Page 1: Complete continuous quran dictionary 32 pages-english

English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 1

بسم اهللاA Concise Dictionary

of the Qur'an Compiled by

M. Mustafa Shareef, Khaqan Khan & Dr. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem

Understand Quran Academy Hyderabad, India Abbreviations: sr. singular dl. dual pl. plural mg. masculine gender fg. feminine gender im. imperative أمر ni. Negative imperative نهي ap. active participle اسم فاعل pp. passive participle ل اسم مفعvn. verbal noun مصدر

The words are arranged as follows: Ayah #; Word; Meanings

(((((((Juz – 1 ))))))) ة - 2﴿﴿﴿﴿ ﴾﴾﴾﴾سوrة البق

this, (that) 2 لك ذ

no doubt, no suspicion 2 ال ريب

prep. in this, in, at, on, within 2 فيه

those who ward off evil, pious, God-fearing

2 متقين

they believe ن من 3 ي

unseen, secret, invisible 3 غيب

they establish, they are steadfast ن 3 يقيم

prayer 3 الصالة

prep. of that, from that 3 مما

we have provided, bestowed قناz3 ر

pl. them, they, their 3 هم

they spend / distribute ن 3 ينفق

which, with 4 بما

revealed, sent down ل 4 أن

unto thee 4 إليك

before thee 4 قبلك

life after death, hereafter, life to come

آ 4 خرة

they are certain of, sure, affirm ن قن 4 ي

those / (these) people آلئكw5 أ

ap. pl. successful, ن 5 مفلح

certainly, undoubtedly, doubtless

6 إن

they disbelieved, they rejected اw6 كفر

equal, all the same آء 6 س

whether (sign of interrogation) 6 ء

you warned / frightened them 6 أنذرتهم

or 6 أم

not 6 لم

you warn them همr6 تنذ

sealed, closed, concluded 7 ختم

hearts (sr.: قلب) 7 قلوبهم

their ears / hearing 7 سمعهم

pl. eye-sight, eyes هr7 مأبصا

covering, dimness 7 غشاwة

punishment, torment 7 عذاب

Great 7 عظيم

the men / mankind / people 8 الناس

who 8 من

he says / speaks / tells (vn.: قول) ل 8 يق

we believe, we have faith, 34, 62 اآ 8 من

they beguile, they deceive ن 9 يخادع

not 9 ما

but, except 9 إال

their person / soul 9 أنفسهم

they don’t perceive / realize نw9 مايشعر

disease, illness, sickness 10 مرض

so increased them ادهم 10 ف

painful 10 أليم

because 10 بما

they were ا 10 اكن

they tell a lie ن 10 يكذب

when, whenever 11 إذا

pv. when it is said 11 إذا قيل

ni. pl. make not mischief, act not wickedly / corruptly

فسدwا 11 ال

on the earth 11 في األرض

they said ا 11 قال

only, infact, verily ما 11 إن

we 11 نحن

ap. those who put things right, reformers

ن 11 مصلح

be aware, be careful, better understand 12 أال

ap. mischievous, persons, disturbance نw12 مفسد


but 12 لكن

im. pl. believe, become faithful اآ 13 من

like, as, alike 13 كما

shall we believe? من 13 أ

pl. foolish / insolent / stupid persons

13 سفهآء

they do not know ن علم 13 ال

when they meet ا 14 إذا لق

they went in loneliness, secluded in privacy, they are alone

ا 14 خل

devils, devil type behavior 14 شياطين

with you (all) 14 عكمم

ap. those who scoff / sneer / laugh

ءwن 14 مسته

he gives them rope / prolongs them

15 يمدهم

their wrongdoings / insolence

15 طغيانهم

they wander blindly ن 15 يعمه

bought, bartered اw16 اشتر

error 16 ضاللة

so did not benefit 16فما ربحت

their business 16 تجارتهم

ap. rightly directed / guided persons 16 مهتدين

their example / parable / likeness

17 مثلهم

as, like 17 ك

relative pronoun one who 17 الذي

kindled, lighted 17 قداست

fire 17 نار

when 17 فلما

lighted 17 أضآء ت

around him, his surroundings

له 17 ح

took away, carried off 17 ذهب ب

their light همr17 نو

left, abandoned 17 ترك

pl. darkness, gloom 17 ظلمات

they do not see ال


pl. deaf 18 صم

pl. dumb (sr.: أبكم)

18 بكم

pl. blind (sr.: أعمى) 18 عمى

they do / will not return ن رجع 18ال

or 19 أو

like 19 ك

rain-laden cloud, rainy storm 19 ب صي

sky 19 سمآء

thunder 19 رعد

lightening 19 برق

they thrust / put / place ن 19 يجعل

their fingers 19 أصابعهم

ears (sr.: أذن) 19 ذان آ

pl. thunderclaps (sr.: صاعقة) اعق 19 ص

fear, danger 19 حذر

death ت 19 م

ap. one who surrounds, encompasses

19 محيط

disbelievers/ rejecters of faith 19 الاكفرين

almost, nearly 20 ياكد

snatches, takes away 20 يخطف

as often, whenever 20 لكما

they walked ا 20 مش

became dark 20 أظلم

they stood still ا 20 قام

if 20 لو

willed, wished 20 شآء

everything 20 شيء لك

omnipotent, command, capable, skillful

20 قدير

O! mankind يآ أيها

الناس 21

im. pl. worship, 16 اw21 اعبد

(He) created you 21 خلقكم

so that you (pl.) 21 م لعلك

pl. you may ward off (evil), you become righteous / pious, 33

ن 21 تتق

created, made, 179, 267, 859 22 جعل

for you (pl.) 22 لكم

couch, resting place, bed 22 فراشا

canopy, covering 22 بنآء

sent down, revealed, ل 187 22 أن

water 22 مآء

brought forth 22 أخرج

therewith+J182 22 به

fruits, gains, benefits, (sr.: ثمرة) 22 ثمرات

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 2ni. pl. then do not set up / appoint ا جعل 22فال

partners, equivalent 22 أندادا

pl. you 22 أنتم

if 23 إن

pl. you are / were 23 كنتم

we revealed لنا 23 ن

Our slave 23 عبدنا

im. pl. so produce / bring ا 23 فأت

Surah, a chapter of the Qur’aan (pl.: سور)

23 سورة

im. pl. and call ا 23 و ادع

witnesses (sr.: ھيد ش 23 شهداءכم (

ap. those who are truthful (sr.: صادق)

23 صادقين

you could not do ا فعل 24 لم

you shall not (be able to) do ا فعل 24 لن

fg. whose, that which 24 التي

fuel دها w 24ق

pl. stones حج 24 ارة

prepared 24 أعدت

im. give glad tidings (good news: بشارة) 25 ر بش

they worked, did deeds ا 25 عمل

fg. pl. righteous deeds (mg. pl. صالحون)

25 صالحات

that 25 أن

gardens (sr.: جنة) 25 جنات

sr. fg. flows 25 تجري

underneath them, under them 25 تحتها

rivers (sr.: نھر) 25 أنهار

pv. they are provided with ا 25 رzق

from them, therefrom 25 منها

this 25 هذا

pv. are provided, are given ا 25 أت

similar, similitude 25 متشابها

spouses (sr.: زوج) اجw25 أز

pp. fg. one who is purified 25 مطهرة

ap. pl. abide forever نw25 خالد

disdains not ستحي ا 26ال

to, that 26 أن

uses a similitude, gives an example ب مثال 26يض

gnat, mosquito ضة 26 بع

and (even) something 26 فما

above it قها 26 ف

then as 26 فأما

that it / he ه 26 أن

truth 26 حق

what 26 ماذا

desired, wished, intended 26 أراد

leads astray 26 يضل

many 26 كثيرا

guides 26 يهدي

ap. transgressors 26 فاسقين

they break ن 27 ينقض

covenant 27 عهد

after 27 بعد

ratification (of covenant) 27 ميثاق

they cut off ن 27 يقطع

pv. be joined صل 27 ي

ap. losers نw27 خاسر

how 28 كيف

pl. dead اتا 28 أم

and (he) gave you life 28 فأحياכم

then 28 ثم

he would give you death 28 يميتكم

all 29 جميعا

turned (towards) 29 إلى ىاست

he made them ئهن 29 س

seven 29 سبع

knower, aware 29 عليم

to angles لل 30 مآلئكة

viceroy, vicegerent, successor 30 خليفة

will shed / pour 30 يسفك

blood 30 دمآء

we proclaim (your) praise 30 ح نسب

we glorify / sanctify 30 س نقد

taught 31 علم

names (sr.: اسم) 31 أسمآء

(he) displayed them / showed them 31 عرضهم

im. tell me ني 31 أنبئ

these آلء 31 ه

Glory to You 32 سبحانك

no knowledge 32 ال علم

for us 32 لنا

in truth, You .. 32 إنك

You 32 أنت

All Wise 32 حكيم

I know 33 علمأ

pl. you reveal نw33 تبد

pl. you hide ن 34 تكتم

im. pl. bow down, prostrate اw34 اسجد

Iblees, Satan 34 إبليس

refused 34 أبى

became haughty 34 استكبر

(he) became / was 34 اكن

im. dwell, live 35 اسكن

im. dl. eat 35 الك

plentifully 35 رغدا

wherever, anywhere 35 حيث

dl. you desired / wished (sr. شآء) 35 شئتما

ni. dl. do not go near قربا 35 ال

this 35 هذه

tree 35 شجرة

or you (both will) be 35 نافتك

wrongdoers 35 ظالمين

then (he) made both of them slip لهماz36 فأ

im. pl. get down, alight, disembark ا 36 اهبط

some of you 36 بعضكم

enemy 36 عدو

pp. destination, dwelling place 36 مستقر

means of livelihood, provisions, goods

ع 36 مت

period, time 36 حين

thereafter (he) learnt 37 فتلقى

words (sr.: كلمة) 37 لكمات

so He turned towards / pardoned 37فتاب على

ap. oft-returning, one who forgives اب 37 ت

and if, then whenever 38 فإما

comes to you (pl.) كم 38 يأتين

from me 38 يمن

followed 38 تبع

fear ف 38 خ

they shall grieve ن ن 38 يح

they belied ا 39 كذب

our signs 39 ياتناآ

companions of the fire, inhabitants of the fire

39أصحاب النار

O! 40 يا

children of Isreal 40بني إسرآئيل

im. pl. remember, recall, call to mind اw40 اذכر

my favor 40 نع◌متي

im. pl. fulfill ا 40 أwف

I (shall) fulfill فw40 أ

me alone 40 إياي

im. pl. and fear me, and have awe of me, rن فا 40هب

ap. that which confirms 41 قامصد

ni. pl. be not, do not become ا ن ك 41 ال

the first, prime لw41 أ

price 41 ثمنا

little, small 41 قليال

ni. pl. do not cover / confound ا لبس 42 ال

with the falsehood 42 باطلبال

ni. pl. do not conceal, hide (vn.: كتم ) ا كتم 42 ال

give ا 43 آت

charity, poor-due 43 الزكوة

bow down ا 43 ارכع

Do you enjoin? نwأمر 44 أ

right conduct, piety, righteousness 44 بالبر

pl. you forget ن ت 44 نس

pl. you read / recite ن 44 تتل

pl. you understand / think ن 44 تعقل

im. pl. seek help ا 45 استعين

in patience 45 بالصبر

very hard; surely difficult 45 لكبيرة

ap. those who are humble 45 خاشعين

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

they bear in mind ن 46 يظن

ap. those who are going to meet ا 46 مالق

ap. those who return ن 46 راجع

I preferred, I gave preference 47 فضلت

fg. shall not avail ى ج 48 ال

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 3

soul 48 نفس

with regard to, about 48 عن

pv. shall not be accepted قبل 48 ال

intercession 48 شفاعة

pv. shall not be taken خذ 48 ال

compensation 48 عدل

they would be helped نw48 ينصر

pl. we delivered you 49 نجيناכم

people, followers 49 ل آ

Pharaoh ن ع 49 ف

they afflict you نكم م 49 يس

evil ء 49 س

they slaughter, they kill ن يذب 49 خ

your sons 49 أبنآءכم

they spare / let live ن 49 يستحي

your women 49 نسآءכم

trial 49 بآلء

We divided / separated 50 فرقنا

sea 50 بحر

we drowned 50 أغرقنا

pl. you were seeing نw50 تنظر

We promised اعدناw◌ 51

Moses (pbuh) سى 51 م

forty 51 أربعين

night (pl.: ليالي) 51 ليلة

pl. you took م 51 اتخذ

calf 51 عجل

we forgave you نا عنكم 52عف

you return thanks نw52 تشكر

We gave you 53 تيناآ

The Scripture to differentiate between right and wrong

53 الفرقان

to his people مه 54 لق

you have wronged 54 ظلمتم

so turn in repentance ا ب 54 فت

your Creator 54 بارئكم

and kill ا 54 فاقتل

better 54 خير

with, near 54 عند

in you 55 لك

till, until 55 حتى

we see 55 نرى

openly, manifestly 55 جهرة

so seized you 55 فأخذتكم

thunderbolt, thunder and lightning 55 صاعقة

we raised/revived you 56 بعثناכم

We we shaded 57 ظللنا

cloud 57 غمام

grains like those of coriander seeds 57 المن

quails اى 57 سل

im. pl. eat ا 57 لك

pl. good things 57 بات طي

but 57 لكن

enter ا 58 ادخل

this 58 هذه

town, township 58 قرية

gate 58 باب

repentence, forgiveness 58 حطة

We shall forgive 58 نغفر

pl. your faults / transgressions 58 خطاياכم

soon, in near future 58 س

we will increase يد 58 ن

ap. those who do good 58 محسنين

but, then 59 ف

changed, substituted 59 بدل

wrath, plague, scourge ا r 59ج

they infringe / transgress ن 59يفسق

asked / prayed for water 60 استسقى

im. strike (vn.: ضرب) ب 60 اض

staff 60 عصا

gushed forth 60 انفجرت

twelve 60 اثنتا عشرة

spring, fountain (pl.: عيون) 60 عينا

(indeed) knew 60 قد علم

drinking place, place for water 60 مشرب

im. pl. drink ا 60 اشرب

ni. pl. don’t act wickedly ا عث 60 ال

never will we endure صبر 61 لن

food 61 طعام

fg. grows, germinates 61 تنبت

herbs, vegetables 61 بقل

cucumbers 61 قثآء

wheat 61 فوم

lentils, a kind of pulse 61 عدس

onions 61 بصل

pl. you exchange ن 61تستبدل

lower (grade) 61 أدنى

big city, metropolis 61 مصر

pl. you demanded asked

61 سألتم

humiliation, abasement

61 ذلة

poverty 61 مسكنة

they made themselves entitled اw61 بآء

they kill, 544, 666, 1072

نيق 61 تل

prophets (sr.: نبي)

61 يننبي

without just cause 61 بغير الحق

they disobeyed (vn.: عصيان) ا 61 عص

they transgress نw61 يعتد

they became Jews اw62 هاد

Christians اىr62 نصا

Sabians ي 62 نصاب

their reward / remuneration

62 أجرهم

we raised 63 رفعنا

name of a mountain, 63 الطور 691

with strength 63 بقوة

pl. you turned back / away, 621

ليتم 64 ت

grace 64 فضل

His Mercy 64 رحمته

indeed 65 لقد

transgressed اw65 اعتد

Sabbath, Saturday 65 السبت

be (you all) ا ن 65 ك

apes, monkeys (sr.: قرد )

65 قردة

pl. despised, rejected ين 65 خاس

deterrent, example 66 ناكال

in front of them ديها 66 بين

vn. After/Succeeding/ behind, them 66 خلفها

lesson, admonition عظة 66 م

cow 67 بقرة

to make fun اw67 هز

pl. foolish 67 الجاهلين

make clear 68 ن يبي

not old aged ضr68 ال فا

too young كر 68 ال

between, middle ان 68 ع

her / its color (pl.: ألوان) نها 69 ل

yellow 69 صفرآء

bright 69 فاقع

delights, gladdens 69 تسر

ap. onlookers, beholders ين 69 ناظ

look alike 70 تشابه

not trained ل 71 ال ذل

fg. tills / ploughs the earth 71تثير األرض

fg. waters (the field) 71 تسقي

field, farm 71 حرث

pp. without any defect, physically fit, (sound)

71 مسلمة

without any scar, unblemished 71 ال شية

now 71 ألئن

and they were not near to اw 71 و ما اكد

a man 72 نفسا

pl. then you disputed 72 فادارءتم

with some of it 73 ببعضها

fg. Hardened (vn.: قساوة) 74 قست

worse, more severe 74 أشد

hard, 556 ة 74 قس

gushes out, bursts forth 74 يتفجر

splits asunder 74 يشقق

falls down 74 يهبط

fear of Allah 74 خشية اهللا

unaware 74 بغافل

of what, about what 74 عما

Do you covet? ن 75أ فتطمع

a group, a party يق 75 ف

they change it يح نه 75 ف

they understood it ه 75 عقل

Do you tell them? نهم أتحد 76ث

revealed, opened 76 فتح

revealed, disclosed, opened 76 ليحآجوكم

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 4they hide / conceal (secret: سر ; secrets: أسرار)

77 يسرwن

they proclaim (vn.: اعالن) ن 77 يعلن

pl. illiterate / unlettered (people) ن أم 78 ي

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

woe, destruction, ruin يل 79 ف

they write ن 79 يكتب

their hands (sr.: يد) 79 أيديهم

they earn / gain ن 79 يكسب

never will touch us مس 80 نالن

a certain number 80 معدwدة

will do against, will act contrary 80 يخلف

evil, wrong (pl.: ئاتسي ) سي 81 ئة

fg. surrounded, encompassed (vn.: إحاطة)

81 أحاطت

you shall not worship نwعبد 83 ال

parents الدين 83 بال

good 83 إحسانا

relatives, kindred ذي القربىw83

orphans (sr.: يتيم) 83 اليتامى

pl. poor, needy, miserable 83 المساכين

polite manner, fair 83 حسنا

ap. backsliders ن م ض 83 ع

your homes/ dwellings (sr.: دار) 84 دياركم

pl. you have ratified 84 أقررتم

pl. you witness نw84 تشهد

pl. you support one another نw85 تظاهر

sin 85 باإلثم

transgression, to exceed the limits انwالعدw 85

captives 85 أسارى

pl. you ransom them+J521 همw85 تفاد

pp. unlawful, forbidden 85 محرم

recompense, reward اء 85 ج

disgrace 85 خزي

the life of this world 85الحياة الدنيا

the resurrection 85 القيامة

they will be returned نw85 يرد

shall not be lightened 86 يخفف

we followed up 87 قفينا

messengers 87 الرسل

Jesus (pbuh) 87 عيسى

son of Mary 87 ابن مريم

pl. clear (signs) 87 نات البي

we supported / strengthened 87 أيدناه

The Holy Spirit (i.e., the Angel Gabriel or Jibra’eel)

ح القدس 87ر

came to you 87 جاءכم

desired not ى ه 87 ال

wrapping, covering 88 غلف

nay, but 88 بل

cursed them 88 لعنهم

them, they ن 89 يستفتح

they recognised ا 89 عرف

evil is that which 90 سمابئ

to rebel / revolt, insolence 90 بغيا

ap. humiliating, disgraceful 90 مهين

after it, beside it 91 وراءه

then why did? 91 فلم

pv. pl. they were filled of, (they were made to drink)

ا ب 92 أش

commands you 92 يأمرכم

exclusively, specially 93 خالصة

excluding people ن الناسw93 د

then long for, wish for ا 94 فتمن

always, ever, forever, eternal 95 أبدا

fg. sent before 95 قدمت

verily you will find them 96 لتجدنهم

most greedy 96 أحرص

they associated (partners with Allah) ا 96 أشرك

wishes, desires د 96 ي

pv. is allowed to live, given life 96 يعمر

one thousand 96 ألف

year 96 سنة

one who can save him, remove him away

حه ح 96 م

beholder, one who sees 96 بصير

the angel Gabriel 97 ◌جبريل

by permission 97 بإذن

glad tidings 97 بشرى

the angel Michael 98 مياك

they contract 100 عاهدwا

threw it away, cast it aside 100 نبذه

most of them 100 أكثرهم

their backs (sr.: ظھر)

101 ظهوrهم

they followed, 851 ا 101 اتبع

recited, read (vn.: تالوة)

ا 101 تتل

Satans, devils 101 الشياطين

kingdom 101 ملك

Solomon (pbuh) 101 سليمان

magic 101 حر الس

name of the city of Babylon

101 بابل

names of angles هارwت

وwمارwت 102

anyone 102 أحد

trial, test 102 فتنة

they sow discord / cause separation (vn.: تفريق)

نيف 102 ق

the man 102 المرء

ap. pl. those who harm / impair (sr.: ضار)

102 ين ضآر

harms them 102 يضرهم

and not profits them نفعهم w 102ال

any portion/share 102 من خالق

recompense, reward 103 مثوبة

attend to us , listen to us 104 راعنا

im. look upon us 104 انظرنا

People of the Book 105بأهل الكتا

chooses 105 يختص

of bounty / grace 105 ذو الفضل

we abrogate 106 ننسخ

verse, sign 106 آية

we cause it to be forgotten 106 ننسها

we bring 106 نأت ب

protector, friend ليw 107

helper 107 نصير

pl. you ask ا 108 تسأل

pv. was questioned ل 108 س

exchanges 108 يتبدل

envy 109 حسدا

became clear/ manifest 109 تبين

and overlook! ا w 109اصفح

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

never will enter دخل 111 لن

a Jew or a Chrisitian دا 111 ه

their desires 111 أمانيهم

bring! ا 111 هات

your proof 111 برهانكم

surrendered, submitted 112 أسلم

his face, himself (pl.: وجوه) w 112جهه

fg. not (mg.: ليس) 113 ليست

will judge 113 يحكم

they differ ن 113 يختلف

greater wrong-doer, more unjust, 412 114 أظلم

forbade, prevented 114 منع

mosques (sr.: مسجد) 114 مساجد

and strived سعىw 114

their ruin 114 خرابها

ap. those who fear 114 خآئفين

the East 115 ق المش

the West ب w 115المغ

so wherever 115 فأينما

pl. you turn ا ل 115 ت

so there 115 فثم

infinite, All-Embracing اسعw 115

son (pl.: أوالد) لداw 116

pl. subservient ن 116 قانت

The Originator, Innovator 117 ع بدي

when (He) decrees 117 إذا قضى

im. be 117 كن

and it becomes ن 117 فيك

speak to us 118 منايلك

come to us 118 تأتينآ

indeed we have made clear ينا 118 قد

we sent you 119 أرسلناك

ap. one who gives good tidings (vn.: بشارة)

