Page 1: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español

Activities Plan

Mr. Zimmerman




Date   Activities  Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

Tuesday, March 24th Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4

Wednesday, March 25th Worksheet 5 Worksheet 6

Thursday, March 26th Worksheet 7 Worksheet 8

Friday, March 27th Worksheet 9 Worksheet 10

Monday, March 30th Worksheet 11 Worksheet 12

Tuesday, March 31st Worksheet 13 Worksheet 14

Wednesday, April 1st Worksheet 15 Worksheet 16

Thursday, April 2nd Worksheet 17 Worksheet 18

Friday, April 3rd Worksheet 19 Worksheet 20

Page 2: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020

Name________________________________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________________________________________________ Worksheet 1 Reading Comprehension Read the passage. Answer the questions below. Body Language: How do humans and other animals communicate with each other? Of course, humans communicate verbally by talking and making other sounds like laughing. Most other mammals also communicate by making sounds as well. Sophisticated intelligent mammals, especially dolphins and whales, possess well developed verbal skills and communicate with high pitched sounds that carry through the water. Researchers are actively working on deciphering and interpreting these sounds in order to understand dolphin and whale language. Verbal communication is accompanied by non-verbal body language that also conveys meaning and emotion. Body language includes facial expression, posture, position of the arms and many other cues that help in understanding the meaning of verbal communication. In the absence of verbal communication body language can be sufficient to convey meaning. Sometimes merely a stern look from Mom or Dad or a teacher lets you know that you are not behaving properly; no words are necessary! Compare these two scenes. Your brother hides a rubber snake under the covers of your bed. Smiling, you toss it at him and say, “I hate you!” In scene two, shaking with rage, you hurl it at him and yell, “I hate you!” In these two scenes the verbal communication, the words spoken, is identical but the body language is entirely different. It’s easy to see from these two cases how important non-verbal body language is in how verbal communication is interpreted by someone else. The best actors not only speak well but also use subtle changes in facial expression and overall body language when portraying a character to make the character real. Some body language is a result of automatic body responses. For example, people automatically react to an unexpected loud noise. Successful people are aware of their body language and its effect on others. As a result, they learn to control their body language. Have you heard the term “poker face?” Good poker players control their facial expression and other body language so their opponents have no idea whether they have a winning hand or are just bluffing.

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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020 Circle the correct answer.

1. Verbal communication includes

a. Posture

b. Facial expression

c. Words

d. All of the above

2. Whales and dolphins communicate by using

a. Low-pitched sounds

b. High-pitched sounds

c. Both a. and b.

d. None of the above

3. What kind of communication is body language?

a. Non-verbal

b. Verbal

c. Both a. and b.

d. None of the above

4. Good actors are masters at

a. Verbal communication

b. Non-verbal communication

c. Both a. and b.

d. None of the above

5. An example of an automatic body response is

a. Being startled by a loud noise

b. Yelling

c. Folding arms over the chest

d. All of the above

6. Successful people are?

a. Aware of their body language

b. Aware of the effects of their body language

c. Both a. and b.

d. None of the above

Page 4: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020    



Worksheet 2


Use the vocabulary words to answer the questions.

abundant adjoining adopted alive although

approached attend attractive auntie bottom

1. You must __________________ school if you want to learn.

2. His sister was __________________ by his parents when she was a baby.

3. He lived in a row of ______________________ town houses.

4. Water was very _____________________ in the mountains because there were many


5. They _______________________ the edge of the cliff carefully.

6. She was thankful to be ______________ after the car accident.

7. He found the ring at the ___________________ of the swimming pool.

8. She was a very _____________________ woman.

9. _________________ he was not the only person to make the mess he had to clean it up.

