
Established 1914

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

1st Waxing of Thadingyut 1368 ME Friday, 22 September, 2006Volume XIV, Number 159

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality ofthe entire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integ-rity and preservation and safeguard-ing of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State

Constitution* Building of a new modern developed

nation in accord with the new StateConstitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 21 Sept— Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Devel-opment Council of the Union of

Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chiefof Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General

Maung Aye received a goodwill del-egation led by Defence Secretary MrShekhar Dutt of the Republic of India at

Bayintnaung Yeiktha of the Ministry ofDefence here this morning.

Also present at the call were

Member of the State Peace and Devel-opment Council General Thura ShweMann of the Ministry of Defence, Mem-

Vice-Senior GeneralMaung Aye receivesDefence Secretary

of India

Vice-Senior General Maung Aye welcomesDefence Secretary of India Mr Shekhar Dutt at Bayintnaung Yeiktha

in Nay Pyi Taw. — MNA

Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives Indian delegation led by Defence Secretary Mr Shekhar Dutt at Bayintnaung Yeikthain Nay Pyi Taw. — MNA

ber of the State Peace and Develop-ment Council Chief of Armed ForcesTraining Lt-Gen Aung Htwe, Com-

mander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice- Admi-ral Soe Thein, Commander-in- Chief(Air) Lt-Gen Myat Hein, Military Af-

fairs Security Chief Maj-Gen Ye Myint,Deputy Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Win ofthe Ministry of Defence, Deputy Min-

ister U Kyaw Thu of the Ministry ofForeign Affairs, Indian Ambassador toMyanmar Mr Bhaskar Kumar Mitra

and Military Attaché Colonel JasvinderSingh Chopra and Embassy staff.


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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006


Friday, 22 September, 2006

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Try to realize the objectivesof Myanmar traditionalcultural performing artscompetitions

Myanmar people have valued their na-tional prestige and characteristics since the timeof their forefathers and it is up to posterity toconstantly preserve and enhance Myanmar wayof thinking, cultural traditions, social valuesand ethics.

Holding Myanmar traditional culturalperforming arts competitions every year is, in amanner of speaking, preserving Myanmar tra-ditional culture. The essence of Myanmar tradi-tional fine arts is manifested at these competi-tions. Moreover, the competitions enable theyouth today to enjoy Myanmar traditional finearts, thus awakening their nationalism.

The 14th Myanmar Traditional CulturalPerforming Arts Competitions (2006) are goingto be held in the second week of October andamateur and professional artistes have beenchosen from various states and divisions to enterthe competitions. The contestants ought to showtheir excellent performance and make this year’sMyanmar traditional cultural performing artscompetitions more successful than the previousones.

The 14th Myanmar Traditional CulturalPerforming Arts Competitions (2006) are to beheld in accordance with the seven objectives,namely, to vitalize patriotism and nationalism,to preserve and safeguard Myanmar culturalheritage, to perpetuate genuine Myanmar mu-sic, dance and traditional fine arts, to preserveMyanmar national character, to nurture spir-itual development of the youths, to prevent in-fluence of alien culture and to strengthen na-tional unity and Union Spirit.

We would like to call on all those respon-sible to try their level best to realize these objec-tives and make this year’s competitions a com-plete success.


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NAY PYI TAW, 21 Sept — A ceremony to presentprizes to winners in the 14th Myanmar TraditionalCultural Performing Arts Competitions of Mon Statewas held at the city hall in Mawlamyine on 11 Septem-ber afternoon.

Chairman of the Leading Committee forOrganizing the Competitions Secretary of MonState Peace and Development Council Lt-Col SoeMyint Aung explained the prize presentation mat-ters.

Deputy Commander of South-East CommandBrig-Gen Zaw Min, wife and officials awarded prizesto the respective winners. Next, the Deputy Com-mander and wife watched the entertainment of artistes.


Mon State Performing ArtsCompetitions conclude

Development tasks in BagoDivision (West) inspected

NAY PYI TAW, 21 Sept — Chairman of BagoDivision (West) Peace and Development Council ColSein Myint, accompanied by departmental officials,met with departmental personnel and members ofsocial organizations at Minhla Township Peace andDevelopment Council Office on 11 September.

On 12 September, Col Sein Myint inspectedmaintenance of Kwamtheetabin embankment inLetpadan Township. Col Sein Myint looked intoTharawaw-Letpadan railroad section.

While in Letpadan, Col Sein Myint met withdepartmental personnel and members of social organi-zation members. Next, he inspected Inhla Dam in OkpoTownship.


Name(a) Dr Aye Myint

Deputy Director-GeneralMyanma Science and TechnologyResearch DepartmentMinistry of Science and Technology

(b) U Aung Koe ShweDeputy Director-GeneralHydel Power Implementation DepartmentMinistry of Electric Power No (1)

(c) Dr Than MyintRectorUniversity of Medicine (Magway)Medical Science DepartmentMinistry of Health

(d) Dr Maung Maung WinDeputy Director-GeneralMedical Science DepartmentMinistry of Health

(e) U Zaw HtayDeputy Director-GeneralHigher Education Department (Lower Myanmar)Ministry of Education

(f) U Tin MyintDeputy Director-GeneralAttorney-General’s Office

AppointmentDirector-GeneralMyanma Science and Technology ResearchDepartmentMinistry of Science and Technology

Director-GeneralHydel Power Implementation DepartmentMinistry of Electric Power No (1)

Director-GeneralMedical Science DepartmentMinistry of Health

RectorUniversity of Medicine (Magway)Medical Science DepartmentMinistry of HealthDirector-GeneralHighter Education Department (Upper Myanmar)Ministry of Education

Director-GeneralAttorney-General’s Office


Vice-Chairman ofMyanmar e-NationalTask Force Member ofCivil Service Selectionand Training Board UAung Myint being wel-comed back at Nay PyiTaw Airport on 21 Sept2006. Myanmar delega-tion led by U Aung Myintparticipated in seminarand exposition on com-munications and elec-tronic devices in Ho ChiMinh City, Vietnam,from 13 to 16 September 2006. — MNA

YANGON, 21 Sept — The State Peace and Development Council has appointed the following personsas heads of service organizations shown against each on probation from the date they assume charge of theirduties.

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006 3

Tut\kun\Ns\S tiu;®mHc\.ÂkIran accuses West of abusing UNnuclear role

Photo taken on 20Sept, 2006 shows thewater level before thesecond phase of the

water level raising ofthe Three GorgesReservoir on theYangtze River in

central China’s HubeiProvince.XINHUA

UNITED NATIONS, 20Sept— Iranian PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejadaccused the West onTuesday of abusing theUnited Nations to try todeny Iran the right to thepeaceful nuclear techno-logy which Western statesenjoy.

His hard-line speechoffered no hint of willing-ness to comply with UNdemands that Teheran sus-pend uranium enrichment,which can be used to pro-duce fuel for power sta-

tions or bombs. “The abuse of the Se-

curity Council, as an in-strument of threat andcoercion, is indeed asource of grave concern,”Ahmadinejad told the UNGeneral Assembly.

Iran’s atomic activitiesare “transparent, peacefuland under the watchfuleyes of IAEA inspectors,”he insisted, referring to theUN nuclear watchdog.

Earlier, US PresidentGeorge W Bush accusedIran’s rulers of spending

their resources on fundingterrorists and pursuing nu-clear weapons and de-manded Iran abandon whathe called “its nuclear weap-ons ambitions”.

Ahmadinejad said theUnited States, Britain andothers themselves ben-efited from nuclear energyand the fuel cycle.

“Some of them haveabused nuclear technolo-gy for non-peaceful endsincluding the productionof nuclear bombs, andsome even have a bleak

record of using themagainst humanity,” thepresident said. He deli-vered another tiradeagainst Israel, declaring,“the pretexts for the creat-ing of the regime occupy-ing al-Qods al-Sharif (Je-rusalem) are so weak thatits proponents want to si-lence any voice trying tomerely speak aboutthem.”—MNA/Reuters

Waves break in thebay of Sao Mateusvillage on Terceira

Island in the Azores,on 20 Sept, 2006.


Mortars kill ten in Baghdad

Over 110 killed in rains insouthern Pakistan

KARACHI, 20 Sept—More than 110 peoplehave been killed in sea-sonal rains in southernPakistan as fears rose ofan outbreak of water bornediseases in the city ofHyderabad, officials saidon Tuesday.

Southern Sindh Pro-vince has received aboveaverage rains this year,which has also damagedthe crops.

“We have 112 deathsin the rain-hit areas due todrowning, collapse ofhouses and diseases,” pro-vincial relief commis-sioner Anwar Haider said.

Shabbir Qaimkhani,the provincial health min-ister said that Hyderabad,160 kilometres (90 miles)from Karachi, was worst-hit by the rains. Vaccinesand water-purifying tab-lets were being distributedto prevent spread of dis-eases.

Around 230 millime-tres of rain was recorded inHyderabad on 8 and 9 Sep-

tember and most areas ofthe city are still sub-merged.—MNA/Xinhua

A model on the catwalk displays an outfit from theChristopher Kane Spring-Summer 2007 collection

during London Fashion Week, London,on 20 Sept, 2006.—INTERNET

BAGHDAD, 20 Sept— Around of mortars slammedinto residential homes insouthern Baghdad onTuesday, killing 10 peo-ple and wounding 20, anInterior Ministry sourcesaid.

But a police source gavean initial toll of two peo-

ple killed and 19 wounded,adding the numbers couldchange.

The attack took placein a religiously mixed areain Doura, one of severalBaghdad districts whereUS-led forces have con-ducted security operationsto flush out guerillas and

ease violence gripping thecapital.

US commanders are ex-pecting an increase in at-tacks by al-Qaeda and otherSunni Arab Islamist mili-tant groups ahead of theholy month of Ramadan,which begins next week.


BANGKOK, 21 Sept —A spokesman of the mar-tial group who staged acoup Tuesday night an-nounced Wednesday thatHis Majesty the King hasissued a royal commandto appoint General SonthiBoonyaratglin as the Ad-ministrative ReformCouncil (ARC) president.

