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Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (2008) 4338–4351

Complex trajectories of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystemshifts caused by multiple human-induced environmental stresses

Long Li *,1, Zicheng Yu, Robert E. Moeller 2, Gray E. Bebout

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University, 31 Williams Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA

Received 4 January 2008; accepted in revised form 12 June 2008; available online 10 July 2008


Large shifts in the isotopic compositions of organic matter (OM) in lake sediments, over the last few hundred years, arecommonly interpreted as representing changes in photosynthetic productivity corresponding to eutrophication or in the inputof terrestrial OM due to human disturbances. Based on multiple-proxy data (C:N ratio, d13C and d15N of OM, d13C of calcite,lithology and fossil pollen) from a 700-year sediment core at White Lake, New Jersey (USA), we propose a new explanationthat relates these large shifts in OM d13C and d15N to human-induced changes in aquatic OM producers. Combined records ofgeochronology, fossil pollen and lithology from White Lake reveal that the upland forest was cleared by European settlers forfarmland beginning around 1745 A.D. and has gradually reforested since 1930 after the abandonment of the farmlands. Forthe pre-agricultural period, OM had relatively constant but extremely low d13CVPDB (�35.8 to �34.5&) and d15NAir (�3.5 to�2.5&) and high atomic C:N ratios (13.7 to 16.7), indicating a stable anoxic lake environment with prominent microbial pro-ducers. Following the human disturbance (since 1745), high OM mass accumulation rates and abundances of the green algaPediastrum indicate an increase in aquatic photosynthetic productivity due to enhanced nutrient input from disturbeduplands. However, carbonate d13C remains constant or even decreases during this period, implying that increasing produc-tivity did not elevate the d13C of dissolved inorganic carbon and thus cannot explain the observed large increase in OMd13C (7.4&) and d15N (5.8&) over this period. Instead, d13C, d15N and C:N ratios of OM and differences in d13C betweencalcite and OM suggest that the large increase in OM d13C and d15N can be attributed to a human-induced ecological shiftin the predominant organic source from anaerobic bacteria to autotrophic phytoplankton. During the post-agricultural per-iod, mass accumulation rates of OM, carbonate and silicate, and the d13C of OM and calcite all decreased significantly, cor-responding to stabilization of the uplands. However, over the last 70 years, an intensifying aquatic stress from the depositionof 15N-enriched industrial pollutants has resulted in a steady increase of 1.9& in d15N. Proxy records for lake (d13C and d15Nof OM) and upland conditions (pollen and silicates) at White Lake show complex trajectories of the aquatic and terrestrialecosystems in response to past human disturbances.Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Human impacts on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystemshave been readily identified from natural archives, in partic-

0016-7037/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd.


* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Li).

1 Present address: Equipe de Physico-Chimie des fluids geolog-iques, Institit de Physique du Globe de Paris, 2 Place Jussieu, tour54-64 1er etage, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France.

2 Present address: Department of Zoology, Pearson Hall, MiamiUniversity, Oxford, OH 45056, USA.

ular lake sediments, which provide multiple proxies for thereconstruction of past environments (e.g., Fuller et al.,1998; Meyers, 2006). Large shifts in pollen abundance (Ful-ler et al., 1998) and organic isotopic compositions (Cohenet al., 2005; Koster et al., 2005) widely observed in theuppermost parts of lake sediment sections have been relatedto anthropogenically induced ecological changes on land-scape and in water. These shifts have been attributed to avariety of disturbances including forest clearance, agricul-ture, urbanization, and raw sewage inputs over the lastfew hundred years (Ekdahl et al., 2004; Routh et al.,

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2004). In addition, industrial emissions have also played animportant role in influencing lake water chemistry via dryand wet atmospheric deposition over the last century (Hol-land et al., 2005). A recent study of the d15N of sedimentsfrom alpine lakes in the Colorado Front Range (USA)demonstrated that, whereas these lakes are far removedfrom industrial activities, the rates and magnitudes of re-cent ecological shifts responding to the excess loading ofagriculturally and industrially derived nitrogen (N) aregreater than those of any naturally induced changes overthe last 14,000 years (Wolfe et al., 2001). However, suchindustrial effects are seldom reported, likely because ofthe difficulty in distinguishing them from other anthropo-genic and natural processes based solely on the interpreta-tion of stable isotope data.

The response of ecosystems to human disturbance andtheir potential for recovery/remediation constitute the basisfor environment management and projecting future ecolog-ical trends, but the detailed processes are not well under-stood. For example, the generally accepted interpretativemodel for agricultural impacts on aquatic ecosystems in-volves a sequence of events and processes, including in-creased human-induced erosion of the landscape, elevatednutrient delivery to water bodies, eutrophication and conse-quent increase in aquatic primary productivity (APP) (Neu-mann et al., 2002; Routh et al., 2004; Koster et al., 2005).Enhanced APP may increase isotope values of organic mat-ter (OM). Photosynthesis preferentially utilizes light iso-topes (12C and 14N) so that the deposition of OM resultsin enrichments of heavy isotopes in dissolved inorganic car-bon (DIC) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), thusleading to elevated d13C and d15N of subsequently pro-duced and deposited OM (McKenzie, 1985; Hodell andSchelske, 1998). Increased APP has been widely invokedto explain the increasing trend of isotope ratios in lacustrinesedimentary components (OM and calcite) formed in thelast few hundred years because of its consistency with ob-served human disturbance history. However, the isotopiccompositions of sediments do not always correlate well withAPP. For example, a study at Crawford Lake in Ontario(Canada) shows no increase in carbonate d13C over the last130 years despite a large increase in APP as indicated byfossil diatoms and OM mass accumulation rate (MAR)(Ekdahl et al., 2004). Discrepancies such as this suggest thatthe effect of APP on the isotopic compositions of DIC var-ies and may sometimes be overridden by other factors. Theidentification of anthropogenic impacts on lake processescan best be accomplished by the use of multiple proxieswith differing sensitivities to the effects of various forcingfactors such as changing OM and DIC/DIN inputs fromwatersheds, eutrophication and changes in rates of primaryproductivity, and redox change in the water column.

