



Krzysztof Latocha, Tadeusz Nowak – The Nałęcz Family in Łęczyca County in Late Middle Ages. ............................................................................................... 13

Mariusz Stępniewski, Zdzisław Szambelan – The Territorial Development of Łodz in the Light of Documents and Cartographic Sources. ........................................ 37

Krzysztof Tomasz Witczak, Theodore Tripplin`s Trips to Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Rawa County. ....................................................................................................... 51

Włodzimierz Berner, Professional, Social and Scietni� c Activity of Dermatolo-gists and Venereologists at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Century (until 1918). ........ 71

Paweł Samuś, Women in the Socialist Movement in the Kingdom of Poland in the Years of Revolution 1905-1907. .......................................................................... 85

Dariusz Szlawski, The Organization and Structure of Public Schools in Łódź in In-terwar Era. .......................................................................................................... 116

Małgorzata Łapa, The electri� cation of Łódź Voivodeship between 1919-1939. ..... 134Włodzimierz Kozłowski, Colonel Engineer January Grzędziński, Commander of

30th Regiment Gunmen of Kaniów between 1932-1934. The Attempt at the Bi-ography of the Of� cer, the Journalist, the Writer and the Oppositionist. .......... 150


Arkadiusz Rzepkowski, the Territorial Origin of Foreign Population and its Role in Economical Development of Pabianice in the First Period of Industrial Era un-til 1865. .............................................................................................................. 163

Breeding Stock of Farm in Piaski of 1755. The Attempt to Draft the History of Dominican Wealth Fare in Sieradz of 18th Century – Elaborated and Prepared by Grzegorz Wierzchowski. ............................................................................... 177


The Memoire of Franciszek Łukomski from January Uprising from the Collection of Kórnicka Library of PAN – Elaborated and Prepared by Łukasz Jastrząb. ...... 189

Old Prints from the National Archives in Łódź. Part II of the Catalogue – Elabo-rated and Prepared by Adam Lajdenfrost. .......................................................... 196


Andrzej Warżel, Piłsudczykowskie ugrupowania polityczne na ziemi tarnowskiej w latach 1926-1939, Tarnów 2005, pp. 364 (Karol Dziuda). ............................ 238

Początki architektury sakralnej w Polsce Centralnej, cz. I: Strońsko-Ruda-Krzyworzeka, praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Leszka Kajzera, Łódź 2008, pp. 208 + Ilustrations (Agata Kaczmarek). .............................................................. 240

Katarzyna Czekaj, Karol Lilienfeld-Krzewski (1893-1944), Warszawa 2008, pp. 108 (Piotr Kilańczyk). ....................................................................................... 242

Elżbieta Cherezińska, Byłam sekretarką Rumkowskiego. Dzienniki Etki Daum, Poznań 2008, pp. 396 (Adrian Uljasz). ............................................................. 244

Rok 1945 w Łodzi. Studia i szkice, pod red. J. Żelazko, Łódź 2008, pp. 376 (Przemysław Waingertner). ............................................................................... 247

Krzysztof Lesiakowski, Strajki robotnicze w Łodzi 1945-1976, Łódź 2008, pp. 376 (Rafał Chojnacki). ...................................................................................... 250

Stan wojenny w regionie łódzkim w dokumentach Służby Bezpieczeństwa, wybór i opracowanie Michał Kopczyński, Robert Rabiega, Warszawa-Łódź 2008, pp. XL + 524 (Rafał Chojnacki). ............................................................................. 252

20 lat Stowarzyszenia. VIII Zjazd absolwentów studiów ekonomicznych i socjo-logicznych w Łodzi, Łódź 2009, pp. 460 (Maria Nartonowicz-Kot). ............... 255


Report from the Activity of Łódź Branch of the Polish Historical Society from 7th of June 2006 to 9th of June 2009 (Marzena Iwańska). ....................................... 258

Tragic End of General Józef Olszyna-Wilczyński (1890-1939). Eastern Traces of the Commander of 10th Infantry Division of Łódź (Agnieszka Jędrzejewska, Aleksandra Kozłowska). .................................................................................... 270

Report from the Scienti� c Conference Entitled: “Roads to Independence”. In the 90th Anniversary of Regaining Independence of Poland, Łódź, 14th of Novem-ber 2008 (Tomasz Pietras). ................................................................................ 279

Report from the Session Devoted to the History of Głowno beetwen 17th and 18th century, Głowno, 20th of February 2009 (Tomasz Romanowicz). ..................... 285

Report from the Scienti� c Conference Entitled: ‘’Lonesome Woman Yesterday and Today”, Łódź, 5th of March 2009 (Marta Sikorska-Kowalska). ................. 288

Historic Mayfair of PTH group of Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Gałków Duży, 23rd of May 2009 (Jerzy Wojniłowicz). ......................................................................... 290


Scienti� c Panel Entitled: ‘’The Participation of Landowners in the Structure of the State in the Space of History of Poland”, Łódź, 28th of May 2009 (Przemysław Waingertner). ..................................................................................................... 291

Panel Gathering Entitled: Between Sense and Sensibility. Women in the Early Days of Modernity, Łódź, 3rd of June 2009 (Przemysław Waingertner). .......... 292

Ceremony Session Devoted to the 70th Anniversary of the Beginning of the World War II, Głowno, 2nd of September 2009 (Tomasz Romanowicz). ...................... 293

Report from Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Beginning of the World War II in Piotrków Area (Maciej Hubka). ................................................................. 295

Report from the Scienti� c Session Entitled: “Domus propria Domus optima” Dur-ing the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary Museum Castle in Oporów, Oporów, 16th of October 2009 (Ewelina Kostrzewska). ................................................... 299


Alojza Łyszkowska - Żebrowska (1923-2009), (Andrzej Drakoniewicz) .............. 302Waldemar Ceran (1936-2009), (Maciej Kokoszko) ................................................. 304Maria Róża Wisińska-Kluba (1947-2009), (Jerzy Kowalski, Alicja Szymczak) ..... 306