Thai media The Na-

Thai King signs royal decree toappoint commander

tion news website re-ported the news, quotingthe spokesman from theARC, which grouped topmilitary and police com-manders and declared atakeover of the regimefrom Thaksin’s caretakergovernment Tuesdaynight.

Meanwhile, the ARCissued its 13th statement

to maintain the status ofthe new Election Commis-sion, which has just beenelected by the Senate.

The ARC statementsaid the EC ACT wouldcontinue to be effective sothat the new EC could or-ganize election of local ad-ministrations and coun-cils.


BANGKOK, 21 Sept —The Administrative Re-form Council (ARC), theprovisional martial au-thority after seizing powerby a bloodless coup Tues-day night in Thailand, ap-pointed members of theCouncil in an announce-ment Wednesday as fol-lows:

Supreme Com-mander of the Royal ThaiArmed Forces Ruengroj

Thai commanders appointed postsMahasaranond becomeschief adviser of the ARC.

Army Commander-in-Chief General SonthiBoonyaratglin becomeschief of the ARC.

Navy Comman-der-in-Chief AdmiralSathirapan Keyanon be-comes first deputy chiefof ARC.

Air Force Com-mander-in-Chief AirChief Marshal Chalit

Phukphasuk becomes sec-ond deputy chief of ARC.

Police Commis-sioner-General PoliceL i e u t e n a n t - G e n e r a lKowit Wattana becomesthird deputy chief of theARC.

National SecurityCouncil secretary-gen-eral General WinaiPhatthiyakul becomessecretary-general of theARC. —MNA/Xinhua

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006

sk\mOs∑m\;Aa; eKt\ek¥a\lWa;sk\mOs∑m\;Aa; eKt\ek¥a\lWa;

Sea lion cubs bark atone another on the

beach of “Isla de Lobos”(sea lions island), 4.5

nautical miles south eastof Punta del Este city, inthe Uruguayan Atlanticcoast, on 20 Sept, 2006.


German Chancellor Angela

Merkel holds a trophy

during the German media

prize ‘Die Goldene Henne’

(The golden hen) award

ceremony in Berlin, on 20

Sept, 2006. The prize,

sponsored by a popular

German magazine, is

awarded to artists and

politicians with links to east

Germany.— INTERNET

UNITED NATIONS, 20Sept— UN Secretary-General Kofi Annanformally launched theUN’s Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy onTuesday, calling on mem-ber states to implementthe strategy adopted bythe General Assemblyearlier this month.

In a statement deliv-ered on his behalf byDeputy Secretary-Gen-eral Mark Malloch Brownat UN Headquarters inNew York, Annan said,“We now have a chanceto harness real politicalwill that has been built upover the past fourmonths.”

“The adoption of theUnited Nations GlobalCounter-Terrorism Stra-tegy by all 192 UNmember states can becalled an historicbreakthrough in manyways,” the UN chief said.

“But whether it proves

BAGHDAD, 20 Sept— Gunmen shot dead an Iraqitelevision journalist in the volatile western province ofAnbar over the weekend, the TV station he worked forreported on Tuesday.

“Ahmed Riyadh al-Karboli, 25, was killed whengunmen in two cars showered him with bullets near amosque in Ramadi city,” said the Baghdad TV station,owned by the Iraqi Islamic party.

The Journalistic Freedom Observatory, a US-basedcommittee on protection of journalists, condemnedKarboli’s assassination, saying that “the goal of killingjournalists, especially in the restive areas, is to hide thefacts of what is happening there”. —MNA/Xinhua

HANOI, 20 Sept —Vietnam is pouring nearly222 million US dollarsinto constructing a 700-kilometre road linkingtogether localities in thecentral region and TayNguyen (Central High-

MARQUETTE, 20Sept—A moose thatwandered onto theNorthern MichiganUniversity campus andbroke a dormitorywindow might have beenlooking for love in all thewrong places, a wildlifeexpert said.

City police chasedthe animal away afterthe Tuesday eveningincursion at Magers Hall,Detective Capt MikeAngeli said. It wasunclear whether the

China exposes cosmetics containingpoisonous ingredient

BEIJING, 20 Sept — A cream produced in Guangzhou,capital city of southeast China’s Guangdong Province,contains a banned ingredient called dexamethasone,which makes users “addicted” to the products, China’scentral television reported on Sunday.

The effect of dexamethasone is similar to “opium”.Initially, it optimizes skin tone, but as the days go by,customers become dependent on the cosmetics andcan get spin-off diseases such as dermatitis, the reportsaid. — MNA/Xinhua

UNSG urges members to implementcounter-terrorism strategy

to be truly historic in theeyes of the world’s peoplewill be known only in theweeks, months, and yearsahead, once we see whatmember states actuallyimplement,” he stressed.

The strategy wasadopted unanimously on8 September by theGeneral Assembly’s 192member states after a yearof sometimes fractiousnegotiations as countries

worked to overcomedifferences and agreed ona common approach.

Acknowledging manycountries would stillcontinue to pursue theirown approach tocombating terrorism,Annan said only timewould tell whethermember states actuallyhonoured their commit-ments under the globalstrategy.— MNA/Xinhua

Iraqi journalist killedin western Iraq

Indian bystanders lookon as floodwaters rushover the remains of a

bridge carrying a mainhighway at Karimnagar,some 150km north-east

of Hyderabad, on 20Sept, 2006.—INTERNET

Vietnam to build strategic road in central regionlands region).

The road namedTruong Son Dong, onceoperational, expected in2010, will connect toge-ther 398 communes ofseven provinces, mainlysocio-economically dis-

advantaged ones, helpingdevelop infrastructure,healthcare, economy,education and culturein the localities, and en-sure national defence andsecurity, newspaperPeople’s Army reported onTuesday.

Investment for the roadconstruction is 3,529 billionVietnamese dong (221.9million dollars), comingfrom government bonds.

Military constructioncompanies are activelybuilding first sections of theroad with total length ofnearly 700 kilometreswhich runs through theprovinces of Quang Nam,Quang Ngai and Phu Yenin the central region, andKon Tum, Gia Lai, DacLac and Lam Dong in theCentral Highlands region.


Moose wanders onto N Michigan U campusmoose got inside thebuilding.

“It’s not unusual fora moose to do somethinglike this now,” said DeanBeyer, a MichiganDepartment of NaturalResources wildlife bio-logist who has an officeat Northern Michigan.“We’re in the middle ofthe (mating) rut rightabout now.

“Moose, especially ayoung bull moose, willmove long distances,” hesaid. “They could be

searching for a cow tomate with, or simply bea young bull dispersingafter being chased awayfrom its herd and lookingfor a new home range.”

A yearling bullgenerally weighs 500 to600 pounds, but any wildanimal should beavoided, Beyer told TheMining Journal.

“They’re more ag-gressive this time ofyear,” he said. “It’salways best to keep yourdistance.”—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006 5

Iran calls for reform of structure,working methods of UNSC

UNITED NATIONS, 20Sept— Iranian PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejadsaid on Tuesday thatserious reform in thestructure and workingmethods of the UNSecurity Council wasurgently needed.

Speaking at thegeneral debate of the 61stsession of the UNGeneral Assembly, thePresident said the presentstructure and workingmethods of the SecurityCouncil were “legaciesof the Second WorldWar,” which were “notresponsive to theexpectations of thecurrent generation andthe contemporary needsof humanity”.

“The persistence ofsome hegemonic powersin imposing theirexclusionist policies oninternational decisionmaking mechanisms,including the SecurityCouncil, has resulted in a

growing mistrust in glo-bal public opinion, un-dermining the credibilityand effectiveness of thismost universal system ofcollective security,” hesaid.

The Iranian Presidentsaid the Security Councilmost critically andurgently needed leg-itimacy and effectiveness,adding that as long as theCouncil was unable to acton behalf of the entire

international communityin a transparent, just anddemocratic manner, itwould neither be legi-timate nor effective.

“We cannot, andshould not, expect theeradication, or evencontainment, of injustice,imposition and oppressionwithout reforming thestructure and workingmethods of the council,”he said.


California PC thief takes court computers

Year 2010 to see 100 mln foreignerslearning Chinese

Labourers transport steel bars at Wuhan Iron & Steel Group on the outskirtsof Wuhan, central China’s Hubei Province, on 20 Sept, 2006. —XINHUA

NOVATO, 20 Sept— Aman was convicted ofvarious theft charges, afterprosecutors say he stolecomputers from thecourthouse while he wason trial for computer theft.

“It just amazed me thatsomeone could be in themiddle of a jury trial fora burglary involvingcomputers and imme-diately get involved inanother burglary at the

Civic Centre,” saidsheriff's Sgt Jerry Niess.

Jon Houston Eipp, 39,of Novato pleaded guiltyMonday in three se-parate cases involving10 different charges,including burglary,theft, drug possession,attempted auto theft andmore.

He could be facingnearly five years in prisonwhen he is sentenced next

month.In an interview

Monday night at thecounty jail, Eipp said hestole the computers “forpersonal reasons.”

“I needed help, and Ididn't know how to askfor help,” he said. “And Iguess, in my crazy way,that was my way of askingfor help. Help with mydrug problems, help withmy sanity.”—Internet

French UN soldiers stand atop Leclerc tanks upon their arrival in their newcamp in the southern Lebanese village of Deir Kifa, east of the port city of

Tyre recently. —INTERNET

At least five die of heavyrain in S-E India

NEW DELHI, 20 Sept—At least five people have beenkilled and dozens of villages flooded as heavy rains hitpart of southeast India's Andhra Pradesh since Monday,Indo-Asian News Service reported Tuesday. Six of thetotal 23 districts in the state have seen downpour sinceMonday, the local government said.— MNA/Xinhua

Mild quake rocks S-WPakistan city

ISLAMABAD, 20 Sept— An earthquake of mildintensity rocked the southwestern Pakistani city ofQuetta on Tuesday.