119 بشيرا

ap. warner 119 نذيرا

inmates of the Hell 119 أصحاب الجحيم

never be pleased/satisfied with you

رضى 120 لن

you follow, 733 120 تتبع

their religion 120 ملتهم

their desires (sr.: ھوى) 120 اءهمأه

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 5tried, 396 (vn.: ابتالء) 124 ابتلى

Abraham (a prophet), pbuh 124 إبراهيم

with words 124 بلكمات

then he fulfilled them 124 فأتمهن

leader, Imam 124 إماما

my offspring/progeny (pl.: يات ذر ) 124 تيي ذر

shall not reach نا 124 ال

the house (at Makkah) 125 البيت

a place of resort / assembly 125 مثابة

safety 125 أمنا

place where Prophet Ibrahim u stood 125مقام إبراهيم

place of worship (prayer) 125 مصلى

we covenanted 125عهدنا إلى

Prophet Ishmael (pbuh) 125 إسماعيل

you both purify (it) 125 راطه

for those who go round (the Ka’ba) 125 للطائفين

ap. those who stay (at mosques for worship)

w 125العاכفين

those who bow down and prostrate w 125 الركع

those who prostrate د 125 السج

city 126 بلدا

peace, security 126 آمنا

its people 126 أهله

I will let him enjoy فأمت 126 عه

I shall compel / coerce him 126 أضطره

destination 126 المصير

foundations (sr.: قاعدة) اعد 127 الق

im. accept 127 تقبل

All-hearer 127 السميع

Muslims, those who submit, submissive 128 مسلمين

group of people, (community) (pl.: أمم)

128 أمة

fg. submissive 128 مسلمة

im. and show us wناr128 أ

our ways of worship, rites 128 مناسكنا

im. accept our repentence 128 تب علينآ

im. and raise up, w 129ابعث 1202 ,422

and wisdom w 129الحكمة

and purifies them and make them grow 129 يهم wيزכ

the Almighty 129 العزيز

turns away غب عن 129 ي

we chose him 130 اصطفيناه

the righteous 130 الصالحين

im. surrender, submit 131 أسلم

and enjoined صىw131 و

Prophet Jacob, pbuh ب 131 يعق

then you don't die تن م 131 فال

came, (approached) 133 حضر

your God 133 إلـهك

your fathers 133 آبائك

Prophet Issac, pbuh 133 إسحق

(indeed) has passed away 134 قد خلت

im. pl. be, become ن سأل w 134ال

the upright (pl.: حنفاء) 135 حنيفا

the polytheists 135 كين المشر

tribes, descendants (of Prophet Yakub u )

136 األسباط

pv. was / were given تيw136 أ

we make no distinction ف 136 ق ال

then they are guided 137 فقد اهتدwا

schism, split, dissension, 1052 137 شقاق

so will Allah suffice you against them 137فسيكفيكهم

color, dye 138 صبغة

better 138 أحسن

ap. worshippers (sr.: عابد) نw138 عابد

do you dispute with us? ننا 139 أتحآج

our deeds 139 أعمالنا

sincere (people) ن 139 مخلص

concealed 140 كتم

(((((((Juz – 2 )))))))turned then الهمw 142

their Qiblah 142 قبلتهم

balanced سطاw 143

turns away (vn.: انقالب) 143 ينقلب

dl. his two heels 143 عقبيه

to let lose 143 ليضيع

your faith 143 إيمانكم

most compassionate فw143 لرؤ

turning 144 تقلب

towards 144 شطر

the sacred mosque (inviolable place of worship)

المسجد الحرام


pv. were given the Book (scripture) ا الكتاب 144أwت

ap. doubters, (those who doubt) 147 الممترين

direction, goal w 148جهة

ap. he turns them to which

ل 148 يهام

so try to excel ا 148 فاستبق

good deeds, works 148 الخيرات

wii bring you كم 148 يأت

so that (it may) not ( 150 لئال ( ال + أن + ل

argument 150 حجة

so, do not fear them هم خش 150فال

so that I may complete

w 150ألتم

and surely we will test you

نكم w 155لنبل

and the hunger ع w 155الج

and loss نقصw 155

pl. wealth, worldly goods ا 155 األم

afflicts them 156 أصابتهم

misfortune, calamity 156 مصيبة

blessings ات 156 صل

name of mountain in Makkah 158 الصفا

name of mountain in Makkah

w 158المرwة

symbols, signs of Allah (sr.: شعار)

158 شعآئر اهللا

performed Hajj (the pilgrimage) 158 حج

performed Umrah (the pilgrimage in a period other than that of Hajj)

158 اعتمر

there is no sin 158 فال جناح

he walks (between) ف 158 يط

did (more) good on his own accord

ع 158 تط

responsive to gratitude, beautiful in rewarding

158 شاכر

and mend (their ways)

ا w 160أصلح

pl. combined, all 161 أجمعين

pv. they will be reprieved / granted respite

162 ينظرwن

vn. difference, alternation 164 اختالف

and day w 164النهار

ship 164 الفلك

spread, dispersed, scattered بثw 164

moving creatures, beasts (pl.: دواب)

164 دآبة

vn. veering, to control the movement of

164 تصريف

winds (sr.: ريح) 164 ياح الر

clouds 164 السحاب

pp. that which is made subservient 164 ر المسخ

they love them نهم 165 يحب

when will disown برأ 166 إذ

and would be cut تقطعتw 166

aims, ties, relations, means 166 األسباب

(second / more) chance 167 كرة

lawful 168 حالال

footsteps (sr.: خطوة) ات 168 خط

open,clear 168 مبين

pl. indecent, shameful 169 الفحشاء

we found 170 ألفينا

shouts 171 ينعق

to call 171 دعاء

to cry 171 نداء

oh you 172 يها آي

carrion, dead 173 الميتة

pig's meat, flesh 173لحم الخنزير

on which a name is invoked, consecrated 173 أهل

nor transgressing غ 173 غير

ap. transgressing 173 عاد

Oft-forgiving 173 غفور

the forgiveness 175 المغفرة

audacious they are 175 أصبرهم

far 176 عيد ب

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

wayfarers 177ابن السبيل

ap. those who ask, beggars 177السآئلين

slaves, (necks of slaves), those in bondage (sr. neck رقبة)

177 قاب ال

ap. those who keep/fulfil (promise) ن ال ف 177 م

suffering, tribulation 177 البأساء

war,peril 177 البأس

pv. is prescribed, ordained, 594 178 كتب

retaliation, just retribution, law of equality

178 القصاص

murder 178 القتلى

the free man 178 الحر

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 6

slave 178 بد الع

female 178 األنثى

his brother 178 أخيه

according to usage, fair فw178بالمعر

payment be made to him 178 أداء إليه

vn. alleviation, concession, act of making light

178 تخفيف

those (men) of understanding or insight (sr.: mind, intellect (لب

178أwلي األلباب

to make bequest, will صية 180 ال

and relatives, next of kin األقربينw180

feared, apprehended 182 خاف

ap. testator ص 182 م

unjust, mistake, partiality 182 جنفا

fasts (sr.: صوم) 183 يام الص

journey 184 سفر

count, prescribed number 184 عدة

other days 184 أيام أخر

afford it نه 184 يطيق

ransom 184 فدية

the month of Ramadan 185شهر رمضان

the criterion 185 الفرقان

witnesses, sights 185 شهد

want 185 يريد

ease 185 اليسر

hardship 185 العسر

so that you complete ا w 185لتكمل

and that you magnify 185 رwا wلتكب

near 186 قريب

I respond to 186 أجيب

so let then respond ا فليست 186جيب

walk in the right way نw186يرشد

is allowed 187 أحل

to go to wife, to cohabit 187 الرفث

raiment, garment 187 لباس

pl. you deceive / defraud ن 187 تختان

187 يتبين

the white thread الخيط األبيض


the black thread د 187الخيط األس

the dawn 187 الفجر

nor present ها ا w188تدل

the authorities 188 الحاكم

they ask you نك 189يسأل

new moons 189 األهلة

timers اقيت 189 م

you find them ه 191م ثقفتم

they desist / cease (vn.: انتھاء) ا 193 انته

and don not throw ا لق w 195ال

ruin, destruction 195 التهلكة

Umra 196 العمرة

pv. you are besieged / held back تم 196 أحص

obtained with ease 196 استيسر

gift, offering 196 الهدي

ni. pl. and shave not ا حلق w196ال

your heads (sr.: رأس) سكمw196 رؤ

reaches 196 يبلغ

its destination 196 محله

ailment, hurt 196 أذى

act of worship, sacrifice, offering 196 نسك

pl. you are in security 196 أمنتم

takes advantage of ý 196 تمتع

did not find جد 196 لم

three 196 ثالثة

in all 196 اكملة

severe in punishment 196شديد العقاب

pl. well known مات 197 معل

enjoined, undertakes 197 فرض

and not wickedness ق w197ال فس

nor wrangling w 197ال جدا

im. pl. make provision اw 197 تزwد

you seek ا 198 تبتغ

you return 198 أفضتم

name of the ground where Hajis assemble on the 9th day of the Hajj

198 ات عرف

Sacred monument, i.e., Muzdalifah,

المشعر الحرام


and ask forgiveness اwاستغفرw198

you have accomplished 199 قضيتم

im. give us 200 آتنا

good 201 حسنة

and save us قناw 201

portion, share 201 نصيب

swift in reckoning سريع

الحساب 202

==== 1/2 === HALF JUZ === 1/2 =====

hastened 203 تعجل

delayed, stayed on 203 تأخر

will be gathered نw203تحشر

fascinates you 204 يعجبك

and he calls to witness يشهد اهللاw204

most rigid of opponents, most contentious

204ألد الخصام

progeny, cattle 205 النسل

pride ة 206 الع

so suffices for him 206 فحسبه

Hell م 206 جهن

resting place, bed 206 المهاد

sells 207 يشري

pleasure (of Allah) 207مرضات اهللا

fully, completely 208 كآفة

you slide back للتمz 209

do 210 هل

in shadows 210 في ظلل

judged, decided 210 قضي

matters 210 األمور

many a, how many 211 كم

pv. beautified, fair-seeming

212 نzي

they scof نw212 يسخر

heralds of glads 213 رينمبش

warners 213 منذرين

pl. you thought 214 حسبتم

befell them 214 مستهم

they were shaken (vn.: زلزلة)

ا ل z 214ل

when 214 متى

warfare, fighting القت 216 ا

hateful dislike 216 كره

(it) may happen, may be 216 عسى

bad 216 شر

to prevent, to hinder 217 صد

they will not cease ن ال 217 ال

if they could ا 217إن استطاع

turns back (vn: to forsake the religion د ارتدا )

217 يرتدد

came to nothing, became waste, rendered vain

217 حبطت

they emigrated / suffered exile اw218 هاجر

they strove / struggled اw218 جاهد

they have hope, they are hopeful ن 218 يرج

wine, intoxicant 219 الخمر

games of chance, gambling 219 الميسر

superfluous, surplus 219 العفو

pl. you may reflect / ponder نw219تتفكر

to put things right, 220 إصالح 1236

pl. you mingle / intermix with them هم 220تخالط

he overburdened you / put in you in difficulty

220 ألعنتكم

ni. pl. wed / marry not, 1242 ا نكح 221ال

bond-woman, slave-girl 221 أمة

ni. pl. do not give in marriage, 1238 ا نكح 222ال

they may remember / recall, 977 نw222يتذכر

menstruation 223 محيض ال

im. pl. so keep away ا ل 224 فاعت

they sent before ا قد 224 م

hindrance 224 عرضة

your oaths (sr.: يمين) 225 أيمانكم

pl. your being righteous, your giving good treatment to others

225 تبرwا

unintentional 226 اللغو

clement, forbearing 226 حليم

they swear (vn.: إيالء) ن ل 226 ي

to wait 227 تربص

they go back / return اw227 فآؤ

they decided / resolved ا م 228 ع

divorce 228 الطالق

three menstrual periods ءw228ثالثة قر

in their wombs (sr.: رحم) 228في أرحامهن

their husbands (sr.: بعل) لتهن 228 بع

more entitled 228 أحق

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 7to take them back, enforced a legal claim

228 هن رد

and for men (sr.: ل رج ) wلل 822 جا

degree 228 درجة

twice 229 مرتان

vn. retention, retaining, 1294 229 إمساك

vn. to release 229 تسريح

you had givewn them هن 229آتيتم

she paid as ransom 229 افتدت

trespasses 229 يتعد

dl. they return to each, other they come together again

230 يتراجعا

if both of then think 230 إن ظنا

im. pl. release, let them go, 1282 هن س 231 ح

he admonishes you (vn.: وعظ) 231 يعظكم

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

do not prevent them هن عضل 232ال

when they agree ا راض 232إذا

more virtuous 233 أزكى

cleaner 233 أطهر

they suckle, give suck (at mothers breast), 1305,1318

233 يرضعن

dl. two years لين 233 ح

dl. two whole / complete 233 اكملين

the one with child (father) د له ل 233الم

their clothing تهن 233 كس

pv. burdened not be charged / لكف 233 ال

her capacity ( نفس or soul is feminine in Arabic)

w 233سعها

pv. made not to suffer ضآر 233 ال

heir ارث 233 ال

to wean (from suckling) 233 فصاال

by consent راض 233عن

consultation 233 تشاور

pl. you gave out to nurse, you ask a women to suckle (your baby)

ا 234تسترضع

pl. you paid fully 234 سلمتم

they die ن ف 234 يت

they leave behind نw234 يذر

four months 234أربعة أشهر

their waiting term 234 أجلهن

Well-Aware 234 خبير

pl. you made an (indirect) offer 235 عرضتم

marriage proposal 235 خطبة

pl. you kept secret 235 أكننتم

do not make a promise with them هنwاعد 235ال

you have not touched them هن مس 236لم

you have fixed ا ض 236 تف

appointed portion, (dower) 236 فريضة

provide for them هن مت 236 ع

rich, well to do سع 236 الم

his means 236 قدره

strained, poor 236 المقتر

Half 237 نصف

marriage knot 237اكح عقدة الن

im. pl. be guardian, keep watch ا 238 حافظ

pl. (those) with devotion 238 قانتين

riding 239 بانا رכ

provision, maintenance 240 متاعا

the year ل 240 الح

lends, offers loan ض 245 يق

so that He will multiply it 245 فيضاعفه

manifold (sr.: double ضعف) 245 أضعافا

many, much 245 كثيرة

to straiten, decreases 245 يقبض

he amplifies, enlarges 245 يبسط

chiefs 246 المإل

king 246 ملاك

pl. perchance (you) 246 عسيتم

SAUL: A pious leader in the time of Prophet David u

ت 247 طال

abundance 247 سعة

abundantly, to be well to do 247 سطة ب

body 247 الجسم

peace of reassurance, inner peace

248 سكينة

remnant, relics 248 بقية

a prophet (PBHH) نw248 هار

will bear it 248 تحمله

set out 249 فصل

armies, forces د 249 الجن

one who will try / test you 249 مبتليكم

not tastes it طعمه 249 لم

takes 249 اغترف

scoop of handful 249 غرفة

crossed it 249 جاوzه

don't have strength 249 ال طاقة

Goliath ت 249 جال

small company, group

249 فئة قليلة

prevailed, overcame 249 غلبت

they came into the field, they came face to face

250 برزwا

im. bestow, pour out غ 250 أف

im. make firm 250 تثب

so the routed the هم م 251 فه

Prophet David (pbuh)

251 داwد

repelled 251 دفع

fg. corrupted 251 لفسدت

messengers, (those who are sent) (sr.: مرسل)


(((((((Juz – 3 )))))))not the would have fought one another

ا 253ما اقتتل

no bargaining يع 254 ال

no friendship 254 ال خلة

the alive, the living 255 الحي

self-subsistent, eternal

255 القيوم

slumber 255 سنة

sleep 255 نوم

they encompass not, they cannot bound / encircle (vn.: احاطة)

ن حيط 255ال

his throne 255 كرسيه

could not to weary him, fatigue him

ؤwده 255 ال

their hupholding 255 حفظهما

no compulsion 256 ال إكراه

became distinct / clear 256 تبين

guidance 256 الرشد

error 256 الغي

false deities, idols or whatever is worshipped besides Allah

ت الطا 256 غ

grasped, took hold 256 استمسك

firm handle ثقى 256العرwة ال

never breaking 256ال انفصام

light 257 النور

argued, disputed 258 حآج

fg. sun 258 الشمس

thus (was confounded) defeated

258 فبهت

passed by (vn.: مرور) 259 مر

fg. overturned يةw259 خا

upon its roof شهاw259على عر

how ى 259 أن

on ehundred years 259 مئة عام

how l,ong did you remain 259كم لبثت

not rotten, untouched by the passing of time

259 تسنه لم

your donkey كr259 حما

bones 259 العظام

we set up / put them together ها 259 ننش

we clothe them ها 259 نكس

to satisfy ن ل 260 يطم

bird (pl.: طيور) 260 الطير

Tame them to incline 260 فصرهن

mountain (pl.: جبال) 260 جبل

portion, part ءا 260 ج

with speed 260 سعيا

grain, seed 261 حبة

grows (vn.: انبات) 261 أنبتت

seven ears (of corn) (sr.: سنبلة) 261سبع سنابل

gives manifold, multiplies, increases (vn.: مضاعفة)

261 يضاعف

do not follow (vn.: اتباع) ن تبع 262 ال

reminding (others) of generosity ا 262 من

self sufficient, free of all wants 263 غني

ni. pl. void not, cancel not بط ا ال 264 ل

to be seen (of) ئاءr 264

hard, barren / smooth rock ان 264 صف

soil, dust 264 تراب

rainstorm ابلw 264

smooth, bare 264 صلدا

they have no control نwقدر 264ال

certainty, strengthening 265 تثبيتا

on a height 265 ربوة

her fruits, yields (of harvest) 265 ألكها

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dl. two fold 265 ضعفين

the showers, light rain 265 فطل

pl. palm trees, date palms 266 نخيل

pl. vines (sr.: عنب) 266 أعناب

old age 266 الكبر

pl. feeble, weak (sr.: ضعيف) 266 ضعفاء

sr. whirlwind, hurricane 266 إعصار

so it is consumed by fire, burnt 266 فاحترقت

ni. pl. seek not ا يمم 267 ال

bad / vile things 267 الخبيث

tahes it accepts it 267 آخذيه

pl. you close eyes ا 267 تغمض

owner of praise 267 حميد

promises you 268 يعدכم

poverty 268 الفقر

you vow to spend 270 نذرتم

helper (pl) 270 أنصار

if you disclose,declare اwبد 271 إن

well, good 271 فنعما

give it ها ت 271 ت

would atone of you 271ر عنكم يكف

your bad deeds, evils (sr.: ئة سي ) 271 ئاتكم سي

Allah’s countenance, Allah’s face جه اهللاw 272

repaid fully, redeemed back, 1604

ف 272 ي

don't have strength ست ن ال 273طيع

to travel / move about 273 ضربا

restraint, modesty 273 التعفف

by their mark 273 بسيماهم

importunity, (wrapped, covered) 273 إلحافا

in secret 274 سرا

openly 274 عالنية

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

usury, interest 275 با الر

confounded him 275 يتخبطه

what has passed 275 ما سلف

and his case (is left) أمرهw 275

he deprives of blessings 276 يمحق

increases 278 ◌يربي

impious, ungrateful (sr.: كافر) 276 ر كفا

im. pl. give up اw278 ذر

then be warned of war حرب ا 279فأذن

your principal, capital sums

رؤwس الكم أم


the one with difficulty 280 ذو عسرة

the postpone, delay 280 فنظرة

pl. you remit the debt, you waive the amount

ا 280 تصدق

you contract from one another دين 282تداينتم

and let dictate ليمللw 282

don't diminish, lessen, decrease بخس 282 ال

call for evidence اw282استشهد

dl. two women 282 امرأتان

pl. you approve / agree ن 282 ترض

fg. errs (through forgetfulness) 282 تضل

reminds 282 ر فتذכ

not become weary ا سأم 282 ال

small, short 282 صغيرا

more equitable / just 282 أقسط

more upright 282 أقوم

small 282 أدنى

that you do not doubt ا رتاب 282أال

hand to hand, on the spot 282 حاضرة

you carry it out نهاw282 تدير

let no harm be done ضآر 282 ال

pledge هانr 283

pp. taken in hand ضة 283 مقب

entrusted, trusted 283 أمن

the let fulfil د 283 فلي

is trusted 283 اؤتمن

his trust 283 أمانته

you conceal it ه 284 تخف

will call you to account 284يحاسبكم

he will punish 284 ب يعذ0

we obeyed / followed 285 أطعنا

(grant us) your forgiveness 285 غفرانك

Allah does not burden لك 286ف اهللا ال

if we forgot سينا 286 إن

we fell into error, we did wrong unwillingly 286 أخطأنا

a burden 286 إصرا

do not lay on us حم 286لناال

forgive us 286 اغفر لنا

have mercy on us 286 ارحمنآ

our protector النا 286 م

ان سورة 3- ﴿﴿﴿ ﴾﴾﴾آل عم

the Torah 3 التوراة

the Gospel 3 اإلنجيل

avenger of retribution 4 ذو انتقام

shapes you 6 رכميصو

firmly constructed, clear 7محكمات

foundation of the book, substance of the book

الكتاب 7أم

deviation, perversity يغz 7

its (real) meaning 7 تأويله

pl. firmly grounded / sound (people)

ن 7الراسخ

ni. cause not to stray / deviate 8 غال

the Bestower هاب 8 ال

promise, tryst 9 الميعاد

like behavior 11 كدأب

dl. two hosts / armies (sr.: فئة) 13 فئتين

dl. they two met 13 التقتا

seen with open eye 13رأي العين

lesson 13 عبرة

joys, worldly desires pleasurable things (sr.: شھوة)

