Page 1: Congregation B’nai · 2012-04-09 · Harry Belafonte. (Harry Belafonte stars as the Jewish angel, who is sent to

Congregation B’nai Jacob

September 2009 5770 Elul-Tishrei

Rabbi’s Message

Dear friends,

We are looking forward to the holidays. As they are falling in the main on the weekends, we are hopeful to see you and your families in synagogue. Perhaps out of towners will be visiting as well!

September is going to be a busy month. On September 8th religious school begins. We are looking forward to a rewarding and exciting year with our students, teachers and parents.

Yes, the holidays are upon us! As you will see elsewhere in this bulletin, there will be a special Selichot program, Saturday evening September 12th,

Mitchell Kornspan, Rabbi Shabbat Service Ron Friedman, President

Weekly Portion: Ki Tavo Earliest CL 6:47pm/CL 7:48pm Friday September 4th Services7:30pm Havdalah: 8:49pm Saturday September 5th Services 9:15am Torah Class 1:00pm

Weekly Portion: Nitzavim-Vayelech Earliest CL 6:37pm/CL 7:37pm Friday September 11th Services 7:30pm Havdalah: 8:37pm Saturday September 12th Services 9:15am Torah Class 1:00pm Selichot 8:30pm

ROSH HASHANAH Earliest CL 6:28pm/CL 7:25pm Friday September 18th Services 7:30pm CL Saturday Evening 8:25pm Saturday September 19th Services 8:30am Jr. Cong. 10:30am Tashlich following Sunday Services Mincha/Maariv 7:30pm CL 8:25pm Havdalah Sunday Evening 8:23pm Sunday September 20th Services 8:30am Jr. Cong. 10:30am Weekly Portion: Haazinu Shabbat Shuvah Earliest CL 6:18pm/CL 7:13pm Friday September 25th Services 7:30pm Havdalah: 8:13pm Saturday September 26th Services 9:15am Torah Class 1:00pm

Yom Kippur CL 7:09pm Sunday September 27th Mincha 7:00pm Kol Nidre 7:15pm Havdalah: 8:00pm Monday September 28th Services 8:30am Jr. Cong. 10:30am Yizkor 11:00am Mincha 5:30pm Neilah 6:50pm

Sukkot CL 7:01pm Friday October 2nd 7:00pm Services and Sukkah Seuda at Rabbi and Rebbetzin’s Saturday October 3rd Services 9:15am Saturday CL 8:01pm Sunday October 4th Services 9:15am Saturday Evening CL 8:00pm

Page 2: Congregation B’nai · 2012-04-09 · Harry Belafonte. (Harry Belafonte stars as the Jewish angel, who is sent to

at 8:30 p.m. Following Havdala, we will have a vintage movie entitled The Angel Levine. It is a movie made in the 1970’s with Zero Mostel and Harry Belafonte. (Harry Belafonte stars as the Jewish angel, who is sent to give Zero Mostel hope!) Although the film is funny, come and you will see how it ties into the themes of Selichot and the High Holy Days.

After we change the Torah covers, we will begin the Selichot Service, which is a brief but moving service helping us to prepare our hearts and souls for the upcoming days of introspection.

Our Kever Avot, cemetery visitation and prayers will be Sunday, September 13th. We will meet at Lindenwood at 10:00 a.m. and at the Jewish Cemetery at 11:00 a.m.

This year, there is unfortunately no need for High Holiday babysitting, but there will be Junior Congregation for our students in the Rebbetzin’s class, and in Missy Schneider’s and Nina Bosell’s classes, led by these teachers. The sessions will begin at 10:30 a.m. on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

At the conclusion of services on both days of Rosh Hashanah, I will be asking all of our youths, even the smallest, who can be accompanied by parents or grandparents, to come forward for a blessing.

On Sunday, we have planned to do Tashlich, immediately following the last blasts of the shofar and the blessing of our children. If any of our youth have their own shofar, they may bring them, and sound the tekiah gedolah, the last long blast, together with Dan Bradley.

Tashlich is a short but beautiful ceremony, in which we ask G-d to forgive our mistakes and sins. Symbolically, we take bread with us and throw it into the water, as if to say that if we could, we would toss away all of our trespasses. This ceremony has always been enjoyed by “children of ALL ages,” and I encourage you to come, bringing your bread with you.

Please consider having an Aliya this year. Josh Tourkow would be very pleased to coordinate this with you. And, if you haven’t placed a loved one’s

name in our Yizkor Book of Remembrance, now is the time to call or send in your request.

And, please don’t forget the Break-the-fast at the conclusion of Yom Kippur. Please r.s.v.p. the office with your reservation.

The Rebbetzin and I would like to invite you to our home for the first night of Sukkot on Friday, October 2nd, at 7 p.m. We will hold the Friday evening services for Sukkot and then have a Shabbat Sukkot meal (Seudah) in our Sukkah and at our home. Please r.s.v.p. to the office.

Penny and I wish you a happy and healthy New Year. “ Lshanah Tovah Tikatevu V’techatemu” - May you and your loved ones be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life!



Mazel Tov to Brad and Emily Finkel on Ben’s Mikveh!!!

A big thank you to the board and congregation for the Tree

of Life Leaf

Jan Finkel

Thank you to Josh and Donna Tourkow for hosting the wonderful pool party and

Ice Cream Social.

Yizkor Memorial Book

Page 3: Congregation B’nai · 2012-04-09 · Harry Belafonte. (Harry Belafonte stars as the Jewish angel, who is sent to

Don’t forget to purchase your Yizkor Memorial Book by August 30th. This is a great way to remember those from our B’nai Jacob family. The minimum donation is $18.00 per name. The books will be available during Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur services.

For non-members there will be a charge for High Holiday services:

$100.00 per person for people in our service area and $50.00 per person for those out of our service

area. For details and to make arrangements please

contact Estelle Greenberg at 747-5098

If you would l ike to order a Lulav and Etrog contact the synagogue office right now


Religious School begins Tuesday September 8th at 4 p.m.

Selichot Program Saturday evening September 12th

at 8:30 p.m. Havdalah and refreshments

Viewing the movie The Angel Levine Changing Torah Covers and Selichot service.

Don’t forget to pick up your new calendar located on the tables in the hallway.

Kever Avot Cemetery Visitation

Sunday September 13th 10 am Lindenwood

11 am Jewish Cemetery

Maze l  Tov   to  Rabbi  and  Rebbetz in  Kornspan  on  

the  b i r th  o f  Sh i loh  Kornspan   to  parents  Yonatan  

and  Sh lomit   in  Shvut  Rache l ,   I s rae l .  

The very best wishes for a New Year of health, happiness and


Dan, Annie, Gerry and Steve Appel

Best wishes for a healthy and Happy New Year

Josh and Donna Tourkow

and Family

In this bulletin for the High Holy Days, I have shortened my column. Gamarti lasafer hachayim, P.Kornspan Partaking of Parashiot Sept. 5, 2009 / 18 Elul, 5759 Ki Tavo Triennial cycle: Devarim 26:12 –28:6 More instructions are enumerated regarding tithing, while calling them “holy things.” We are labeled His “treasured people” and keeping the commands entitles us to the honor of being a holy nation. Great stones were set up for the inscription of the Torah, and for olot, a stone altar was constructed. The Israelites are divided into two camps for the recitation of the curses and the blessings. A pasuk to ponder: “And you shall say before the Eternal, your G-d, ‘I have removed the holy things from the house’…” 26:13 An open declaration is to be made upon this completion. R. Zalman Sorotzkin comments: “…the act of charity done with tithes should be publicized, so that others will learn to give as well.” He also reminds we are permitted to ‘test G-d’ regarding tithes (Malachi 3:10) For just a moment, consider what is labeled holy in the Torah. Now, what do you glean from the fact that the tithes are called holy?

