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Page 1: Comparing story boards

Pre-Production Shots 1-4

Our first shot was going to be an

establishing shot of the location. But because

of time and permission this could not happen.

We knew from the beginning that we were going to use twisted pictures

We also knew after seeing the location that we were going to use the lift to show some

of our credits. And after doing our preliminary task we could now incorporate

match on action into our thriller

At the beginning we were not going to use

music just enhance diegetic and non-diegetic sounds.

Page 2: Comparing story boards

Post-ProductionShots 1-4

We decided that the opening shot should be of the lift opening, and then our main character (Henry)

opening the lift and coming in.

We then decided to have the twisted

pictures logo before moving onto the


We still have diegetic sound but we have now incorporated music

‘Trolley of Death’which fits in really well.

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Pre-Production Shots 5-7

One of the many things we knew we wanted to

do in our thriller was build suspense, which

we thought making the main character walk a

lot would do.This walking would also show off all the different

shots that we could do.

For lighting we decided to have natural lighting

because we were planning on filming in the day, however this did not

happen because it got darker earlier than we


Also before production we had a rough idea of how long we would want each shot to be, but it was not definite so we did not write it in our pre-

production story board.

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Post-ProductionShot 5-8

We decided to show off more match on action shots of the

character opening and closing the door of the lift before moving onto the different

range of shots for the character walking.

Because of the time we were filming (winter 4pm)

it was dark in the warehouse so we had to

use the lighting of the warehouse.

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Pre-ProductionShots 8-11

We also knew about props i.e. using letters. We thought this would

make the audience want to know more, and what the letters were, making the opening scene more

mysterious.Our first ideas when it came to the letter was a voice

over of someone reading it as our main character walked into another room. This did not happen as we thought it was distracting and made the whole

thriller confusing.

We wanted to have a POV shot of the main character reading the letter, but it was not practical because of the time we had

and we didn’t want to get into “the mind” of the character just yet. We didn’t want the audience to connect with him.

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Post-ProductionShots 9-12

After getting used to the camera after our preliminary task we were more comfortable with the camera and I think this showed in our thriller, as we used a wide variety of shots. E.g. close up, panning,

long shot and low angle.

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Pre-ProductionShots 12-15

After going to see the location before filming, we

knew what rooms we wanted to use and that we

wanted to include the lights of the warehouse because they had a really ominous

feel to them.

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Post-ProductionShots 13-16

From our pre-production story board to the actual filming we kept the same tools. We knew what we

wanted to use and kept to it. E.g. chair, duct tape, knife, lift and letters.

One big change to our thriller from pre-production to editing is showing our other character. At the

beginning of the process we wanted to show him at the end, but now, during editing we have decided to show just little clips of his arms and legs. This

leaves our audience confused and wanting to know more.

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Post-ProductionShots 17-20

Another big change is that our pre-production story board is very brief, as we knew what we wanted to do

and how to film it, but we improvised during the day.

We also had more shots of the tools and during editing we had sharper

and quicker cuts.

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Post-ProductionShots 21-24

We have a lot more shots than we had planned but this just shows how

comfortable we were with the camera and experimenting in our group.

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Post-ProductionShots 25-28

We used a lot of diegetic sound that we edited to make louder.

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Post-ProductionShots 29-30

Even from the beginning we knew we wanted to end the opening scene

with a cliff-hanger – where anything could happen after.

We used the same music track from beginning to end, and it fits in really well with the movement and pace of

the character and the shots.