Page 1: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Aquifers, Renewable Energy and Desalination in Baja California Sur: Integrated Energy and Water

Responses to Development and Climate Changes:Appendix Only

Andrés Aranda Martínez, Centro Mario Molina

Magdalena AK Muir, Associate Adjunct Research Scholar, Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia University; Visiting Scholar, Center for Carbon-free Power Integration and

Mangone Center for Marine Policy, University of Delaware; Researcher, AINA; and Associate Professor, Aarhus University

Kyle Leinweber, Engineer in Training, Calgary

IWA International Water, Energy and Climate Conference 2014 in Mexico City, May 23, 2014 This is Fulbright Research for Baja California Sur Aquifer Desalination

Renewable Energy Project Jointly Implemented with IMPLAN Los Cabos, Centro Mario Molina, SCI Energy Lab and Coastal and Marine Union (EUCC).

Page 2: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Presentation and Discussion

1. Energy and Water Nexus for Baja California Sur

2. Baja California Sur aquifers, hydraulic sub-basins and precipitation maps

3. Aquifers within Muncipalities of Los Cabos and La Paz

4. Renewable Energy and Desalination in Public and Private Sector in Baha California Sur

5. IMPLAN Los Cabos PDU 2040: The Water Case

6. Centro Mario Molina sustainable water case for Municipalities of Los Cabos and La Paz

7. Suggested Next Steps for Baja California Sur Aquifer Desalination Renewable Energy Project

8. Appendix (only included here)

Page 3: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Acknowledgements for Presentation

Fulbright Scholarship and participating universities implemented by Magdalena AK Muir.

Kyle Leinweber, Engineer in Training, for work on aquifer assessment.

Alfonso Rivera, Adjunct Professor at at Université Laval and Université du Québec, for aquifer advice.

IMPLAN Los Cabos for slides, digital maps, data, and information (Alex Gallardo).

Centro Mario Molina for water scenarios, water methodology and slides on water resources (Andrés Aranda Martínez).

Sustainable Cities International (SCI) Energy Lab (Jane McRae and Bertine Stelzer).

“Managing Arroyos in Los Cabos” by SCI Affiliated Researcher Eric Porse with IMPLAN Los Cabos.

Page 4: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

For further information contact:Andrés Aranda Martínez, [email protected] Mario Molina, Mexico

Magdalena AK Muir [email protected] & [email protected] Adjunct Research Scholar, Columbia Climate Center at Earth Institute, Columbia University; Visiting Scholar, Center for Carbon-free Power Integration and Mangone Center for Marine Policy, University of Delaware; Research Associate, Arctic Institute of North America; Associate Professor, Aarhus University Herning & Centre for Energy Technologies; and Advisory Board Member, Climate, Coastal and Marine Union (EUCC)

This presentation and research supported by Fulbright Canada under the Fulbright Canada- RBC Award; the Columbia Climate Center at the Earth Institute, Columbia University; the Center for Carbon-free Power Integration and the Mangone Center for Marine Policy in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment, University of Delaware; and Aarhus University Herning and the Center for Energy Technologies.

Page 5: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

AppendixReferences for IWA Conference presentation and submitted paper, Preliminary Assessment of Water Resources including Climate Considerations for the Los Cabosand La Paz Municipalities in the State of Baja California Sur, Mexico by Magdalena Muir, Kyle Leinweber and Andrés ArandaMartínez .

Centro Mario Molina’s Urban systems in Areas of Extreme Aridity: Proposal for Sustainable Water Management: Case for Los Cabos and La Paz.

Page 6: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

References for IWA Conference Presentation

Argonaut Gold. (14 March 2014)San Antonio Gold Project Baja California Sur, Mexico NI43-101 Technical Report (2001), p. 28 (14 March 2014).

Carrilo A., Drever J.I. Absorption of arsenic by natural aquifer material in the San Antonio-El Triunfo mining area, Baja California, Mexico. Environmental Geology, (September 1998), Volume 35, Issue 4, pp 251-257.

