
Service providers, network equipment manufacturers, data centers, and enter-prises can now get higher value from their entire lab environment, with a uni�ed automation solution from Ixia and QualiSystems

Complete NetworkLab Automation

Accelerate lab setup and leverage team resourcesIncrease test coverage by freeing up time for crucial tasksGain control over lab power and energy costs

IP Testing & Visibility Solutions Test & Lab Automation Software

The demand to both increase bandwidth and provide everything-over-Internet is generating an explosion in network design complexity. At the same time, a tough worldwide economy is compelling network and service providers to squeeze margins to the limit.

Though network testing is more important than ever, limited budgets threaten the core of proper test philosophy. Test automation is a key to scaling test processes to help meet QA needs, but automation is only part of the puzzle.

Modern test labs consist of many products from diverse vendors. Additionally, as test labs cover more complex networking services, there are numerous types of test and integrations required, in addition to a growing number of ports and equipment in the testing environment. It’s not enough to simply automate individual tests on individual network elements. Successful test labs must work toward entire lab automation that orchestrates all devices, from all vendors.

This is where the Ixia and QualiSystems partnership comes into focus – o�ering a complete solution for network lab automation. Working seamlessly together, the solution enables a single, automated network test lab that is globally accessible 24/7.

Accelerate lab setups and leverage team resources

Increase test coverage by freeing up time for crucial tasks

Set-up, tear-down and re-setup of di�erent lab con�gurations for each test can consume a lot of time and resources. Also, multiple teams often compete for test resources, each with its own aggressive schedule. QualiSystems’ TestShell lab management and provisioning software will streamline setup transitions. Users can automatically provision equipment directly from the computer screen and easily recon�gure the lab setup. By controlling any switch in the environment, including physical layer switches and patch panels, the physical wiring is easily managed. In addition, users can reserve and schedule tests and resources or complete topologies 24/7 to ensure utilization.

Network test engineers are often bogged down with mundane tasks, such as rewiring the lab for a speci�c test, recon�guring devices, and rewriting automated scripts – using precious time that could be spent on more thorough testing. By automating the entire lab with Ixia and QualiSystems joint solutions – from the tra�c generation through resource management and device con�guration, to test creation and execution – test engineers remain focused where they add the most value testing.

Gain control over lab power and energy costsTest lab equipment often sits idle, but still burning energy. Idle equipment might be put to good use, but doing so would require rewiring the lab and possibly interfering with other ongoing tests. QualiSystems’ TestShell software tracks equipment utilization, and can control in a click of a button its PDU, in order to put it to use only when needed. With increased utilization of Ixia’s test equipment and other devices in the testing environment, labs can cut their carbon footprint and curb their energy cost.

IP Testing & Visibility Solutions Test & Lab Automation Software

End-to-end lab and test automation provides the comprehensive capabilities necessary to meet the demands of today’s complex networks.

Validate system functionality, conformance, QoE, QoS, interoperability and more, with the best and most reliable test equipment.

Automated topology setup and controlBuilt in control over any physical layer switching and patch panel available for advanced patching.

Increase test team productivity by executing lab topology changes instantly and reliably from any location while increasing utilization of lab assets.

Automated Provisioning–in a clickAn interactive workspace that enables e�cient user control and drastic time saving.

Simply set up your topology using a drag-and- drop graphical UI, and provision your equipment directly from the computer screen.

Advanced test automationwithout programmingSimple creation, execution, and management of complex automated test scenarios directly by test engineers, without programming.

Test more with existing team resources, by allowing your engineering team to join the automation e�ort.

Vendor-neutral labmanagementCentral inventory management, simple topology creation, and seamless integration with all test gear available in your labs.

Map and tag equipment to swiftly �nd the equipment you need, and simply drag-and-drop it to your topology.

Power control andenergy savingSeamless integration with power switches and automated provisioning of all equipment in the lab guarantee control over your power use.

Save power and energy by automatically turning equipment on and o� according to the time of use.

Device sharing across labsReserve a single device or a complete topology and schedule by multiple users, even across locations.

Avoid topology breaks and hold-ups, and accelerate utilization by sharing existing and new equipment among teams.

Leading IP networktest equipmentPowerful and multifunctional converged IP network test solutions, designed speci�cally for test engineers.


IP Testing & Visibility Solutions Test & Lab Automation Software

Lab Management &Test Automation Software

IP Testing & VisibilitySolitions

File Server

Intrusion DetectionSAN Analyzer


Network Analyzer


Edge Switch


Blade ServerLAN Analyzer Application Server

Layer1 Switch / Patch Panel

Complete NetworkLab Automation

About IxiaIxia provides the industry's most comprehensive converged IP network validation and network visibility solutions. Equipment manufacturers, service providers, enterprises and government agencies use Ixia's solutions to design, verify and monitor a broad range of wired, Wi-Fi and 3G/LTE equipment and networks.Ixia's test solutions emulate realistic media-rich tra�c and network conditions so that customers can optimize and validate the design, performance and security of their pre-deployment networks. Ixia's intelligent network visibility platforms provide clarity into physical and virtual production networks for improved performance, security, resiliency and application delivery of cloud, data center and service provider networks.

About QualiSystemsQualiSystems is a leading provider of enterprise software solutions for test and lab automation, driving innovation, e�ciency and ROI. Used in the Networking environment to manage and drive large scale testing labs, QualiSystems’ TestShell framework enables engineers to optimize lab performance and increase testing coverage while expanding equipment utilization, reducing setup time and accelerating testing. TestShell Framework has already proven as an industry-critical solution in North America, APAC, Europe and the Middle East, where it is used by market leaders from a wide spectrum of industries including network equipment manufacturers, telecom operators, data center providers, enterprises and electronics device manufacturers.