10. He called his mother’s sister _____________.




Page 5: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020 Name________________________________________________________________________________


Worksheet 3 Reading Comprehension Read the passage. Answer the questions below A Little about Shakespeare: Is knowing about William Shakespeare important in the 21st Century or is it Much Ado About Nothing (the title of one of his famous plays)? William Shakespeare lived in England from 1564 until his death in 1616. Shakespeare did not come from a prominent family; his father was a glove maker. As was typical of the times, Shakespeare left school at age fifteen and began working for his father. Shakespeare married when he was eighteen and ten years later he was making a living as a well-known actor and playwright in the London theatre. The plays he wrote were hugely successful in his lifetime. Thirty-eight of his plays are published today, nearly 400 years after they were written and first performed. Experts expect that Shakespeare wrote more plays but copies no longer exist. Since the plays were new, only copies for the actors were made. Many historical records and copies of plays were destroyed when the theatre Shakespeare worked with burned in 1613. Shakespeare’s thirty-eight existing plays fall into several major categories. The histories are based upon historical events focused on kings, wars and power struggles among the ruling class of England. Three historical plays are known as the Roman plays because they are about rulers of Ancient Rome; one play is entitled Julius Caesar and another is Antony and Cleopatra. Twelve of Shakespeare’s plays are classified as comedies. These comedies are not like the light-hearted comedy movies we watch today. Shakespeare’s comedies utilize mistaken identity, love at first sight, or some form of trickery as the comedic theme but also contain tragic parts set in complicated plots. The comedies are still performed frequently, especially for summertime theatres. The tragedies are Shakespeare’s most powerful works; each tragedy centers around one major character that has a fatal human flaw like jealousy or pride. Macbeth, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet continue to be favorites even now. Actors and actresses find it a challenge to play these well-known characters. Shakespeare remains popular because his plays center on the flaws of human nature and timeless conflicts.

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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020 1. Shakespeare lived in:

a. England

b. France

c. Spain

d. Italy

2. Shakespeare’s education included:

a. Greek and Latin

b. Studying the great Greek plays

c. Attendance at the university

d. None of the above

3. Besides being a playwright, Shakespeare was also a well-known:

a. Comedian

b. Glove maker

c. Actor

d. Musician

4. Shakespeare’s histories are focused on:

a. Ordinary people

b. Kings

c. Romance

d. All of the above

5. A common theme in Shakespeare’s comedies is:

a. Sight gags

b. Mistaken identity

c. Riddles

d. None of the above

6. Shakespeare’s tragedies are focused on

a. Death of family members

b. Natural disasters

c. A major character flaw

d. War

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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020



Worksheet 4


Use the vocabulary words to answer the questions.

brass Christmas cousin cozy death

deadly dingy emery excuse expression

1. He used the _____________ cloth to shine the stone.

2. The fireplace made the cabin feel __________ and warm.

3. The rattlesnake has _______________ venom.

4. Can you please _________________ yourself from the table and wash your hands.

5. Her jeans were dirty and had a ____________ color.

6. The ship’s bell was shiny and made of solid _____________.

7. His ______________ was the son of his father’s brother.

8. After the __________________ of his dog he did not want to get another one.

9. ________________________ is the favorite holiday of many children.

10. By the ______________________ on his face the joke was very funny.




Page 8: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020

Name________________________________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________________________________________________ Worksheet 5 Reading Comprehension Read the passage. Answer the questions below Swimmer  Extraordinaire:  Not many champion swimmers achieve Olympic records but in 1912 Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku won Olympic Gold and set a new world’s record in the 100- meter freestyle event. The 1916 Olympic Games were canceled because of World War I but Duke went on to keep his Gold Medal standing again in 1920. Duke learned to swim in the ocean when he was just four years old. Swimming was his passion and every day after school he headed for the blue water near his home. Soon he was swimming miles every day. As a teen he watched the technique of elite Australian swimmers who were in Hawaii on a visit. After seeing the foreign swimmers Duke developed a flutter kick and a new crawl stroke that were more efficient at propelling a swimmer through the water. Fortunately for Duke, the Hawaiian Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) was formed in 1910 which meant that Hawaiian athletes could vie for spots on the U.S. Olympic team. At the first AAU swim meet in Hawaii, Duke broke three national AAU swimming records. He was invited to travel to the mainland and try out for the U.S. Olympic swim team. Friends helped Duke raise the money needed to reach Los Angeles, a long boat trip across the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, in California Duke experienced racial discrimination in public places due to his skin color. The first Olympic qualifying swim meet that Duke participated in was in Chicago in February where he experienced cold weather for the first time. In the subsequent qualifying meet in Pittsburg, Duke’s left leg cramped due to the cold and he had to be hauled out of the pool. The following day, he redeemed himself by setting two new world records. He went on from there to Olympic gold in the 1912 games. Since the 1916 Olympic Games were canceled, Duke competed in the 1920 games when he was 30 years old, again winning Olympic Gold. In 1922 Duke returned to California where he appeared in movies. Unfortunately, following the norm of the times, Duke always played a stereotypical native chief. Duke competed again in the 1924 Olympic Games but his former Olympic record was beaten by another topnotch American swimmer, Johnny Weissmuller. Duke planned to compete again in the 1928 Olympic Games; he trained but did not compete due to illness. He returned to Hawaii where he died in 1968.