In this study, we carried out a multi-proxy paleolimno-logical investigation covering the past 700 years from WhiteLake, New Jersey (USA). The goals were to identify agri-cultural and industrial impacts on aquatic and terrestrialecosystems, especially as these can be reconstructed fromvarious lake sediment proxies such as stable isotopes of Cand N. To trace the organic sources of lake sedimentsand possible biogeochemical processes, we employed sev-

eral independent indicators: fossil pollen as an indicatorof the landscape and land use history; Pediastrum (a greenalgae) abundance and MAR of major sedimentary compo-nents (OM, carbonate, and silicate) to monitor APP andallogenous detrital deposition; combined d13C, d15N andC:N ratios of OM to distinguish both organic sources (ter-restrial vs. aquatic) and internal lake biogeochemical pro-cesses; and d13C values of carbonate to detect variationsin the C isotopic composition of DIC in the lake.


White Lake (41�000N, 74�550W; altitude 138 m above sealevel) is located in the limestone Paulinskill valley (north-western New Jersey, USA) of the Valley and Ridge physio-graphic province, which is underlain by sandstones, shales,limestones, and conglomerates of Ordovician-Silurian ages(Fig. 1a and b; Witte, 2001). This region was glaciated dur-ing the last glaciation and is currently covered by hardwoodforests dominated by oaks. Based on climate normals(1971–2000) at Belvidere, New Jersey, �30 km southwestof White Lake, the regional average temperatures are21.1 �C in the summer (June to August) and �1.5 �C inthe winter (December to February), with mean annual pre-cipitation of 1147 mm.

White Lake has a surface area of 0.26 km2 and a smallwatershed of �2 km2. The maximum depth of the lake is13.4 m with an average depth of 6.7 m. There is a springand a small ephemeral inlet at its northeastern end(Fig. 1c). The present water budget of the lake is dominatedby groundwater inputs and stream outflow to PaulinskillRiver (Fig. 1c). White Lake is characterized by relativelyhigh pH (�8.5) and alkalinity (192 mg/L). The summer(May to August) surface-water temperatures recorded in1997 and 1998 range from 21 to 28 �C (NJDFGW, 1999).The results of our two measurements (25.1 �C on June 23and 26.6 �C on August 14, 2002) fall within this range. Marl(unconsolidated carbonate-rich sediment) is precipitatedduring the summer in the lake and visible as a light-coloredband in the shallow water (<3 m) around the lake (Fig. 1c).


3.1. Collections of sediment cores

Two parallel sediment cores were retrieved from thedeepest part of White Lake in March 2003 using a Glew-type gravity corer (60-cm core WL03-3) and a freeze corer(35-cm core WL03-4; see Fig. 1c and d). Core WL03-3 wascut into 1-cm thick slices. All or selected slices were used forloss-on-ignition (LOI), accelerator mass spectrometry(AMS) 14C dating, stable isotope measurements, and fossilpollen analyses. Core WL03-4 was used only for 210Pb dat-ing to help establish an age model for core WL03-3.

3.2. 210Pb and 14C dating analyses

A total of 24 sediment slices from the uppermost 33 cmof freeze core WL03-4 were analyzed for 210Pb activitiesusing distillation and alpha-spectrometry methods at the

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Fig. 1. Location maps and sediment core. (a) Simplified map shows the location of the study region in the eastern USA. (b) Regional geologyof northern New Jersey and location of White Lake (square) in a limestone valley (dark green). Note that the study site is to the north of theterminal moraine of last glaciation (Witte, 2001). (c) Air photo and bathymetric map of White Lake (bathymetry from NJDFGW, 1999)showing locations of our studied cores WL03-3 and WL03-4. Also shown are two cores used in previous studies: core WL02-1 from lakesidewetlands for the late-glacial-to-early Holocene climate reconstruction (Yu, 2007), and core WL03-2 from similar depth for mineral-magneticinvestigation (Li et al., 2006, 2007). The light-colored band in shallow water around the lake (generally <3 m) is a marl bench formed byseasonal carbonate precipitation. (d) A photo of the freeze core WL03-4 from White Lake. Lithology (from bottom to top) changes fromgyttja, through a marl section between 30 and 19 cm, to the laminated sediment.

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St. Croix Watershed Research Station of the Science Mu-seum of Minnesota (St. Croix, MN). Dates were deter-mined according to the model of constant rate of supplyof excess 210Pb (Appleby and Oldfield, 1978). Because coresWL03-3 and WL03-4 could be well correlated visually bytheir striking lithologic boundaries and thick marl bands(see Fig. 1d), the 210Pb dating results of core WL03-4 werereadily transferred to the upper section of core WL03-3.

Terrestrial plant macrofossils (mostly tree anthers, leaves,and needles) from two depths in the lower section of coreWL03-3 were used for AMS 14C dating at the Universityof Arizona (Table 1). Both 14C dates were calibrated basedon the CALIB 5.01 program using INTCAL04 calibrationdata set (Reimer et al., 2004). Linear interpolations of datedintervals were used to derive the age model for core WL03-3(see Fig. 2).

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Table 1Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dates from core WL03-3, White Lake, northwestern New Jersey, USA

Depth (cm) Dating material Sample weight (mg) d13C (&) AMS Lab #a AMS 14C dates± 1r (BP)

Calendar ages Mid-point± 2r rangesb

45–46 Spruce anthers 2.3 �25.60 AA63243 220 ± 50 1663 ± 44 A.D.c

55–58 Leaf fragment,plant stem, needles,anthers

1.3 �27.26 AA63244 500 ± 80 1405.5 ± 116.5 A.D.

a AA = University of Arizona AMS lab.b Calibration is based on INTCAL04 calibration data set (Reimer et al., 2004) using calibration program CALIB version 5.0.1.c Two possible ages were given from calibration: 1663 ± 44 A.D. with probability of 0.30 and 1772.5 ± 53.5 with probability of 0.41. The

age of 1663 ± 44 A.D. was used for the age model because it fits better other age determinations.

Fig. 2. Age-depth model and chronology at White Lake. (a) Total210Pb activity and supported 210Pb from core WL03-4. Note thatthe depth has been adjusted to that of the parallel core WL03-3. (b)Age-depth relationship for core WL03-3. 210Pb dates were trans-ferred from core WL03-4 based on visible lithologic changes. Allthe error bars represent 2r ranges.

