
Concept of Day of Judgment in Islam and Hinduism

Term Paper No.2Religious Studies

Submitted byMuhammad Hassan Idrees

Syed Kamal Mustafa

Dated: 31 – Jan - 2008

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Table of Contents

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Sr. No. Content Page No.

01 Summary iii

02 Concept of Day Judgment in Islam 1

03 Concept of life Hereafter in Hinduism 5

04 Conclusion A

05 Bibliography B

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“ Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, “we believe”, and that they will not be judged?”

(Al Qur’an 29:2)

“As a Caterpillar which has wriggled to the top of a blade of grass draws itself over to a new blade, so does the soul, after it has put aside its body draw itself over to a new existence?

(Brihadaranyaka Upanishad   4:4:3)


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It sounds natural and logical that everyone should reap what

he has sown.  One should receive the fruit of his deeds.  If one

has sown flowers he should pluck flowers.  If one has sown

thorns he should pick thorns.

Islam has its own concept of life after death (Yowmul Akhir).

Our life on earth is meaningless without a test after death on

the Day of Judgment in the Court of Justice of Almighty Allah.

On the other hand, Hinduisam has also their way of life here

and the life hereafter, which is almost based on the same basic

principles as that of Islam and other religions in the world.

Concept of Day of Judgment or Life after death in Islam

As justice is the main concern of Islam it is necessary that people should get

justice in this world and the world hereafter.  It sounds natural and logical

that everyone should reap what he has sown.  One should receive the fruit of

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his deeds.  If one has sown flowers he should pluck flowers.  If one has

sown thorns he should pick thorns.  Virtues breed virtues and vices breed

vices.  The Day of Judgment in the Quran has been also named as the Day

of Reckoning, the Day of Resurrection, the Dooms day or the Day of

Accountability.  The account of the deeds of everyone is being maintained. 

Islamic concept of two angels maintaining the record of ever word and

movement is scientific.  The video has solved this mystery.  The alpha and

beta rays have special role in photographic process.  The Gamma rays play

their own part.  It is a great lesson.  If through material rays we can preserve

activities there should be no doubt about our record preserved by the special

divine agencies.  The Quran in Sura“The Friday Prayers” announces:

“The death from which you flee will truly overtake you; then

will you be sent back to the knower of the things secret and

open; and He will tell you (the truth) of the things you


Everybody’s record is being maintained during his life period.  It is very

accurate record.  The Day of Judgment is the day of justice.  No body will be

wronged.  His limbs will be his witness.  He will see his record and his video

film will be shown to him.  Everyone will be rewarded or punished

according to his deeds. 

The Quran in Sura“The Israelite” says;

“Everyman’s fate we have fastened on his own neck.  On the

Day of Judgment we shall bring out for him a scroll, which

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he will see spread open.  Read thine record sufficient is thy

soul this day to make out an account against thee”. (17:13-


As the literal meaning of Arabic word used for the Day of Judgment

“Qayamah” is to rise up, hence the question arise as to why they should be

raised up after demise.  There are three reasons for “Qayamah”.

(a) It is the demand of natural and divine justice that everyone should get

the result of his life examination.  As in academies one is given result of his

tests, similarly everyone must get the result whether he passes or fails. 

About the examination of Life in Sura “The Bee” the Quran says:

“Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has

Faith, verily to him we will give a new life, a life that is good

and pure, and we will bestow on such their reward

according to the best of their actions.” (16:97).

(b) Had there been no concept of the Day of Judgment there would have

been no human morality.  Might is right would have become the law of the

day.  The concepts of Hell and Heaven are very essential to keep balance in

human conduct.  The tyrants, the oppressors, the murderers and the

aggressors must be punished.  If they escape in this world because of their

power, pelf and influence they must be punished on Doomsday.  Abraham

must be rewarded and Nimrod must be chastised.  Moses must be rewarded

and Pharaoh be punished.  Hussain be rewarded and Yazid be punished. 

It is divine justice and God promises that.  In the Quran in Sura “Abraham”

about the virtuous and righteous people God says;

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“But those who believe and work righteousness be

admitted to gardens beneath which rivers flow.  To dwell

therein for aye with the permission of their lord.”(14:23).

(c) All the prophets have promised this day.  They were sooth – sayers. 

They were divinely appointed.  They were not liars.  They were the

messengers and warners sent from God.  We must believe in their words and

vows.  We have no reason to reject or refute them.  They valiantly, patiently

and boldly bore the inflictions and excesses.  They were tortured.  They were

persecuted.  They were executed.  But they never bowed before tyrants and

vicious forces.  Their steadfastness and perseverance testifies the truth of

their mission when such truthful people believed in the Doomsday, we have

no reason to disbelieve in which they believed.  Now let us briefly discuss

the Quranic logic about the Day of Judgment.  The Quran refutes the plea of

the unbelievers who say that how it can happen.  After death when we will

be turned into dust, then how can we resurrect?  The Quran in Sura “Yasin”


“Does not man realize that we created him from a seed of

fluid?  Yet he does not believe and forgets even his own

creation.  He says as to who could revive the decayed bones

back to life from nonentity.” (36:79).

After giving the argument of first birth the Quran gives the second

argument.  It says:

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“one of the clear divine signs is that you see the earth dead

and motionless, but as soon as Allah pours rain on it, it

comes to life and becomes fertile and green.  Allah who

revives the dead earth to life will also revive the dead man

to life.  Allah is able to do all things: (41:39). 

Then in Sura “Saad” the Quran gives third argument on the basis of Justice. 

It is related to the Islamic concept of Good and Bad.  The Quran says:

“We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that

is between them in vain, though this is the belief of the

infidels.  Woe to the disbelievers; they will suffer the

torment of the Hellfire.  Do we consider the righteously

striving believers equal to the evil doers in the earth?  Are

the pious ones equal to those who openly commit sins?”


Concept of rebirth in Hinduism – Reincarnation or

Transmigration of the Souls

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Most of the Hindus believe in the cycle of birth, death and rebirth, which

is called ‘Samsara’.

 ‘Samsara’ or the doctrine of rebirth is also known as the theory of

reincarnation or of transmigration of the soul. This doctrine is

considered to be a basic tenet of Hinduism. According to doctrine of

rebirth, differences between individuals, even at the time of their birth

are due to their past karma i.e. actions done in the past birth. For

example if one child is born healthy while another is handicapped or

blind, the differences are attributed to their deeds in their previous lives.

Those who believe in this theory reason that since all actions may not

bear fruit in this life, there has to be another life for facing or reaping the

consequences of one’s actions.

 a)     It is mentioned in the Bhagvad Gita

“As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones,

the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up

the old and useless.”

(Bhagvad Gita 2:22)

 b)     The Doctrine of Re-birth is also described in Brihadaranyaka


“As a Caterpillar which has wriggled to the top of a blade

of grass draws itself over to a new blade, so does the

soul, after it has put aside its body draws itself over to a

new existence. (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad  4:4:3)

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Karma – The law of Cause and Effect:

 Karma means act, deed, action or activity and refers not only to action

undertaken by the body but also to those undertaken by the mind. Karma

is actually action and reaction or the law of cause and effect. It is

explained by the saying, “As we sow, so shall we reap”. A farmer cannot

sow wheat and expect rice to grow. Similarly, every good thought, word

or deed begets a similar reaction which affects our next life and every

unkind thought, harsh word and evil deed comes back to harm us in this

life or in the next life.


Dharma – Righteous Duties:

 Dharma means what is right or righteous duties. This includes what is

right for the individual, family, the class or caste and also for the

universe itself. In order to achieve good karma, life should be lived

according to Dharma, otherwise it will result in bad karma. Dharma

affects both, the present life and the future as well.


