG

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Genome codon usageand mean-field approximation

ggtgaATG gat gct agg … gtc gca cgc TAAtgagct

correct frameshift

64 frequencies FIJK

ggtgaATG gat gct agg … gtc gca cgc TAAtgagct

12 frequencies PI1 , PJ

2 , PK3

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PIJ are linear functions of GC-content



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R12 R64


JP3K + correlations

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Codon usage signature


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19 possible eubacterialsignatures

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Example: Palindromic signatures

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Four symmetry typesof the basic 7-cluster structure




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B.Halodurans (GC=44%)

S.Coelicolor (GC=72%)

F.Nucleatum (GC=27%)

E.Coli (GC=51%)

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Using branching principal components to analyze 7-clusters genome structures

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Streptomyces coelicolor

Bacillus halodurans Ercherichia coli

Fusobacterium nucleatum

Using branching principal components to analyze 7-clusters genome structures

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cluster structures in genomic sequences

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Papers (type Zinovyev in Google)

Gorban A, Zinovyev AGorban A, Zinovyev APCA deciphers genome.PCA deciphers genome. 2005. Arxiv preprint

Gorban A, Popova T, Zinovyev A Gorban A, Popova T, Zinovyev A Codon usage trajectories and 7-cluster structure of 143 complete Codon usage trajectories and 7-cluster structure of 143 complete bacterial genomic sequences.bacterial genomic sequences. 2005. Physica A 353, 365-387

Gorban A, Popova T, Zinovyev AGorban A, Popova T, Zinovyev AFour basic symmetry types in the universal 7-cluster structure of Four basic symmetry types in the universal 7-cluster structure of microbial genomic sequences. microbial genomic sequences. 2005. In Silico Biology 5, 0025

Gorban A, Zinovyev A, Popova T Seven clusters in genomic triplet distributionsSeven clusters in genomic triplet distributions. 2003. In Silico Biology. V.3, 0039.

Zinovyev A, Gorban A, Popova T Self-Organizing Approach for Automated Gene IdentificationSelf-Organizing Approach for Automated Gene Identification. 2003. Open Systems and Information Dynamics 10 (4).

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Part II:Coding and non-coding DNA scaling laws

Dr. Thomas Fink

Bioinformatics service

Dr. Sebastian Ahnert

Cavendish laboratory,University of Cambridge

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C-value and G-valueparadox Neither genome length nor gene

number account for complexity of an organism

Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) C=120Mb

Podisma pedestris (mountain grasshopper) C=1650 Mb

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Non-linear growth of regulation

Mattick, J. S. Nature Reviews Genetics 5, 316–323 (2004).

“Amount of regulation” scales non-linearly with the number of genes: every new gene with a new function requires specific regulation, but the regulators also need to be regulated

Log number of genes

Log n









Slope = 1.96

Slope = 1

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Complexity ceiling for prokaryotes

Adding a new function S requires adding a regulatory overhead R, the total increase isN = R + S

Since R ~ N2 , at some point R > S,i.e. gain from a new function is too

expensive for an organism, it requires toomuch regulation to be integrated

There is a maximum possible genome lengthThere is a maximum possible genome lengthfor prokaryotes (~10Mb)for prokaryotes (~10Mb)

There is a maximum possible genome lengthThere is a maximum possible genome lengthfor prokaryotes (~10Mb)for prokaryotes (~10Mb)

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How eukaryotes bypassed this limitation?

Presumably, they invented a cheaper (digital) regulatory system, based on RNA

This regulatory information is stored in the “non-coding” DNA

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Simple model:Accelerated networks

Node is a gene (c genes)Edge is a “regulation” (n edges)

n = c2

Connectivity < kmax,

regulators are onlyproteins

Connectivity > kmax

deficit of regulations is takenfrom non-coding DNA

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How much regulation genome needs to take from non-coding DNA?

)(2 max


max ccc


cmax (prokaryotic ceiling)

These regulations must be encoded in the non-coding part of genome, therefore

N – non-coding DNA lengthC – coding DNA lengthCprok – ceiling for prokaryotes (~10Mb)

some coefficient

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Observation:coding length vs non-coding


Minimumnon-codinglength neededfor the «deficit»regulation

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Hypothesis Prokaryotes:<Non-coding length> = <Coding length> (little constant add-on, promoters, UTRs…)

15% ≈ 1/7

EukaryotesNreg = /2 C/Cmaxprok(C-Cmaxprok) ~ C2,

Cmaxprok ≈ 10Mb ≈

This is the amount necessary for regulation, but repeats, genome parasites, etc., might make a genome much bigger

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This is only a hypothesis, but…

Prediction on the Nreg for human:

Nreg = 87 Mb = 3% of genome length

C = 48 Mb = 1.7%

Nreg+C = 4.7%

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Thank you for your attention Questions?
