  • Computer Vision and Machine Learning for AutonomousCharacterization of AM Powder Feedstocks



    1.—Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,PA 15213, USA. 2.—e-mail: [email protected]

    By applying computer vision and machine learning methods, we develop asystem to characterize powder feedstock materials for metal additive manu-facturing (AM). Feature detection and description algorithms are applied tocreate a microstructural scale image representation that can be used tocluster, compare, and analyze powder micrographs. When applied to eightcommercial feedstock powders, the system classifies powder images into thecorrect material systems with greater than 95% accuracy. The system alsoidentifies both representative and atypical powder images. These resultssuggest the possibility of measuring variations in powders as a function ofprocessing history, relating microstructural features of powders to propertiesrelevant to their performance in AM processes, and defining objective materialstandards based on visual images. A significant advantage of the computervision approach is that it is autonomous, objective, and repeatable.


    Computer vision is a branch of computer sciencethat develops computational methods to extractinformation from visual images.1 Familiar applica-tions of computer vision include facial recognitionon Facebook, Google image search, and autonomousvehicle navigation. Computer vision and its relatedfield, machine vision, are also widely used inmanufacturing, particularly in robotics, processcontrol, and quality inspection.

    Powder bed additive manufacturing (AM) is anemerging technology for three-dimensional (3D)metal printing.2,3 The process is conceptually sim-ple. A layer of fine metal powder is spread on thebuild plate. By using a laser or electron beam,powder particles are melted and resolidified.Another layer of powder is spread, and the processrepeats multiple times to build up the final partlayer by layer.

    Among the many challenges in deploying this newmanufacturing system are numerous metal powder-related issues centered on understanding how thephysical characteristics of the powder (size, shape,and surface character) affect processing parameters(flowability and spreadability) and build outcomes

    (porosity and flaws). Fundamental to understandingthese relationships is effectively characterizing thepowders themselves.

    To date, characterization of AM powder feed-stocks has relied on direct measurements of powderproperties of interest. For example, Strondl et al.used dynamic image analysis to capture photomi-crographs of powders, segment them, and measureparticle size and aspect ratio distributions. Thesequantities, along with powder rheology measure-ments, were found to correlate with powder flow andspreading characteristics.4 A group of case studiesby Clayton et al. concluded that particle sizedistribution alone is insufficient to determine pow-der properties. Instead, they characterized powdersby using rheological measurements, which theyfound to correlate with powder properties such asthe degree of recycling, the manufacturing method,or the presence of additives.5 In perhaps the mostcomprehensive study of its kind, Slotwinski et al.systematically characterized virgin and recycledstainless steel and cobalt chrome powders in aneffort to develop standards for AM feedstock mate-rials. They measured particle size and shape withlaser diffraction, x-ray computed tomography, andoptical and scanning electron microscopy. In addition,

    JOM, Vol. 69, No. 3, 2017

    DOI: 10.1007/s11837-016-2226-1� 2016 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

    456 (Published online December 27, 2016)

  • they determined atomic structure and compositionvia energy-dispersive element x-ray analysis, x-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction.6

    Finally, Nandwana et al.7 studied particle size,flowability, and chemistry for two powders used inelectron beam AM. Recycling caused significantchanges to chemistry in one powder but minimalchanges in the other; particle size and flowabilitywere unaffected by recycling. Measurements such asthese provide valuable insight into the factors thatinfluence powder properties; nevertheless, datascience offers a complementary approach that canextract information from a data stream directly,without reductive measurement.

    In this article, we explore applications of com-puter vision for autonomously evaluating powderraw materials for metal AM. Instead of explicitlyidentifying and measuring individual particles, ourmethod implicitly characterizes powder micro-graphs as a distribution of local image features.8,9

    We demonstrate that the computer vision system iscapable of classifying powders with different distri-butions of particle size, shape, and surface texture,as well as of identifying both representative andatypical powder images. AM applications includepowder batch qualification, quantifying the effectsof powder recycling, selecting build parametersbased on powder characteristics, identifying

    features that might be associated with powderspreading or build flaws, and defining objectivematerial standards based on visual images.

