  • 8/6/2019 Connect 2 Convert Newsletter Shavout 5771


    Shavout Newsleer 577

    Connect 2 Convert

  • 8/6/2019 Connect 2 Convert Newsletter Shavout 5771


    he first word in the

    Torah is one of the

    more difficult words to

    translate on a simple

    format. Whilst it is

    usually translated in the

    beginning the Hebrew

    itself does not directly

    translate that way and

    does not lend itself to

    any one simple

    translaon. The Rabbis

    of the Medrash provided

    us with homilec transla-

    ons, one of which isFor the Torah G-d created the heavens and the earth. Late

    on, when the Jewish Naon is called to receive the Torah we

    find that they stood under the mountain which the

    homilec translaon renders that G-d lied the mountain

    over them like a barrel and told them that if they accept th

    Torah, fine; but if not there they would be buried and the

    world would come to an end.

    Shavout is the holiday that celebrates the union of Israel an

    the Torah. It celebrates the mass conversion of three million

    souls from being special Noahides to being Jews. Those whcome to Torah on their own and not from being born in a

    house dedicated to Torah study can appreciate their ow

    personal Shavout. Yet on this day all of Israel is united i

    rising up early and greeng the Torah, receiving it, and

    standing when the Decalogue is read just as our physical and

    spiritual fathers stood at Mt. Sinai so many years ago

    For those of us who are not yet Jews, it is the holiday on

    which we read the words together with Ruth, Where you go

    I will go; where you lie I will lie; your people is my people; and

    your G-d is my G-d.

    Join the Jewish Naon this Shavout in accepng the Torah

    and the Service of Hashem.

    Rabbi Aryeh Moshen

    Execuve Director

    Connect 2 Convert


    Dear Reader,


    CHESSEDBy Jacob O'Brien

    GEVURAHBy Aimee Carter

    TIFERESBy Stephen Goldenberg

    NETZACHBy Eftim Cesmedziev

    HODBy Jens Juhl

    YESODBy Kyle Irby

    MALCHUSBy Yiskah Mosheh


    TORAH ON ONE FOOTBy Yehoshua Parker

    VAAD HADAYANIMHaRav Pinchas RabinovitzHaRav Moshe SoloveitchikHaRav Yisroel Dov Webster

    EXECUTIVE BOARDHaRav Yosef EisenDr. Simchah CohenJason Shanbaum, esq.

    Yehoshua ParkerChief Operating Officer

    Rabbi Aryeh MoshenExecutive Director

    962 E32nd StreetBrooklyn, NY 11210Tel: (917) 273-1089

    [email protected]

  • 8/6/2019 Connect 2 Convert Newsletter Shavout 5771


    The Requirement to Count Sefirah

    The energy that G-d uses to create and sustain the world can be likened to a bright light of

    illuminang existence. So bright, complex, and infinite is this light that finite beings cannot

    begin to comprehend it in its totality.

    As understood from Jewish myscism, during creaon, the world was gied a system of

    understanding this bright light: a metaphoric system of divine traits known as Sefirot. Like a

    prism breaking down light, the system ofSefirotdiffuses infinite light into ten comprehensible

    manifestaons of G-ds presence. Acng as anthromorphic concepts, the Sefirotwere given to

    mankind as a means to develop as a more personal relaonship with their Creator. They are, in

    essence, the various personalies of G-d.

    Taken literally, a sefirah translates as sphere, but is also related to the words sipur, story; safar,

    number, and sfar, boundary. The gramacal similarity is instrucve: Sefirotallow us to view the

    story of Creaon and its boundaries from the viewpoint of the Creator.

    Relang to Torah, there is a direct comandment to count the "Omer" for each of the forty nine

    days from Passover to Shavout. People count what is of importance to them, hence, each of

    these forty nine days can become a means for self improvement. TheZohar HaKadosh - the

    foundaonal work of Jewis myscism - compares this counng to a woman preparing herself

    for her union with her husband. In preparaon for the union with HaKadosh Baruch Hu at Har

    Sinai, the Jewish people had to go through an extreme purificaon of seven mes seven days,

    similar to a bride that purifies herself for seven days prior to her wedding. The Jewish soul is

    compared to the luchos, the Tablets that Moses brought down at Mount Sinai. Every year

    there is a potenal for every Jew to have a personal exodus from the "impurity of Egypt" and

    subsequently to accept the Torah.