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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020 1. Duke Kahanamoku competed in the

a. 100-meter butterfly

b. 100-meter freestyle

c. 10k marathon

d. None of the above

2. Duke Kahanamoku began swimming in the ocean at the age of

a. Four

b. Eight

c. Ten

d. Twelve

3. Duke Kahanamoku’s swimming technique was influenced by swimmers from

a. Germany

b. Austria

c. Australia

d. Canada

4. Duke Kahanamoku developed his own

a. Crawl style

b. Butterfly style

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

5. At first Duke Kahanamoku performed poorly at an Olympic qualifying meet in

a. Los Angeles

b. Chicago

c. Pittsburg

d. Boston

6. When Duke Kahanamoku was a movie actor he portrayed

a. A swimmer

b. An athlete

c. A native chief

d. All of the above



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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020



Worksheet 6


Use the vocabulary words to answer the questions.

extreme fireplace fittings forenoon formerly

fortunate garret handy hearth hurry

1. He found _________________ joy in giving to others.

2. The ___________________ in the room were new and extremely expensive.

3. He was very ____________ with tools and could fix anything.

4. The Christmas decorations were stored in the _____________________.

5. They were ________________ to not be injured in the car accident.

6. We have a cup of tea together every ________________.

7. She was in such a ____________________ she tripped and fell.

8. He was ____________________ known as the coach of the basketball team.

9. She dropped the tile on the stone ____________ and it broke.

10. The ___________________ kept the house warm in the winter.




Page 11: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020

Name________________________________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________________________________________________ Worksheet 7 Reading Comprehension

Read the passage. Answer the questions below

Heat Conduction and Insulation: Have you ever boiled water? Almost as if by magic,

applying enough heat from the stove burner causes the water to boil and ultimately change

state from a liquid to steam, the gaseous state of water. The stove derives its heat energy

from natural gas or electricity while microwave cooking relies on electromagnetic energy to

change the state of food. Water boils because heat energy was transferred from the heat

source to the water. When sufficient heat energy transfers from one substance to another, it

causes changes in the state of matter. The three classical states of matter are solid, liquid

and gas. Conduction is the passage of energy through something. Heat energy always

moves from substances with high heat energy to those of lower heat energy; the laws of

physics state that heat transfers from warmer matter to cooler matter. If you think about it,

these laws of physics explain why your skin burns when you touch a hot pan on the stove or

dish that’s just come out of the oven. Metals are good conductors of heat which is why

metal pots are used extensively for cooking on the stove. Of course, metal cookware is not

suitable for microwave cooking. Ceramics are also good conductors of heat, which explains

why early civilizations made their cookware from fired clay which creates a type of ceramic

material. Conversely, ceramic floor tiles are ideal for flooring in warm climates. Heat flows

from warm human feet to the cool tile; the transfer of heat out of the body makes a person

feel cooler. Insulation prevents or reduces the conduction of heat. A wonderful example of

insulation is a polar bear’s fur. A polar bear has two layers of fur. The dense inner layer which

preserves body heat lies next to the bear’s black skin. The dark skin naturally absorbs rays

from the sun, adding to the bear’s warmth. The outer layer of fur, called guard hairs, consists

of hollow hairs that are essentially filled with air. Since air is a poor conductor of heat, the

guard hairs also help to keep the polar bear warm. Humans utilize the insulating property of

air when they dress in layers during cold weather.