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3.3. Pollen analysis

Sediment sub-samples (0.7 cm3 in volume) from selectedsections of core WL03-3 were prepared for pollen counting

according to the modified standard acetolysis procedure,involving treatments of HCl, KOH, HF and acetolysis(Faegri and Iversen, 1989). Pollen sums used for pollen per-centage calculations ranged from 225 to 707 grains of ter-restrial pollen and spores for each sample. Poaceae (grass)pollen grains were counted as two size classes, with largegrass pollen (45–80 lm in diameter) probably representingcereal types and small ones (<45 lm) likely representingboth weeds and cereals. The green alga Pediastrum was alsocounted in pollen preparations and used as an indicator oflake productivity (e.g., Cronberg, 1982). A principle com-ponent analysis (PCA) was performed on the percentagedata of dominant pollen types (21 pollen taxa) to facilitatecomparisons of the vegetation shifts with other proxy re-cords for the past 700 years (see Yu, 2003 for descriptionof methods).

3.4. Loss-on-ignition analysis

Sediment sub-samples (0.7 cm3 in volume) from eachslice of core WL03-3 were dried overnight at 100 �C, andthen successively combusted at 550 and 1000 �C. Contentsof water, OM, carbonate, and silicate were estimated byweight loss in each step and final residues (Heiri et al.,2001). These results were then used, along with the age con-straints, to calculate the MAR of OM, carbonate, andsilicate.

3.5. d13C and d15N of organic matter

Each slice of the upper 38-cm section and every otherslice in the lower 22-cm section of core WL03-3 were ana-lyzed for d13C and d15N employing sealed-tube methods de-scribed by Li and Bebout (2005). Freeze-dried sedimentsubsamples were reacted with 1 N HCl to remove carbon-ate. The decalcified samples were freeze-dried again,homogenized, weighed (�3 mg for d13C analysis and�20 mg for d15N analysis) and loaded into quartz tubes(6 mm outer diameter; 4 mm inner diameter) together withCu–CuOx reagent. The tubes were then sealed at high vac-uum and combusted at 910 �C for 3 h in a programmablefurnace. The resulting CO2 and N2 were cryogenically puri-fied and measured for d13C and d15N in dual-inlet modeusing a Finnigan MAT 252 mass spectrometer at Lehigh

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University. The results are reported relative to the ViennaPee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) standard for d13C and atmo-spheric N2 for d15N. The analytical reproducibility is betterthan 0.1& (2r) for both isotope measurements based onreplicate analyses of international and internal standardsand individual sediment samples. Carbon (C) concentrationwas determined by an Hg manometer on the extraction line,whereas N concentration was determined by measuring them/z-28 signal for calibrated inlet volumes in the mass spec-trometer. The uncertainties for duplicate C and N concen-tration measurements are less than 5% of mean values.

3.6. d13C of calcite

Each slice in the upper 36-cm section, where carbonatecontent is relatively high, was analyzed for carbonated13C. Bulk calcite samples from the freeze-dried marl sedi-ments were hand-cleaned by removal of biogenic shells andplant fragments under a stereo microscope. The cleanedsamples were then reacted overnight with 100% phosphoricacid in glass vessels held at 25 �C in a water bath (McCrea,1950). The resulting CO2 was cryogenically purified andmeasured for d13C and d18O in dual-inlet mode using aFinnigan MAT 252 mass spectrometer at Lehigh Univer-sity. Multiple analyses of lab standards and lake sedimentsamples show analytical reproducibility of better than0.1& (2r), and the data are reported relative to the VPDBstandard.


4.1. Age model and chronology

The excess 210Pb activity in core WL03-4 shows down-core exponential decay (Fig. 2a), and the calculated agesfor the upper 27 cm cover the last 165 years (Fig. 2b). Lin-ear interpolation of both 210Pb ages and two calibrated 14C

Fig. 3. Summary percentage pollen diagram of 700-year sediment core WLOnly selected taxa shown.

ages (Table 1) were used to develop the age model andchronology of core WL03-3 (Fig. 2b). All ages used in thefollowing discussion are based on this age model and givenin calendar years (A.D.), unless otherwise noted.

4.2. Fossil pollen records

The pollen diagram from core WL03-3 shows two pollenzones based on constrained cluster analysis (CONISS;Fig. 3). Zone WL(03-3)-1 spanning from �1250 to 1745 isdominated by Quercus (oak) and other trees such as Pinus

(pine), Tsuga (hemlock), and Castanea (chestnut), indicat-ing hardwood-dominant forests. Zone WL(03-3)-2 is char-acterized by an increase in herb pollen percentages,mostly from Ambrosia (ragweed). This zone can be dividedinto two subzones. Subzone WL(03-3)-2a from 1745 to1930 is characterized by a continuous upsection increasein pollen percentages of herbs, such as Ambrosia, Poaceae(grass) and Rumex (sorrel), and an upsection decrease inpollen percentages of trees, such as Quercus, Tsuga, Pinus,and Betula (birch), indicating the onset and intensificationof deforestation and land clearance for farming after theEuropean settlement. Subzone WL(03-3)-2b since 1930 ischaracterized by a decrease in herb pollen percentage andan increase in tree (e.g., Quercus and Betula) pollen percent-age, indicating the gradual reforestation following theabandonment of farmland. The decline and near disappear-ance of Castanea since the early 1900s was caused by chest-nut blight. Low abundance of large grass grains in SubzoneWL(03-3)-2b suggests decreased contribution from cerealcrops. The percentage of Pediastrum shows a sharp increaseat the beginning of Zone WL(03-3)-2 (Fig. 3).

4.3. Sediment lithology and loss-on-ignition results

Three lithologic units were distinguished in both cores(Figs. 1d, 4a and c). From the bottom to the top of the sec-

03-3 at White Lake. Gray shading areas represent 5x exaggeration.

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Fig. 4. Multiple-proxy records from core WL03-3 for the last 700 years. (a) sediment lithology: I—gyttja, II—marl, and III—laminatedsediments, (b) pollen percentages of Ambrosia and Poaceae, (c) concentrations of sediment components, (d) mass accumulation rates (MAR)of OM and silicate, (e) carbonate MAR, (f) Pediastrum percentage, (g) d15N of organic matter, (h) d13C of organic matter, (i) atomic C:N ratioof organic matter-gray vertical line marks the stable-state average value of �16, (j) d13C of calcite, (k) d13C difference between calcite and OM-values greater than +32& (gray vertical line) suggest significant microbial contribution (Hayes et al., 1999), (l) upland and lake environmentalphases based on the variations of pollen, sediment lithology, and isotopes: A—pre-agricultural, B—early-agricultural, C—peak-agricultural,and D—post-agricultural phases.

