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  • SingleRAN

    Common Clock Feature ParameterDescription

    Issue 01Date 2013-04-28


  • Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2014. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior writtenconsent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions

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    The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in thepreparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, andrecommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address: Huawei Industrial Base

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    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Contents

    1 About This Document..................................................................................................................11.1 Scope..............................................................................................................................................................................11.2 Intended Audience..........................................................................................................................................................21.3 Change History...............................................................................................................................................................21.4 Differences Between Base Station Types.......................................................................................................................22 Overview.........................................................................................................................................33 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock........................................................................................53.1 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock in Separate-MPT Multimode Base Stations......................................................63.2 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock in Co-MPT Multimode Base Stations...............................................................73.3 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock in Hybrid-MPT Multimode Base Stations........................................................84 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock..............................................................................................104.1 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock in Separate-MPT Multimode Base Stations...........................................................114.2 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock in Co-MPT Multimode Base Stations....................................................................124.3 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock in Hybrid-MPT Multimode Base Stations.............................................................135 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock..................................................................................175.1 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock in Separate-MPT Multimode Base Stations...............................................195.2 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock in Co-MPT Multimode Base Stations........................................................215.3 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock in Hybrid-MPT Multimode Base Stations.................................................216 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock................................................................256.1 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock in Separate-MPT Multimode Base Stations.................................276.2 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock in Co-MPT Multimode Base Stations..........................................296.3 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock in Hybrid-MPT Multimode Base Stations....................................297 Other Common Reference Clocks............................................................................................337.1 Common 1PPS+TOD Reference Clock in Co-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE Triple-mode Base Stations..........................347.2 Common IEEE 1588v2+SyncE Reference Clock in Co-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE Triple-mode Base Stations...........348 Engineering Guidelines.............................................................................................................368.1 When to Use Common Clock.......................................................................................................................................368.2 Required Information...................................................................................................................................................368.3 Requirements................................................................................................................................................................368.4 Initial Configuration.....................................................................................................................................................38

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description Contents

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8.4.1 GBTS/eGBTS Providing Clock Source for NodeB/eNodeB/Co-MPT Base Station................................................388.4.2 NodeB Providing Clock Source for GBTS/eGBTS/eNodeB/Co-MPT Base Station................................................448.4.3 The eNodeB Providing Clock Source for GBTS/eGBTS/NodeB/Co-MPT Base Station.........................................498.4.4 Co-MPT Base Station Providing Clock Source for GBTS/eGBTS/NodeB/eNodeB................................................548.4.5 Co-MPT Base Station Supporting Common Reference Clock among GSM, UMTS, and LTE...............................598.5 Activation Observation.................................................................................................................................................628.6 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................................639 Parameters.....................................................................................................................................6410 Counters......................................................................................................................................7911 Glossary.......................................................................................................................................8012 Reference Documents...............................................................................................................81

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description Contents

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 1 About This Document1.1 Scope

    This document describes the Common Clock feature, which applies to multimode base stations(MBTSs). Common clocks in multimode base stations can be classified into:l GSM/UMTS common clockl GSM/LTE common clockl UMTS/LTE common clockl GSM/UMTS/LTE common clockFor details about clock configuration of a single-mode base station, see Synchronization FeatureParameter Description for this mode.The Common Clock feature involves the following features:l MRFD-211601 Multi-mode BS Common Reference Clock(GBTS/eGBTS)l MRFD-221601 Multi-mode BS Common Reference Clock(NodeB)l MRFD-231601 Multi-mode BS Common Reference Clock (eNodeB)


    l Before reading this document, familiarize yourself with Synchronization Feature ParameterDescription for each mode, including eRAN, RAN, and GBSS.

    l GBTS refers to a base station deployed with GTMU.l eGBTS refers to a base station deployed with UMPT_G.l NodeB refers to a base station deployed with WMPT or UMPT_U.l eNodeB refers to a base station deployed with LMPT or UMPT_L.l Co-MPT multimode base station refers to a base station deployed with UMPT_GU, UMPT_GL,

    UMPT_UL, or UMPT_GUL, and it functionally corresponds to any combination of eGBTS, NodeB,and eNodeB. For example, Co-MPT multimode base station deployed with UMPT_GU functionallycorresponds to the combination of eGBTS and NodeB.

    l Separate-MPT multimode base station refers to a base station on which different modes use differentmain control boards. For example, base stations deployed with GTMU and WMPT are called separate-MPT GSM/UMTS dual-mode base station.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 1 About This Document

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 1.2 Intended AudienceThis document is intended for personnel who:l Need to understand the features described hereinl Work with Huawei products

    1.3 Change HistoryThis section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There aretwo types of changes, which are defined as follows:l Feature change

    Changes in features of a specific product versionl Editorial change

    Changes in wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier version

    SRAN8.0 01 (2013-04-28)This issue does not include any changes.

    SRAN8.0 Draft A (2012-12-30)Compared with Issue 01 (2012-04-30) of SRAN7.0, Draft A (2012-12-30) of SRAN8.0 includesthe following changes.l Added common reference clock solutions for co-MPT GSM/UMTS, GSM/LTE, UMTS/

    LTE, and GSM/UMTS/LTE multimode base stations.l Added common reference clock solutions for separate-MPT multimode base stations and

    co-MPT multimode base stations.l Added common reference clock solutions in the eGBTS.

    1.4 Differences Between Base Station TypesThe features described in this document apply only to macro base stations.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 1 About This Document

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 2 OverviewWith the Common Clock feature, all modes of a multimode base station share a clock sourceand requires only one set of clock equipment.The Common Clock feature applies to GSM/UMTS, GSM/LTE, or UMTS/LTE dual-mode andGSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base stations. The Common Clock feature helps reduce operatingexpense (OPEX) and capital expenditure (CAPEX).A multimode base station can be configured with the following common reference clocks:l GPS reference clockl Building integrated timing supply (BITS) reference clockl E1/T1 reference clockl IEEE 1588v2 reference clockl Synchronous Ethernet reference clockl 1PPS+TOD reference clockThese reference clocks are described in the following chapters.Application scenarios of the Common Clock feature include:l Separate-MPT scenario: Separate-MPT main controls boards are used in GSM, UMTS,

    and LTE modes.If all modes in a multimode base station are configured in the same BBU, all modesexchange data by using the BBU backplane and share a clock source. If the modes of amultimode base station are configured in two different BBUs, the BBU Interconnectionfeature must be enabled.The following restrictions apply to this scenario: The shared clock source supports only frequency synchronization. A multimode base station does not support the AUTO(Auto Handover) clock working

    mode. Each mode in a multimode base station can be configured with only one clocksource. The main control board in each mode can be configured with only one referenceclock. A multimode base station can be configured with only one USCU board and the USCU

    board can be configured with only one clock source. A USCU board must be configuredfor the GBTS, eGBTS, NodeB, or eNodeB if these base stations need to obtain a

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 2 Overview

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • reference clock from the USCU board. The USCU boards of these base stations mustbe configured with the same clock source. In the inter-subrack SDR scenario, time synchronization between modes in different

    subracks is not supported.l Co-MPT scenario: The GBTS/eGBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB share a UMPT board.