Page 4: Congregation B’nai · 2012-04-09 · Harry Belafonte. (Harry Belafonte stars as the Jewish angel, who is sent to

Sept. 12, 2009/ 23 Elul 5759 Nitzavim/ Vayelekech Tri. Cycle: Devarim 30:1 –31:6 Revelation is made – G-d will bring the people back after “all these things.” The concept is G-d scatters B’nai Yisrael ‘among all the nations’ (as they were disobedient) and restores them to the Land (as the people turn back to Hashem). This return will mark abundance for us as a whole. The famed quote, “‘I have placed life and death before you…choose life…’” appears. Moshe went to the people, telling them it was time for him to step down; Joshua would lead them into the Land. A pasuk to ponder: “…listen to His Voice and cleave to Him…” 30:20 The dictionary definition of cleave is: to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly. The shoresh for this word supplies us with the modern Hebrew word for glue. On the lighter side, I am a big fan of the ‘post it glue’ sticks available. Even if we would adhere to Hashem via ‘post it glue,’ I suppose it would be better than nothing. In a sense we do that anyway because none of us can do it 24/7, but all of us could attempt an increased amount of time. Sept. 19, 2009 / 1 Tishre 5760 Rosh Hashana Bereshit 21:1 – 34 Hashem is said to have remembered Sarah; she gives birth to Yitzchak, who is circumcised on the eighth day. Sarah notes the problem with Ishmael, and she wants him and his mother removed from the home. Avraham talks this over with G-d and is told to ‘heed her voice.’ Hagar and son leave; the child nearly dies but is saved when Hagar sees the well, and obtains water. Well water rights become a contentious issue between Avraham and Avimelech; things were settled and Avraham remains on the land many years.

A pasuk to ponder: “‘Drive out that slave woman with her son…”’ 21:10 Hashem instructs Avraham to heed Sarah, and perhaps that is why commentators offer many reasons for this harsh action. Ultimately it was bashert, but I wonder why. Was it impossible to change the attitudes of Ishmael and Hagar? Was the rivalry between the two women that intense? Beyond that, why do we read this on the first day of Rosh Hashana? At this, the New Year, I invite you to join the Shabbat Torah class. These are the kinds of questions we ask each week. Three years ago we began the first book of the Torah, we are now in the last sedra. Come and B.Y.O.B! (bring your own beliefs) Sept. 26, 2009/ 8 Tishre 5760 Ha’azinu Triennial cycle: Devarim 32:1 –32:52 Through poetry, Moshe describes the Eternal, some history and some prophecy. He tells the people things will unfold as Hashem sees fit; while nations may be instruments He uses, Hashem is the Ultimate Cause and Divine justice will occur. The people need to listen and teach their children. Moshe is given a glimpse of the Land he is not permitted to enter. A pasuk to ponder: “For the Eternal’s portion is His people; Jacob is the measure of His inheritance.” 32:9 In Torah class we note the names Jacob and Yisrael are both used, and at times in close proximity to one another. Various exegesis are offered to guide us to understand the names. Fascinating the name Jacob is chosen here. Jacob was a man of action, who we often see in a very human light. Perhaps that is a key to its use here. We are a treasure even in our humanity.

Happy Holidays –Best

Wishes and Healthy New Year

Elmer and Jeanette Lewis

May you all be inscribed and sealed for a life full

of blessings

Ron, Pam, Josh, Rafi and Elianna Friedman

Our best wishes for a Happy and

Healthy New Year Gmar Chatima

Page 5: Congregation B’nai · 2012-04-09 · Harry Belafonte. (Harry Belafonte stars as the Jewish angel, who is sent to

Tova Rabbi and Rebbetzin Kornspan

Shana Tova to B’nai Jacob Family

Helena Finkelstein

Heartfelt prayers and good

wishes for the New Year to all members and their

families Congregation B’nai Jacob

Board of Directors

Wishes to all the

Jewish community Chag Sameah. A

good and sweet New Year 5770

Franck Hagendorf

Wishing everyone the happiest of days Tourkow/Sheray Family

L’Shanah Tova!