    Finally, we note that a significant advantage ofthe computer vision approach is that it is anautonomous and objective system that does notrequire a subjective human judgment about what tomeasure or how to measure it. It is not limited topowder micrographs and in fact can be extended tonew image data sets, including bulk microstructuralimages, without customization.9,10



    We collected micrographs from eight differentgas-atomized powders, as listed in Table I. Fivepowders were procured from EOS and are intendedfor the EOS printer machine: AlSi10Mg (Al-EOS),Inconel 718 (In-EOS), Maraging Steel (MS-EOS),Stainless Steel 316 (SS-EOS), and Ti-6Al-4V (Ti64-EOS). The remaining three Ti64 powders areintended for the ARCAM machine and were pro-cured from ARCAM and two additional suppliers.

    We used a spatula to sample a small amount ofpowder after shaking the container to preventsample biases from the settling of powder duringtransportation and storage. A thin layer of powder

    Table I. Metadata for the AM powder image dataset, including powder type, composition, source, samplelabels, and number of images per sample

    Powder Material system Platform Sample Images

    Al-EOS AlSi10Mg EOS 1 92 12

    Test 11In-EOS Inconel alloy 718 EOS 1 12

    2 11Test 12

    MS-EOS Maraging steel EOS 1 122 12

    Test 14SS-EOS Type 316 stainless steel EOS 1 8

    2 17Test 17

    Ti64-EOS Ti-6Al-4V EOS 1 122 11

    Test 12Ti64-#1 Ti-6Al-4V ARCAM 1 11

    2 10Test 9

    Ti64-#2 Ti-6Al-4V ARCAM 1 82 93 9

    Test 10Ti64-#2 Ti-6Al-4V ARCAM 1 7

    2 73 74 5

    Test 8

    Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Autonomous Characterization of AM PowderFeedstocks


  • was blown over double-sided carbon tape on a stubwith an Air Duster. We cleaned the sample withpressurized air to remove any loose particles beforeperforming scanning electron microscopy (SEM) onsamples. We took images in backscattered imagingmode, adjusting the magnification for each powdersystem in an attempt to maintain a similar numberdensity of powder particles across powder systemswith differing average particle sizes. The motivationfor this choice was to eliminate the influence ofaverage particle size in classification and focus onparticle morphology and the relative shape of theparticle size distribution.

    We found it necessary to preprocess the powdermicrographs to mitigate differences in image contrastand noise levels introduced during image acquisition.We segment and suppress the background of eachpowder micrograph by applying Li’s minimum cross-entropy threshold selection method,11,12 which yieldsgood results for this dataset with no adjustable param-eters. Following background suppression, we performlocal histogram equalization13 to ensure that powdermicrographs from different material systems andimaging conditions have similar intensity distribu-tions. The processed images have more consistentcontrast than do the raw images, which helps in betterextraction of texture features that are relevant to thespatial and morphological characteristics of the pow-der particles, as opposed to high-frequency featuresrelated to SEM imaging conditions. Figure 1 showsseveral processed micrographs for the Ti64-EOSsystem to illustrate the typical variability in imageswithin a powder type, and Fig. 2 shows a represen-tative powder micrograph for each of the eight

    powder systems. As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, theimages used in the computer vision analysis do notcontain scale bars to ensure that only features of thepowder itself are used in the analysis; nevertheless,the absolute and relative scales of the images can bededuced from the powder size distributions inFig. 3.

    As detailed in Table I, we prepared between threeand five independent powder samples for eachpowder system, with more samples for powderswith larger-than-average particle sizes. From eachpowder sample, we collected between 5 and 17backscattered electron micrographs, avoiding col-lecting images of intersecting regions on the sample.We verify that no images included in our analysiscontain significant overlapping regions by applyingto each pair of micrographs originating from thesame physical sample a keypoint-matching algo-rithm with RANSAC filtering to identify micro-graphs related by a simple translation.14

    Figure 3 shows cumulative particle size distribu-tions obtained by applying threshold and watershedsegmentation15,16 to the SEM micrographs afterbackground suppression. For each powder system,we sample a total of 10,000 watershed particlesfrom 20 powder micrographs. The five powdersintended for the EOS machine use are smaller insize than those intended for ARCAM. Generally, theEOS powders have similarly shaped, approximatelylognormal particle size distributions, albeit withdifferent mean particle sizes. The powders intendedfor the ARCAM machine are much coarser anddisplay a severe lower tail as a result of apparentsieving at 100 lm.

