

Component-Based UI Architectures for the Web

Andrew Rota | @andrewrota

ROME 24-25 MARCH 2017

@AndrewRota online at:


UI frameworks today talk a lot about “components.”





What does “component” even mean?


What does it mean to think about our user interfaces in terms of components?


Andrew RotaBoston, MA, USA

Software Architect at Wayfair | |



This is a talk aboutarchitectural models.


“ All models are wrong, but some are useful ”

George Box, statistician, Empirical Model-Building and Response Surfaces (1987)


New models presentnew perspectives.


How do you model your web application UI architecture?


Frontend UI

Server MVC


Server MVC

View Model Controller


Server MVC

TemplatesModel Controller


Server MVC


Model Controller




Let’s rethink this model.


What if UI components were first class citizens?


Data Model

UI Component

UI Component

UI Component


Data Model

UI Component

UI Component

UI Component




Data Model

UI Component

UI Component

UI Component




Data Model

UI Component

UI Component

UI Component




Let’s put aside the client/server split as an implementation detail.


Let’s put aside the client/server split as an implementation detail.*

* A very very important detail, just not one addressed in this model


Components are the defining feature of user interfaces.


Data Model

UI Component

UI Component

UI Component


UI Component

UI Component

UI Component


Let’s put the focus on components.


How do today’s web UI libraries define components?


“A component is a custom HTML tag whose behavior you implement using JavaScript and

whose appearance you describe using Handlebars templates. They allow you to create reusable


This presentation is unaffiliated with the Ember project.Ember is a trademark of Tilde Inc.


“A component controls a patch of screen called a view.”!#components


“With Web Components, you can create reusable custom elements that...break your

app up into right-sized components.”


“Components let you split the UI into independent, reusable pieces, and think

about each piece in isolation.”


Let’s look at some <code>


Let’s look at some <code>




<h1>Symphony No. 40</h1>

<h2>Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart</h2>



<music-player track="1" playing />




<h1>Symphony No. 40</h1>

<h2>Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart</h2>



<MusicPlayer track={1} playing />


Defining components


const List = (props) => {

return (


{ => (

<li key={}>{item.text}</li>






const List = (props) => {

return (


{ => (

<li key={}>{item.text}</li>







const List = (props) => {

return (


{ => (

<li key={}>{item.text}</li>







Beyond the code, what are thequalities of a component?


Composable Cohesive

ContextIndependent Colocated



Composable components can be nested within

other components.




<app-navigation />



<app-content />




Components are composed in a tree structure.




<h1>Hello, <slot></slot>.</h1>



<h1>Hello, <strong>world</strong>.</h1>



How composable are your components?

✅ - Can a component have children?

✅ - Do components define their interfaces?

✅ - ...with types?

✅ - Can you extend by composition?



Cohesive components contain the elements

necessary for its purpose.


“Cohesion within a module is the degree to which the module's elements belong together. In other words, it is a measure of how focused a module is. The idea is not just to divide software into arbitrary parts (i.e., modularity), but to keep

related issues in the same part.”

Software Engineering: Modern Approaches, 2nd ed. (pg. 352), Eric J. Braude, Michael E. Bernstein


How cohesive are your components?

✅ - Is there little “wiring-up” necessary?

✅ - Does a component have everything it needs?

✅ - If you change a property, how many places

does that change need to be made in?



A context-independent component can be used

in different environments without modification.


How context independent are your components?

✅ - Can you “copy/paste” a component?

✅ - Can components define style boundaries?

✅ - ...error boundaries?

✅ - Do components require global state?



A colocated component places related code in

the same place, regardless of technology.





Unit Tests



CSS Styles (LESS)






Markdown files with examples


How colocated are your components?

✅ - How many files does a component need?

✅ - What does the directory structure look like?

✅ - Can you review a component in once place?


So why component architectures?


What is software architecture?


“ abstract system specification consisting primarily of functional components described in

terms of their behaviors and interfaces and component-component interconnections.”

Hayes-Roth, 1994, written for the ARPA Domain-Specific Software Architecture (DSSA) program


“...the organizational structure of a software system including components, connections, constraints,

and rationale”

Clements, Kogut, 1994, The Software Architecture Renaissance


Software architecture == components + their connections


In a component-based UI architecture we treat UI components and their connections as part of our

overall software architecture.


Components in the UI are no longer implementation details, they’re a core unit of the overall system.


UI Component

UI Component

UI Component

UI Component

UI Component



UI Component

UI Component

UI Component

UI Component

UI Component


UI Component

UI Component

UI Component

UI Component

UI Component

+ Client / Server Constraints

+ Platform Differences

+ Performance Considerations

+ Design / UX Concerns


Leverage components as the fundamental unit when reasoning about UI architecture.


So why does this make sense foruser interfaces?


1. Components are familiar2. Interfaces benefit from reusability3. Abstraction can be shared across disciplines



<h1>Hello world</h1>

<img src="foo.jpg" />


HTML works a lot like components.



<h1>Hello world</h1>

<img src="foo.jpg" />


HTML works a lot like components.**see web components




<h1>Symphony No. 40</h1>

<h2>Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart</h2>



<MusicPlayer track={1} playing />




MusicPlaylist, null, React.createElement(

MusicPlaylistItem, null, React.createElement(

"H1", null, "Symphony No. 40"

), React.createElement(

"H2", null, "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"





{ track: 1, playing: true }



(there’s a reason JSX is so popular)


ReusabilityThe more components are composable, context-independent,

cohesive, and colocated, the more easily they can be shared.






Shared AbstractionUI work touches a lot of teams: design, product, and (often

multiple) engineering teams.


Shared AbstractionComponents as a UI concept can be useful across many different

types of teams and disciplines.


Shared Abstraction


Shared Abstraction


What are the challenges with a component-based architecture?


1. State2. Universality


StateComponents define UI, not necessarily the state associated with

that UI.


StateBut state is a core feature of software.

Especially UIs where state changes based on user input.


Managing state is hard


Start by separating state container components from presentational components


Patterns for dealing with stateManage state independently, and link up to components.


Patterns for dealing with stateManage state independently, and link up to components.


Patterns for dealing with stateColocate state queries/mutations within components.


Patterns for dealing with stateColocate state queries/mutations within components.




Universality - across platforms?Components for…

the web?

iOS apps?

Android apps?

desktop apps?

virtual reality?


Universality - across libraries?Components for…





plain JavaScript?


What if there were a standard? What if all components were interoperable?


I don’t think there’s a simple answer here.


Different frameworks have different strengths and weaknesses.


Different platforms have different challenges.


I don’t think there’s a simple answer here.


I don’t think there’s a simple answer here.



But maybe that’s ok.


Component-based architectureis useful, independent of the implementation.


“ All models are wrong, but some are useful ”

George Box, statistician, Empirical Model-Building and Response Surfaces (1987)


Is the component model usefulfor describing web UIs?


Does a component-based UI model impact how you think about your overall application



Let’s elevate components to first class citizens in our application architecture.


I think this is only the beginning...


User interface architecture is hard, but components make it easier.



@AndrewRota online at: