Page 1: Constitutents of Prime· - Memorial University · ~b.u' -~EW C1ooos.- Many or our apop·JOJao • re ceived their

·. ~b.u'

-~EW C1ooos.- Many or our apop·JOJao • re­ceived their fall s.rooda by 1he barGllllnt\oe Jauc R ennie. which 11rrlnd oo Sh"lday Now tbat tbe atocn or. tbe fall trarte .,.. ou b&n~ ou~ tbioK more ie uoceJMry in ocdor \llat tbt:KO may bo rlie· nosed of - namely A ovsshtst-:! Aon:tmsk! Vcrh sap ·'. ·


-The .SI Francis, (boiJu~ll to Cap\ H Dawe of B"y Roberta.) <.:ap~ A Dawe, p11t io bere on ~:tturdt\f Dillht ror " IUppJy of ice&,She ptOOt' r· ,.fi tlaia. anrl l~rt agaio ye.terday "Mr the IJaoke Sacc .. k> her I . ~.

, - T~e ript, C.. pt. Walsh. on her way to the Nor the ' porta, pu,t in I sere Rt 3..15 this afte rnoon. ~ro puaengen •by hbr were the Re• L . Ataor and Mrs Amor, the E\uv ~lr F e nwic and M:n' F~wiclc, 11nd Mr D. C Webbl'r:' ving- to the heuy sea t.hat iH on tu1 well •• 'he IP'i· • nd the •11-aronnd cli&aiZree~he-weath~r, Ollpt \Val11h deot«Jed to remain in pott early to ·mor. row morning. '

-The barqueotloe Jane.,Ren11ie, Capt. Ooppeolc, reaobed. port a t 6 o•olook oo St!nday afleroooo. io tbe beiwht of the bruse of wiod pruullina that day. '1'b1 Ja111 Jitn••'« Ia from Llvel'p.>ol anti baa a l(&noral cari(O-IIOOda fo r the aeveral doAion in •town She \VII :1-l doya oa tbe PfllljliJ out ; aod. oo- the whole the wutber mel witb wu very stormy. On the l•t October. ahe Olt•

pu. iupCJd a bc"'''Y 1(11111 0 1 wiorl lrout ~he S. E. fbi a backed around to tbe N. \V. ad blew witb iooreaaod violoollcl ()., SuuoJ.y woroiu~t.uuother breue from tbo • .tu .: qu-'ltt~r Wlt.4 wet "'ith ; btlt it boin~t rdi r for· lo ·· · L ,-a O'>llrau.did not aoritJ ualy retard !ler proar.:u <.:ominlt up tb· Bay. tbe full foroe of the wiud and • ,., waa encountered : out11d~ acme 1111 ' .. dsm \~e 1he arrived ln por t aartlly 'fha ./una 1/f.'ml' 111ade what Ia call.:d 1\ ·• aoathtr" J""til lf" " and mG' contrary wiu.J•- beDC!t:l h r ' "-' of :H . day a

- A •u >~ I~ the t• •;~~n~el'll Ly the 0fnuoript to•dli)' on Uoill uip l')nrtll ttre t ho n o\•. L . A ll)U( nod :\L.a. a.~'ll', Mr. Amo~ un4 llisA Harvfly, "e tll!1Y ,.. ><II:, ~e 1 u ll)arrie$1 bj Biwhop J ,.nes tlt the c.llsed rll l, ~1.· J olsn'a, 0 11 the 8th ins:. , ~>II I .u e n HV O"l their \Yay w their lutu re how~ at Cl roon&tJOild. llr. Aroor WIUI,

{ \l r suuHl th•~t·' yeara, OllNt.e to l;l.ev Ms·. H tr• \'By, du ::in,.: bia Dl iui:Hry at P ort dll ·Grave; end it "eema that the ianiwauy whiob s1irnng up has enied .bt~pplly for lf1a youthfu l pair. l[r. Amo,r m11de tUtlll.1 wum frieoda during th .. sho ·t tim" l1e "l'~nt ott Dort-de·.OravP, the people ,,f wlullh. " .. h >4vP ll•l doubt, will join wi th u - 111 wit~fn,.,; d s" uewly·married l.llupl e e\·cry l'rosperity.

By Telecrrap.h. ---o-

II.H.ti' .\X , Oc~. 11 -P.~roull'i bolalth ia better tba n lor yura.

The l.1 ~"rpo()l otmueu'a atrilr.e ia eettled. Lrord b;lleoborou~tb ia dead. G .ve ruor General SLaoley arched Bl Halifax

y e•l ·•r.lny. Tbere were two failurea oo the London atoclt

eSO" '"IZO ye•wrliay-one • ory hea•y. · ll11loo aod O 'Brleo ha\·e left Tipperary for tbe

U nhed Stat ea. ootwi tbataodi lf'g their beiDil oo b11il. <.:ouoael for the defeodaota ol&ima tbat the a&re~ee "'ill fu lfil tbeir obllwatlooa oo the first

i•J of trial. . Tbe court, however, ru led vtber· lae 11od laaoed w~rraota for their arr~t. The Canatilan G.>•eroweot roleaaed tbe aohr . ali!J Croc~tt oo bonda of two. tboouod lhe

bu u~ red dolll\ra, or Emperor W illiam hia ooJoluded ble Auatriao

Tialr. Jlalfo\sr aaya tba cry of ••u~al faeptoe io lre:

aod Ia abaurd. Tbe IQtbodtlu are able to re-lieve all real dhtreaa o1 •

OcT. 18 -The London fluooial erol tecPenl bu eobttded : the uttlemeot Ia dltllou lt but the oredlt atood tbe atraso adwl rallly. Tr;e excite· men~ u.teoda to Berlin .

'fbe J e 11a at Sebutopol bue beao ordered to leave the oity.

<.:auadiaoa commence ahiRpiog bay to Eoalaod, tlie AUlerioan aar~et bei~a cloud by the blt~b ~iff. . ~ . Tbe Land LeaRUe paya the ten tbouaaod dol· )a,. bail forrelted by Olllpo aod O'Brien wbo aailed from Hure to New Yorlt Jut week.

Tbe Emperor William bu declared thAt tbe policy ur Germany baa united Eorope

ltaly .leolioea takloa part in the Cbioaao Oo1· ambae l!'&ir owlog to tbe oaw tar!l! noludla~t be~ aaoafactnru.

A11atrl~, UerQlaoy, aod F~aooe purauo a aiml· Jarpolior. -

'l'he GoYetoor General recaY,a lo H IHax thlf WMIU • . ' A • • ,,.


Oll1ho"8tl1 inst. , nt thl' l ':;th~l~l' or th ' John' Ibn ll~ t·tist. ~I .J bltn'll. br '" " r:r )Wv~ t)le lllth<'t•· a:cal .. ~l loy tho fallter ,,[ lh loriol·· 11'1' .~•. LAI•ten~ Amor. s I'.G. lllninot~ry "' Ur .. ·:o~t •nnil . '1' \ uuio dnus:lttcr of the Rov .r'Vnes 0 II An·,,~·. formerly of Port·do IJI'II•c. 4url Rnr"l ~n nf Concoutiut~ 1\.'\y. , L At tit Po11 l'o~ Ch~rcb. llorl!utf•l, •Uf tloe Rov 'l' G. :Nerton. r. II. llurry. sclu•"hl...,bler ~~"' loy '""tier "' \'lhltbonrno. tb ~'rt'fl.:ric:n. third dl\usbr ur "' G f' Payne a<:hOf\lml\llte r •l formr r pl1co.

1\t Gower Streel Churl!h · :)L Jolm'a. nu tho !lt.IJ inal., L,1· tho ltcv n t> Cowpurthwnilo. tho qov '&lArk Jo'""­,.,fl'lr., ot ~1ppor's llubor, to Mh~ Marg~tn:t H Bn1f1on of tH. Jobn•a 1 I

On October 2ad, at l:i t. l'uler'l Church , 1'"illiug•tn bv the Rev. R Temple. n D .. tho H.·v A Plttmon. Jo. cumbent nf 'Little Oay . to Clentontlnll, eldeet dnughler

tl'" ,.· ; Because it contains all the

or \V Lotbbrld~. Esq J P, t•f 'lltilllln~eato. . At s~nl f'llauda. ou thr :!'irjl Sepl, lov t bo Rn T I'

Quintin, WIIIV•m Greco of that p~a~. to 'Ll\vlolll Frooclo of lli.rbclr Grieo I Nutritiot.t:s Constitutents of Prime· Beef I _. ' On ·epL ~brb. at 6 & Philip'• · Broad l)o,·e. by &br

Rov. W•hrr ;n Smilh. Mr. Al.,xaodur llllla. t>f Sono.,.• Guy~oornngh~ouuty, No\'ll St>nrl• .to }IJu 1-:v., 1'nckur. Into ttArhe~ "' Kaela, OonA\'I~t• PAy, 1\t•d !lftngbttr ol Jot r Joeepll_ 'l' uckor, of BroAd Co \'11. •

PASBJrNGltRS Per S S (;DipiQn for HalHax -lllu Cnle,, LAd,'

\~Iller, C'hitu ooud nune. ~I" J1111 Elll• 11nd lnf>.nt.' Mr' J aclteoo. t'or ~11lllnsnro- ·0&· £'hs, 1 'IYIJe. aod lOti\ 1 lut.,rm,.dlata lor llall l<~x. and i O in llleer-~tll • Por 8' S Bonarilla from llnntrul-ne\' Mr Sw4n.­FrnrJ Sydney-Rev Mr Bond )In a<.tu1, !tra Furlong. . ,


,-11 in an easily digested Form. · t

A 121 \'2 i

' • . ' E:Cn:RI!O.

Ort. 18-J•n~~ llonnltl. Coppeek. Ll•orpool , gooeu Clii'J(O-Juho 11 uuo & Co.

UcL 18- Coufedurnte, .A llnn , Sydoey, on,la-Jobo )lnnn .t- Go ·

Oot 18-l•'lora, Plko. 1'nrka Jalaad, ult-Johu Muan .t Co ' r· .J AMBIUGAN NET & TWINE C~.

34 C9mmer~ial Street, BOSTON, M<tSfl '

For Sale by Private ,~ootract MANUFAcTuRERs oF • I 'fJ.fAt /' . '

Fe$~ Simple ·i:rO~~~i: COD, H¥ RHlNG & CAPLIN S~E~. u•n~Lt ~ ~aru, Street. oppo.lte hea1 of Coob· - A l .80-~aoe Street, cooalltinll of 11 • 1 :·

Shop, Dwelling .. House and H ERJ(J.N G I • '· Garde:q, · aow io ' tbe oooupanoy of Mr. Ueoll Walth,

Po11e11ioo alno lmmediateiJ. Aa tbe Pro~r~>1 .moat be aol4. ~~out r11ene,

a 11ood lov. dmeat cao be made by appl,laa qnlokly. '

Further partioalara oa appllna~oa to r Ji\MEB WALL,

Actingfor all partltl conctrutd. Harbor Grace. Oct. H. H~llO,

In Aid of··the New ·Cathedral. ----

A Christmas .. ~ Tree iu aid of the ~e w c .. th tlrlral will be held dllrio~r CbriatmM week in the Academy Hall.

<.:ootribntiooa, wttber of Mooey or Uaeful Ar· riclea, wilt be tbaoltfully reoel• ed by 'he follow · inl( IM!iet who bue cbarae of, lbe l',.blf'e:


S l-1~! ARI) \ GOI.JD 1\IEOAL r~'VINES or whiDh we are tbe exoloaive mannfaot.urers. '-

I ' '

Highest awards at Boston, 1869 ; Puilnddphia. . erics Exhibition, 1883.

ldr'" .. ~nd :ror Iflh!lt rateOOataJogue. •-

. ..... - "'

H)76 ; London Fish.

Dec. 28,9m.

---w hn/Psrlll! nnrl Ht!tmi.--M ra. J onll HoGAN, I Mra Iauo l\OlfPBRlY, .Mn. P. FA'nREL, M\u NAoda JONEs; Sept 26 . . .I... Tit~ .::iul·scri•tll, whilu tll .. ul.uoc; t l .. to 1 1 1-llll.~vU -> l ·• I IVIP> fo. l""l l u\OUIII, Willh lo call

WANTED ME~. local .or true1Jio~t;t8 u l,l attention to tbe following list to wleioh baa heen dtled a few of the uew~:st leading flll~e~t my guaranteed Nuassar' SrocK medloinf'll, 111 follows :-

~"lary or commlu1oo, paid weaklJ Outftt tree Bowch84t't G arsOR11 Syrup, , . .il urray'a F l n i.d lhgnoaiA, E nller'a Earth Special atteatloo lll•eo to ~gloat,. WoWrktrt GrtW>n'" Aunullt F lowrr, Putman'a Cor·n Extuot.or, BAy Rum never fatl to make 200d ••ekly • wa.,el rltt " I " 1 • I p d p • !DO at 0001 for oartioulart .. P iao'11 Oon11uruption Ouro, " CRt D(( 11 Dll#lOt ow 01'1 \lttner 1 l<;nmlaion

E . o. GBA.B.t.M, N\l~&n. . '' Oatan·b &ruodv K eating'• Cough L ozonl(t'l, rto. Worm Tableta ( f hia Ia rell,ble) '1'qrooto, Do~ SanfoP:d'• ·J11malaa Ginpr l.o'ellow11' Uou.pound ~,vr·up SlOIOil• Warner'a Sde Oure, Warner'• Pilla, Steedman'• 'Ccoth iug P o ,vdera

Jo KINN R Wiata•Ja .Balsam of Wild Ohorry \Vatorproof Nurainq A~rooa

i. KN S E , Wy,etb1H Liquid Mal ~ Ext.tect, do Bilos ( lot· cbtldrnn teething.)

1 • • , , 9 ·IJ '1 White Enam.el (for fllling tt'tLh) . , Ow bridge's Lun~r _Tonic, Body B elt11

MONUMENTAl nrsiGNER & sllmimNII &nsine (for cllhto~mrpo~tt111 ) • Beetbaw ' .. Glycolln O ttod CucumuPr II t . \IUIIf 1l lit Tamar Indlen (fo~ ooa9ivene~~a): . Ad_ult.'a Trua11~11, ~bil~'al'L·uaaea

l!ANOFAarURBR .&NO tl!PORTI!lB OP Eno'a M ediaated Bng~~r (for ·worma), , Dued ~,·ory, Dn~d :iuge, U.rieu Celery

Quin " .Frui~~alb 1'eaber.·• Tooth Powd er Judson" Go1d Pnmt, Ma.tble, Scotch and oy Ay~r·a l SaJ"Ura~m •. AyAr·~ .Oberrt Peotor.i Allen'K RBir. Rest.onH', do. Lung ~alsam

. Granites. do ~ai~ Vigor, Cllnlpbllll'a Tonic Elixi r, Coutt'11 -Ace~to A c1d, . Bc~~hnm'lf P1lls , Da;. Wilaon'a He1·bine Bit~ra \ · Obeat Protectors, CalVort 11 Carbolic Soap,

CEMETER~1 ·n'roJC (},AlT. I QN S Guard'a Hair-t.lye Trico?bero~• . C~&lvert'A Diemfecting Powder r: Jl t ;-r~r1r WyAth'll Beef (r~n anrl WinA Writtbt.'a Unfe rmented Win&

1 J e~eo~~d, la latea~ 'p~~. Nor~hrop ~ Lyroan'a Vei[etablo Di10overy 1 Ke(llet'e Uod Liver Oil ~nu Mal t. ALL ~'ORK txeopted uoder 1tHitODal,aoper. N <;rtb1·op & Lsruan'a Emuleior . Euence of Spt·uce, D eSdiCitted Cocoa nut.