Steve and Jan Sarratore

To all my beloved family and wonderful friends. I wish a very Happy and

Healthy New Year Bee Siegel

To the entire B’nai Jacob Congregation, we wish you a healthy, happy, prosperous and sweet New Year

Fondly, Hugo and Lis Cohen Kahn and

Molly Karna Cohen


everyone in the B’nai Jacob

family a New Year filled with health and happiness

The Schneiders Mark, Missy, Gwen and


A Happy and Healthy

New Year Diane Wolf and family

Page 6: Congregation B’nai · 2012-04-09 · Harry Belafonte. (Harry Belafonte stars as the Jewish angel, who is sent to

September Congregational Donations

September Birthday’s

4- Ben Eisbart 5-Carolyn Horwitz

8-Benjamin Tourkow 12-Joshua Eisbart

13-Herb Kocks 13-Yuval Fuchs 15-Mary Bosell

17-Patrick Horwitz 17-Jennifer Trauner

18-Silvan Krel 18-Ethan Zweig

23-Rebecca Schneider 25-Susie Miller

29-Jeanne Winnick



Rabbi  Discretionary  Fund  In  memory  of  Cathy  Krainess                Ron  and  Susie  Miller    In  honor  of  Rabbi  and  Penny  on  the  birth  of  their  newest  grandson  Shiloh  Kornspan      Yehuda  and  Ovadya                                                                                In  loving  memory  of  Michael  Leib                                                                                                    Marvin  and  Doris  Gottlieb    Thank  you  to  Rabbi  for  the  support  during  this  hard  year  for  me  and  thank  you  for  the  lovely  service  for  the  unveiling  of  the  stone  of  Rosalie  Becker                                  Franck  Hagendorf    Thank  you  to  Rebbetzin  Penny  for  all  the  hard  work  you  did  to  cook  for  the  family  and  for  the  ceremony  of  the  unveiling  of  Rosalie  Becker’s  monument                                  Franck  Hagendorf  General  Fund  In  loving  memory  of  Joseph  Schmitz                          Elsa  Jakob    In  memory  of  Norma  Trauner  and  her  great  “Sweet  tooth”                            Anonymous              Torah  Maintenance  Fund  In  memory  of  all  the  Jews  forgotten  throughout  history  who  died                          Anonymous    Kiddush  Fund  In  honor  of  Lazette  Selan’s  birthday                              Anonymous  Yahrzeit  Fund  In  loving  memory  of  Bertha  Doran            Louise  Warshauer


                        Bar/Bat Mitzvah September Anniversaries

Benjamin Tourkow-Nitzavim/Vayelech Susie Miller-Nitzavim/Vayelech              

In  loving  memory  of  Abraham  Siegel                              Ralph  Levin    In  loving  memory  of  Abraham  and  Mildred  Kurtz                        Linda  Snitzer  In  loving  memory  of  Ed  Pownall        Jerry  and  Sue  Pownall    In  loving  memory  of  David  Babich                        Diane  Wolf    In  loving  memory  of  David  Lichtcsien                        Diane  Wolf    In  loving  memory  of  our  son  Michael        

               Jere  and  Arlene  Leib  A.J.  Ochstein  Fund  In  loving  memory  of  Morris  and  Gertrude  Schuster  and  Dr.  A.J.  Ochstein                              Beatrice  Ochstein    Winnick  Memorial  Garden  Fund  In  honor  of  Jeanne  Winnick’s  85th  birthday                                                                        Morris  Schwartz  In  honor  of  Jeanne  Winnick’s  85th  birthday                      Bernard  and  Jill  Loeb  In  honor  of  Jeanne  Winnick’s  85th  birthday                                                                                                                                                Leah  Tourkow          

September Anniversaries 4 Mark and Missy Schneider 4 Dan and Annie Appel 21 Paul and Jennifer Schuler 24 Daniel and Ann Droegmyer

Page 7: Congregation B’nai · 2012-04-09 · Harry Belafonte. (Harry Belafonte stars as the Jewish angel, who is sent to