    The UMPT board provides the reference clock for each mode and supports the CommonClock feature. The reference clock provided by the UMPT board supports frequencysynchronization and time synchronization.


    l The UMPT board can be configured for a single-mode base station. UMPT_G, UMPT_U, andUMPT_L represent the UMPT board configured for GSM, UMTS, and LTE single-mode base stations,respectively.

    l The UMPT board can be configured for a dual-mode or triple-mode base station. UMPT_GU,UMPT_GL, UMPT_UL, and UMPT_GUL represent the UMPT board configured for GSM/UMTS,GSM/LTE, UMTS/LTE, and GSM/UMTS/LTE multimode base stations, respectively.

    l Hybrid-MPT scenario: Separate-MPT and co-MPT scenarios coexist.In this scenario, single-mode base stations are configured with separate-MPT main controlboards, and multimode base stations are configured with co-MPT main control boards. The main control board shared by different modes supports the Common Clock feature.

    The reference clock provided by the main control board supports frequencysynchronization and time synchronization. The base stations that use separate-MPT main control boards and the base stations that

    use co-MPT main control boards share a clock source. The restrictions on this scenarioare the same as those on the separate-MPT scenario.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 2 Overview

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 3 Common GPS/BITS Reference ClockThis chapter describes the common GPS/BITS reference clock in separate-MPT, co-MPT, andhybrid-MPT multimode base stations.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 3 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 3.1 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock in Separate-MPTMultimode Base Stations

    As shown in Figure 3-1, Figure 3-2, and Figure 3-3, the USCU board in a dual-mode basestation receives and forwards them to the two main control boards in the base station.

    Figure 3-1 A common GPS/BITS reference clock in a separate-MPT GSM/UMTS dual-modebase station

    Figure 3-2 A common GPS/BITS reference clock in a separate-MPT GSM/LTE dual-mode basestation

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 3 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 3-3 A common GPS/BITS reference clock in a separate-MPT UMTS/LTE dual-modebase station

    3.2 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock in Co-MPTMultimode Base Stations

    As shown in Figure 3-4, GSM/UMTS, GSM/LTE, UMTS/LTE, or GSM/UMTS/LTEmultimode base stations are configured in co-MPT mode and share a GPS/BITS clock source.

    Figure 3-4 A common GPS/BITS reference clock in a co-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-modebase station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 3 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 3.3 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock in Hybrid-MPTMultimode Base Stations

    As shown in Figure 3-5 only one BBU is used. The USCU board receives GPS or BITS clocksignals and forwards them to the main control boards in the multimode base station. In thismanner, different modes of base stations can share a GPS/BITS clock source.

    Figure 3-5 A common GPS/BITS reference clock in a hybrid-MPT multimode base station

    When BBU Interconnection is enabled, the GPS/BITS reference clock is shared as follows:l As shown in Figure 3-6, the USCU board is installed in the primary BBU of a GSM/UMTS/

    LTE triple-mode base station. The USCU board receives GPS or BITS clock signals andforwards them to the GTMU and LMPT boards. Upon receiving the clock signals, theGTMU board forwards them to the UCIU board. This UCIU board then sends the clocksignals to the UMPT board in the secondary BBU, which receives them through its BBUinterconnection port.

    l As shown in Figure 3-7, the USCU board is installed in the secondary BBU of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station. The USCU board receives GPS or BITS clock signals

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 3 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • and forwards them to the UMPT board, which in turn sends them through its BBUinterconnect port to the UCIU board in the primary BBU. This UCIU board then sends theclock signals to the GTMU and LMPT boards by using the BBU backplane.

    Figure 3-6 A common GPS/BITS reference clock in the primary BBU of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station

    Figure 3-7 A common GPS/BITS reference clock in the secondary BBU of a GSM/UMTS/LTEtriple-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 3 Common GPS/BITS Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 4 Common E1/T1 Reference ClockThis chapter describes the common E1/T1 reference clock in separate-MPT, co-MPT, andhybrid-MPT multimode base stations.Table 4-1 describes the typical application scenarios for a common E1/T1 reference clock.

    Table 4-1 Typical application scenarios for a common E1/T1 reference clockDeployment Scenario DescriptionCommon E1/T1 reference clock over theAbis interface

    When the Abis interface uses E1/T1transmission and the Iub or S1 interface usesIP over FE/GE transmission, the NodeB oreNodeB can obtain E1/T1 clock signals froman E1/T1 link over the Abis interface.

    Common E1/T1 reference clock over the Iubinterface

    When the Abis interface on the multimodebase station side uses IP co-transmission orIP hybrid transmission, the eGBTS or GBTScan obtain E1/T1 clock signals from an E1/T1 link over the Iub interface.When the Iub interface uses E1/T1transmission and the S1 interface uses IP overGE transmission, the eNodeB can obtain E1/T1 clock signals from an E1/T1 link over theIub interface.


    Only the UMTS mode can obtain E1/T1 clock signals from a UTRP board.

    The LTE mode can obtain E1/T1 clock signals from a UMPT board.For details about the Common Transmission feature, see Common Transmission FeatureParameter Description for SingleRAN.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 4 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 4.1 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock in Separate-MPTMultimode Base Stations

    As shown in Figure 4-1, Figure 4-2, and Figure 4-3, one mode of a multimode base station isconfigured with an E1/T1 clock source, and then the other modes share E1/T1 clock signals byusing the BBU backplane.

    Figure 4-1 A common E1/T1 reference clock in a separate-MPT GSM/UMTS dual-mode basestation

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 4 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 4-2 A common E1/T1 reference clock in a separate-MPT GSM/LTE dual-mode basestation

    Figure 4-3 A common E1/T1 reference clock in a separate-MPT UMTS/LTE dual-mode basestation

    4.2 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock in Co-MPT MultimodeBase Stations

    As shown in Figure 4-4, each mode uses the E1/T1 clock source configured for the UMPTboard. The UMPT board supports the Common Clock feature.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 4 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 4-4 A common E1/T1 reference clock in a co-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode basestation

    4.3 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock in Hybrid-MPTMultimode Base Stations

    As shown in Figure 4-5, only one BBU is used. Different modes of base stations can share anE1/T1 clock source by using the BBU backplane.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 4 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 4-5 A common E1/T1 reference clock in a hybrid-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-modebase station

    When BBU Interconnection is enabled, one mode of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode basestation is configured with an E1/T1 clock source and the other two modes share the E1/T1 clocksource. The procedure for sharing the E1/T1 clock source is as follows:

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 4 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • l As shown in Figure 4-6 , the common E1/T1 reference clock is in the primary BBU of aGSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station. The GTMU board receives E1/T1 clock signalsfrom the transport network over an E1/T1 link and forwards them to the LMPT and UCIUboards. Upon receiving the clock signals, the UCIU board sends them to the UMPT boardin the secondary BBU, which receives them over the BBU interconnection port.

    l As shown in Figure 4-7, the common E1/T1 reference clock is in the secondary BBU of aGSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station. The UMPT board receives E1/T1 clock signalsfrom the transport network over an E1/T1 link and forwards them to the UCIU board in theprimary BBU. Upon receiving the clock signals, the UCIU board sends them to the GTMUand LMPT boards by using the BBU backplane.