·~OD!f_ • ,J 1n • . KelJoJtg'II.Aatbmu Remedy,do.Oatarrb Snuff. ' -ALSQ- . • OESIGNS furo!R~d bylettet or 9tbarwJ11. ~lt\aura ·..Ou~ictHA. Jieaolvent Outioura Soap 1 Oak, W Aln ut, and other Sttrn&, Va:ntahet, ;o,Q~l>ORl ORO' . RSaiveo pro~pt atLfu1tloo,. ] \hltlpr,'Ma.l)ille JVIt.t Oaaoa~,8.agrada ' 1 l\lixccl P .•int.r, Golcl L cnf, and a ohoice ' • ~ • • .J. 'LiNflroi' Juice. Hollowar• Oom Oure • &flleotlon of BKJ~R PIPES , AM:BEBl

3,25.,~ ~27 pUQkWOJ'llh ~t., , r~r-SoAp,PeaaJaBbuing Btioka. Hueli.ue, I Perfnmer y, D rt!mng Comha, Hatr 1\110

_Oppo•! '- ijrar Sa" J!.&l.!.:. .P: o, Hos '2~. MOtlier Graua.' worm htermi.nator, : Clothes Bruahe.,

' St/'JOhnfS. · LiebSJ'• Ex•raot of )teat-, ,, 1 ~Agent" fo1· Lftnr11nce'• Spectacle•. Oo~ 6, 1890. , ~ Ltmon 6.Jnp, Rupbeny _ijyrn~ j· PP~on d Attention given to P reearl1,tiona

A tlolea• gala prnalled Jeaterday aod lut nleb'- . USE .

.OCT· H-Freeb oatbreakt Late ooeurred a' • • '} l W. H. THOMPSON & Oo.

Jobnaon-'1 Anodyne Liniatent, "nd accurately p~opllred witb vure D rug•.

Change of Time.

On :ui.t aflcr ~~ KDA Y,. ept. 2Vth, 1 VO, Train~ will run d:-~ily (. 'tt o tlay except-oil J ::t!l follows: .

Lcnve ' t. J nhn's for Uarhor Grace and intermcdiat~ stntion~J at-10.15 a.m.

Lenve H nrhor Grnce tor .:t. John's and intermediate slr.tion a t 9.30 n.u).

.c6r For further information s¥ time tables.

Sept.22,10i THOS. ~O:ULE.

.llnnager jo1 Rrceit:er.

~orruan'a ELt CTICO·~UBATI\'E Bdtll nod l neolu

: t::-HIAL'LI.rll I F'or tho n elief and <.:t:R£ or :0..1.1: \'UL'S IJt Ull.ITY. (!-l!liOfSTIOI':, fiiiF.t:li,\TISll o\J.n:t'I.~SSSF.SS . tif.Xl'H \\'t:.AK ~:SS nnd Ill S'ervonl! l)iaen'l'~ 1-:aiAblithl'd 1874 .. CoN­TI.TATIOS A!>' ll I:ATA I.OOL'I: f' lln: A. ;\OIIllAN ~~ c: , 4 Que.:s ~T 1!. .. T onosTo, U!»T.

I :\ B -The11o Applioncea nrc largely imitated

but nevor l'qunlled. . . • fi .. .,aal y:! hv


SUMMER SEASON '\ i A:\\" people o~come Oebilitntod. accom· ! \ f\nnleli wit h flll'lin11a of I .. ASSIT l j UE, 1.0 . ' 0~ Al'l'J•:Tin: 1\ud 1:\U IGESTHJ~. Tha beoofi t• to bo dari ved frn m thr n~e of UAJIW'.::i QUI~I ~I:: A:\U liW:\ 1'0:\IC ie olmoat uHI~icnl. As l. J llU!' Ucal<!r. P rictl Fifty Centa.

Sold by W. H. l'UOMPSON .k <.;O.

. - - -----~--------

A SALE OF WORK iu 11id or tht' New Church Uuitdinl( Fund, 11 ill he bolt I 1\l Spauiard'a IS:.y in ~ o::ember next.

T he ~llowino. brliea h11ve cbar,::o of tbe Tables :1od will thankru lly rt•c.·•ve noy cootnbutiooe wbich 11111)' bu 11eut to lhtnn:

Mrs Y ulllll! ~lin I::arlo. ~Irs J F S hl' ppnrJ,

Mrs llu:.a:•. I ·'' ra r_.e,. 1 Mi~• c;ou.,.

.\I u A Uarrt'l 1

~paoi:~rd '11 Uay, .July I I · ·'


Parsons' Photograph Rooms All kinde of Photoa rapha, 'flotypea, &o., caa

be tnkea lo "ood etyle aocl 1\t low prioea C: tl!ar~t:muul of Prot urea o:ln b6 d one ftt 11.1

low 1\ ptica aud In aa f.!OOd n atylo u nny i Dl · ported work . Oo oot aond your pioturoa Away to bo enlnr$(NI- u o our prl~• llrtt.

Outc\l>or Y ic'" or nl t descriptiooa rooelve prompt pod cnrefulrwentioo.

Local V iews for 111lo Hoom1 directly oppoeite tho oflloa of ~I eana.

Johu ~lunu ~ Co. J-:1)\\' ARD PAHSU:O:S.


A 11 tbnt Ynl uable

WATERSIDE PROPERTY situnte on tho Bench at Hnrbor Grnco, nnd known ns Thomey's Estato, consist· ing of Dwelling IIou!;e, 'lore, Shop, Ollice, Wharf. Also, Dwelli ng House, Shop, Stnble nnd Y ard on tho north·east side of Hond leading to Bench.

For further pnrticulal's apply to HENRY THOMEY,

or, W. H. THOMPSON, Harbor Grac~.

Valuable Property for Sale r h, Bnhaorihor oA'e r-. for a"lc, hy privllte

contract., t he following F rNJI1old Prol'tlrtsea, viz.-

n~:o~;:,a eeelloa of tbt AmorloaD Ooogr•• •• K~n~·c· ·r,~ 'Mil' I rorl . I • 111:1 ... ,, • • •

pr~t.b·:~~!"~~r~~~.~ ;:.i'::d~·.~:~~'a!darabl4 I • I • l omc= ;t., ··'P11'0lic N .. otice... " L .I 0 ,n ,., H . ~·P. ha, bten dope to •ablpptaa. A tbi'H ~ L.:,. .. 0 U S e , ~d y ... t raa .. bon a•r t:ltanaa; tbe ora• ' s • c . • I l. ., I . I I IU I S •' rr b G THE DWELLING HOUSE yt~ral~. 1 t FORallSUMM~KO()W~~AlNlS.))lAtUt. WHEREAS 1 have beeh 6 olnted b ' , ,,.a tr tttPt, aar or race. -

'lbe Canadian Qoy_erameaa rem0\'01 the e:l• H<E~CllOLERA:.. CllA~PS &~Jd..l:AINS . B' JtX6 11 £fd~ th ~~ r b..,, I ----~ two tenement.a) with Olli ·Houaea and Gar •• por~ daty 00 •• · - 'f. • • j lN l!HE aO.WELs. J"Dtely Vlf(•tAt;t. aoa , ta, . e e LLJ e 0 emo -t IJ ~~C!OID"'Oibtion (or -Ptr~n·o~ aod Traaaieut den, ai~ua~ on Water St . near Noad St

The pbyllolaaa of th~ Klq o1 Hollaad bau~ pleaaap~ to take Hold b7 ~aalara , Price 26 Commission pndef1f1D~ Gr~a .• S,&l of ~~fa B s~e,. at ru~o:~b\e ••r~• 1;1 . A BUILDING LOT decided tba' tbe Klaa 1a aolh to relp Cnt. , , , 1, 11,. r •. • 11 0 ,lalin.d, 'l'l"ri"""

1 i~.. ·~ . , W S.mple Roo1D1 on the Preml ..

~:::~~-:;oad~a: ~7,. ~York aad. Bold by W. R ... THOMPB()lftkOO, ', l~ ,ActJU~~R~J tUlti.IUB~HBRB 'JIIft~CT r1 1' , '" R ~JMPSQ~ , lm:;:;~~~:;::~:; ~~· ~:-t!::::!t.Pro

Hane Lloe teadertforw,.. C..Udlao • ,.,. 1 1 ' r.l hr • · 01 ~durl~· "'"ufli, 1 r O<!A ' 41 • )t •

1 . -.aND-• ,,... t erU ' '=-: , ,, ., . , , A H t ' S' '"fnl~ ~N01"'1FY' '{lT J ~~ U "'-.:.~ ~11\T.'L '"C: ~or~.P. b•rctoe,. tlaaber a.I.I&..Q...- • :lrdd:=l. ii A T e liii• 1 ~ - r1 • kU • · · !U. t"Y.,. J l W O IMJ l.!J• ' 'l'W 0 T ENEME.NTS

bM. •a•~·..,·~ JJ ... ;-11-...I.Un-._ ' u 1 r ' JJo .._ • ., ~. , • all wliotntHfmar_ponoein to:«Gtwn'then\; , Fit PR'ACTIC~T.11P.Al~EJ? 1 ~t.uate on' Water, foot of Ooohrue 'l'be torpedo~' wblob broke ......... ........ OYL• ro;y BAZi\AB; ·le~-IIIDOI'I'tlHiiiY_•. and lurtlittnto notify " n . ~ j 'It" ·•C.. . . ·rw ~ 8 tl'iet.

9 .,-.qtp ~ •• plohd ap bJ aa AmertOi'D 1 1 , Jol~ ..._,lid, • 'Ulat.It!ilifebf•aanftna abd' adllthau dlir- a11r : ~trest, JWJn • Vaotori4 I ~eeJ, , , ~ -·~- t ~ ... ••S·~roap~to dn.!, . ,, ' ~u. · \; !¥,,,-r·L l)]t, . P,j inr~ttl'ltJ.t-bfl-OfBoettlbe aP»>bri.aenta HABBOJVGBA9E •NJ'LB. c8 .. lto"' e-~.ft'ting -n:_,ii,; I . 7 f! • ..,., OOPI:I.f'itt1AUQ~a~.J.I4 P.O~. rotttie'~••• BiUWI ••·ta -~ · ·-"· • ~' · · ' "'* ,w.'a -"'~

• tr ' $ I .. ,,.;U JIJd ~a....-...c,MfqlJt aa4 ;1'4t~ft,J'-..~d tijpe~a . .fnrtb•J'c:ift"" IMW!flst. ' llr· ·o ,,, \ • ~o~k. b\ Jll• ~lf'er~D\ b~obfe of •){• trt~ -With u. .. '1..& .. 4 "fb1 . ~~:.t'-=·~·,..,.~..,•~'1•• ~w::~~oka Aftok~~· ~lia1'~1. : · u .. · >I· .J1~CJAB~: '.AWl.'· et~::,:i\~:n~:r~~~· a~pllcatloa. ' 1n 1 ~.1 ~9; ~;ro~ .;;,1 tooh lt ia builL ?

Oea abe lab laa&.. ·u,_Ltule 'DIIntt. lt. # Traced WcSol, Ui'"'i'd. · ur~1'l f'ITT l(f.eT;,• fNM-\l Of•~ 'd. • r~tf.ttad it'lta"lftllrttd •ad r.Uota.,d.• ' D. J. GRB&:;, ~~~-= ~· tblrd •

0 A· • A. BBl71fLBIS. 8._ Jobn'a, Sept. t.h, 1890.- 6,1m• Alill· u,, . llarbot Gl'lbfl, AprU 18.-U, l


Page 2: Constitutents of Prime· - Memorial University · ~b.u' -~EW C1ooos.- Many or our apop·JOJao • re ceived their

. ~

. I

Tl-IE INGREDIENTS I . . OF \\flllCll

W~Ooll'S G3RWA"' I

B~tlnH P-~W~~J •

\ ' la compounded are reported by thA Dominion


Gov&rnment Analyst aa

BUst & $afost ' tot manufactnring Baldo~ PowdE'r.

NcpRTHERN a.ssur..ance Compa,ny.

E_ TABL'rsHio 1836. .0~ DO~: 1, lJ OURGATE STREJ<~T. EO


ISCO:U& &ND FO!\DI! {1-887) : .Eire Premiume ............ .............. £807,000 Life Premium1.. ......... .. ............ l9T,000 Intereet..... ... ..... . .. ... ... ...... ... .. ... 143,000 'ccumulated Funda ................. £S.4JU,OOO

i'he underoijlned ie en: powered to effect in· 111111U1Ces on all lcintla of P1·operty in New· tonmlland at cnrrent l{atea of Premium.

The above Company ia well lcnown for ita ilo ·t·.d iLy .lnd prompr.neas in settling loaaea.

Prospectuses, Forma of Application lor Fire nnJ Life Insurante, and all otber Jn· (orw9.tion oan bP obtained at the office ot

A. 0 . HAYWaRD, ST. JonN'I, tor Newfoundland. W. H. THOMPSON,

Sub·Aoent for Harbor Y'I'OCt.

Queen Insurance-company. ~.-\PIT A.L.-£2,0001 000 Sterling.




TWE~TY-NI~lu AN~UAL REPORT. fh e Reports anJ Accounts tor the year

1886, presented to tbe Shareholder& IH tb• An!1ual :\, on Thursday 6th May 18 7, showed in the

FIRE BRANCH, That the Premiums for 1886, after Jeduc·

ting Re·insuranoea, amounted to £601,649 and tho Lo1111ea to £3:S3,494 ; or 08,76 per ~ent.

I~ THE LIFE BRANCH That ~ ew Polioiea bad been iaaued for

£258,()90, yielding in {remlum £9,910. and 1 that t ho total nett. premium income wu £82,r

1 i ~. That the payments to pohoy· bold era '-{ were £-!'3, 7 41, 1\nd that the Life fund waa t 'lcrei\Red by £40,003.

ThA Bt.lanoe at CrPtlit oi Profit and Loss, After tlddin~ £23,060, to the Fire Fund, wae 11hown to umollnt to £134,196 lOa •d, and WMI dispoaed of'"' follows:-£,27,000 0 0 For Dlvldedannd Bonue

16,701 17 0 .Added to Reeerve Fund, aud 90,489 8 4 Oanled forward.

THF. FUNDS Wore ahown thereafter to atand u followe :-Cap;~~~ Paid op ... ... ............ £1 80,039 Keaervea ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 4401486 Life Acoomolation Fuod ... ... . . 661,016 Anouity ~·und ... ... ... .. . ..• 24,\JOO l'OTAL FUNDS 1~. HA~D ........ ,£1,:196,000

JOHN <;ORMAOK, General Agenl for 1\/JfJ


' I arbor Once


Assurance Compa,ny Olf LONDON

EJTA:BLISR£D A.D., 1811 -SoseoatBED Outut. ......... £2,000,000 atg.

TOTAL ltorVUT&D FcMDI CP-"ABD or .. .. ................... 2,760,000 u

A.Jc•OAL lliOOMI OPWABDII OJ' 360,0(10 11

The u GUARDIAN" being a Brat oiUH Engliah I nat. ranee •Company oifeu all tlioee advantaget, moe~ deeirable to inaurere viL o1ndoobt.ed •t.billt!, favorable Ter~Ua aai P"Q.mpt eatt.lernent,t.o olahot t4P 1011,

. Tbe nodenign" h~•••\1 been appobu~ Aae.ta for Newfodn4land are prepared to I. 1118 Pol¥• aplnal ~M~~~.Ve.

J lwtNnB, ' &•. lobDt. I JOIRB G<I.DDD, ..... ,.. a,, Gtlel.


; . HARBOR GRAC~ STANDARD. OC1.,0BER 1~, 1890 .

• I

' IQ.scellany. ·pebble,. w~ic~ a\tracted his atte.n~ion by h. It was a curious cue • . He had "'""'""'~ ... -.-~ ......... ...M......;..... .............................. -"........................ a peculiar pom~ of .Ughi gleammg from in pis younger daya, eo fond of

AN A UTUJIN BONO. ·one of its angles. Tbe atone had a milky, en p as to· dnnk to excess alone ; bot lraoa1ucent appearance. eave at one 'pOint to these years it seemed as though he had

All tbe aammer'• worn end old; ~~a tiny bit bad ba,n broken off; pro- drank to keep himself company. At any. Tbe eon b11 oe&Md a woolag lt, bably by a blow of hie spade; and at this were the fAO~aDd ilie ~ Bl·~~-;o:'~!=~:r t~l:;tll:~d ,old- abraided" point It gleamed and flashed stands now at the door of his llut ana Aud eo¥~ to bldt Ia oat o'liabt; like a IIPfri: r 0 f living fire. He waa ldoka forth upon the landscape. H.e ia

Bot for all theJ are eo bold a~ar~led. · He remembered that he bad weak and shaky, at tim·es trembling like I thiok theJ'll tUJ for doloa it seen other ...atones juat like it, whioh he 6 "'ttlan with the palsy, and aa he etepe · Till tbe careful euo 11 oold. bad not 'deem~d worth picking up. This forth u~on the award he reel'f and staggers

atone he took to hie hut, where he bro~e }tke a runken mao, and yet he has not Till tbe watohla(l atare for dr .. d i ith h 'Tb ith 1 •

Go out, and oeue to llabtea h, t ~ a ammer. en w a amp drank anything fo.r several days. Craeleartb drloke up tbe red, and a blow-pipe he espttrimented upon Evt'dently the man is waitina for some

Wroaa b1 taat of aretd1 a ala tb'e part\clee with heat. He had found a one. yes. Hark 1 Ah, there Dare steps Froru tbe brokiD ••11ter'• palo, diamond I And there were others in the -the fall of human feet 1 The light

1-'rom the dJIDa aad tbe dead, same place r He gathered ·a lot of them, flashes up· into the poor man's face-up Till oner mooa ma7 whlceo it and went with them to CapeTown, where into his cavernous eyes, o.nd he leans for·

With her allnr pi&Jabed. h dec) ed th t he · t ... • d f e ar a WMJUS .. rrtve rom ward eagerly. Presently a human figure Y" who tr .. d a ~tolden way

Witb hearta of othere puloll it, Hark I the aotaafn •oloee 1171

11 Tl.te ye,llow lea'fll lie aokh! deep, Dut through them etlll tbe orlmeoa peep,

ltodd7 drop• to atalo the da7, No after raladropa luiaa l,.

\Vuh tba purple from tbe olay." --"ina J, Loyard {u Harplr·, 31agatine.

lJDtORT.AL, ~ -lie w11lk((} tbe world •ltb beoded bead,

" There le ao tblaa." be moaolaa u1d "That muat oot aome da7 jola tbe dud."

He eat where rolled a riYer deep 1 A wom11o '"t her dowa to weap ; A child la7 Ia her lap aalaep.

The watere coached the tnother'e baod . Hla heart wae touobad He paued from laod, Hut left it l.auabloi ID the aaad. ·

ThAt ooe kind word, that ODI klod dud Wu u H you abould plaat a eeed lo nuda elooa daatb'e eable brede,

Aod lookiog from tbe fartbor abore lie uw, where l.te bad aat before,

_A liKht that answ; arew more aud more.

He a arowiD(l aro•laa tbroag or happy people wblte and atrona With faltb, aod Jobilaot with eoog.

It arew and grew. thla little •erd Of (lOOd IOWD ID tba' day of Deed Uotil it touobed tbe atare iadeed !

And tbeo the old mao amillplf aald. \\'it h youthful heart and lifted bead, '' No good deed ner Joloe tbe dead.''


~ ··-- ...

lndia. Old Martin Vanderneer did not comes into sight from the adjac.ent wood. care whence the man had come. He ex· He is a nn.tive, of the Kaflir breed, and amined the atones and made an offer for large and strong, and on hie shoulder he them. The diamofla.hunter would sell bears a stick, and to that stick is suspend­them on one condition. The old lapidary ed a large, leathern bottle-a

1bottle large

should have a dozen of the very lnrgest enough to bold two or three gallons. and ftneat,properly cut and ·poliabedf and ~~ Mum bo 1 thon bast lagged." hold them until he came again. f he "But Mumbo is here, s1r Afrite, and would ·d·o th1s, the stranger would pay be brings the 'ipsy water." • him for his trouble aud time, and, per· "Good 1 Come hither with thy load." hapa, have o~her atones for him. B Th , · k b the atones would have to he sent far I\ way e mans steps are qmc enoug now. to Amsterdam. Never mind-no matter Jn the hut he 1\ttempts to take the bottle

from the Knffi:-, but be is not atroni lf it took years-let it be done. And ao enough to 1i . t i t. It is set upon the floor, the bariBin was made, and the a~vngo casts off the tboni from

Then the man bought nf'W goo~ nnd ·~- I tb d f 'ts t ·-. t pew tools, and returned to hie but be- 1w mou ' an pours o 1 con en..., ln o yond the mountains. And he· found a tin <'Up. whtcn the mal"'. hll.8 set upon a more dhunonda. "Ai he iBthered his stool. The o.roma of the liquor ia pun•

"eot. No need ~ aak of wha\ people the atore he bid lt awny, nod occasionally he Kaffir obtained it • . li is pure old Hol· would ao for-a week, or n month, or for 1 d · · bl' d a lonaer time, and recreate amona his . an Sohno.pps. The Afr1te 11 o 1ge to

,D D take both hands to carry the cup to bia kind. Sometlwee be would be content to lips, and be spills aome of the liquor at ftnd lodgment with a Dutch Boel', and b b 11 't ~a pend a week in hunting J and again. he t at. Greedily, greedily, e swa owe 1 . ; would make his way to some dis'-nt set- La \tea .breath, waite a few momenta, anCl 1 f 1l' d then has the cup filled again. '

t ement g ~nropeaos, an there drink - Very soon' tbe powerful liquor begins to 11nd carouse. At such times be e.eldom

1 d ~ h k b h d k ~perate. The wan's nerveti iain tone and P :lye or eavy ata ett; ut e ran steadiness. his step becomes steady, and h11rd, as though aeekini to drown a de- .. 1 lllon th1n would only be aubmerged with he is abltt to walk w1tbout stagger ng. stroni drink. And, moreover, be some· The Kaffir has called him Sir~~. By times carried larie ..,uantities of spirits thnt ap~llatlon is he$o"n to •ll thn

, niLtlvea and Boers of tli . on, Ori~in· to his hut, On one o~asion be bought 1 d • · d at a Dutch settlement, on the edge of the al Y aom, one, eemlDg ht a wan e Di & h k spirit of unrest and mystery, called him

c uana country, a ro e of strong oxen, I}_D M'rite • . ,The designation struck otbert ~nd a co.rt. and co.rned a full load of as being peculiArly appropriate, nnd in liquors ~ hie hut. time it name to be adopted by all. who

And thus the man had lived, shunning bad occasion to aJJenk of him. From the tpe society of hie fellows, bunting dia· day that he left England he bad never monds at times, and then, at other times, assumed of his own accord ~ false nante.

The Scour.g& of Seftondale tloatin~ his senses away upon a . tlood of for at no time bad he felt the need. At drink. Tbere had been timea when for Cape Town, when diaposio~ of diamond&,

CHAPTER XL full three Ions month• of the rainy season, he bad trn.ded as ..r as per Sefton, but back w1th prov sionl-enouih in hia hut, and in the countzy he. had never gives it.

(Contintted.) in an adjacent cavern, to austain life, he And the name of Afrite struck him with _ had lain without experiencing one sober, a aen!!le of grim humour, and be hnd lik·

THE AFRITE .ANP THE WANDERER. ra~ional bour, Tber~ were times when edit, and answered to it ever. tinoer .. he seemed to be nursing in bia mind a " Now, Mumbo, are you ready to take

An exolamo.tion of startled aurprise momepf,opa pll)n of life-when all his charge 4ere? Will you li'ie here for j ua~ burs~ from Laura's lipa, while her father energies were bent upon keeping in view \b,et moons. and keep everything in or­sat for tho moment spell-bound. He n great work he had U> do. It waa not 8 der during that time? And will you &ee knew enough of precious stones to know plensant, soul-satiafyiog proepect thus that the animals are cared for, and that that here were twelve di~monds, the very dwelt upon: but rather 6 pr~"spect ofven· none of them stray a'TaY ?" poorest of which was worth more than a geance sod despoilment which kept alive · The Kaffir bowed assent. hundred pounds. It surprised and puzzl· only the bitterest feelings. •• Look ye, Mumbo I don't think I ed them. Upon conaultmg a lapidary of In short, the student of human nature, tJhall ever come back. If I do not, you Cardiff, NicholU.f !ound tb11tr be. bad . .not. ..knn-1\'Jn~tbl~=~Hn~i( . .tbat loneeome may do with everything here j uet wha~ been mistaken. The VI3TY lightest of the plaC~e, and watching him for a season in you please.• It is all youra, If I do stones waa apprniaed nt a Iiundred and hi.l' outgoings and Jncomings, would have ome, it ..,ill be before three moons h~va twenty pounds, at which price the dealer declared him to bD ~· monoQlaniac, and waxen and waned, Do you uuderstana ?" was de1aous to purchase. But Mr. Pen· that hie mania was vengeanoe-tpat the The Kaftlr understood. He said he field did not ·choose td aell l't th~t 'time. creature he nourished ip hie bosom was ld beaorry to bavoSir AfritfliO away Both he and Laura wiahed to copsider. a fancied wrong qone to him in other never to oome back. and yet he ahould Why might it not be plelieant ~o kfllep all years, aqd whicq h~d grown, and .s.rown, be glad to brlni his wife and hla obildren the stones for Roaamond ? At all events, und grown upon ~he verr spirit of its en· to the but ·and to know that all the they ~ere put awRy in the iron·mnatet's tertainmep~that he tb~ re- thinp within and the animals without strong box, and there they had remained; membered wrong, and that he patiently were honestly his own. . . and from tbnt time, now (wo years pan· awaited the time when he could a~ep That niih" by the light oftwo candlet, ed, they b:ld heard nothing further from forth uron the ltf\IJe of action and make' Jaaper Berton eat at. his . low table Jasper. Could it be that he wu dead t him eel felt and feaNd, if not respected and worked ovet a ouri)usly contriv­Even Nicholas Penfield, bfa feeling• aoft· Perhaps he cared no' for the respect of ed bag of JIOf't leather. Into it he put ened by tpe lapae of tlme, had it not in man any mo~ly su9h respect as bold between twO' and three hundred dia· h heart to wla}l ~he mnn dead land yet, success muat o.lwljya command. ' moods, fixing each into a comJ?artOlent . if he bad laid down ~b!! burden ot life, A brlabt, pleasnnt day at the close of b~ itseH, 1which was done by 'a~tng a few they would like to lcnow i~. With Ja.a· the rainy season. The man of the but at1tclies witq ,a needle apd thread, aa per's death establlaped, the wealthy maa· -the diamond·hunter---stands a~ hie stone atone was dropped in. A few ter of Chickwald would hRve nQ ~rouble door Rnd gazes ou~ up<m the landspnpe. of-t6ese were large; over one of th~m be in mnking hie final will. While Juper He i~ known by the DQtoh Boers of the dwelt a lonM time h1silent admiration. lived he could not do exactly a• he would country by no common na\ne. and they Tt was·or perfept form, Rnd gave no sign like to do; for he was resolved that never. call him ·by varioua names ; but we tnay · of any flaw or diecolouration. If it should under any circumstances should Jasper know him by the name that ia truly his. prove in every WI\Y perfect, it wo\lld be Sefton be able to lay a band upop any Though years have drawn deep linea up- worth u fortune. Most of the gems, how· portion of his property. on hie face, and sprinkled traces of silver ever, werti amallt though the emall~t wu

The years sped on in Old England; and in hie hair, and dimmed the lustre of bit valaable. The aiamond·bun' did Qo~ they aped on elatwhere aa well. In the sombre eyes.,• they have not de~racted ma· think there was a 8tqne of ~h~t fnr·away land of' the Kl\ffir and the terlally from the lithe. and wiry form, nor' would, no~ ·weigh over twd 0$1'ats when Becbuana-the land of marvellou11 ani· from the haughty~· and bearing. ~ut cqt, aqd bqt fe'f 't'ere so •~all at that, mall, and ofSe rkable men-of men above all else ie th•· gran4 ~oue~qe He drank a 1ood· deal or gin wlllle doi9i who would a em olahumnk of·iotalll· aw~eping lo•·down oYer ~At ~oattl1 -qa. tbia. wor~, tmd _wllen tt was 1.ll· dqne, be gence tcarcely ve ~he ani~ala they away upRn the cheek on ei~her 11~, fl~ed l~ into a btlt-..for 'he bai waa very killed and ate-when they did not kill· There are a few •ilver haba in the whisk. long and narrow-a d bied how the ben and eat their ow.n kind-in Southern Af- en, but not many, ·The brow, a~ded 1!'0Uld fft around hts loids. Be told tbe rica-the )earl rolled on juat the, by the rim. of the bat,.bu not been burn·. Kaffi.r ,.tb'ey. were pretty bi~ P-S,}lQl!f keeping t1me with the lapse ueon the aea· ed or tenned by\ and it still the "hioll he Should 9~ t9 .Btaal•ct l!Jtq girt kingdom. · a~am~ P.a~ lbw, QOb,raoYC~ forebe~ ia o( hiPi, if~· eveHr,nt ~cJ<totJ!a~~try;

For CRAMPS, COLIC, ua4 aU BoWel Troubles, use


1111Cl)otla lDwmalltu4~· _ It114tt qv.loklt,a!'orc!hsr almoetiDat&Dt reUef £rom Ull IIYIIU' p.1JI. BK IUU to'QBT THE QEltU(NS

A6o per botUe.