Carillo-Chavez A., Drever, J.I., Martinez M., Arsenic content and groundwater geochemistry of the San Antonio-El Triunfo, Carrizaland Los Planes aquifers in southernmost Baja California, Mexico, Environmental Geology, October 2000, Volume 39, Issue 11, pp 1295-1303.

Centro Mario Molina, Sistemas Urbanos en Zonas de ExtremaAridez, Propuestas para el Manejo Sustentable del Agua (November 2013).

Page 7: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

References for IWA Conference Presentation

CONAGUA: Dario Oficial, Segunda seccion (Dec. 20 2013), and Mexican Official Standard NOM- 011 -CNA -2000 Conservation of Water Resources (2012).

Cruz-Falcón A., Troyo-Diéguez E., Fraga-Palomino H. and Vega-Mayagoitia J. Location of the Rainfall Recharge Areas in the Basin of La Paz: Figure 2. Delimitation of the basin of La Paz, and Terrain elevation model (TEM); Figure 4. Geology model of the basin of La Paz; and Figure 8. Precipitation model of the basin of La Paz. (18 March 2014).

McEvoy J. Desalination and Development: The Sociological and Technological Transformation of the Gulf of California. Doctorate dissertation, University of Arizona (2013). (April 18, 2014).

Page 8: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

References for IWA Conference Presentation

Pombo A., Breceda A., and Valdez Aragon A., Desalinization and Wastewater Reuse as Technological Alternatives in an Arid, Tourism Booming Region of Mexico. Frontera norte v.20 n.39 México ene./June 2008.

Porse E., Managing Arroyos in Los Cabos, report of SCI Affiliated Researcher Porse in cooperation with IMPLAN Los Cabos (2013).

PRONACOSE, Materiales del primer Taller de capacitación Apoyos cartográficos: Baja California Sur: 01 precipitation normal 71 00. (11 March 2014).

Page 9: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Urban systems in areas of

extreme aridity.

Proposal for sustainable water management.Case Los Cabos and La Paz

Page 10: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

General objective

Identify the most appropriate options from the standpoint ofenvironmental, social and economic, to the country's cities facescenarios with less water available.

Specific objective

Build alternatives cost-effective of water systems in order thatthe studied cities can close the gap between future waterdemand and lower availability.

Page 11: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of


II. Background

Changes in temperature and precipitation for climate change




What effective

strategies can be

implemented water


How can reduce the

costs to society?

Cost to society

Page 12: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

III. Development of the jobs

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

1. Determination of the gaps

� Determining the availability of current and futurewater.

� Calculation and projected water demand for thelocalities under study.

� Comparison of operators organisms (OO) withother similar (benchmarking).

� Description of the operating conditions of the OOstudied.

2. Identification system impacts

� Propose and evaluate alternatives that canimplement the OO for closing gaps.

� Estimate implementation costs andimplementation of the alternatives

� Construction of the cost- availability curves

3. Determination of measures toclose gaps

� Arm a briefcase of actions for each evaluatescenery

4. Construction of thealternatives

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Step 1

Determination of gaps

Page 14: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

� NOM-011-CNA-2002This Mexican Norm (NOM) establishes the method for determining theaverage availability national natural water and surface water, forexploitation, use and development.

The specifications of this NOM are mandatory for the National WaterCommission (CONAGUA) and users conducting studies to determinethe annual average availability waters.

D = Dsub + Dsup

Where:D = Total availability of water in the areas under studyDsub = Groundwater availabilityDsup= Availability of surface water

I.2. Metodology (determination of gaps)

� Analysis bases (variation of water availability)

Page 15: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

D = Dsub + Dsup

Both equations were

programmed into a

spreadsheet to determine

the water gap in studio city,

based on the availability of

aquifer studies published


I.2. Metodology (determination of gaps)

� Analysis bases (variation of water availability)