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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020 1. Which of the following is a state of matter?

a. Insulation

b. Conduction

c. Liquid

d. None of the above

2. Microwave cooking utilizes

a. Electromagnetic energy

b. Coercion

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

3. Heat energy

a. Moves from high energy to low energy

b. Moves from low energy to high energy

c. Moves in both directions

d. Maintains equilibrium

4. Ceramic floor tiles are an example of

a. Insulation

b. Conduction

c. Change in state

d. All of the above

5. Which of the following is a good conductor of heat?

a. Metal

b. Air

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

6. Dressing in layers of clothing in cold weather is an example of

a. Insulation

b. Conduction

c. Change in state

d. All of the above

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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020



Worksheet 8


Use the vocabulary words to answer the questions.

husband ill kindly laughingly lining

mantel meantime mingled moderate narrow

1. They ran quickly down the __________________________ hallway.

2. The child fell _____________ and missed two months of school.

3. Her ________________before his death was thought to be rich.

4. In the ________________ I would like both of you to be quiet.

5. He ________________ in and out of the people at the party.

6. He acted _______________ kindly as he greeted people at the door.

7. She _____________________ ignored the rude comment.

8. The ________________ climate of the area made it a desirable destination for


9. The _________________ of the jacket was thick and kept her very warm.

10. The old woman liked to keep flowers on the ___________________ of the fireplace.


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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020



Worksheet 9

Reading Comprehension

Read the passage. Answer the questions below

Making Movies: Car chases, heroes and villains dangling from buildings, or enormous explosions keep movie viewers on the edge of their seats and make for top-selling movies. The magic of movies is that their creation is done by movie magicians who are experts at creating enormous illusions through the use of special effects. It only appears that the action on the screen actually occurred. Many people are involved in the creation of a movie; the entire group of people involved in making the movie is called the film crew. The film crew includes the two top individuals involved in the film: the producer, who raises the money needed to make the movie, and the director, who is in charge of what the actors and the rest of the film crew do. The film crew includes many talented people who work as camera operators, make-up artists or create special effects. Camera operators have a complex task and must be experts at using sophisticated camera equipment. Their expertise must be capable of getting good close-up shots of actors’ faces as well as handling panoramic scenes of major disasters. Bluescreen technology is the technique that movie makers utilize to create those breathtaking scenes of actors hanging precipitously from ledges. The illusion is created in several stages. In one step, camera operators film the background, such as the cliffs or side of the building. In another step, inside a film studio the actors provide the action for the scene in a safe and controlled environment. The filming is done with a blue or green screen as background. Finally, computer technology is used to remove the plain colored background and replace it with background filmed for the scene. On those occasions when an action scene is filmed as live action, stunt doubles often perform the live action instead of actor. A stunt actor is highly experienced at performing dangerous tricks for movies. The stunt actor does the action with filming at a distance so movie goers don’t see the face. When the film is edited, the scenes performed by the actor are inserted. The illusion is that the movie character was performing all the action.

Page 15: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020 1. The film crew refers to just

a. Camera operators

b. Special effects creators

c. Stunt doubles

d. None of the above

2. The movie producer is responsible for

a. Raising money

b. Directing the film crew

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

3. The movie director works with

a. The producer

b. Actors

c. Film crew

d. All of the above

4. Bluescreen technology is often used in

a. Romantic movies

b. Action movies

c. Documentaries

d. All of the above

5. Bluescreen technology uses what color background?

a. Blue

b. Green

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

6. A stunt double

a. Performs action scenes instead of an actor

b. Sets up action scenes

c. Doubles as a member of the film crew

d. None of the above

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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020  




Worksheet 10


Use the vocabulary words to answer the questions.

