Page 1: Consider these before installing outdoor lighting fixtures

Greenshine New Energy

Consider These Before Installing Outdoor Lighting Fixtures

People put a lot of emphasis on indoor lighting even before it is installed. The design has to be

just right and complement the other fixtures in the house. The light has to be of the right

brightness or dimness to create the desired ambience.

Outdoor lighting is however not given that much attention. Sometimes it is even installed as an

afterthought. Considering that the outside will at some point affect what goes on inside it is best

to take some time and fuss about outdoor lighting fixtures as well.


The prospective area should be thoroughly assessed. It should be looked at from all possible

angles so as to determine the effects that will be experienced with a specific type of fixture.

Buildings that plan to install solar fixtures especially need to have an assessment of how much

sun is received so that they can figure out where to place the solar lights.

It should also include checking out how much light spills over from neighboring buildings. This

will allow you to make additions or reductions to the number of fixtures to be installed.

Cut-offs for shielding

Light pollution and spilling actually goes against a number of building regulations in various

states. Light pollution is where unnecessary light is released into the sky at night causing sky

glow which affects your ability to see stars in the night sky. Astronomers have a more difficult

time viewing other celestial bodies because the sky is much brighter and this interferes with their


Spilling of light occurs when too much light is released from a fixture and it ends up illuminating

more than it is supposed to. These two can be prevented using cut-offs that cover fixtures and

prevent them from releasing light all over.

They ensure that light is released only in the required area. This reduces wastage of light and also

the neighboring properties will not have a reason to complain about unwanted light on their


High efficiency

Page 2: Consider these before installing outdoor lighting fixtures

Greenshine New Energy

The outdoors requires a bright light due to the vast spaces that need illumination. Having a bright

light does not mean that it consumes a large amount of energy. Highly efficient outdoor lighting

fixtures will be able to produce a lot of light while drawing a minimal amount of power from the

source. The light should also be of a broad color spectrum and produce quality light that will

help with night vision.


It is not just about placing outdoor lighting fixtures so that the outside area is lit. It should also

be about the needs of the people that use the building. If there are people using one side of the

building at much later hours than the rest then lights should be placed that side as well and not

just focusing on the front.

These fixtures ensure that a building looks good from the outside and also improves the security

of the area. The lights installed should therefore be durable and require minimal maintenance to

make using them much easier. Care should also be taken to eliminate any dark patches so as to

keep the whole area safe.

For more information about solar lighting, please visit
