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Leicester & Leicestershire Newsletter of CITY & COUNTY NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH – (LEICESTER &


Charity No. 1072275Issue 28/2017

The City & County Neighbourhood Watch is here to represent the concerns of members and their families. We operate entirely outside the police chain of command, so we can always promise an independent and

confidential serviceWorking in SUPPORT of LEICESTERSHIRE POLICE

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Have you visited City and County Neighbourhood Watch (Leicester & Leicestershire) Website recently?


Why not consider joining a Facebook Group for your Area. You will then be able to comment and discuss issues with others in your area, on topics that are of interest to you. Blaby District: Charnwood Borough: Harborough District: Hinckley & Bosworth Borough: Leicester City: Leicestershire: Melton Borough: North West Leicestershire District: Oadby & Wigston Borough:


Leicestershire Police praise motorists for safe overtakingIssued on 14/7/17 at 2:48 p.m.

Leicestershire Police has praised motorists for overtaking cyclists safely on urban roads, following the successful end to its first Safe Pass campaign.

Officers took to the roads in Leicester and towns in Leicestershire and Rutland on Monday 10 July, to monitor dangerous overtaking but, by Friday (14) had only seen enough evidence to stop two motorists. Discussions were held with both about how to pass cyclists safely and no further action needed to be taken.

The week-long enforcement followed the launch of a short video showing motorists how to overtake cyclists (leaving 1.5 metres between the cyclist and the vehicle) in mid-May. On Monday, and for a few hours each day this week, police officers recorded motorists overtaking them using a camera attached to their bike.

Leicestershire Police Sergeant Dave Adams, who was leading the enforcement, said:

Generally motorists have been exceptionally well-behaved and, apart from the two very minor incidents at the start of the week, we haven’t needed to stop anybody else. We also watched motorists overtaking other cyclists and saw nothing to concern us.

“We have focused on urban roads this week and it may be a reflection of motorists being more cautious when driving in heavier traffic than some are using country roads. When we run the campaign again in future in rural areas, we could see quite a different picture. We will review the week in more detail to see if we can learn anything to help us in future.”

Tony Lenihan, Safe and Sustainable Travel Coordinator at Leicestershire County Council said:


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“In the Safe and Sustainable Travel Team at Leics County Council we actively encourage initiatives designed to increase the levels of people cycling and walking. We know that the fear of unsafe overtaking is a major deterrent to people cycling so we were delighted to support Leicestershire Police in this Operation, by supplying the cameras used in the operation and training the police officer cyclists to an advanced level.”

The Safe Pass video will remain available on the force website


Safe Pass enforcement starts 10 JulyIssued on 7/7/17 at 12:35 p.m.

Leicestershire Police is taking to pedal power from Monday 10 July, to enforce its Safe Pass campaign, filming motorists as they overtake officers cycling in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

The campaign, which launched with an information video in May, has already led to one motorist being stopped for overtaking too close to a cyclist who filmed him and submitted the recording to the force. He was spoken to about his driving and warned that persistent offenders would be prosecuted. Unluckily for him, officers also established that he was driving without road tax and he was given a penalty ticket.

A group of officers have recently undergone advance cycling training and, from Monday, will be in the region over the next two weeks, using body-worn cameras to record motorists who don’t leave enough space when overtaking. Offending motorists will be stopped by supporting officers at the scene to discuss the dangers posed to the cyclist by unsafe passing.

Inspector Paul Crewe said:

“Ideally our video has had an impact and we won’t see any motorists overtaking dangerously. But, if we do, we will either flag them down immediately, or identify them from their registration plate for a follow up discussion.

“Cyclists are very vulnerable when they use the road and, as we come up to the school summer holidays, we expect to see a lot more younger people out and about on their bikes. Whatever their age, fitness levels and experience, cyclists are put at great risk by motorists who ignore the 1.5m overtaking distance between the bike and the car.”

The force aims to publish film of examples of unsafe passing over the summer as a further warning to motorists.


£600,000 funding boost for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence

Issued on 7/7/17 at 8:34 a.m.

More help and support for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence is to be put in place across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland thanks to hundreds of thousands of pounds in extra funding.

Leicestershire’s Office of Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) led a partnership bid to win a slice of a £17m Home Office fund to help prevent and address violence against women and girls.

This week Home Secretary Amber Rudd announced more than 40 projects across the country had been successful - including £600,000 for the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) No More in LLR.


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Although the OPCC had bid for almost £840,000, the award to VAWG No More was the sixth biggest grant in the country.

The project - supported by the city and county councils, Leicestershire Police, health and other agencies, including charities - aims to help victims by intervening earlier in smarter, more holistic ways.