ات 14 الشه

hoards, treasures 14 القناطير

stored up 14 المقنطرة

gold 14 الذهب

silver 14 الفضة

horses 14 الخيل

branded مة 14 المس

cattle 14 األنعام

abode to return 14 المآب

goodwill, pleasure ان r 15ض

pl. dawn, early morning 17 باألسحار

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

a portion 23 نصيبا

deceived them, deluded

24 غرهم

you take off / strip off ع 26 تن

you exalt 26 تعز

you bring low, you humiliate 26 تذل

you make pass, you plunge لج 27 ت

warns you 28 رכم يحذ

to guard, to protect 28 تقاة

confronted, presented 30 محضرا

distance 30 أمدا

family of Imran 33◌آل عمران

in my womb طني 35 في

pp. dedicated 35 محررا

she delivered her ضعتهاw 36

I named her 36 سميتها

put her in the care of 37 كفلها

a prophet (PBUH) يا 37 زك

sanctuary, chamber 37 المحراب

there, that place 38 لك هنا

praying 39 ي يصل

of John 39 بيحيـى

word 39 لكمة

leader, noble 39 دا سي

chaste 39 حصورا

son (pl.: غلمان) 40 غالم

barren 40 عاقر

tokens, gestures ا 41 رم

in the evening, early hours of night 41 شي بالع

morning 41 اإلباكر

purified you 42 طهرك

remain devout 43 اقنتي

tidings, news (sr.: 44 أنباء (نبأ

their pens (sr.: قلم) 44 أقالمهم

should take charge of caring 44 يكفل

when they quarreled / disputed ن ختصم 44إذ

illustrious, of great honour جيهاw 45

those brought near (unto Allah) 45 المقربين

cradle 46 المهد

manhood, maturity 46 كهال

like the shape / figure of 49 كهيئة

bird (pl.: طيور) 49 ير الط

will breathe 49 فأنفخ

blind by birth 49 األكمه

and leper األبرصw 49

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pl. you store up نw49 تدخر

perceived, became conscious 52 أحس

disciples (companions of Prophet Jesus u)

ن اري 52الح

we pray humbly / earnestly 61 نبتهل

narrative, account ( ة 62 القصص ( قص ، يقص ، قص

come ا 64 تعال

lords, gods (sr.: رب) 64 أربابا

best لىw68 أ

you trust him 75 تأمنه ب

dinar (currency) 75 دينار

you kept constantly 75 ما دمت

they distort / pervert نw78 يلو

Prophethood ة 79 النب

faithful servants of Allah 79 ين رباني

pl. you study ن 79 تدرس

my burden (of covenant) 81 إصري

willingly عا 83 ط

unwillingly 83 كرها

they increased اwدادz90 ا

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4 earthful, in quantum of earth ض مr91لء األ

(((((((Juz – 4 ))))))) offered as ransom 91 افتدى

lawful 93 حـال

in Bakkah, Makkah 96 ببكة

full of blessing 96 مبار

pilgrimage to the house (of Allah) 97حج البيت

crookedness جا 99 ع

you obey ا 100 تطيع

holds fast / firmly 101 يعتصم

of Allah's cable, rope, cord 103 بحبل اهللا

ا فرق w103ال

the he made friendship, joined 103 لف فأ

brothers, brethren (sr.: أخ) انا 103 إخ

brink 103 شفا

abyss, pit 103 حفرة

he saved you 103 فأنقذכم

pl. they forbid ن 104 ينه

backs (sr.: دبر) 111 األدبار

parts, hours 113 آناء

they hasten / vie with one another ن 114 يساrع

will not avail / profit them غني 116 لن

wind (pl.: رياح ) 117 ريح

biting and icy, intense cold 117 صر

intimate friend 118 بطانة

they spare effort to make you نكم أل 118ال

ruin, corruption 118 خباال

pl. hamper / distress you 118 عنتم

they bit (past tense of bite) ا 119 عض

fingers, finger-tips 119 األنامل

rage 119 الغيظ

grieves them, is evil unto them هم 120 تس

they rejoice ا 120 يفرح

you went out early morning or at day break

121 غدwت

you assign (positions) 121 ىء تب

inclined 122 همت

show weakness 122 تفشال

in (battle of) Badr 123 ببدر

utterly weak, helpless (sr.: ذليل) 123 أذلة

three thousand 124ثالثة آالف

they rushingly, all of a sudden همr125 فو

five 125 خمسة

marked 125 مين مس

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

a part, a fringe 127 طرفا

subdue them 127 يكبتهم

disappointed, frustrated 127 ين خآئب

ease, prosperity 134 السراء

ap. those who control / repress 134 الاكظمين

ap. those who forgive / pardon 134 العافين

they do not persist / repeat اwصر 135 لم

excellent, bountiful 136 نعم

pl. systems, ways 137 سنن

im. pl. travel, go about اw137 فسير

consequence, end 137 عاقبة

ni. pl. faint not, loose not heart ا هن 139 ال

overcome, rise high (sr.: أعلى) ن 139 األعل

wound, distress 140 قرح

we change it by turns لهاw140 ندا

so that may purge, purifie

141 صليمح

pl. you wish / long ن 143 تمن

term appointed, recorded time

جال 145كتابا م

a reward اب 145 ث

many 146 نكأي

devoted men, Godly men

نرب 146 ي

nor did they show weakness w ا 146ما ضعف

tnor the absed themselves

ا w146ما استاكن

our transgressions 147 إسرافنا

terror, dread 151 الرعب

you were destroying them نهم 152تحس

pl. you disagreed / disputed

152 تناzعتم

he made you flee 152 كمصرف

pl. when you were climbing

صعدwن 153إذ

pl.and you paid no heed / did not look back

لوwن w153ال

your rear 153 أخراכم

the he rewarded you 153 فأثابكم

what escaped you 153 ما فاتكم

an inner peace 154 أمنة

slumber 154 نعاسا

overcome 154 يغشى

were concerned about

154 أهمتهم

the ignorance 154 الجاهلية

places of their death 154مضاجعهم

dl. two parties / hosts 155 الجمعان

caused (them) to backslide, made (them) slip

لهم 155 است

fighting ى 156 غ

die 157 متم

you became lenient / gentle (الن؛ يلين) 159 لنت

harsh, severe 159 فظا

surely they would have broken

ا 159 النفض

im. Consult them, counsel (vn.: مشاورة)

r159 هم شاو

the put your trust 159 فتو

He forsakes you 160 يخذلكم

that he defrauds غل 161 أن

with wrath 162 بسخط

bestowed favor, showed grace

164 من

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 === they became hypocrites ا 167 ناقق

im. pl. defend, push back ا 167 ادفع

and they sat اwقعدw 168

im. pl. then avert, then turn away, then ward off

168 فادرؤwا

they rejoice in glad tiding نw170يستبشر

they did not join ا لحق 170لم

will not waste ضيع ال 171

trustee/ guardian 173 الوכيل

makes (you) fear, frightens 175 ف يخ

portion, share 176 حظا

we give rein, we grant respite 178 نملي

separates, sets apart, discriminates 179 يميز

going to inform you 179 ليطلعكم

chooses, elects 179 يجتبي

they hoard up / niggardly cling to ن 180 يبخل

will be hung about their necks ن ق 180 سيط

heritage 180 ميراث

burning, fire 181 الحريق

unjust 182 بظالم

offering, sacrifice 183 بقربان

scripture بر 184 ال

ap. giving light, of enlightenment 184 المنير

was drawn away; was removed far away ح z 185ح

succeeded, became triumphant (vn.: فوز)

185 فاز

illusion, deception 185 الغرور

to be safe, to be successful 188 مفازة ب

sitting دا 191 قع

their sides 191 جنوبهم

pl. righteous, truly virtuous 193 األبرار

and answered 195 فاستجاب

were persecuted اwذw195 أ

best reward اب 195حسن الث

lands, cities (sr.: بلد) 196 البالد

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4 im. pl. outdo others in endurance, excel in patience

200 صابرwا

im. pl. strengthen each other ا 200 رابط

سورة 4- ﴿﴿﴿﴿ ﴾﴾﴾﴾سآ ء الن

pl. you demand from one another ن 1 تساءل

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 10

watcher, observer 1 رقيبا

you exchange ا 2 تتبدل

sin 2 حوبا

seemed good, pleased 3 طاب

twos 3 مثنى

threes 3 ثالث

fours ع 3 رب

became the owner; your right hands possessed

ملكت أيمانكم


you will oppress ا ل 3 تع

their dower, marriage portions, Mahr (sr.: صداق)


willingly 4 نحلة

with pleasure 4 هنيئا

with good cheer 4 مريئا

you perceive 6 آنستم

sound judgment, discretion 6 رشدا

the deliver to them, hand over ا إلىفا 6دفع

in haste 6 بدارا

they would grow up اw6 يكبر

he should abstain entirely (from taking wages)


take witness on them فأشهدwا عليهم


in taking account 6 حسيبا

be little, small 7 قل

be much, large 7 كثر

division, distribution 8 القسمة

justly, appropriate 9 سديدا

the will son be burnt ن 10 سيصل

blazing fire 10 سعيرا

dl. two females 11 األنثيين

dl. two thirds 11 ثلثا

for parents يه 11 ألب

one-sixth, 1/6 11 السدس

one-third, 1/3 11 الثلث

brothers (or sisters) ة 11 إخ

pl. you know not نwدر 11 ال

in benefit 11 نفعا

prescribed 11 فريضة

one-fourth, 1/4 12 الربع

one-eighth, 1/8 12 الثمن

deceased man or woman having left neither parent nor children

12 الكلة

not causing any harm / loss 12غير مضآر

partners ء 12 شر

bequest صيةw 12

transgresses 14 يتعد

and those women الالتيw 15

dl. and two persons اللذانw 16

in ignorance 17 بجهالة

soon 17 من قريب

forcibly, against will 19 كرها

live or consort with them هنw19 عاشر

place 20 ماكن

by slander 20 بهتانا

gave oneself to another, gave in unto each other

21 أفضى

abomination, hateful 22 مقتا

your daughters 23 بناتكم

your sisters (sr.: أخت) اتكم 23 أخ

pl. your sisters of father (sr.: ة (عم

23 عماتكم

pl. sister’s daughters 23 خاالتكم

pl. your step daughters 23 ربائبكم

(under) your protection, guardianship

23 حجوركم

you had conjugal relations with them هن 23دخلتم

wives, spouses, (sr.: حليلة) 23 حالئل

youe loins 23 أصالبكم

(((((((Juz – 5 )))))))and married women, those who have husbands


a decree ofAllah 24كتاب اهللا

not debauchery 24غير مسافحين

you benefit 24استمتعتم

their bridal-due 24 أجورهن

as a duty 24 فريضة

to afford ال 25 ط

your maids, slave-girls 25 فتياتكم

honest, chaste and modest women, well fortified


given to 25 متخذات

to debauch, secret paramour 25 أخدان

pv. be married, taken in wedlock

25 أحصن

(falling into) sin 25 العنت

you deviate ا 27 تميل

soon ف 30 س

pl. you avoid, shun (vn.: اجتناب)

ا 31 تجتنب

great sins, most heinous (sr.: كبيرة) 31 كبآئر

noble, respectable gate, entrance 31مدخال كريما

heirs, inheritors الي 33 م

made covenant, pledged 33 عقدت

in charge, overseers, caretakers

ن ام 34 ق

fg; their rebellion, refractory conduct

34 نشوzهن

leave them alone هنw34 اهجر

the beds 34المضاجع

high, exalted 34 عليا

arbitrator, umpire 35 حكما

will bring reconciliation

ف 35 قي

neighbor 36 الجار

stranger 36 الجنب

by your side 36 بالجنب

proud, arrogant 36 مختاال

boastful, vainglorious 36 فخورا

with stinginess 37 بالبخل

companion (he has) 38 قرينا

so much as the weight of

40 مثقا

atom,particle 40 ذرة

if was leveled ى س 42 لو

discourse, fact 42 حديثا

intoxicated, drunken 43 ساكرى

vn. state of pollution caused by ejaculation or intercourse

43 جنبا

passing on way 43عابري سبيل

closets, (toilets) 43 الغآئط

pl. you touched, (did intercourse)

43 المستم

so you make tayammum

ا 43 فتيمم

soil, sand 43 صعيدا

rub therewith ا 43 فامسح

benign, pardoning ا 43 عف

their places اضعه 46 م

hearkening 46 مسمع

vn. twisting, distorting 46 ليا

vn. slandering, taunting 46 طعنا

we will destroy / efface 47 نطمس

claim purity ن 49 يزכ

who purifies 49 ي يزכ

the leasst 49 فتيال

in baseless supersitions 51 بالجبت

better guided 51 أهدى

groove on a date-stone, speck, farthing 53 نقيرا

turned away 55 صد

fg. consumed, burnt up, roasted 56 نضجت

pl; their skins (sr.: جلد) دهم 56 جل

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

shadow, shade 57 ظـال

plenteous shadow, dark shade 57 ظليال

pl. you restore / render back اwد 58 ت

the trusts 58 األمانات

those in authority لي األمرw59أ

vn. interpretation 59 تأويال

they claim / assert ن عم 60 ي

they go / resort together for judgment ا 60يتحاכم

they swear ن 62 يحلف

effective word ليغا ال 63ق

they make you judge ك يحك 65 م

disputed, disagreed 65 شجر

dislike, resistance, bar 65 حرجا

they submit / surrender ا يسل 65 م

with entire submission 65 تسليما

firmly, strongly 66 تثبيتا

and then 67 وإذا

companion 69 رفيقا

your precautions 71 حذركم

advance, go forth, proceed اw71 فانفر

in detachment, separately 71 ثبات

lags behind, tarries behind 72 ئن ليبط

friendship, love, affection دة 73 م

Oh! would that I had been 73 يا ليتني

pp. those who are made feeble / weak / utterly helpless


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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 11

week,old 76 ضعيفا

im. pl. withhold, hold back 77 ا كف

why did not you defer it for us تنا ال أخ 77ل

will overtake you 78 يدرككم

in towers, fortresses ج ر 78 في

lofty, high, fortified 78 مشيدة

obedience 81 طاعة

planned at night time 81 بيت

do they not ponder / think deeply نwتدبر 82أفال

difference 82 اختالفا

they propagate / spread ا 83 أذاع

may infer (right conclusions) نه 83يستنبط

im. persuade, urge 84 ض ح

stronger in inflicting punishment 84 تنكيال

portion, part 85 كفل

reckoner 85 مقيتا

you are greeted 86 يتم حي

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

cast them back 88 أرכسهم

they join / meet / seek refuge ن 90 يصل

fg. restricting, restraining 90 حصرت

he would have given them power 90 سلطهم

then (upon him) freedom 92 فتحرير

neck, (slave) 92 رقبة

blood money paid as compensation to victim’s relatives

92 دية

they remit it as a charity ا 92 يصدق

dl. consecutive, continuous 92 متتابعين

purposely, intentionally 93 دا متعم

offered 94 ألقى

getting of peace 94 السالم

profits, perishable goods 94 عرض

plunders, gains 94 مغانم

equals not ستوي 95ال

those who have a disabling hurt لي الضررw95أ

strategy, devise a plan 98 حيلة

many places of refuge 100مراغما كثيرا

pl. you shorten / curtail اw101 تقصر

will harm you 101 يفتنكم

their arms, weapons (with them) 102 أسلحتهم

your baggage 102 أمتعتكم

rain 102 مطر

pl. you are secure, you feel safe from danger

103 اطمأننتم

at fixed times تا ق 103 م

pl. you are undergoing sufferings, hardships

ن 104 تألم

ap. breachers of trust, treacherous 105الخآئنين

disloyal, trust breacher ان 107 ا خ

they hide / feel ashamed ن 108يستخف

thrrows it ه 112 يرم

innocent 112 بريئا

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

their secret talks اهم 114 نج

appointed ضاw118 مفر

and I will arouse in them false desires wأل هم من 119ين

and they will cut off 119 كن فليبت

and they will change 119 رن فليغي

deception, beguile, vain desires 120 غرورا

escape, refuge 121 محيصا

friend 125 خليال

they consult you / ask for decree 127نك يستفت

greed, miserliness, selfishness 128 الشح

pl. you wished/ desired/ coveted 129 حرصتم

pp. as if hanging, in suspension 129 اكلمعلقة

they (two) separate 130 يتفرقا

We had advised صيناw 131

pl. you lapse / incline اw135 تلو

they engage in talk ا ض 140 يخ

we overcome / protect ذ 141 نستح

we defend / guard you 141 نمنعكم

languidly, lazily, reluctantly 142 كسالى

those who sway / waver 143 مذبذبين

the lowest rank,deep r145ك األسفلالد

(((((((Juz – 6 )))))))to say loudly, to shout 148 الجهر

their breaking 155 نقضهم

nor they crucified him ه w157ما صلب

pv. made doubtful / dubious 157 ه شب

Prophet Ayoub (PBUH) ب 163 أي

Prophet Younis (PBUH) نس 163 ي

Prophet Haroon (PBUH)

163 هارwن

Prophet Sulaiman (PBUH)

163 سليمان

Prophet Dawood (PBUH)

163 داوwد

road, way 168 طريقا

easy 169 يسيرا

ni. pl. don’t exaggerate / exceed

ا غل 171 ال

he will not disdain, will not feel too proud to

ستنكف 172لن

he would give them ف 173 يهمفي


obligations, undertakings, covenants (sr.: عقد)

د 1بالعق

beast 1 بهيمة

unlawful, forbidden 1ي الصيدمحل

be in the state of pilgrimage under Ihraam.

1 حرم

collars or garlands put around the necks of the animals meant for sacrifice

2 القآلئد

ap. those resorting / intending to go

2 ين آم

you put off Ihram, you went out of sacred territory

2 للتم ح

you may hunt اw2فاصطاد

lead you to transgression منكم 2يج

hatred, malice, enmity 2 شنآن

im. pl. you help one another, you cooperate

ا 2 تعاwن

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

pp. strangled 3نقة المنخ

pp. beaten to death ذة ق 3الم

pp. dead after falling from height

3ية المترد

killed by goring of horns 3النطيحة

the beast, the wild animal 3 السبع

pl. you purified / cleaned 3 ذכيتم

place of idols, altars 3 النصب

pl. you try the luck ا 3تستقسم

by divining arrows المz3 باأل

have given up all hope س 3 ي

I have perfected 3 أكملت

extreme hunger 3مخمصة

one who has an inclination 3متجانف

those who cause injury, inflict wound ارح 4الج

animals trained for hunting, hounds

4 بين ملك

then wash ا 6فاغسل

pl. elbows 6 المرافق

dl. ankles 6الكعبين

he bound you اثقكمw 7

possessor of; endowed with 7 ذات

they stretch out ا 11 يبسط

chiefs, wardens 12 نقيبا

you assisted them هم 12 عزrتم

you lent 12 أقرضتم

you will get information, you will find / discover

13 تطلع

treachery 13 خآئنة

so We aroused 14 فأغرينا

enmity ة الw14 عدا

hatred 14 البغضاء

they do, handiwork ن 14 يصنع

His beloved ه 18 أحبا

mortal, man 18 بشر

an interval (between two messengers) 19 فترة

the holy land األرض المقدسة


those of exceeding strength 22 ارين جب

so distinguish 25 فافرق

they shall wander / roam ن 26 يتيه

dl. they offered 27 قربا

a sacrifice, offering 27 قربانا

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

that you be laden ء ب 29 أن

then prompted عت 30 فط

raven, (crow) 31 غرابا

scratches 31 يبحث

corpse, dead body ءة 31 س

woe unto me يلتاw 31 يا

am I unable / too weak to ت 31 أعج

he became 31 أصبح

those who regret 31 النادمين

as if ما 32 كأن

they wage war ن يح 33 اrب

or be exiled ا نف 33 أو

pl. you get power, you overpower 34 تقدرwا

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 12way of approach, means سيلة 35 ال

mg. thief قr38 السا

eager listeners ن 41 سماع

those who swallow greedily ن 42 أاكل

forbidden things, illicit 42 للسحت

priests, rabbis, scholars 44 األحبار

to them was entrusted protection ا 44 استحفظ

nose 45 األنف

tooth 45 ن الس

pl. wounds ح 45 الجر

law, Shariat عة 48 ش

traced-out way, course of action 48 ا منهاج

change, turn (of fortune) 52 دآئرة

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4 blame, reproach, censure مة 54 ل

party, group (pl.: أحزاب) ب 56 ح

you find fault, you disapprove ن 59 تنقم

pp. are fettered, tied up لة 64 مغل

dl. wide spread, stretched out طتان 64 مبس

whenever they lighted / kindled fire 64 لكما أwقدwا

extinguished it 64 أطفأها

blessing 65 النعيم

moderate, on right course 66 مقتصدة

covey 67 غ بل

will protect you (vn.: عصمة) 67 يعصمك

they became blind ا 71 عم

they became deaf ا 71 صم

pv. they are turned away / deluded away from the truth

ن فك 75 ي

they do not forbid / restrain one another ن تناه 79ال

condemned, incensed 80 سخط

priests, those devoted to learning 82 يسين قس

monks, those who have renounced the world

82 رهبانا

(((((((Juz – 7 ))))))) fg. overflows 83 تفيض

tears 83 الدمع

so rewarded them 85 فأثابهم

you made a knot, you made binding 89 عقدتم

its expiation 89 فكفارته

average, more or less the same سطw89 أ

infamy, abomination, loathsome جسr 90

will cast, put قع 91 ي

hunting 94 الصيد

cattle (domestic) animals 95 النعم

two (persons) known for justice ا عدلw95 ذ

Ka’ba 95 الكعبة

evil consequences, penalty w 95با

for traveler, seafarer 96 للسيارة

(their) collars 97 القالئد

fg. she-camel with split ears set free in honor of some idol-gods

103 بحيرة

fg. she-camel set free in honor of idol-gods

103 سآئبة

fg. she-camel which gives birth to two females & freed in the name of idols.

w 103صيلة

stallion camel freed from work 103 حام

mg. two 106 اثنان

you detain / stop / both of them نهما 106 تحبس

so they swear 106 فيقسمان

if you doubted 106إن ارتبتم

ascertained, get known 107 عثر

dl. they became entitled 107 استحقا

I restrained 110 كففت

I revealed حيتw111 أ

table spread with food 112 آئدة م

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

a festival 114 عيدا

is pleased 119 رضي

﴾﴾﴾﴾االنعام سورة 6- ﴿﴿﴿﴿

they hold (others as) equal, they ascribe rivals

ن 1 يعدل

you doubt نw2 تمتر

time, age, era, generation 6 قرن

we had established them, we gave them place

6 مكناهم

rain in abundance 6 درارام

we raised 6 أنشأنا

parchment, paper 7 قرطاس

so the would have touched it ه 7 فلمس

bu surrounded, overwhelmed 10 فحاق

ap. originator, maker 14 فاطر

ap. reliever, remover 17 اكشف

omnipotent, irresistibly supreme 18 القاهر

their mischief 23 فتنتهم

veils, (covers) ة 25 أكن

their ears 25 آذانهم

fables, tales, stories 25 أساطير

they avoid / keep off (themselves)