    For each week ofSefiras HaOmer, a specific character trait is focused upon, hopefully bringing

    out its pure element. What are these divine traits, and how what can we learn from them?

    And you shall count for yourselves,









    Shavout Newsleer 5771

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  • 8/6/2019 Connect 2 Convert Newsletter Shavout 5771


    Shavout Newsleer 5771

    Chessed is kindness, the root of HaKadosh Baruch Hu, and personified in this world

    through the Patriarch Avrohom. True Chessedis universal and limitless: Avrohoms tent

    was open to four sides, inving anyone of any creed. Chessed implies selflessness.

    [email protected]

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    Gevurah is restraint, holding back from ones natural inclinaons, and is associated by

    the Patriarch Yitzchok. Ulized for good, the trait ofGevurah allows a person to establish

    boundaries and limits, effecvely providing definion to ones life.

    Tiferes is beauty of harmony between Chessedand Gevurah, and is personified by thePatriarch Yaakov. More than just a middle ground between Avrohom and Yitzchok,

    Tiferes represented an enrely new way to approach G-d: harmony and truth.

    Just as Chessed, Gevurah, and Tiferes form a triangular unit, Netzach provides the long

    term view. Netzach means victory, but is also translated as eternity. Associated with

    Moses, Netzach infers seng lasng goals, those done for the sake of Heaven

    Hod is charasmac beauty, personified by Mosess brother Aron. As compliment to

    Netzach, Hodexemplifies free will choice of the moment. It is for this reason, that Hodi

    gramacally linked to Hodaah, implying acknowledgment and thanks.

    Yesod is the conduit by which Divine Blessing comes to this world. Translang as

    foundaon, Yesodis represented by the reproducve organ, and is tasked with creang

    a relaonship where Heaven touches Earth. The Patriarch Yosef is associated.

    Malchus differs from all other sefirotin that it does not focus on one characterisc, but

    on the totality of the parts. The first six sefirot are masculine, whereas Malchus is

    feminine: it receives everything from the other sefirot as it has no light by itself

    Personified by King David, Malchus is about acon and this world: it is the

    applicaon of perfected character traits.

  • 8/6/2019 Connect 2 Convert Newsletter Shavout 5771


    Shavout Newsleer 5771

    Chessed is kindness, the root of HaKadosh Baruch Hu, and personified in this world

    through the Patriarch Avrohom. True Chessedis universal and limitless: Avrohoms tent

    was open to four sides, inving anyone of any creed. Chessed implies selflessness.

    [email protected]

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    Chessed, the ideal trait of unlimited kindnesssomething everyone needs in his or her life, be they

    Noachide or Jew. Avinu Avraham expressed this best in my opinion when appealing to HaKadosh

    Baruch Hu for the inhabitants of the city of Sodom. Avinu Avraham begged the Eternal One to spare the

    city first for fiy, then forty-five, then aer more requests, HaShem agreed not to detroy the city for ten

    righteous. These were ten righteous that Avraham did not know, had never met, and likely never

    wouldif they existed at all. The great Chessed Avraham exercised is an example to us all, showing usthat we should all show kindness, even to those we do not know or are even invisible to us.

    Chessed is important to me not only because of Avraham's example, but also because of Moshe's

    inummerable example's, and HaShem's return of mercy when appropriate. In addion to following

    Mitzvos, I try to follow a Torah lifestyle by following Moshe's examples. The story of the second Pesach

    offering in Numbers is a favorite, as Moses hears the story of the impure men and goes to HaShem on

    their behalf so that they may also serve HaShem. The stories of the bronze serpent and the scorpions

    that appealed to Moses kindness also appeal to me. When I am asked by an unknown group to donate

    money, I have no idea where the money is going, whether they are telling me the truth or not. I give

    because I want to, based on their request, their need. If they have ulterior moves for the money, that

    will be between them and HaShem.

    Being a Noachide and a pre-convert, Chessedis important because it is a quality HaShem wants all of

    us to have. HaShem says that He shows kindness to the thousandth generaon of those who love Him

    and follow His Mitzvos, and we are always exhorted to be holy, and like Him. If He has a quality, we are

    urger to have it also to be more like Him. When we celebrate receiving the Torah on Shavous, Chessed

    is again that intermingled quality between HaKadosh Baruch Hu and us. The Torah is G-d's Love and

    Chessedtoward us, and we cannot accept it without accepng His Love and having that Chessed to

    accept and pracce what the Torah teaches. So many mes the Torah teaches "do not oppress" and

    "you shall not defraud", not to menon "you shall not profit by the blood of your countryman."