This will include emergency support for victims of domestic abuse and/or sexual violence (within 24 hours), outreach work and specific BME-focused provision.

The full details of how the money will be spent are yet to be finalised but Police and Crime Commissioner Lord Willy Bach said: “I am thrilled that we have managed to secure the sixth highest award from the Government’s Violence Against Women and Girls Transformation Fund for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence across LLR.

“Abuse of women, girls, and yes men too, is abhorrent and it is an issue which should shame us all. But I have witnessed first hand the real commitment which exists between the police, local authorities, health and across the wider partnership spectrum, to eradicate sexual violence and domestic abuse across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

“This money will go some way towards helping us achieve that goal.”

Detective Superintendent Simon Cure from Leicestershire Police’s serious crime team, said: “We are delighted with the award. We will be working closely with the Police and Crime Commissioner and partner agencies to enhance the way we collectively provide a service to individuals and families. This funding will improve the way in which we are able to bring information together and assess risk, it will no doubt provide additional support for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence.”


Summer drink drive campaign catches too manyIssued on 6/7/17 at 1:42 p.m.

Leicestershire Police made 60 drink drive, along with 2 drug drive, arrests during its June campaign, disappointingly this is 13 more than in June 2016.

24 of the arrests were following a road traffic collision, 21 involved drivers aged 24 or under and 11 were made the “morning after”, between 6am and noon.

Half of the arrests were made in the Greater Leicester area, including Oadby and Wigston, with the remainder spread across Leicestershire and Rutland, including ten (10) in North West Leicestershire.

Jonathan Clarkson, spokesperson for the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Road Safety Partnership, said, “Despite our best efforts the dangers of drink and drug driving continue to be ignored by a stubborn minority of motorists. Worryingly, around a third of those arrested were younger drivers, which appears to be a growing trend with each of our campaigns.”

“Along with the obvious dangers of putting both your life, and the innocent lives of other people, at risk a conviction for drink driving can affect your employment and may also prevent you from visiting countries such as the United States and Australia.”


Play your part, act on scams


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Issued on 4/7/17 at 4:21 p.m.

People of Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland are being urged to play their part and act on scams.

Leicestershire Police is working with partners across the county to increase awareness of scams, which can be committed online, over the phone or face-to-face, as part of Scams Awareness Month, a national campaign encouraging people to report and talk about scams.

Scammers can strike at any time, from cold-calling people with a fake investment opportunity or lottery win to posting online adverts for products which don’t exist.

Paul Wenlock, Head of Economic Crime at Leicestershire Police, said: “We want to arm the people of Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland with the information they need to be able to spot a scam.

“People often don’t think to report potential scam emails or texts or may be reluctant to admit that they have fallen victim to a scam. We want to bring the issue out into the open and encourage our communities to report scams, no matter how small they may seem, in order to prevent others from falling victim.

“Those who report being scammed can get advice on how to try and get their money back and steps they can take to protect themselves against falling victim to other scams."

Andy Watterson, Business Crime Manager at East Midlands Chamber of Commerce, said “With technical security measures becoming ever more effective, it is far easier, and more profitable, for scammers to target individuals to try and obtain money by deception.

“This is especially prevalent within business, where cyber criminals are increasingly looking to exploit employees, especially those with access to the company finances.

“Therefore, it is vital that both employees and private individuals alike are aware of how to spot scams and what to do if they are targeted”.

Leicestershire County Council leader Nick Rushton, who is also cabinet member for Trading Standards, said: “There are all sorts of scams out there, from unscrupulous cyber rackets to door-to-door, phone and postal cons.

“We want people to keep in mind that if in doubt, don’t reply. Bin it, delete it or hang up.

“Equally anyone who feels they have already been a victim of a scam should not suffer in silence, report it or call for support.”

Samantha Hancock, Leicestershire Police's Cyber Protect Officer, said: "We are urging all Leicestershire residents to be on their guard for any suspicious emails or websites.


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“There are a number of ways you can protect yourself online. There is lots of useful information on the Cyber Aware and Get Safe Online websites”

Can you spot a scam? :• Has the call, letter, text or person has arrived unexpectedly?• Have you heard of the lottery or competition they are talking about? Did you buy a ticket?• Have you been asked to send money in advance or for personal or security details?• Are you being urged to respond quickly so you don’t get time to think about it or talk to family or friends

For advice on scams, please contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline at 03454 04 05 06 (03454 04 05 05 for Welsh language) who can provide advice and pass details on to Trading Standards.

To report a scam please contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.




We are committed to tackling hate incidents and hate crimes and we take all reports seriously.

What are hate incidents and hate crimes?

