
Comverse InfosysMeir Sperling


Telecom Networks

Company Confidential

A Comverse Tech. CompanyA Comverse Technology Company (NASDAQ:CMVT)

US $1.2 Billion Revenue S&P 500 Index NASDAQ Top 100 Company Ranked 10th by Wall Street

Journal in 10 year returns (13.477%)

27 Consecutive Quarters – Meeting or Beating analysts expectations

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Comverse Infosys Facts

Intelligent Recording Solutions$140M yearly revenues (y2000)

850 employees worldwide

14 Global offices

50 countries with our products

2,000 satisfied customers

37% employees dedicated to R&D

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Telecom Networks Mission

Deliver Intelligent Recording Solutions to Law Enforcement Agencies.

Provide Telecom Network Operators and ISPs with access and delivery solutions for lawful interception compliance.

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Market LeadershipDatamonitor Research Ranks Comverse Infosys Market Leader*

17 years experience LEAs, ISPs, Operators

First GPRS Delivery System

First CALEA Delivery System

First GSM Delivery System*Source: Datamonitor April 2001

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Market LeadershipWestern Europe 10 accounts in Germany, Luxembourg,


Eastern Europe - 50% of market

North America - U.S., Canada

Asia Pacific 8 accounts including Japan, Australia

Central/Latin America 7 accounts, Office in Brazil

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New Era for LI

Regulations/Standards for Lawful Interception

Data communications (web, fax, email, mobile data)

Operators and ISPs have a major role in this arena

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Telecom Network’s Role in the New Era

Network Based - Country Wide

Establish and Promote International regulations (ETSI, CALEA)

Deliver Operators regulation compliant solutions

Support Packet Data Solutions

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Telecom Network’s Solutions

Multiple Networks

Multiple Switches

Compliance with all Regulations

Compliance with all International Standards

One administration for all systems

End-to-end solution

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Global Commitment• Cooperation with switch vendors

• Active in international standardization


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Customer Care• Full range of services

Program Management Professional Services Training, including on-site 3 levels of Maintenance & Support

• Local Support Offices• World-wide Partnerships



GermanyNetherlandsUnited KingdomIsrael

GermanyNetherlandsUnited KingdomIsrael

Hong KongJapanAustralia

Hong KongJapanAustralia

Company Confidential

Leading Recording Solutions

for Voice and Data Networks