Dsub = Rt- Dcomp – VolREPDA


Dsub= Groundwater Availability

Rt = Total annual reload

Dcomp= Discharge compromised

VolREPDA= Volume of water allocated to the Public Registry of Water Rights

Dsup = PMA* Aanálisis* Ce


Dsup= Groundwater Availability

PMA = Average annual rainfall

Aanálisis = Analysis area

Ce= Runoff coefficient

Variables that depend on the

temperature and precipitation




The area of analysis for calculating availability is limited by

CONAGUA as "aquifer 0324 La Paz & 0317 Cabo San Lucas"

Page 16: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

I.2. Metodology (determination of gaps)

� Total annual recharge (vertical recharge)

Rt= Rv+Ri+E

Where:Rv= vertical rechargeRi= recharging induced leaks in water systems and water infiltration agriculture.Eh= horizontal flow recharge, groundwater infiltration entering in the highlands.






Rv= Ae*Cin*PWhere:Ae= Study area (CONAGUA)Cin= Infiltration coefficient……………….(A.1)P=precipitation, m3/year (SEDEPECC)

Cin=Vin/VpWhere:Vin=infiltrated volume……………. (A.1.1)Vp=volume of precipitation……(A.1.2)


Vin=Vp-Ve-VepWhere:Vp=volume of precipitationVe=runoff volume………(A.1.1.1)Vep=volumen evapotranspirate…..(A.1.1.2)

(A.1.1) (A.1.2)

Vp=A*PWhere:A = total area of the aquifer(CONAGUA)P = rainfall [m3/year](SEDEPECC)

Page 17: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

D = Dsub + Dsup

Both equations were

programmed into a

spreadsheet to determine

the water gap in studio city,

based on the availability of

aquifer studies published


I.2. Metodology (determination of gaps)

� Analysis bases (variation of water availability)

Dsub = Rt- Dcomp – VolREPDA


Dsub= Groundwater Availability

Rt = Total annual reload

Dcomp= Discharge compromised

VolREPDA= Volume of water allocated to the Public Registry of Water Rights

Dsup = PMA* Aanálisis* Ce


Dsup= Groundwater Availability

PMA = Average annual rainfall

Aanálisis = Analysis area

Ce= Runoff coefficient

Variables that depend on the

temperature and precipitation




The area of analysis for calculating availability is limited by

CONAGUA as "aquifer 0324 La Paz & 0317 Cabo San Lucas"

Page 18: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Metodology (determination of gaps)

� Total annual recharge (vertical recharge)


Ve=Vp*CeWhere:Vp = volume precipitateCe = runoff coefficient

Ce=(K(P-250)/200)+((K-0.15)/1.5)Where:K = hydraulic conductivity [m/s] (CONAGUA)P=precipitation [mm/año] (SEDEPECC)


Vep=A*ETRWhere:A = area of the aquiferETR=Evapotranspiration


Donde:P=precipitación [m3/año] (SEDEPECC)C=1/(0.8+0.14*t)t=temperature [°C]

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Metodology (determination of gaps)

� Discharge commitment and concession volume

Dcomp= is determined by adding the volumes of water concession ofsprings and base flow of rivers that is committed as surface water fedby the aquifer that discharges and that can be maintained to avoidaffecting adjacent aquifers and support and preventing environmentalspending migration of poor quality water into the aquifer.

For the balance of La Paz, the River Basin Organism considers this valueas zero.



VolREPDA= annual volume of extraction according to the concessiontitles REPDA registered in the General Division of Water ManagementCONAGUA.

Page 20: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Metodology (determination of gaps)

� Total annual reload induced recharge

Ri=(Vas+Vasup)*CeWhere:Vas= volume of water withdrawn for irrigation and urban public use groundwater sources (CONAGUA).Vasup=volume of water withdrawn for irrigation and urban public use (CONAGUA)Ce= Use infiltration coefficient


Eh=Q=B*i*T (Ley de Darcy)Where:Q= FlowT= transmissibilityB = length of the celli = hydraulic gradient


In the case of La Paz "Eh" is a value

given by the Basin Organism

� Horizontal recharge

Page 21: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Metodology (determination of gaps)

� Availability of surface water

Dsup = PMA* Aanálisis* Ce


Dsup= Availability of surfacewater

PMA = Annual averageprecipitation

Aanálisis = Average annualrainfall

Ce= Runoff coefficient

To estimate the runoff, we usedindirect method called within theNOM-011-CNA-2000, whichestablishes the specifications andthe procedure for determining theaverage annual availability ofsurface water in a watershed.