    Fig. 1. Eight powder micrographs for the Ti64-EOS material system, selected at random from 35 SEM images to illustrate typical microstructuralvariability for a given system. It is apparent that images vary in particle density as well as in individual particle particulars. Images have beenprocessed to normalize image contrast and noise levels as described in the text.

    DeCost, Jain, Rollett, and Holm458

  • Computer Vision

    The goal of our computer vision system is toproduce a numerical representation that containsthe relevant information necessary to characterize avisual image.9 In other words, we want to turn animage into a vector that summarizes its visualinformation content. This process has three steps:First, the system finds interest points, or visualfeatures, in the image; that is, it decides what tolook at. Next, the system encodes each feature as avector descriptor; that is, it numerically character-izes the features. Finally, the system groups the

    feature descriptors together to create a representa-tion of the image as a whole; that is, it determinesthe microstructural fingerprint of the image. Thisprocess is illustrated schematically in Fig. 4.

    To find the visual features in a powder micro-graph, we use two complementary interest pointlocalization methods common in computer vision:the difference of Gaussians17 and the Harris-LaPlace methods.18 Together, these methods yielda set of distinctive blob- and corner-like imagefeatures (respectively), each of which has a charac-teristic scale and orientation determined by thelocal contrast gradient in the image patch surround-ing the interest point. A given micrograph maycontain several thousand interest points, and theyoften correspond to the features that a materialsscientist might identify as significant, i.e., spots,lines, corners, visual textures, etc. The yellowcircles in Fig. 4a show the locations, scales, andorientations of 100 randomly selected interestpoints.

    To characterize these individual features, weapply another widely used computer vision tech-nique, scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT), tocompute feature descriptors for each interest pointpatch.17,19 The SIFT descriptors describe the localimage structure by encoding the orientation andmagnitude of contrast gradients within 16 spatialbins surrounding the interest point. Basically, SIFTtransforms each visual object into a characteristic128-dimensional vector. The blue frame in Fig. 4bshows a schematic of the 16-bin SIFT descriptorcorresponding to a large particle.

    Fig. 2. Representative powder micrographs for each of the eight powder material systems: (a) Al-EOS, (b) In-EOS, (c) MS-EOS, (d) SS-EOS,(e) Ti64-#1, (f) Ti64-#2, (g) Ti64-#3, and (h) Ti64-EOS. Images have been processed to normalize image contrast and noise levels as describedin the text.

    Fig. 3. Cumulative particle size distributions for the eight powdermaterial systems, as measured by watershed segmentation for10000 particles per system. Note that the systems differ in bothmean particle size and overall shape of the distribution.

    Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Autonomous Characterization of AM PowderFeedstocks


  • As materials scientists, we understand thatmicrostructures often contain numerous examplesof the ‘‘same’’ feature; thus, we group microstruc-tural features into classes, such as precipitates,grain boundaries, or powder particles. The com-puter vision system performs a similar function byclustering the SIFT descriptors into groups of likefeatures (termed ‘‘visual words’’). In our system, weuse k-means clustering20 to partition 15% of theSIFT descriptors extracted from the training imagesinto 32 visual words, as schematically indicated inFig. 4c. The black markers in this 2D schematicindicate SIFT descriptors for individual interestpoints, and the colored cells indicate the clusters orpartitions that demarcate the visual words; thus,each feature in the micrograph is associated with aparticular visual word. In our powder micrographs,a visual word might represent a spherical particle, aneck between particles, a cluster of particles, asurface texture, or some other feature, as indicatedby the image patches in Fig. 4c. It is important tonote, however, that the visual words are determinedby the computer vision system; there is no subjec-tive (human) judgment involved.

    To obtain an overall image representation, localfeature methods often simply model an image as thehistogram of its visual words [termed a bag of words(BoW) model.21 Nevertheless, this has the drawbackthat all features are given the same weight, even

    though some unambiguously belong to a particularvisual word, while others fall near the bordersbetween visual words. We therefore apply a vectorof locally aggregated descriptors (VLAD) encodingto model more effectively the overall distribution oflocal image features by summing up the differencebetween each local feature descriptor and its corre-sponding visual word.22 The white arrows in thecentral green cell in Fig. 4c illustrate this residualvector calculation for the visual word correspondingto the SIFT descriptor shown in Fig. 4b. The resultis a 128 9 32 = 4096-dimensional vector that rep-resents the image as a whole, as illustrated inFig. 4d: The image patches illustrate the visualwords, and the red bars show their correspondingresidual SIFT vectors.