26 ينأwن

meeting 31 لقاء

the hour of final judgment 31 الساعة

we committed mistakes 31 فرطنا

pl. backs ارهمz31 أو

they will bear نw31 يزر

sport, pastime 32 لهو

they flout / deny نw33 يجحد

tunnel 35 نفقا

ladder 35 سلما

animal 38 دآبة

flying creature 38 طائر

flies 38 يطير

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

with its two wings 38 بجناحيه

they might become humble

ن 42 يتضرع

those in despair, dumb founded

ن 44 مبلس

roots, remnants, last parts 45 دابر

treasures of Allah آئن اهللا 50خ

im. do not repel / drive away

طرد 52 ال

we tried / tested ا 53 فتن

we tell in detail 55 لنفص

so that become clear / manifest / plain 55 لتستبين

deciders / judges 57الفاصلين

pl. keys 59 مفاتح

does not fall / drop سقط 59 ما

nor wet, fresh 59 ال رطب

leaf 59 ورقة

dry (sear) 59 يابس

what you gained / committed 60 ما جرحتم

guardian, caretaker 61 حفظة

more swift, quicker 62 أسرع

affliction, distress, pain 64 كرب

confounds you with 65 يلبسكم

faction 65 شيعا

will make you taste 65 يذيق

remembrance / recollection 68 كرى الذ

is caught 70 تبسل

drink 70 راب ش

boiling water 70 حميم

beguiled / fooled him ته 71 استه

bewildered, perplexed 71 حيران

trumpet (of resurrection) 73 الصور

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4 name of the father of Prophet Ibrahim u 74 آزر

idols 74 اما أصن

kingdom, governance, dominion

ت 75 ملك

covered, overshadowed 76 جن

star 76 كوכبا

set 76 أفل

mg. moon 77 القمر

uprising, rising (in splendour) غاz77 با

I turned (my face), I have set (my face) جهتw 79

Prophet Elia (PBUH) 85 إلياس

Prophet Elisha (PBUH) 86 اليسع

Prophet Lot (PBUH) طا 87 ل

we entrusted نا 89 و

im. follow 90 اقتده

agonies of death غمرات ت الم


disgrace, torment ن 93 اله

alone, single 94 فرادى

we have bestowed / granted you لناכم 94 خ

ap. one who splits / cleaves 95 فالق

date-stone, fruit kernel ى 95 الن

pl. daybreak, dawn 96 اإلصباح

repository, resting place (after death) دع 98 مست

green stock 99 خضرا

thick clustered, closely growing 99 متراכبا

its sprout 99 طلعها

pendant, hanging low and near 99 دانية

olives (sr. زيتونة ) ن يت 99 ال

pomegranate 99 الرمان

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alike, similar 99 مشتبها

its fruit ه 99 ثم

bore fruits, came to fruition 99 أثمر

its ripen 99 ينعه

they invented / ascribed ا 100 خرق

subtle 103 لطيف

a watcher 107 حفيظ

ni. pl. revile not, do not abuse ا سب 108 ال

what will make you realise شعرכم 109 ما

we will overturn / turn aside 110 ب نقل

their hearts دتهم 110 أف

we will leave them 110 نذرهم

(((((((Juz – 8 ))))))) before, face to face 111 قبال

guilded, flowery خرفz 112

so that incline 113 لتصغى

so that they earn / do ال ف 113 يقت

fully explained, in detail 114 مفصال

has been perfected 115 تمت

they guess / conjure ن 116 يخرص

great ones, leaders 123 أاكبر

humiliation, abasement 124 صغار

narrow, close 125 قا ضي

strait, constricted 125 رجا ح

ascends, climbs 125 يصعد

O you! assembly of Jins

يا معشر الجن


you have taken a lot 128استكثرتم

you appointed 128 أجلت

your abode, home, dwelling place اכم 128 مث

they recount / relate ن 130 يقص

causes something to follow after, appoints successor


He has created 136 ذرأ

so that they ruin / destroy them همw 137 ليرد

so that they confound ا 137 ليلبس

vn. forbidden 138 حجر

their attribution صفهمw 139

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 == trellises, plants supported by a structure of light bars


day of its harvesting 141يوم حصاده

cattle used for loading, burden, لة 142 حم

small cattle (like goats, sheep etc.) 142 رشا ف

eight 143 ثمانية

sheep 143 الضأن

goats 143 المعز

contained 143 اشتملت

camel, camels 144 اإلبل

pp. poured forth, running حا 145 مسف

animals with claws, undivided hoof 146 ذي ظفر

their fat مهم 146 اشح

entrails ايا 146 الح

which is mixed up 146 ما اختلط

bone 146 عظم

they tasted ا 148 ذاق

bring forward 150 هلم

poverty, penury 151 إمالق

vn. measure 152 الكيل

weight, balance ان 152 المي

they turn away from / keep off / shun ن 157 يصدف

most right religion 161 دينا قيما

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

﴾﴾﴾االعراف سورة7-﴿﴿﴿

at night 4 بياتا

ap. those taking rest at noon ن 4 قآئل

weight نz8 الو

fg. became heavy 8 لت ثق

his scale (of good) ازينه 8 م

fg. became light 9 خفت

means of livelihood 10 معايش

clay 12 طين

pl. those degraded, meanest 13الصاغرين

You have sent me astray يتني 16 أغ

their right 17 أيمانهم

theirt left 17 شمآئلهم

pp. one who is degraded / abject ماw18 مذؤ

pp. one who is driven away / banished 18 مدحورا

I will certainly fill 18 ألمألن

then whispered suggestions س س 20 ف

what was hidden 20 ما ووري

their private parts ءاتهما 20 س

he swore to them both 21 قاسمهما

thus he led them (both) 22 فدالهما

they began 22 طفقا

dl. they cover (by heaping) 22 يخصفان

clothes 26 لباسا

adornment 26 ريشا

let (him) not seduce you

ف 27تننكمال

pulls off, strips off ع 27 ين

his tribe 27 قبيله

He created you 29 بدأكم

pl. you (shall) return نw د 29 تع

every mosque 31مسجدلك

they cannot put off, they can not cause any delay

ستأخرwن 34 ال

they can not advance ن ستقدم 34ال

they followed on each another

ا 38 ادارك

passes through, goes through 40 يلج

camel 40 الجمل

eye or opening 40 سم

needle 40 الخياط

(fold and folds of ) coverings اش 41 غ

rancor, deep rooted hate 43 غل

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

yes 44 نعم

veil 46 حجاب

heights, (elevated places separating paradise from hell)

46 األعراف

pv. fg. is turned فت 47 ص

avail 48 أغنى

im. pl. pour down ا 50 أفيض

the throne 54 العرش

He lets cover 54 يغشي

which seeks it 54 يطلبه

swiftly 54 حثيثا

blessed 54 تبارك

fg. bore, carried 57 أقلت

scanty 58 نكدا

I give you good advice / counsel (vn.: نصيحة)

62 أنصح

or you wonder عجبتمw63 أ

people of ‘Aad (towards whom Prophet Hud u was sent

65 عاد

amply 69 بسطة

sanction 71 سلطان

a nation towards whom Prophet Saleh uwas sent

د 73 ثم

Prophet Salih (PBUH) 73 صالحا

she-camel 73 ناقة

gave you station / habitation أكم 74 ب

its plains لها 74 سه

castles, palaces (sr.: قصر) 74 قصورا

pl. you hew / carve out ن 74 تنحت

bounties 74 آالء

they ham-strung / cut the legs 77 عقرwا

earthquake 78 الرجفة

ap. pl. prostrated on the ground 78 جاثمين

not has preceded you 80ما سبقكم

those who stayed behind, lagged behind

83 الغابرين

we rained / showered 84 أمطرنا

a place where Prophet Sho’aib u was sent

85 مدين

Prophet Shuhaib (PBUH) 85 شعيبا

ni. pl. don’t deprive / withold ا بخس 85ال

pl. you threaten نwعد 86 ت

then He multiplid you 86 فكثركم

(((((((Juz – 9 )))))))I feel sorrow / lament 93 آسى

in place 95 ماكن

ap. those who are sleeping 97 ن نآئم

daytime, broad daylight 98 ضحى

we put stamp, we seal 100 نطبع

approved on condition that, one from whom it is right to (say)

105 حقيق

serpent 107 ثعبان

white 108 بيضاء

im. put off (a while), let (him) wait a while أرج 111 ه

ap. those who collect / summon / call 111 حاشرين

they terrified / struck terror هم 116 استرهب

swallows up 117 تلقف

I give you leave / permission 123 آذن

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 14you take revenge, vengeance 126 تنقم

famine, droughts 130 نين الس

they ascribe /blame evil fortune on 131 يطيرwا

whatever, whatsoever 132 مهما

the flood فان 133 الط

pl. locusts 133 الجراد

pl. vermin, lice 133 القمل

pl. frogs 133 الضفادع

they break covenant, they do not keep their words

ن 135 ينكث

sea 136 اليم

we utterly destroyed / annihilated نا 137 دم

they erect / build, ن 3138 ش 137 يع

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

idols 138 أصنام

pp. one who is going to be destroyed, bound to destruction

139 متبر

thirty 142 ثالثين

appointed time / term 142 ميقات

im. take my place, be my successor or vicegerent

142 اخلفني

revealed glory 143 تجلى

crumbled to dust 143 د

fell down 143 خر

senseless, thunder-struck 143 صعقا

woke up, recovered senses 143 أفاق

tablets (sr.: لوح) اح 145 األل

their ornaments 148 هم حلي

body 148 جسدا

lowing sound (of a cow) ار 148 خ

dragging 150 يجره

mother 150 أم

so let not gloat شمت ف 150 ال

stilled, abated, appeased 154 سكت

tyheir writing, inscription 154 نسختها

chose (vn.: اختيار ) 155 اختار

seventy 155 سبعين

turned 156 هدنـا

one who can neither read nor write, unlettered

157 ي األم

their burden 157 إصرهم

fetters, shackles, yokes 157 األغال

supported him هw157 عزر

gushed forth 160 فانبجست

their fish 163 حيتانهم

visibly, openly 163 شرعا

do not they have sabbath ن سبت 163 ال

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 === to justify to be free from guilt 164 معذرة

grievous, severe يس 165 ب

they hold fast / keep ن 170 يمسك

we raised 171 نتقنا

covering, canopy 171 ظلة

followers of falsehood ن 173 المبطل

but he turned away 175 فانسلخ

those who went astray 175 الغاوين

clung, inclined 176 أخلد

dog 176 اللكب

pants with (his) tongue, lolls out (his) tongue

176 يلهث

we made / created 179 ذرأنا

more misguided, worse in error 179 ل أض

most beautiful, excellent, fairest 180 الحسنى

gradually We wii take them (to ruin) جهمr182 سنستد

I grant respite / give rein 183 أملي

strong, firm 183 متين

drew near 185 اقترب

eager in search 187 حفي

I should have abundance تكثرت 188 ال

covered her (he had sexual contact with) 189 تغشاها

light 189 خفيفا

fg. became heavy 189 أثقلت

ap. those who are silent ن 193 صامت

they hold / grasp ن 195 يبطش

incites you غنك 200 ين

prompting, suggestion غ 200 ن

evil thought 201 طائف

they stop / desist not نwقصر 202ال

im. pl. lend ear, listen with attention ا 204 فاستمع

im. pl. keep quiet in order to listen ا 204 أنصت

evenings 205 اآلصا

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

﴾﴾﴾﴾االنفا سورة8-﴿﴿﴿﴿

spoils /booty (of war) 1 األنفا

fg. filled with fear جلتw 2

pv. being driven ن 6 يساق

armed one 7ذات الشوכة

pl. you seek help / implore

ن 9 تستغيث

will help you 9 ممدכم

ranks on ranks, following one upon another

9 مردفين

so that make strong, strengthen 11 ليربط

necks (sr.: عنق ) 12 األعناق

finger tip 12 بنان

they opposed / contended against

ا 13 شآق

in hostile array, in a battlefield

z 15حفا

stratagem, battle maneuver متح 16 فا

to retreat to (his own) troop متحي 16 ا

you threw 17 رميت

He tests / tries 17 ليبلي

ap. one who makes (others) weak هن 18 م

comes in between, intervenes

ل 24 يح

exclusively, particularly

25 خآصة

do away with you 26يتخطفكم

so He provided you with refuge

26 فآwاכم

ni. pl. do not betray (the trust), do not defraud

ا ن خ 27 ال

that they imprison you ك 30 ليثبت

old stories,tales أساطير األwلين


whistling 35 ماكء

hand clapping 35 تصدية

so withh them 37 فيرכمه

fg. preceded / has gone 38 مضت

(((((((Juz – 10 )))))))pl. you took as spoils / booty 41 غنمتم

side of the valley ب 42 العدwة

further ى 42 القص

the caravan 42 الركب

you made a mutual appointment اعدتم 42 ت

your dream 43 منامك

saved 43 سلم

He made you appear as few

44 لكميقل

boastfully, insolently, full of self-conceit (vn.: بطر)

47 بطرا

to be seen (of) men ئاء الناسr 47

hider نw47 يصد

he ran away 48 نكص

fire, the blazing 50 الحريق

xg. tyrant, unjust 51 ظالم

tethered (tied) horses, steeds of war 60باط الخيل ر

pl. you strike terror ن 60 ترهب

they inclined ا 61 جنح

im. exhort, urge, rouse 65 ض ح

twenty نw65 عشر

lightened 66 خفف

weakness 66 ضعفا

captives (sr.: أسير) 67 أسرى

slaughters greatly, thoroughly subdues 67 يثخن

so He gave (you) mastery / power 71 فأمكن

duty of protection to them اليتهمw 72

they sought help from you 72 استنصروكم

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

بة سورة 9- ﴿﴿﴿﴿ ﴾﴾﴾﴾تimmunity, freedom from obligation, disavowal

1 اءة بر

so travel freely ا 2 فسيح

(can) escape (from the punishment of) Allah

2 معجزي اهللا

proclamation, announcement 3 أذان

im. pl. besiege, confine, beleaguer them


ambush 5 مرصد

then leave free, leave alone ف ا 5 خل

sought your protection 6 استجارك

then Protect him ه 6 فأج

to where he can be secure 6 مأمنه

they overcome / get upper hand اw8 يظهر

they do not pay regard / respect ا رقب 8 ال

kinship 8 إال

and not covenant, agreement, tie w 8ال ذمة

did attack you 13 بدؤوكم

heals 14 يشف

pv. you are left alone / spared ا 16 تترك

friend, protector ليجةw 16

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they maintain, 3666 17 يعمرwا

providing water / giving drink 19 سقاية

the pilgrims 19 الحاج

maintenance (to pray in and to look after) 19 عمارة

they loved ا 23 استحب

your tribe, family, kindred 24 عشيرتكم

in which a decline 24 كسادها

dwellings (sr.: مسكن) 24 مساכن

dearer 24 أحب

fields اطن 25 م

day of Hunain, Hunain is a place between Makkah and Taif where a battle was fought

25يوم حنين

fg. straitened, constrained 25 ضاقت

fg. became vast / wide 25 رحبت

ap. those who turn their backs in a fight, who turn back in retreat

25 مدبرين

calm, tranquillity, peace of reassurance

26 سكينته

unclean, impure 28 نجس

poverty (due to loss of trade) 28 عيلة

do not accept ن دين 29ال

a tax taken yearly from the free able-bodied non-Muslim male subjects

ية 29 الج

Prophet Azeez (PBUH) ير 30 ع

they imitate نw30 يضاهؤ

they put off / extinguish (vn.: اطفاء)

32 يطفؤwا

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 === so that make it prevail 33 ليظهره

they hoard / treasure up نw34 يكنز

pv. will be heated 35 يحمى

so will be branded with ى 35 فتك

their foreheads (sr.: جبھة) 35 جباههم

postponement / transposing the sacred months with ordinary months

37 النسيء

so that they make up / make it agree اطؤwا ل 37 ي

pl. you became heavy 38 اثاقلتم

the cave 40 الغار

low 40 السفلى

uppermost, supreme 40 العليا

lightly (armed) 41 خفافا

easy, moderate 42 قاصدا

fg. appeared far 42 بعدت

(tiresome) long distance 42 الشقة

would not ask your leave / exemption ستأذنك 44 ال

fg. became prey to doubt 45 ارتابت

they waver / hesitate نw45 يتردد

their being sent forth 46 انبعاثهم

so He made them lag behind 46 بطهم فث

trouble, evil 47 خباال

hurried to and fro ا 47 أwضع

among you 47 خاللكم

caused to depart هق 55 ت

they are afraid ن 56 يفرق

place to flee to, place of refuge 57 ملجأ

place to enter, a retreating hole 57 خال مد

they run away in haste / in obstinate rush

ن 57 يجمح

accuse you (O Muhammad) ك 58 يلم

pv. are / were given ا 58 أعط

ap. those who are employed 60 العاملين

be reconciled, be won over لفة 60 الم

debtors, those in debt مينr60 الغا

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4 opposes, sets against 63 يحادد

talking idly ض 65 نخ

ni. pl. make no excuse عتذرwا 66 ال

dwellers (of) Madyan أصحاب

مدين 70

overthrown (cities) تفاكت 70 الم

gardens of Eden, everlasting gardens 72 جنات عدن

im. be hard 73 اغلظ

not they could find ا قم 74 ما

it will be 75 لنصدقن

so He punished them 77 فأعقبهم

by putting hypocrisy 77 نفاقا

they broke (the covenant with) ا 77 أخلف

those who do something willingly 79عين المط

their endeavor 79 جهدهم

pp. those who stayed behind ن 81 المخلف

in their places 81 بمقعدهم

behind 81 خالف

heat 81 حرا

and let them weep, they should weep

ا w 82ليبك

do not pray صل 84 ال

his grave ه 84 قب

those who have wealth and influence ل ا الط 86 أwل

ap. those who make excuses

90 رwنالمعذ

the Arabs living in desert 90 األعراب

(the women) who sit behind الف 93 الخ

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(((((((Juz – 11 ))))))) they make excuses نw94 يعتذر

your news, matters 94 أخباركم

more likely to be 97 أجدر

loss, penalty, fine 98 مغرما

pl. circles / turns / changes (of fortunes) ائرw98 الد

pl. approaches, things that bring (them) near

99 قربات

blessings ات 99 صل

ap. those who are first / foremost ن 100 السابق

habitants of Medina 101أهل المدينة

they became stubborn / persisted wا 101 مرد

some more نw102 آخر

they acknowledged / confessed ا 102 اعترف

they mixed / mingled ا 102 خلط

assuagement, relief 103 سكن

those who are made to await, those held in suspense

ن 106 مرج

ambush, outpost 107 إرصادا

founded on 108 س أس

(of) his building 109 بنيانه

(of) a cliff 109 جرف

that which is ready to crumble down 109 هار

so that it crumbled to pieces 109 فانهار

will never cease ا 110 ال

they built ا 110 بن

doubt, suspicion 110 ريبة

tender-hearted, soft-hearted اهw114 أ

thirst 120 ظمأ

fatigue, tiredness 120 نصب

and nor they take نwطؤ w120ال

any step طئا 120 م

valley ادياw 121

that they go اw122 لينفر

they are nearer to you نكم 123 يل

harshness, to be stern 123 غلظة

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

turned 127 صرف

you’re overburdened/ made to suffer 128 عنتم

anxious 128 حريص

نس سورة 10- ﴿﴿﴿ ﴾﴾﴾ي

wonder 2 عجبا

footing (reward of good deeds) 2 قدم

six 3 ستة

disposing 3 ر يدب

He will repeat it 4 يعيده

splendor, bright, shining glory 5 ضياء

measured it, disposed 5 قدره

stages (sr.: منزل) لz5 منا

He describes in detail 5 ل يفص

theirgreeting 10 تحيتهم

hastens 11 ل يعج

vn. their desire with haste 11استعجالهم

We have removed 12 كشفنا

to the prodigals, extravagant people فين 12 للمس

generations نw13 القر

and I do not make you know ال أدراכمw 16

(a big portion of) life 16 عمرا

stormy wind 22 عاصف

wave ج 22 الم

they rebel / transgress ن 23 يبغ

so intermingle 24 فاختلط

reaped corn, clean-mown harvest 24 حصيدا

house of peace 25 دار السالم

will not cover, will not overshadow رهق 26 ال

darkness 26 ر قت

ap. protector, defender 27 عاصم

pv. are covered / overcast with 27 أغشيت

darkness, pitch dark 27 مظلما

then we will separate, split يلنا 28 ف

fg. sent before, did in past 30 أسلفت

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

cannot find guidance هد 35 ي ال

they recognize one another ن 45 يتعارف

they seek information from you نك 53 يستنبئ

yea, yes 53 إي

regret, remorse 54 الندامة

condition, business 61 شأن

you start doing .. 61 ن تفيض

(is) hidden ب 61 يع

smaller 61 أصغر

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4 my sojourn, my staying 71 مقامي

my reminding you, admonishing 71 تذכيري

dubious, hesitating 71 غمة

so that turn us away 78 لتلفتنا

greatness, supremacy ياء 78 الكب

(was) an arrogant tyrant 83 لعا

im. Harden 88 اشدد

overtook him 90 أدركه

your body 92 بدنك

We settled أنا 93 ب

abode, settlement أ 93 مب

people of Prophet Jonah (PBUH) نس 98 قوم

(((((((Juz – 12 )))))))د سورة : 11﴿﴿﴿﴿ ﴾﴾﴾﴾ه

pv. perfected, guarded, decisive 1 أحكمت

pv. explained in detail / expounded

1 لتفص

they fold up ن 5 يثن

they cover (with clothing)

ن 5 يستغش

their clothes, garments (sr.: ثوب)

5 ثيابهم

its deposit دعها 6مست

reckoned time, definite term

8أمة معدwدة

will turne it away فاw8 مصر

he is despairing س 9 ليئ

graces, favors 10 نعماء

exulting ح 10 ف

treasure 12 كنز

pv. they will not be given less, will not have diminution

ن بخس 15ال

clans, sects (sr.: حزب) اب 17 األح

(will be) their promised-meeting place

عده 17 م

in doubt ية 17 في م

surely, without a doubt

22 ال جرم

they humbled / bowed

ا 23 أخبت

dl. (both of them are) equal يان 24 يست

(are) the rejected among us 27 أراذلنا

at first thought, apparently 27بادي الرأي

but that (mercy) has been obscured

28 يتفعم

we compel / adhere ه مكم 28ا أنل

ap. one who drives away

29 طاrد

scorn! to hold in mean estimation دري 31 ت

my guilt, my crime 35 إجرامي

so not be bad س بت 36فال

do not address me خاطبني 37ال

im. build, make (to build, to make: (صنعة

37 اصنع

gushed forth 40 فار

oven 40 التنور

im. pl. ride / embark ا 41 ارכب

its course / sailing 41 مجراها

its mooring / anchoring 41 مرساها

wave ج 42 م

in aloof, apart ل 42 في مع

I will betake myself 43 سآوي

im. swallow up 44 ابلعي

im. hold, cease 44 اقلعي

abated, subsided, sank 44 غيض

rested ت 44 است

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 == Judi, name of a mountain in Iraq دي 44 الج

