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Incentivizing local people for marine conservation

Chris Poonian and Patricia DavisCommunity Centred Conservation (C3)

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Case study #1 : Busuanga, Palawan, Philippines

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One of the most important sites for the dugong in the Philippines

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Local threats:

•Previously hunted using nets, prong, hook, harpoon, and dynamite and meat sold openly

•Nowadays, incidental capture in fishing nets is likely the most significant threat

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• Dugong reliant on shallow coastal seagrass and thus shares almost all its habitat with humans

• Support and involvement of local communities is therefore key to ensuring the survival of the dugong in the Philippines

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Involving fishing communities in dugong research

•Key Informant Interviews

•Dugong sighting register

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Raising awareness

•Novel ideas – Dugong ‘ecobag’, Iphone app

•Community workshops and school activity days

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Case study #2 : KIA ISLAND, FIJI

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•Great Sea Reef - the third largest barrier reef system in the world

•Over 80% of the island relies on fishing as their primary source of income

•Locally Managed MPAs – but erratic compliance

•Opening of closed areas leads to periodic heavy exploitation

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Humphead Wrasse(Cheilinus undulatus)

•Largest reef-dwelling teleost (2m)

•Vulnerable to fishing pressure

•Live reef fish trade

•Spawning aggregations

•Red List: Endangered; CITES: Appendix II

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Humphead Wrasse global distribution (Sadovy et al. 2004)

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•Fiji - Eastern edge of the species’ range

•Decline in national reported catch

-1998:12 tonnes

-2002: 3 tonnes

•Trade prohibited under Fijian Law (since 2002) - FJ$5,000 or imprisonment


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Data collection

•Expert fisher interviews (n=21)

•Humphead Wrasse landings

-aim to record every fish landed in 2012

•Community members involved

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In the past Nowadays

How many caught annually?


‘200 or 300’

‘100 or 200’


’40 or 50’

’20 or 30’



‘60 to 80’

Actual catch during 2012

– at least 198 fish!

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Monthly catch

Jan – mid-FebMPA open to generate funds for school fees

26 Mar - Funeral

30 May -

Turaga-ni-Koro bans capture of Humphead Wrasse

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Cultural significance

•Feasts, funerals, other community events

•Mototeivovo – (hump area) is reserved for high-ranking chiefs

•Grade B / C – FJ$4-6 / kg but BIG

•Jewelry - upper jaw made into necklaces

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•Widespread awareness of laws


•Lack of enforcement

•Ready market – Chinese fish traders

•Government fish wardens not trusted

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Management•Low community awareness of humphead wrasse life history

•Adaptive management and self-enforcement by community

-remoteness of site

-’luxury fish’ not critical source of livelihood

•Improved understanding of population status – in situ surveys

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Critical ecosystems and endangered species

•Sea turtles



•Nearshore fisheries

•Coral Reefs


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Community motivation• Community optimistic, but skeptical due to

past issues with Park authorities

• Socioeconomic benefits of MPA a key issue

• Incursions continue

• Our project aims to generate direct benefits for good environmental stewardship

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Socioeconomic needs

Socioeconomic surveys identified main community needs to be:

• Maternal health care (esp. delivery)• Clean water supply• Ecotourism development (external

operators focus on islands)• Support for secondary school access

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Community service provisions in return for environmental performance

Dugong aspects include :-Ban on gill nets in key areas-Reduction of dugong mortality to zero

Adaptive performance monitoring system is key – now under development with the community

Environmental Stewardship Agreements

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Capacity building

• 50 + students from University of Antsiranana

• 10 National Parks staff

trained in :

• Habitat mapping & monitoring

• Socioeconomic surveys

• Endangered species biology and conservation

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‘We have now learned that by protecting our marine environment, we are saving the future of our fisheries…and our own future’

-Village elder in Ampasindava

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Thanks!Donors and partners Community members