    VLAD descriptors are often reduced in dimen-sionality by up to an order of magnitude withoutsignificant degradation of the image representa-tion quality;23 we apply principal componentanalysis (PCA) to reduce the dimensionality ofthe VLAD representations to 32. The first 32principal components of the VLAD representa-tions for the training images account for 76.4% ofthe variance of the high-dimensional representa-tions. These first 32 principal components are theimage representation or ‘‘microstructural finger-print’’ we use to characterize each powder micro-graph image.

    Fig. 4. Schematic diagram illustrating the construction of SIFT-VLAD microstructure representations. (a) Select oriented interest points (yellowmarkers) from a powder micrograph (100 randomly selected interest points shown). (b) Compute a SIFT descriptor (blue grid) for each interestpoint. (c) Cluster SIFT descriptors (colored regions) such that SIFT descriptors (black dots) are associated with their most similar visual word(image patches); compute a residual vector for each visual word (white arrows). (d) Concatenate the normalized residual vectors (red bars) ofeach visual word (image patches) to construct the VLAD representation, which serves as a microstructure fingerprint.

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  • We note that there are numerous image repre-sentation schemes in the computer vision litera-ture.24-30 Our motivation for choosing the SIFT-VLAD system (as opposed to, for example, convolu-tional neural network-based texture representa-tions31) is its strong rotation and scale invariance.Unlike photographic scenes or portraits, which arealmost always oriented with gravity pointing down,powder micrographs do not have a natural orienta-tion. The SIFT-VLAD system also captures mid-level features, such as particles, clusters, andparticle intersections, with good fidelity, as shownin Fig. 4d.


    Powder Classification

    Recall that the computer vision system autono-mously determines which features in a particularmicrograph are visually important. Thus, our firstquestion should be ‘‘Is the system looking at theright features, from a materials science point-of-view?’’ Moreover, the computer vision system doesnot perform any ‘‘conventional’’ feature measure-ments, such as particle size or surface area analysis.So our second question must be ‘‘Does the systemcapture the relevant microstructural quantities?’’

    To answer these questions, we challenge thesystem to sort powder micrographs according topowder type. To classify images correctly, thesystem will have to sense both the features thatdifferentiate powders and the quantitative differ-ence in their particle size distributions.

    For each powder system, we held out the micro-graphs collected from one physical sample as anindependent testing set, and we used the micro-graphs from the other samples as a training andvalidation set for machine learning via a supportvector machine (SVM) classifier.32 The SVM classi-fier takes in the image representations from theSIFT-VLAD system and attempts to find a hyper-plane that separates them into different classes. Weused 109 fivefold cross-validation to select the SVMregularization parameter, C, which represents thetrade-off between the flexibility and generalizabilityof the classifier. For each of 50 cross-validationiterations, we randomly choose 1/5 of the trainingimages to evaluate the performance of a classifiertrained on the remaining 4/5 of the training images.Both training and validation accuracies converge to100% (i.e., all images are assigned to their correctpowder type) when C � 0.25, indicating that theSIFT-VLAD representation can reliably classifypowder micrograph images without significant over-fitting. Figure 5a shows the detailed validationresults for all 50 validation folds when C = 0.25:The only misclassifications during cross-validationare a result of the similarity between the Maragingand Inconel powders, and especially between the

    Ti64#1 and Ti63#2 powders. The overall cross-validation accuracy with these parameters is96.5 ± 2.5%.

    Given a fully trained powder classifier, the nextchallenge is to demonstrate that it can recognizeimages taken from physical samples that were notincluded in its training dataset. To that end, wetrained an SVM classifier by using the entiretraining set with the parameters selected viacross-validation, and we used it to classify theimages in the independent testing set. As shownin Fig. 5b, the computer vision system classifies thepreviously unseen images with an overall accuracyof about 95%, which is comparable to the cross-validation accuracy. Half of the powder typesachieved perfect classification, and no more thantwo images were misclassified in any powder sys-tem. Two Ti64-#1 images were misclassified as Ti64-#2, which has both similar particle morphologies(Fig. 2) and particle size distribution (Fig. 3); thesame applies to the misclassification of In-EOS asMS-EOS. The other two misclassifications are aresult of outlier (highly atypical) test images andemphasize the need for statistically representativeimage sets.