PALMO- TAR SOAP II ID~I&bte to~ the Bath, ToUt~ or

l{llfiU7,for cl~ Ua• Soalp or Sk!Ao THE •nr •Airl IDAI' KNOW/I, '.

Prloe aeo.

Pb71SalaM lt.mlr17 l'MODUDtM

Wyeth's .Kalt Extract, (Llqulcl)

'ro patlant.ll ad'trln~froDl DO~ nuar. tlon 1 to IDlPf'OTf tho ppatlte, to Afttltt 1> • prdcna, a nlublt '.1'011 o. ·

~ Oonte pel' bo~Uo.

'1'N -t nt1ala0\or7 BLOOD l'OllD'IEB ill

Channing's Sarsaparilla, lt fila Qra~~4JDlALTB lUll TOUR,

WlU 111ft the WOTit ConP. ot 1ldo 41..-t wU1 nrtlUaaamAtbm 1 will outo 8&lt Bhaam.

J..ars• Bo"l••, ~1.00.


Jor OO~SU.Hn'ION, &qbt, "'rteot.tcS Colcll,~ J3ronchiU., .A.Ithme ~cl &ll d iJOUCI of tba J.AIOP.

JJl ~·• Jisecl \lottlta Q5o, OOc, an4 •1.00,


~f};.t!f!._ME NlHOLPlASHR ~ '"' ...............


Ptoprietora or General Agen~ • POll )lOST OP Tllll POPVI.Aa.

hopl'l.tG/'1 or l'hGI'hllle•utictJI M~lol~u, Tolld Al'tiCIH urN'II'fllllll'f.

GENERAL 1aaUaaa• Gimpaar.


Capital :-£1,000.000 Stl' . Inauranoea eifeoted op allDo•t all kinda ot

oropertyln li ewtounclland •t pOII!blt .. ~ .. J. AUGU8TU8 OLii"l', \\ · A gmt (()'I' N WJ(ou.ndW

E. B. TROMPSON, Agtmt (Of' Harbor(}~

.A.TTEN'T:I:ON I l am prepared to 'purchase uaed NEW·

FOUNDLAND POSTAGE S'l'AMPS •* the highest prioe• Send me your addreu ancl I wil) glve you all intorm,_tion, a11 to P'ioee tto. A. F. V . .AMSTEL,

Burmans~rut, A me~rdam, Bollud, ,,.,, weAt MANUFAUfURED fUHIITHHB!

Heyond the Znrteqbelii and Ber1en old, wl\b ·lta'prttdoaiiDBilt peroepUy~:U, '.rba · nlrh•, l'flen alooe ·ln ' met ll~le Mountains, in a deep valley,_ where a recediDi redectives, fallins away to utter nook, wniCb was Jiarted off from \he mafi - "'ll'"'"'• tributary of tl:l• Great Orange River bunt ftBtn~aJ ~Qere ~renolo~te . locate ~ u_t ~y a 'double p~rtitlon of mats, J out from a dBrk ~verii at the foot of a verence 4ns\ v'eneratioil, Yea. it i.e ~·~ade a cbange·tn tberu~DUJK'tLUICJil~ moun~in craJ, waa ~ IIQl~ll hqt,· and in Er BeCtOn, . thouih bll ears have ,or' oe~aln ftxturea wl;licq this hut had lived amanallalon.-foJfqlJ ~Ar'd tne name for ·many ye'ara. , had seen him die~ of. half a ecore of yeara. In other ti:Q• ht QJlJ, Jcma,r.~ht' Ala .b~ -1» tb1e fro~· beneath bia bed a '".''u111ru had wandered tblt b:/' led by}'D~rvel~ a"ay 14Jaal M wt..Jlave.•il. ly Jike tbtLt ~hiob contai loua aton....hlch been ~W &a biut *be life ~ad tol upon him· Of · and ln thit bag were by a dyln1 man at QapeTo"n-ekJillof itlri._~,yo Ot tQ.r" yean Jut 'DAI~·,MDA--41UiJ.,..1..1ron!ll8jS&- ..v~JUu~v....~W41.&~oJU. sold, "blob laylD tl&kll upon tbe tand, be b~d~i eu.afVily, Be nul·---and whloh reiW iD luaa~ upo~:~ the t4 w. , hit, deep •rib. ' He bad oomeliU~er-ID l!lt ~~'ted b• hM oom• alou-and --~-~ peoted. .Be foud'DO plcl f but .,.~un4 ' 10methlDJ tl• wbtob •aawu;!Jan u' wtll.. Olil dar, wben bt ""' clelY· · Jy Dpon the OAk oftht'th'MIIa1laj= 'llm'ICIIIl ••

tf $hi prectcnu DN; bt plOUIIp I . . .A.Q~M,._It

Page 3: Constitutents of Prime· - Memorial University · ~b.u' -~EW C1ooos.- Many or our apop·JOJao • re ceived their

I . HARBOR GRAOE S~ANDA~, OC'l''(lBER 14. 1890 - -

' } j I f \ ! • I • VL. I l

li~hest or. all in ~vening Pow~.~U. S. ~~t 1t'~,Aug. 17; ~~


LllD·a~, j ~~~~~~ "ry, OhrODID anbcu., J::I4De 'troubtea. ltpiDA) w.,...u




1 •





POOR JIO:&BOf. ..... • - ... .. , ... ~to17 uf a Jl8dical Student

tbrowo' off th dieguiae. Fool ! do JOn oot ieo that the ouree ia •boot to ..wuoh mo; 10 aur~tlv aa we face one another. thie Ia mJ IMt oflfh' on earth.'' I 'tote b11tily from my eeat ootl oro11ed tbe room i there could b11 oo douht uow· aa to tb11 IIIII& of my Unhappy friend ; ( deLermiued

, BY Aum,N LAMDD£01:. , , to eummoo aaeiehonoe. and wai about to opeo tbe I tlrf' mel Moreoa01be at Ed~ur:ah io t.h'e' d~or. wbeo be ar~eeted •my. ttept by ~ motion of

rlie~ec&ioa·roow of tbe RoyoJ. Colle~re of Sar- ~ ·baa arm. "S~no back from dOOt' l" he cried ; aeooe; we wPN~ f"llow-etud~ote, a~d after a little and to my daamay 1 Ill! tbe upu .. ioo of bls wbllo lotlm.te hieode. He bad tbo achaotaao of face had cban~ed i a fixed lo.ok of horror reigned rdio yeanu in dud io u,earlJ eYerJabioll ela~,aud' there oow •. br.e eyee pretented a a lilly appeir· I looked up to aod admired him with all tbe eo- ana. and b11 J"W huu2 down ~ tbat ota corpae. tbuaiaem of bero-worenlp. He became' my " See! abe "'"ode therf' !'' h,. ' almoet wbiepered. mooltor, and wben we ftully aaTeecl to abare a ''At you nlue your hfe dear friend, do oot ealte ol roome aod lin tt'jlttber, I ahooet oeae.d pau b..,r ; •he will not moleu you; ehe bu come to be ao lodepeodeat..r~~ember of eoclety, eo anat for ru i I aee the en rill! in the ftre of her left a1ui lt?ana• wu the io6uenoe h~, eurof~ed OYir eye; the aallowe m•rk ia on bcor dietorterl neolt :a me. E"r.JODe uld Morooamt>e wu etraoge; ahrnnd enfolrl11 h"r both ; if tbat bony baud touoh acme wt~otfurther aod declared him to be aotoal- me I am lo1t I" He mado a few rapid atopa to tbe ly mad; but I eooroed tbeee oritlofame and lauab· table, aod, draw ins.! the lawp to warda him. look­ed at the oritloe-oothloa would- penuade me to ed me ooo11 more io the face · bie countenance abandon the oompaolooeblp of<ihy friend. 1 'be '·"tf .ohanaed Allain, antf waa ~ow lit up with a major\ty of tbe eludeota reprded Moreoambo horrrd ouoolo,:r. 11 We will dodge her io whb reepeot oot unmixed wl\h .a ~loae of a•c; ll•e derlt I'' be muttered ,· •· I muu a•old tbat bie brain pow are were 10 a~afabio,:r. H., bnny Hnaer !'' lo au ioetaot be had extioaoleb. oarried uerytblog before blm. After hi. ftret erl tbe li11hl, aod we were in darltne11. I heard winttr enaloo at the Hall; he eeimed to be aa A lo• eouffliaa aouod at my aide, but ooul4 181 well Ytreed lo aoatomJ ae tb11 a bleat p'nfeaeor, oot blnll 1 •nd I eouQht io · deaperate h.-te for tbe attd hie marvelloue diNeotlooe weTe the ooo:imoo matr.hea. Aa I eeized•and wu about to 1 trikll talk of tbe ola11. Honore aod pnlle were our. ~he room reaouoCJed with a 1harp' cry of ehowered upon blm 1 but he recelnd tb11e marke palo, followed almo~t Immediately by " deep of eeteem whh coldoe11 aod apperent indiffer- Qroa~_....;.· Are yoo hurt. Morl!oambe ?" t almoat tDI't, aod aa etudily deolloed tile frleodly ad- ahou~a. '' Dfd you fall? '' Au aoawer came out nnoee of men hiab Ia tbe medl~al profeuion •• of the darkoe11. faint aod feeble "She tooobed be bad tbose of bl1 fello•·workere. J believe 1 me I Sbe touched me 11' l atruck a llubt wae tbo only friend be bad lo that areat 01ty; aud lanltlog the lamp, dleoeroetl him leanlo~ and, u 1 oeYer heard bim epeak of ooe I~ back io a obalr,hle arma lying belpleu bulde him. any o&her place, perbapt tbe ooly ooe io the One alaooe 1ojllced to rneal 1he oauae for tb11t world. l::lometlmu I o1ed to wondar what tble caloa alleooo, that lilted atare -11r FRIEND WAR fuolnaLfna, hlabiY·Jrlfted mea ooold eojoy lo m.J· DUD I

. A Wonder~l Triumpb o1 SW'J'ery. -From .Parle oomee the report of a mo1t extra.

Ytr.J orlllaery oompaoy. J am ... P~& olner, Clot bandaome. not eno partloolarl7 .. amiable; per­hap• be tolerated me In tba flr1t plaoe beoaolt of that majloetlo attraction to him l JIOIIeNed aod could 10 ill·oooceal. and liked me latterly­

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ortbat hellk~d mel am euprem~y oonftdeot -from foTee of habit and for '!11 oapablll&y of liatenlog to hie dleoounee eod oplulooe ooloter­roptipgly-=--t all tlmea aod io all plactt. Mort• oaCDbe waa •n orpbao, aod h~ bot ooe llvioe relatl.n,, ap elder brother, who bad inherited ooneidl!rable property antl witb whom he wae oot on friendly ttrml. 1'11• et'UdJ'Of mediploe wu eoe of my frleod'a wbime; be bad· takeo It op oo the epor or tbe momeos at eome wild dlotat1oa of laooy. aod ruhtllt lay I& 11idt at ID.J momeo• io almiler f11bloo. PolleiiSDif a comfortable io. oome-be had trnelled far ,ID~IJ"lde lo tbe mOtt diltaot ooootrlee. acquirloa a Yaet aod •aried .. x. perleooe of meo of almoit nery oatlooallty aod

• pe~ollarltJ'; aud hl1 etoolt of knowledae ooo-1.oerplnll fortlllo punultl abd arte eeemed lnes:-1 haoacjJ>I.e. W.e pad lly~d toeel~er for oearl7 ' a ytar. ,.hell' oo~ Phcbt, tJ wf! "'e,e ~ttJoll in o~Jr

orl1ioary • r~ioal operation wbloh bu reaulted io I(!Yinll loteiiiQeooe to eo ltllot, The pntlent, "" ,iomate of the Chihlren'a bo1pltal, i• a alrl ~ yeare old. She had " defnrrLed htad of email aize ; never emlled. never took ootloe of any. tblolf and could oeltber walk oor eland. Ur. Lanelonane, 110 emloept apeolellat. became ooo-

. . .. -. Golder's Patent Victoria Anchor and Oil Buoy.