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tion, they are: (I) a gyttja (OM-rich mud) section before1745 containing relatively constant OM (85%), carbonate(7%) and silicates (8%), with slightly low OM and high sil-icate between 1500 and 1700; (II) a marl section from 1745to 1895 with 10–20% OM, 55–80% carbonate, and 5–25%silicate content; and (III) laminated sediments (light car-bonate and dark OM layers) from 1895 to the present with10–30% OM, 50–75% carbonate, and 15–25% silicatecontent.

4.4. d13C, d15N and atomic C:N ratios of organic matter

The C and N concentrations and isotopic compositionsof the decalcified sediments are presumed to represent thoseof OM. The low contents of silicate in the sediments reducethe potential contribution of structurally bound NH4

þ (inclay minerals) to negligible levels (see Fig. 4c). d13C,d15N, and C:N ratios of OM display significant variabilityover the last 700 years (Fig. 4g–i). During the period from�1350 to 1745, OM was constant in its d13C (about �36&)and d15N (about �3.5&), except a period of slightly higherd13C and higher d15N between 1500 and 1700 (Fig. 4g andh). Organic C:N ratios were also relatively constant before1500, with slightly lower values between 1500 and 1700, butrapidly decreased by �3 from 1720 to 1745. During the per-iod from 1745 to 1930, d13C and d15N rapidly increased at

�1820 and gradually increased before and after that time.During this period, the overall increases in the isotope val-ues for OM reach 7.4& for d13C (from �35.8 to �28.4&)and 5.8& for d15N (from �3.5 to +2.3&). C:N ratios showa sawtooth pattern with relatively low values for the periodof 1745 to 1820 and an increase from 15.3 to 18.7 for theperiod of 1820 to 1930. After 1930, both d13C and C:N ra-tios decreased rapidly, from �28.4 to �33.1& and from20.8 to 14.9, respectively; however, d15N gradually in-creased from +2.3& in 1930 to about +4&, before levelingoff at �1980 (Fig. 4g–i).

4.5. d13C of authigenic calcite

In core WL03-3, C isotopic ratios of carbonate wereobtainable only for samples formed after 1745 when car-bonate content was high. Because this study is focused ondiscussion of human disturbances and ecosystem responsesand d18O values of carbonate mostly reflect climatechanges, the d18O data are not presented here. In fact, thevariation in the d18O of carbonate from White Lake showspatterns similar to those in the climate-controlled d18O re-cords from some other lakes in the northeastern USA(e.g., Cronin et al., 2003), further suggesting that the d13Cdata reported in this study indeed represent authigenic car-bonate. d13C values are uniform at �1.8& for the period of

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1745 to 1820, fluctuate around �2.2& with a trend of de-crease for the period of 1820 to 1930, and show a large de-crease of 3.7& (from �2.2 to �5.9&) for the period of 1930to 2003 (Fig. 4j).


On the basis of combined records from sediment lithol-ogy, fossil pollen and isotopic compositions of OM and cal-cite, we divide the profile into four distinct terrestrial andaquatic environmental phases for White Lake over the last700 years (Fig. 4l): (A) pre-agricultural phase (before 1745),(B) early-agricultural phase (1745–1820), (C) peak-agricul-tural phase (1820–1930), and (D) post-agricultural phase(1930–2003).

5.1. Nature of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the pre-

agricultural period

During the pre-agricultural period, the pollen recordshows relatively constant tree abundances (Fig. 3), indicat-ing a mature and stable hardwood-forest landscape. Simi-larly, MAR of OM, carbonate and silicate and d13C, d15Nand C:N ratios of OM are relatively invariable for this per-iod except for slight variations in d13C, d15N and C:N ratiosfor the period of 1500–1700 (Fig. 4g–i), suggesting a stableaquatic environment in White Lake. The low carbonatecontent (�7%) in the sediment indicates that the lake, orat least the bottom water, was less alkaline than at present.Compared to non-disturbed Holocene sediments in otherlakes (see the reviews by Meyers and Ishiwatari, 1995; Tal-bot, 2001), White Lake sediments are characterized by lowd13C values (�35.8 to �34.5&), low d15N values (�3.5 to�2.5&), and high OM C:N ratios (13.7–16.7). These d13Cand d15N values are among the lowest data reported to datefor Holocene lacustrine sedimentary OM (e.g., Hammarl-und et al., 1997; Mayer and Schwark, 1999; Teranes andBernasconi, 2005).

Generally, the isotopic compositions and C:N ratios ofsedimentary OM in a lake depend on the organic source(aquatic vs. terrestrial) and can be affected by diageneticprocesses. Most of the photosynthetic OM produced byphytoplankton through uptake of DIC and DIN in the oxicphotic zone has d13C values of �30 to �20& and d15N val-ues of 2 to 10& with atomic C:N ratios less than 10(Meyers, 1994). At eutrophic conditions, N2-fixing pro-cesses (Junium and Arthur, 2007) or biological uptake ofammonium (preferentially 14NH3) generated by the decom-position of OM (e.g., Takahashi et al., 1995; Presing et al.,2001) can produce biomass characterized by d15N of �4 to+1& (Minagawa and Wada, 1986; MacGregor et al., 2001;Struck et al., 2001). The assimilation by heterotrophic bac-terial communities of 13C-depleted methane produced dur-ing diagenetic processes can yield biomass with extremelylow d13C (Gong and Hollander, 1997; Hollander andSmith, 2001; Bastviken et al., 2003; Teranes and Bernas-coni, 2005). Terrestrial C3 plants have d13C similar to thatof typical phytoplankton but with higher C:N ratios (>20),whereas terrestrial C4 plants show higher d13C values of�15 to �10& and C:N ratios of >30 (Meyers, 1994).