needle-book nooks none old orphan

pincushion pleasant pocket book poor power

1. She looked in the cupboard for sugar but found _____________.

2. The _______ man and his wife had been married for 50 years.

3. He kept a picture of his family in his ________________________.

4. It was a __________________ day so they went to the park to play.

5. There were dark shadows in all the _______________ of the room.

6. The little boy had been an _______________ since he was two years old.

7. They had been _____________ for many years and ate only beans and rice.

8. After lifting the heavy boxes he felt he had no ______________ in his arms.

9. She stored her needles in her ______________________.

10. She stuck her pins into a _______________________ shaped like a strawberry.



Page 17: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020  


Name________________________________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________________________________________________ Worksheet 11 Reading Comprehension Read the passage. Answer the questions below What  is  Food  Poisoning? Listen to the news these days and, more often than we’d care to hear, some food product is being recalled by the manufacturer due to the possibility of contamination by bacteria. Contaminated food is the cause of food poisoning and the most frequent bacterial contaminants are E. coli, the abbreviation for the full scientific name Escherichia coli, and Salmonella. The bacteria name of Salmonella is the straight line behind old jokes about eating at Sam and Ella’s café. Food poisoning is a serious illness, especially for children and the elderly. While mild food poisoning caused by ingesting just a small amount of bacteria results in an upset stomach and a bit of diarrhea, a severe case of food poisoning also includes abdominal cramps and vomiting. Once the bacteria multiply in a person’s body, the individual gets sicker and prolonged vomiting and diarrhea result in dehydration, a life-threatening condition, and the loss of critical tissue salts. Individuals usually require hospitalization, intravenous (I-V) fluids and antibiotics. Food poisoning can be fatal; the news will report the number of fatalities associated with an outbreak of food poisoning. The bacteria that cause food poisoning naturally live with farm animals without causing any harm. The possibility of food poisoning from Salmonella inside eggs has risen in the past decades. Researchers have discovered that hens are transmitting the bacteria to their eggs, which did not occur as often in the past. If meat, poultry and eggs are not properly refrigerated and cooked thoroughly enough to kill existing bacteria, live bacteria enter the human body when the food is ingested. Humans rely on certain helpful strains of E. coli bacteria living in the intestines to maintain a healthy digestive system. However, harmful animal strains of E. coli cause illness when they reach the human intestinal tract and multiply. These harmful bacteria lodge in the human intestinal wall, attaching to human cells with their special surface proteins. The capsule-shaped bacteria also secrete a poison and damage the cells to which they are attached. Bloody diarrhea results as the affected intestinal cells die.

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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020

1. Food poisoning is caused by contamination by

a. Bacteria

b. Viruses

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

2. Which of the following are symptoms of food poisoning?

a. Cough

b. Rash

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

3. Severe food poisoning results in life-threatening

a. Allergy attack

b. Dehydration

c. Seizures

d. Coma

4. There has been a recent rise in the threat of food poisoning from

a. Beef

b. Pork

c. Poultry

d. Eggs

5. The best prevention of food poisoning is

a. Washing

b. Thorough cooking

c. Good packaging

d. All of the above

6. Some strains of E. coli

a. Are helpful to humans

b. Are harmful to humans

c. Don’t affect humans

d. All of the above

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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020  




Worksheet 12


Use the vocabulary words to answer the questions.

relatives ribbon rich rocking chair rubbish

scanty scoured sincerely stairway suddenly

1. Please throw all your ___________________ in the trash can after you eat.

2. The teacher spoke _______________________ with the students about the problem.

3. It began to thunder and rain ______________________________.

4. Do not run or jump while going up or down the ____________________________.

5. Some say being ____________ has nothing to do with how much money you have.

6. The ________________________ I had as a child was handed down for generations.

7. The _______________________ in the girls hair must be blue or red.

8. They _________________ the bathroom to get rid of all the germs.

9. There was only a _________________ amount of food left.

10. Our ______________________ from Nebraska came to visit last week.



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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020  


Name________________________________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________________________________________________ Worksheet 13 Reading Comprehension Read the passage. Answer the questions below The Value of Urban Trees: Normally when we think of a forest we picture a wooded area somewhere with acres of trees. However, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) through the U.S. Forest Service has an office dedicated to its Urban and Community Forestry Program. This program, as its name implies, sponsors programs that promote the development of trees in city and town settings. Maintaining healthy urban trees is as important as maintaining healthy forests in rural areas. One of the major benefits of urban trees is saving energy and reducing energy needs. Adding more trees in urban areas can eliminate the need for building new electricity generating plants. The USDA states that utility companies can afford to help communities add more trees to lower peak energy demands during the summer. Summer temperatures in an urban area can be 3 to 8 degrees warmer than a nearby rural area; this is known as the urban heat island effect. The urban heat island effect results from the tremendous number of buildings and paved areas that absorb and retain heat. Shade keeps buildings and paved surfaces cooler in the summer. Properly placed trees around buildings can block the morning or afternoon sun from coming through windows and raising the inside temperature. Urban trees also reduce overall air temperature through evapotranspiration. As part of the Water Cycle, transpiration is the process by which moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves; the moisture changes to vapor and is released to the atmosphere. Evapotranspiration is the return of moisture to the air through evaporation from the soil and transpiration by plants. This process uses solar energy that otherwise would heat the air. Urban trees also improve air quality in cities. Air pollution is responsible for many cases of asthma, coughing, headaches, other respiratory problems and even cancer. Trees are known to reduce dust and other similar particulates in the air. Of course, many people plant trees for their beauty. Trees add color, texture and natural lines to areas containing man-made structures.