In this equation the variable to bemodified for each year was theannual precipitation (PMA),according to the database providedby the SEDEPECC. With this newrunoff were obtained impacted byclimate change scenario accordingto general circulation models.

Page 22: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

I.1. Basis of analysis (scenarios and periods)

To simulate variations in precipitation and temperature effects of climatechange in our country, the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA)has developed an algorithm called Weighted Ensemble System ClimateChange Scenarios for Mexico (SEDEPECC), in which data are shown forscenarios A1B climate and A2 determined from a set of general circulationmodels approved by the Intergovernmental Panel on climate Change(IPCC).

A1BWorld economic growthvery fast, up to worldpopulation by mid-centuryand rapid introduction ofnew and more efficienttechnologies with a balancebetween energy sources(fossil fuels and renewableenergy).

Based on this algorithm, information was obtained for determination of the availability of

water in accordance with the variations of the temperature and precipitation for both

scenarios considered by IMTA.

A2Significant populationgrowth, heterogeneousworld, economicdevelopment and slowtechnological change.

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Analysis periods 5, 10, 20 and 30 years

I.1. Basis of analysis (scenarios and periods)

The precipitation and temperature data for each of the study periods wereprocessed and entered into the model for water availability in each city.

Page 24: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Precipitation History SEDEPECC

Scenario A2 Los Cabos


Mes mm/mes °C

ene-13 23.157 17.03

feb-13 0.957 17.057

mar-13 2.356 18.387

abr-13 S/D 21.217

may-13 0.372 23.437

jun-13 2.490 26.35

jul-13 63.395 27.747

ago-13 103.664 27.067

sep-13 142.110 26.6

oct-13 70.835 24.15

nov-13 6.750 21.147

dic-13 38.657 18.633


anual 452.133 22.402


Mes mm/mes °C

ene-18 23.467 16.99

feb-18 S/D 17.227

mar-18 S/D 18.337

abr-18 S/D 20.947

may-18 0.372 23.677

jun-18 3.990 26.21

jul-18 52.235 27.707

ago-18 118.234 27.247

sep-18 152.910 26.38

oct-18 68.355 23.95

nov-18 0.150 21.067

dic-18 12.617 18.623


anual 429.663 22.364


Mes mm/mes °C

ene-19 16.027 17.16

feb-19 S/D 17.517

mar-19 S/D 18.617

abr-19 0.090 21.237

may-19 0.062 23.577

jun-19 2.490 26.25

jul-19 57.505 27.417

ago-19 122.574 27.267

sep-19 155.610 26.31

oct-19 16.895 24.07

nov-19 19.050 21.227

dic-19 11.377 18.513


anual 399.803 22.430

The model presents some complications with the coast cities such as LosCabos case, since it is based on precipitation records from weatherstations located on land and do not have stations that measureprecipitation in the sea, making it difficult accurate data, so that from 2019shows errors in modeled precipitation values (SD: no data).

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Since the value obtained is the availability of the whole aquifer, it wasnecessary to determine the amount of water used only for public supplyand for this, was used the information available in the National WaterInformation System (USIS) of CONAGUA, from which we calculated thepercentage of concession water to supply .

I.2. Metodology (determination of gaps)� Analysis bases (variation of water


For purposes of calculation, it was consider that the proportion of publicsupply is saved so that the value obtained through the availability isapplied the same percentage of use for public supply in subsequentyears.