Hate Incident

A hate incident is any non-crime incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person's actual, or perceived, disability, race, religion / faith, sexual orientation and or/transgender.

Hate Crime

A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person's actual, or perceived, disability, race, religion / faith, sexual orientation and or/transgender.

There are 5 nationally agreed monitored hate crime categories and these are:

Disability Race Religion / Faith Sexual Orientation Transgender

We also have two additional categories and these are

Alternative sub-culture Other

Alternative sub-culture means a discernible group that is characterised by a strong sense of collective identity and a set of group-specific values and tastes that typically centre on distinctive style/clothing, make-up, body art and music preferences.


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Those involved usually stand out in the sense that their distinctiveness is discernible both to fellow participants and to those outside the group. Groups that typically place themselves under the umbrella of ‘alternative’ include goths, emos, punks, metallers and some variants of hippie and dance culture (although this list is not exhaustive)

Other is used where the motivation is different from the six categories above. For example: a person is a member of the Armed Forces or has been targeted because of their body size or appearance.

Stamp It Out

‘Stamp It Out’ is Leicestershire Police’s hate crime prevention campaign and brings together key partners and organisations across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to provide a consistent approach to tackling hate incidents and hate crimes.

How can I report a hate incident or hate crime?

In an emergency always dial 999

In a non-emergency call 101

You can also report hate incident and hate crimes on-line at

If you have any hearing difficulties or a speech impairment, a text phone is available on 18001 101

Visit Contact Us for all the ways to get in touch.

Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel

Leicestershire Police’s Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel was established more than 15 years ago and continues to be an enormous asset in contributing to improvements in how officers respond to hate incidents and hate crimes.

Visit our Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel to find out more information, and how you can become a member.




WIGSTONThe Wigston neighbourhood covers Wigston town centre and a large number of housing estates. The area includes several pubs, restaurants, school and colleges, youth clubs and a drop in centre.

There are also some small attractive parks such as the Memorial Park, Willow Park, Horsewell Lane Park and Hayes Park which are widely used by local residents and visitors to the area.

Each dedicated neighbourhood team is supported by the Special Constabulary.

Your dedicated neighbourhood team


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Sgt Lindsey Booth

Collar number: 4300

I have been with Leicestershire Police for over 20 years and during that time I have worked at Syston, Melton Road, Oakham and Melton. I have worked in the Domestic Abuse Unit based at Loughborough and more recently as the Beacon Officer in Melton. I am now looking forward to the new challenge of working alongside the existing Neighbourhood Team in Wigston.

I have spent the majority of my career as a neighbourhood officer helping to reduce crime and reduce reports of anti-social behaviour. A large percentage of this work was achieved by close partnership working and this is something I aim to continue in Wigston. I am also looking forward to working with the residents groups and other members of the community on this Neighbourhood.

Send an email to your neighbourhood team Leave a voicemail for Sgt Lindsey Booth by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a message

for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 4300.

PC Carl Sutherley

Collar number: 1380

I have been a Police Officer for Leicestershire Police for 12 years and have a great deal of experience as both a Response Officer and a Beat Officer. I have worked for 11 years at Braunstone Police Station before moving to Wigston in January 2014.

I am one of a team of Safer Neighbourhood Officers for Wigston and I am looking forward to meeting you and working with local residents and partner agencies to tackle the issues that matter to you.

Send an email to your neighbourhood team Leave a voicemail for PC Carl Sutherley by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a message

for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 1380.

PC Paul Archer

Collar number: 335


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I am an officer on the Wigston Neighbourhood Team.

I look forward to working with the local community.

Send an email to your neighbourhood team Leave a voicemail for PC Paul Archer by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a message for

an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 0335.

PCSO Sarah Parnaby

Collar number: 6118

I am committed to tackling community issues within my beat. Please feel free to stop and chat with me if you see me out and about on patrol and raise any concerns you may have.

Send an email to your neighbourhood team Leave a voicemail for PCSO Sarah Parnaby by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a

message for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 6118.

PCSO Thomas McCabe

Collar number: 6194

I joined the Wigston neighbourhood team in 2015 and am committed to supporting the local community with their issues.

Send an email to your neighbourhood team Leave a voicemail for PCSO Thomas McCabe by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a

message for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 6194.

PCSO Callum Graham

Collar number: 6071


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I joined the Wigston neighbourhood team in December 2016, Prior to working for the Police, I worked with children with severe learning and behaviour difficulties, I look forward in applying my knowledge and assisting in any issues within communities. If you see me out and about, please come over and have a chat.

Send an email to your neighbourhood team Leave a voicemail for PCSO Callum Graham by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a

message for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 6071.