    Figure 4-6 A common E1/T1 reference clock in the primary BBU of a GSM/UMTS/LTEtriple-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 4 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 4-7 A common E1/T1 reference clock in the secondary BBU of a GSM/UMTS/LTEtriple-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 4 Common E1/T1 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 5 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference ClockThis chapter describes the common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock in separate-MPT, co-MPT,and hybrid-MPT multimode base stations.Table 5-1 describes the typical application scenarios for a common IEEE 1588v2 referenceclock.

    Table 5-1 Typical application scenarios for a common IEEE 1588v2 reference clockDeployment Scenario DescriptionCommon IEEE 1588v2 reference clock overthe Iub interface

    When the Abis and Iub interfaces use IPtransmission and the NodeB of a multimodebase station is configured with an IEEE1588v2 clock source, the BTS can obtainclock signals from the WMPT or UMPTboard in the NodeB by using the BBUbackplane.When the Iub and S1 interfaces use IPtransmission and the NodeB of a multimodebase station is configured with an IEEE1588v2 clock source, the eNodeB can obtainclock signals from the WMPT or UMPTboard in the NodeB by using the BBUbackplane.

    Common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock overthe S1 interface

    When the Abis or Iub interface and the S1interface use the IP transmission and theeNodeB of a multimode base station isconfigured with an IEEE 1588v2 clocksource, the GBTS, eGBTS, or NodeB canobtain clock signals from the LMPT orUMPT board in the eNodeB by using theBBU backplane.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 5 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Deployment Scenario DescriptionCommon IEEE 1588v2 reference clock overthe Abis interface

    When the eGBTS or GBTS of a multimodebase station is configured with an IEEE1588v2 clock source, the NodeB or eNodeBcan obtain clock signals from the GTMUbboard in the GBTS or the UMPT_G board inthe eGBTS by using the BBU backplane.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 5 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 5.1 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock in Separate-MPTMultimode Base Stations

    As shown in Figure 5-1, Figure 5-2, Figure 5-3, one main control board serving a mode isconnected to the transport network using an FE/GE port. The board is configured with an IEEE1588v2 clock client to obtain clock signals from an IEEE 1588v2 clock server. The oscillatorin the board synchronizes clock signals with the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and transmits thesynchronized 1 pulse per second (PPS) clock signals to the other main control board servinganother mode. In this case, only one IEEE 1588v2 clock client is required. FE stands for fastEthernet and GE stands for gigabit Ethernet.

    Figure 5-1 A common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock in a separate-MPT GSM/UMTS dual-modebase station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 5 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 5-2 A common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock in a separate-MPT GSM/LTE dual-modebase station

    Figure 5-3 A common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock in a separate-MPT UMTS/LTE dual-modebase station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 5 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 5.2 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock in Co-MPTMultimode Base Stations

    As shown in Figure 5-4, each mode uses the IEEE 1588v2 clock source configured for theUMPT board. The UMPT board supports the Common Clock feature.

    Figure 5-4 A common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock in a co-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station

    5.3 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock in Hybrid-MPTMultimode Base Stations

    As shown in Figure 5-5, only one BBU is used. Different modes of base stations can share anIEEE 1588v2 clock source by using the BBU backplane.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 5 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 5-5 A common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock in a hybrid-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 5 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • When BBU Interconnection is enabled, one mode of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode basestation is configured with an IEEE 1588v2 clock source and the other two modes share the IEEE1588v2 clock source. The procedure for sharing the IEEE 1588v2 clock source is as follows:l As shown in Figure 5-6, the common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock is in the primary BBU

    of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station. The LMPT board is configured with anIEEE 1588v2 clock client and receives IEEE 1588v2 clock packets containing clock signalsfrom an IEEE 1588v2 clock server through the transport network. Then, the LMPT boardgenerates synchronized 1 PPS clock signals and forwards them to the GTMU and UCIUboards. Upon receiving the synchronized 1 PPS clock signals, the UCIU board sends themto the UMPT board in the secondary BBU. Base stations of other modes in the primaryBBU obtain 1 PPS clock signals by using the BBU backplane.

    l As shown in Figure 5-7, the common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock is in the secondaryBBU of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station. The UMPT board is configured withan IEEE 1588v2 clock client and receives IEEE 1588v2 clock packets containing clocksignals from an IEEE 1588v2 clock server through the transport network. Then, the UMPTboard generates synchronized 1 PPS clock signals and forwards them to the UCIU boardin the primary BBU, which in turn forwards them to the GTMU and WMPT boards.

    Transmission port cabling on a multimode base station and the cabling of a common IEEE1588v2 reference clock are independently deployed. Therefore, the operation of the multimodebase station is not affected.

    Figure 5-6 A common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock in the primary BBU of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 5 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 5-7 A common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock in the secondary BBU of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 5 Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 6 Common Synchronous Ethernet ReferenceClock

    This chapter describes the common synchronous Ethernet reference clock in separate-MPT, co-MPT, and hybrid-MPT multimode base stations.Table 6-1 describes the typical application scenarios for a common synchronous Ethernetreference clock.

    Table 6-1 Typical application scenarios for a common synchronous Ethernet reference clockDeployment Scenario DescriptionCommon synchronous Ethernet referenceclock over the Iub interface

    When the Iub interface on the multimode basestation side uses IP transmission and the IPnetwork supports Ethernet clocksynchronization, the eGBTS, GBTS, oreNodeB can obtain clock signals from theWMPT, UMPT, UTRP board in the NodeBby using the BBU backplane. The UTRPboard is managed by the UMTS mode andsupports FE/GE transmission.

    Common synchronous Ethernet referenceclock over the S1 interface

    When the S1 interface uses IP transmissionand the IP network supports Ethernet clocksynchronization, the eGBTS, GBTS, orNodeB can obtain clock signals from theLMPT, UMPT, UTRP board in the eNodeBby using the BBU backplane. The UTRPboard is managed by the LTE mode andsupports FE/GE transmission.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 6 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Deployment Scenario DescriptionCommon synchronous Ethernet referenceclock over the Abis interface

    When the eGBTS or GBTS of a multimodebase station is configured with a synchronousEthernet clock source, the NodeB or eNodeBcan obtain clock signals by using the BBUbackplane from any of the following boards:l UMPT or UTRP board in the eGBTSl GTMUb or UTRP board in the GBTS

    The UTRP board is managed by the GSMmode and supports FE/GE transmission.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 6 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 6.1 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock inSeparate-MPT Multimode Base Stations

    As shown in Figure 6-1, Figure 6-2, Figure 6-3, to implement a common synchronous Ethernetreference clock, one mode of a dual-mode base station must connect to the transport networkover its FE/GE port and the IP network must support Ethernet clock synchronization. Thisensures that the other mode of the base station can receive synchronous Ethernet clock signalsby using the BBU backplane.