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Public Supply Volume [m3] Total Public UseTotal for all uses

(2005-2009) % Public supply

Mexicali 15,749,134 15,749,134 14,938,214 14,936,012 14,697,412 76,069,907 4,507,277,836 2%

Tecate 4,681,859 4,681,859 4,681,859 4,682,724 4,665,313 23,393,614 108,865,628 21%

Tijuana 94,354,247 94,354,247 94,354,028 94,354,028 9,619,920 387,036,470 428,827,634 90%

La Paz 21,365,968 21,368,968 21,372,268 21,372,633 21,371,767 106,851,604 363,913,619 29%

Los Cabos 19,757,809 19,757,809 19,757,809 19,757,809 19,758,709 98,789,943 239,592,714 41%

Puerto Peñasco 9,753,591 9,753,591 9,753,591 9,753,591 9,753,591 48,767,953 152,969,138 32%

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Methodology (determination of gaps)

� Interpretation of results

Availability calculated (theoretical)

D = 29.29 Mm3/yr

Availability reported (real)D = 34.5 Mm3/yr

• The production (extraction) values reported by the OO are greater than the

volumes obtained following the methodology of calculation of CONAGUA.

• Surface water is not likely to benefit in full, however, to establish a baseline

was considered the theoretical value obtained from the calculation


• Even when there is no water available in the aquifer, we continue drawing

water to supply the city.

Availability calculated ≠ Availability reported

Availability = VolREPDA + Dsurface

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TAAF Consultoría Integral S.C. /

I.2. Methodology (determination of gaps)

� Analysis bases (variation of water availability)

Year Period[yr]Availability

Mm3 ∆D [Mm3] ∆D [%]

2013 0 42.72 --- ---

2018 5 39.05 -3.67 -8.6%

2028 10 23.21 -15.84 -40.6%

2048 20 29.01 5.80 25.0%

2078 30 34.45 5.43 18.7%

Changes in water availability scenario A2

With the calculated values was obtained varying the availabilityfor each city (∆D%) considering climate change scenarios.





2009 2010 2011 2013 2018 2028 2048 2078




Water availability

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TAAF Consultoría Integral S.C. /

I.2. Methodology (determination of gaps)

� Analysis bases (variation of water availability)

Changes in water availability scenario A2

With the calculated values was obtained varying the availabilityfor each city (∆D%) considering climate change scenarios.


32.2822.86 21.46 21.74






2012 2022 2032 2042 2052 2062 2072 2082

Water availability [Mm3]

Year Period [Years] Availability

theoretical[Mm3] ∆D [Mm3] ∆D theoretical(%)

2013 0 34.18 --- ---

2018 5 32.28 -1.9 -5.60%

2028 10 22.86 -9.42 -29.20%

2048 20 21.46 -1.4 -6.10%

2078 30 21.74 0.27 1.30%

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Year ∆D (%)AvailabilityM


2010 34.51*

2011 -14.8% 29.40

2013 38.6% 40.75

2018 -8.6% 37.25

2028 -40.6% 22.14

2048 25.0% 27.68

2078 18.7% 32.86

� To obtain the variation of the actual availability of water, it wasapplied the theoretical ∆D% for each year to the amount of waterproduced by the OO in 2010.

Year ∆D (%)AvailabilityM


2010 34.51*

2011 -0.8% 34.25

2013 0.0% 34.25

2018 10.4% 37.82

2028 8.9% 41.19

2048 -13.0% 35.84

2078 -18.2% 29.31

Variation of availability A2 scenario “Los Cabos”

Variation of availability A1B scenario “Los Cabos”

To calculate the gap variation, it was considered

the availability of the more adverse scenario (in

this case A2).

