
Consortium Meeting June 9, 2011

Hit Rates:Canadians Sneaking

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Data Volume

4/3 km Domain Pushed South to Salem

New 1.3 km Domain Now Completely Stable

• Needed to use small damping of vertically propagating sound waves

Next Stage: Idaho Expansion

• We now have the processors (3 nodes-24 cores) provided by Idaho to push the domain eastward.

• Should have no impact on the 4/3 km run time, and other earlier runs will be faster.

• New processors are being tested now, could try expansion during the next few weeks.


Even Bigger?

High-Resolution Snow Update Every Day

May 15

But then a problem appeared in 2-m temps—always near freezing over snow

After talking to WRF experts, who confirmed there is a problem with 2-m temp output, switched to lowest

model level—roughly 19 m

Close to Fixing Other Problem: Streakiness (courtesy of Congressman W)

Profiler Data Versus Acars

Profilers and Vertically Pointing Radars

ACARS Soundings at SEA, PDX

Raising Model Top

• Can we raise it to 50 mb from the current value of 100 mb?

• Will reduce reflection of gravity waves from model top and recommended by WRF help.