The tremor was felt at 11:00 am local time (0600GMT) in Quetta, some 600 kilometres southwest ofIslamabad. — MNA/Xinhua

Four killed in Monday’sMilan building collapse

ROME, 20 Sept—A seven year-old boy was amongthe four victims of a gas blast that ripped through aMilan apartment block Monday night, causing thefront of the building to collapse, local media reportedon Tuesday. According to the reports that the boy,Francesco Orlando, was killed almost instantly alongwith Esmeralda Spolcini, 50, and Tommaso Giaccola,62, who lived in different apartments on that side ofthe building.— MNA/Xinhua

This photo providedon 20 Sept, 2006 by

MondoMostre eventsorganizer, shows a

bronze water caraffealso known as ‘he’, of

the Zhou Dynasty(1045-221 BC), part ofan exhibition ‘Cina -Nascita di un impero’(China — the Birth ofan Empire), which will

open in Rome on 22Sept and run until 28Jan, 2007.—INTERNET

BEIJING, 20 Sept—The year 2010 will see100 million foreignerslearning the Chineselanguage, according to aprediction by the ChineseNational Office forTeaching Chinese as aForeign Language.

“The Chineselanguage is gainingincreasing popularitythroughout the world, andthere is a big shortage ofqualified teachers,” saidan official of the office.

Xu Lin, director of theoffice, said the ChineseGovernment is streng-thening efforts to trainprofessionals to teachChinese as a foreignlanguage.

Beijing NormalUniversity this yearrecruited 47 students for amaster’s degree inteaching Chinese as aforeign language, and thecountry as a whole isplanning to train morethan 300 master’s students

over the next four years. Xu said the govern-

ment has launched anational exam for theTeaching Chinese as aForeign Language(TCFL) certificate.

“Teachers who ob-tain a TCFL certificatewill have opportunities tobe sent to teach Chinesein a foreign country,” saidXu.

Currently, more than4,000 people are studyingfor a TCFL certificate.

Teachers who arequalified to teach Chineseas a foreign languageshould have a good graspof the Chinese language,including phonetics,vocabulary and grammar,as well as English andChinese culture.


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006

CARACAS, 20 Sept—Venezuelan PresidentHugo Chavez and hisIranian counterpart Mah-moud Ahmadinejad onMonday inaugurated a jointoil-drilling venture to bedeveloped by the twonations.

Work was begun onthe joint venture, designedto explore for oil in the 500-square-kilometre area ofAyacucho’s Block 7 on theOrinoco Petroliferous Strip,on the Kuricapo oilfieldclose to San Tome Town inthe northeast Venezuelanstate of Anzoategui.

The two heads of statejointly unveiled a plaquecommemorating thebeginning of operations atthe MFK-4E well inKuricapo, the first drillingoperation under a March2005 contract signed bystate oil company Petroleosde Venezuela and its Iraniancounterpart Petropars.

The joint drillingoperation will allow thecompanies to quantify andformally certify the depositsin the block, which are

Chavez, Ahmadinejad openjoint oil-drilling venture

estimated to be as high as31.2 billion barrels of crudeoil in situ.

This certification pro-cess is a part of Vene-zuela’s Magna Reserva(Bumper Reserve) planwhich foresees a massiveincrease in Venezuela’scertified oil reserves.

The 11,593-square-kilometre belt consists offour areas —Boyaca,Junin, Ayacucho andCarabobo, each beingfurther divided into

27 blocks. The IranianPresident, who arrived inVenezuela on Sunday, wason a two-day official visit tothe South Americancountry.

Chavez and Ahma-dinejad had both attendedthe 14th Summit of Non-Aligned Movement nationsin Cuba. On Sunday theyheld a formal meeting hereat the Miraflores Palace, andsigned a series of cooper-ative agreements.


UNITED NATIONS, 19Sept— The least deve-loped countries (LDCs)remain marginalized in theworld economy andcontinue to suffer fromextreme poverty, childmortality and HIV/AIDS,said Sheikha Haya Rashedal Khalifa, president of the61st session of the UNGeneral Assembly, onMonday. Sheikha Hayamade the remarks in aspeech delivered at theopening session of thehigh-level meeting on theimplementation of a 10-year global anti-povertyplan adopted by the UnitedNations and major donorcountries in 2001.

The LDCs often haveinsufficient domesticcapacity to have a longterm impact on theproblems they are facingand “in many instancesdevelopment is being setback by civil conflict, and

MOSCOW, 20 Sept—Russian gas monopolyGazprom said on Tuesdayit had suspended assetsswap talks with RoyalDutch/Shell due to un-certainty surroundingShell’s Sakhalin-2 oil and

Gazprom suspends assets swaptalks with Shell

gas project. Gazprom had planned

to swap half of a giantSiberian gas field for a25-per-cent stake inSakhalin-2, the world’sbiggest liquefied naturalgas (LNG) project off

Russia’s Pacific coast.“We have learned

about the withdrawal ofecological approval (forSakhalin-2) from the Pressand it was news to us,”spokesman Sergei Kup-riyanov told Reuters.

“As far as our assetsswap talks are concernedthey haven’t progressedfor more than a yearafter Sakhalin-2 declaredchanges to the initial eco-nomic parameters of theproject, which have yet tobe approved by theRussian Federation.

“In this situation, wecannot continue talks,”he said. Gazprom hadplanned to swap 50 percent in lower deposits ofits Siberian Zapolyarnoyefield against a 25-per-centstake in Sakhalin-2, whichwill eventually supplyLNG to customers inJapan and the UnitedStates. — MNA/Reuters

UN says LDCs remain marginalized in world economy

Italy’s Prime Minister Romano Prodi (L) meets with Iran’s President MahmoudAhmadinejad during a meeting at the 61st General Assembly of the United

Nations at UN headquarters in New York, on 20 Sept, 2006.—INTERNET

A girl of the Miao ethnic group catches carps in a rice field at Yaogao Villagein Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang

Autonomous Region, on 20 Sept, 2006. —XINHUA

A sculpture of a bird is seen in front of the Queen Hatshepsut Temple in West Bankof Luxor, some 900km (550 miles) south of Cairo, on 20 Sept, 2006. —INTERNET

the cost required torebuild everyday life,”she said.

Despite an averagegrowth rate of 6 per centachieved by the LDCs in2004, she said, overallprogress remains mixed.

Recent studies by UNagencies and the WorldBank have revealed that34 of the total of 50 LDCsare experiencing in-creases in extreme po-verty, she said.

She warned that theLDCs will not reach theMillennium Deve-lopment Goals by 2015if this situation persists.

She called on theinternational communityto “spare no effort tobring about significantchanges in the lives ofthe millions of women,men and children trappedin extreme poverty”.

The high-levelmeeting on the LDCs,

due to be held from 18 to19 September, will reviewprogress made towardsreaching the goals of theProgramme of Action forthe LDCs for the Decade2001-2010.


SEOUL, 20 Sept— South Korea will import 34,400tons of rice next year, up 52.6 per cent compared to theamount imported this year, the South Korean Ministryof Agriculture and Forestry said on Tuesday.

The announcement for bidding will be posted thisweek, with actual sales taking place in 2007, said anofficial of the Agriculture Ministry.

According to the ministry, South Korea is expectedto import 21,500 tons of rice from China, 10,400 tonsfrom the United States, 1,500 tons from Australia, and1,000 tons from Thailand in 2007.

In a pact signed with nine rice exporting countriesin late 2004, Seoul is obliged to import a set amount ofrice until 2014. Between 10 and 30 per cent of it mustbe sold directly to consumers.


S Korea to expand riceimports by 53% next year

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006 7

Pakokku District witnessing small dams and lakes forregional greening and irrigation of farmlands

Article by Kyaw Sein & Photos by Thein Win Lay (Myanma Alin)

The Irrigation De-partment, local adminis-trative organs and localpeople, in a bid to trans-late into reality the guid-ance given by the Headof State, are buildingsmall dams and lakes forthe greening of respec-tive regions and supplyof irrigation water for theagricultural purpose inPakokku District,Magway Division, whichhas an average annualrainfall of 26 inches only.

Recently, PakokkuDistrict has seen 71projects for establishmentof small dams and lakesthat will contribute to theregional greening driveand benefit 8,628 acresin total, and among them,47 were undertaken bythe Irrigation Department

and 24 by local adminis-trative bodies mobilizinglocal residents.

The construction ofthe 24 dams and lakes —three in Pakokku Town-ship, 10 in Pauk Town-ship, five in MyaingTownship, and seven inYesagyo Township —have been completed centper cent, and now they areirrigating 1,036 acres offarmlands. Among the 47projects, 26 — four inPakokku Township, fourin Pauk, seven in MyaingTownship, one in YesagyoTownship, and 10 inSeikpyu Township —have been completed andare benefiting 3,922 acresof arable lands. The re-maining 21 are six inSeikpyu Township, two inYesagyo Township, eight

in Myaing, three inPakokku Township andtwo in Pauk Township.

In order to completethe 21 projects on sched-ule, Magway Division Ir-rigation Department isundertaking six projects,Construction (2) of the Ir-rigation Department inPyi, three, Construction(3) of the ID in MagwayDivision, seven, and Con-struction (8) of the ID inMagway Division, five.

The 24 projects com-pleted cent per cent in-clude installation of asluice gate in HnawgonDam, Chike and Shardudams in Pakokku Town-ship, and ThaphanchaungDam, extension ofShwebontha andGwaygon canals, renova-tion of Pinhtaung and Po

Phyu Lone lakes, exten-sion of Pinhtaung andAungchantha canals, con-struction of Lin-htaung,Inn Nge and Kaingma ca-nals.

Myaing Townshipwitnessed the constructionof Yanhton, Bogwe,Phalannwe, Seiksin andHtanbinnge dams, andYesagyo Township, in-stallation of a sluice gatein Sintantna Dam, dredg-ing of TaungU Dam,building of a canal forMyenigon Dam, raisingthe level of the embank-ment of MyekhedaungDam, renovation ofKwehmyok Dam and con-struction of KaingmagyiDam.

And the 26 projectscompleted by the ID areKaing, Inbat, KhingyiBalauk and Gyobyandams in Pakokku Town-ship, extension of Pha AhCanal, renovation ofTheechauk Canal, build-ing Nyaungwun Canal,and construction of KyaDiversion Weir in PaukTownship, and renovationof the canals ofKyetmauktaung andMyaungchaung dams, andconstruction of Magyeesu,Htanyingon, Thitkyidaw,Thirinda and Twinmadams in Myaing Town-ship.