    Figure 6-1 A common synchronous Ethernet reference clock in a separate-MPT GSM/UMTSdual-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 6 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 6-2 A common synchronous Ethernet reference clock in a separate-MPT GSM/LTE dual-mode base station

    Figure 6-3 A common synchronous Ethernet reference clock in a separate-MPT UMTS/LTEdual-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 6 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 6.2 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock in Co-MPT Multimode Base Stations

    As shown in Figure 6-4, each mode uses the synchronous Ethernet clock source configured forthe UMPT board. The UMPT board supports the Common Clock feature.

    Figure 6-4 A common synchronous Ethernet reference clock in a co-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTEtriple-mode base station

    6.3 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock inHybrid-MPT Multimode Base Stations

    As shown in Figure 6-5, only one BBU is used. Different modes of base stations can share asynchronous Ethernet clock source by using the BBU backplane.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 6 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 6-5 A common synchronous Ethernet reference clock in a hybrid-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 6 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • When BBU Interconnection is enabled, one mode of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode basestation is configured with a synchronous Ethernet clock source and the other two modes sharethe clock source. The procedure for sharing the synchronous Ethernet clock source is as follows:l As shown in Figure 6-6, the common synchronous Ethernet reference clock in the primary

    BBU of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station. The WMPT board receivessynchronous Ethernet clock signals from the transport network over an FE link andforwards them to the GTMU and UCIU boards. Upon receiving the clock signals, the UCIUboard sends them to the UMPT board in the secondary BBU. The other mode of base stationin the primary BBU obtains synchronous Ethernet clock signals by using the BBUbackplane.

    l As shown in Figure 6-7, the common synchronous Ethernet reference clock in thesecondary BBU of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station. The UMPT board receivessynchronous Ethernet clock signals from the transport network over a GE link and forwardsthem to the UCIU board in the primary BBU. Upon receiving the clock signals, the UCIUboard sends them to the GTMU and WMPT boards.

    Figure 6-6 A common synchronous Ethernet reference clock in the primary BBU of aGSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 6 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 6-7 A common synchronous Ethernet reference clock in the secondary BBU of a GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 6 Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 7 Other Common Reference ClocksWhen the GSM, UMTS, and LTE modes share a UMTS board, besides common GPS, BITS,E1/T1, IEEE 1588v2, and synchronous Ethernet reference clocks, the following commonreference clocks can be used:l Common 1PPS+TOD reference clockl Common IEEE 1588v2+SyncE reference clockThese two common reference clocks are used only when the GSM, UMTS, and LTE modesshare a UMPT board. This is because these two common reference clocks only support a singlemode in a separate-MPT multimode base station.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 7 Other Common Reference Clocks

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 7.1 Common 1PPS+TOD Reference Clock in Co-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE Triple-mode Base Stations

    The 1PPS+TOD clock source supports frequency synchronization and time synchronization. Asshown in Figure 7-1, the USCU and UMPT boards can receive 1PPS+TOD clock signals. TheUMPT board is configured with the 1PPS+TOD clock source, which is shared by the GSM,UMTS, and LTE modes.

    Figure 7-1 A common 1PPS+TOD reference clock in a co-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station

    7.2 Common IEEE 1588v2+SyncE Reference Clock in Co-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE Triple-mode Base Stations

    The IEEE 1588v2+SyncE clock source combines the IEEE 1588v2 clock and synchronousEthernet clock and supports only time synchronization. The clock source of the IEEE 1588v2clock server must be the same as that of the synchronous Ethernet. As shown in Figure 7-2, theUMPT board is configured with the IEEE 1588v2+SyncE clock source, which is shared by theGSM, UMTS, and LTE modes. The clock source of the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and thesynchronous Ethernet in Figure 7-2 are GPS.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 7 Other Common Reference Clocks

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 7-2 A common IEEE 1588v2+SyncE reference clock in a co-MPT GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base station

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 7 Other Common Reference Clocks

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8 Engineering Guidelines8.1 When to Use Common Clock

    It is recommended that MRFD-211601 Multi-mode BS Common Reference Clock(GBTS/eGBTS), MRFD-221601 Multi-mode BS Common Reference Clock(NodeB), orMRFD-231601 Multi-mode BS Common Reference Clock (eNodeB) be enabled for amultimode base station to reduce the OPEX and CAPEX.

    8.2 Required InformationThe information to be collected is as follows:l Whether the multimode base station is configured with a GPS antenna or can obtain clock

    signals from a BITS clock sourceIf the multimode base station is configured with a GPS antenna or can obtain clock signalsfrom a BITS clock source, it is recommended that two modes of the base station share aGPS or BITS reference clock.

    l Transmission scheme used by the multimode base station If at least one mode of the multimode base station uses E1/T1 transmission, use a

    common E1/T1 reference clock. If all modes of the multimode base station use FE/GE transmission, check whether

    synchronous Ethernet is supported. If yes, use a common synchronous Ethernetreference clock. If no, use a common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock.

    8.3 RequirementsMRFD-211601 Multi-mode BS Common Reference Clock(GBTS/eGBTS) and MRFD-221601Multi-mode BS Common Reference Clock(NodeB) are not under license control.MRFD-231601 Multi-mode BS Common Reference Clock(eNodeB) is under license control.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Feature ID Feature Name LicenseControl Item

    NE Sales Unit

    MRFD-231601 Multi-mode BSCommonReferenceClock(eNodeB)

    Function-LTE-LLT1MCRC01Common Clock(eNodeB) (pereNodeB)

    eNodeB per eNodeB

    Hardwarel This feature applies only to GSM/UMTS/LTE triple-mode base stations.l If a GPS or BITS reference clock is used, a USCU board must be installed in the BBU.

    Other Featuresl Common GPS reference clock

    GBFD-510401 BTS GPS Synchronization MRFD-210501 BTS/NodeB Clock LBFD-00300504 Synchronization with BITS

    l Common BITS reference clock MRFD-210501 BTS/NodeB Clock LBFD-00300504 Synchronization with BITS

    l Common synchronous Ethernet reference clock GBFD-118202 Synchronous Ethernet WRFD-050502 Synchronous Ethernet LOFD-00301301 Synchronization with Ethernet(ITU-T G.8261)

    l Common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock MRFD-210501 BTS/NodeB Clock WRFD-050501 Clock Sync on Ethernet in NodeB LOFD-00301302 IEEE 1588v2 Clock Synchronization

    l Common 1PPS+TOD reference clock MRFD-210501 BTS/NodeB Clock LBFD-00300505 Synchronization with 1PPS

    l Common IEEE 1588v2+SyncE reference clock GBFD-118202 Synchronous Ethernet WRFD-050502 Synchronous Ethernet LOFD-00301302 IEEE 1588v2 Clock Synchronization LOFD-00301301 Synchronization with Ethernet(ITU-T G.8261)

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 8.4 Initial ConfigurationThis document provides system clock configuration for each of the NEs that share a clock sourceand their common reference clock configuration. For details about how to configure the clocksource of the NE that provides the common reference clock, see Synchronization FeatureParameter Description for the corresponding mode. This section describes how to configure acommon clock in typical application scenarios.