The source signatures may be significantly affected un-der anoxic conditions, where most of the N-rich and 13C-and 15N-enriched labile organic compounds (e.g., aminoacid) are preferentially removed by diagenetic processessuch as denitrification (Deines, 1980; Harvey et al., 1995;Lee et al., 2000; Van Mooy et al., 2002), causing an increasein C:N ratios (Twichell et al., 2002; Meyers and Bernasconi,2005) and a decrease in d13C and d15N of residual sedimentOM (Sweeney and Kaplan, 1980; Nakatsuka et al., 1997;Lehmann et al., 2002). Under oxic environments, both la-bile and refractory organic compounds (e.g., lipid, lignin)can be decomposed, so the shift in C:N ratio is not signifi-cant. However, kinetic isotopic effects (i.e., preferential lossof light isotopes 12C and 14N) accompanying the partialdecomposition of OM can lead to increases in d13C andd15N (Freudenthal et al., 2001; Macko and Estep, 1984;Lehmann et al., 2002). The magnitude of this isotopic in-crease is small when OM MAR is high, but can reach 3–5& when OM MAR is low (Franc�ois et al., 1997; Altabetet al., 1999). On the other hand, microbial biomass maybe relatively resistant to diagenesis (Ogawa et al., 2001).

The high C:N ratios of OM in the White Lake sedimentscould be attributed to (1) significant contribution of lignin-and cellulose-rich terrestrial OM (characterized by C:N ra-tios > 20; Meyers, 1994), (2) N limitation in the lake, or (3)selective degradation of N-rich components of aquatic OM.Possibility (1) can be excluded because the extremely lowd13C values of the OM in the sediments differ significantlyfrom the d13C of terrestrial plants; the latter are character-ized as having much higher values (e.g., �14 to �10& forC4 plants and �30 to �20& for C3 plants; our two mea-surements of the terrestrial plant remnants in the core gaved13C of �25.6 and �27.3&; Table 1). Possibilities (2) and(3) are difficult to distinguish from each other. Selectivedegradation mostly occurs in anoxic aquatic environments,where N is often limited because of denitrification. There-fore, both (2) and (3) could be responsible for the highOM C:N ratios. However, neither (2) nor (3) can explainthe extremely low d13C and d15N values observed in WhiteLake. Nitrogen limitation may result in less biological dis-crimination of isotopes and thus produce high d15N values.On the other hand, selective degradation can only shift theisotope ratios of OM by a relatively small magnitude (e.g.,1–2&) and thus cannot yield the observed negative d15Nvalues, presuming that the OM is mostly from phytoplank-ton typically with d15N greater than 2& (Talbot, 2001). Inprevious studies, the d15N values near or lower than 0& aremostly attributed to N2 fixation or uptake of 15N-depletedammonium (Waser et al., 1998; Montoya et al., 2002).These processes mostly occur in eutrophic lakes or in an-oxic waters where nitrate is unavailable due to denitrifica-tion. N2 fixation has been proposed to explain the lowd15N values of OM in the sapropels from the Eastern Med-iterranean Sea (Calvert et al., 1992; Meyers and Bernasconi,2005) and the marine shales formed during the Aptian–Al-bian and Cenomanian–Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Events(Kuypers et al., 2002; Junium and Arthur, 2007). In the caseof the Oceanic Anoxic Events, the key role of N2-fixing cya-nobacteria has been demonstrated by molecular-fossilinvestigation (Kuypers et al., 2004). Therefore, the low

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d15N values of sedimentary OM in White Lake, coupledwith high C:N ratios, are diagnostic of an anoxic aquaticenvironment during the pre-agricultural period. This anoxicenvironment would have been established and maintained inthe deeper water column during periods of thermal stratifica-tion by progressive oxygen consumption during the decom-position of sinking particulate OM. Denitrification in thislower anoxic water layer could have transformed nitrate ingroundwater (presumably input from the lower part of thelake) to N2 before upwelling into the photic zone, optimizingthe process of N2 fixation in the upper water layer. At thesame time, ammonium assimilation could be an importantprocess in the lower anoxic zone. Preferential uptake of14N from recycled ammonium, by algae or bacteria, maycontribute to the low d15N of bulk OM in the sediments.Given the fact that the water column is only �13 m deep, itis also possible that the lower anoxic zone may in part over-lap with the photic zone, facilitating N2 fixation by cyano-bacteria as well as ammonium uptake by phytoplankton.

Carbon cycling under anoxic conditions may also entailthe production and deposition of 13C-depleted microbialbiomass. Both conceptual models (Hollander and Smith,2001) and field measurements (Blumenberg et al., 2007)indicate that methanotrophy and/or methane oxidationprocesses are important in and above anoxic zones. Asexamples of significant microbial contribution to the sedi-ments, d13C values of �30 to �45& have been reportedfor the bacterial biomarkers from the anoxic depocenterof the Santa Monica Basin, California (Gong and Hol-lander, 1997) and from eutrophic Lake Mendota, Wiscon-sin (Hollander and Smith, 2001), as well as for bulk OMfrom Baldeggersee, Switzerland (Teranes and Bernasconi,2005). In White Lake, the carbonate d13C values for theearly-agricultural period (Fig. 4j) are similar to those forthe early Holocene (Yu, 2007) and show relatively uniformand typical values around �2&. Because the C-isotopefractionation between calcite and DIC is relatively constantunder normal water temperatures, calcite d13C is a reliableindicator of the isotopic variation of DIC. Thus the rela-tively constant carbonate d13C values suggest a relativelyconstant and typical isotopic composition of DIC in thelake in these periods. Therefore, sedimentary OM d13C val-ues as low as �36& in White Lake cannot be explained by13C-depletion of DIC resulting from hydrologic change andenhanced input of soil-respired CO2, as in the case of LakeTibetanus in northern Sweden (Hammarlund et al., 1997).Instead, these extremely low OM d13C values more likelyreflect significant contribution from microbial biomass pos-sibly produced through methanotrophy.

The secondary peaks in d13C, d15N and decreasing C:Nratios for the period of 1500–1700 may correspond to theLittle Ice Age (Cronin et al., 2003; Pederson et al., 2005).During this period, colder climate and lowered nutrient in-flux into the lake could have resulted in a decrease in APPas inferred from the slight decrease of Pediastrum abun-dance (Fig. 3), alleviating the oxygen deficiency in the watercolumn. In response to this less anoxic environment, selec-tive degradation of the N-rich and isotopically heavy labilecompounds decreased, leading to slight increase in d13C andd15N but decrease in C:N ratios of OM (Fig. 4g–i).