· atudy. )lort~IDbe apoo~p~ted hi- fpteptipp of lenil'llf EdioburJlb. "l fjod tbe llflt tlere uo· bearable." he uld 1 •• 1 blh& beeo labourlo" In vaio, atrivtng to reaob a aoaJ that dOtl DOt Uilf What I• tbie ltoowledge after ftll? 1 ban oo JI10Ud. rood mother to alory Ia my triompha, DO Jo•lo~r bride oo relatlooe nor· a friend on eartb for whom 1 care ooe etraw, or whoee approvioe truile could cauae my polao to quloho for ooe ioatant-1 am alone aod DP,<"&red)of." "You (oru~ .~;. t1orl'lJil!Dbe," I ~~~d~ .• ~~ •1PJ~e~ au~ W&Ye&J j'lia h,Pii 1J If tp pat\ t;Jp' IJID·FPJ iJifO • tlop. " W ~·u Jet t ~e queetlhp ol JrJ~pdJb#P r11et ; l Ill'\ abopt to )e&f8JOU I and,~ .p .. k OIPdidiJ, 1 ftod that eolitude, and •olltilde ooly, will oure fll] preeeot dlaorder." "YoubAJ'e bad bad newe ?" l t1nquired. "Your brother ia Ul ?'' He. toued tbe end of a cigar into tho 6re Uld bur&.t lo• lo ~b~ jratl 'P9 !o9~e~, ~· a~nlgbt ip e7e1. "You tbink tb*t ioql~ rrae~• me?" h• aaid, " W oil. tllJJbO h ·~o•t. for tou bue ag,.lttd riJbtly-myl;lrotber Ia d11ae I" l IPtdt po r• • mark, aod after a brl1f • bo ooatlaqed : " MauyyeArJ aao ! became the •abJec' of a pro­P~'of 1 IP •fed wom,n, who wu InJured or J•po1ad JuirHil'P ll~!9 ~~ ff11 bJ~•r oureed me' J -tlie •toRi, ' .P,qti il "'~~ ,,q(d lfgJ Ia~~, .. ~ JOD, and l cfo aot ~·---\o •DPI~ ~1, I\ t.b~ ~j pro· p-e11y waa a alraoie on11 . • ~fpflie.,,w~ ll•laa •• tbe tlll!ll, aod my brotbtr who b11 Dtnr bean ' ~.•tiJ~1 fJIIP· Ia)' ahool& at ae~lb'e door. Tble woqi'IP "a~ , l'raJul~r f9 m'-' ~p~eo f•r .. J .. able lO jqd '· ~o~W ltPfll~( o '( fa1PII1 IU poeltloD. lilh1 •old g~o ...... a•ta' ! m· ••pea$ ~or. own wotde, for l b&Ye oner foraotlu them­~ · Rlohee tbouah read7 to (all, i§atO 7oar lap aball &JJ''' ~f ,onra; twice ab"ll m7._co~o be •felted ohl'·o~.,...bDi)O IP mertl~P 109 •Jtl·l~ breath, ab ode tb toudh, -r.~· . ret ~~a IJe' tl~e ¥trans• wnrde ·wart tl!&J PO 2'' l ~odd~d end aak.d. bho af be pYe orad n~J• an 11111h toll,. ''too oall i• toJI)'." be aald. "Yea, 1 auppou you would, 10 diu l opoe 1 bft .th~t /a4 bf!fore tbe womaD died .. , " Died t:• ~•ulalmed '' Bbe '' deed lbeo ?" '' Dead ~ ' door·Dil.'' wae tpe .rppJr •· Sbe "ae h~i'~ 'lit. New tl~four 111ra ,,o.,.~p ~lljfld , tier dauabter It wu a pecollpr bae1nu• r1o1P nrp~ ·PPJ.~· tfld. !JlOit lo­terntiog. "You tilt •JJ••~J fl lp rJ~dle~·'' I oompl,lned. •• W,ba& Flo fOll.IJ'I,AR bJ .. JIDifPU he line 'to her P'opheoy now abe la'd,ad ?'' Ha looked up .. I · apoke, lbd t O~I'Yid • abllti.J iiJUtr lo bl1 darlri f1t1, ''l dlit Do• •1 10 " bt •ld/ ,, J ~ereJy objected to' ' ioat esprt~~lon • fol J', 1 _ ~o1 P~Jtl If lbt oan• brioa abo at my tad, ehe WiiJido eo] all~ ~., "J''i5"~ mop!lt· ebe illretteoed ei• IH$ nfall~. • 1~ r ·~ f.b mao In IIDIItiDeUt. I llacl •••tr b Qs I~ Cb II bamour before. Could be be loalor ~ia '~toeee f f¥11 be craiJ? ''You look lllOaiebed,'' h~t ooP,Jipg,d. rleloa from hia '"'· aad e&aadlng be· fon' IDt. ,, ~'"r ~ aatoala~td '' aaytbfo1r you may 'He~., blat ofPJ! 1 1P.JJ li'II'T'P·~· • 1e!llu•t perl.fa.,;·J' •m 1 • ~o!ar, ptr .f alP ' a wonder amoapt wooden. ·P•~ l~ "'' D•• J JID mori abaa thta • l.Attee lfalld 1 •Ill tell yea -lA ""l*!' Hcrto)i' l will ull yoa.'' · ••d )e .,_al oWf''rs/', •hlln ~~· I'Jea•~•red from bla bto,, aDd · blaelt' lfPthtROII r.»• llpPB bJ• fo..,­hea~ •· J am mtd..!tiitd N 1 htJt,. N -.t q tbe wtJd~ ,aaalao Ia Morftft-'il• A•rtarn. Mt brother Je ~ M1 fa&her ctttd ••· 1 eo111e of a 11114 .tciok ;' aocf etacd before roa a mad111aD PRfl " l ... &oo IJiftattd to ~i t ••,..._ aad met ,jppJp\ld tirror,' aD'd1 ~ U &h .. word• iba• btiPDM .IJb Ire I~ -"'l ,_,. pooJd bt &rae. lilt ~tldD l. aiod~ • ., \ 111Jfal -'"'· 11o · be reed ·•t .......... Nd borR taao f fer. ••Yo11_,. fiJilrtftfd.-rrttiU·

·Jotlr fello•·lt'-4•!i.. ,_..,lid ...... ~t~tMii: • .,..,. le·ttrt

f;~~~•rtht.; to '.So'JWIII•111riNH? J di ...... lilt.. ~ ... > • .~~..., ..... ~~~~~~~~1--Rt~ ,·: .. 1111"

. vlooed thAt tbe coodltlno of the hula creature w11 doe to the abnormal ollrrowatll of tho bent:! whloh blade red tbe nat oral arowth or'tbe bralo · Some time &flO be made a loog luolaion at the centre of tbe ekull. and out oat a portion of tbe left •Ide of at, takloa care oot to I e tbe du­r• matter. Tbe reaol~ of tbe operat oo ll4 ••· toaodina. The child boaan to wal~ IP I thaR a month, aod oow ebe atpiljll. ~~~· iptjlrl!et jl) everytbiDJl aroaod her Apd pl171 whb a doll. ~he bu ·.been ele1a~eJ rroJ11 ~bp rapk of ID IDa• mal tR t}lat of IP io!llllieeot llumao teioa.

- Tbe mao who bu be,.o eel llog far weatern people big obaok1 of lake Superior for roal ee­tate h .. 'ot done tbem auch a had turn after all if they ooiJ b11ve tbe enterpri11 to put in fleh ponda or out aod ebip their lc.e. ~'ble ia probably wbat be tbouabt they would. do.-Detroit Free ~tu. .

-JAcK TBP. UIPPBR.-J;on'dou. Del ~-The police of tbe \V~ltellhapel diatriot han reoolvod A W'lroioll trorn "Jaok tho lliP.~er" ~at be i1 about to kill aootber wcmao. Iu !Jaodwritlna of tbe letta r It identlatll With tbat or lbe other I etten.

-A petrified ftab of aotedilu•i•o epeoiee ha~ beeo found Ia eome ahallow water jq fhe ~eu. tuoltJ riv,er near Yell•jlle' ~y •om• boye who were ft•htoa. The' atooe, for IOOb It .... I• about three feet io leoath aod weiah• otoe~ •o poaod1. lt Ia of a blulah oolor. almo1t perfect io torm, and look• nearly u n•tural 11 life. It oould be called the mummy or a oatfteb, exeopt tbat h ffae wbat eeeme to be .perfeotly ·forme4 aoal11 Ill OYOr ill hQdf• Q14 Tltl jd'o' qa" errlliD at thlt '!' ••~t~eJ 11erer aar ao)tl:lloa lllte l£ btofore, 1 4 ~In U.e petrltled flab to be A apiolea of a· 'de aoot t be, and It bu doubtle11 be eo IJIDi •~ the riYir bottom for a oeoturtor IJIO~~:

~~ ~~ Pt Pl' ~~~qrll,•· 'fb• ~ra~emao ah"1' nod• to him, H~ oa)ll tflo brllf8 IIODddotor "Jim."

Re koowe tbe time of ner.y train, Tbe aobedale paulee oot bl1 brah~1 ' 1 0Jlr tra,o'a ,.,, Ita~~ tq'·cl•f­Ar hearT· b• r. WOPt ~ ••7· The eup'rlntendeut'e apt to be The objeo& of bl• eomltf,

' "If I'd a obaooe. jnet only ouoe," He II.JI, !' l'Cl pron that mao a dunce.''

The dear Idea he oft oare1111, ~'hat all tbe train• ~bo!ald ge w~dll e~pre .. ee~

f et by hl• plan!• •lao oper,Uon tech abould ~top at eyer)"etetloo I

Yoo'd thlolt be owoed a mlehty bloolt or thll poor railroad•• boodl or etoolt.

Sot all he owoa-etude by tbe "ioket1• And 1111 ~Ia C]Oql!J11Jt~ttlol! llo~c & 1

-fif•b~rg~ Dupatch. - ... Amen« ttl• toter11tlor thtoae abont oo!ee are

theie (tbo11 wbo dellre to reaouetbe diptomaolao from bl1 cope will flod bo better aubetllate foa aplrite tban etron,:r, oewly!.made ool"'•wltiiRq• tpflk or !O~r, J'1tift 8raclll of oaftetoe, &~t Htl:l PriPOjPit Rf oo ee, wl I, 10 t~le~ deelarei lila e a a lftrli¥ me draa • lll,, the drunk a f. tor 1 a aliau'e on t~e alooboho one. Le~~er qaaatttlte. of oourte. will elmply ao• u a were or leN gentle etlmoleo&, maoh •• a~~~ of tea qr ~

l laae of betr dnee. 'l'wq RQqpttl of oof•A· or oa~alallt~' of t poand, to ODI plbl of ' 'bc)llfutr

• .,, mekn • llrt,·ola• beftraae, bat the inlet bt bolhor. eot Ultritly hot. h I• aaaerted that IDIIJrla.~ad tpldelitee are aYoldtd bJ thoee who chink a oap of ho•' oo!et before nDtarioa Into tbt anorulua air. Uuroed• oa bqt ~I• ooftee il a dtlipf~ttA~ •rAr ' tto~·fqQQI, aad bT '"'~'' or •b• bltet; p'b",.tof•~a• It II ooatldertd • •~Hill i~ t7pbof1S !tftr, ... .. .............

ala (ftthlar for tJmpa~) •·Do yoa •a whll aearalrta ?' .. rtu (empb ... oaiiJ)· • A ,., wbea I hi" Ia -l.Otttll ~.

l.o.oitl..... •

• RIYI .. tfiJ .... •-o .wbiaUtl aU:ta work, • •" .., .. ,....,.., wrlw. All~"; to -.111 ldli M14 ,.. ... , Nft Cl,~ , • I 'ef\ f '


CONSU.MPTIOfj . which cnn be cured by a

timely J'eso•·t to this s tn.nd­nrcl prcpnmtion, ns hns been p•·o,·ed by the hundreds of received by the pi'Oprietors. I t is ncknowl­cdgecl by many })J'omincnt-.t ph,Y8iduns to be the most re i iabl'e prcpnrnt ion eYct· in­trolluccclfor t he relief nnd cm·c of nl L Lung· complaints, nud i o1lc rcd to the public, snnclioncd by t he expel'icnce of oYct· fot,;ty ycnrs . 'Vht)n resm'tcd to in scnson it sol­<lom fails to effect n speedy cnrc in the mo t severo cases of C oug h "', Bronchitis, C t·oup, \Yhooping Coug h, l n fL~~nzn, A thmn, Colds, So!'c Throat, P nins o t· Sorc­ll0t!S in the C hcr;t nnd Side, Lh·c;· Complaint, Bleeding nt the Lnng-8, &c. " .,istar's '3:11 ·nm docs 11ot d1'Y up n C oug h, nnd lean~ tho cnnse behind, as is the ca c with tnost p1•cpamtions, but · it loosens and C'lmtn cs the lllllis, a.nd ni lnys iJTitntion, I It u::s rct~w,·i ng the c.: a U cio of the c:ompbint .

I'RE I' AJt i: o D\ ' BETH W. FOWLE ck SONS, :Boston, Mr.a•·•

,\su.l ""'"'·•llly n r ucn:)._, .. nn·l n~ ,.,.,.,.t:rf•nf",..,11··

. PH<ENIX · Fire Assurance Company.



TIMJi!'fEES ~ DIREOTORH Joe~~h Wm . Uaxeodale, Eeq • &rratow Botill. Eeq. '£be l:loo. James Ring. ..robo Cluttoo, Esq . · Ootulue E. Cont>e, Eeq,, M.P. Ueorjle Arthur FullerL!t•~· Obarlei E. Goodbart • .t;eq. M. abodp l:!a•ltioe, Eaq. · lilr.fqhp Lubbock, l:ian.,· M.P., F.n. U~~rr,~ Thomaa Luo~ • .Eeq. . Cbarlu Magoay, 1£•4· l'be Bon. Edwin B. Portman. DudleJollRbort Smith, Eaq Wm. ol'-mu Tbompaon, E•<l~

BON. DlREOTOll J OHN J. l:iLOOliVI£l-P 1 .S~q

WtLLlAll C. MAODONALt\11 t<"R4NOII n. MACDQ!J-\LD, f J oinl Sa~"li.Drtt~

11hp lHlgagements of tbia Office are guafa~· teed by a nuruet'OWI An d wealthy Proprietau addition to a l11rge in\·es ted CapitAl; and tb' promptitude 11nd libaulity wit h which olaimt have a!waya been met, are we ll-known anc\ acknowledged.

The importance of the tranaaj:tiona of tht -PH<ENIX FIRE OFFICE

may be e•tlmate4 from t he fact t bat elooe ltf eatabli•~JDep~-now over ONE l:l ONDRED YEAM­~1\!t MYmeote in n tidaotioo of Claims fo r Lou'! II bave oxooeded FO URTEEN l\ltLLtONS STERLING, .

1nauraooea aaaiott Lou by Fire aoll J.ightP• ina are elfeotl.'d by the OoiJlpaoy upon eflrj de~oription of Propert7 , Q» the moat fnorabl, term a.

W. & G RENDEL~, St. Jomc'$

~apl! Agent• for N~wfouAdlo•d


GEO~. WEBBER, nru.aa18"t

Water St., Harbor ·Grace, Pretarlptfotul o"refnlly compoundell .


la priottd and pobliabecl nery TueedaJ and Frl· daJ•••oiDJl. at the 8taodard omoe. Wat...S ...... lhrtet, llvbor Graoe, bJ MtnrK 6 01:1.

8oBIORI?T1Q" BA~ per IDDDID I 11 far balf·lfl•r' &o fort liD eubaorlbtn tbt ratee wUl be • . 60 .

&onanu•o RATU-60 oeata per laob fa 1111 a...naaa, •••D•r ttD .. ,., toob tor~ ontlna&loa. lptola rt~IN for Ulne or ....... Tbl •••bJt ·~ .. "-"··· ... - bt ·~..,tilt~....... .



Page 4: Constitutents of Prime· - Memorial University · ~b.u' -~EW C1ooos.- Many or our apop·JOJao • re ceived their

. ----· Local and· other ~tema.

... # • ,. ".., ..,.. ,. 4 • , ................... ~ .... - ·ne ~or&bera 4Jole&at __. Co•.crlpl .,. rl•ed a• tlall pleoe o• laadar •or••t. !" "'*" to lt. .Toba·a. ·ur. O.O..t Pe~ - tbe oat1 .... ,.,'"' ...... btrt.