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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020 1. The Urban and Community Forestry Program is administered by the

a. Bureau of Land Management

b. U.S. Department of Agriculture

c. Center for Disease Control and Prevention

d. Government Accountability Office

2. What kind of companies would benefit from investing in urban trees?

a. Auto manufacturers

b. Oil companies

c. Utility companies

d. None of the above

3. Summer temperatures in a city are higher than neighboring areas. This is


a. Heat index

b. Relative humidity

c. Evapotranspiration

d. Urban heat island effect

4. In summer, buildings and pavement

a. Reflect heat

b. Absorb heat

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

5. Transpiration is part of the

a. Water Cycle

b. Growth Cycle

c. Heat Cycle

d. All of the above

6. Air pollution is responsible for many cases of

a. Flu

b. Asthma

c. Rash

d. Eczema

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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020



Worksheet 14


Use the vocabulary words to answer the questions.

thimble tripping underneath workbox worn

wrecked waves voyage vessel understand

1. She used a _________________ while she was sewing so she didn’t poke her finger.

2. The ship ____________________ on a sandbar during the storm.

3. The boy was ______________________ on his untied shoe strings.

4. During the storm the __________________ were very high and dangerous.

5. The mechanic kept his tools in his ______________________.

6. She found the dog hiding ___________________________ the kitchen table.

7. The ___________________ was full of goods being shipped from the USA.

8. His pants were so old he had _________________ a hole in the knee.

9. Raise your hand if you do not ____________________________the question.

10. We are taking a long ____________________ from Mexico to Australia.




Page 23: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020

Name________________________________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________________________________________________ Worksheet 15 Reading Comprehension Read the passage. Answer the questions below The Roman Pantheon: Located in Rome, Italy, the Pantheon is one of the most famous buildings remaining from ancient civilizations. Most ancient temples were dedicated to a single god or goddess, such as the Greek Parthenon in Athens which was dedicated solely to the goddess Athena. However, the Pantheon once was the temple that honored all of the Roman gods as indicated by its name. The name derives from the Greek word pan which means “all” and the Greek word theos meaning “gods.” The original Pantheon was built by Marcus Agrippa, a famous general and statesman during the reign of Octavian who ruled the Roman Empire using the name Caesar Augustus. Agrippa’s Pantheon was constructed in 25 B.C. Hadrian, the fourteenth emperor of the Roman Empire, succeeded his adoptive father, Emperor Trajan, in 117 A.D. Hadrian decided to construct a new Pantheon because Agrippa’s Pantheon was struck by lightning and destroyed during Trajan’s reign. Hadrian was an unpopular ruler, perhaps because Romans questioned his right to rule as an adopted son. To gain favor with Romans and provide work, Hadrian began a construction plan to beautify Rome with new buildings which included reconstructing the Pantheon on a grand scale. Hadrian’s new Pantheon, which still stands today, features a perfectly rounded dome, a construction feat unequaled in its time. The impressive dome symbolized the perfect ideal of the Roman Empire as an umbrella over the vast lands until Roman control. Prior civilizations, especially the Ancient Greeks, constructed buildings piecemeal with post-and-lintel construction. In this system, individual pieces of stone were joined together like a giant puzzle. The Romans somehow invented concrete which was highly durable and could be poured into a mold to create the desired shape. Concrete was used to create vaulted ceilings and the dome of the Pantheon. Modern architects and structural engineers marvel at the strength of Roman concrete which built structures that have endured for over 2,000 years.

Page 24: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020 1. Which statement is correct?

a. The Parthenon is Egyptian and the Pantheon is Greek.

b. The Parthenon is Greek and the Pantheon is Roman.

c. The Parthenon is Roman and the Pantheon is Greek

d. The Parthenon is Roman and the Pantheon is Egyptian.