‘Aad, a people towards whom Prophet Hud was sent as a messenger

50 عاد

have seized you 54 اعتراك

its forelock 56 ناصيتها

arrogant enemy of truth 59 عنيد

be away, be cursed 60 بعدا

made you to dwell 61استعمركم

ap. responsive 61 مجيب

one in whom people have great expectations

ا 62 مرج

blast 67 الصيحة

roasted 69 حنيذ

so she laughed 71فضحكت

old woman 72 عجوز

man of old age 72 شيخا

fear, alarm ع 74 الر

one who often turns to God again and again

75 منيب

cannot be averted, unavoidable دw 76غير مرد

grieved, distressed 77 سيء

in heart 77 ذرعا

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dreadful day, distressful day 77يوم عصيب

they came rushing ن 78 يهرع

as regards my guests 78في ضيفي

right minded 78 رشيد

strong support / refuge 80رכن شديد

so travel 81 فأسر

ni. turn not back, look not back لتفت 81 ال

we rained 82 أمطرنا

rain of stones 82 يل سج

pp. piled up (layer on layer) د 82 منض

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 === ap. most loving, fountain of love (vn.: ود)

wد w 90د

we do not understand فقه 91 ما

your family 91 رهطك

we should certainly have stoned you 91 لرجمناك

the place, destination دr98 الو

pp. place to descend / be led to دw98 المور

gift, present 99 فد ال

pp. that which is gifted/ presented د 99 المرف

but destruction,perdition, downfall

تبيب 101غير

wretched, unhappy (pl.: أشقيآء) 105 شقي

glad, happy (pl.: سعدآء) 105 سعيد

wailing, sighing فيرz 106

sobbing 106 شهيق

never cut off, unfailing, unceasing ذw108غير مجذ

unabated, undiminished ص 109غير منق

ni. pl. incline not, lean not ا رכن 113 ال

dl. two ends 114 طرفي

part لفاz 114

men of understanding قية ا 116أwل

pv. What they were provided with good things/ luxury

ا ف 116 ما أت

سف سورة 12- ﴿﴿﴿ ﴾﴾﴾ ي

Prophet Yousuf سف 4 ي

eleven 4 أحد عشر

your vision, dream 5 رؤياك

a strong group 8 عصبة

im. pl. cast away / drive away ه 9 اطرح

will be free / alone 9 يخل

bottom 10 غيابة

well, pit 10 الجب

will find / pick up 10 يلتقطه

caravan of travellers 10 السيارة

tomorrow, morning 12 غدا

enjoys, refreshes 12 يرتع

wolf 13 ئب الذ

at nightfall 16 عشاء

we race / compete 17 نستبق

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

his shirt 18 قميصه

most fitting, pretty 18 جميل

pp. one whose help is sought 18المستعان

you describe / assert ن 18 تصف

their water-drawer / carrier اردهمw 19

so he let down 19 فأدلى

his bucket ه 19 دل

they hided him هw19 أسر

treasure, merchandise 19 بضاعة

small, mean 20 بخس

Dirhams, silver coins of that age 20 دراهم

ap. those who renounce / attach no value

اهدين 20 ال

keep him honorably اه مي مث 21أك

hie stay اه 21 مث

fg. made (him) yield / entreated دتهw23 را

fg. closed 23 غلقت

come on, O you 23 هيت لك

(I seek) refuge in Allah, Allah forbid! 23 معاذ اهللا

so the raced with one another 25 استبقا

fg. tore 25 قدت

back 25 دبر

dl. they met 25 ألفيا

pv. be imprisoned 25 يسجن

from front 26 من قبل

her young man (slave) 30 فتاها

cushioned couch 31 تكأ م

knife 31 ينا سك

they exalted him 31 أكبرنه

forbid 31 حاش

dignity is for Allah! How perfect is Allah!

31 حاش هللا

you blamed me 32 لمتنني

unless you turn away ف ص 33إال

I will fell inclined 33 أصب

it appeared to them 35 بدا لهم

two young men 36 فتيان

I press / squeeze (to get juice) 36 أعصر

breads ا 36 خب

the Irrestible 39 القهار

few years 42بضع سنين

one who is saved / released 42 ناج

pl. fat (sg: 43 سمان (سمين

pl. lean 43 عجاف

pl. dry 43 يابسات

explain to me ني 43 أفت

you interpret / answer نw43 تعبر

mixed up false 44 أضغاث

(of) dreams 44 أحالم

and he remembered ادכرw 45

you (will) cultivate نتزر 47 ع

as usual 47 دأبا

you preserve ن 48 تحصن

pv. will have abundant water 49 يغاث

they will press, squeeze to get oil and juice

49 يعصرwن

open, manifest, came to light 51 حصحص

not betrayed him 52 لم أخنه

(((((((Juz – 13 )))))))53 ىء wما أب

and I do not exculpate / absolve / acquit

53 inclined أمارة

54 أستخلصه that I may attain him

هم 59 he had furnished جهthem

their provisions جهاzهم 59

we will try to get سنراwد 61permission

their money / goods بضاعتهم 62

في rحالهم 62 into their bags

we will bring food نمير 65

camel بعير 65

68 desire, need, want حاجة

lodged, took to stay آwى 69

drinking cup قاية الس 70

caravan العير 70

you miss, you find تفقدwن 71lost

اع 72 drinking cup ص

z guarantor, boundعيم 72

swear by Allah تاهللا 73

so he began, started فبدأ 76

أwعيتهم 76their luggage, baggage (sr.: وعاء)

we planned كدنا 76

78 father باأ

you will never cease تفتأ 85

,of ruined health حرضا 85extremely ill

I complain, I expose أشكو 86(grief)

86 / my grief / emotion ي بثdistress

ا 87 فتحسس so enquire, ascertain

ح اهللا 87 soothing Mercy of رAllah

جاة 88 small, scanty م

preferred / chosen آثرك 91you

ثريب 92 ال no reproach, no fear

94 دwن تفنyou think me a dotard, you think that I have old age madness

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

100 desert البدو

101 im. join / unite (me ألحقني with)

107 ,overwhelming غاشية extensive, covering

﴾﴾﴾الرعد سورة 13- ﴿﴿﴿

pillars, supports عمد 2(sr.: عماد)

spread out, stretched مد 3out

/ different tracts قطع 4regions

ات متجاور 4 neighboring, bordering each other

ان 4 palm trees growing صنout of a single roots

exemplary المثالت 6(punishments)

guide هاد 7

fall short تغيض 8

propotion مقدار 8

9 Highly Exalted المتعا

one who hides مستخف 10

one who walks ساrب 10

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بات معق 11guards / watchmen (in succession) following one another

11 w protector, defenderا

12 الث pl. heavy قا

13 punishment المحا

so flew فسالت 17

,valleys, channels أwدية 17water courses

torrent, water course السيل 17

z foam, scumبدا 17

swelling on top رابيا 17

قدwن 17 they smelt / kindle ي

ornaments حلية 17

refuse, scum جفاء 17

,so remains, tarries فيمكث 17lasts

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

يدرؤwن 22they repel / overcome (vn.: دراء)

عقبى الدار 22 final attainment of the (eternal) home

And, Paradise عدن 23

joy, bliss طوبى 29

pv. cause to be torn عت قط 31

disaster, sudden قاrعة 31calamity

cause to settle, befall تحل 31

harder, more painful أشق 34

,any protector من wاق 34defender

﴾﴾﴾ابراهيم سورة 14- ﴿﴿﴿

patient صبار 5

thankful (person) شكور 5

proclaimed تأذن 7

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

revealed أwحى 13

liquid pus صديد 16

he spit it (unwillingly) يتجرعه 17

17 سيغه اكد ال he will find hard to swallow it

ashes رماد 18

,fg. became hard اشتدت 18furious

ن 21 you can avail, avert مغن

خ 22 ap. helper, one who كم مصresponds

whose root أصلها 24

her branch فرعها 24

uprooted اجتثت 26

ا 28 caused (their people) أحلto alight

ار 28 / house of perdition دار البdesolation

dl. constant in دآئبين 33courses

ها 34 حص ال you cannot count / compute

I (have) settled أسكنت 37

w valleyاد 37

w he gaveهب 39

stare in horror تشخص 42

they run in fear مهطعين 43

heads upraised مقنعي 43

their eyes, gaze طرفهم 43

chains, fetters اد األصف 49

سرابيلهم 50 their shirts, garments

pitch, tar قطران 50

﴾﴾﴾الحجر سورة15-﴿﴿﴿(((((((Juz – 14 ))))))) often ربما 2

beguile them, delude يلههم 3them

hope األمل 3

سبق 5 not advance ما

ن م 6 mad man جن

we let it enter نسلكه 12

ا 14 فظلso they kept on (doing), they continued

ن 14 they ascends / climb يعرج

pv. intoxicated رت سك 15

fiery comet شهاب 18

known معلوم 21

المستقدمين 24the first generations who have passed away

المستأخرين 24the present (late) generations who will come

26 ,sounding clay صلصاcrackling clay

dark transmuted حمإ 26mud, molded mud

ن 26 altered into shape مسن

the jin الجآن 27

27 ر السموم نا smokeless flame

I brathed نفخت 29

ا 29 the fall down فقع

ن 30 together أجمع

يتني 39 you misled me أغ

authority سلطان 42

47 couches سرر(sr.: سرير)

ap. pl. facing each متقابلين 47other

toil, fatigue نصب 48

ن 52 w those who are afraidجل

جل 53 do not fear, feel ال uncomfortable, afraid

فما خطبكم 57 the what is your mission?

65 ا im. pl. go, take a امضstart

ن 68 فضح فال ni. pl. do not me disgrace

their wid intoxication سكرتهم 72

قين 73 time of sunrise مش

those who read the عاليها 74signs

its lower part سافلها 74

75 سل مينلمت for those who see

78 أصحاب األيكة

dwellers of wood

80 أصحاب الحجر

dwellers of the rocky tract

oft-repeated المثاني 87

im. lower, keep اخفض 88gentle, spread low

,your wings, sides جناحك 88arms (pl.: أجنحة )

parts, bits عضين 91

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

ع 94 so proclaim, expound فاص


ه 1 ستعجل فال so do not hurry for it

4 semen-drop نطفةcontaining sperms

warmth, warm دفء 5clothing

6 beauty جما

ن 6 تريحpl. you drive them back to home in evening (vn.: إراحة)

ن 6 pl. you lead them in تسرحmorning for pasture

8 mules البغا(sr.: بغل)

donkeys, asses الحمير 8(sr.: حمار)

that which turns جآئر 9aside / deviating

ن 10 you pasture cattle تسيم

يا 14 fresh ط

اخر 14 ,ap. ploughing مcleaving

no doubt, assuredly ال جرم 23

roof السقف 26

ن 27 / im. you disputed تشاقopposed

32 persons pure / free بين طيfrom filth

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

cause (earth) to ف يخس 45swallow

ف 47 gradually, moments تخof alert

incline يتفيأ 48

,w constantlyاصبا 52perpetually

pl. you cry for help تجأرwن 53

full of wrath, wrath, in كظيم 58wardly inward grief

ن 59 disgrace, contempt ه

buries it, hides it يدسه 59

highest اعلى 60

,refuse, excretion فرث 66dung

milk لبنا 66

palatable, pleasant to سآئغا 66swallow

( نحلة .sr) bees النحل 68

ن 68 ش they erect يع

,submissively ذلال 69humbly, smoothly

grand sons حفدة 72(sr.: حفيد)

( بكم dumb أبكم 76

لكمح البصر 77 as a twinkling of an eye

السماء جو 79 the midst (of) the sky

نها 80 تستخف which you find so light

ظعنكم يوم 80 day of your migrate, travel

افها 80 its wool أص(sr.: صوف)

its soft fibers أwباrها 80(sr.: وبر)

its hair أشعاrها 80(sr.: شعر)

,house hold stuff أثاثا 80assets, rich stuff

/ places of refuge أكنانا 81shelter

ن 84 يستعتبpv. they will be allowed to make amends / plea

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

explaining all تبيانا 89

confirmation therefof توכيدها 91

one who is appointed كفيال 91for surety

لها 92 her spun thread غ

untwisted strands أناكثا 92

more numerous أربى 92

a means of دخال 94deception

تها 94 being firmly planted ثب

passes away, waste ينفد 96away

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remains (that which) باق 96/ endures

103 foreign, i.e. other أعجمي than Arabic

103 arabic عربي

128 ن good-doers محسن

﴾﴾بني اسرائيل سورة 17-﴿﴿

(((((((Juz – 15 ))))))) ) took for a journey أسرى 1

(أسراى؛ يسري؛ إسراء

1 المسجد األقصى

Masjid-ul-Aqsa, the Mosque in Jerusalem

ا 5 they entered فجاس

الد 5 يار خال inmost parts of homes

turn الكرة 6

-numerous in man نفيرا 6power

pl. you did evil أسأتم 7

so they make ليسوؤwا 7sorrowful

7 so they will destroy رwا ليتب

ا 7 all they had ما علconquered

prison, dungeon حصيرا 8

ال 11 We made dark, we عجeffaced

We made (it) to cling مبصرة 12/ fastened

مناه 13 we have fastened to ألhim

,his fate, actions طآئره 13deeds

,pp. wide open منشورا 13spread out

زر 15 ,destroyed ال annihilated

its welathy luxurious مترفيها 16people

العاجلة 18ap. quick-passing, which hastens away, (i.e. life)

ما 18 pp. one who is مذمcondemned

pp. that which is محظورا 20closed

pp. one who is مخذwال 22forsaken

a word of disrespect أف 23

نهرهما 23 ال do not scold / repulse both of them

lower اخفض 24

submission, humility الذل 24

أwابين 25ap. repentant, those who turn to Allah in repentance again and again

بذ 26 ,ni. squander not ر ال waste not

pp. made soft and ميسورا 28kind / easy

ما 29 ,pp. impoverished ملdestitute

poverty, want محسورا 29

32 adultery نى ال

القسطاس 35 scale, balance

36 ni. follow not, pursue قف ال not

مش 37 ni. walk not ال

exultantly, proudly مرحا 37

ق 37 خ will never penerate لن

ال 37 height ط

rejected مدحورا 39

aversion نفورا 41

whrn you recite إذا قرأت 45

pp. made invisible مستورا 45

ا 46 w they turnل

bewitched مسحورا 47

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

(عظم bones عظاما 49

decayed, fragmented رفاتا 49

new جديدا 49

iron, steel حديدا 50

ن 51 فسينغض then they will shake

pp. something to be محذورا 57afraid of

pp. written, inscribed مسطورا 58

/ I will surely seize ألحتنكن 62perish / destroy

فورا 63 full, enough م

tempt, excite استفزز 64

تك 64 your voice ص

,im. urge, summon أجلب 64arouse

جي 66 / makes it go smooth يdrives

harm الضر 67

a violwnt sand-storm حاصبا 68

another time تارة أخرى 69

fierce gale, hurricane قاصفا 69of wind

an avenger تبيعا 69

we honored كرمنا 70

رכن 74 كدت you nearly would have inclined

double ضعف 75

way (this was our) سنة 77

an alteration تحويال 77

ك 78 going down دلdeclination of the sun

darkness غسق 78

perform night prayer فتهجد 79

79 ,additional نافلةsupererogatory

دا 79 مقاما محم state of praise / glory

,z vanishedهق 81disappeared

جانبه 83 نأى becomes far away (from the right path) at his side

in great despair يؤwسا 83

84 ته disposition, way شا

ap. helper, backer ظهيرا 88

عا 90 spring, fountain ينب

( كسفة .sr) pieces كسفا 92

,fg. extinguished خبت 97abated

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

100 ,stingy, niggardly قتوراmiserly person

101 nine تسع

103 هم ,drives them out يستفremoves them

106 at intervals مكث

107 chins, faces أذقان


those who (sb, pl) ماכثين 3dwell / remain

/ ap. one who kills باخع 6frets to death

,their foot-steps آثاrهم 6following after

barren جرzا 8

9 أصحاب الكهف

people the cave

inscription الرقيم 9

10 im. facilitate, dispose ئهيof

سنين عددا 11 a number (of) years

best able to compute أحصى 12(calculate)

13 young men فتية

We braced / made ربطنا 14firm

enormity (in disbelief) شططا 14

هم 16 لتم اعت you withdraw from them

comfort and ease فقام 16

fg. rose طلعت 17

اور 17 fg. declines, moves تaway

ذات اليمين 17 right side

fg. set غربت 17

ضهم 17 it turns away from تقthem

ذات الش 17 ما left side

17 wide space, spacious فجوةpart

شدا 17 مap. person who guides / leads to right way

awake أيقاظا 18

د 18 asleep رق

dl. its both forelegs ذراعيه 18

صيد 18 threshold ال

in flight فرارا 18

pv. you would be رعبا 18filled

your coin, money وrقكم 19

city المدينة 19

wليتلطف 19and let him behave with care and courtesy

they turn you back يعيدوكم 20

we made (it) known أعثرنا 21

ن 21 ni. debate not / argue يتناzعnot

ا 21 construct ابن

guessing رجما 22

مار 22 so not debate فال

debate, argument مراء 22

refuge ملتحدا 27

,beyond all bounds فرطا 28exceeding bounds

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

its walls سرادقها 29

ا 29 they cry / ask for help يستغيث/ water

ا 29 pv. they will be يغاثhelped / given water

melted brass, dregs اكلمهل 29of burning oil

will burn / scald يشوي 29

resting place, couch تفقا مر 29

ن 31 pv. they will be يحلadorned

armlets, bracelets أساور 31

fine silk سندس 31

thick silk brocade إستبرق 31inter woven with gold

ين 31 they will recline متك

/ raised couches األرائك 31thrones

we had surrounded حففناهما 32them

لكتا الجنتين 33 both gardens

argues, disputes يحاوره 34

men نفرا 34

will perish تبيد 35

less أقل 39

thunderbolt (by way حسبانا 40of reckoning)

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z slipperyلقا 40

dry out, to go غورا 41underground

to seek طلبا 41

الية 44 protection, patronage ال

dry stubble, dry twigs هشيما 45

ap. fg. leveled plain بارzة 47

غادر 47 فلم we did not leave out / behind

aides, helpers عضدا 51

destruction, barrier موبقا 52

ها 53 اقع those going to fall م

فا 53 a way of escape مص

ا 56 in order to refute ليدحض

refuge, escape موئال 58

I will not cease / give ال أبرح 60up

60 مجمع

البحرين junction of two seas

I will go on أمضي 60

for years حقبا 60

as in a tunnel سربا 61

we betook refuge أwينا 63

rock الصخرة 63

/ dl. they went on فانطلقا 71proceeded

the ship السفينة 71

he made a hole خرقها 71therein

command إمرا 71

unknown, unheard نكرا ؟

(((((((Juz – 16 ))))))) dl. they asked for استطعما 77


77 هما يضي ف entertained them

wall جدارا 77

نقض 77 to collapse أن

,to seize by force غصبا 79snatch forcibly

he should opppress يرهقهما 80them

ذي القرنين 83 zulqurnain

black mud, murky حمئة 86water

the rising place مطلع 90

,covering, shelter سترا 90protection

two high walls, two السدين 93mountains

ج 94 يأج names of two tribes of wild people

ج wم أج

tribute خرجا 94

ني 95 فأعينim. pl. you help/assist me (vn.: اعانة)

strong wall / barrier ردما 95

z blocks /piecesبرا 96

,filled up, made equal ساwى 96leveled up

dl. (two) steep فين الصد 96mountain sides

molten copper قطرا 96

to pierce / dig نقبا 97through

99 نفخ فى الصور

will be blown into

ج 99 surges يم

101 veil, cover غطاء

104 works, deeds صنعا


دwس الفGardens of Paradise

108 ال change, removal ح

109 ,exhausted لنفد consumed

109 for (its) aid مدادا

﴾﴾﴾﴾ مريم سورة 19- ﴿﴿﴿﴿ in secret, in low voice خفيا 3

w weakened, becameهن 4feeble

4 اشتعلglisten with gray, [fired] shining white hairs

Old age شيبا 4

الي 5 / My heirs المsuccessors

satisfied, pleased رضيا 6

of the same name سميا 7

extreme, last عتيا 8

9 easy ن هي

يا 10 together س

childhood صبيا 12

compassion حنانا 13

dutiful ابر 14

fg. drew aside / went انتبذت 16aside

فتمثل 17appeared as, assumed the likeness of

unchaste بغيا 20

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

decreed (by Allah) مقضيا 21

distant, remote قصيا 22

pains of childbirth المخاض 23

ع 23 trunk ج

نسيا منسيا 23 utterly forgotten

يا 24 rivulet, streamlet س

im. fg. shake ي هز 25

it will let fall تساقط 25

dates جنيا 25

im. fg. cool, refresh يقر 26

man, human being إنسيا 26

يا 27 ,amazing, strange فmost unusual

emjoined on me أwصاني 31

39 يوم الحسرة day of groief

long time, a good مليا 46while

affectionate, gracious حفيا 47

Prophet Idris (PBUH) إدريس 56

they fell down خرwا 58

weeping بكيا 58

ا 59 / they wasted أضاعneglected / missed

sure to come, must مأتيا 61come to pass

be constant and اصطبر 65patient

on knees جثيا 68

to be there in fire صليا 70

,final, fixed حتما 71established

,assembly, council نديا 73company

r outward appearanceئيا 74

then surely will فليمدد 75extend

resort, return مردا 76

ا 81 honor ع

adversary, opponent ضدا 82

to incite أzا 83

w delegationفدا 85

thirsty وrدا 86

monstrous, terrible إدا 89

in utter ruin, crashing هدا 90

it is suitable ينبغي 92

w affection, loveدا 96

ما لدا 97 contentious people ق

ا 98 whisper رك

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

﴾﴾﴾﴾طه سورة20-﴿﴿﴿﴿

2 so that you fall into تشقى لdistress

in depth of earth or الثرى 6anything

ا 10 im. pl. wait امكث

/ I have seen آنست 10perceived

live coal, burning قبس 10brand

im. put off, take off اخلع 12

your shoes نعليك 12

ى 12 ط

name of a sacred valley in the Sinai peninsula, where Prophet Moses u received revelation.