In addition, the drivecovers renovation of thecanals of Sinchaung Damin Yesagyo Township,and renovation of the ca-nal of Wunyu Dam, andconstruction of a canal tolink Ohn Hmin, Tegyi,Nantin, Kyitpyin,Panpauk, Yogyidwin andWunchaung dams, andconstruction Polon Damin Seikpyu Township.

To complete the 21projects, the Magway Di-vision ID is putting strenu-ous efforts into the con-struction of Tamar,Yaybok and Dagun damsin Seikpyu Township,Gwaygyo and Singyidams in Yesagyo Town-ship, and Kyauksauk Damin Myaing Township.

S i m u l t a n e o u s l y ,Construction (2) is imple-menting Sabe, Myintatand Magyee Thonbindams in Pakokku Town-ship, Construction (3)Padaing, Moenat andMingan dams in MyaingTownship, Thon Hmwa

Dam in Pauk Township,Thetkekyin, Ngachin andKazun dams in SeikpyuTownship, Thadut,Wedaung and Lapanadams and South YamaCana in Myaing Town-ship, and Thayet Dam inPauk Township.

The 21 projects arescheduled to be com-pleted by March 2007.So, on completion, theywill be able to supplywater to 3,670 acres offarmlands.

Thanks to the drivefor the greening ofPakokku District andsupply of irrigation wa-ter, the region was ableto increase its paddysown acreage to 6,765in 2004-2005, and 6,889in 2005-2006. And nowa target has been set toraise the number ofpaddy sown acreage to9,520 in 2006-2007.

Translation: MS

Myanma Alin: 21-9-2006

Photo taken on 6 September shows the progress of construction of Po Ni Dam in SeikpyuTownship, Pakokku District, Magway Division, for the greening of the region and supply of

irrigation water.

Progress of construction of the sluicegate, part of Khingyi Balauk Dam Projectbeing implemented near Chaing Village inPakokku Township by Magway Division

Irrigation Department.

A bulldozer seen at Sabe Dam Project being undertaken byConstruction (2) of the Irrigation Department near Sabe Village in

Pakokku Township.

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006

It is historic duty for Myanmarpeople to…

and National Races Development Affairs, the Ministryof Finance and Revenue, and Ministry ofCooperatives; K 100,000 each by the Ministry ofNational Planning and Economic Development, theMinistry of Energy, the Minister of Health, theMinistry of Education, the Auditor-General’s Office,and the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief andResettlement; K 30,000 by the Attorney-General’sOffice, K 1 million by Pyinmana District Peace andDevelopment Council; K 2 million by Asia KyeepwarToetetyay Export and Import Co Ltd; K 1.9 millionby ACE Co Ltd; K 1.8 million by A-1 Co; K 1.5million by Moe Kyesin Co; K 1.3 million by TZTMCo; K 1.2 million by Shwetaung Co; K 1.1 millionby Ayeya Shwewa Co; K 1 million each by TetlanCo, WEG Co, and Aung Kaung Kyaw Co; K 900,000by S P Din Co; K 700,000 by Tetkham Co; K 600,000

by Eik Hsi Tan Co; K 500,000 each by Htoo Co,WHK Co, Peace Myanmar Electric Co Ltd, MyanmarFisheries Producers and Import EntrepreneursAssociation, Golden Flower Co, Asia World Co,Thaw Tar Win Co, and Edin Co; K 300,000 each bySuper Technology Co Ltd, Theim Co, and Asia Hi-Tech Group; K 200,000 each by Taw Win Aung Co,and Nan Ein Thu Co; K 100,000 each by NEPS Co,Myanmar Land Development Co, and MWEP CoLtd.

Members of the Fund Raising and PrizePresentation Sub-Committee Director-General ofDevelopment Affairs Department U Myo Myintspoke words of thanks.

Today’s donations for the first time totalled K76.33 million.


(from page 16)threat of Western culture spreading all over the worldwith the help of modern musical instruments.

It is the historic duty for all the Myanmarpeople to perpetually preserve their cultural heritageincluding performing arts and to ward off infiltrationof alien culture. Preserving culture meanssafeguarding the nation.

Hence, presenting donations for theperforming arts competitions is more than makingan ordinary donation, it amounts to preserving andprotecting traditions and culture, national prestigeand lineage.

Commander Brig-Gen Wai Lwin and officialsaccepted K 50 million donated by the Ministry ofInformation; K 1 million each by the Ministry ofIndustry-1 and the Ministry of Rail Transportation;K 500,000 by the Ministry of Transport; K 200,000each by the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas

Commandant of Camp Commandant’s Office Maj-Gen Hla AungThein supervises contest of Military Code of Conduct. — MNA

Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint addresses coordination meeting of Ministry ofMines. — MINES

C-in-C (Air)’s shield shootingtourney commences

NAY PYI TAW, 21 Sept—Commander-in-Chief(Air)’s Championship Shield Shooting Tournamentwas launched in Ground Training Air Base in Meiktilaon 18 September.

Commander of the air base Col Thura Khin MaungWin delivered an address and opened the tournament.

Among the spectators were squadron leaders,heads of units, and senior military officers and otherranks of local station.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 21 Sept — The Ministry of Minesheld a coordination meeting for work review andexceeding target at Thiriyadana Hall of the ministryon 19 September, with an address by Minister forMines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint.

The minister presented prizes to five studentswho picked up five distinctions in the matriculationexam of 2006 while directors-general and managingdirectors handed K 3.103 million to the students whowon stipends and outstanding ones.

Next, the minister made a speech on the occasion.Afterwards, directors-general, managing directors,

Ministry of Mines holds workcoord meeting

deputy directors-general and general managers briefedon measures taken during 2006 fiscal year andarrangements to be made for hitting the target.

A work coordination meeting was held thefollowing day. During the meeting, directors-general, managing directors, deputy directors-general and general managers briefed on sector-wise functions.

Afterwards, the minister called on servicepersonnel to gear up their work efficiency in theirrespective fields.


NAY PYI TAW, 21 Sept — The Ministry ofDefence held Military Code of Conduct Contest ofoffices and departments under the ministry at theKyansitthar Yeiktha of the ministry, here, at 8.30am toady. Commandant of Camp Commandant’sOffice of the Ministry of Defence Maj-Gen HlaAung Thein and officers inspected the participationof the contestants.

Altogether 198 officers and other ranks — 46officers, 49 WOs, 63 Cpls/Sgts and 40 privates —from different offices and departments under theMinistry of Defence took part in the contest.


Ministry of Defence holdsMilitary Code of Conduct Contest

YANGON, 21 Sept — Under thearrangement of Education Planning andTraining Department under theMinistry of Education, literary talks onMyanmar culture were given atTaunggyi Education College on 18September.

Principal Daw Mya Mya Kyi ofthe college made a speech on theoccasion. Later, Film Director ZunMaung Maung gave talks on the benefitof the Three Gems, code of ethics andcultural and literary heritages, WriterShe (Ingyin) on the rights of Myanmar

Literary talks given at TaunggyiEducation College

Women and costume of the would-beteachers and Writer Maung Lwan Nwe(Aung Lan) on Myanmar culturalethics.

Responsible persons and facultymembers of the college were presenton the occasion. Similar talks will runat Mandalay Education College on 22September, at Meiktila EducationCollege on 25 September, at BogaleEducation College on 27 September,at Myaungmya Education College on29 September, at Kyaukpyu EducationCollege on 5 October. — H

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006 9

Defence Secretary of India Mr Shekhar Duttpays homage to Jade Buddha Image at

Shwedagon Pagoda. — MNA

Deputy Minister of Ministry of Defence Maj-Gen Kyi Win welcomesDefence Secretary of India Mr Shekhar Dutt at Yangon International

Airport. — MNA

Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin awards an outstanding

student. — MNA

Indian goodwill delegationarrives in Nay Pyi Taw

NAY PYI TAW, 21 Sept — An Indian goodwilldelegation led by Defence Secretary Mr Shekhar Duttof the Republic of India, accompanied by DeputyMinister Maj-Gen Kyi Win of the Ministry ofDefence, Indian ambassador Bhaskar Kumar Mitraand military attaché Colonel Jasvinder Singh Chopra,arrived in Nay Pyi Taw by air this morning.

They were welcomed by Vice Chief of ArmedForces Training Brig-Gen Zaw Win and officials atNay Pyi Taw Airport.

Defence Secretary Mr Shekhar Dutt and partycalled on Deputy Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Win andmilitary officers at Paunglaung Yeiktha in Nay PyiTaw at 10.30 am.

The Indian goodwill delegation, accompaniedby the ambassador and the military attaché proceededto Mandalay in the afternoon.


NPED Ministry holdswork coord meeting

NAY PYI TAW, 21 Sept — A work coordinationmeeting of the Ministry of National Planning andEconomic Development was held at the meeting hallof the ministry on 19 September, with an address byMinister for National Planning and EconomicDevelopment U Soe Tha.

Also present on the occasion were DeputyMinister Col Thurein Zaw, directors-general, deputydirectors-general, directors, heads of Division andState Planning Departments and responsiblepersonnel.

First, the minister made a speech on theoccasion. Next, the directors-general of the ministrybriefed on progress of work and future tasks and sodid heads of Division and State PlanningDepartments.

Next, the deputy minister gave supplementaryreports and the minister made concluding remarks.


YANGON, 21 Sept — Yangon EastDistrict Union Solidarity andDevelopment Association held itsannual general meeting for 2006 todayin Thingangyun Township andwellwishers donated cash to theassociation at the meeting.

CEC Member of USDA YangonDivision in-charge Chairman of YangonCity Development Committee Mayor

YANGON, 21 Sept —Defence Secretary of theRepublic of India MrShekhar Dutt and partyarrived here by airyesterday morning.

They werewelcomed at YangonInternational Airport byDeputy Minister forDefence Maj-Gen KyiWin, Commander ofMingaladon Air BaseBrig-Gen Zin Yaw,Commander ofAyeyawady Naval RegionCommand CommodoreWin Shein, senior militaryofficers, IndianAmbassador Mr BhaskarKumar Mitra, DefenceAttaché Col JasvinderSingh Chopra andofficials.