2. The Pantheon honors

a. The goddess Athena

b. All the gods

c. The gods of Athens

d. None of the above

3. The Pantheon was originally built by

a. An emperor

b. A king

c. A general

d. A dictator

4. The original Pantheon was destroyed by

a. Fire caused by lightning

b. Fire from neighboring buildings

c. A great battle

d. An earthquake

5. The major architectural feature of the Pantheon is

a. Columns

b. Statues

c. Frieze work

d. A dome

6. For construction the Ancient Romans invented

a. Concrete

b. Post-and-lintel construction

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above


Page 25: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020



Worksheet 16


Use the vocabulary words to answer the questions.

umbrella tools swarm spars slave

ship shield sharpened servant sea

1. If it is raining, don’t forget to take your ___________________.

2. The knight used his ________________ to block the sword.

3. He used his electricians __________________ to fix the lamp.

4. The ___________________ cleans and takes care of the house.

5. The ___________________ of bees stung the boy many times.

6. The name of my ___________________ in the Navy was the USS Wadsworth(FFG-9).

7. He ___________________________ his pencil before the test began.

8. Nobody should be a _______________ to anybody.

9. I would love to live at ___________ said the sailor.

10. He used ________________ of wood to build the raft.




Page 26: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020

Name________________________________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________________________________________________ Worksheet 17 Reading Comprehension Read the passage. Answer the questions below On Their Toes: The former Soviet Union produced two of the world’s most famous ballet performers, Rudolf Nureyev and Mikhail Baryshnikov. Ballet dancing is a classical form of dance that traces its roots to Italian royalty in the 1500s. Ballet is characterized by combining classic dance movements into a fluid and graceful performance. These movements include high leg positions while dancers are balanced on the tips of their toes. There are many pieces of world renowned classical music that were written to accompany ballet dancing. Ballet movements have become an important part of modern dance as performed by prominent artistic dance troupes today. Rudolf Nureyev was born in 1938 in Siberia. Growing up during World War II, Nureyev could not enter ballet studies at the Leningrad Choreographic School until 1955. He then danced with the Kirov Ballet but, when an international tour was scheduled for the dance troupe, Nureyev was considered too rebellious to represent the ideals of the ruling Communist Party abroad. Nureyev did not dance outside the Soviet Union until 1961 when his violation of Soviet rules while performing in Paris led to threats against his life by Soviet rulers. While in Paris he defected from the Soviet Union. Nureyev quickly gained an international reputation and maintained his role as a top ballet dancer until 1980 when his strength and health began to fail. Beginning in 1983 he worked as the director of the Paris Opera Ballet while continuing to perform. Nureyev died in 1992. Mikhail Baryshnikov was born in the country of Latvia in 1948 when the country was part of the Soviet Union. When he was twelve he began learning ballet and four years later he was attending ballet school in St. Petersburg, Russia and winning international dance competitions. Baryshnikov was invited to join the prestigious Bolshoi Ballet and while on tour in Canada in 1974, he defected from the Soviet Union, seeking political asylum in Canada. Soon he was a principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre and in 1986 he became a naturalized American citizen. Baryshnikov became a household name during the extended Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1980 Baryshnikov traded his role as dancer to become Artistic Director of the American Ballet Theatre. Baryshnikov occasionally still dances and his 1977 televised performance of The Nutcracker is an American holiday favorite.

Page 27: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020 1. Classical ballet

a. Continues to be performed in the United States

b. Has merged with modern dance in the United States

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

2. Rudolf Nureyev could not pursue ballet studies as a child because

a. He was ill

b. His parents did not have the money

c. His father disapproved of dancing

d. None of the above

3. Why did Soviet rulers disapprove of Rudolf Nureyev?

a. He did not follow Soviet rules

b. He experienced religious discrimination

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

4. Mikhail Baryshnikov danced with which of the following ballet companies?

a. Kirov Ballet

b. Bolshoi Ballet

c. Paris Opera Ballet

d. All of the above

5. Mikhail Baryshnikov defected from the Soviet Union while he was performing in

a. France

b. Canada

c. United States

d. None of the above

6. Which dancer became a director of a ballet company?

a. Rudolf Nureyev

b. Mikhail Baryshnikov

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

Page 28: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020



Worksheet 18


Use the vocabulary words to answer the questions.