I have chosen you اخترتك 13(vn.: اختيار)

دى 16 you perish ت

I lean أتوכأ 18

/ I beat down fodder أهش 18branches / leaves

my sheep غنمي 18

uses مآrب 18

serpent, snake حية 20

to its state سيرتها 21

im. draw close, press اضمم 22

im. expand, enlarge اشرح 25

im. loosen, remove احلل 27

knot عقدة 27

my strength أزري 31

so that, that كي 33

you put him اقذفيه 39

that you may be لتصنع 39brought up

هل أدلكم 40 shall I show you

قر 40 that might be cooled كي

اصطنعتك 41 I have chosen you (vn.: اختيار)

نيا 42 ni. dl. do not slacken ال

acts hastily يفرط 45

gave أعطى 50

51 state, condition با

various, diverse شتى 53

ا 54 im. pasture, feed ارع

أwلي النهى 54 men of understanding

ى 58 ماكنا سa place where both shall have equal chances / terms

ينة يوم الز 59 day of the festival / feast

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يسحتكم 61 He will destroy you

,best tradition المثلى 63exemplary doctrine

,gained upper hand استعلى 64overcame

their rods, sticks عصيهم 66(sr.: عصا)

appeared, seemed يخيل 66

conceived أwجس 67

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

dry path يبسا 77

77 to pursue, to درovertake

ى 81 went down, perished ه

السامري 85name of a man of tricks in the era of Prophet Moses u

86 did then seem long أفطا(prolonged)

94 O! Son of my mothe يا ابن أم

my beard لحيتي 94

رقب 94 / you did not wait لم observe

I took / grasped فقبضت 96

no touch ال مساس 97

/ you remained ظلت 97continued to

devoted عاכفا 97

97 certainly we will burn قنه لنحit

certainly we will لننسفنه 97sactter it

to scatter نسفا 97

102 blear-eyed (due to زرقا severe pain or terror)

103 ن يتخافتthey will speak with low voice / murmuring / whispering

104 best of them أمثلهم

106 plain قاعا

106 smooth and leveled صفصفا

107 uneven, height أمتا

108 hollow sound of feet همسا

111 fg. humbled عنت

112 w nor curtailmentال هضما

113 it may renew يحدث

118 عر you shall not be ى wال naked

119 ضحى wال you shall not suffer from the sun

120 بلى not that will waste ال away

124 narrow, shrunken ضناك

129 اما inevitable, which لcomes necessarily

131 z splendorهرة

131 that We may test لنفتنهم them

133 the Scriptures الصحف

﴾﴾﴾االنبيآء سورة21-﴿﴿﴿

(((((((Juz – 17 ))))))) new محدث 2

الهية 3ap. preoccupied, in light mood, set on passing delights

poet شاعر 5

كر أهل الذ 7 those who remember

م قصمنا ك 11 how many we hade destryed

ن 12 they flee يرכض

,did not cease فما zالت 15continued

ap. pl. extinguished خامدين 15

so it destroys or فيدمغه 18brains it out

ستحسرwن 19 ال they weary not, they do not get tired

فترwن 20 ال they flag not, intermit not

لفسدتا 22surely would both of them have been ruined

ن 26 respected, honored مكرم

closed up, joined رتقا 30together

ففتقناهما 30 the We parted them

broad passages فجاجا 31

هم 31 تميد it should shake with them

ن 33 they float /swim يسبح

hurry, haste عجل 37

then will perplex فتبهتهم 40them

will protect you يلكؤכم 42

who can guard them تمنعهم 43

ن 43 يصحبpv. they will be defended / given company

we reduce it ننقصها 44

breath نفحة 46

We will set up نضع 47

mustard خردل 47

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

images التماثيل 52

pieces, fragments جذاذا 58

ن 63 they speak / talk ينطق

ا 65 / pv. were relapsed نكسconfounded

68 ه ح im. pl. burn ق

cool بردا 69

,great distress الكرب 76awesome calamity

fg. pastured at night نفشت 78

We made to ففهمناها 79understand it

80 art of making صنعة

لتحصنكم 80 to protect you

ن 82 ص they dive يغ

Dhul-Kifl (Isaiah) ذا الكفل 85

ن 87 ذا النthe companion of the fish (i.e., the Prophet Jonah u)

in anger مغاضبا 87

with hope رغبا 90

fear رهبا 90

fg. preserved أحصنت 91

her chastity فرجها 91

mound, hill حدب 96

ن 96 hastening, swiftly ينسل

97 staring widely (in شاخصةterror)

fuel, firewood حصب 98

wاردwن 98those who will come, those who have to come

101 has preceded سبقت

101 ,pp. kept far away مبعدwنremoved far

102 slighted sound of it حسيسها

103 ع ,supreme horror الفgreat terror

103 will meet them تتلقاهم

104 we shall roll up نطوي

104 like a rolled up كطي

104 written scroll جلالس

109 I do know أدري

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

﴾﴾﴾الحج سورة 22- ﴿﴿﴿

2 / fg. will forget تذهلforsake

2 ,fg. suckling woman مرضعةnursing mother

ذات حمل 2 pregnant

5 clot علقة

5 lump of flesh, piece مضغةof flesh

5 ,pp. shaped, formed مخلقةduly formed

/ we cause to stay نقر 5remain / rest

infant طفال 5

أرذل العمر 5 feeblest old age, abject time of life

5 barren, dry and هامدةlifeless

ت 5 fg. stirred اهت

fg. swelled ربت 5

beautiful, lovely بهيج 5

ثاني عطفه 9 turning his side, bending

verge, edge, border حرف 11

rope, cord سبب 15

س 17 the Magians المج

18 disgraces Allah يهن اهللا

,opponents خصمان 19antogonists

ا 19 / they disputed اختصمcontended

pv. shall be poured يصب 19

pv. shall be melted يصهر 20

,maces, hooked rods مقامع 21hammers

ا 23 ل pearls ل

silk حرير 23

,visitor, stranger الباد 25nomad

lean camel, lean ضامر 27mount

mountain highway فج 27

,deep (and distant) عميق 27remote

hungry, distressed البائس 27

ا 29 ثم اليقض then let them complete

their prescribed تفثهم 29duties

البيت العتيق 29 The Ancient House, Ka’bah

snatch away, carry ألwثان ا 30off

lying الزور 30

far, distant, remote سحيق 31

religious ceremonies منساك 34

المخبتين 34 ap. pl. humble ones

cows, oxen or البدن 36camels

w fell downجبت 36

القانع 36ap. contended, one who lives in contentment

beggar المعتر 36

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

مت لهد 40 would have been pulled down, demolished

امع 40 ,monasteries صcloisters

churches بيع 40

ات 40 synagogues صل

well بئر 45

,pp. deserted معطلة 45abandoned

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(قصور castle قصر 45

,lofty and well-built مشيد 45fortified

barren day, void of يوم عقيم 55all hope

became green مخضرة 63

قع 65 to fall, that (it) may أن fall

ن ي 72 they attack سط

fly ذبابا 73

snatches away from يسلبهم 73them

ستنقذwه 73 ال they cannot release / rescue

the seeker الطالب 73

ب 73 the sought المطل

(((((((Juz – 18 ))))))) ن سورة 23- ﴿﴿﴿ من ﴾﴾﴾الم

مين غ 6 ير مل not blame-worthy, free from blame

ن 8 راعap. those who observe, keeper (literal: shepherds)

,extract, refined ساللة 12essence

قرار مكين 13 a safe lodging

طور سيناء 20 Mount Sinai

with oil بالدهن 20

sauce, color, dye صبغ 20

يت 28 / you boarded استembarked

we had given them أترفناهم 33luxuries, comforts

far, very far هيهات 36

rubbish, of dead غثاء 41leaves, wreckage

one after another, in تترا 44succession

a place of rest قرار ذات 50

their confused غمرتهم 54ignorance, error

ن 66 pl. you turn back on تنكصyour heels

telling fables by سامرا 67might

pl. you talk تهجرwن 67senselessly

wages خرجا 72

recompense خراج 72

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

ن 74 indeed deviating لناכب

ا 75 persisted obstinately لج

protects يجير 88

ات 97 ,suggestions همwhisperings

100 a barrier برزخ

101 فال أنساب so no ties of kinship

104 scorches, burns تلفح

104 ن those with their lips اكلحdisplaced in pain

108 remain you rejected اخسؤwا

110 يا a laughing stock سخ

113 ap. those who count ين العاد

115 in vain, mere idle عبثا play

﴾﴾﴾﴾النور سورة24-﴿﴿﴿﴿

im. pl. flog, scourge فاجلدwا 2

flog جلدة 2

pity, compassion رأفة 2

ن 4 they accuse / launch يرمcharges

eighty ثمانين 4

يدرأ عن 8 will avert, averts

اإلفك 11 جاؤwا brought forth the slander

/ pl. you indulged أفضتم 14murmured

نه 15 you were تلقpropagating it

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

أتل 22 ni. (let them) swear ال not

ا 27 تستأنس pl. you ask permission

ا 30 to lower يغض

هن 31 their veils خم

their breasts جيوبهن 31

31 غير أwلي

rبة اإل

male servants who are beyond sexual desire

31 عورات

ساء النhidden / private parts of womem

,single (unmarried األيامى 32divorced or widowed)

,your female slaves إمائكم 32maid servants

chastity, fortification نا تحص 33

like niche كمشاكة 35

lamp مصباح 35

z glassجاجة 35

,shining, brilliant ي در 35radiant

z its oilيتها 35

turn about, overturn تتقلب 37

like mirage كسراب 39

sandy desert قيعة 39

deep ي لج 40

with wings outspread صافات 41

ما 43 layers, piled up one رupon other

دق 43 rain ال

those who come with مذعنين 49all submissions

50 يحيف اهللاAllah will deal unjustly, will wrong them in judgment

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

هم 55 ليستخلفنwill surely give them inheritance, will make successor

ن 58 pl. you lay aside تضع

the age of puberty الحلم 59

اعد 60 القold women (who do not have any longing for marriage)

غ 60 جاتير متب not showing

lame األعرج 61

pl. your paternal أعمامكم 61uncles

الكم 61 your maternal أخbrother

separately أشتاتا 61

ن 63 they slip away يتسللsecretly from

اذا 63 surreptitiously, hiding ل

﴾﴾﴾الفرقان سورة 25- ﴿﴿﴿

Blessed is He تبارك 1

resurrection, to raise نشورا 3the dead

4 helped him أعانه

/ pv. are dictated تملى 5read out

اق 7 markets األس(sr.: سوق)

fury, rage تغيظا 12

/ pp. pl. bound نمقرني 13chained together

destruction ثبورا 13

ورا 18 ما ,destroyed people قdevoid of all good

(((((((Juz – 19 ))))))) barrier, ban حجرا 22

strictly محجورا 22

motes, dust هباء 23

be scattered منثورا 23

place of noon day قيالم 24rest / repose

hard عسيرا 26

shall bite يعض 27

betrayer خذwال 29

pp. one who is مهجورا 30neglected / discarded

gradually, slow and ترتيال 32well arranged

,explanation تفسيرا 33interpretation

أصحاب 38 the people of Ar-Rass


/ utter ruin تتبيرا 39destruction

guide, pilot دليال 45

repose, cause of rest سباتا 47

sweet عذب 53

thirst-quenching فرات 53

salt ملح 53

bitter أجاج 53

barrier, partition برzخا 53

relationship (of نسبا 54blood), ties of kinship

relationships through صهرا 54wedlock

lamp سراجا 61

giving light منيرا 61

following one another خلفة 62

address them خاطبهم 63

ن 64 they pass / spend the يبيتnight

anguish, complete غراما 65destruction

قترwا 67 wلم nor stingy

اما 67 balanced, just ق

high places, high الغرفة 75stations

عبأ 77 not pays attention ما

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

﴾﴾﴾لشعرآء ا سورة26-﴿﴿﴿ so would bend فظلت 4

خاضعين 4ap. those who bow their necks in humility

w childليدا 18

نين 29 المسج pp. prisoners

no matter, no harm ال ضير 50

ذمة 54 troop, band ش

ن 55 لنا لغائظ have enraged us

حاذرwن 56those who are, fore-warned those who are fully prepared against danger

ن 61 pp. those who are لمدركovertaken

,and it divided فانفلق 63parted, separated

د 63 like mountain, mound اكلط

we brought near أzلفنا 64

ن 76 those who passed األقدمbefore, fore-fathers

zت بر 91pv. fg. is made manifest, is placed in full view

ا 94 then they will be فكبكبthrown on their faces

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101 friend صديق

111 ن those who are األرذلmeanest / lowest

114 ap. one who drives طاrد away / repulses

116 مين المرج pp. those stoned (to death)

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

119 ن المشح laden, filled

128 ن do you build أتبن

128 at every high place ريع بلك

128 to play frivolously ن تعبث

129 مصانع strong holds, castles, fine buildings (sr.: مصنع)

130 طشتم إذا pl.when you laid hands, seized

137 habit خلق

148 heavily laden, near to هضيم breaking

168 / those who hate القالين abhor

184 generations الجبلة

187 so make (it) fall فأسقط

189 يوم الظلة day of shdow

200 We have caused it to سلكناه enter

222 lying أفاك

﴾﴾﴾ النمل سورة 27- ﴿﴿﴿

ن 7 pl. you may warm تصطل

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

pv. is blessed بوrك 8

,moving, writhing تهتز 10wriggling

serpent, snake جان 10

عق 10 did not look back ب لم

جيبك 12your bosom, opening at the neck and bosom of a shirt

language, speech منطق 16

were gathered حشر 17

ن 17 يوzعpp. those kept in ranks, set in (battle) order

wادي النمل 18 valley of the ants

حطمنكم 18 ال lest sould crush you

so he smiled فتبسم 19(vn.: م (تبس

laughingly ضاحاك 19

bestow upon me أوzعني 19power

reviewed, took a تفقد 20muster

hopoe (a bird) الهدهد 20

Sheba, name of a سبإ 22country

hidden الخبء 25

ap. fg. one who قاطعة 32decides / resolves

present, gift هدية 35

stalwart, giant ت عفري 39

returns يرتد 40

ح 44 the palace الص

pool, lake لجة 44

ساقيها 44dl. her shanks (lower part of leg) (sr.: ساق)

paved, smoothly ممرد 44paved

ارير 44 glasses, crystals ق

groups, men رهط 48

49 we will surely attack تنه لنبيhim at night

We destined her to قدrناها 57be

(((((((Juz – 20 ))))))) orchards, gardens حدائق 60

(sr.: حديقة)

mountains رwاسي 61

ا 61 barrier, separating حاجbar

to the distressed one ضطر الم 62

failed, stopped short ادارك 66

close behind (in ردف 72pursuit)

hide تكن 74

ع 87 ففso will be terrified, smitten, stricken with terror

pl. humbled, in داخرين 87humility

firmly fixed, solid جامدة 88

perfected أتقن 88

﴾﴾﴾القصص سورة28-﴿﴿﴿

name of a Pharaoh's هامان 6minister

,them picked him up فالتقطه 8took up

void (of patience) فاrغا 10

follow him يه قص 11

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

so asked him / called تغاثه فاس 15help for help

ه 15 so struck him with his فوכfist

vigilant, looking يترقب 18about

yesterday أمس 18

خه 18 يستص cries to him/ calls aloud for help

/ they counsel يأتمرwن 20deliberate upon

fg. dl. keeping back تذwدان 23

23 عاء الshepherds, herdsmen (sr.: راعي)

26 ه im. engage him on استأجwages, hire him

ثماني حجج 27 eight years (sr.: ة (حج

traveled, journeyed سار 29

29 a brand (of fire), a جذوةburning coal

side, bank شاط 30

ادي األيمن 30 ال the valley at the right

30 field, ground البقعة

more eloquent أفصح 34

34 r helper, supportدأ

may I look أطلع 38

حين 42 المقبpp. those who are hateful / cast away / despised

prolonged فتطاwل 45

dweller ثاwيا 45

w we caused (it) toصلنا 51reach

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

fg. exulted, rejoice بطرت 58exceedingly

68 choice الخيرة

,everlasting سرمدا 71perpetual

a name قارwن 76

ء 76 would have been a لتنburden

the owner of fortune ذو حظ 79

لقاها 80 not will attain it ال

place of return, home معاد 85

you hope / expect ترجو 86

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

تسورة29-﴿﴿ ﴾﴾العنكب

sure to come آلت 5

fifty خمسين 14

15 أصحاب السفينة

people of the ship

اديكم 29 في in your meetings

,in self, within oneself ذرعا 33in heart

مستبصرين 38 ap. keen observers, those with insight

to outstrip Us سابقين 39

ت 41 العنكب spider

frailest, flimsiest أwهن 41

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(((((((Juz – 21 ))))))) ال 48 تخطه

you do not write / transcribe (vn.: خط)

﴾﴾﴾﴾الروم سورة 30- ﴿﴿﴿﴿

أدنى األرض 3 nearby land

tilled, dug أثارwا 9

populated it, built عمرwها 9upon it

will despair يبلس 12

in garden, mead في رwضة 15

pv. pl. will be made يحبرwن 15happy

ن 17 you enter night تمس(evening: مساء)

تظهرwن 18you enter the morning (afternoon: ظھر)

you are scattered تنتشرwن 20

ن 27 most easy, easier أه

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

Allah's nature فطرة اهللا 30

has appeared ظهر 41

ن 43 / they are separated يصدعdivided

they make provision يمهدwن 44

,yellow (colored) مصفرا 51turned to yellow

gray hair due to old شيبة 54age

ستخفنك 60 wال let not discourage you

﴾﴾﴾لقمان سورة 31- ﴿﴿﴿

لهو الحديث 6 idle tale, pastime discourse

a name لقمان 12

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

18 صع ,ni. and do not turn ر wال do not swell

your cheek خدك 18

im. be moderate اقصد 19

lower اغضض 19

harshest abominable أنكر 19

,made it flow أسبغ 20completed

traitor, perfidious ختار 32

one who can be of جاز 33avail to another

rain الغيث 34

﴾﴾﴾السجدة سورة 32- ﴿﴿﴿

ن 12 those who hang ناכس

forsake, leave off تتجافى 16

joy of eyes قرة أعين 17

they will be put back أعيدwا 20

ق 27 we lead / drive نس

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

﴾﴾﴾اب اآلح سورة33-﴿﴿﴿

فه 4 inside of body, breast في ج

nearer, closer أwلى 6

zاغت األبصار 10 the eyes grew wild

throats الحناجر 10

ب 13 -old name of Al يثMadinah

unprotected,lie open عورة 13

all its sides أقطاrها 14(sr.: قطر)

18 those who keep back قين المع/ hinder

come along يغشى 19

they will smite you سلقوكم 19

sharp حداد 19

being sparing of their أشحة 19help, niggardly

اب 20 the confederates األح

wن 20 بادpl. inhabitants of desert, [those living outside towns /cities] (sr. باد )

ة 21 an example, pattern أس

his obligation نحبه 23

صياصيهم 26 their fortress, strongholds

past tense cast, [put قذف 26in]

طؤwها 27 لم not you have trodden

Release سراحا 28

(((((((Juz – 22 )))))))bedizenment, to make dazzling display

31 يقنت

then not be soft خضعن 32 فال

stay 33 قرن

(like) display 33 تبرج

Most Courteous 34 لطيفا

any option 36 الخيرة

Zaid يدz 37

want طراw 37

their adopted sons 37 أدعيائهم

Allah's messages ساالت اهللاr 39

their greetings 44 تحيتهم

im. Disregard 48 دع

Allah has given 50 أفاء اهللا

you may put off / defer 51 ترجي

you may take / receive 51 تؤوي

you set aside لت 51 ع

its preparation (of food)

53 إناه

and not those (who sit whole-heartedly

wال مستأنسين


they send blessing ن 56 يصل

fg. they draw close 59 يدنين

their outer garments, wrapping garments,veils

59 جالبيبهن

those who stir up sedition, spreading false rumors

ن 60 المرجف

we will let you overpower ينك 60 لنغ

they will not be (able to stay as) your neighbors

جاورwنك 60ال

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

our leaders / chiefs 67 سادتنا

were afraid 72 أشفقن

سبأ ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 34-﴿﴿﴿﴿

escapes not, hidden not ب ع 3 ال

you have been scattered 7 قتمم

scattered to pieces ق 7 مم

echo with me, repeat with me 10 بيأو

we made soft ا 10 ألن

coats of mail 11 سابغات

measure 11 رقد

of chain armour د 11 في الس

its evening stride / course احهاw12 ر

we made it flow for him

12 أسلنا له

arches, fortresses 13 محاريب

images (sr.: تمثال ) 13 تماثيل

large dishes 13 جفان

like tank, reservoirs اب 13 اكلج

cauldrons, huge pots (sr.: قدر ) 13 قدور

fixed, set firm 13 راسيات

his staff 14 منسأته

flood (released) from the dams 16 سيل العرم

fruits, food 16 ألك

bitter 16 خمط

tamarisk 16 أثل

lote tree 16 سدر

to be seen 18 ظاهرة

the journey 18 السير

we scattered them قناهم 19 م

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 === pp. pl. those made to stand ن ف ق 31 م

lofty halls, mansions 37 الغرفات

(will) replace it 39 يخلفه

one tenth (1/10th) 45 معشار

hurls, casts 48 يقذف

so no escape ت 51 فال ف

to reach شw52 التنا

barrier will be set 54 حيل

people of their kind, partisans 54 أشياعهم

فاطر ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 35-﴿﴿﴿﴿

possessor of wings (sr.: جناح) لي أجنحةw1 أ

shall perish, will be void 10 يبور

pleasant to drink 12 سائغ شرابه

husk of a date stone 13 قطمير

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

and not sun's heat ال الحرورw 21

tracts, streaks 27 جدد

red 27 حمر

intensely black, raven black 27 غرابيب

black د 27 س

weariness ب 35 لغ

they will cry aloud / shriek ن خ 37 يصط

hatred, odium, abhorrence 39 مقتا

dl. lest they move away / deviate / cease [to function]

41 تزwال

dl. (they two) moved away / deviated / ceased to function

z 41التا

not encompasses حيق 43 ال

يس ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 36-﴿﴿﴿﴿

made stiff-necked ن 8 مقمح

their foot prints, what (they) left behind,traces

12 آثارهم

We have recorded 12 أحصيناه

clear book, clear register 12 إمام مبين

so We reinforced them ناz14 فعز

(((((((Juz – 23 )))))))they cannot save / deliver me wنقذ 23 ن ال

we strip, we withdraw 37 نسلخ

they are plunged in darkness ن 37 مظلم

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measuring, decree 38 تقدير

became, returned 39 عاد

like the dried curved data stalk ن 39 اكلعرج

the ladden ن 41 المشح

so no helper (to hear their cry), shout 43 فال صريخ

they will be disputing / contending ن يخص 49 م

will, disposition صية 50 ت

graves, tombs 51 األجداث

our grave bed / sleeping قدنا 52 م

in occupations 55 في شغل

happy, joyful ن 55 فاכه

fruit 57 فاכهة

whatever they ask for ن دع 57 ما

im. pl. be apart, aside اw59 امتاز

did nit I ordain 60 ألم أعهد

multitude, great numbers 62 جبال

burn therein ها 64 اصل

We grant long life 68 ه نعم

we cause (him) to bend (from straightness)