    8.4.1 GBTS/eGBTS Providing Clock Source for NodeB/eNodeB/Co-MPT Base Station

    The configuration procedure involves configuring the reference clock on the GBTS or eGBTSside and Configuring a Common Reference Clock for NodeB/eNodeB/Co-MPT BaseStation. To configure a reference clock on the GBTS or eGBTS side, refer to one of the followingsections:l Configuring a Common GPS Reference Clock on the GBTS or eGBTS Sidel Configuring a Common BITS Reference Clock on the GBTS or eGBTS Sidel Configuring a Common E1/T1 Reference Clock on the GBTS or eGBTS Sidel Configuring a Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock on the GBTS or eGBTS Sidel Configuring a Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock on the GBTS or

    eGBTS Side

    Configuring a Common GPS Reference Clock on the GBTS or eGBTS SideBefore configuring a common GPS reference clock, ensure that the GBTS or eGBTS has beenconfigured with a USCU board.To configure a common GPS reference clock for the GBTS, perform the following steps:

    Step 1 Run the SET BTSUSCUBP command to add a GPS clock link.Step 2 Run the SET BTSCLK command with ClkType (the CME name is Clock Type) set to

    TRCGPS_CLK(Trace GPS Clock).----EndTo configure a common GPS reference clock for the eGBTS, perform the following steps:

    Step 1 Run the ADD GPS command to add a GPS clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the GPS reference clock. Set the key parameters

    according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toGPS(GPS Clock).


    Configuring a Common BITS Reference Clock on the GBTS or eGBTS SideBefore configuring a common BITS reference clock, ensure that the GBTS or eGBTS has beenconfigured with a USCU board.To configure a common BITS reference clock for the GBTS, perform the following step:Run the SET BTSCLK command with ClkType (the CME name is Clock Type) set toEXTSYN_CLK(External Sync clock).To configure a common BITS reference clock for the eGBTS, perform the following steps:

    Step 1 Run the ADD BITS command to add a BITS clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the BITS reference clock. Set the key

    parameters according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toBITS(BITS Clock).


    Configuring a Common E1/T1 Reference Clock on the GBTS or eGBTS SideBefore configuring a common E1/T1 reference clock, ensure that an E1/T1 clock link isavailable.To configure a common E1/T1 reference clock for the GBTS, perform the following step:Run the SET BTSCLK command with ClkType (the CME name is Clock Type) set toTRCBSC_CLK(Trace BSC Clock).To configure a common E1/T1 reference clock for the eGBTS, perform the following steps:

    Step 1 Run the ADD LINECLK command to add an E1/T1 clock link. In this step, set Port Type(Port Type on the CME) to E1T1(E1T1).

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the E1/T1 reference clock. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toLINECLK(LineClock).


    Configuring a Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock on the GBTS or eGBTS SideTo configure a common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock for the GBTS, perform the followingsteps:

    Step 1 Run the SET BTSIPCLKPARA command to configure parameters for an IEEE 1588v2 clocklink. Set the key parameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Clock Protocol Type CLKPRTTYPE Clock Protocol Type Set this parameter toPTP(PTP).

    IP Clock TimeSynchronizationMode

    SYNMode ClockSynchronizationMode

    Set this parameter toCONSYN(ConsecutiveSynchronizing) orINTERSYN(IntermittentSynchronizing).

    Clock TopologyMode

    CLKTOPOMODE Clock TopologyMode

    Set this parameter toPTPOVERUDP(PTP over UDPUnicast) orPTPOVERMAC(PTP over MACMulticast).

    Clock ReferenceSource Redundancy

    ISCLKREDUCY Clock ReferenceSource Redundancy

    Set this parameter toUNSUPPORT(NotSupport Reducy) orSUPPORT(Support Reducy).

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Clock Server 0 IPAddress

    MASTERIPADDR Clock Server 0 IPAddress

    Set this parameter tothe IP address ofclock server 0 on theIP clock link.

    Clock Server 1 IPAddress

    SLAVEIPADDR Clock Server 1 IPAddress

    Set this parameter tothe IP address ofclock server 1 on theIP clock link.

    Step 2 Run the SET BTSCLK command with ClkType (the CME name is Clock Type) set to

    IP_TIME(IP Clock).

    ----EndTo configure a common IEEE 1588v2 reference clock for the eGBTS, perform the followingsteps:

    Step 1 Run the ADD IPCLKLINK command to add an IEEE 1588v2 clock link. Set the key parametersaccording to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Protocol Type ICPT Protocol Type Set this parameter toPTP(PTP).

    Profile Type PROFILETYPE Profile Type Set this parameter to1588V2(1588V2) orG.8265.1(G.8265.1).In most cases, set thisparameter to 1588V2(1588V2). If the IPclock server is athird-party device,set this parameter toG.8265.1(G.8265.1)to ensure the correctinterworkingbetween the basestation and the IPclock server.

    Slot No. SN Slot No. Set this parameter tothe number of the slotthat accommodatesthe IP clock link.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Clock TopologyMode

    CNM Clock Net Mode Set this parameter toUNICAST(Unicast),L3_MULTICAST(L3 Multicast), orL2_MULTICAST(L2 Multicast).

    Client IP CIP Client IPv4 Set this parameter tothe IPv4 address ofthe client at the IPclock link.

    Server IP SIP Server IPv4 Set this parameter tothe IPv4 address ofthe server at the IPclock link.


    If the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and the eGBTS are on different network segments, run the ADD IPRTcommand to configure the route between the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and the eGBTS.

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the IEEE 1588v2 reference clock. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toIPCLK(IP Clock).

    IP Clock TimeSynchronizationMode

    SYNMODE SynchronizationMode



    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Configuring a Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock on the GBTS oreGBTS Side

    Before configuring a common synchronous Ethernet reference clock, ensure that all transmissionequipment supports the synchronous Ethernet.To configure a common synchronous Ethernet reference clock for the GBTS, perform thefollowing step:Run the SET BTSCLK command with ClkType (the CME name is Clock Type) set toSYNETH_CLK(SynEth Clock). Then, run the ADD SYNCETH command to add asynchronous Ethernet clock link. Set the key parameters according to the descriptions in thefollowing table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Slot No. SN Slot No. Set this parameter tothe number of the slotthat accommodatesthe synchronousEthernet clock link.

    Port No. PN Port No. Set this parameter tothe number of theport thataccommodates thesynchronousEthernet clock link.

    To configure a common synchronous Ethernet reference clock for the eGBTS, perform thefollowing steps:

    Step 1 Run the ADD SYNCETH command to add a synchronous Ethernet clock link. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Slot No. SN Slot No. Set this parameter tothe number of the slotthat accommodatesthe synchronousEthernet clock link.

    Port No. PN Port No. Set this parameter tothe number of theport thataccommodates thesynchronousEthernet clock link.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    SSM Selection SSM SynchronizationStatus Message

    Set this parameter toDISABLE(DISABLE) orENABLE(ENABLE).

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the synchronous Ethernet reference clock. Set

    the key parameters according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toSYNCETH(SyncEth Clock).


    Configuring a Common Reference Clock for NodeB/eNodeB/Co-MPT Base StationStep 1 Run the ADD PEERCLK command to add a peer reference clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to configure the working mode of the reference clock.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toPEERCLK(PeerClock).