savages sailor sail rowed rigged

raft protect Portuguese pirates pigeons

1. The ___________________ loved to be on the ship out to sea.

2. The ___________________________ were going to eat the captured men.

3. He used the _____________ to go from the shore to the ship.

4. The _____________________ stole all the food and gold they had on the ship.

5. A ___________________________ ship rescued the men.

6. The ______________ was not working correctly so the ship would not move.

7. He ___________________ the raft with a broken oar.

8. He _______________ the door to open and close by itself.

9. He used the ________________________ pigeons on the island as a source of food.

10. The man made spears from tree branches to ______________________ himself.





Page 29: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020

Name________________________________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________________________________________________ Worksheet 19 Reading Comprehension Read the passage. Answer the questions below A Growing Puppy: Dogs come in many different sizes, shapes and colors depending upon the breed. Yet no matter the breed, all puppies follow a common development into adult dogs. There are seven stages in the development of a puppy into a young adult dog. The growing up process requires six to eighteen months in total depending on the breed. Puppies are born blind and deaf but during the first two to three weeks puppies begin to notice light and sound. Newborn pups don’t have much fur so they lay piled together to keep each other warm. Pups rely on their mother for food and, like other animals, they instinctively suckle. Newborn pups can’t move around. The second stage of growth happens when the puppy is two to four weeks old. Its eyes begin to open; the puppy begins to grow fur; and gets its first “baby” teeth. Stage three occurs when the puppy is four to twelve weeks of age. The puppy can walk, see and hear better. It starts playing with its littermates and they often “play bite” or “mouth” each other. They quickly learn not to bite too hard. Early in stage three is a good time to start socializing a puppy. This means that people should start to gently hug and play with a puppy so it starts to form a bond with humans. Around week six or seven the puppy should move from mother’s milk to eating solid dog food. Puppies can be placed in their new home after they are weaned. Stage four lasts from age two to three months. The young inexperienced puppy may be frightened by strange sounds and sudden movements. The puppy is mature enough to be housebroken at this time. Stage five lasts from age three to four months. This stage is like a human being a toddler. Training and more socialization of the puppy should happen. The puppy should have a collar and leash. Stage six is called the “brat stage” and lasts until about age six months. Puppies will try to “play bite” humans and this should not be allowed. At this age puppies need to chew so they can lose their baby teeth. Be sure the puppy has lots of chew toys! Stage seven is like adolescence in humans. Pups have lots of energy and this is a good time to start special training like agility or herding.

Page 30: Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr ... · Colegio Bilingüe Anglo Español Activities Plan Mr. Zimmerman L6 !!!!! Date! Activities! Monday, March 23rd Worksheet 1

Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020 1. How many stages are there in the development of a puppy into a young adult?

a. Five

b. Six

c. Seven

d. Eight

2. What is the shortest time for a dog breed to reach the young adult stage?

a. Three months

b. Six months

c. Twelve months

d. Eighteen months

3. When puppies are born

a. They can see

b. They can hear

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

4. Getting a puppy to start bonding with humans is called

a. Socialization

b. Housebreaking

c. Training

d. None of the above

5. Puppies need to chew because

a. They have not been trained yet

b. They are losing their baby teeth

c. Both a. and b. above

d. None of the above

6. Dogs should begin advanced training during what stage?

a. Newborn

b. Toddler

c. Adolescent

d. Young adult



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Mr. Zimmerman 6th Grade 2019-2020



Worksheet 20


Use the vocabulary words to answer the questions.

parrots overboard oar notch mast

London ladder hurricane hollow hastened

1. ________________ are birds that can be taught to speak.

2. The _________ he used to paddle the raft was broken.

3. He put a _________________ in the wood for everyday he was on the island.

4. The _________________________ sank the ship and took the lives of all the men.

5. The boy grew up in the city of ______________________.

6. He used a _________________ to change the lightbulb.

7. The man ______________________________ his steps because he was being


8. The ______________ of the ship was broken off by the storm.

9. The trunk of the tree was ______________________ due to insects eating the wood.

10. The crew threw the life rafts ______________________ to rescue the crew in the sea.