68 سه ننك

we have subdued them 72 ذللناها

decomposed, decayed 78 رميم

الصآفات ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 37-﴿﴿﴿

w 1الصافات

fg. those who check / repel / restraint اجرات 2 ال

to check / restraint / repel جراz 2

fg. those who recite 3 التاليات

rebellious دr7 ما

can not listen ن سمع 8 ال

they are pelted ن 8 يقذف

outcast, driven away 9 دحورا

lasting harship, a constant torment اصبw 9عذاب

glistening, bright 10 ثاقب

sticky بz11 ال

pl. disgraced, humiliated نw18 داخر

shout جرةz 19

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

cup 45 كأس

headache ل 47 غ

they get intoxicated ن ف 47 ين

fg. pl. women who restrain glance, gaze

قاصرات ف الط


pp. closely guarded ن 49 مكن

a companion 51 قرين

indeed to receive reward or punishment

ن 53 لمدين

look down ن 54 مطلع

you cause me to ruin / perish 56 لتردين

pp. (those) brought forward 57 ضرين المح

name of a bitter tree with thorns in hell قوم 62 شجرة ال

root 64 أصل

so those who shall fill نw66 فمالؤ

a mixture با 67 لش

they found ا 69 ألف

sick, off-mooded 89 سقيم

then (he) turned 93 فراغ

hastening, hurriedly ن ف 94 ي

he had laid him prostrate 103 تله

forehead, temple 103 الجبين

that makes (things) clear 117 المستبين

name of an idol 125 بعال

you pass نw137 لتمر

ran away, fled 140 أبق

He casted lots 141 ساهم ف

those who are condemned / rejected / rebutted

141 المدحضين

then swallowed him 142 فالتقمه

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

bare desert 145 العراء

those who can tempt (anyone) to rebel 162 فاتنين

one who is going to 163 صا

their courtyard 177 ساحتهم

ص ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 38-﴿﴿﴿﴿

when there was no longer 3 و الت

escape, flee away 3 مناص

invention 7 اختالق

so let them ascend up ا 10 فليرتق

pp. one who is defeated 11 مهزوم

the owner of stakes تادw12 ذو األ

delay, deferment اق 15 ف

our count/reward 16 قطنا

(man) of strength / hands 17 ذا األيد

gathered, assembled 19 محشورة

they climbed over wall اw21 تسور

and be not unjust شطط w 22ال

ninety-nine ن 23تسع wتسع

ewe, young female sheep

23 نعجة

hand it over to me 23 أكفلنيها

he overcame me ني 23 ع

partners (sr.: خليط) 24 الخلطاء

a near access لفى 25 ل

like those who turn aside from right, wicked

28 اكلفجار

horses 31 الصافنات

the well-trained of highest breed

31 الجياد

fg. gone out of sight ارت 32 ت

then he began 33 فطفق

gently 36 رخاء

builder 37 بناء

diver اص 37 غ

spend 39 امنن

im. strike, stamp 42 ارכض

handful of twigs, a little grass 44 ضغثا

ni. and break not oath حنث w 44ال

pl. chosen / excellent ones 47 األخيار

pl. well matched companions 52 أتراب

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4 end, ceasing, exhaustion

54 نفاد

dark / murky fluid, pus 57 غساق

rushing headlong / blindly

59 مقتحم

no welcome 59 ال مرحبا

they will burn in fire ا النار 59 صال

pl. wicked, bad ones 62 األشرار

the mutual dispute 64 تخاصم

exalted chiefs, chiefs on heights 69 المإل األعلى

that I will fill 85 ألمألن

pl. impostors, pretenders

86 فينالمتلك

مر ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 39-﴿﴿﴿﴿ ال

overlaps, rolls 5 ر يكو

He bestows upon him

له 8 خ

built 20 مبنية

withers up, turns yellow 21 يهيج

chaff, crumbled to dust 21 حطاما

repeated, paired 23 مثاني

fg. trembles, shivers 23 تقشعر

fg. softens 23 تلين

pl. quarreling among themselves ن 29 متشاכس

(((((((Juz – 24 )))))))Are filled with disgust / aversion تz45 اشمأ

not despair ا قنط 53 ال

woe is me!, Alas! my grief! 56 يا حسرتى

what I was undutiful 56 ما فرطت

towards Allah 56 جنب اهللا

keys 63 مقاليد

pl. rolled up يات 67 مط

fg. shone 69 أشرقت

are driven / led 71 سيق

troops, throngs, groups مراz 71

its warder, keeper نتها 71 خ

you have well done 73 طبتم

pl. surrounding / encircling / thronging around

75 ين حاف

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

من ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 40-﴿﴿﴿ الم

one (who is) all bountiful ل 3 ذي الط

Allah's aversion 10 لمقت اهللا

day of Mutual Meeting 15 يوم التالق

the day that is drwaing near فةz18 يوم اآل

day of mutual calling / summoning 32 وم التناد ي

in ruin, loss باب 37 في

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

I entrust / confide 44 ض أف

and not those who do evil ال المسيءw 58

chains 71 السالسل

pv. pl. they are dragged ن 71 يسحب

pv. pl. are thrust / stocked نw72 يسجر

حم السجدة ﴾﴾ سورة 41-﴿﴿

unending ن غير 8 ممن

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

its sustenance اتها 10 أق

smoke 11 دخان

those who are obedient, willingly 11 طائعين

Page 26: Complete continuous quran dictionary 32 pages-english

English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 26furious, roaring (wind) 16 صرصرا

of evil omen 16 نحسات

pl. marched in ranks ن 19 يوzع

has caused us to speak 21 أنطقنا

pl. you try to hide نw22 تستتر

they ask for favor / pardon ا 24 يستعتب

those who are favored / pardoned 24 المعتبين

we have assigned 25 قيضنا

companions, comrades 25 قرناء

im. pl. babble, drown the hearing ا 26 الغ

never get tired ن سأم 38 ال

(((((((Juz – 25 ))))))) its coverings, sheaths 47 أكمامها

turns 51 نأى

prolonged 51 يض عر

in utmost horizons, farthest regions 53 اآلفاق في

الشوrا ى ﴾﴾ سورة 42-﴿﴿

they rent asunder ن 5 يتفط

He creates you 11 يذرؤכم

ordained, established 13 شرع

futile, void, of no weight 16 داحضة

they dispute / debate نw18 يمار

earns ف 23 يقت

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 == (smoothly running) ships ار 32 الج

like higher mountains / banners 32 اكألعالم

then they would become 33 فيظللن

still, motionless اכدw33 ر

He mau destroy them 34 يوبقهن

consultation, counsel 38 شورى

disgreet glance 45 طرف خفي

barren 50 عقيما

turn / tend (towards ) 53 تصير

خرف ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 43-﴿﴿ ال

to take / turn away 5 صفحا

gone forth, passed 8 مضى

in order that you may mount firmly/ sit firmly

13 لتستوwا

share, portion ءا 15 ج

who is bred up, reared 18 ينشأ

followers نw23 مقتد

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

among his offspring 28 في عقبه

to be under subjection 32 يا سخ

stairs 33 معارج

turns away from 36 يعش عن

partners, sharers ن 39 مشترك

express himself clearly 52 يبين

those in procession نين 53 مقت

thus he befooled and mislead 54 فاستخف

they provoked us, angered 55 نا آسف

they raise a clamor / cry out نw57 يصد

friends (sr.: خليل) 67 األخالء

dishes, trays 71 صحاف

goblets, cups اب 71 أك

fg. takes delight in 71 تلذ

pv. will not be abated / lightened / relaxed

فتر 75 ال

they determined / settled ا 79 أبرم

الدخان ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 44-﴿﴿﴿

pv. made distinct / clear 4 يفرق

ap. those who revert / return نw15 عائد

im. pl. restore, give in اw18 أن أد

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

at rest, as it is ا 24 ره

those taking delight, enjoying 27 فاכهين

so did not weep كت 29 فما

we chose them 32 اخترناهم

will boil, will seethe 45 يغلي

im. pl. then drag it ه 47 فاعتل

im. pl. pour ا 48 صب

سورة 45-﴿﴿﴿ ة ﴾﴾﴾الجاثي

persists, continues to be obstinate 8 يصر

they commit / seek / earn ا 21 اجترح

time 24 الدهر

fg. bowing the knee, kneeling 28 جاثية

we put on record (vn.: استنساخ ) 29 نستنسخ

قاف ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 46-﴿﴿﴿ اال

new, innovation 9 بدعا

thirty months ن شهرا 15 ثالث

we will overlook / pass by 16 نتجاوز

we overlook from نتجاوز عنw 16

winding sand tracts 21 األحقاف

cloud, dense cloud ضاr24 عا

company, group 29 نفرا

he wearied not, did not fatigue عي w 33لم

(((((((Juz – 26 ))))))) محمد ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 47-﴿﴿﴿

you have killed and wounded many of them

هم 4 أثخنتم

a bond ثاق 4 ال

He has made it known 6 عرفها

destruction, perish by stumbling 8 فتعسا

unpolluted, incorruptible, not stale

15 غير آسن

honey 15 عسل

clarified 15 مصفى

their bowels 15 أمعاءهم

just now 16 آنفا

its portents, tokens 18 أشراطها

one who swoons / faints 20 المغشي

their locks (sr.: قفل) 24 أقفالها

instigated, beautified ل 25 س

their (secret) hates, rancor

29 أضغانهم

mode / tone of speech ل 30 لحن الق

and will never put (you) in loss

تركم w 35لن

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 == so urge you, press, importance

37 فيحفكم

الفتح ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 48-﴿﴿﴿﴿

(which is) to come / follow 2 تأخر

thinkers 6 ينالظان

im. pl. you may assist هتعزw9 ر

im. pl. you honor / revere

ق 9 رwهت

they give allegiance to you نك 10 يبايع

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 === He gave you victory, made (you) overcome

24 أظفركم

detained, debarred فا 25 معك

you might kill them/ trample down

25 تطؤwهم

guilt 25 معرة

if they should have been separated / became apart

ا يل 25 لو

zealotry, pride and haughtiness, heat and cant

26 حمية

imposed, made them stick close مهم 26 أل

ap. those who get their heads shaved 27 قين محل

ap. those who get their hair cut short 27 ين ر مقص

its shoot, blade 29 شطأه

them strengthened it 29 فآزره

it then became thick 29 فاستغلظ

its stem, stalk قه 29 س

farmer 29 الزراع

الحجرات ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 49﴿﴿﴿

has tested 3 امتحن

fg. returns to, complies with 9 فيء ت

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

and do not defame اwلمز w 11ال

and do not insult one another اwنابز w 11ال

nicknames 11 باأللقاب

and do not spy ا جسس w 12ال

and do not back-bite غتب w 12ال

nations 13 شعوبا

and tribes قبائلw 13

He will not diminish, belittle you لتكم 14 ال

ق ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 50-﴿﴿﴿﴿

confusing, not able to differentiate 5 مريج

rifts, flaws, faults ج 6 فر

tall, lofty 10 باسقات

piled up one over another 10 نضيد

were We weary / tired 15 أفعيينا

jugular vein 16 حبل الوريد

sitting 17 قعيد

ready 18 عتيد

you escape, you shun 19 تحيد

your veil, covering 22 غطاءك

fg. are you filled up? 30 هل امتألت

so they ran for refuge / traversed ا 36 فنقب

﴾﴾﴾الذاريات سورة 51-﴿﴿﴿

by (the wind) that scatter الذارياتw 1

to scatter اw1 ذر

fg. those that flow / glide ياتr3 فالجا

fg. those that distribute 4 مات فالمقس

starry ways / paths 7 ذات الحبك

those who conjecture/ speculate ن 10 الخراص

Page 27: Complete continuous quran dictionary 32 pages-english

English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 27pv. will be tried / tormented ن 13 يفتن

they used to sleep ن 17 يهجع

ina loud cry, clamor 29 في صرة

so she smote, struck 29 فصكت

(((((((Juz – 27 ))))))) his might, power 39 رכنه

portion, share 59 ذنوبا

الطور ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 52-﴿﴿﴿

in parchment 3 في رق

the Much Frequented House

البيت المعمور


the boling river البحر

المسجور 6

will shake 9 تمور

commotion, heaving, shaking 9 مورا

they will be pushed down by force ن 13 يدع

to thrust / push 13 دعا

we will diminish them 21 ألتناهم

held in pledge 21 رهين

boy-servants 24 غلمان

calamity (hatched) by time, accident of time, adverse turn of fortune (accident: (منون :death ; ريب

ن 30ريب المن

their minds 32 أحالمهم

he has forged it له 33 تق

pl. controllers, dispensers, those incharge


pp. those burdened / ladened ن 40 مثقل

النجم ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 53-﴿﴿﴿

when it goes down ى 1 إذا ه

has erred ى 2 غ

one mighty in power ى 5 شديد الق

endued 6 ذو مرة

he approached 8 دنا

so came closer 8 فتدلى

at a distance of 9 قاب

two bow's lwngth س 9 ين ق

another descent لة أخرى 13 ن

farthest lot-tree (The distinctive mark between the boundary of the physical world and

سدرة المنتهى


the heavenly

Al-Lat 19 الالت

Uzza ى 19 الع

Manat 20 مناة

a division 22 قسمة

unfair, unjust ى 22 ضي

naming 27 تسمية

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 == their attainment, highest point, (that one can reach)

30 مبلغهم

minor / little offenses 32 اللمم

pl. hidden, embryos 32 أجنة

and he hardened, stopped, grudged أكدىw 34

and made (others) weep أبكىw 43

when it emitted منى 46 إذا

made possessor, gave satisfaction / contentment

48 أقنى

name of a mighty star, Sirius 49 عرى الش

threw down, overthrew, destroyed ى 53 أه

will you doubt 55 تتمارى

those involved in vanities نw61 سامد

القمر ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 54-﴿﴿﴿﴿

continuous, constant 2 مستمر

deterrent, (enough warning) to check (them from evil)

دجر 4 م

spread abroad locusts 7 جراد منتشر

and was repulsed, driven out دجرzاw 9

poured out abundantly 11 منهمر

nails, palm-fibers 13 دسر

one who receives admonition, one that remembers

15 من مدכر

We have made it easy نا 17 يس

trunks 20 أعجاز

uprooted date-palms, torn-up date tree 20 نخل منقعر

madness 24 سعر

the insolent one, rash, boastful 26 األشر

brought forward (by suitable turns) 28 محتضر

so he took 29 فتعاطى

like the dry stubble 31 كهشيم

fence, enclosure, (thorny enclosure used by herdsmen for their cattle stock)

31 المحتظر

so we shall be victorous 44 منتصر

most grievous 46 أدهى

most bitter 46 أمر

as the twinkling 50 لكمح

pp. written, recorded, line by line 53 مستطر

الرحمان ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 55-﴿﴿﴿

for reckoning 5 بحسبان

for creatures, living beings 10 لألنام

husked grain, fodder 12 ذو العصف

and sweet smell, fragrance

w 12الريحان

then which of 13 فبأي

bounties, favors, benefits 13 آالء

clay (like that of pottery) 14 اكلفخار

smokeless flame 15 مارج

dl. they get / join together 19 يلتقيان

dl. they can/do not transgress / pass / mix

بغيان 20 ال

and coral stones, gems

w 22المرجان

boats, ships 24 ارالج

ships, vessels 24 المنشآت

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

will perish 26 فان

full of Majesty, full of Glory, full of Honour 27 ذو الجال

We will attend 31 سنفرغ

pl. you pass out / penetrate اw33 تنفذ

regions, zones of skies

أقطار السماwات


fire-flames (without smoke) اظ 35 ش

and brass نحاسw 35

red like 37 وردة

like red oil 37 هاناكلد

by forelocks, foreheads (sr.: ناصية)

اصي 41 بالن

boiling 44 آن

spreading two branches اتا أفنانw48 ذ

its inner lining 54 بطائنها

silk brocade 54 إستبرق

fruits 54 جنى

at hand, easy to reach, easily accessible

54 دان

not has touched them

طمثهن 56 لم

ruby, jacinth, precious stone

58 تالياق

two gardens of well watered dark green trees

64 مدهامتان

two pouring forth springs 66 نضاختان

and pomegranates 68 ورمان

restrained 72 مقصورات

in the pavilions 72 في الخيام

on cushions 76 على رفرف

and beautiful mattress عبقريw 76

اقعة ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 56-﴿﴿﴿ ال

ap. fg. inevitable event اقعة 1 ال

fg. abasing, bringing low 3 خافضة

when will be shaken 4 إذا رجت

shock 4 رجا

will be powered 5 بست

to crumble and scatter 5 بسا

scattered 6 منبثا

will be formost ن 10 السابق

multitude, majority 13 ثلة

thrones in or wrought with golden threads and precious stones

نة ض 15 م

goblets, jugs 18 أباريق

they will not get headache

صدع 19 ن ال

they may chose نw20 يتخير

not recrimination, not sinful discourse أثيما 25 ال

pp. made thornless د 28 مخض

bananas (sr.: طلحة) 29 طلح

pp. outspreading shadow دw30 ممد

pp. gushing ب 31 مسك

ever virgins 36 أباكرا

virtuous, loving their husbands 37 عربا

equal age 37 أترابا

fierce hot wind 42 سموم

black smoke 43 يحموم

indulge in luxury 45 مترفين

they persisted نw46 يصر

big sin, wickedness الحنث العظيم


to drink like thirsty camels 55 شرب الهيم

pl. you would be left in wonderment ن 65 تفكه

those burdened with debt ن 66 لمغرم

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 28

cloud ن 69 الم

pl. you kindle / strike-out fire نw71 تور

for travelers, dwellers in wilderness 73 لمقوين ل

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

setting اقع 75 ◌م

pp. pl. those who are purified نw79 المطهر

those who take message in light esteem / look with disdain

ن 81 مدهن

the throat 83 الحلقوم

those who will not be accountable 86 غير مدينين

happiness ح 89 فر

vn. roasting 94 تصلية

الحديد ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 57-﴿﴿﴿

pp. made successors 7 مستخلفين

we may borrow 13 نقتبس

then seek ا 13 فالتمس

a wall, barrier 13 بسور

Is it not high time that أن ?... 16 ألم

and boasting تفاخرw 20

and rivalry تاكثرw 20

that we bring it into existence 22 نبرأهاأن

and monasticism, monkery 27 ورهبانية

which they invented for themselves ه 27 ا ابتدع

they did observe it ها 27 رع

with the right of its observance عايتهاr 27حق

المجادلة ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 58-﴿﴿﴿

and she complains تشتكيw 1

conversation between you both 1 تحاوركما

they do zihar Zihar: to say to one’s wife, “You are to me as the back of my mother.” In the days of ignorance, this utterance from husband implied that he has divorced his wife.