    8.4.2 NodeB Providing Clock Source for GBTS/eGBTS/eNodeB/Co-MPT Base Station

    The configuration procedure involves configuring the reference clock on the NodeB side andConfiguring a Common Reference Clock on the GBTS Side or Configuring a Common

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Reference Clock on the eGBTS/eNodeB/Co-MPT Base Station side. To configure a referenceclock on the NodeB side, refer to one of the following sections:l Configuring a Common GPS Reference Clock on the NodeB Sidel Configuring a Common BITS Reference Clock on the NodeB Sidel Configuring a Common E1/T1 Reference Clock on the NodeB Sidel Configuring a Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock on the NodeB Sidel Configuring a Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock on the NodeB Side

    Configuring a Common GPS Reference Clock on the NodeB SideBefore configuring a common GPS reference clock, ensure that the NodeB has been configuredwith a USCU board.

    Step 1 Run the ADD GPS command to add a GPS clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the GPS reference clock. Set the key parameters

    according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toGPS(GPS Clock).


    Configuring a Common BITS Reference Clock on the NodeB SideBefore configuring a common BITS reference clock, ensure that the NodeB has been configuredwith a USCU board.

    Step 1 Run the ADD BITS command to add a BITS clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the BITS reference clock. Set the key

    parameters according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toBITS(BITS Clock).


    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Configuring a Common E1/T1 Reference Clock on the NodeB SideBefore configuring a common E1/T1 reference clock, ensure that an E1/T1 clock link isavailable.

    Step 1 Run the ADD LINECLK command to add an E1/T1 clock link. In this step, set Port Type(Port Type on the CME) to E1T1(E1T1).

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the E1/T1 reference clock. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toLINECLK(LineClock).


    Configuring a Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock on the NodeB SideStep 1 Run the ADD IPCLKLINK command to add an IEEE 1588v2 clock link. Set the key parameters

    according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name

    MMLParameter ID

    Parameter Nameon theCME

    Setting Notes


    ICPT ProtocolType

    Set this parameter to PTP(PTP).




    Set this parameter to 1588V2(1588V2) or G.8265.1(G.8265.1).In most cases, set this parameter to 1588V2(1588V2). If the IP clock server is a third-partydevice, set this parameter to G.8265.1(G.8265.1) to ensure the correct interworkingbetween the base station and the IP clock server.

    Slot No. SN Slot No. Set this parameter to the number of the slot thataccommodates the IP clock link.


    CNM Clock NetMode

    Set this parameter to UNICAST(Unicast),L3_MULTICAST(L3 Multicast), orL2_MULTICAST(L2 Multicast).

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name

    MMLParameter ID

    Parameter Nameon theCME

    Setting Notes

    Client IP CIP ClientIPv4

    Set this parameter to the IPv4 address of theclient at the IP clock link.

    Server IP SIP ServerIPv4

    Set this parameter to the IPv4 address of theserver at the IP clock link.


    If the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and the NodeB are on different network segments, run the ADD IPRTcommand to configure the route between the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and the NodeB.The NodeB does not support IPV6.

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the IEEE 1588v2 reference clock. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toIPCLK(IP Clock).

    IP Clock TimeSynchronizationMode

    SYNMODE SynchronizationMode



    Configuring a Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock on the NodeB SideBefore configuring a common synchronous Ethernet reference clock, ensure that all transmissionequipment supports the synchronous Ethernet.

    Step 1 Run the ADD SYNCETH command to add a synchronous Ethernet clock link. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Slot No. SN Slot No. Set this parameter tothe number of the slotthat accommodates thesynchronous Ethernetclock link.

    Port No. PN Port No. Set this parameter tothe number of the portthat accommodates thesynchronous Ethernetclock link.

    SSM Selection SSM SynchronizationStatus Message

    Set this parameter toDISABLE(DISABLE) orENABLE(ENABLE).

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the synchronous Ethernet reference clock. Set

    the key parameters according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toSYNCETH(SyncEth Clock).


    Configuring a Common Reference Clock on the GBTS SideRun the SET BTSCLK command with ClkType ( on the CME name is Clock Type) set toPEERCLK(Peer Clock).

    Configuring a Common Reference Clock on the eGBTS/eNodeB/Co-MPT BaseStation side

    Step 1 Run the ADD PEERCLK command to add a peer reference clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to configure the working mode of the reference clock.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toPEERCLK(PeerClock).


    8.4.3 The eNodeB Providing Clock Source for GBTS/eGBTS/NodeB/Co-MPT Base Station

    The configuration procedure involves configuring the reference clock on the eNodeB side andConfiguring a Common Reference Clock on the GBTS Side or Configuring a CommonReference Clock on the eGBTS/NodeB/Co-MPT Base Station side. To configure a referenceclock on the eNodeB side, refer to one of the following sections:l Configuring a Common GPS Reference Clock on the eNodeB Sidel Configuring a Common BITS Reference Clock on the eNodeB Sidel Configuring a Common E1/T1 Reference Clock on the eNodeB Sidel Configuring a Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock on the eNodeB Sidel Configuring a Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock on the eNodeB Side

    Configuring a Common GPS Reference Clock on the eNodeB SideBefore configuring a common GPS reference clock, ensure that the eNodeB has been configuredwith a USCU board.

    Step 1 Run the ADD GPS command to add a GPS clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the GPS reference clock. Set the key parameters

    according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toGPS(GPS Clock).


    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • NOTE

    The eNodeB does not support switch between clock sources. Therefore, the System clock workingmode parameter must be set to MANUAL(Manual Handover).

    Configuring a Common BITS Reference Clock on the eNodeB SideBefore configuring a common BITS reference clock, ensure that the eNodeB has been configuredwith a USCU board.

    Step 1 Run the ADD BITS command to add a BITS clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the BITS reference clock. Set the key

    parameters according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toBITS(BITS Clock).


    Configuring a Common E1/T1 Reference Clock on the eNodeB SideBefore configuring a common E1/T1 reference clock, ensure that a UMPT board has beenconfigured and an E1/T1 clock link is available.

    Step 1 Run the ADD LINECLK command to add an E1/T1 clock link. In this step, set Port Type(Port Type on the CME) to E1T1(E1T1).

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the E1/T1 reference clock. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toLINECLK(LineClock).


    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Configuring a Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock on the eNodeB SideStep 1 Run the ADD IPCLKLINK command to add an IEEE 1588v2 clock link. Set the key parameters

    according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Protocol Type ICPT Protocol Type Set this parameter toPTP(PTP).

    Profile Type PROFILETYPE Profile Type Set this parameter to1588V2(1588V2) orG.8265.1(G.8265.1).In most cases, set thisparameter to 1588V2(1588V2). If the IPclock server is athird-party device,set this parameter toG.8265.1(G.8265.1)to ensure the correctinterworkingbetween the basestation and the IPclock server.

    Slot No. SN Slot No. Set this parameter tothe number of the slotthat accommodatesthe IP clock link.

    Clock TopologyMode

    CNM Clock Net Mode Set this parameter toUNICAST(Unicast),L3_MULTICAST(L3 Multicast), orL2_MULTICAST(L2 Multicast).

    Client IP CIP Client IPv4 Set this parameter tothe IPv4 address ofthe client at the IPclock link.