Indian Defence Secretary arrivesIn the afternoon, the

Indian Defence Secretaryand party arrived at theDefence Service Museumon Shwedagon PagodaRoad. Major Kyaw KyawMyint and officials ofDirectorate of DefenceServices Museum andHistorical ResearchInstitute welcomed theguests and explainedsalient points of themuseum.

The Indian guestsproceeded to the NationalMuseum on Pyay Road.Director Daw Nu MraZan, Curator Daw Mi MiThet Nwe and officialswelcomed and conductedthem round the museum.

The Indian De-fence Secretary signed in

the visitors’ book of themuseum.

At 4 pm, they

arrived at ShwedagonPagoda. The guestsoffered flowers, water,lights and joss sticks tothe pagoda.

After signing thevisitors’ book, the IndianDefence Secretary madecash donations to the fundsof the pagoda.

The pagoda boardof trustees presented thepicture of ShwedagonPagoda as Dhamma giftto the guests.

The Indian guestspaid homage to JadeBuddha Image and thepagoda.

Later, they visitedthe pagoda and viewedreligious buildings on theplatform of the pagoda.


NAY PYI TAW, 21 Sept — TheMinistry of Livestock and Fisheriesheld its coordination meeting forpreparing of breeding zones at themeeting hall of the ministry yesterday.

First, Minister for Livestock andFisheries Brig-Gen Maung MaungThein made a speech on the occasion,saying that the ministry was takingmeasures for establishment of breedingzones in and around Nay Pyi Taw afterreclaiming the fallow and virgin lands.Upon completion, arrangements wereto be made for the animals to be raised,

Coord meeting for implementationof reclamation of breeding zones

their feedstuff and health.Next, Director of Livestock

Breeding and Veterinary Department DrAung Gyi clarified on reclamation ofthe fallow and virgin lands to establishNo-1 Breeding Zone in Kangyi village,Tatkon Township.

Afterwards, Director-General ofLBVD U Maung Maung Nyunt briefedon arrangements necessary in thebreeding zones.

Afterwards, responsible person-nel replied to the queries raised by thosepresent. — MNA

Yangon East District USDA holds annual meetingBrig-Gen Aung Thein Lin delivered anopening address of the meeting andpresented prizes to outstanding membersof the association.

At the meeting, participantsdiscussed the report of the executivecommittee of Yangon East DistrictUSDA. The meeting approved oneproposal and passed three resolutions.


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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006

NAY PYI TAW, 21Sept — Vice-President ofMyanmar Maternal andChild WelfareAssociation Dr Daw TinLin Myint and centralexecutives held a meetingin Pyinmana on 19September.

Dr Daw Tin LinMyint coordinated withpersonnel concerned thefunctions of the

NAY PYI TAW, 21Sept — Minister forNational Planning andEconomic DevelopmentU Soe Tha receivedMr Bhim Udas,

YANGON, 21 Sept —The students from theUniversity of Medicine-1led by the facultymembers of the universityvisited Multi FunctionalBuilding of MyanmarMaternal and ChildWelfare Association at thecorner of ThanthumaRoad and Parami Roadin South Okkalapa

Medical students visit MMCWA

Township on 19September.

Executive DirectorProf Dr U Tun Yi ofMMCWA extendedgreetings. Secretary DrDaw Wai Wai Thaexplained organizationalset up of the associationand its health careservices and Dr Than Ootasks on education,

economic and socialwelfare service.

Dr Daw Wai Wai Thaand Prof Dr U Tun Yireplied to the queries bythe students.

Later, the officialsconducted the facultymembers and thestudents around thebuilding.


MMCWA Vice-President in Pyinmana

Township MCWA,school health activities,maternal and childwelfare services and anti-HIV project (mother tochild HIV infection).Later she and centralexecutives inspected fly-proof latrines andpresented cash assistanceto MCWAs of Pyinmanaand Lewe.

The project to

prevent mother to childHIV infection will belaunched with UNICEFassistance in PyinmanaTownship, Hlinetownship in YangonDivision, Maha Aungmyeand Kyaukpadaungtownships in MandalayDivision and KyaikhtoTownship in Mon Statethis year.


Minister meets representativeof WFP

representative of WorldFood Programme, whohad completed his tourof duty in Myanmar atthe ministry here thismorning.

Deputy MinisterCol Thurein Zaw andofficials of the ministrywere present on theoccasion.


NAY PYI TAW, 21 Sept— A work coordinationmeeting of the Ministryof Sports was held at themeeting hall of theMinistry yesterday, withan address by Minister forSports Brig-Gen ThuraAye Myint.

Next, Director-General of Sports andPhysical EducationDepartment U ThaungHtaik briefed on tasksperformed by heads ofstates and divisions while

Work coord meeting held atSports Ministry

responsible personnel ofSPEDs of States andDivisions reported onwork done.

Afterwards, re-sponsible personnel ofSports and PhysicalEuducation Institutes(Yangon) and (Mandalay)briefed on joint trainingcourse for sports andeducation and sportstraining course.

In connection withthe reports presented bythe states and divisions,

officials of branchdepartment madeclarification and directorsheld sector-wise dis-cussions.

Next, Director-General U ThaungHtaik and DeputyDirector-General UThein Aung gavesupplementary reportsand Minister for SportsBrig-Gen Thura AyeMyint made concludingremarks.


Minister for National Planning and Economic DevelopmentU Soe Tha receives Resident Representative of World Food

Programme Mr Bhim Udas. — MNA

Joint-Secretary-1 of Myanmar Maternal and Child WelfareAssociation Dr Daw May Mar Lar briefs on prevention of HIV

infection. — MMCWA

Secretary of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare AssociationDr Daw Wai Wai Tha briefs medical students on MMCWA.


Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint delivers an address atwork coordination meeting of Ministry of Sports. — MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006 11


1" q^tc\;kÁt\kalN˙c\. tn\eSac\tuic\kalm¥a;t∑c\e�bak\Aui;' m^;r˙ø;N˙c\. duM;m¥a; (r˙ø;duic\;) ps\ePak\�Kc\;�Pc\.�pv\q¨m¥a;ATit\tln\>�Ps\es�Kc\;' mqmaq¨m¥a;m˙rp\r∑aeA;K¥m\;qayaer;N˙c\. luM‘KMer;kiu TiKuik\eAac\lup\laNiuc\�Kc\;tui>eÂkac\. e�bak\Aiu;' m^;r˙ø;N˙c\. duM;m¥a;(r˙ø;diuc\;)tui> ps\ePak\�Kc\;kui ta;�ms\qv\"

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( K ) ePak\�Kc\;' ps\lWt\�Kc\;m¥a; ‘plup\q�Pc\. Aer;ymO(1)mOt∑c\ tra;KM (1)U;Aa; Anv\;SuM; eTac\d%\(1)N˙s\m˙ Am¥a;SuM; eTac\d%\ (2)N˙s\ATiK¥mt\Aer;yK´.qv\"

3" qui>�Ps\påj yKuN˙s\ 2006 KuN˙s\' q^tc\;kÁt\kalN˙c\.tn\eSac\tuic\ kalm¥a;t∑c\ e�bak\Aui;' m^;r˙ø;N˙c\.du M;m¥a; (r˙ø;du ic\;)m¥a;Aa; Tut\lup\erac\;K¥�Kc\;'ps\ePak\�Kc\;m¥a; ‘plup\påk yKc\N˙s\m¥a;nv\;t¨eAak\påAtuic\; Aer;yq∑a;mv\ �Ps\eÂkac\; qtiep;NOi;eSa\Ap\påqv\-(k) Tut\lup\�Kc\;' erac\;K¥�Kc\;m¥a; ‘plup\påk

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( g ) qtc\;ep;q¨kui Tuik\tn\s∑a Suep;mv\"rn\kun\tuic\; eA;K¥m\;qayaer;N˙c\. P∑M>‘Pi;er;ekac\s^rn\kun\tuic\; eA;K¥m\;qayaer;N˙c\. P∑M>‘Pi;er;ekac\s^rn\kun\tuic\; eA;K¥m\;qayaer;N˙c\. P∑M>‘Pi;er;ekac\s^rn\kun\tuic\; eA;K¥m\;qayaer;N˙c\. P∑M>‘Pi;er;ekac\s^rn\kun\tuic\; eA;K¥m\;qayaer;N˙c\. P∑M>‘Pi;er;ekac\s^

Chinese monks practise with fire extinguishers during a fire drill at atemple in western China’s Chongqing Municipality on

20 Sept, 2006.— INTERNET

The Space Shuttle Atlantis is serviced after it landed at the KennedySpace Centre in Cape Canaveral, Fla, after a twelve day mission on 21

Sept, 2006. Two spots of light at the right are caused by lens flare.INTERNET

SHENYANG, 21 Sept — A water diversion tunnel under construction innortheast China is set to become the world’s longest man-made tunnel, andis currently less than four kilometres short of the record.

N-E China water diversion tunnel toset new world record

“Shanshan”lands on

Hokkaido inN Japan

The tunnel inLiaoning Province hasprogressed 53.13 kilo-metres and will soon breakthe record held bySwitzerland’s 57-kilo-metres Gotthard BaseTunnel, according toproject managers.

The tunnel — with adiameter of eight metresand running through 50hills, 50 river valleys and29 geographic faults —will be 85.3 kilometreslong on completion in

2008. Jiao Yong, Vice-

Minister of WaterResources, said inLiaoning on Tuesday thatthe tunnel and diversionpipelines with a totallength of 231 kilometreswill bring water from theDahuofang Reservoir inthe east of Liaoning to 10million people in sixindustrial cities in theprovince’s central region.

The second-phase of

construction, which in-cludes the building ofclosed pipelines to divertwater from the trunk lineinto the respective cities,was officially begun onTuesday.

With a per-capitawater resource of less than700 cubic metres, theprovince, known as oneof the cradles of China’sheavy industry, is one ofChina’s thirstiest areas.