'!'he Trinitf. R~ we ootloe, In ita inue of Saturday Jut. re:Darb ~~at the potato crop in that J'leiab~rbood la not atfeot.ed bJ diaellle. Thia it. ia pleaaina to bear. ·

ftc'-d. aod &0 • nry larlie a&'-Dt. 11 tlae tope I after nturued to Ooo;& wl~h a true bill lo the ........ , off iod taileD awaJ l>efore tbe !lubwn f4ract•ry OUf· for ~!Oh off~DO~ ~lte ·J\1~1 MlDb• • ,,. llfted, d.._ llill allowed h ... f lo a few &~ooed hwr to Lhf'll moutlll llD'p!llcfDIDeDt, • t &Jay• Ucuue~b ,ll. ~"'" pert.a, IIOQDd WbiO ~rd lebor • . The olber .... taM oooapled tbe a.keo ap. Ttaa-•u eapeoltd. u '" eporee, a t•oti"•D of lbe Cotu& eere a trl.W ldad, wbloh had alrMdJ' faileD from tbt &opa. were d I~ l• a .. , f9W*II'*'oa &,:!.._'!'!• ~~: oo aud lo the 1011 If &1\1 tapa wore allowed to t • renorde of rl~!'tO' taiD_.a • oomp}e&eiJ wllher ~fore lbe tuben wore Jlhtd1 •1eota of a "!",re'-T~ Sru~, &pi

, tbt tporoeWed from waot of food, aod DO dilllaaf '¥1. K......,, (lat. ol tiM ,;ng Ar ·

"'*) wea• lo &y Roberta lO ,a, 1.o take •rae of lletll'L 0. & A. D& ... 1 '"nket Bit., to an~er &rip tu "'• Renka.

· -Wha.t Other Countries &re :Domr. The ata&.eruent. too, made in recent pnblio

dtapa~hea would ba•e been l'f&d with plea sore-the atatement, vi•, that th~ ltiah potato crop waa not 10 bad aa it wai repre seoted to be ; and that the JuthoriLica in Iro · land will be able to relievft 1111 re~&l diatres~.

wbatlfer aho••d ltoell. ohber a~ Jlfttar or after· 1 (ro".;rlil UAB- OttACK lr1'4·1]~1D 1

:\Jr, (1-. W. Uriffin, United Saatea oJnaul aL Sl•lnc)·. furni1hee hill Government 1\0nunlly with n11 1 ~litnnllld &he wool olip of Aus&ralallh' Hill n ·""t for 1 !l !li) haa juat been published. He t l :r:.~ tll:ll t iJo clip for thia 11caaou will b~ much I!\ ~·· r "\ lr11n for lu t IIC'ISon. T ne number of ehe~p 111 Auatr3laeia be pull! down at 100 000,000 'i I · ,, ool for .:'(port he u t i mates nt l,:J65,000 \ '11 8 -11n inrrLI\!O of 150 OOv bl\lt>ll over last " · • 11. Tht' !>ales :uo worl l• it. 1. O'\l market n'••11, 1 •.~fl :?!l oJ!lCb Su tbnl • he A nolrl• II'ISinn .-.ool ~lip for tb18 8· 1100 " rlt .y ield 1h1.1 Au1ttnl11~illn u uchenJ bo11· ~ I J( , {:t)•J 00) T hil 11 ubout $1

\ \'<(' ti••C'm i wise to prrface tho few re­m"'·" "e wis~ to otfcr to-da~y on t he .tbove i!u! .: c" witll., t~o 11 roregoing 11ignilio.lnt. par"· ~ q \ "I icl~l~~m ely commend iu,elf to the inttll .-.p t rc-'•!er· h ana el ewh.:re. \VhAt

, rmC'1l tl en•in . \V hRt hnt l • ,.. tt·n• u rat l.l t~ st:1temcnt, viz., th11t t he tHt,nLor o! ehcrp in Au11trnlasiR is cstim~&terl ri C t! u imm1•n110 tnlttl ul 0114 l!rmtl1'td Mil· l11m • Tuiul< ofi r, I•I!Ot>lo of ~u,,foundland I - ,, •. !:t:aultc.! milli t.lrl j thnt ,il< to uy th·e ln.: ..... d ,,,,..!,, to1· e,·ory nun, wom11n, and c: , ! in t. • i~ Cnlony !

L',, ... nu. • ,.,,u, IJ.v si~:ni licnnt n.., c r t ion ·we t>.d in tl .~ t·.·nerpt is thil', viz , t hat tha wool tu•t: n,l .... l b\" tl:o ahO\·e irumeuse numher of " '" (• i.; Cr;lll mi1Jio r1 3Qj thOU8tliHJ hRiea~ , '"'' ·~ I u~ tho hn~;e total of t~ven million, tit .-~ '"'''" ',." lllld .fitiem thorcsmttl, eight /mn rf. , ltwdf/tycUilura(~ ll , 3t:J, :iO.)

'J'lr" cn:,c1nd ing cqnnlly remnrknblc lltllte rt•• .,.,·,n·• !r '"~' t hese,-- ( ! ) that the :\ustrrt· 11,\ ,. w) ,f ..-'ip for the pre?ent&C'RRon will yieiJ

'" ·.. R u :)'"HI' mt~ ftu.tdnd a11d ltn million dv "·us-ncnrly a. dolll\r pAr sh eep !

\\' e do ll'lt hclie' 'Cl t hat much. if any thing m .,.,, tl' '" t 'w td .,re~oing is needed to convince "" • •• •pi•• nf r hi' !!r t'» t n·h ·nntRj:tl' to ro.iiult f rom the tt•l\rin., of sheap-of t he irumen~>e propor t h , .. to '~hich lltr i udnat rv ·can nttain. II "" ·a n bt· done in Anii\r.;I,!Sill, why n ut in .\ 1• c ol. • l'.tn.J.J \\'h:tC ~ ay 01\ t' puople of thia J ,,.·,i·:. who~e mind~ 1rl' no w hr inq exercis£d

""''" llw '"'i' 1rtant qnc!lt ion l lu :l.tK ~·omlecl&Ou we ll!Jpt-ml fu1· tLe In

1 ,, .,; , ·\t il uf "'" ' p•>oplc• tbo following vttlu­:,b!t' cxc"rp· :rom Uw· CowrlnJ Flo~ j t hi11 Rt

t h., I" · wn' • irno "Ill han• fo1• ~hem a Ut-l'p "tl•' •t l ntl~r t ltl' ..L'II['tion, "tho ::)heop lncl.1.t rr." ~hut rwthorit~· rcm11.rlu: 1'hora ill tr, ' . ,1 <..1 ,.:,11·k whi.:?h will I'"Y tir e fttrmer ,., ... ,. : an" 11 w Hhl·t•fl . \\"n d o n o: oddse :.u,· on;• " !1" h tt>~ not h ttl 6Kporieoca 10 star t. w 1 , . 1 .o '!!•• fl o• · , ftu. 1ttlher \lith tl lAW, llOd 1 1• •, d11· un-nw " t., :~ct 11 •li J cmon11trAtion. :-. · ., ,, :ill ·· cht>np ~ Iter :~hrnrtn)!, nnd thoy

We re~td with muou interest in a late Eng· li~oh joui'Dalthe following very important paper -an abridged tran1latiotf from the pamphl~t. l)f the D1mish .Professor, P. f, Jenson, D1· rector of" Bureau Corell" in CopcnhagAn, en· tillecl •• How to overcome the .Potato D i11eal'e bv a 11iruple and oaa\ly perform"d method of c~tltivation, pro\·ed by experiment and our-responding in ve1~igation1." •

Jrarda. Jf cl)e tor• were oat ood taken away u aodD aa tho tubera · -'•re ripe aud befOfe tile aporel· hac\ fall•o lo ao1 great quantity oo ·tbe auil, tbe dlaeue whiob 1qada iet appearaooe in

.the potaiO!!I wu uot. very' "re"t lf 'be topa were oat ahll toltea away. aud (he tollore oot

' lifted for another •eek orao,•er1 littlu ill•eue re­aulted •• tbe lt)Orea were toOJtly di!l\rl. H tbo tope were a'ttowed to wither, and then a mooth allowed to lapse before tbe tob«'ta wnotakeo up oodil~lt' at all e•11r wiolfeatisd iraelf.aud it Ia betiev11d that a furtui¥11t'i tlme would h&fe beeu eq_ullly ef· fcQth·c. Tltt' ohlulUiot:. u~ i• beat duuu by hand 11\bour, aud £\,'e' ou:y i•II.>Ui!b tll'a t ••ill do It e~· rcctually is tho ' t>rfl,.t;c.tor' plough. ohdll 10 U,ituoark lronf tbe l:'""roluaor'e deliA"' No doubt 1\ny i':uallih tnakec could aurp'y a lltultar plouK,h.

-._..., ...... liOVD .urD WBA.T A. W Tl!IDB.." • ·

Ur CuAiu.u WelL ' • .!:...-. ~

Our OraL viait of importance io Eogland wu to tt •~Jl~kuown po.ue~ to•o of HQiai~~JD, S•af· 1 rdallire. BureJem. ahbouKh ao .obleote towo i tile lase. Ol'utury._ bu oow riaeo to he ooe o( rle11pect~blo t.l iroenaioua. due lar~eeiJ to oa~ wbo ia to ~ul(l&ud "'ba~ Ho~roard P•llu1 i• t.o Fraooe, or Joho Frt·dericlt l.lougher ie tu Gtrm&D1· A.a 11\IU)' of Kua.tlaud1a uobleat 1001, ooted for lbelr iuuotiu aenlua aod indomitable pereneraaoe, ban beeo boro In obteore t.owoe llld Ylllapet

Josiah WI!J~rwood, one of the three arealM' •etna of the uoltoown aeoreta of tbe art of

;:'Tile eebooQer :A. /{ Wa/14r, Cap' Btowo. ar­ea It St. ~ob'e 'o OD ., .. llnday llljfllt poorly

fiabed. 'fbe Waller wu two weeka oaL, aod could 1•• DO ball. Sbe wae in Cl\rbooe~ar for tiYe ,da1• lookfatf for i~ and co old got( none. She tbeo proceeded to the baob Llopiog to ob­tain ao~.:~e there, bat witbout ouccaaa. She will DOW lie Up.

~" MT Facuo w_.s DEAD 1''-ln aootber col­amo apPf'arw • YUJ tn~tic, ~rapblcall1 told tale from &be~ of oar old oorreepoodeDI. •• Harold BooN&&. ,rho, It •Ill bt obeerYt"d, ie Dow wrltloa uder &M rtOwt·dL-~ .. A•l• f.aod­blok." fo e010re Cbe taJeoied produotloo be· loa wldeiJ read, '&Ia ba~ neceee&rJ to call a&tel:l• &loa to h. ·

'fhi11, we feel aure, • ill be re-garded a• valuable by our peoule, who have in the put auft'..lred much froru the ravaae• of potato dir. eaae add #blight, and ao~e of wuum in thia neighhorhood b~ve the p~eaent aeawon to oon­t.enp with thtt aame mi•fortune, uut fortun. ate ly not to a -rery larae extent.

•aoK LA.BB.A.DOB, _,u._,,,., io mod11ro timet, wu bom at Bal'lllem In &he y11ar 17;)11. Uu' wbeo b~t died lo 179•, bia oatl•o towu bad oomplerel1 chupd lo appear• aoee, aod what waa lo hie •arly dafl but a rud'

lnauuracturo. ob1oaed befuru hie ct.atl• to a mo1' leat~tlflll art, ""tt" moat itoporhat braocb of n•· lnoal aomrner"" (,lkll mao• lrf'fl"' me"l ,J,•I•b

Wedawoo4 b' I hla· p~yatoal lallrmltJ. lo b~ early daya hw 11• I .u attao~ of a~ll ·po~ •bloh after warda uulttJ 1u bi. """' and led ueotualtJ lo amputalloo.· No doub& &hi• bad aome~bloa 10 do with muloa hie 0&1111 famoaa. by le&dloa blm to tur~ bla attentlou to the blddeo area ef

-~• S.O~tr BANK Ft8BIIT.- 'fhe followlor ut~\ frO. a lettar reoendJ reoel•ed from Gf•d ~Dk 1011 to ahow &bat &be btaoktoll ny. age bf1 beta uDprocuaotJyo there ae h hu beeu bar~ aDd ot.owbete fo Jlte laljaod : The following Ia tho paper rQrerred to 1

A Remed.y tor the Potato · n~e•••• Tbe Potato Di11ue fin~ appura io tl)e foliage

of tbe plao t, and thea aproada to tbe tuberL I bia w:ae proved by Q~&oy uperlmeota all onr Uenm'lrk Jf It e"" l)rlaloatea from the ... d potato belna d&teuad, h la 10 rare •• qot to ba worth namloq. 'fjJe dtuup poo~l•t' ot a fuoau• the aport• of wblob propaj[ate at au ex~raordlo· 11rily rapid rate. aod aret blown br &be wmd frRm field to Held u . well aa from pi,IJt to plaot. »r " great number o'f eJperillleota. carried out 'Pr1 carefully all our Oeowark. it ,. .. fotlod ~bat tba diaea11 eprud from lba foilage dowo to Jh' lu'bers io about IIUD daya after the rot ia11e 1'+' attact.ed~ Tbe way It apre11ri wu by tbts epor"a falling from the IHYI!I aod lteOJ of tbe plaot OD to tht: aoil aod beioa tlaeo waahed down to tbe tu ber• by tbe raloa Oo 11kiug up the pollltoea in tayen, the lop layer. ~;ooaiatinll of tboae oear· eat tbe aurf&De aod oeart~et ~b" ll ll'R· waa cJieeu· ed to tbtt Uteot of &~nut SO per oeqt:, the ~J~i4dle layn 10 the nteot of J)U per cuul., while tlle toweet layer • ._ opl1 4illlll8d tQ the 8JJ,qt of :) per ceot. MaoJ l19frl1111111U of tbia i iJ!Ii • .,,~ tuaJe, aod all •eot to profe t~at tb" diJIUI cAme from the aorfaoe. '!'bore polatOIIJ Dfl&reat tbtt aten~ of the plaot were al1o alwaye fo~od "'or111 diaeaud t!J•u ~oee farther •••Y· Tbia alllt' •eot to provf ~bat ~beJP0111 pame from tbe surface aod In tble put OIIUII dQlrll lite qpenio!l in tbe nil made Ly the e~m. 'l'ble 81fe t~~~ j$Jta tbat tbll a porn could oot reach t~e tubera If tba 'oil •u denaa eoonah. aad a great number of elperl· anenll "" Hied all oypr tt:(e counlry to prove o r disprove thl1 idea 'l'be reantc wu 11artllul!. aod anay bc rooodly po' U · :follow• ,...,... \Vbl!re no · tnO!ll di n~t' or eartbiog-up wu dooe tba per· ooutRila of diaeued potatoea ••• 84 . where tbe mooldioll 1111 jmperf11o~ 12 ~&od where tbe toorttri. in.!( Ifill pcrfeot l DR)T ! lo m&DJ c11ea tbe re· o~ulta '"e rc ll\'ID b11ttar "th•R tbia, tho Ji•ca5e be· inl{ &ntire l1 oyercome aod iio dj•.o~··~ tobore lJOilljl found . . I