    Without Chessed, no one can begin to pracce Torah. Without Torah, there is no life, for it is our "life

    and length of our days."

    Jacob O'Brien

    San Francisco, California

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    Shavout Newsleer 5771

    [email protected]

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    Gevurah is restraint, holding back from ones natural inclinaons, and is associated by

    the Patriarch Yitzchok. Ulized for good, the trait ofGevurah allows a person to establish

    boundaries and limits, effecvely providing definion to ones life.

    Gevurah to me implies following the direcon of Hashem even when external sources try to

    dissuade my path. Being able to follow the mitzvoth as directed by Hashem, can be challenging

    in todays world. There are constant distracons and the body struggles to overpower the

    direcon of the soul. Being able to exhibit restraint over ones inclinaons and follow the

    direcon of Hashem, is part of the test I am given while here on earth.

    When I exhibit Gevurah; it is fulfilling and I sense a great deal of peace. I am following Hashems

    direcon by exhibing strength in character thereby drawing myself closer to Hashem.

    Gevurah is required in performing certain mitzvoth. As a convert, Gevurah is important to show

    that I understand the mitzvoth and can acvely integrate their performance into my life and live

    as a righteous Jew. Addionally, perfecng the trait ofGevurah demonstrates my willingness to

    follow the commandments of Hashem. This directly correlates to the acceptance of the Torah

    for Shavuot.

    Aimee Carter

    Salt Lake City, Utah

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    Shavout Newsleer 5771

    [email protected]

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    Tiferes is beauty of harmony between Chessedand Gevurah, and is personified by the

    Patriarch Yaakov. More than just a middle ground between Avrohom and Yitzchok,

    Tiferes represented an enrely new way to approach G-d: harmony and truth.

    Tiferes is a characterisc that speaks to me because it

    internalizes Chesed and Gevurah. Although Chesed can

    be understood as caring for another Jew, Shavous

    contains the ulmate Chesed: the gi of Torah at

    Har Sinai. The giving of Torah was not just kindness, but

    also included the instrucons on how to overcome the

    yetzer hara, instrucons for overpowering our

    inclinaons. Thus, Shavous is the balance between

    Chesedand Gevurah, the very beauty of our connec-

    on to the Ribono Shel Olam.

    As a Torah observant Jew, Shavuos is my favorite holiday

    because it is the gi of Torah which separates us from the

    rest of the naons, and gives us a meaningful path for

    life. Shavuos also means oaths, for on this day G-d swore

    eternal devoon to us, and in turn we in pledge

    everlasng loyalty to the Ribono Shel Olam.

    What does it mean to be a convert and live this trait?

    I do not think this trait will ever be completely perfected

    because everything in Yiddishkeit is an ongoing process.

    We should, however, always strive to always beer

    ourselves: learn more Torah, do more Mitzvahs and to

    perfect our Middos (character traits).

    Stephen Goldenberg

    El Paso, Texas

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    Shavout Newsleer 5771

    [email protected]

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    Just as Chessed, Gevurah, and Tiferes form a triangular unit, Netzach provides the long

    term view. Netzach means victory, but is also translated as eternity. Associated with

    Moses, Netzach infers seng lasng goals, those done for the sake of Heaven

    When I buy new clothes, I purchase them with special intent. It is easy to go to a store and buy

    without thought - most people do.

    There can be, however, a deeper way to buy clothes when you have in mind the purpose behindthe fabric. I bought my first pair oftzitzis with the characterisc ofNetach, performing acons that

    are done for the sake of Heaven.

    When I put on tzitzis for the first me, I felt my soul begin to change. I remember that moment very

    well: the feeling was special, and my soul was rejoicing for the opportunity to follow G-d's word in

    pracce. Like an ambassador who represents a foreign country, I feel that I am represenng the

    Eternal One's word, and that is BIG honor and responsibility.