    Overall, the computer vision system successfullyidentifies powder types from micrographs withoutrequiring subjective judgments about what featuresto measure or how to measure them. This resultdemonstrates the promise for computer vision sys-tems to provide autonomous microstructural anal-ysis not only for AM powders but also formicrostructural images in a more general sense.

    Data Visualization

    Although the confusion matrices in Fig. 5 indicatethe classification accuracy for the powder images,they are not helpful in visualizing how the imagesvary within and between the powder types. This is,in fact, a significant challenge in data sciencegenerally because the data points (in this case, theimage representations) occupy a high dimensionalspace. Thus, a variety of dimensionality reductiontechniques have been developed to help humansinterpret high-dimensional distributions.

    PCA is a linear dimensionality-reduction tech-nique that determines a set of n orthogonal axes(the principle components) along which an n-dimen-sional dataset varies, from most to least.33 Inessence, PCA reorients the natural axes of thedataset so as to maximize the spread in the dataalong each principle component, in decreasing orderfrom the first to the nth. Along a given axis, PCApreserves pairwise high-dimensional distancesbetween data points. Therefore, for a set of imagerepresentations, the distance between data pointson a PCA plot should be related to the visualdifference between the respective images. Never-theless, because PCA plots are typically of lower

    Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Autonomous Characterization of AM PowderFeedstocks


  • dimension than the data themselves, points mayappear to overlap in a PCA plot but be distinct in ahigher dimension.

    Figure 6a shows a PCA plot for the first twoprincipal components of the powder image dataset;the first two principal components accountfor approximately 42% of the total variance of thehigh-dimensional SIFT-VLAD representations.Notably, the first principal component effectivelydifferentiates between the powders intended for theEOS machine (at the left of the PCA map) and thepowders intended for the ARCAM machine (at theright of the PCA map). The Ti64-#3 micrographshave the most distinctive SIFT-VLAD representa-tions in this dataset most likely because the Ti64-#3powder was imaged at the highest magnificationrelative to its average particle size. This couldpotentially result in a different set of image texturefeatures dominating these micrographs (finer-grained surface details or fewer higher-level groupsof particles).

    Although the EOS powders cluster together onthe PCA map, we know that they are sufficientlydistinct for classification. To visualize their differ-ences, we must examine additional principal com-ponents or apply a different visualization method.t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding(t-SNE) is a nonlinear technique that attempts topreserve the local neighborhood structure of thehigh-dimensional data in the low-dimensional mapat the expense of retaining meaningful long-rangecorrespondences.34,35 In other words, the pairwisedistance between nearby points in a t-SNE map ismeaningful, but the distance between clusters ofpoints is not.

    Figure 6b shows a t-SNE map for the powderimage dataset. (Because t-SNE is a stochasticoptimization technique, we selected the best mapout of 10 independent t-SNE embeddings.) Thet-SNE map reveals the finer cluster structure of theEOS powders, resolving them into five distinctclusters. The three ARCAM powders are also moredifferentiated in this mapping. It is apparent thatthe independent testing set images (shown assquares) are generally consistent with the trainingset representations (shown as circles) within eachpowder system and that the cluster overlap thatcauses misclassification is evident as well.

    As Fig. 6 demonstrates, data visualization can bea helpful adjunct to computer vision outcomes,assisting in both understanding and interpretationof results. Nonetheless, no single, low-dimensionalvisualization contains all of the information in thehigh-dimensional dataset.

    Representative Images

    The microstructural fingerprint determined by thecomputer vision system is a numerical representa-tion of a microstructural image. As such, its uses arenot limited to classification tasks. For example,because visually similar images have numericallysimilar representations, the microstructural finger-print can form the basis for a visual search, as we havereported previously.8,9 Another application addressesa classic problem in microstructural science: determi-nation of a representative image.

    Although individual micrographs are often pre-sented in the literature as ‘‘representative’’ of themicrostructure as a whole (cf. Ref. 36), there has

    Fig. 5. Confusion matrices for powder classification in the (a) cross-validation and (b) independent test sets. The rows designate the actualpowder system, and the columns indicate the powder system predicted by the computer vision. The numbers tally the fraction of images in eachactual powder system that were classified as a given predicted powder system. Thus, the diagonal entries represent the fraction of accuratepowder classifications for each powder system.