. O ur Cart•uiabt a.ur"e.,. D lente wrllloa QDd11r dattt ~Rr~ Sort"mbtr 1.11ya:

M} aammer work Ia 'I ll bq' our. rnyl~at YI!U• tnre h~Yinlt b,en to V"1 ~tal J1t,.uda a •I.It 1u &be Ladv Qltlrtr ("uri alao lA P"J I~ l>er 1lay for the plw;.IUie o(. blllua mac!• hatr eea·alok) •od thqa ftulab with lh., ~ewtquoctt .. nalwrs an•l folk on cbo Olf t .. de '• 'Afl,. r " o,al•d ruund thla Un l npect 10 •bptl)~ll tuyself tq rriy wlutor qu11rtera 'J!heee •ill not he 111 c:artrrlaht aa heretotort­fll1 ( io tt'ud to al,cortl 017 f•1oqu thll fl\1• be,twel'o 1jl1 folk ' ' Paradi ... lln•l ~qJt Brook, 1\t or o~ar wl·joh t.o rt .. aN tbl bMI~ qf &lla Bar pop llaiiOD rt,Jde.& ·

4lrea4r Olft peoplft ~tF• 1>-ta~lng &~•m•elvee to tll ~tlr wlqter ruid~op••· aod b.f the eoJ uf thla wjllpk ~·r••rla~t •I~ pFobabiJ be a deaertod dl· ••we. ,juJ .. iua from tjae appeuauO<J nf tbi u¥•· tbia ia ot1t ao1 t~ e~rJJ Ia the euaoo ; far there. I• n cry • Pr,al'lloU qf •" eariJ f•ll. More th•n pnoe~ doclu11 &be p .. t •e•k. &ha oouotry rouod ~U beiD OOYttlrd with IDOW, IDd DO ff> and tbeo •P have h"ct ~ulte a bar~! froa~

Tbe llobllrJ o•wa 'oorla' to be cbetrio¥ to you H,;rbor Gnad'*&s.· for ~· ory frow -Grad7 .to V•ulaoo 'L1o4tl• ~tt.ea !.. , ... &bere, "'' .. vtent1 ql l)aJ, anrl oo ""-'' ~ra-iJ eomu~.-ell to tbe forf', 1n1 the hiv rn•n ,, uv to ·bla IIJII In ftab •qcJ bu1iu"" T)J4 )JerrJoa do ooc aeam to ban e&rqclt lu in IDJ uuwJ>er 10 fer. No bare to any e~totot haye beoo made : IJal t~e oeta are ploltioa IJP a fe•. ~H are bu.1 llltklo¥ licb wbeo th!! IIJu at.lo111 ,..,,

~Df Bait. The ctaarae ~Ilion "'• oru• of the Dny Rob·

erta bauklu eebpooer flebe reoootlt op before the D~a&rict Court bert Wl4 1ttlled oa datard•Y· A• th" caee bae attracted tome llttlelotern& here •• ab1ll ai•• a.N particulara.

bla bueioua. ' Tbe followioa le 110 utraut from an addre•a

d11inred lo Uuralem In 181S:l. by tlrt Rlxh& Hoo. W. K Glttrlalooe Rt~hm&na to bie pby•lcal de­f.., nld : ,. h prneated hi• fro .. 11rowla1 up to be tbe aoti•e. •lworoua £oattah workloa· man, poewMod .4f all bia Umba. &Gd ltoowloi riabt well tb e u.e of tbetn; hut h put.biul opoD c.,o•lderlna. whothrr. •• be oou \.1 oo~ be tba&, be Wil(ht 1UOt be IOtnttbiDlf . elae, ana IO n•lltKloa 1~treater lt ~tot bla mhuf iow11rri1: I& druY~t him to wt~•htate upoa)be Ia•• aod eooret• of hi a .art; tb1 r.:eult w,_, Olat be ar~t a peroeptloll aod • 1arup of tbem. wblob mla perhapa hue b~eu eovled oertalul,1 haft b owued· bJ. aa Atlceolan potl~r." ·

Arter apeodioa • time·~ tbe •pl•adld na~tltula ~reo·ed to the memory of Wldt•ood (wbJro

1 •• foaot! aome {are epeclmeoe O;lp~rJ rppre. aeutlnK dil11reD\ oouotrlee. lnolu'!~teecoe 111011

111\.•n&ifully enaUlPIIed oatin ....-, we mo•tcl.~n to Wil,kioeou'• "'"bliab.Deot. llere I Joliad • compaolou of my earl1 daya. In the a.pujlt1 \r maoagn lie ""' drli.,bted t.o ebo• u• tbroaab tbe maoufaotorJ. ~· 't:b_tro," aald mJ frjeDd, pointloa to aeural b.eape of olay, broogbt from different p&tte of tbe lU.oado~. !' tb4t 11 tbe ra• 111aterlal ·• W a Uleo · prooetlicied to the room• wbere pooder6aa aiao1Jio11 ..- Jriodloa ~tbe oL•71 bto to wh<~r• h ••• puaroa .'brooJlb .... erat proot•oe of cleaoalo~t. !1ne aod tbHe we wen arnu11d t~ aee bqze IJJIIlD~, •hi~Jl ••r• plaoed lo tbe trouah• tbroal(h whleh the liquid cfay • .,. pauloa. ror the parpoae of attraotlo~t aod utractiuf'lltl t ho f'artlolea of IronIa l!H.~I"J wblob, we were Informed, If oo' nmo .. d br abla proo1111. woatd 1ppear io blote ap~11 abe 6oi.bed earlbto•ate. ' l beo we P"aaed oo to eee 1oeo aorl •A!&Ieo ~a&ldo~ va tio ue a~tiolee av.oo tbe whettl a. ~tod boy• eur upoo tb~ roo. carrjlojltbem to the jllelua of a werruer roo•n for their ftn• bardan-

1 tog. Wbile meo were eol("aed npob ibt be"irier .... ,,01 ... , womeo aod alrla ~ere ~altloa a~p11 aod

at tbe ntt q_f Rft~eo p'r qJ)outa. 8ome

"Tbo btDkefl Ire I~DI ap the •o1•1• aod, . t.o take h all aroqod,·lt le a bad oae-tba wora' enr kDowa. f& Ia tbouabt that aome of the 110hoooer-owoera wilt ••11 oot. t;ome foo~ or fht of th~"'' boweur hue dooe fairly well, tbe fopr litft huloaJfOO. 1600. 1100 ood 900 q&la. re,peottrely; theoe a,re •t the fltbe,. Jilt, aoc! tilll prfe.Gil!- it ~til the •••~p olo.,e. Tb1 ftaberJ . tt.u .,... ao aoprpfiteble oat for the ~tiP par~ of the mea e11~~ed ill h from tble plaoe." ---Tac Ws.nna.:--The weatbe.~ oontln u.,_ wet •ocl dia.a.r.e.We,-.with •aterlr aqq nortb-ooat _.ndt. • I On 8und•v afteq~oon we were •faifecl by a.J:i&.;f~.& "bre~ ot wind ~nd aea. ,l'bieh cootiuoed for ~he arl'l~&ter part of the night; 1\e ~ hu for aome littk- ~iq~e pai heeD vetj lleatj. q,d •hivala !rom the oorth ~ from Oq.laid,,porw key t~at it J,aa been bea .. l,sr t~an rk r,owq: roe many yean, On thia co-..t;, ae f.t' 11 ~e ·~a~ learq, l'ery . little clomac!' wu ,u.staii:ie(J; ta~ ,&here .ha"11 • been loeaea on the Aootian co~at. Lat.e arrin1o fro~ the nor~· r~rt thl~ ~oow )J .. fallen hi thn Strajte encJ piJ V!• L&bfa4or,

-- I

-J~aurrNp, Vzay 1---$ followlna, Ulaetrating the h1ab uerage •s• Q( aia mem,. bera of QQe faJJailr belonlfing to HJ\1 nejsbbor• hood IP1 - fonqd ot \a terM~ bY.., on~ read· en ; The Ql4 cpecobert of the Stevenaop fallli · tr, ,-.n·:~nowp title, 01' rt.tb,er tbe auhivorJ of \he ol4 faipU('aumber •~ penont.-tbree men a~d. tb~woaaen, &lkl.,.. tlaeir ani ted •i• •aarecate •16 1 ,..,~airior ·• average of (n .. rly) 80 yeera. Tli~ umea &fd egea at.e'! ltra •. Jl'lt.b . Wen.,_ (St.. J uho a), 93; Thomae. Steie~n '(tlar~or Grace), 86; )lra. A.leook, (TwjJJibpte). 79 ; Ma"how Steven4 11on, (Harbor Grace), 80 ; \Villiatn Ste~eoaon, (Harbor Q~CA)1 74; and Mra. _Tham.-. Kitchen (Harbor Grace), 6ts yean. Jt w.ll be bard to tiat4 any aix mem.,.ra of1D»clltt~ily whoae egea will "'erage any,..ay p .. r thja 1'8: cord. The ~lderly memb'!ra of t.he fa,nlly, beyond the irltiri}JltT of t~~ir yean, are iu fftr• feos ~hJJ.


, .. ,·!. · 'I' no w. LN n~ 11ee I good sher>p o~n · I,. ;•'"'''"''"ri for S3 to 8.i c tiCir, unci tht>y Will "·I··• 1 "" ""',rut· from thC' wool of at leaat. ... 1 1n I n Lunh worth from ~2 to ~H. The n;~. 1!<-<'k of ,ht>I'Jl wo e ,·cr ownt>d we bought tlt 'n nci!;!hhor 1\t. S!LiO euch in tho late Rll· tu" " l'u t> " o:>l the follo wing year sold tor P n OII (!h w p:1y for the, shenp, ttnd lefr the 11hre1 md l.tmbs cleaa·, not counting the keep · 111~ . E' crv fArm c m snppon n Ar»Ail flonk ,f ..,ftC!'i'~ :111J tho keeping will b,u·dly bo felt. I n thP they moy be turned into the llPhl .t .. ,u:zm·d for QO\VB1 nnd thoro tb111 can n •twlill 1. :\~il the a!onnd iq tdl plowed, 11nd tt11•n u tho>1o til a. ftlf!d in wh1cL lt i& propo~ .. d tn put hnckwheat, thr>y G.\n he r ur• lhere, un'l 111 t hiB way no enr~ pasture i ll requi red . A Inti•· g r11in can !Jo tcJ to shPep if the pas· t un• i-1 I•Aht. to muke ~p doficieocieR. lberl' 1.c no 11took witu whic~ 11 litt!e groin goe11 I!P l~ . r t<~ nnke ~oocl nunditioo. h promote• tbe il"·"·th ot t hu fleoat' !tnd ttlllo of' tile body. tilllt' P IHO 110 hnlc tro,.:1Je th1H a f111 mer cwn c 11 . lo1· thew lwwover sh.>r~· hnnded he :ll"Y 1111• t\ child uf l\il(ht y &urci ol Age cau louk nlt1 r tbr h!.li'U. Ther d o not r~:qn iro to be fed an wint•.- ·ruore tlutn Lwice a t1Lly, liB t.ho r nckll well. :illed in the morning will lrtah llll tby. E uly iu•obs wil l alwaya ael111t a hl~th price, n:ul Ia mba always aell at a price above t>tber nt••.lt. Old ewes should IJe avoided, Jl.ll

th~y , "'Il l li.;ht fleeces and are hard to win ter. 1· nlcss '' ewe is specially valuable it ie 11. good plan to n her ofF when 6 ve 181lrtl old. This ia when the teeth Btt> full 1\nd w l11 .c thl'y uta in perfect ahape fot· the mu·

'.>me 1!10 rarmera were engll:ted in these er: · porlm fM~. and tile reantb were all csref•tlly tabul~teri . 1u1d &he uperfmental field• vlait~ri ttoti Ollrtlfully loPpeQte<f. I J'~~~ kaowletige lbna obtalnod prov., tba~ t.o fllttjrpty pr<~vent the aporu of dlua-. rtacbinll "'' fiO'I'"l"' it i~ oeceuary-111 l'u pleu• the ltledtt tttlOIJ' I~ iRchva apvt . and hue tha row1 " li OIII ~0 loohea ap,rt. ;lod ·ro mould np Into a b•O'\tl riti~o n to .. inoiJII' !tilth and 10 to l~ lno!lu wirf• •fte~r thp firs t ~~'1111$1ing. Srd. To mould up lltalo wben the diee11111 Hret opoeua In the '""'•• of thf' plana. or wlthlo 11no daja ot I" •pp .. Noce 'fhle •eoouli moulding op to be ae1•1ih ~ poeelbte. and 10 op.) raoau4 ~· to beud over the"topt P.f tbe (ll•o•. eol &hat the tport~• wheD matoro UJIY fall fDIO tht I~JJCO bet we~;n lljO fiJW~. anti not on ~b.e r jdatf · ellD hill lfon" br ,.,,~)or up lln@ •1~e o~ly

Uriefty •her aro tb ... :-Tblrteen of tbo cr.,. or I he ahoYt lqbOODtr (looJodfojf the 1100 od b"nd) were, Jlt appeus, oharged b7 lbe Captalu ( 1 't!"Jt') wJ&b .,rap~oe datr tiud to obet l.ta lu · ' ''' o•dtt,. •Mia lttl:li lo Holyrood. ft oome ou• in rvldeoRe', ·~~wJyor, U!~ tbtt did not refnk' "''1 dlreot order' OT cbe ~1er, ,qnl1 th'\& jCino Ly l•im to thf ~obfl baod, Yia. tbat nnoe of 1h,. tuo eboorc! J(O oq ebore uot\t he returned, aa hf' pnl ~d laa~aa ibe harbor at 6 80 o'oloolt lo tbe ~:,~191 (\Jedo~ed•7 lut) h appean. thouah . tbJ~ file P.po~4 ~~d. •Jt~ the rut of the m11n chtrl:lcf ·~of go •hRt• 10 '- d\nea :' tbllt th'Pf ~ld nr' t ;flqfJl In •belr 7eael oatil 11boot 1 j • 'qlnek· ' fl !pcfond h~R-i . ~fgre leil\•lo~r. Ill'•.: it~atr~tcHoD CQ OGI 61 me Ql8D on t!f)ard 10 blow t11e fat(~ ~oro· wh• c.he oaptalo oame ol-tba• Ia! if lie w~'lao'b' ,olila to lea" ~he barbot.

f&ateolof on tloe baaqt,.e qthert dlpplaa arholea lb • 1.,-ae ,a, ~oAJRI!D ~io aolo· , •biob pro•eif tq ~II•!" or eoaq}el. ltgaiD.

we f-d o&b~f1 8Uioa platn; pqpa, uqoere, to .. io\o .... ••r~beoeare · ~·~•·po~ wjtb a lid to Dlflr Uaeaa •blob • .,,. plaoecllo tbe klla, bolaa plied,... apoo uotber, for bellioa From tbt o•eaa •• prooeedod to &be Deoorator'a room, wbert •• foaod a lara~~ ourotler ol woQieo pelot­loa &bo warea Ooe would paio& a llttD, a11d pau ft t.o ber oefrbbour wbo woald ROID' dae leaf, &ben paM I& t.o Ule neltl wbQ ... laltb lt. l'heo tbey •ero raturotd to tlt ona, where tbe luatre wouiJ be tw.oclo aad obad"aed tocoloarby the p rooe11. .\• leoatb we oaae .~tt · lbe Mbi"· room wbere •• ,a, .. ~ •h• •ortt lo Itt ••tltetJ. What a · aootru, bl tlren ja.. ro..,ta haape 01 clay oad t~e11 beoatl,ully ~olatMcl ardel11 I

' ~---PPII& 41fQ AP11ua-..M111 M. l . RoM who fl.- beeta teac!Pq Ia t!te , Cbal"Ol of Enataocl

.&boola& Poao, for tbt ~' MlreeJnra, bu re• elped. Before loaYioa. MIN Rou wu prtlfDl· ed •llb tbe follo•lDI ttltlmoolal, wblob blare •lks101 to tbe appreclatloa lo "'blob btr aer.SO.. .,. bolcl bJ tU people of Foao.