*Quantity of water produced according to information provided by the OOMSAPAS

I Methodology (determination of gaps)

� Analysis bases (variation of water availability







2010 2011 2013 2018 2028 2048 2078



Variation in the availability of scenario cc



Page 30: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Based on population growth scenarios, endowment per dayand drinking water coverage provided by the OO Los Cabos(OOMSAPAS), it was calculated the water demand [Mm3/year]

� Basis of analysis (demand calculation)

Methodology (determination of gaps)


2013 2018 2023 2028

Population Inhab. 253,577 280,878 311,119 344,616

Drinking water coverage % 89.90% 90.80% 91.70% 92.50%

Annual production l/s 1,172 1,313 1,486 1,640

Annual production Mm3/año 36.96 41.39 46.3 51.73

Endowment l/inhab*día 444 444 444 444

consumption l/inhab*día 282 282 282 282

Annual increase in population inhab. 5,133 5,686 6,298 6,976

Required extraction l/s 26.4 29.25 32.39 35.88

Variation of drinking water coverage % 89.86% 90.85% 91.74% 92.54%

Page 31: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

TAAF Consultoría Integral S.C. /

Methodology (determination of gaps)

� Analysis bases (variation of water availability)

Changes in water availability scenario A2

With the calculated values was obtained varying the availabilityfor each city (∆D%) considering climate change scenarios.


32.2822.86 21.46 21.74






2012 2022 2032 2042 2052 2062 2072 2082

Water availability [Mm3]

Year Period [Years] Availability

theoretical[Mm3] ∆D [Mm3] ∆D theoretical(%)

2013 0 34.18 --- ---

2018 5 32.28 -1.9 -5.60%

2028 10 22.86 -9.42 -29.20%

2048 20 21.46 -1.4 -6.10%

2078 30 21.74 0.27 1.30%

Page 32: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

� To obtain the variation of the actual availability of water, it wasapplied the theoretical ∆D% for each year to the amount of waterproduced by the OO in 2013.

Variation of availability A2 scenario “La Paz”

Variation of availability A1B scenario “La Paz”

To calculate the gap variation, it was considered

the availability of the more adverse scenario (in

this case A2).*Quantity of water produced according to information provided by the OO SAPA

I.2. Methodology (determination of gaps)

� Analysis bases (variation of water availability)










2010 2015 2020 2025 2030




Variation in the availability of scenario cc





Year ∆D [%] Availability[Mm3]

2013 25.48*

2018 9.46% 27.89

2028 0.57% 28.05

2048 -6.61% 26.2

2078 -21.09% 20.67

Year ∆D [%] Availability [Mm3]

2013 25.48*

2018 -5.60% 24.07

2028 -29.20% 17.05

2048 -6.10% 16

2078 1.30% 16.21

Page 33: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Based on population growth scenarios, endowment per dayand drinking water coverage provided by the OO La Paz(SAPA), it was calculated the water demand [Mm3/year]

� Basis of analysis (demand calculation)

I.2. Methodology (determination of gaps)


2013 2018 2023 2028

Population inhab. 235,268 273,005 316,795 367,609

Drinking water coverage % 97.50% 97.90% 98.20% 98.40%

Annual production l/s 953 1,106 1,283 1,489

Annual production Mm3/año 30.06 34.88 40.47 46.96

Endowment l/inhab*day 350 350 350 350

consumption l/inhab*day 210 210 210 210

Annual increase in population Inhab. 6,897 8,003 9,287 10,777

Required extraction l/s 27.94 32.42 37.62 43.66

Variation of drinking water coverage % 97.52% 97.86% 98.16% 98.41%

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I.2 Methodology (determination of gaps)

� Results



















2013 2018 2023 2028


Demanda anual Disponibilidad (A2)






Page 35: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

II. 1 Identifying actions (benchmarking)

National average coverage















La Paz Celaya Mazatlán Tecate Puerto


Saltillo Los Cabos



8594 96 97 99 99

Micrometering (%)









Mazatlán Puerto




Saltillo Celaya Tecate Los Cabos La Paz



$162.80$177.80 $179.83







Expenditure on water(rate of 20 m3)

Información PIGOO 2011

Information PIGOO 2011

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Page 39: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

RepurificationCurrently in Mexico there is no law on this issue. However,recently published NOM-014-CNA-2007 establish the conditionsto infiltrate treated wastewater; in section 6.3 states that thequality of treated water for infiltration must meet thespecifications of the NOM-127-SSA1 -1994 with drinking waterquality.