MOSCOW, 21 Sept — A Russian Soyuz spaceshipdocked with the International Space Station (ISS) onWednesday, bringing the world’s first female spacetourist and a two-man crew to the orbiting outpost, theMission Control near Moscow said.

Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin, US astronautMichael Lopez-Alegria and Iranian-born AmericanAnousheh Ansari blasted off aboard the Soyuz TMA-9 vessel on Monday from the barren steppes ofKazakhstan and hurtled two days in space to catch upwith the station. — MNA/Xinhua

Russian “Soyuz” ship dockswith “ISS”

YANGON, 20 Sept — Myanma Railways has issued the new timetables for departure and arrival of upand down passenger trains on Yangon-Mandalay railroad section commening on 26 September 2006(Tuesday). The new timetables of the trains are as follows:-

Up-trainsSr. Train No. Departure from Yangon Arrival at Nay Pyi Taw Arrival at Mandalay1. 29th Up-train 04:00 12:07 18:002. 17th Up-train 04:30 13:08 19:303. 5th Up-train 05:00 13:45 20:004. 3rd Up-train 05:30 14:33 21:305. 11th Up-train 06:00 15:10 22:006. 31st Up-train 09:00 17:45 -7. 7th Up-train 09:30 18:15 -

Down-trainsSr. Train No. Departure from Mandalay Departure/Arrival at Arrival at Yangon

Nay Pyi Taw1. 8th Down-train - 06:30 15:302. 32nd Down-train - 08:45 17:453. 30th Down-train 04:00 09:33 18:004. 18th Down-train 04:30 10:24 19:305. 6th Down-train 05:00 10:58 20:106. 4th Down-train 05:30 11:49 21:307. 12th Down-train 06:00 12:20 22:00


New timetables of passenger trains on Yangon-Mandalaysection issued

TOKYO, 21 Sept —The powerful typhoonShanshan, which landedon southern Japan onSunday evening andswept across the Kyushuand Chugoku regions,made landfall on Japan’snorthernmost mainisland of Hokkaido onearly Wednesday, theJapan MeteorologicalAgency said.


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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006


California, Oregon,Washington joinhands in Ocean

protection LOS ANGELES, 20 Sept—

California, Oregon andWashington, three USwestern states, on Mondaysigned an agreement tobecome partners in pro-tecting the Pacific Oceanand coastal communities.

California GovernorArnold Schwarzeneggerannounced the partnershipat an environmentconference in Long Beach,about 40 kilometressouthwest of Los Angeles.

“Just as our westernstates have started to worktogether to fight globalwarming and protect ourair, we now join forces tomake sure we are doingeverything in our powerto maintain clean waterand beaches along ourcoasts,” the governor toldthe conference.


Italian PM’s aide resignsamid Telecom Italia row

Germans mostdiscontent with living

standards amongEuropeans

BERLIN, 20 Sept—Germans have the mostpessimistic view of theircurrent living conditionsand the future among allEuropeans, said a recentreport released by theGerman Statistics Office.

According to the report,only 29 per cent ofGermans feel that theirincome allows them to livecomfortably. In Denmark,the number is 64 per cent;in Sweden, it is 54 per centand in Ireland, it is 50 percent.—MNA/Xinuhua

China, EU sign agreement on trade security

ROME, 20 Sept— Achief economic aide toItalian Prime MinisterRomano Prodi hasresigned in the latestdevelopment of a politicaland economic controversyover Telecom Italia (TI),local media reportedMonday.

Angelo Rovati said onMonday morning that hehad stepped down in orderto protect Prodi fromopposition allegations,which accused the PrimeMinister of being behinda plan suggesting areorganization of the debt-ridden communicationsgroup, according to thereports.

In his letter ofresignation to Prodi,Rovati said: “FollowingTronchetti Provera’sresignation as TelecomItalia chairman and the

government's declaredreadiness to discuss thet e l ecommunica t ionssystem in Parliament, Ibelieve it is my duty tostep down in order to clearthe field of any furtherspeculation.”

TI leapt into thepolitical spotlight lastweek when then chairmanMarco Tronchetti Proveraannounced a plan toreorganize the company,which included a spin-offof its mobile phone unitTIM.

Many observers sawthis move as setting thestage for its sale in orderto offset TI’s debts of over40 billion euros (50.8billion US dollars).

Prodi expressed hisreservations about theplan, which he said hadcome as a surprise tohim.—MNA/Xinhua

BRUSSELS, 20 Sept—China and the EuropeanUnion (EU) vowed onTuesday to enhance theircooperation on trade secu-rity and facilitation bysigning a deal to establish“smart and safe tradelanes” in a bid to boosttrade while countering thethreats of piracy and ter-rorism.

The scheme will startwith a pilot projectfocusing on sea con-tainers transport bet-ween Rotterdam in theNetherlands, Felixstowe inBritain, and the southernChinese port of Shenzhen,Chinese Customs officialssaid. A “smart” examiningand monitoring systemusing high-tech electronicdevices will be developedto minimize the risks ofcounterfeit goods andmake the process of goingthrough Customs quickerand cheaper, they said.

According to Tue-sday’s deal, a steeringgroup comprising re-presentatives of theCustoms authorities ofChina, the EU, theNetherlands and Britainwill be set up to guide thepilot project and see to itsimplementation.

“The EU is China’sbiggest trading partner, and

enhancing Customscooperation with the EU isvery important to China,”Mu Xinsheng, Ministerof China’s GeneralAdministration of Cus-toms, told reporters at theEU headquarters inBrussels. Mu met withEU Taxation and CustomsUnion CommissionerLaszlo Kovacs on Monday

to discuss closercooperation between thetwo sides. On Tuesday heand Kovacs attended ameeting of the China-EU Joint CustomsCooperation Committee,which focused on pro-tection of intellectualproperty rights and tradesecurity.


Nine miners found dead afterUkraine pit blast

KIEV, 21 Sept—An explosion causedby a build-up of gas struck a colliery ineastern Ukraine on Wednesday, killingat least nine miners, a spokeswoman forthe emergencies services said.

“One survivor and nine bodies werefound. We are looking for another 10miners,” she said by telephone fromDonetsk, the main town in the Donbasscoalfield where the Zasyadko mine issituated. Earlier, an EmergenciesMinistry spokesman in Kiev said 43miners were trapped by the explosion

caused by a mixture of coal powder andmethane. Ihor Krol said altogether around400 miners were underground when theblast occurred.

Russia’s Interfax news agency said 172miners had been evacuated from the mineby 0600 GMT. Accidents are frequentoccurrences in Ukraine’s ageing coal minesplagued by lack of cash and poormaintenance. In August 2001, more than50 miners died in a blast at the Zasyadkomine. A similar blast at the mine in July2002 killed more than 20.—MNA/Reuters

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22-9-06NL_01 18/7/29, 8:14 PM12

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006 13

pvaer;®Pc\. eKt\mP∑M>‘Pi;tui;tk\eqa Nuic\cMeta\”k^; tv\eSak\AM.

Models show silk underwears during the 2006 Hangzhou Silk Festival inHangzhou, capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province, on 19 Sept, 2006. Thefestival, opened on Tuesday, is part of the 2006 West Lake Expo. —XINHUA

A child runs near fishing boats at the port of Bueu in northern Spain, on20 Sept, 2006, as Hurricane Gordon turned into a tropical storm on

Wednesday.— INTERNET

“Xinhua” says new media rulesopen for negotiation

BEIJING, 20 Sept — China’s Xinhuanews agency said on Monday foreignnews agencies would have to deal with astate-approved agent to distributeinformation, but added details of its newmedia regulations were still up fornegotiation.

In comments faxed to Reuters, thestate news agency also said theregulations, which seek to bar financialinformation companies, includingReuters and Bloomberg, from sellingservices directly to Chinese banks andbrokerages, would not hurt China'sfinancial market reforms.

“As to whether or not fees will bepaid, the distribution of news and otherquestions, these will be resolved throughconsultations based on mutual respectand equal consultation and under theprinciple of mutual benefit,” Xinhua said.

“The administrative measures willnot influence China’s financial reforms,”the agency’s Foreign InformationAdministrative Centre said in anunsigned response to a Reuters faxedrequest for clarification.

The rules, announced on 10September, require foreign media to seek

Xinhua’s approval to distribute news,pictures and graphics within China.

Xinhua said the China EconomicInformation Service, which it appointed,was the sole agent authorized to distributenews from foreign agencies, although itadded that other distributors that met itsrequirements could be approved.

“If the existing clients of foreignagencies want to continue to subscribefrom these agencies, they have to signcontracts with a designated distributor,”it said.

Xinhua said government departmentswould “safeguard the rights and interestsof foreign news agencies and domesticsubscribers”, adding the rules were aimedat promoting “healthy news andinformation and orderly communi-cation”. “The regulations will not createa Xinhuamonopoly,” said Li Xiguang,deputy head of the journalism school atBeijing’s Tsinghua University.

“To the contrary, this will promptXinhua’s own reporting to contain moreinformation and strengthen its news valueand timeliness, and will broaden anddeepen the field of reporting.”


A modeldisplays an

outfit createdby designer

Duyosduring the


fashion showin Madrid on

19 Sept,2006.


WELLINGTON, 20Sept— A new internationalframework to conservePacific Island whalesand dolphins (cetaceans)and their habitats hasbeen endorsed by ninecountries.

According to Tues-day’s report from Pac-news, a Suva-based regionalnews agency, Australia,Cook Islands, Federated

New agreement on whales and dolphinsconservation

States of Micronesia, Fiji,France, New Zealand,Niue, Samoa and Vanuatusigned the memorandum ofunderstanding (MoU) at theregional environmentministers meeting inNoumea, New Caledonia,last week.

The contracting par-ties to the Conservation ofCetaceans and theirHabitats are Australia,

Cook Islands, France, NewZealand and Samoa.

The new MoU wasnegotiated under theauspices of the Conventionon Migratory Species(CMS), in close colla-boration with the Sec-retariat of the Pacific Re-gional Environment pro-gramme (SPREP) based inApia,Samoa.


WASHINGTON, 20Sept— NASA delaysspace shuttle Atlantis’landing until Thursday,mainly due to bad weatherat the Kennedy SpaceCentre in Florida, ac-cording to US mediareports on Monday.