Life after Death in the Vedas:

 There is reference to life after death in the Vedas. It is mentioned in:

a.      Rigved Book no. 10, Hymn no. 16 verse no. 4

“The unborn portion, burn that, AGNI, with thy heat; let

thy flame, thy splendour, consume it; with those glorious

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members which thou hast given him, JATAVEDAS, bear

him to the world (of the virtuous)” 

(Rigved 10:16:4)


The Sanskrit word ‘Sukritam u Lokam’ means ‘the word of the virtuous

or region of the pious, referring to the hereafter.

The next verse i.e.

 b.   Rigveda Book 10 hymn 16 verse 5 says:

“… Putting on (Celestial) life, let the remains (of bodily

like) depart: let him, JATAVEDAS be associated with a


(Rigveda 10:16:5)

 This verse too refers to a second life i.e. life after death.


Paradise – Swarga in the Vedas:

 'Swarg’ i.e. Paradise, is described in several places in the Vedas


 a.   Atharva Veda Book 4 hymn 34 verse 6 (Devichand)

 “May all these streams of butter, with their banks of

honey, flowing with distilled water, and milk and curds

and water reach thee in domestic life enhancing thy

pleasure. May thou acquire completely these things

strengthening the soul in diverse ways.” (Atharva Veda


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 Atharva Veda Book 4 hymn 34 verse 6 (Ved Pra.)

 “Having pools of clarified butter, stocks of sweet honey,

and having exhilarating drinks for water, full of milk and

curds, may all these streams flow to us in the world of

happiness swelling sweetly. May our lakes full of lotuses

be situated near us.”  

 (Atharva Veda 4:34:6)

 b.      It is mentioned in Atharvaveda

 “Bereft of physical bodies, pure, cleansed with the wind,

brilliant, they go to a brilliant world. The fire does not

cause burning in their male organ. In the world of

happiness they get plenty of women.        

(Atharva Veda 4:34:2)


c)      It is mentioned in Atharvaveda:

 May the realised ones, first of all, take the vital breath

under their control from the limbs in which it has been

circulating. Go to heaven stay firm with all the parts of

your body. Attain the world of light and emancipation,

following the path of the enlightened ones (your


(Atharva Veda 2:34:5)

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d)     It is mentioned in Atharavaveda

 “O both of you, start to accomplish it, make determined

effort to accomplish it. Those having unflinching faith

attain this abode of happiness. Whatever ripe offerings

you have made in fire of sacrifice, may both, the husband

and wife, stand united to guard them with care.

(Atharva Veda 6:122:5)


e)     It is mentioned in the Rigveda:

 “O Aila, the loud-sounding clouds, these divines say to

you, since you are indeed subject to death, let your

progeny propitiate your revered cosmic forces with

oblations, then alone you shall rejoice (with me) in


(Rigveda 10:95:18)


Hell – ‘Nark’ in the Vedas

 ‘Nark’ or ‘Hell’ is also described in the Vedas and the Sanskrit word

used is ‘Narakasthanam’.


It is also mentioned in Rigveda:

 “May the bounteous fire divine, consume them with his

fiercely glowing sharp jaws like flames, who disregard

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the commandments and steadfast laws of most venerable

and sagacious Lord.

(Rigveda 4:5:4)


Hindus and Muslims both have the concept of life after death, which is quite

different from each other, but Islam, Hinduism and all other religions in the

world have the concept of Judgment after the life hereafter.

Belief in the Day of Judgment is very important and vital for all the people

particularly the Muslims. Life on this earth is temporary and is meant to be a

preparation for Akhira (the Day of Judgment), which is never ending. Life

on this earth becomes meaningless if good actions are not rewarded and bad

conduct not punished.

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“”. “”

BooksThe Day of Judgment by Harun Yahya



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 Tarjuman-Al Quran

Faith Readers


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