    Server IP SIP Server IPv4 Set this parameter tothe IPv4 address ofthe server at the IPclock link.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Client IPv6 CIPV6 Client IPv6 Set this parameter tothe client IPv6address of the IPclock link.

    Server IPv6 SIPV6 Server IPv6 Set this parameter tothe server IPv6address of the IPclock link.


    If the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and the eNodeB are on different network segments, run the ADD IPRTcommand to configure the route between the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and the eNodeB.

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the IEEE 1588v2 reference clock. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toIPCLK(IP Clock).

    IP Clock TimeSynchronizationMode

    SYNMODE SynchronizationMode



    Configuring a Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock on the eNodeBSide

    Before configuring a common synchronous Ethernet reference clock, ensure that all transmissionequipment supports the synchronous Ethernet.

    Step 1 Run the ADD SYNCETH command to add a synchronous Ethernet clock link. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Slot No. SN Slot No. Set this parameter tothe number of the slotthat accommodatesthe synchronousEthernet clock link.

    Port No. PN Port No. Set this parameter tothe number of theport thataccommodates thesynchronousEthernet clock link.

    SSM Selection SSM SynchronizationStatus Message

    Set this parameter toDISABLE(DISABLE) orENABLE(ENABLE).

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the synchronous Ethernet reference clock. Set

    the key parameters according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toSYNCETH(SyncEth Clock).


    Configuring a Common Reference Clock on the GBTS SideRun the SET BTSCLK command with ClkType ( on the CME name is Clock Type) set toPEERCLK(Peer Clock).

    Configuring a Common Reference Clock on the eGBTS/NodeB/Co-MPT BaseStation side

    Step 1 Run the ADD PEERCLK command to add a peer reference clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to configure the working mode of the reference clock.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toPEERCLK(PeerClock).


    8.4.4 Co-MPT Base Station Providing Clock Source for GBTS/eGBTS/NodeB/eNodeB

    This section describes how co-MPT multimode base stations provide the clock source forseparate-MPT multimode base stations in hybrid-MPT scenarios.The configuration procedure involves configuring the reference clock on the co-MPT multimodebase station side and Configuring a Common Reference Clock on the GBTS Side orConfiguring a Common Reference Clock on the eGBTS/NodeB/eNodeB side. To configurea reference clock on the co-MPT multimode base station side, refer to one of the followingsections:l Configuring a Common GPS Reference Clock on the Co-MPT Base Station Sidel Configuring a Common BITS Reference Clock on the Co-MPT Base Station Sidel Configuring a Common E1/T1 Reference Clock on the Co-MPT Base Station Sidel Configuring a Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock on the Co-MPT Base Station

    Sidel Configuring a Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock on the Co-MPT Base

    Station Side

    Configuring a Common GPS Reference Clock on the Co-MPT Base Station SideBefore configuring a common GPS reference clock, ensure that the co-MPT multimode basestation has been configured with a USCU board.

    Step 1 Run the ADD GPS command to add a GPS clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the GPS reference clock. Set the key parameters

    according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toGPS(GPS Clock).


    Configuring a Common BITS Reference Clock on the Co-MPT Base Station SideBefore configuring a common BITS reference clock, ensure that the co-MPT multimode basestation has been configured with a USCU board.

    Step 1 Run the ADD BITS command to add a BITS clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the BITS reference clock. Set the key

    parameters according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toBITS(BITS Clock).


    Configuring a Common E1/T1 Reference Clock on the Co-MPT Base Station SideBefore configuring a common E1/T1 reference clock, ensure that an E1/T1 clock link isavailable.

    Step 1 Run the ADD LINECLK command to add an E1/T1 clock link. In this step, set Port Type(Port Type on the CME) to E1T1(E1T1).

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the E1/T1 reference clock. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toLINECLK(LineClock).

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • ----End

    Configuring a Common IEEE 1588v2 Reference Clock on the Co-MPT Base StationSide

    Step 1 Run the ADD IPCLKLINK command to add an IEEE 1588v2 clock link. Set the key parametersaccording to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Protocol Type ICPT Protocol Type Set this parameter toPTP(PTP).

    Profile Type PROFILETYPE Profile Type Set this parameter to1588V2(1588V2) orG.8265.1(G.8265.1).In most cases, set thisparameter to 1588V2(1588V2). If the IPclock server is athird-party device,set this parameter toG.8265.1(G.8265.1)to ensure the correctinterworkingbetween the basestation and the IPclock server.

    Slot No. SN Slot No. Set this parameter tothe number of the slotthat accommodatesthe IP clock link.

    Clock TopologyMode

    CNM Clock Net Mode Set this parameter toUNICAST(Unicast),L3_MULTICAST(L3 Multicast), orL2_MULTICAST(L2 Multicast).

    Client IP CIP Client IPv4 Set this parameter tothe IPv4 address ofthe client at the IPclock link.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Server IP SIP Server IPv4 Set this parameter tothe IPv4 address ofthe server at the IPclock link.

    Client IPv6 CIPV6 Client IPv6 Set this parameter tothe client IPv6address of the IPclock link.

    Server IPv6 SIPV6 Server IPv6 Set this parameter tothe server IPv6address of the IPclock link.


    If the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and the co-MPT multimode base station are on different network segments,run the ADD IPRT command to configure the route between the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and the co-MPT multimode base station.

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the IEEE 1588v2 reference clock. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toIPCLK(IP Clock).

    IP Clock TimeSynchronizationMode

    SYNMODE SynchronizationMode



    Configuring a Common Synchronous Ethernet Reference Clock on the Co-MPTBase Station Side

    Before configuring a common synchronous Ethernet reference clock, ensure that all transmissionequipment supports the synchronous Ethernet.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Step 1 Run the ADD SYNCETH command to add a synchronous Ethernet clock link. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Slot No. SN Slot No. Set this parameter tothe number of the slotthat accommodatesthe synchronousEthernet clock link.

    Port No. PN Port No. Set this parameter tothe number of theport thataccommodates thesynchronousEthernet clock link.

    SSM Selection SSM SynchronizationStatus Message

    Set this parameter toDISABLE(DISABLE) orENABLE(ENABLE).

    Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the synchronous Ethernet reference clock. Set

    the key parameters according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toSYNCETH(SyncEth Clock).


    Configuring a Common Reference Clock on the GBTS SideRun the SET BTSCLK command with ClkType (the CME name is Clock Type) set toPEERCLK(Peer Clock).

    Configuring a Common Reference Clock on the eGBTS/NodeB/eNodeB sideStep 1 Run the ADD PEERCLK command to add a peer reference clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to configure the working mode of the reference clock.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toPEERCLK(PeerClock).


    8.4.5 Co-MPT Base Station Supporting Common Reference Clockamong GSM, UMTS, and LTE

    A co-MPT multimode base station supports the Common Clock feature. For details about howto configure a common GPS, BITS, E1/T1, IEEE1588V2, or synchronous Ethernet referenceclock, see section 8.4.4 Co-MPT Base Station Providing Clock Source for GBTS/eGBTS/NodeB/eNodeB.

    Configuring a Common 1PPS+TOD Reference ClockStep 1 Run the ADD TOD command to add a 1PPS+TOD clock link.Step 2 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the GPS reference clock. Set the key parameters

    according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE System ClockWorking Mode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Clock Source Type Set this parameter toTOD(TOD Clock).