“The mission manage-ment team has decided tokeep Atlantis 24 morehours in orbit,” NASAspokesman Doug Petersonsaid.

The weather wasexpected to improve onThursday and Friday.Atlantis has enoughsupplies to stay in spacefor two extra days andcould also land at EdwardsAir Force Base inCalifornia.


NASA delays“Atlantis”

landing untilThursday

WASHINGTON, 20 Sept— Motorola Inc said onTuesday that it agreed to purchase SymbolTechnologies Inc, a maker of bar code scanners, forabout 3.9 billion US dollars.

Motorola, the world’s second-largest handsetcompany, said in a statement that it would pay 15dollars per share, a 2.2-per-cent premium to Symbol’sMonday closing price of 14.67 dollars on the NewYork Stock Exchange.


XI’AN, 20 Sept — AChinese girl sufferingfrom a “sunken face” isrecovering well after aplastic surgery and isexpected to leave hospitalin 10 days, doctors saidon Monday.

The girl, named WangNa, underwent recoverysurgery for sunkencongenital cheekbonesand an upper jaw deficiton 5 September inthe stomatological hos-pital attached to the FourthMilitary Medical Uni-versity in Xi’an, capital of

Motorola to buy SymbolTechnologies Inc for $3.9b

Chinese girl with facial deformation recovers wellnorthwest China’s ShaanxiProvince.

The doctors revealedthe patient’s situation whenover 70 stomatologistsand surgeons from 23countries, in Xi’an for amedical conference, cameto see the 18-year-old girl.Surgeons said that thesurgery was a world first.

Currently Wang iswearing a traction frameon her head. Though thegirl still has difficultyturning her head, she is ina buoyant mood. Wang isrecovering well and is in

good spirits, said LiuYanpu, the surgeon incharge.“The only problemis she cannot eat by herselfbecause of the frame,” thedoctor said.

Liu said the tractionstarted six days ago andthey have already com-pleted five millimetres.

The doctor planned tocomplete the remainingtraction in the next five to10 days and he said that ifeverything goes smoothly,Wang will leave hospitalin about 10 days.


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006


Switzerland's Martina Hingis returnsa shot to Tzipora Obziler of Israelduring their match at the Kolkata

Open tennis tournament in theeastern city of Kolkata, on 20 Sept,


Aston Villa's Czech Republic striker,Milan Baros, centre, battles for the ballwith Scunthorpe United goalkeeper JoeMurphy, right and defender RichardHinds, during their Carling Cup soccermatch at Glanford Park, Scunthorpe,England, on 20 Sept, 2006. —INTERNET

New England Revolution forwardClint Dempsey battles for control ofthe ball with New York Red Bullsdefender Seth Stammler (6) and

midfielder Chris Henderson, rear,during first half MLS soccer on

Wednesday night, 20 Sept, 2006 atGiants Stadium in East Rutherford,


Liverpool's Momo Sissoko, left, challenges ScottParker of Newcastle United during their EnglishPremier League soccer match at Anfield Stadium,Liverpool, England, on 20 Sept, 2006. —INTERNET

Curbelo sends holders Nancythrough in League Cup

PARIS, 21 Sept — A first-half goal byGaston Curbelo gave holders Nancy a 1-0 victory over Nice in the French LeagueCup first round on Wednesday.

Nancy, who defeated Nice in the finallast season, got the only goal of the gamewhen Curbelo netted after 25 minutes.

Nice, bottom of Ligue 1, at one stagefielded four strikers but were unable topenetrate Nancy's defence.

Other first round matches on Wednes-day include Paris St. Germain hostingLorient and Valenciennes taking on trou-bled Monaco. On Tuesday, Toulouseknocked out Nantes 2-0 while Lille neededa Mamatou Coulibaly own goal to see offLigue 2 side Istres.


Ukraine-Poland Euro 2012 bid worthy of note

KIEV, 21 Sept — The joint bid by Ukraine and Poland to stage the2012 European Championship has many elements in its favour andis worthy of serious consideration, a UEFA official was quoted assaying on Wednesday.

Giorgio Marchetti, a member of the UEFA delegation that touredfour Ukrainian cities last week, told the daily Kommanda thatinspectors found "many positive elements" during their visit.

"You must understand that the demands for staging Euro 2012 willbe more stringent than they were for the world championship whichjust took place. So no one should be surprised that we asked so manyquestions," he told the newspaper.

"This, first of all, shows that we are taking the Ukraine-Poland bidseriously... Ukraine and Poland combine desire, enthusiasm and awillingness to turn words into action.

"There are undoubtedly problems, but also an understanding ofhow to resolve them. Ukraine and Poland could well get the chanceto stage the tournament."

The bid is up against Italy and a similar joint proposal from Croatiaand Hungary.


Leeds sack manager Blackwell,QPR appoint Gregory

LONDON, 21 Sept — Leeds United andQueens Park Rangers, former PremierLeague clubs now occupying the bottomtwo places in the Second Division,changed their managers on Wednesday.

Leeds, who are 23rd in the 24-teamdivision, sacked Kevin Blackwell, theirmanager since May 2004, while QPRappointed former player John Gregory,his first management job since leavingDerby County in 2003.

Leeds have won just two of their open-ing eight matches and have seven points,while QPR have won one of their firsteight games and are bottom with sixpoints.

Blackwell's sacking came the day af-ter Leeds beat Barnet 3-1 in the LeagueCup on Tuesday while QPR went out ofthe competition after being beaten 3-2by Port Vale.

Gregory, who spent four years at QPRand played for them in the 1982 FA Cupfinal, takes over from Gary Waddock,who was appointed manager in June, butwho now reverts to first-team coach.


FA opens investigationsinto BBC bung claimsLONDON, 21 Sept— England's Foot-

ball Association said on Wednesday itwas launching a series of investigationsinto corruption allegations made by aBBC television programme.

Tuesday's Panorama claimed 18 un-named current or former Premier Leaguemanagers had been given money or"bungs" from transfers, with two agentsimplying on the programme that BoltonWanderers manager Sam Allardyce hadtaken them.

Allardyce has denied any wrongdo-ing. The FA said it "takes any allega-tions of corruption in the game ex-tremely seriously", and would launchone set of investigations jointly withthe Premier League and another purelyon its own.

With the Premier League, the FA willlook at allegations of illegal approachesmade to players involving Chelsea's di-rector of youth football Frank Arnesen,Portsmouth manager Harry Redknapp,Liverpool and Newcastle United.


Wins for championHidayat

MADRID, 21 Sept— Defending cham-pion Taufik Hidayat of Indonesia foughtback from a game down to overcomeKestutis Navickas of Lithuania 19-21,21-15, 21-10 and book his place in thelast 16 of the world championships onWednesday.

Top seed and world number one LeeChong Wei of Malaysia also made itthrough into the next round with a 21-18,21-14 win over Germany's BjoernJoppien in his first match of the compe-tition.

Lee, who won gold at the Common-wealth Games earlier this year, said hewould need to improve if he was to addthe world crown to his medal collection.

"Everyone tells me that the top seedsdon't often win at the worlds and I madea lot of mistakes out there today," he toldReuters. "Maybe I felt the pressure and Iwill have to get a lot better if I'm to winthis."

Hidayat, who has recently recoveredfrom injury and is unseeded in Madrid,was put under heavy pressure byNavickas and went down in the openinggame after sending an overhead smashinto the net.

But he managed to step up a gear in thesecond, working his opponent aroundthe court and then ending the match inassured fashion.

"I was a bit over-confident and didn'twarm up properly before the match,"said the Olympic champion.


China’s Peng downsholder Kirilenko in

BeijingBEIJING, 21 Sept — China's Peng Shuai

outlasted Russia's defending championMaria Kirilenko 5-7, 6-4, 6-2 on Wednes-day to reach the quarterfinals of theChina Open.

Eighth seed Kirilenko, who playedher first-round match on Tuesdayevening, was beaten for the first time inseven contests at the Beijing TennisCentre. Peng, one of four Chinese toreach the second round at the 600,000-US- dollar tournament, was edged out inthe first set but broke the 19-year-oldRussian early in the second and neverlooked back.

"She was the defending championand ranks higher than me but I wasplaying at home and the crowd werecheering for me," 20-year-old Peng said.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 22 September, 2006 15

Thursday, 21 September, 2006

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30hours MST: During the past 24 hours, rain or thunder-showers have been isolated in Taninthayi Division, fairlywidespread in Kachin State, upper Sagaing, Mandalay andMagway Divisions and widespread in the remaining areaswith locally heavyfall in Rakhine State, isolated heavyfallsin lower Sagaing and Mandalay Divisions. The notewor-thy amounts of rainfall recorded were Nay Pyi Taw (0.40)inch, An (7.75) inches, Kyaukpyu (6.34) inches, Maungtaw(5.12) inches, Shwegyin (2.68) inches, Sittway (2.44)inches, Kyauktaw (2.40) inches, PyinOoLwin (2.01)inches, Kanbalu (1.89) inches, Shwebo (1.11) inches,Pyinmana (1.03) inches and Mandalay (1.02) inches.

Maximum temperature on 20-9-2006 was 85°F.Minimum temperature on 21-9-2006 was 73°F. Relativehumidity at 09:30 hours MST on 21-9-2006 was (92%).Total sunshine hours on 20-9-2006 was (0.3) hour approx.

Rainfalls on 21-9-2006 were (1.18) inches atMingaladon, (0.83) inch at Kaba-Aye and (0.24) inch atCentral Yangon. Total rainfalls since 1-1-2006 were(89.53) inches at Mingaladon, (100.51) inches at Kaba-Aye and (103.27) inches at Central Yangon. Maximumwind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (8) mph fromSouthwest at (11:30) hours MST on 20-9-2006.

Bay inference: According to the observations at(09:30) hours MST today, yesterday’s depression overNothwest Bay is crossing the west Bengal Coast, India.Monsoon is moderate in the Andaman Sea and strong inthe Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 22-9-2006: Rainor thundershowers will be widespread in Chin, Kachinand Rakhine States, fairly widespread in Northern ShanState, upper Sagaing, Bago, Ayeyawady and YangonDivisions, scattered in Southern Shan State, lower Sagaing,Mandalay and Magway Divisions and isolated in the re-maining areas. Degree of certainty is (80%).