2 يظاهرwن

we gave them birth لدنهمw 2

and a life 2 وزورا

wish to go back نw د 3 يع

dl. two months 4 شهرين

dl. they touch each other 4 يتماسا

sixty 4 ين ست

they oppose / contend نw5 يحاد

pv. be humbled to dust / abased ا 5 كبت

recorded it, kept account of it 6 أحصاه

and disobedience معصيتw 8

they greete you ك 8 حي

im. you make room, sit comfortably ا 11 تفسح

im. pl. rise up اw11 انشز

cover, shield 16 جنة

gained mastery, engrossed ذ 19 استح

pl. most abased, lowest 20 ين األذل

they make friend نwاد 22 ي

(((((((Juz – 28 ))))))) الحشر ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 59-﴿﴿﴿

at the first gathering ل الحشرw2 أل

would defend them 2 مانعتهم

their fortresses, strongholds (sr.: حصن)

نهم 2 حص

they ruin / demolish ن ب 2 يخ

im. pl. learn a lesson 2 اعتبرwا ف

exile, migration 3 الجالء

palm-tree 5 ينة ل

you made expedition جفتمw6 أ

a circuit لةw 7 د

malice, spite, need 9 حاجة

poverty 9 خصاصة

give them preference نwثر 9 ي

pv. is saved ق 9 ي

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

fortified 14 محصنة

falling down, that which is humble 21 خاشعا

splitting, bursting 21 عا متصد

guardian 23 المهيمن

superb, possessing every greatness 23 ر المتكب

﴾﴾الممتحنة ﴾ سورة 60-﴿﴿﴿

showing ن 1 تلق

free 4 براء

you are at enmity 7 عاديتم

they backed up / helped اw9 ظاهر

examine them هن 10 فامتحن

ni. pl. hold not ا مسك w 10ال

ties (of marriage) with disbelieving women

افر 10عصم الك

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

الصف ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 61-﴿﴿﴿

building, structure 4 بنيان

pp. compact, solid ص ص 6 م

Prophet Muhammed's name 6 أحمد

الجمعة ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 62-﴿﴿﴿

books (sr.: سفر ) 5 أسفارا

they dispersed ا 11 انفض

ن ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 63-﴿﴿﴿ المنافق

their bodies (sr.: جسم)

4 أجسامهم

timber, wood 4 خشب

fg. pp. propped up 4 مسندة

cry 4 صيحة

they turn اw5 لو

they breakup / disperse ا 7 ينفض

let not distract you لهكم 9 ال

التغابن ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 64-﴿﴿﴿

day of loss and gain 9 التغابنيوم

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

الطالق ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 65-﴿﴿﴿

separate (them) هن 2 فاrق

two honest men 2 ذوي عدل

ap. one who attains / reaches

3 بالغ

fg. those having pregnancy

أwالت األحما


fg. they deliver (the child) 4 يضعن

according to you means

6 ن wجدכمم

and let each of you accept the advice of the other'

w 6أتمرwا

pl. you disagree among one another

6 تعاسرتم

one who has capacity

7 ذو سعة

fg. rebelled, revolted 8 عتت

يم ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 66-﴿﴿﴿ التح

you seek 1 تبتغي

absolution (from oath), expiation

2 تحلة

secretly told or communicated 3 أسر

fg. inclined 4 صغت

(((((((Juz – 29 ))))))) الملك ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 67-﴿﴿﴿

one above another 3 طباقا

any oversight, fault تwفا 3 من

any rifts, disorders 3 من فطور

fatigued 4 حسير

missile, something to stone with ما 5 رج

fg. boils 7 فور ت

it almost bursts up ميز 8 تاكد

so remote, far off from mercy 11 فسحقا

subservient, smooth, level ال 15 ذل

in the path thereof 15 في مناכبها

persisted in, set in ا 21 لج

headlong, groveling 22 مكبا

better guided 22 أهدى

near, close لفةz 27

grieved 27 سيئت

will protect 28 يجير

flowing water, gushing 30 معين ماء

القلم ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 68-﴿﴿﴿

by (oath) the pen القلمw 1

they write نw1 يسطر

sublime morals 4 خلق عظيم

pp. afflicted with madness ن 6 المفت

that you become soft / suppliant, you compromise

دهن 9 لو

xg. who swears [uselessly], 10 حالف

mean; despicable 10 مهين

xg. slanderer, defamer 11 هماز

xg. going about 11 مشاء

calumny, slander 11 نميم

cruel, violent 13 عتل

of a doubtful birth نيمz 13

soon we will brand him 16 سنسمه

trunk, snout, nose 16 الخرطوم

to pluck the fruits of ( the garden) ها من 17 ليص

they do not say “if Allah wills," make no exception

ن ستثن w 18ال

one that encompasses / encircles

19 طائف

ap. sleepers ن 19 نائم

black-loke a pitch dark night 20 اكلصريم

those who cut or pluck (fruits) مينr22 صا

with strong intention 25 على حرد

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 29they reproach one another ن 30 يتالwم

pv. is bared 42 يكشف

shanks, lower part of leg 42 ساق

like the companion of the fish (i.e., Prophet Jonah u )

كصاحب ت الح


the one in anguish / agony / despair 48 مكظوم

reached it, obtained 49 تداركه

pv. is cast 49 لنبذ

barren land, wilderness 49 بالعراء

make you slip نك لق 51 لي

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

الحآقة ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 69-﴿﴿﴿

sure reality 2 الحاقة

the calamity عةr4 القا

violent upheaval, outburst 5 الطاغية

a furious 6 صرصر

violent upheaval, outburst 6 عاتية

in succession ما 7 حس

laid low 7 صرعى

fg. exceeding, increasing 10 رابية

and may understand it تعيهاw 12

fg. the one who remembers اعيةw 12

blow 13 نفخة

crushed 14 فدכتا

fg. frail, flimsy اهيةw 16

its sides 17 أرجائها

hidden 18 خافية

come you all! 19 هاؤم

my book 19 كتابيه

a well-pleasing life 21 عيشة راضية

clusters 23 فها قط

near at hand 23 دانية

(that are) gone days 24األيام الخالية

pv. I was not given تw25 لم أ

I had not known لم أدرw 26

making end, decisive, dead 27 القاضية

so fetter him ه 30 فغل

im. pl. let (him) enter, roast ه 31 صل

in chain 32 في سلسلة

its length 32 ذرعها

cubit (length of a hand measuring 32 ذراعا

im. pl. thrust, insert, fasten him ه 32 فاسلك

and not he urged حض w 34ال

washing of wounds 36 غسلين

soothsayer, diviner, [fortune-teller] 42 اكهن

sayings 44 األقاويل

life-artery, artery of heart تين 46 ال

those who withhold 47 حاجزين

المعارج ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 70-﴿﴿﴿

like melted lead 8 اكلمهل

like flakes of wool 9 اكلعهن

and his kinsfolk, kindred [relatives] فصيلتهw 13

gives / will give him a shelter 13 تؤويه

blazing fire, raging flame 15 لظى

fg. tearing away اعة 16 ن

the head skin ى ل 16 لش

withheld, hide عىw18 فأ

xg. impatient عا 19 هل

fretful, bewailing عاw20 جز

xg. niggardly, begrudging عا 21 من

(always) constant ن 23 دائم

in groups, in crowds 37 عزين

those who are outrun قين 41 مسب

they rush / hasten ن فض 43 ي

ح ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 71-﴿﴿﴿﴿ ن

they persisted اw7 أصر

dignity, majesty قاراw 13

(diverse) stages ارا 14 أط

wide expanse, carpet 19 بساطا

Wadd (This and the following four are the names of five pious persons of Prophet Noah’s era. After their death, people used to worshipped them)

w 23دا

Suwaa’ اعا 23 س

Yaghooth ث 23 يغ

Ya’ooq ق 23 يع

Nasr 23 نسرا

dweller 26 ديارا

destruction, perdition, ruin 28 تبارا

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

الجن ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 72-﴿﴿﴿﴿

a group 1 نفر

the majesty 3 جد

perversion 6 رهقا

pv. fg. filled 8 ملئت

guards 8 حرسا

flaming fires 8 شهبا

(watching in) ambush 9 رصدا

different, divergent 11 قددا

flight 12 هربا

loss, diminution 13 بخسا

pl. unjust (people), deviators

ن 14 القاسط

they sought out اw14 تحر

fuel, firewood 15 حطبا

abundant (water) 16 غدقا

ever-growing 17 صعدا

crowded 19 لبدا

lesser, fewer 24 أقل

م سورة 73-﴿﴿﴿ ل ﴾﴾﴾الم

wrapped one, folded in garments ما 1 للم

rising by night 6 ناشئة

to tread upon طءاw 6

correct in speech أقومw 6

occupation, business 7 سبحا

to cut off from others and devote exclusively

8 تبتيال

and give them respite

11 لهمwمه

fetters 12 الأناك

that chokes [throats] 13 ذا غصة

will be in violent shake 14 ترجف

a heap of sand 14 كثيبا

poured out and flowing 14 مهيال

painful, crushing 16 وبيال

left asunder, split 18 منفطر

سورة 74-﴿﴿﴿ ر ﴾﴾﴾المدث

one who envelops (in garments or sheet of cloth)

1 ر المدث

so magnify, glorify 3 رفكب

and pollution, uncleanness, abomination

w 5الرجز

im. shun, keep off 5 فاهجر

when is sounded قر 8 فإذا

trumpet 8 الناقور

to make smooth 14 تمهيدا

I will oblige him to face 17 سأرهقه

painful uphill climb دا 17 صع

thought 18 فكر

frowned 22 عبس

and scowled, showed displeasure, glared

w 22بسر

pv. derived from old ثر 24 ي

Hell-Fire 27 سقر

burning احة 29 ل

ninteen 30 تسعة عشر

when it brightens 34 إذا أسفر

those who talk vanities with vain talkers

45 الخائضين

pl. asses, donkeys (sr.: حمار) 50 حمر

fg. frightened, wild 50 مستنفرة

lion 51 قسورة

Fount of all God-consciousness ى 56 أهل التق

Fount of all forgiveness 56 أهل المغفرة

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

القيامة ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 75-﴿﴿﴿

xg. fg. accusing, reproaching امة 2 الل

dazed eyes, confounded ق 7 البصر ب

and eclipsed, darkened, buried in darkness

w 8خسف

place to flee to, refuge 10 المفر

no refuge, no safety 11 ال وزر

his excuses, pleas 15 معاذيره

fg. radiant, resplendent, beam in brightness and beauty

22 ناضرة

fg. sad, dismal, despondent overcast with despair

24 باسرة

fg. waist-breaking [matter] i.e., great calamity or disaster

25 فاقرة

throat, collar bone 26 التراقي

ap. wizard, enchanter 27 راق

fg. entangled, joined with another الw 29 تفت

vn. to drive, driving 30 المساق

arrogantly, conceitedly 33 يتمطى

woe to you لى لكw34 أ

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 30uncontrolled, without purpose 36 سدى

semen 37 مني

pv. emitted, gushed forth 37 يمنى

الدهر ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 76-﴿﴿﴿

long / endless period of time 1 الدهر

pp. remembered, mentioned 1 مذכورا

mingled 2 أمشاج

admixture اجها 5 م

camphor 5 اكفورا

abundantly 6 تفجيرا

wide spreading 7 مستطيرا

distressful 10 قمطريرا

and pleasure, joy سw 11 رورا

(heat of) sun 13 شمسا

and nor the excessive bitter cold مهريراz الw 13

and lowered ones, close upon, near 14 لت wذل

within reach, lowered 14 تذليال

round vessels, goblets 15 بآنية

ginger نجبيالz 17

called 18 تسمى

name of a fountain in heaven 18 سلسبيال

everlasting youth نw19 مخلد

their pair 28 أسرهم

المرسالت ﴾﴾ سورة 77-﴿﴿

by the winds المرسالتw 1

one after another, goodness 1 عرفا

the winds that scatter 3 الناشرات

the verses that seprate the right from the wrong

4 فالفاrقات

separation 4 فرقا

fg. those who bring 5 فالملقيات

to (cut off all) excuses 6 عذرا

pv. fg. dimmed, put out 8 طمست

pv. fg. rent asunder, cleft 9 جت ف

pv. fg. blown away, scattered to wind as dust

10 نسفت

pv. fg. brought unto appointed time 11 تت أق

pv. fg. deferred, set 12 لت أج

day of judgement 13 ليوم الفصل

place to draw together, receptacle that holds within itself

25 كفاتا

lofty, high, tall 27 شامخات

sweet (water) 27 فراتا

branches 30 شعب

flame, blaze 31 اللهب

fg. throws 32 ترمي

sparks 32 بشرر

(a string of) camels, marching camels 33 جمالت

(((((((Juz – 30 ))))))) النبأ ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 78-﴿﴿﴿﴿

dazzling, blazing هاجاw 13

rainy clouds 14 المعصرات

xg. abundantly 14 ثجاجا

dense, of thick foliage 16 ألفافا

group by group اجا 18 أف

place of ambush 21 مرصادا

resort, destination 22 مآبا

for ages 23 أحقابا

proportioned, fitting فاقاw 26

gardens (sr.: حديقة) 29 أحصيناه

and young ladies اعب 33 وכ

full, brimming over, overflowing 34 دهاقا

a gift, reward 36 عطاء

right ابا 38 ص

﴾﴾﴾الناzعات سورة 79-﴿﴿﴿by those (angles) who drag forth ( the souls of the disbelievers)

w 1الناzعات

submerging 1 غرقا

those (angles) who drag forth ( the souls of the believers)

2 الناشطات

to loose knot, to release (gently) 2 نشطا

those (angles) who press forward 3 السابحات

float, glide, [swim] 3 سبحا

those (angles) who arrange to execute 5 رات فالمدب

the quaking one 6 الراجفة

fg. the one that follows after 7 الرادفة

throbbing, beating painfully اw 8 جفة

those who are restored / returned نw wد 10 لمرد

first state, former state 10 الحافرة

decayed, rotten, crumbled 11 نخرة

open surface 14 بالساهرة

its height, canopy 28 سمكها

made dark, covered with darkness 29 شأغط

spread it out, stretched it out 30 دحاها

its pasture 31 مرعاها

set it firm, fixed it firmly 32 أرساها

grand calamity, great disaster

34 الطامة

its appointed time 42 مرساها

an evening 46 عشية

﴾﴾﴾﴾عبس سورة 80-﴿﴿﴿﴿

you pay regard / whole attention 6 تصدى

you neglect / disregard 10 تلهى

scriber (angles) 15 سفرة

noble 16 كرام

virtuous, righteous 16 بررة

put him in grave 21 فأقبره

He will resurrect him 22 أنشره

pour forth 25 صببنا

pour forth, pouring 25 صبا

we tore, split 26 شققنا

cleaving 26 شقا

and vegetables, vegetation قضباw 28

dense, thick 30 غلبا

and herbage, fodder أباw 31

deafening cry / noise 33 الصاخة

(will be) bright 38 مسفرة

rejoicing 39 مستبشرة

will be dust 40 غبرة

ير ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 81-﴿﴿﴿ التك

pv. fg. is folded up, wound round 1 رتكو

fg. fall, losing the luster 2 انكدرت

she-camels which are ten-months-pregnant

4 العشار

pv. fg. left unattended, abandoned

4 لتعط

the wild beast ش ح 5 ال

pv. fg. be filled, boil over with a swell

6 رتسج

pv. fg. paired, united w7 جتز

female (child) buried alive

8 الموؤwدة

pv. fg. stripped off, torn away 11 طتكش

is kindled (to fierce heat)

12 رتسع

that recedes 15 الخنس

swiftly moving ار 16 الج

hiding 16 الكنس

departing, dissipating 17 عسعس

breathed 18 تنفس

pp. one who is obeyed ع 21 مط

unwilling to give, withhold grudgingly 24 ضنين

االنفطار ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 82-﴿﴿﴿

is cleft asunder 1 انفطرت

dispersed, scattered 2 انتثرت

burst forth 3 رت فج

overturned, ransacked 4 بعثرت

what made you careless 6 ما غرك

He put you together 8 بك رك

== 1/4 === QUARTER JUZ ربع === 1/4 ==

فين ﴾﴾﴾المطف سورة 83-﴿﴿﴿

for those who give less in measure and weight / defraud

1 فين لمطف ل

when they demanded / received by measure

ا 2 إذا اכتال

they take full measure ن يست 2 ف

they gave them by measure هم 3 اكل

they give less نw3 يخسر

Sijjin 7 ين سج

pp. written قوم 9 م

rusted , stained 14 ران

those who are covered / veiled ن 15 لمحجوب

Illiyin عل 18 ين ي

the brightness 24 رة نض

pure drink (wine) 25 رحيق

pp. is sealed 25 مختوم

musk 26 مسك

name of a spring in the Heaven 27 تسنيم

they wink / signal with eyes (in mockery)

30 يتغامزwن

pv. are rewarded / paid back 36 ب ث

نشقاق ﴾﴾﴾اال سورة 84-﴿﴿﴿

fg. split 1 انشقت

and it must do so حقتw 2

fg. stretched out, spread out 3 مدت

and become empty تخلتw 4

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 31

toiling, working 6 اكدح

to toil, to work 6 كدحا

happy 9 مسرورا

shall never return حور 14 لن

afterglow of sunset 16 الشفق

brought together سقw 17

became full 18 اتسق

a step, stage 19 طبقا

they hide in chest, they gather (of good and bad deeds) (vn.: ايعاء)

ن ع 23 ي

ج ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 85-﴿﴿﴿ البر

pits, ditches دw4 األخد

He is Doer 16 فعا

الطاrق ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 86-﴿﴿﴿

nightly visitor, (star) coming at night قrالطاw 1

ap. gushing 6 دافق

loins, backbone 7 الصلب

and chest-bones, ribs الترائبw 7

secrets 9 السرائر

the one that returns (the rain) 11 ذات الرجع

the one that splits/ opens out ع 12 ذات الص

amusement, pleasantry ل 14 اله

for a little while يداw17 ر

االعلىا ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 87-﴿﴿﴿

dusky, rust-brown, swarthy ى 5 أح

and will avoid it, shuns يتجنبهاw 11

more wretched, unfortunate 11 األشقى

you prefer نwثر 16 ت

الغاشية ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 88-﴿﴿﴿

ap. fg. enveloping, overwhelming 1 الغاشية

ap. fg. weary, fatigued 3 ناصبة

hot 4 حامية

bitter thorn-fruit 6 ضريع

shall not nourish / give strength سمن 7 ال

(will be ) joyful 8 ناعمة

glad 9 راضية

vain talk 11 الغية

set at hand عة ض 14 م

and cushions قrنماw 15

pp. fg. set in rows, ranged فة 15 مصف

and silken carpet 16 وزرابي

pp. fg. those spread out ثة 16 مبث

pv. are set up, fixed firm rooted 19 نصبت

pv. fg. is spread out 20 سطحت

(will be) their return 25 إيابهم

=== 1/2 === HALF JUZ نصف === 1/2 ===

ر ﴾﴾﴾الفج سورة 89-﴿﴿﴿

and by the even (number such as 2,4,6,8)

w 3الشفع

and the odd (numbers such as 1,3,5,9)

تر w 3ال

for those who understand / have sense

5 ذي حجر ل

name of a nation 7 إرم

having pillars, possessing lofty columns

7 اد ذات العم

they hewed / cut out ا 9 جاب

hard stone,rocks 9 الصخر

scourge, disaster ط 13 س

and you don’t urge, one another you don’t encourage one another

ن حاض w 18ال

inheritance, heritage 19 التراث

devour greedily 19 ا أالك لم

love exceedingly, boundless love 20 حبا جما

and will be brought near جيءw 23

and none will bind ثق w 26ال

satisfied, at peace نة 27 المطم

البلد ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 90-﴿﴿﴿﴿

inhabitant, not prohibited, free to do 2 حل

someone put in toiling struggle 4 كبد

I have wasted 6 أهلكت

abundant 6 لبدا

dl. and two lips شفتينw 9

dl. two highways 10 النجدين

did not attempt / hasten 11 فال اقتحم

ascent, steep up-hill road 11 العقبة

freeing 13 فك

of hunger, hungry ذي 14 مسغبة

of kin, of relationship 15 ذا مقربة

of dust, (lying low) in dust 16 ذا متربة

and recommended one ا اص w 17ت

to pity 17 بالمرحمة

closing around, vaulted over

صدة 20 م

الشمس ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 91-﴿﴿﴿

followed her 2 تالها

it shows up brightness 3 جالها

it conceals it 4 يغشاها

Who spread it 6 طحاها

corrupts his ownself 10 دساها

so destroyed, doomed, crushed

14 فدمدم

sequel, consequence 15 عقباها

الليل ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 92-﴿﴿﴿﴿

for hardship, adversity 10 للعسرى

when perished, fell headlong, went down [to grave]

ردى 11 إذا

blazing fiercely 14 تلظى

and will be far removed from it سيجنبهاw 17

﴾﴾﴾ ضحى ةسور 93-﴿﴿﴿

grew still and dark 2 سجى

displeased 3 قلى

neither has forsaken you دعكw 3 ما

destitute, in need 8 عائال

ni. do not be harsh / oppress / coerce قهر 9 فال

ni. do not chide / repulse نهر 10 فال

so proclaim, speak 11 ثفحد

ح سورة 94-﴿﴿﴿ ﴾﴾﴾ الش

We removed / took off ضعناw2 و

galled, weighed down heavily 3 أنقض

you have finished 7 فرغت

im. labor hard, toil [for worship] 7 انصب

im. turn with love 8 ارغب

سورة 95-﴿﴿﴿﴿ ين ﴾﴾﴾﴾الت

good stature, conformation, mold قويم 4أحسن

We reduced him 5 رددناه

العلق ﴾﴾﴾﴾ سورة 96-﴿﴿﴿﴿

the most bountiful 3 األكرم

careless 7 استغنى

return 8 الرجعى

we will drag along 15 لنسفعا

forelock, forehead 15 الناصية

his council, assembly 17 ناديه

angels of punishment, forces of heavenly chastisement

بانية 18 ال

﴾﴾﴾﴾ القدر سورة 97-﴿﴿﴿﴿

night of power / destiny 1 القدر ◌ ةليل

3/4 -THREE QUARTERS OF JUZ ثلثة - 3/4

سورة 98-﴿﴿﴿﴿ نة ﴾﴾﴾﴾البي

those who abandon / depart 1 ين منفك

straight, right, correct 3 مة قي

worst of the creatures ية 6 شر الب

best of the creatures ية 7 خير الب

﴾﴾﴾ سورة 99-﴿﴿﴿ ا ل ال

is shaken لت z 1ل

(with) its earthquake الها z 1ل

its information 4 أخبارها

issue forth, proceed 6 يصدر

العاديات ﴾﴾ سورة 100-﴿﴿

by the (steeds) that run العادياتw 1

vn. panting, snorting 1 ضبحا

those who strike sparks [with their iron -shoes]

2 الموrيات

tramp of a horse-foot 2 قدحا

those raiding 3 المغيرات

then raised 4 فأثرن

clouds of dust 4 نقعا

then penetrate forthwith سطن 5 ف

ungrateful, ingrate د 6 لكن

pv. is raised and brought out 9 بعثر

pv. is brought [to light] حصw 10 ل

القاrعة ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 101-﴿﴿﴿

like moths 4 اكلفراش

pp. be scattered ث 4 المبث

pp. carded [wool] ش 5 المنف

his abode (mother: 9 فأمه (أم

abyss يةw9 ها

التاكثر ﴾﴾﴾ رةسو 102-﴿﴿﴿

diverted you, distracted 1 ألهاכم

you visited / reached 2 زرتم

sure knowledge 5 علم اليقين

with certainity of sight 7 عين اليقين

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English A Concise Dictionary of Qur'an 32

العصر ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 103-﴿﴿﴿

by the time العصرw 1

ة ﴾﴾﴾ال سورة 104-﴿﴿﴿ هم

scandal-monger, slanderer 1 همزة

backbiter, fault-finder, traducer 1 لمزة

counted it 2 عدده

surely be thrown, flung 4 لينبذن

crushing (torment), which breaks (others) to pieces

5 الحطمة

pp. kindled قد 6 ة الم

الفيل ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 105-﴿﴿﴿

to let go astray, brought to naught ضليل 3 في

swarms / flocks (of birds) 5 أبابيل

pp. eaten up, devoured ل 3 مأك

قريش ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 106-﴿﴿﴿

familiarity, taming protection, 1 إليالف

Quraish (name of a tribe) 2 قريش

journey حلةr 2

winter 2 تاء الش

and summer الصيفw 4

and made them safe آمنهمw 3

ن ﴾﴾ سورة 107-﴿﴿ الماع

repels, thrusts, pushes away ع 5 ي

pl. neglectful, careless ن 7 ساه

small things of daily use small kindness, neighborly needs

ن 3 الماع

ثر ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 108-﴿﴿﴿ الك

the abundance ثر 2 الك

and sacrifice انحرw 3

cut off, one without posterity 3 األبتر

الاكفرwن ﴾﴾ سورة 109-﴿﴿

النصر ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 110-﴿﴿﴿

لهب ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 111-﴿﴿﴿

fg. perished, doomed 1 تبت

Abu Lahab (name) 1 أبي لهب

and perished, doomed تبw 5

her neck 5 جيدها

palm-fiber 3 مسد

الص ﴾﴾ سورة 112-﴿﴿ اال

the Eternal, the Absolute, Besought 3 الصمد

of all, One who needs none but all need Him

begets not لد 3 لم

and was not begotten لد w 4لم

comparable ا 3 كف

الفلق ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 113-﴿﴿﴿

darkness 3 غاسق

overspread, came قبw 4

fg. pl. blowers (sr.: نفاثة) 4 اثات النف

knots عقد◌ 3 ا

الناس ﴾﴾﴾ سورة 114-﴿﴿﴿

whishperer اس س 4 ال

the one who sneaks / withdraws الخناس