    Configuring a Common IEEE 1588v2+SyncE Reference ClockBefore configuring a common IEEE1588V2+SyncE reference clock, ensure that theIEEE1588V2 IP clock server and the synchronous Ethernet share a clock source.

    Step 1 Run the ADD SYNCETH command to add a synchronous Ethernet clock link. Set the keyparameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Slot No. SN Slot No. Set this parameter tothe number of the slotthat accommodatesthe synchronousEthernet clock link.

    Port No. PN Port No. Set this parameter tothe number of theport thataccommodates thesynchronousEthernet clock link.

    SSM Selection SSM SynchronizationStatus Message

    Set this parameter toDISABLE(DISABLE) orENABLE(ENABLE).

    SyncEth Clock No. LN SyncEth Clock No. Link No. 0 issynchronous-Ethernet input andlink No. 1 issynchronous-Ethernet output.

    Step 2 Run the ADD IPCLKLINK command to add an IEEE 1588v2 clock link. Set the key parameters

    according to the descriptions in the following table.Parameter Name MML Parameter

    IDParameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Protocol Type ICPT Protocol Type Set this parameter toPTP(PTP).

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    Profile Type PROFILETYPE Profile Type Set this parameter to1588V2(1588V2) orG.8265.1(G.8265.1).In most cases, set thisparameter to 1588V2(1588V2). If the IPclock server is athird-party device,set this parameter toG.8265.1(G.8265.1)to ensure the correctinterworkingbetween the basestation and the IPclock server.

    Slot No. SN Slot No. Set this parameter tothe number of the slotthat accommodatesthe IP clock link.

    Clock TopologyMode

    CNM Clock Net Mode Set this parameter toUNICAST(Unicast),L3_MULTICAST(L3 Multicast), orL2_MULTICAST(L2 Multicast).

    Client IP CIP Client IPv4 Set this parameter tothe IPv4 address ofthe client at the IPclock link.

    Server IP SIP Server IPv4 Set this parameter tothe IPv4 address ofthe server at the IPclock link.

    Client IPv6 CIPV6 Client IPv6 Set this parameter tothe client IPv6address of the IPclock link.

    Server IPv6 SIPV6 Server IPv6 Set this parameter tothe server IPv6address of the IPclock link.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • NOTE

    If the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and the co-MPT multimode base station are on different network segments,run the ADD IPRT command to configure the route between the IEEE 1588v2 clock server and the co-MPT multimode base station.

    Step 3 Run the SET CLKMODE command to activate the IEEE 1588v2+SyncE reference clock. Setthe key parameters according to the descriptions in the following table.

    Parameter Name MML ParameterID

    Parameter Nameon the CME

    Setting Notes

    System clockworking mode

    MODE Clock WorkingMode

    Set this parameter toMANUAL(ManualHandover).

    Selected ClockSource

    CLKSRC Selected ClockSource

    Set this parameter toSYNCETH+IPCLK(SyncEthClock+IP Clock).

    IP Clock TimeSynchronizationMode

    SYNMODE SynchronizationMode



    8.5 Activation ObservationStep 1 Run the GSM MML command LST BTSCLK and the co-MPT multimode base station/NodeB/

    eNodeB/eGBTS MML command DSP CLKSTAT to check whether the Common Clock featurehas been activated.

    If... Then...The reference clock type is the same as thepreset one

    Configuring the reference clock succeeds andthe feature has been activated.

    The reference clock type is different from thepreset one

    Configuring the reference clock fails and thefeature is not activated.

    Step 2 Check whether any related alarms are generated.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • If... Then...ALM-26276 Inter-System Site-LevelConfiguration Conflict is generated and thevalue of Configuration Item is ClockReference Type Configuration Conflict,indicating a clock reference typeconfiguration conflict

    Configuring the reference clock fails and thefeature is not activated.


    8.6 TroubleshootingIf ALM-26276 Inter-System Site-Level Configuration Conflict is generated, a clock referencetype configuration conflict occurs. That is, the base station of the current mode does not supportthis type of reference clock. If this occurs, you must check the configuration file and correct theclock reference type.

    Alarm ID Alarm Name Configuration Item26276 Inter-System Site-Level

    Configuration ConflictClock Reference TypeConfiguration Conflict

    If the common reference clock is correctly configured but the base station cannot lock the clocksource within 30 minutes after it starts, you need to troubleshoot the common reference clockfault. For details, see section "Troubleshooting" in Synchronization Feature ParameterDescription for GSM, UMTS, or LTE.

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 8 Engineering Guidelines

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 9 ParametersTable 9-1 Parameter description

    Parameter ID NE MMLCommand

    Feature ID Feature Name Description



    BTS ClockSynchronizationClock SourceSwitchingManually orAutomaticallyFree-runningModeSynchronizationwith GPSSynchronizationwith BITSSynchronizationwith 1PPSSynchronizationwith E1/T1EnhancedSynchronizationSynchronizationwith Ethernet(ITU-T G.8261)IEEE1588 V2ClockSynchronizationClock over IP(Huaweiproprietary)

    Meaning:Indi-cates theworking modeof the systemclock. Manualindicates that aclock sourcemust bespecified by theuser. Autoindicates that thesystemautomaticallyselects a clocksource based onthe priority andavailability ofthe clock source.Free indicatesthat the systemclock works infree-runningmode, that is, thesystem clockdoes not traceany referenceclock source.GUI ValueRange:AUTO(Auto),MANUAL

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 9 Parameters

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter ID NE MMLCommand

    Feature ID Feature Name Description

    IEEE 1588v2over IPv6

    (Manual), FREE(Free)Unit:NoneActual ValueRange:AUTO,MANUAL,FREEDefaultValue:FREE(Free)

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 9 Parameters

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter ID NE MMLCommand

    Feature ID Feature Name Description



    BTS ClockSynchronizationClock SourceSwitchingManually orAutomaticallySynchronizationwith GPSSynchronizationwith BITSSynchronizationwith 1PPSSynchronizationwith E1/T1EnhancedSynchronizationSynchronizationwith Ethernet(ITU-T G.8261)IEEE1588 V2ClockSynchronizationClock over IP(Huaweiproprietary)IEEE 1588v2over IPv6

    Meaning:Indi-cates the type ofthe user-selectedclock source.The UMTScurrently doesnot support"SyncEth Clock+IP Clock" and"GPS Clock+SyncEthClock" function.GUI ValueRange:GPS(GPS Clock),BITS(BITSClock), IPCLK(IP Clock),SYNCETH(SyncEthClock),LINECLK(LineClock), TOD(TOD Clock),PEERCLK(PeerClock),SYNCETH+IPCLK(SyncEth Clock+IP Clock), GPS+SYNCETH(GPS Clock+SyncEthClock)Unit:NoneActual ValueRange:GPS,BITS, IPCLK,SYNCETH,LINECLK,TOD,PEERCLK,SYNCETH+IPCLK, GPS+SYNCETH

    SingleRANCommon Clock Feature Parameter Description 9 Parameters

    Issue 01 (2013-04-28) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Parameter ID NE MMLCommand

    Feature ID Feature Name Description