    Today, tzitzis are an honor for me. They help me focus on G-d's word, and help me to keep

    improving my character. Thanks to G-d Almighty for that powerful tool that He gave us

    Eim Cesmedziev

    Los Angeles, California

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    Shavout Newsleer 5771

    [email protected]

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    Hod is charasmac beauty, personified by Mosess brother Aron. As compliment to

    Netzach, Hodexemplifies free will choice of the moment. It is for this reason, that Hodi

    gramacally linked to Hodaah, implying acknowledgment and thanks.

    Quite oen, the subject of prayer has come up in discussion circles that Ive been in. Within Judaism,

    I now have fairly set general prayer mes, with shacharis (morning), minchah (aernoon), and

    maariv (evening) prayer services that have been wrien generaons ago. But I sll look at prayer

    much the same as I did before finding my way back home to Judaismdavvening is davvening, but a

    life well lived is a constant prayer.

    Hodis a sephirah that encompasses many concepts of the western tongue, among these are; majesty,

    splendor, praise, thanks, and submission. To take the lessons of Torah, and the mitzvoth therein, and

    to incorporate them in ones daily life, is to live in a constant state of prayer. Many mes in the Torah,

    the phrase comes that a person should have the fear of G-d upon them at all mes. Indeed, this is

    even the purpose to wear a kippah (yarmulke), to remind oneself of this. But does this mean that one

    should be in constant fear of messing up? Quite the opposite! The fear of G-d, is a recognion of

    the majesty, mercy, strength, wisdom, and graciousness of the all permeang is-ness that connues

    is-ing so that we can all is. The study of torah, and the performance of mitzvoth, are designed that

    the will of Hashem infiltrate our lives, so that the people Yisroel not turn to rote, mindless doing,

    without thought of the reason behind the doing. Doing without thinking, is a hallmark of the animal

    world. Indeed, reflex acon is pure animal insnct. Doing with purpose, with mindfulness, that is the

    goal of mitzvoth in Orthodox Judaism.

    It is said that in the world to come, each Jew will be asked the queson, did you set aside me to

    study torah? When we set aside me to study torah, when we schedule it into or day in the morning,

    and evening, at set mes, giving study (Talmud) of Torah its due importance, we are given the gi of

    applying our learning for the rest of our day. The study is a mitzvah, and through the mitzvah, one

    gains an inmate knowledge of the other mitzvoth, that it becomes a living enty, and we can then

    release this G-d willed enty into the world through doing mitzvoth. When we release the will of

    Hashem into the world, the mundane is raised to holiness; by raising the mundane (chol) to the level

    of the holy (kadosh), our every acon tells Hashem, you are Melech Haolam (king of the universe), I

    submit to you and your will, and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to perform your will. It is a

    great responsibility, and a great honor, to display your splendor to your creaon.

    This, is living life as prayer. This, is what Hodmeans to me, and this is what torah allows me to

    createa beauful song, resplendent with notes that have been known since the beginning of me.

    Incidentally, Hodis referred to as the right foot of the sephirot, while Netzach (victory) is the le foot.

    One might think that the right foot (the strong foot) would refer to victory, but in Judaism, victory does

    not come without thanks and credit being given to Hashem. Perhaps in this way, prayer, thanks,

    gratude, lead to victory following in stride as a natural progression of the feet.

    Jens Juhl

    Knoxville, Tennessee

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    Shavout Newsleer 5771

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    Yesod is the conduit by which Divine Blessing comes to this world. Translang as

    foundaon, Yesodis represented by the reproducve organ, and is tasked with creang

    a relaonship where Heaven touches Earth. The Patriarch Yosef is associated.

    The sefirah ofYesodencompasses two ideas that are very important to me. First, Yesodis considered to

    be the foundaon, and it is thus represented by the procreave organs. The first mitzvah in the Torah isto be fruiul and mulply procreaon. Procreaon can happen on two levels; in the physical world,

    and in the spiritual world. G-d willing, both will have an impact in my life. Spiritually speaking, a sort of

    procreaon has taken place that has moved my wife and me in the direcon of the emes of Torah. Once

    we go to the mikvah, iyH, we will be new Jews. Once this happens, my wife and I have the opportunity

    to be the foundaon for many generaons of Jews to come. It would be an incredible honor for us to be

    blessed with children that we can teach the ways of the Torah and strengthen Klal Yisrael.

