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• Can subliminal advertising make you purchase a product?

• According to, a subliminal message (meaning, below "limen," or our conscious perception

threshold) is a "message embedded into images or sound meant to penetrate into our subconscious and influence

our behavior."• The term was coined in 1957, by James Vicary, a market

researcher who inserted messages into a movie that was showcased in a New Jersey theater. The carefully hidden message instructed moviegoers to drink Coca-Cola and

eat popcorn.


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• The use of subliminal advertising purportedly increased in the following years, and in 1973, author Wilson Bryan Key wrote a controversial book about the subject. The following year the

Federal Communications Commission launched an investigation, during which they determined that subliminal

advertising was "intended to be deceptive."• Following a series of hearings, the FCC banned the use of

subliminal advertising.• Today, experts continue to disagree on how effective subliminal

messages are. Several independent studies have been conducted, perhaps the most famous of which was done by a

Canadian TV station, which flashed the message "Call now" to viewers during a broadcast. According to the station, the

message had no effect on their viewers.


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• According to some conspiracy theorists, virtual money – credit and debit cards – was created by a "secret group" that plans to

dominate the world.• The plan, according to theorists, is to completely eliminate

paper and coin currency so that citizens rely solely on electronic banking. Once that goal is achieved, the "secret

group" will cause a worldwide electronic blackout, which will simultaneously erase everyone's bank account information,

thus creating chaos and panic.• The alleged motivation behind the plot is the reintroduction of

slavery into the modern world. The benefactors vary – depending on which theory you subscribe to.

• Again, this is another theory that experts refuse to waste their time acknowledging or debunking.


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• Certainly you've noticed the white trail in the sky that is left behind by high-flying jets. Odds are you would be hard-

pressed not to see one whenever you look up on a clear day. So what exactly is that trail? According to conspiracy

theorists, it is a cocktail of chemicals and biological agents that are being deliberately sprayed for – depending on which theory you subscribe to – population control, weather control

and biowarfare.• The trails have resulted in thousands of complaints to both

the U.S. and Canadian governments. Both countries deny any wrongdoing.


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• Investigations have been launched by numerous scientific communities, all of whom found no factual evidence to

support the conspiracy theories. Instead, they claim the white trail is actually a condensation trail (contrail) that is

a result of normal emissions from the aircraft engines' exhaust.

• Regardless of the explanations, chemtrail conspiracy theories continue to persist on the Internet.

• "If you try to pin these people down and refute things, it's, 'Well, you're just part of the conspiracy'," NASA scientist Patrick Minnis said in a recent interview with USA Today.


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• Chances are you have heard theories regarding the death of Diana, Princess of Wales; however you might not have heard the most recent claims – regarding the royal family's alleged shape-shifting abilities.

• According to Christine Fitzgerald, a former confidante of Diana, the princess once told her that the royal family was made up reptilian

aliens from a faraway galaxy.• Similarly, BBC reporter David Icke believes that humanity is under

the control of alien reptiles. In an article titled "The Reptilian Connection," he writes:

• "These 'gods' could not take over the planet openly because there are not enough of them, so they are doing it covertly by appearing

human. Movies like They Live, The Arrival (the first, not the sequel), and the U.S. television series, V, tell the story of what is REALLY

going on. I urge you to think about watching these movies to get up to speed if you are new to all of this."


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• You might find Icke's views a bit skewed; however he has managed to garner a large following in recent years and continues to give sold-out speaking engagements around

the world.• Interestingly enough, there are several Web sites devoted to alien reptiles and the belief that some of us

are extraterrestrial beings. One site in particular,, even provides a step-by-step guide for determining if you are not of this planet. Indicators

include the "feeling you don't belong here on this planet" and the possession of supernatural abilities, including

"telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience super empathy."• Experts have refused to recognize or attempt to debunk

the reptilian claims.


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• Is there a mysterious force that causes ships and planes to disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, or is this just

another far-fetched theory?• Located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean,

the Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, covers roughly 500,000 square miles of the

ocean, with apexes in Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico.• There is no mistaking that a large number of vessels have gone missing in the area; however the explanation

for those disappearances is where the conspiracies come into play. According to theorists, supernatural elements

are responsible for the disappearances. Some say extraterrestrial beings are to blame, while others point

to the mythical lost continent of Atlantis.• Adding more mystique to the incidents are reported compass variations, in which a compass will point to true

north rather than magnetic north.


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• The U.S. Coast Guard and other experts familiar with the triangle discount supernatural elements as being responsible. Instead, they point to the fact that the triangle is situated in a heavily

traveled area of the ocean. They say that the number of incidents that occur there are no greater than those that occur in other

parts of the ocean. They feel that any number of natural occurrences - including tropical storms and rogue waves – could be responsible. They also point to the possibility of pirates and

mechanical failures.• In regard to the compass problems, experts say that there are no

unusual magnetic anomalies in the area and cite the fact that all compasses have natural magnetic variations.

• Regardless of whom you believe, one thing remains certain: The Bermuda Triangle will undoubtedly continue to remain a source

of mystery and intrigue.



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• There are multiple conspiracy theories floating around about the origin of AIDS. For the sake of space, we'll take a look at two of the more popular

versions that have gained steam in recent years.• In the first version, conspiracy theorists claim that AIDS is a biological weapon

that was created for the Pentagon. The theory goes on to claim that the Pentagon used it deliberately to control the population of lower-class citizens

in the United States.• To back up their claim, theorists point to a paper trail that shows taxpayer

money was set aside in 1977, for the creation of a biological weapon. The first reported cases of AIDS emerged in Africa in 1978.

• In the second version, conspiracy theorists claim that AIDS was accidentally created by a scientist who was working on a polio vaccine using chimpanzee kidney cultures that were infected with SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus).

Theorists say that as a result, a mutant variant of the disease – AIDS – was created.

• Scientific consensus has rejected these and other conspiracy theories. The common belief among them is that AIDS originated in Africa during the 1930s.


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