September  Yahrzeits         Elul     September       Herman  Brateman   10   27-­‐28    Mary  Louise  Kaplan   12     31-­‐1         Louis  Goldberg     11   28-­‐29  Katie  Meyer     13     1-­‐2         Esther  Rose  Weinstein  12   29-­‐30  Frank  Salon     13     1-­‐2         Samuel  N.  Weinstein   12   29-­‐30  Alfred  Seiken     14     2-­‐3         Milton  Jay     12   29-­‐30  Joseph  Goltz     14     2-­‐3          Marian  Rodman   14     2-­‐3        Lillian  Facks  Ochstein   14     2-­‐3          Dr.  Abraham  J.  Ochstein   14     2-­‐3  Sophia  Bialick     15     3-­‐4  Hugh  Rynearson   15     3-­‐4  Dora  Buxbaum     16     4-­‐5  Phil  Zacharia     16     4-­‐5  Rose  Leib  Rothman   17     5-­‐6  Alex  Feldman     17     5-­‐6  Rose  J.  Kaplan     17     5-­‐6  Michael  Katz     18     6-­‐7  Abe  Beck     19     7-­‐8  Fay  Slutsky     19     7-­‐8  Becky  Lichtcsien   19     7-­‐8  Rose  Himelstein   20     8-­‐9  Jack  Dubrove     20     8-­‐9  Rex  P.  Mercer     20     8-­‐9  Lottie  Colvcci     21     9-­‐10  Irving  Golder     22     10-­‐11  Jeanette  Silverman   22     10-­‐11  Sam  Landy     23     11-­‐12  Rose  Walters     24     12-­‐13  Tillie  Schubert     26     14-­‐15  Sam  Levin     27     15-­‐16  Herb  Alpert     28     16-­‐17  Evelyn  Feldman   29     17-­‐18         Tishrei      Deborah  Rifkin     1     18-­‐19  Joseph  Mayer  Levy   3     20-­‐21  Freda  Kaplan     3     20-­‐21  Gladys  Adams     3     20-­‐21  Jack  Moyer     4     21-­‐22  Mariam  Nemoff   5     22-­‐23  Leah  Berebitsky   6     23-­‐24  Ida  Weinstein     6     23-­‐24  Goldye  Kaplan     6     23-­‐24  Adrienne  Korr     6     23-­‐24  Barry  Pass     6     23-­‐24  Mashe  Soloway   7     24-­‐25  Louis  Israel  Brateman   7     24-­‐25  Meyer  Ruchman   8     25-­‐26  Lottie  Guttmacher   8     25-­‐26  Joseph  Lowenhar   10     27-­‐28  Siegmund  Kaufman   10     27-­‐28  Fannie  Merin     10     27-­‐28  Simon  Merin     10     27-­‐28  

If you would like to make a donation in honor/memory of someone, please fill out the form and submit it with your check to : Congregation B’nai Jacob 7227 Bittersweet Moors Drive Fort Wayne, IN 46814 I have enclosed $_________in honor/memory of:________________________________ From:_________________________________

Fund Preference: Please indicate which fund you prefer to donate to:

___A.J. Ochstein Fund ___Building Fund ___David Siegel Memorial Fund ___General Fund ___Kiddush Fund ___Levy/Levin Endowment Fund ___Library Fund ___Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund ___Seth Horwitz Education Fund ___Simon/Hannah Crell Education Fund ___Sisterhood Nursery Fund ___Torah Maintenance Fund ___Winnick Memorial Garden Fund ___Yahrzeit Fund

Page 8: Congregation B’nai · 2012-04-09 · Harry Belafonte. (Harry Belafonte stars as the Jewish angel, who is sent to

Congregation B’nai Jacob Non Profit Organization  7227 Bittersweet Moors Drive U.S. Postage Paid Fort Wayne, IN 46814 Fort Wayne, IN (260) 672-8459 Permit 1402 [email protected] Rabbi Mitchell Kornspan President Ron Friedman 1st Vice President Mike Adams 2nd Vice President Dan Bradley Recording Secretary Susie Miller Financial Secretary Estelle Greenberg Co Treasurer Donna Tourkow Co Treasurer Mort Schaffer Past President David Bussell Past President Josh Tourkow Past President Scott Trauner Board Members Jennifer Schuler Paula Adams Marc Nusholtz Yuval Fuchs Pam Friedman Dan Appel David Miller Janet Finkel

Page 9: Congregation B’nai · 2012-04-09 · Harry Belafonte. (Harry Belafonte stars as the Jewish angel, who is sent to