5.2. Ecological responses to deforestation and landscape


At the beginning of pollen zone WL(03-3)-2a at �1745,the increase in pollen percentages of Ambrosia, Poaceae,Rumex and other herbs and the decrease in Quercus and Pi-

nus tree pollen reflect forest clearance and agriculturalactivities after the initial settlement of Europeans in the re-gion (Fig. 3). Ambrosia and other weeds proliferated in dis-turbed lands and around agricultural fields. The strongcorrelation between these fossil pollen changes and silicateMAR (Fig. 4b and d) indicates that the silicate depositedin White Lake was mostly eroded from the upland, consis-tent with our preliminary results of biogenic-silica analysesindicating that only 5–20% of silica is biogenic in origin.Following the deforestation for farming and also possiblehuman-induced hydrologic change, silicate MAR increasedby more than an order of magnitude within 150 years (from1745 to 1895), exceeding the rate at any earlier time(Fig. 4d). These large inputs of detrital minerals would havebeen accompanied by nutrients, in dissolved as well as par-ticulate forms, which would have shifted the lake chemistryfrom moderately hardwater to distinctly alkaline and alsoincreased APP. Enhanced photosynthetic production after1745 is indicated by accelerated OM MAR and increasedPediastrum abundance, along with a corresponding de-crease in C:N ratio (Fig. 4d, f, and i). In this hardwaterlake, the elevated rates of CO2 uptake by photosynthesisand removal of OM from the water column would increasethe pH and shift the DIC equilibrium, favoring the precip-itation of carbonate (Hodell et al., 1998). In addition,deforestation and resultant reduction in evapotranspirationwould have increased groundwater flow and bicarbonateinputs to the lake, which would further stimulate carbonateprecipitation in the lake. These changes resulted in the ma-jor lithologic change from gyttja to marl starting at �1745(Figs. 1d, 4a and c) and thus showed no obvious time lag.

Peak abundance of ragweed pollen between 1820 and1930 indicates maximum forest clearance and agriculturalactivities in the region (Fig. 4b). Large Poaceae (grass) pol-len reflects cereal cultivation on nearby ploughed soils(Fig. 3). Enhanced eutrophication would have caused watercolumn anoxia to expand into shallower depths and/or overlonger periods of the year in response to the greater con-sumption of oxygen by settling OM. In this increasingly an-oxic-water environment, the summer calcite productioncould have been preserved as distinct seasonal layers be-cause of the lack of bioturbation by bottom-living organ-isms at the water-sediment interface (Lotter et al., 1997;Gruber et al., 2000), explaining the laminated sedimentsafter 1895 in White Lake.

One possible geochemical effect of enhanced photosyn-thesis is to increase d13C and d15N values of DIC andDIN and successively produced OM (McKenzie, 1985; Ho-dell and Schelske, 1998). In this case, a covariation of d13Cbetween OM and authigenic carbonate is expected in cal-careous lakes (Hammarlund et al., 1997; Hodell et al.,1998); however, this was not observed in the White Lake re-cords for the agricultural periods (Fig. 4h and j). The d13Cvalues of calcite from White Lake remain constant during

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the period of 1745–1820 and show a slightly decreasingtrend from 1820 to 1930 (Fig. 4j), indicating that the en-hanced lake eutrophication had little effect on the d13C ofDIC during this period. This may be due to the deforesta-tion-induced elevated DIC inputs. The deforestation couldhave enhanced dissolution of the limestone bedrock andaccelerated groundwater flow, resulting in the transport oflarge amounts of DIC into the lake. If the biologicallyassimilated C is only a small part of the lake DIC budget,d13C of DIC may not be significantly shifted with the re-moval of OM even in eutrophic lakes. The trend of decreas-ing carbonate d13C (up to 1.5&) for the period of 1820 to1930—most of it at �1820—cannot be fully explained byexchange between lake DIC and atmospheric CO2 (a de-crease of only �0.3& in d13C over this period; Franceyet al., 1999), but can be attributed to greater contributionfrom a 13C-depleted source (e.g., enhanced production,upwelling and oxidation of methane).

To evaluate the microbial effect, Hayes et al. (1999) pro-posed using the index of d13C difference between carbonateand OM (etotal organic C (TOC) = d13Ccarbonate � d13COM),where eTOC values larger than +32& imply significantincorporation of 13C-depleted bacterial biomass into thesediment. This index has been applied to probe the micro-bial contribution to the sedimentary OM in Baldeggersee,Switzerland (Teranes and Bernasconi, 2005). Early-agricul-tural sediments from White Lake show eTOC values consis-tently larger than +32& with slight decrease between 1745and 1820 (Fig. 4k), implying that the microbial contribu-tion, although slowly decreasing, was significant in the sed-imentary OM. Given the essential constancy of OM d13Cbetween this time and the end of the pre-agricultural peri-od, we suggest that the low OM d13C values for the pre-agricultural period are also related to microbial biomass.A rapid decrease in eTOC from +32& to +28& occurredaround 1820, indicating a dramatically diminished micro-bial contribution. The shift partly reflects dilution of micro-

Fig. 5. Scatter plots showing (a) atomic C:N ratio of OM vs. OM accuperiods. No obvious covariation exists for any period, suggesting that te

bial biomass by accelerating deposition of phytoplanktonOM, but a short-lived decrease in the microbial populations(methanotrophic and N2-fixing bacteria) may have causedthe abruptness of the shift (see below).

Sedimentary OM shows large variations in d13C, d15Nand C:N ratios in response to the anthropogenic aquaticenvironmental changes during the agricultural periods(Fig. 4g–i). Organic d13C and d15N during the early-agri-cultural period show small increases, likely attributableto a relative decrease in microbial contributions, due todilution by increasing phytoplankton OM. The C:N ratiosof OM for the 1745 to 1820 period of initial settlementand forest clearance vary from 12 to 14, lower than thosein both the pre-agricultural and peak-agricultural periods(Fig. 5), suggesting that (1) the effect of differential degra-dation was reduced from that prevailing during the pre-agricultural period, and (2) any increase in terrestrialOM input was more than offset by the increase in photo-synthetic OM produced in the lake. During the peak-agri-cultural period, OM C:N ratios are independent fromMAR of both OM and silicate and show similar valuesto those in the post-agricultural period (Fig. 5), suggestingan insensitivity to terrestrial inputs, and resumption ofmore selective degradation under increasingly anoxicconditions.

