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Good video! I have to say that it was really good! They are not professional actors or actresses but they did it quite well! Unfortunately, the sound wasn't clear and we couldn't hear their voices properly but it didn't matter! The important thing is the intention with which they prepared the fashion show! I liked the production and I also liked the clothes they were wearing! If I had to give them a mark, I would give them an 8 out of 10! Congratulations!! (Jose Ignacio Verdugo Fraile)

If you ask me, I found the fashion show quite funny. I want to say that the best model was the teacher, Mr Walker, as he did it very well!! :D I also enjoyed seeing the students and after having watched the video, I could still remember some boys who were disguised as Super Man or Dumbledore!! LOL. I believe that you did a great job because it would have been a problem for me if I had had to parade up and down the catwalk!! I can also understand that Spanish is a difficult language... Generally, the fashion show was great but if I had to add something, I would say that the sound wasn´t very good because we couldn´t hear the readers at times. Anyway, good job!! (Fátima Camacho Sánchez)

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I liked the video that we watched in class because we laughed when we saw some

students, like Superman, but we also paid attention and described each student that we


I think that they also had a good time because they had to prepare the catwalk and the

fashion show, so I think that they also laughed a little.

In conclusion, I have to say that it´s a good thing to do, because we can improve our

languages and also laugh a little. (César Carrasco Leó n)

I really liked the fashion show that they sent us because even though they didn't speak fluent Spanish and at times we couldn't hear anything, the boys and girls were very engrossed in it and they tried to do their best and to have a good time doing it for us : )I am looking forward to meeting them and having as much fun as we had while watching it.

(María Marcos Vadillo)

I think that the fashion show is a good and very funny idea and therefore I liked it. I have to say that, in my opinion, the Spanish pronunciation and intonation wasn´t very good, but it is normal because it is quite complicated. There were some very original and funny people on the catwalk. I have to congratulate you on it because it was a fantastic idea! (Alberto Porras Martín)

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I liked the idea very much! :) I think that a fashion show is a very funny and cool way to introduce yourselves! I had never seen a fashion show carried out by students before and now I think that it is a very good idea to take part in a fashion competition or something like that!

I liked how it was prepared: the clothes, the attitude, the music, the images and, of course, the great time that we had with it!!

You get good marks in general and I hope you had a good time preparing the fashion show, too. You have to teach us to parade on a catwalk haha :) XXOO ! (Estefania Impellicieri Sánchez)

I´m going to give you my opinion about the fashion show from Chester’s

students. I think that it must have been a great effort for them because they are

practising their Spanish and it must have been very difficult for them to record a

video for other students that they don´t know.

I believe that the presentation is fine because of the images they showed on the

background screen. The pronunciation of the guys and girls who speak is good but

the video is recorded excessively loud, and our group couldn´t hear it very well.

There are some students that were wearing fancy dresses and I liked it because

it was original. Definitely, from my opinion it was very good work.

(Cristina Suárez Barroso)

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I think that this show is a good way to learn Spanish because they describe the participants quite well. The most important thing for me, that they enjoyed it and laughed. I think that this show was very funny. (Diego San Román Martín)

What a fun experience! I really did like the idea of doing a fashion show because it is something

different than anything I have ever done. We thought it was going to be more serious, but the

touch of humor was very nice… If you have done the backdrop of your own I have to say:

congratulations! (Mr. Walker has very hard-working students).

I just want to tell you one little thing: as the sound was not very good, we had some problems

identifying some people, but we tried our best. Another thing is that we watched the show two

weeks ago and having my little notes is not enough to do a composition about it, my mind is

even worse than a fish.


In the third place I have chosen Cilian Reboul. I do not know why, maybe because you look like

Justin Bieber or maybe because you look really good… but I have also liked your way of

parading up and down the catwalk. NOTE: you are a very cute boy.

In second place was Camille Hague, I think she wore a very fashionable and perfect outfit to go

out… She reminds me of the models that work for Topshop or something like that. I think you

could be a model in your future without any problem…

And in the first place…………….. (DRUM ROLL) Mr. Walker! I did not think he was going to

participate in the show and he really shocked me. He looks very happy doing this and I think he

does it very well. It is a little strange for us to see him wearing a suit; I have to say he looks

older … Ha-ha

Thank you all for doing this hilarious activity for us and for letting us know more about you. We

all are looking forward to meeting you. See you in summer! :D ( Áurea Sánchez Hernández)

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Everybody knows that in order to stand in front of a camera, to parade upand down and to speak in a language that is not your mother tongue, it is necessary to be very brave. That is why I think you work is really great! In addition, I had fun watching characters like Superman or Dumbledoreparade up and down... ¡I did not imagine that they also were fashion icons! The only problem I found was that the video's sound was a little bad, but I hope the next time we speak, we understand better. Moreover, I'm surprised that you have such skill with Spanish because you have begun to learn it recently. In conclusion, I encourage you to continue doing projects like this because you can practice your Spanish's and because it is really fun! (Raquel Carretero Juárez )