·-tic:nion And nlmination of fl)od. ·

Some farmen buy ewet in the aummr>&' and hn\•e the lamba come in winter 1\nd ~hen sell theni and fAtten the old AWPB, ~hua turoiJll off the en~lre fioolt y eotrly. Thill Ia • (ltOtld ~ay to enrich toe furro, and it alwftya· ie flrotitahle, aa the ewes, hy feeding t.hem in tile paat11re, wilii.Je re dy Cor mutton by wlntOr, and t.hua thl, h:edlng of bay may he avoided. Pood ator,~ alleep c~&n alwaya be poroba~ttfl at ~he 1took yarda. Thf' Jarmer mutb be oareTul not to take home with him any ot the jnfeotiou11 di11eallea sheep are eubjeot to, namel,1, Ab or toot (Ot. Theae can b6 detected by a 'l&retul exam illation of the ftoek. W oot bU gone u low ,, will, anll trom I)OW' on the tendenoy wul be lor a alight rile. A riaiog or a at.eady market is en encour"f(ing feawre for fn inv~tment.

' -Herrlo~1 (•1• tbe Trinity Rtco,d) ••• rt• t)Orted to be aome•bat plootlfdl In tiM ''Jilt' ~!i of tblt Bay, aDd ooe or ,.o o..- ...... td In be lf.t1ery ere cfolo11 ra1r11 well, nIt ttJd ae rttb •rf' of e.oelltDt lilt •ad ir

-Th• 110br. FrtNic", arrl•ed froaa Labredo• M w.~4AJ to a.! . .,.. • .,, Beq., ttltb IOU IJ.'''· fttll. •.ntt ~ ... ...._ ...... ,jllall W-'•1 till fatf ID tbe ~~~~H. wWa ......... ... .. '' ... 0 ................ ~,.,..-.- .. . /!iilrfl· . . •

I hmt ahoul•l nnF bft J~" than ~t lno~n of !1•11 on ~I·& rop of tbt UfiPfF'OOt~ 111f'r 'lf ~·t~era ~· w111 rouod &b at on• wouldir•i IJJ' '!oqtq '!«?' ~e If the rluaea w11re moatd.d up ili¥~ ~R"lf~h tg rt el tbe dlua11 "' tbo be~tiuotnu. &tit eriip ~r potatoe• waa le11. lo OOQifi}Ueoce of the 10ilDlf planL )Jejna too moab · oourett np l'he ftrtt mouldloa R' ptrtbloa up ~houttt he when tbe tJtll'll weedlqa tt.'l 91~•· and ehoatd be ft•H an•l bro1tl. 'fhe eeooo~ IJlQ~Jl •ll nH ehon lcl not be doni) till tiJt ~Jj~eaM ahqtr• \f~err I~ fl!~ pleut

Ama1q otqer I&Jtpo1~qt ~i~o~o~rJe• IJ)•#II !"' tbe ooto tll:u tbe ~IJ llfQpqfl jou C!r '"!~d r.oJ.atoel . to tho •ore w..a aboQ~ ooe}QII; ~ c"" . fO tl!~ 3ore prodw ·ed 262 batbel• 1•1 3 q•t .. li!~ bR•4elt {' llj a,t,. llOl botbtla : 19 el.t. 11~8 !>o1hel• 1 ~ cwt . 81~ ~nabelt. In •II clle abo" o.aaee lhiS product I• tba OQJRDDt or poiatoea ga(ntd lllat ,, tbe qoantitr of l(td poJf~ou n•eti are der!uote•l 'roQ"l tbe total prodnci~. aniG~tt('" Let !(lin outy. Another dfiOOflry wu ·~ht fJOL \au !P4SJJI po~· tOU.Jl/ll"oyf dJd tbau out potatoea. \Ybql,t pot•lgu, ' aboq' U•R ppet ea,ob. did ~b6 ~~~· aod orot111111d t~• J pq~a&oea, aod "'~ fa ... eet unm~tk•kbiiiJQJall ooet ~IJ!qq~ ~~ern. Jti olabt field• lar11u IIO'A&4tl I~ lop~tt •ptr~ "'" crted •aaloa• elaallar pet•lo" All' 1a f"Q. tn~ pleor..d only tllfb' lnob11 •P•'1• &be r•tlllt. DllllJ Ulat, Ia Lbree ..,.., ~~ wholu "oratoea_,..,, ,. btfVJtf orop. aot.l ,. 8tt plltQf4 • n .,bter orop ; but. iR *'J elt~M OMM. Ua• prOtJOftiull ~r awall aod uoitfeonl.t potato• · w-• 1111 froo• llt t • rrllole' th ... ' l,otn 'II• • oac.' ao tuac tbe wbolt pot&~A•J JIJD the CJ•7al,l '~~'~a~.

A IIJ)~l JII!IQJ•I "fperiD~en~ -.u nt•ll• 10 on• ftel4 •bere J~• ~" .. " ir'i.a J"f'prN~·,.~t,•f· Ju Use HIOQif 'hj~f, mqJtiCtiJII( op fhe ~~II ~~ be~..- oloet whli lU ~~ 11• fhfl qp11~~r ~·u~ t&oo1. aod tlria eo eloMullf ••m !fH~ t~t il~l ~ •ll•. pereeat .. t lei}, frow ~ t.o U • htr t bad t'OU&Go oould bt foaud, tbuall~ ~·o·• di were ~ Ill lbt rid~ 09t moufdeJ up. ll ., .. fi)I&Ud tiMt &1\t P ..... lll. of wor•n•, aroba. 4o., lo tbe eoll 1n~•~ the cU ..... lt PIUP.fJf&ioo 10 5btir ,opJPbe(l. 1"-l M &heir borlulf OPfBJioqe J•• Ja me dleeuwporll ~I'OUib Jbt toll.

I ~01f~mt,etft4d ol doable .arrhtDJ ap ....

• Wirll' ...... \0 Ufe .. 111111 of ,h.-eqaf~ 1 ' I( appeault that ·oj \li1 pfn" efteYoooa tbe o e .. went jlt*to)l-the <.:.,itahi blltloa told tlietn u.a~ he won~! lift~ tbtm VO aentr per buodred for alt thej : ~at :bey mu .. eot 1111 them to any 0011 eilt ; 'ne' 4~ ... ' d'tflty Ullrt. btllltrbl the iq i1ldi C6()(>,)4l&ll~iltlbif• .... , f bat thf' oaPM'o flll' 00'\IJofe .!1 "'4 'ib'tf WI. tea GOlf( dart 1

~~~·q iJ!';ii foicJ f~ it ·l~~ Jlll!fl o_f ~· cull pu h\Jnlfr~d[.to Par.J orrJ!tt~ qf ! ~OY& ~ian b"nker'lnoa f11 ~' a~Jt rL

' l'hell '''1 i»rt•t are.._ fa 11a " ' tbe o .. e. h Wl\1 ruteiJ bt tht Maatetrote th"' •• tk~ meo wero oot oharaect t;Jtfl de~tnloo, or wi'b auy. thlnll of 1110h ll' Dirt II tfoolcf\OOIM ODder thll erhuioal MOUlD r tbe Mute" aod tkrnu~ J:I&•IJcerr Aot, tbt wu therefore oo o?arte PJMIIf ro tlut ho{ to·d~fta &be 0111• Tbe mao Wlte ~l~itirCictf cat~. ~tye4',·~~1at tbt1 may ~ liable '!? !' ~h ll!~"cfio._i ~odty tbe ~~~N~~ of their baA tna "Br"~"''llt-' · . r..---

'Tb.. lupree Oourt on Cirouit ' ' 'fbt Sapreee C,ur~ OD Nortbll'o Clrou't£ '•u

opooed o• S.ta~ Jut, Bla liooor Sir Jua'-lp' Plouol, K ().M.G •• pretldlor, 'fboaa we wert p)eu!d •R ,.etoo• ben for tbe ftraa 'ime 11oee \~e · Cita&hiMii~ . title •bloll be oo• •or•IAII.J biara. h11 ~ qo~~t'rerrtcJ~a blaa b7 oar MUll' <.fuoluta Mi tl&f 'J!It .Qlf a to!R¥ qJ"ODtbf aao nt hctP.or R ~ .. a &'Of tl~ ~ot.' lftere' Ja all f~lll ~OrJ ~ rtf!~• JOFthJ F~llJeq~ ,~ h lO fNI proq4 of. Jltt14J•t1Pfi'!Aa ~b!Oif bw IJ!¥.1ted ablti&7 Ill ~. ctOIID'fl'• eetrare IMa ·~ rAr bhn, end •• f1tl1acafe (lid blt fella• OO!fntrrcpea .. DIIO' baa fe•llin»lld cbof oae of· Terra Nufa'e eooa bM auahaM aoab t!DLD•Dei• 1d qatlff laod Hbortly btl111 Ouorl adjotarDtd o • Cuart me~ I' HI &bt et(.

~!:3D 'fiU~i\•1 ~e

mta• ·. . ~. ·-~· ,,.. "'-" ... '','*i . . fowaCJ. sq· ~M'"' tbt po\atoa

tHrt• •WI.. IJtaMa..RP ~d &ti~' . - .......

..., ....... , .. , ~~~· .-.~ ...... ,- *:a'~i~~:ti-~ -.DC~.. ... . ,_ i. ,

... .... ,.... Vit;t.,lo.f w ..,. .... , . ...,. ~ ·

WI ooqld uo& toro &IJIJ frot;l Clile potttr•e bo~ whhout fethua tbU maoy a morel lt110o ~bS be dadud froru tbe fialt . Whet were 1h l•uooa ! A 1trau1te oot.ttatt between tbt olay t.fa the p~:.-hJod, ~d QIIQ-a moral "flen'-" otar Ia &be banda of tbe ~l111i4btJ. l be lnaalmate olllf Ia lbe i>ottet'• haod mou ~tel whboat reliataooe. MaP. ao lDttlllaeot ~ ... D •. cUf ~bf ~ia obatloOQJ fraatraa~ tbe J'eel~to• or ibe lleniotr ~otter. lq the material •orld' 4cx1 -~~adHe "Oftdtf! 'br4'fi~ &he f->re»e ~e ~ltAU\t ~'f orie~ln ted ; lo fb• biOl'll •orld lb irorU tbro\laiJ tb'11 fret •t~•qOJ of wao. wboJU Jlt ~u oado~ed with tb11 creautudoue r11pooal. blllt; Of tlaylu1r' Jll or> ao, to Uta parpo .... )Ya •• lb~a lfiiJlhloL Ill th•& manQf.aUtrJ. f!f tun.,t ~' m barmotr_,..., leliiD. NQ• llltoj doat ai •hlpba11rd. iil'btt 'ci,._DI o't ,.,. , ~., "'"•bert fOI .. to ~. t..•cribcate ot.

om. lo OIR&ioa. A~J. <Holoay. aod •t eftr,llllot~•telle of t~e •lldoaa ot ~~ tD 1 Qi-~•• · '''bo woo~rfuliiOiitmo Qf

..,...: etP.PJIQ!\ polotf to ~\a. ~'fri~ttt;' lo a P'l•tn.toeot a,,,. •. W• ••• ~hltJJ11foot "'Ufl "~• pt•o• bero,_ tlat at., ter• tlae ·~·•' : •11ct trlf CIIOQ•II• ._.,.JJ~ ........ ~ .eltoaa,t W ttf of oqr !'GJJo)u• wt•n•liP.C!a ,,.. ~HI oftha-.oQr period orpr6b4teon ·}lie iflfMtfn artlolll eoold UDIJ bt ~bt•f•cl from thl ortQ to tb• rdbbteb . b11p. Xa4' aa •• ue'bow &he-potter•utlll ootald brloar

§~ beoo&lfal ar&lol•a o~at ot &be toa1b•t ililll,.fo,Ylfiloda weadfNd to \lte rrat abo•· of ueCJ .. )Jow·maet of ... WOM and o1 1!111 ,.,. ""P. tjoal~ ~ Wte H~· ter ao4 art •;..;.;ao; itl ~ctaor • tile ..... na... ~&.:A6'Jii,;~-;;,, .... .,, .. .. "''""1

• ... ~,, ... ~-~. tH.: 11.~ . ·~ • ; •

OauM111 Ron.-Fogo, &pttmbtr 80, 1890.

We 011\lDO& allo• 1oar ooooeotloo •J~ro~ 8tboot to .aeue wl&boo' makla1 aome •Ua~ ~ llaowltdpaeo' of your yaluablo MrYioea: · Ji~ ba" eo• Md obara·• of ·~• ~boot tor tti yean. aocf ~~rlui lba• tlmi fOR ·hai• 'hq. toanelf ~o a}Jcl p.-Jotta~Je I u., ~tJtpli.,, of JOIP' eidao dutlee. 'l'be ofu~rea •bo bar• bHP aoder 1onr oharat baY~ medt erotiiiD' proare11, tbe clloalplloe •od order of 'be 8obool ba'f'e beeo perfeoa, aod io o•er1 wat roa llaYt abowo JOUrMif a moet efllcieot teacher. • \V e bee Joar aooep ... ee of the acoom~aylor poria aa a ... 11 tolt<~o of our appreciation of your WOrk, aod we trua& Cbat IQOOIM will HtiD'J 10Ur ttforta ID JODr DOW. ep~4r' or !a~C!IJF ·; •. 1Jit1t il'J· .

• ' p cnu li~oQJK~ · CAtJvman Bd '&J,,catlorr.

Hr"u J . Euu, J P. WJw.ur fuan, Jut. '1'. Caouoa&a, J.P. EDwor KDG.u, a ... ar J. Lulo.