The transition into the peak-agricultural period at�1820 is marked by significant shifts in the isotope ratios.Large increases in d15N (�2&) and d13C of OM (�4&)coincide with a small downshift in d13C (�0.8&) of carbon-ate. Following these abrupt isotope shifts around 1820, po-sitive trends in d15N and d13C of OM continue through thepeak-agricultural period, but at much reduced rates(Fig. 4). These shifts and trends can be effectively examinedin context of the steadily increasing MAR of OM (Figs. 4and 6). Assuming plausible d13C values for methane-de-rived bacteria (�40&) and for phytoplankton (�23&),we calculate that eutrophication through the pre- and

mulation rate (MAR) and (b) silicate MAR during different timerrestrial OM input to the sediments is not important.

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Fig. 6. Variation of organic d13C (a) and d15N (b) with OMaccumulation rate (MAR) during different time periods. With thecontinuous increase of OM MAR, both d13C and d15N showdifferent slopes during the early- and peak-agricultural periods anda gap (abrupt shift) between these two periods, suggesting that theincrease in organic d13C and d15N is an integrated effect ofenhanced influx of phytoplankton OM and changing contributionfrom bacteria communities.

Human-induced shifts of lake and upland ecosystems 4347

peak-agricultural periods shifted the sediment OM frompredominantly bacteria-derived (OM d13C of �35.7&, or75% bacterial) to predominantly phytoplanktonic (OMd13C of about �29&, or 35% bacterial). Since the MARof OM increased 5-fold during these periods, it is evidentthat deposition of methanotrophically derived OM musthave increased, though at a slower rate than that of phyto-plankton OM. It is logical that methane production shouldincrease with higher OM deposition and increasing anoxia.The abruptness of isotopic shifts from the early-agriculturalto peak-agricultural periods, shown as large isotopic jumpson the OM MAR vs. isotope diagram (Fig. 6), suggests ashort-lived episode of reduced MAR of bacterial OM.It is precisely at this time that the d13C of carbonate de-creased slightly, perhaps reflecting a greater amount andproportion of methane upwelling into the surface waters,concomitant with reduced sedimentary deposition of met-hanotrophic bacterial OM.

5.3. ‘‘Recovery’’ from human-induced landscape disturbance

and industrial stress on aquatic ecosystems

Starting at �1930, rapid decrease in Poaceae andAmbrosia pollen percentages and increase in Quercus pollenpercentage (Fig. 3) indicate abandonment of some agricul-tural fields and reforestation in the region. The 30-fold de-crease in silicate MAR since 1930 to a level similar to thatof the pre-agricultural period suggests rapid reforestationand stabilization of landscapes (Fig. 4d). Correspondingto the reduced inputs of terrestrial nutrients and detritus,the MAR of OM and carbonate also decreased rapidly to-wards pre-agricultural levels (Fig. 4d and e). The d13C val-ues of OM and calcite decreased by 4.7& and 3.7&,respectively, from 1930 to 2003 (Fig. 4h and j), indicatinga large decrease in the d13C of DIC. Again, this decreasecannot be explained by the decrease in d13C of atmosphericCO2 in the last 70 years because the magnitude of atmo-spheric decrease (<1&; Francey et al., 1999) is too smallto account for the �4& shift in the d13C values of theOM and calcite. Although the d13C shift toward valuesfor pre-agricultural OM might suggest the return to a bac-terial-dominated source for sedimentary OM, the parallelshift in d13C of DIC seems to require a different interpreta-tion. Because the production of methane may have declinedwith the decrease in APP during this period, we speculatethat methane oxidation may not be the cause of this larged13C decrease of DIC. Instead, the d13C shifts of the OMand carbonate may be caused by a decrease in the d13C ofthe groundwater DIC source due to the increasing organicrespiration in soil related to the reforestation and soil Caccumulation (Richter et al., 1999).

In contrast with d13C, OM d15N shows constant increasesince 1930. A strong correlation exists between NOx emis-sions from the eastern United States (USEPA, 1996) andthe d15N of OM from White Lake for the last 100 years(Fig. 7), implying that addition of 15N-enriched pollutantsfrom industrial combustion of fossil fuels (e.g., coal) maybe responsible for the d15N increase during this period.The industrial source of organic N is also supported by Nisotopes. Generally, the d15N of nitrate from the burningof fossil fuel (e.g., coal) is high (+6 to 13&; Heaton,1990). Recent studies have shown that, in Pennsylvaniaand surrounding area, the d15N of nitrate can be as highas +3.2& in wet deposition (Elliott et al., 2007a) and signif-icantly higher (>+10&) in dry deposition (Elliott et al.,2007b). Mixture of these two components can easily pro-duce the intermediate d15N values observed in the WhiteLake sediments. However, the relative importance of thesetwo sources is difficult to quantify due to their large sea-sonal isotope variations (Elliott et al., 2007b). The indus-trial signal may be strong in White Lake sediments fortwo reasons. First, industrial N is loaded, by either dry orwet atmospheric deposition, directly into the upper oxicwater layer and thus avoids denitrification, promoting ni-trate uptake in the photic zone. Second and perhaps moreimportantly, the diminishing N demand of the upland for-est with its gradual maturation may decrease the retentionof atmospheric N in the forest (Murdoch and Stoddard,1992), significantly increasing the industrial N influx into

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Fig. 7. Comparison between d15N values of sedimentary organicmatter in White Lake and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions in theeastern United States for the last 100 years (NOx data fromUSEPA, 1996).