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Hi, I’m going to talk about boys and girls from Chester...I think they were funny but we couldn´t understand some of them, because they spoke quickly and they whispered the words and we couldn’t hear it. But we could understand the others because they spoke a fluent Spanish. Apart from that I very much enjoyed it a lot and I laughed a lot with my classmates. They were very funny. Bye… ( Lucía González Fernández )

In my opinion, the fashion show was really funny. Some boys and girls were dressed in a really funny way, and some of them had a strange Spanish accent. We didn’t understand very well some of the kids very well. According to my voting, the ones who did it best were Camille Hague, as model, and Thea Dahl, as reader. ( Germán Mateos López)

Hi!!!! I really enjoyed watching the show. The beginning was funny I liked when you asked if we where ready and you said you weren’t. It made me laugh. Your clothes were cool well, maybe I was surprised by Dumbledore and Superman walking down the catwalk, but I still liked them. Next time you should say your

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names before you talk and parade up and down the catwalk, it would have helped us to start to get to know you :) I liked the music and the background scenes, they were really well thought, but sometimes the music covered your voices and we couldn’t understand you. Anyway it was really interesting to hear you speaking Spanish and most of you did really well. So…I am looking forward to hearing from you. Kisses from Spain.

(Sara Pobre Trancón )

I like the fashion show and I enjoyed seeing when I saw the video. It was funny and I laughed with some people, like Superman. The students spokewell with a good intonation, but the sound wasn’t very clear and we couldn’t hear some sentences sometimes. I think that one of the best Sr. Walker because he was very elegant. In conclusion, I think that the sound was clearer we would have enjoyed it more much because if you have to concentrate on the sound, you don’t see the video as you would like to. (Pablo León Ríos)

The models Haydon Bottomley ,Dumbledore, the girl after Cilian, Leon Langmead, after Jake Moorcroft and Sr.Walker get the same score because they did well.The models, Chris McCarnety, and the first girl I scare are good but they shoukd stay on the catwalk for more time.The model, Jake Moorcroft, is good but he needs some to have more confidence.The models the girl of All Stars and Superman do the activity well.Joss Goodall and Cilian Reboul get good marks and they do the activity correctly.The girl that appearances after Joss doesn´t do and she does it very well.Camille Hague is the best in my opinion.The readers are very good but I can´t hear them very well.This idea is very ingenious , amazing and funny.

( Noelia Martín López )

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I really liked it because I enjoyed it and some of them were very original :) ( Noelia Granado González)

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I can´t offer any kind of personal review because we didn´t know who each person was.

I can say that the second boy was quite funny and I really liked his way of dancing. The girl with the pink “All-Stars” did it very well and I really liked the boy who wore a Superman costume. He did very well and I laughed a lot at him. Another boy was wearing a Dumbeldore costume and I didn´t laugh as much at him but he did fine.

As to the fashion, I mean the beautiful clothes. I really liked Camille Hague´s clothes, She looked very pretty.Another person whose clothes and style I really liked was Joss. His style was amazing. The other ones did it very well, too! ( Alejandro Soria Velasco )

I really like the idea and the models did well. However, it could have been better as there were some problems. At some times, when someone was speaking, we couldn’t hear what was he/she saying because he/she was too far away or the music was too high. If there wasn´t that problem, it would have been has been very enjoyable and I would have loved to see it and to listen to the speakers. ( Katia Peloche Martínez)

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It was very funny to watch. Mr. Walker looked so smart! I think some people were embarrassed by the show and that´s the reason they don´t try to catch our attention.The ones who wore costumes were so nice! I enjoyed the fashion show. ( Ismael Álvarez Fraile )

As far as I'm concerned, the fashion show was an interesting and funny activity, too. Each model and reader got an overall mark which is the result of each individual. I think that they are excellent. In relation to the readers, they had a good pronunciation, as we understood them well, though some of them better than others.

The models wore funny costumes and did it very well, just like authentic famous models. Though I but I have to say that Mr.Walker was "the crack" because he did a fantastic job. (Jorge Ormeño Sánchez)

While I was watching the video, I was not able to stop laughing. The English students were so

cute! I really liked the girl that was wearing something pink, I think. The humour touch was

given by the two boys that were dressing up as Dumbledore and Superman. I really like them.

I think some of them need to improve their Spanish a little bit but I also think that some others

have a very good level- I hope we meet soon and we will get to know each other better!!!

( Débora Pilo González)

On April 25th, the students participating in Comenius, both in Navalmoral de la Mata and Chester, conducted a videoconference through Skype in which students from both schools maintained a more direct form of contact and got to know each other a little better through a series of questions.The videoconference was great because we were able to engage most students and we gave them a lot of encouragement and we all had great enthusiasm. It also turned out well, as they were able to practice and listen to Spanish, and wewere able to do the same, but in English. Although, we did with quite simple questions and answers.

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In conclusion, videoconferencing helped both centres to establish a more direct contact with each other and to get to know each other better, while we practiced the different languages, English and Spanish.

(Alba Mª Pascual, 4ºESO1)