State of the Seas: Squalls with rough seas arelikely at times Deltaic, off and along Rakhine Coast. Sur-face wind speed in squall may reach 35 to 40 mph. Seaswill be moderate elsewhere in Myanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood ofthundery conditions in the Central Myanmar areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouringareas for 22-9-2006: Isolated rain or thundershowers. De-gree of certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouringareas for 22-9-2006: One or two rain or thundershowers.Degree of certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouringareas for 22-9-2006: Isolated rain or thundershowers. De-gree of certainty is (80%).


*R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 392226, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 392223,

Friday, 22 SeptemberTune in today

7:00 am1. ek¥;z;rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraetaek¥;z;rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraetaek¥;z;rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraetaek¥;z;rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraetaek¥;z;rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\\ \\ \

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7:25 am2. To be healthy

exercise7:30 am3. Morning news

7:40 am4. Nice and sweet song

7:55 am5. At;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´

8:00 am6. The mirror images of

the musical oldies

8:30 am Brief news8:35 am Music:

-My destiny ....Lionel Richie

8:40 am Perspectives8:45 am Music:

-Why not ....Hilary Duff

8:50 am National news /Slogan

9:00 am Music:-Absolutely ....Garath Gates

9:05 am Internationalnews

9:10 am Music:-Love for allseason .... CristinaAgulera

1:30 pm News / Slogan1:40pm Lunch time

music-Still a little bit oflove .... Dan Seal-Sutter’s mill ....Don Fogelberg-I’m the singer,you’re the song ....Tanya Tucker

9:00pm WOM-Brazil, Czech,Portugal,Korea

9:15 pm Article9:25pm Music at your

request-Could you ever.... C21-Love will leadyou back ....Taylor Dayne-Don’t walk away.... 911-The two of us ....N’sync

9:45 pm News / Slogan10:00 pm PEL

8:10 am7. Ak�pioc\p∑∑∑∑´Ak�pioc\p∑∑∑∑´Ak�pioc\p∑∑∑∑´Ak�pioc\p∑∑∑∑´Ak�pioc\p∑∑∑∑´8:20 am8. �mn\ma.m^;rTa; s∑m\;Aa;�mn\ma.m^;rTa; s∑m\;Aa;�mn\ma.m^;rTa; s∑m\;Aa;�mn\ma.m^;rTa; s∑m\;Aa;�mn\ma.m^;rTa; s∑m\;Aa;

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8:30 am9. International news MM MM M

8:45 am10. English for Everyday

Use4:00 pm1. Martial song

4:15 pm2. Song to uphold

National Spirit4:30 pm3. Musical programme

4:45 pm4. Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;

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4:55 pm5. Song of national races

5:10 pm6. �mn\masa'�mn\maska;�mn\masa'�mn\maska;�mn\masa'�mn\maska;�mn\masa'�mn\maska;�mn\masa'�mn\maska;

5:20 pm7. Song of yesteryears

5:30 pm8. {qtin ´ ´ >y˙√ \Aqin ´ ´ > �pc \}{qtin ´ ´ >y˙√ \Aqin ´ ´ > �pc \}{qtin ´ ´ >y˙√ \Aqin ´ ´ > �pc \}{qtin ´ ´ >y˙√ \Aqin ´ ´ > �pc \}{qtin ´ ´ >y˙√ \Aqin ´ ´ > �pc \}

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Aer>ts\K∑c\Aer>ts\K∑c\Aer>ts\K∑c\Aer>ts\K∑c\Aer>ts\K∑c\6:00 pm11. Evening news6:30 pm12.Weather report6:35 pm13. qutsMulc\erW a%\rc\qutsMulc\erW a%\rc\qutsMulc\erW a%\rc\qutsMulc\erW a%\rc\qutsMulc\erW a%\rc\7:00 pm14. Nuic\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Nuic\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Nuic\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Nuic\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Nuic\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´

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Quiz 2006 �pioc\p∑´ �pioc\p∑´ �pioc\p∑´ �pioc\p∑´ �pioc\p∑´8:00 pm16. News17. International news18. Weather report19. Nuic\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Nuic\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Nuic\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Nuic\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Nuic\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´

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20. The next day’sprogramme

Friday, 22 SeptemberView on today

Beijing police crack 3 illegal foreign currencytrading gangs

More than 120 po-lice and officials fromthe municipal foreign ex-change authority took partin raids on 13 September,seizing 960,000 US dol-

BEIJING, 21 Sept — Beijing law enforcement officers have broken up three illegal foreign currencytrading rings, arresting 10 people and seizing almost a million US dollars, the State Administration ofForeign Exchange (SAFE) said on Wednesday.

Fans of US Ryder Cup player Tiger Woods smileas they brave the rain to watch practice for the

Ryder Cup at the K Club in County Kildare, Ire-land on 20 Sept, 2006. — INTERNET

lars and over 500,000 yuan(63,000 dollars) in cash.

The authorities alsoseized 63 bank cards andfroze 170 accounts, in-volving funds worth 6.9

million yuan (870,000dollars).

The joint law en-forcement operation be-gan in June last year, whenthe gangs were put undersurveillance, SAFE said.

The authorities sus-

pect that illegal transac-tions by the gangs involvefunds worth more than 100million yuan in accountsin Beijing, Guangdong,Zhejiang, Xinjiang andother regions.


“Storm News”(Issued at 13:00

hrs MST on21-9-2006)

According to the

observations at (09:30)hours MST today, yes-terday’s depressionover Northwest Bay iscrossing the west Ben-gal Coast, India.

“Flood Bulletin”(Issued at 12:30 hrs MST on 21-9-2006)

According to the (06:30) hrs MST observa-tion today, the water level of Dokehtawady Riverat Myitnge is (916) cm. It may fall below its dan-ger level (870) cm during the next (48) hourscommencing noon today.

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1st Waxing of Thadingyut 1368 ME Friday, 22 September, 2006

It is historic duty for Myanmar people to preserve culturalheritage and ward off infiltration of alien culture

Wellwishers contribute cash to funds of 14th MyanmarTraditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions

Commander Brig-Gen Wai Lwin delivers an address at cash donation ceremony for organizing 14th Myanmar Traditional Cultural PerformingArts Competitions. — MNA

Commander Brig-Gen Wai Lwin accepts cash donation from awellwisher. — MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 21Sept — The first cashdonation ceremony fororganizing the 14thMyanmar TraditionalCultural Performing ArtsCompetitions was heldthis afternoon here, andChairman of the LeadingCommittee for the Per-forming Arts Competi-tions Commander of NayPyi Taw Command Brig-Gen Wai Lwin acceptedthe donations.

The cash donationceremony was also at-tended by Chairman ofFund Raising and PrizePresentation Committeefor the 14th MyanmarTraditional Cultural Per-forming Arts Competi-

tions Deputy Minister forProgress of Border Areasand National Races andDevelopment Affairs ColTin Ngwe and membersof sub-committees, de-partmental officials andwellwishers.

In his address,Commander Brig-GenWai Lwin said theMyanmar TraditionalCultural Performing ArtsCompetitions was held in1993 for the first time,and since then, the com-petitions have been heldevery year with the aimsof preserving and safe-guarding Myanmar cul-tural heritage, perpetuat-ing genuine traditionalfine arts and preserving

national characters. The14th Myanmar TraditionalCultural Performing ArtsCompetitions will be heldin Nay Pyi Taw for thefirst time, and preparationsfor the 14th competitionsare being made by respec-tive committees, he said.

The commandercontinued to say that highstandards of Myanmar tra-ditional fine arts have beenpossessing own culture,arts and national character-istics since time immemo-rial because ancestors putall their energy into pre-serving the cultural herit-age. So, it is the duty oftoday’s citizens to shoul-der the responsibility forperpetuation of Myan-

mar’s traditional fine arts.Regarding the

preservation of Myanmarcultural heritage, theGovernment also laiddown Four Social Objec-tives including two objec-tives — “Uplift of na-

20 youths who representtwo-fifths of global popu-lation as the main mar-ket for their cultural ex-ports. The alien influenceon traditions and culture,customs and faithsthrough technological

changes and develop-ments has alarmed manynations. In the same vain,global countries are anx-ious about their long-pre-served performing artsthat are now under the

(See page 8)


INSIDEMyaing Township witnessed the con-

struction of Yanhton, Bogwe, Phalannwe,Seiksin and Htanbinnge dams, and YesagyoTownship, installation of a sluice gate inSintantna Dam, dredging of TaungU Dam,building of a canal for Myenigon Dam,raising the level of the embankment ofMyekhedaung Dam, renovation ofKwehmyok Dam and construction ofKaingmagyi Dam.

tional prestige and integ-rity and preservation andsafeguarding of culturalheritage and nationalcharacter” and “ Uplift ofdynamism of patrioticspirit”. The reason whyperforming arts competi-tions are held is to handdown the high standardsof Myanmar traditionalfine arts to posterity andto uplift the national pres-tige and integrity.

The commandersaid, the Western coun-tries are targeting under-

YANGON, 21 Sept — Members of Budalin Township National Leaguefor Democracy, Sagaing Division, U Soe Lwin, U Saw Myint Aung, U Nyo,U Than Yin, U Htay Maung, U Myint Aung, U Nyein, U Win Naing, U HlaMyint, U Win, U Hla Maung, U Htay Hlaing, U Dway, U Kaung Hlaing, UTint, U Rar Po, U Than Myint, U Tin Nwe, U Aung Lwin, Daw Aye Pu andDaw Khin San Win of Panmo Village resigned from the party of their ownaccord on 21 August.

They sent the letters of resignation to the NLD Headquarters and localauthorities. In their letter sent to Budalin Township Multiparty DemocracyGeneral Election Sub-commission, they said they no longer trusted in theNLD and took no interest in its functions, and so they quit the NLD of theirown accord. — MNA

21 quit Budalin Township NLDThey no longer trust in NLD and

its functions


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