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White Lake. The d15N values leveled off or slightly de-creased after �1980, corresponding to stabilized NOx emis-sions following implementation of the 1970s Clean Air Actin the USA. This close correlation suggests sensitive biogeo-chemical response of lake ecosystems to industrial pollutionand environmental regulation. It is interesting to note that,based on the evidence of the MAR and d13C of OM in thesediments, the large industrial N input did not result in anyincrease in lake productivity, perhaps cancelled out by therapid recovery from the agriculture-induced eutrophicationand increasing limitation of APP by phosphorus. The dis-cordance between changes in the d15N and the d13C ofOM shows that the lake has been experiencing a newanthropogenic environmental stress from industrial pollu-

Fig. 8. Trajectories of terrestrial and aquatic environmental changes acompositions of organic matter. The diagrams show consistent environmagricultural phase from 1745 to 1820, (C) peak-agricultural phase from 18to the present. The trajectories indicate that both terrestrial and aquatic

tants in the last several decades during its recovery fromearlier agricultural perturbation. Similar patterns ofdecreasing d13C and increasing d15N over the last 100 years,especially during the ‘‘recovery’’ period after the 1970s,were also observed in sediments at Walden Pond, Massa-chusetts, USA (Koster et al., 2005), suggesting a possibleregional effect of industrial pollution on lake ecosystemsin the northeastern USA.

5.4. Shifting trajectories of terrestrial and aquatic

environmental changes

Scatter plots of pollen PCA data and isotopic composi-tions of OM were used to illustrate the trajectories of terres-trial and aquatic environment changes during the last 700years in the upland and in the lake. The PCA results(Fig. 8a) of pollen samples reflect the trends in the pollendiagram (Fig. 3). The first PCA axis (accounting for50.9% of total variance in pollen data) mostly separatesthe pre-agricultural forest phase (A; containing Quercus, Pi-

nus, and Tsuga) from the early- and peak-agricultural im-pact phases (B and C; including herbs Ambrosia, Poaceae,and Rumex). In addition, the second axis separates post-agricultural phase D from peak-agricultural phase. Thevegetation around White Lake changed from oak forestin the pre-agricultural phase, through a transition in theearly-agricultural phase, to ragweed-dominated herb zonein the peak-agricultural phase, and finally to birch-oakwoodland in the post-agricultural or ‘‘recovery’’ phase(Fig. 8a). This U-shaped trajectory suggests either a succes-sional lag of vegetation recovery or even an irreversiblechange in terrestrial vegetation after the anthropogenic dis-turbance, reflecting altered soil nutrient conditions (excessnitrate) as well as introductions or losses (Castanea) ofplant species from the regional species pool.

t White Lake. (a) PCA plot of pollen records, and (b) isotopicental phases: (A) pre-agricultural phase before �1745, (B) early-

20 to 1930, and (D) post-agricultural or ‘‘recovery’’ phase from 1930ecosystems shifted to new states after human disturbance.

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Isotopic compositions of sedimentary OM also illustratethe environmental history of White Lake over the last 700years. According to the OM d13C and d15N records, fourlake phases can also be distinguished (Fig. 8b). The initialisotopic compositions of OM in the pre-agricultural period(phase A) are characterized by extremely low d13C and d15Nvalues within a narrow range, suggesting a relatively stableaquatic environment with strong contribution to the resid-ual sediment OM from methanotrophs and other anerobicbacterial processes. The early-agricultural phase (B) hasindistinguishable d13C and d15N values relative to the pre-agricultural phase, likely reflecting the resilience of theaquatic ecosystem due to negative feedbacks operating dur-ing the initial stage of the anthropogenic effect. Eutrophica-tion during the peak-agricultural phase (C) shifted thesediment OM source strongly to phytoplankton, reducingthe relative contribution from bacterial processes, andresulting in rapid and large increases in both d13C andd15N. During the post-agricultural phase (D), d13C andd15N show decoupled variations due to a new human-in-duced stress (i.e., industrial emission) on the aquatic ecosys-tems. The trajectories of d13C and d15N suggest that theaquatic environment is shifting to a new state (Fig. 8b).The human-induced regime shifts of aquatic ecosystemsduring the recovery of lakes from eutrophication have beenobserved in some other lakes (Ibelings et al., 2007). InWhite Lake, the aquatic environmental phases correspondwell to the upland environmental phases, demonstratingthat human-induced shifts of terrestrial environments havestrong impacts on aquatic ecosystems.


(1) Sedimentary organic matter from White Lake innorthern New Jersey shows uniform but extremelylow d13C and d15N values and relatively high C:Nratios for the period before human disturbance(before �1745), indicating a relatively stable aquaticenvironment with a large microbial contribution tothe sedimentary organic matter.

(2) Initial European settlement and land clearance in�1745 induced an immediate lithologic change fromorganic-rich gyttja to carbonate-rich marl, by shiftingthe lake hydrology, water chemistry and carbonateprecipitation equilibrium. Eutrophication and subse-quent productivity increase in the lake during theperiod of peak disturbance led to greatly increasedsedimentary deposition of phytoplankton OM, inten-sification of anoxic conditions and the preservationof laminated sediment after �1895.

(3) This study demonstrates that the application of sev-eral proxies, especially multiple isotopes, helps to dis-tinguish between the terrestrial and aquatic processespotentially responsible for the observed changes. Acombination of the d13C of OM and carbonate andthe OM C:N ratios indicates that the large increasein OM d13C and d15N in the peak-agricultural period(from 1820 to 1930) was caused by a shift in thesource organic matter from bacteria- to phytoplank-

ton-dominated origins. This interpretation differsfrom the conventional interpretation invoking pro-ductivity-induced increases in the d13C of lake DIC.

(4) Comparison of the d15N and d13C values for the mostrecent 70 years allows separation of the effects ofindustrial pollution and agricultural activities. Thestrong correlation of d15N with industrial NOx emis-sions in the eastern USA suggests sensitive responsesof aquatic ecosystems to industrial pollutants and tothe implementation of environmental regulations.

(5) Fossil-pollen and isotope data from White Lakeshow that both terrestrial and aquatic systems arefollowing trajectories to states different from thosebefore the agricultural disturbance, implying thatthese perturbed ecosystems take long periods of timeto recover, if ever, from past and ongoing humanimpacts.


This work was partly supported by the Petroleum ResearchFund (American Chemical Society) to Z.C.Y., the Lehigh Univer-sity Faculty Research Fund to Z.C.Y. and G.E.B., and the Depart-ment of Earth and Environmental Sciences Palmer Fund (LehighUniversity) to L.L. We thank Y.-X. Li and T. Guida for field assis-tance and D.R. Engstrom for 210Pb dating analysis. We are gratefulto M. Novak (Associate Editor) for editorial handling of this pa-per, two anonymous reviewers for their helpful and constructivecomments, and M. Ader for discussion.


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Associate editor: Martin Novak