    DeCost, Jain, Rollett, and Holm462

  • been no rigorous test to confirm the validity of suchassertions. Is a given image the most representa-tive, or simply the most attractive, convenient, orwell-prepared? By using the microstructural finger-print, we can, for the first time, objectively andquantitatively determine which image is the mostrepresentative of a group of micrographs.

    The procedure for selecting a representativemicrograph involves computing the average high-dimensional SIFT-VLAD representation for eachmaterial system and choosing the micrograph withthe minimum scalar distance between its represen-tation and the corresponding material system aver-age. The micrographs in Fig. 2 were selected withthis procedure, and thus, they are rigorously andquantitatively representative of their materialclass. Similarly, Fig. 7 shows the ‘‘least representa-tive’’ (or ‘‘most atypical’’) processed micrograph foreach powder system, obtained by selecting theimage with the maximum distance between itsrepresentation and the corresponding material sys-tem average. Notably, the representative micro-graphs for the EOS-manufactured powders all havesimilar spatial and morphological characteristics(likewise for the Ti64 powders intended for theARCAM machine). The atypical micrographs shownin Fig. 7 differ from their representative counter-parts in Fig. 2 primarily in overall image intensity(panel a, Al-EOS) or in spatial distribution ofpowder particles (more dense for In-EOS, SS-EOS,Ti64-#1, Ti64-EOS, and Ti64-#1; less dense for Al-EOS and Ti64-#2).

    The ability to quantify how well or how poorly animage represents a class of images enables a varietyof applications. For instance, to qualify an AM

    powder, an engineer could measure how closely anew batch of powder resembles previous batches orhow significantly a recycled powder differs from itsvirgin condition. Similarly, one might compare anew powder to a library of known powders to selectbuild parameters for the new system. Outlierimages may contain valuable information aboutunusual microstructural features (e.g., atypicalparticle shapes and sizes) that might be associatedwith powder spreading or build flaws.

    In a more general sense, the definition of arepresentative microstructure can form the basisof an objective standard for microstructural quali-fication. This is particularly significant for AM,where 3D printing makes it possible to build objectswith the same composition and geometry as aconventionally manufactured part. Qualifying theAM microstructure (as a proxy for properties) is animportant aspect of qualifying the part as a whole.


    Computer vision and machine learning methodsoffer new possibilities for evaluating powder rawmaterials for metal AM. In place of identifying andmeasuring individual particles, this method implic-itly characterizes powder micrographs as a distri-bution of local image features, termed the‘‘microstructural fingerprint.’’ Operating on a setof powder micrographs with different distributionsof particle size, shape, and surface texture, thecomputer vision system achieves a classificationaccuracy of more than 95% and a combination ofdata visualization techniques add further insightinto powder characteristics. By representing a

    Fig. 6. (a) Data visualization showing the first two principal components of the powder micrograph SIFT-VLAD representations. The five EOSpowders are clustered on the left side of the plot; the three ARCAM powders are on the right. (b) t-SNE visualization of the powder micrographSIFT-VLAD representations. The eight powders occupy more distinct clusters. Marker colors indicate the material system of the correspondingmap point; circular markers indicate training set micrographs; and square markers indicate the independent testing set.

    Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Autonomous Characterization of AM PowderFeedstocks


  • visual image with the microstructural fingerprint,both representative and atypical powder images canbe identified and analyzed. As an autonomous andobjective system, this method enables AM applica-tions including powder batch qualification, quanti-fying the effects of powder recycling, selecting buildparameters based on powder characteristics, iden-tifying features that might be associated withpowder spreading or build flaws, and definingobjective material standards based on visualimages. Finally, this approach is not limited topowder micrographs and in fact can be extended tonew image data sets, including bulk microstructuralimages.


    This work was funded in part by National ScienceFoundation Grant Numbers DMR-1307138 andDMR-1507830 and through the John and ClaireBertucci Foundation. We appreciate the authors anduser communities of open-source image processing,computer vision, and machine learning algorithmsvia scikit-learn,37 scikit-image,38 VLFeat,39 and thereference implementation of t-SNE. America Makesis acknowledged for the provision of the metal pow-ders used in this work.


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    Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Autonomous Characterization of AM PowderFeedstocks


    Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Autonomous Characterization of AM Powder FeedstocksAbstractIntroductionMethodsMaterialsComputer Vision

    ResultsPowder ClassificationData VisualizationRepresentative Images