    Second, it is a means for translang the spiritual ideas of Hashem into reality here on this earth. Yesod

    is crical to living a Torah lifestyle. In order for one to connue on the path of growth in Torah and

    become closer to Hashem on a daily basis, one must be able to take spiritual ideas and translate them

    into meaningful acvies here on earth. We take the mitzvos given to us by Hashem at Sinai on Shavuos

    and we put them into acon. Through Torah study, we have the opportunity to learn more about the

    mitzvos and refine our acons and the way that we serve Hashem. In doing so, we are able to make the

    connecon between Man and G-d a lile closer, and we increase the opportunity for Divine Blessing.

    This is the essence ofYesod.

    Kyle Irby

    Atlanta, Georgia

  • 8/6/2019 Connect 2 Convert Newsletter Shavout 5771


    Shavout Newsleer 5771

    [email protected]

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    Malchus differs from all other sefirotin that it does not focus on one characterisc, buton the totality of the parts. The first six sefirot are masculine, whereas Malchus is

    feminine: it receives everything from the other sefirot as it has no light by itself

    Personified by King David, Malchus is about acon and this world: it is the

    applicaon of perfected character traits.

    Ever since the voice of a naon became one and said we will do and we will listen I have aached my

    heart to this concept. The name Asiya which is Hebrew/Aramaic means acon and the lowest of the

    worlds in which we live in. I was given this name at birth and have gravitated to living a life of acon o

    being a doer. To every

    word there is a meaning

    and so names are impor

    tant as they have spiritua

    strengths that make us

    prone to righteousness o

    otherwise. We have a

    saying in the Caribbean

    that a persons name may

    be too strong for them

    So even the other naon

    know that there are spiritual levels to name and so

    Malchut which is the

    applicaon of righteous

    ness, understanding

    beauty etc propels me to

    doing the will of Hashem

    It is the characteriscs o

    Malchut that makes us

    whole as a naon to be holy for Hashem is Holy. Its the doing of the mitzvoth of Hashem that draws us

    closer to him. I believe the acon of preparing ourselves for Shavuot allows us to internalize our relaonship with Hashem. I feel movated to draw closer to Hashem and apply Malchotwhich holds all the

    essence of kingship. As we prepare for Shavuot, it allows me to reflect on the preparaons that Ruth

    made to receive Boaz and so she was granted the honor of being a mother of the kingship lineage.

    Yiskah Mosheh

    Queens, NY

  • 8/6/2019 Connect 2 Convert Newsletter Shavout 5771


    Power of Community

    Shavout Newsleer 5771

    The characterisc of kindness is a trait inslled in all of us from our forefather Avrohom. Chessed is th

    nature of every Jew, rich or poor, happy or depressed. To be a Jew means to give. Sure, we might be

    pushy about it, but the essence is we are going to give.

    Its like when someone is running from

    burning building and they say, feh, yo

    had to wear the blue sweater, I bought yo

    the red sweater why are you wearin

    the blue sweater?

    The essence is we give.

    This past Succos, I was coming back from

    davening, and I heard the blaring siren

    of Brooklyns finest on my block

    Another fire. No worries, its not m


    When I got closer, I realized tha

    indeed my basement apartment i

    Crown Heights was ablaze. My bes

    friend, a tabby of sixteen years, wa


    Although I couldnt save Sidney, m

    friends were quick to help

    providing a benefit concert so

    could get back on my feet.

    Selfless kindness.

    This is the nature of being a Yid

    Yael Pitma

    Brooklyn, New Yor

    [email protected]

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    Teach Me All of Torah on One Foot

    The Talmud records an incident where a prospecve convert beseeches Hillel, asking lomdani

    haTorah kulah al regal achas, teach me all of Torah while standing on one foot. Upon hearing the

    request, Hillel responds: dont do unto others what you would not want done to you.

    The Maggid of Metzritch asks a profound queson on Hillels answer. Hillel is known for saying

    the converse, love your neighbor like yourself, zeh klal bTorah. Why phrase in the negave to

    a convert - dont do unto others while to a Jew say in the posive - love your neighbor?

    The Maggid answers beaufully, suggesng that regel achas, one foot, means at one point in

    me or at one level. The convert was perhaps asking, teach me all of Torah at one level, to

    which Hillel suggested, this is not the Jewish way.