Page 40: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Unit cost for closing gaps [$/m3]

I Alternatives for closing gaps

City Rates MicrometeringFurniture





Desalination Reinjection Aqueduct

La Paz $2.95 $0.85 $1.64 $0.34 $6.18 $13.02 $4.74

Los Cabos $1.53 $0.30 $0.63 $0.36 $4.63 $10.94 ---

Puerto Peñasco $0.31 $0.28 $0.69 $0.17 $7.01 $18.45 ---

Tecate $4.22 $0.83 $2.78 $0.68 --- $10.66 ---

Mexicali $2.13 $0.43 $1.48 $0.73 --- $9.29 ---

Tijuana $5.70 $0.81 $2.46 $0.69 $5.68 $9.35 ---

Page 41: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Alternatives for closing gaps

• Matrix alternatives costed to Los Cabos


[$/m3 saved]

VPN investment




Saved water


Potential to

close the


Installing micrometers $35.80 $16.48 $0.30 34.5 15%

Repairing leaks in water house

connections (water outlets)$49.44 $32.25 $0.36 66.0 28%

Bathroom Furniture-saving $235.46 $180.67 $0.63 180.9 78%

Rate adjustment $1,075.37 $355.48 $1.53 232.9 100%

Desalination $3,139.74 $1,078.10 $4.63 366.5 157%

Reinjection $7,420.97 $2,548.16 $10.94 232.9 100%

Page 42: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

III. 1 Alternatives for closing gaps

VPN - $/m3 of the alternatives evaluated

$0.36 $0.30 $0.63


$4.74 $4.63









Reparación de

fugas en tomas

Instalación de


Muebles de baño

de bajo consumo

Ajuste tarifario Acueducto Desalación Re potabilización

La alternativa del acueducto se estimó con base en una medida elaborada para la ciudad de La Paz.

Page 43: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Alternatives (Los Cabos)

AlternativesContribution to the gap


Unit cost of closing

the gap (NPV)% gap close

[Mm3] [$VPN/m3]

Micrometers 34.47 $0.30 11.6%

Substitution of water

connections65.99 $0.36 22.1%

Bathroom Furniture-

saving180.87 $0.63 60.7%

Rate adjustment 16.81 $1.53 5.6%


Implementation of these actions would have a surplus of 65

Mm3 in the period 2013-202

Total contribution of measures (298 Mm3) -Total gap (233 Mm3)

Page 44: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of


• Matrix alternatives costed to La Paz


[$/m3 saved]









Potential to

close the gap

Repairing leaks in water house

connections (water outlets)$0.34 $54.68 $81.75 160.6 64%

Bathroom Furniture-saving $0.85 $62.13 $114.34 121.3 49%

Installing micrometers $1.64 $206.45 $281.74 125.9 51%

Rate adjustment $2.95 $735.09 $1,977.06 249.2 100%

Aqueduct $4.74 $627.53 $869.26 11.04 53%

Desalination $6.18 $1,539.11 $3,622.01 249.2 100%

Reinjection $13.02 $3,244.77 $8,399.58 823.2 100%

Page 45: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Alternatives for closing gaps

VPN - $/m3 of the alternatives evaluated
















Preparación de

fugas en tomas

Instalación de


Muebles de baño

de bajo consumo

Ajuste tarifario Acueducto Desalación Repotabilización

Page 46: Columbia Climate Center, Earth Institute, Columbia ......NOM-011-CNA-2000, which establishes the specifications and the procedure for determining the average annual availability of

Alternatives (La Paz)


Contribution to

the gap reduction

Unit cost of closing

the gap (NPV) % gap close

[Mm3] [$/m3]

Substitution of water connections 102.95 $0.34 39.0%

Micrometers 72.76 $0.85 27.6%

Bathroom Furniture-saving 148.23 $1.64 28.6%

Rate adjustment 12.77 $2.95 4.8%


Alternatives for closing gaps

Implementation of

these actions would

allow a surplus of

14.78 million m3 in the

period 2013-2028.









2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Aumento tarifario

Muebles ahorradores


Sustitución tomas