    The Chida, one of the later kabbalists, says that converts come into existence when the tzadikim

    of the generaon do teshuva. As recalled in Mishlei, a tzadikfalls seven mes and picks himself

    up seven mes. When a tzadik falls, he does teshuva, and the sparks picked are the holy

    netzuztot that come into this world as converts. The same concept holds for average people:

    every member of Klal Yisroel is connected to each other. When a person is having a difficult me,

    it is not coincidence: the individual is helping another Jew with the same life test. Conversely,

    when an individual is feeling a geshmak, happiness for life, it is because someone else is having

    a difficult me with a same test. We are all connected, precisely why Hillel suggested in the

    negave dont do unto others because if you do live at one level, you wont pick someone up

    and you wont be connected to other Jews, the very essence of being part of Klal Yisroel.

    The Pnei Yehoshua notes that word Yisroel stands for yesh sishim ribui osiot laTorah, that there

    were 600,000 Jewish men (roughly 2 million including women and children) who stood at Mount

    Sinai to receive Torah. The word used is osiot, which can also be translated as leer, as in the 22

    characters of the Hebrew alphabet. As noted by the Pnei Yehoshua, the word osiotteaches us

    that every Jew has a leer in Torah. Our leers in Torah work in a specific way: just as a one major

    smudge can render a Torah scroll invalid, when the leers of Klal Yisroel become sullied, the

    Jewish Naon can become ineffecve in its mission. One Jew cannot take over the domain of

    another, for when we do, the enre scroll is pasul.

    When we stand and accept Torah on Shavout, let us internalize that our mitzvot can be

    performed leshaim Klal Yisroel, with the intent that we are all connected, and all responsible forthe beer wellbeing and security of each other, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the bier diaspora of

    our days.

    Shavout Newsleer 5771

    [email protected]

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    Yehoshua Parker

    Brooklyn, New York

  • 8/6/2019 Connect 2 Convert Newsletter Shavout 5771


    Announcing: Haskama from Rabbi Belsky

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    [email protected]

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    nyr,ugszvvhtkvsrhlt,vnceahokv,dhhrcvsrfv bfubvuvjunruv,fbh,avpheu,ugk,hntsurtuhoknktf,vesavkzuundhgu,gsv,fkh,/

    Translaon: The goal of this organizaon is to

    direct those who are seeking conversion

    in a proper direcon. The content they produce

    is very helpful and fing for this holy acvity,

    and produces results.

  • 8/6/2019 Connect 2 Convert Newsletter Shavout 5771


  • 8/6/2019 Connect 2 Convert Newsletter Shavout 5771



    I know what it is like. I have been there.

    You want to become Jewish, but are

    stuck in a Catch 22: candidates for

    conversion require a mechanism to

    assimilate the informaon necessary,

    but not one yeshiva in America willaccept you during the conversaon

    process. Alone and isolated, you might

    develop false expectaons about the

    conversion process, and as a result,

    spend years wandering aimlessly.

    Worse, lacking access to centralized

    informaon, you might find religious

    courts that are below standard, only to

    face reconversion later.

    There is no communicaon to the

    people who need it most.

    There is no lifeline.

    This is my story. Is it yours?

    Connect 2 Convert will offer interacve

    video classroom training courses, test

    preparaon, and a comprehensive

    support network for people like you.

    But we are more. We are the Connect 2

    Convert community: rabbinic advicefrom sensive, erliche rabbanim, a

    network of specialized shadchanim,

    resume wring and jobs, and referrals

    for counseling services beer aiding

    the success of your integraon.

    We have a Rabbinic Council to guide us.

    Our launch date is soon, but we need

    your help. Help build our community

    with your passion, skills, and talent.

    Send in your Torah, your story, your

    struggle monthly Newsleers to be


    Looking forward to the road ahead.

    Chag Sameach,

    Yehoshua Yisrael Parker


    VAAD HARABBANIMHaRav Pinchas RabinovitzHaRav Moshe SoloveitchikHaRav Yisroel Dov Webster

    EXECUTIVE BOARDHaRav Yosef EisenDr. Simchah CohenJason Shanbaum, esq.

    Yehoshua ParkerChief Operating Officer

    Rabbi Aryeh MoshenExecutive Director

    962 E32nd StreetBrooklyn, NY 11210Tel: (917) 600-5073Tel: (917) 273-1089

    [email protected]