
Lanjutkan menulis tips dan jenis melanjutkan Seorang pemburu pekerjaan yang baik tahu bahwa resume yang baik adalah kunci untuk sebuah wawancara mengundang dan akhirnya, untuk pekerjaan. Selain ringkasan kemampuan Anda, pengalaman kerja dan pendidikan, resume harus mengungkapkan poin unik Anda jual untuk menarik perhatian majikan yang potensial untuk MEMBELI Anda. Rahasia untuk resume yang menarik adalah untuk mengatasi kebutuhan spesifik dari pekerjaan tertentu. Sebuah resume disesuaikan memiliki dampak jauh lebih dari satu ukuran cocok untuk semua. Untuk menulis seperti resume, pertama mengatur informasi tertentu di bawah ...

Elemen penting dari resume lengkap Tentu saja, Anda ingin memastikan resume Anda menonjol, dan Anda bertanya-tanya apakah ada teknik baru dapat Anda coba. Faktanya adalah, aturan tentang apa yang membuat resume panas hampir tidak berubah. Ini masih mengetahui penting yang akan melakukan trik. Pastikan Anda memiliki elemen-elemen dalam urutan yang diberikan: Tujuan Ayub. Negara secara singkat jenis pekerjaan yang Anda cari sehingga majikan akan tahu jika ia memiliki kecocokan.Jadilah spesifik dan to the point. Jangan pernah menulis pernyataan kabur. Bersangkutan keterampilan. Jika Anda memiliki ...

Lanjutkan Tips Menulis: Dengan pencari kerja, untuk pencari kerja Saat ini, banyak perusahaan mencari orang yang memiliki pengalaman bekerja dengan perusahaan mereka. Jadi dalam resume Anda, sebutkan dengan jelas pengalaman pekerjaan Anda. Jangan merasa malu untuk menulis tentang pengalaman Anda meskipun Anda hanya memiliki satu atau dua. Alex Lee Kebanyakan orang berpikir bahwa memiliki resume yang komprehensif diisi dengan rincian prestasi dan pengalaman mereka adalah cara untuk pergi dalam mengamankan pekerjaan impian mereka. Ini tidak selalu benar sebagai eksekutif adalah orang-orang sibuk yang biasanya melirik ...

Bagaimana menulis resume menang dan berharga "adalah resume Anda titik pertama kontak dengan calon majikan; jadi pastikan memberikan kesan pertama yang baik" Apakah Anda tahu bahwa pekerjaan iklan eksekutif khas di hari Sabtu The Straits Times Merekrut halaman dapat dengan mudah menarik rata-rata 100 aplikasi + pekerjaan? Bagaimana Anda ingin untuk berdiri di antara kerumunan orang dan dipilih untuk wawancara? Sebagai profesional HR dan bersertifikat penulis resume, saya memiliki kesempatan untuk dokter hewan ribuan resume dan duduk dalam perekrutan beberapa ...

Menulis Tujuan Karir di resume Jika Anda harus memasukkan suatu tujuan dalam resume Anda, pastikan itu bukan renungan-atau garnishing belaka yang tidak melakukan apapun untuk meningkatkan kesempatan Anda arahan pekerjaan. "Tembak untuk bulan, dan mungkin mendarat di antara bintang-bintang." Ini adalah cara yang paling tujuan karir suara dalam resume pencari kerja yang belum berpengalaman. Samar-samar. Pasti. Bertujuan untuk semua dan apa-apa. Itu sebabnya, beberapa ahli memperingatkan, "Jika Anda tidak bisa mengatakan dengan jelas, tidak mengatakan apa-apa." Mengapa masalah ini begitu umum? Untuk ...

13 Tips untuk Menulis Resume Hak Datang dengan resume yang membuat orang HR letih duduk dan memperhatikan tidak sesulit kedengarannya. Caranya adalah dengan memastikan itu bacaan bermanfaat kapan saja.Bagaimana untuk datang dengan resume yang bekerja - sekarang ada dilema bersama oleh lulusan segar dan stiffs bekerja sama. Apa sebenarnya yang Anda masukkan ke dalam dan biarkan untuk meyakinkan manajer SDM bahwa Anda akan menjadi tambahan yang bijaksana untuk jajaran perusahaan mereka? Ini satu set sulit untuk membuat keputusan, mirip dengan yang Anda buat ketika akan buta pada tanggal: ...

Tips Kerajinan bahwa online Lanjutkan Perbedaan antara resume elektronik dan versi cetak adalah siapa - atau apa - yang dapat melihatnya pertama. Para pencari kerja yang ingin memposting online harus memahami perbedaan ini sebelum ia dapat mempersiapkan resume cocok untuk media elektronik. Tanpa pertanyaan, Internet telah merevolusi semua aspek kehidupan modern - operasi bisnis, pengumpulan informasi, proses komunikasi, bahkan bagaimana kita membayar tagihan kita.Sekarang, Internet bahkan membentuk kembali lanskap perekrutan. Hanya ...

Tahu Yang Lanjutkan Setelan Jenis Anda terbaik Cari tahu mana yang cocok melanjutkan gaya paling khusus Anda para pencari kerja profil.Jangan mengambil resume Anda begitu saja! Setiap pekerjaan-pemburu yang cakap tahu resume yang baik adalah kunci untuk sebuah

wawancara kerja dan, akhirnya, dengan status dipekerjakan. Selain sebagai ringkasan dari kemampuan, pengalaman dan pendidikan, resume harus mengungkapkan titik penjualan unik Anda untuk membuat kerja potensial ingin mengenal Anda lebih baik. Rahasia resume yang menarik - ini cocok untuk sebuah tawaran pekerjaan tertentu ...

Ingin Bertahan Sebuah Referensi Buruk? "Anda tidak bisa ... selalu mendapatkan apa yang Anda ... wa-semut" berlanjut bahwa menahan diri merdu akrab. Dan ketika matahari tidak bersinar pada referensi yang Anda cari pekerjaan, dinginnya misi pencarian Anda dapat veritably dingin. Tapi, saya mulai dari awal lebih logis.Referensi Anda berfungsi sebagai pendapat pihak ketiga tujuan Anda. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi cara bagi pewawancara untuk memiliki pandangan yang baik dari "kerja" Anda.Jika Anda mencium pekerjaan Anda berikutnya, Anda tahu bahwa referensi yang penting untuk resume Anda. ...

Jika Anda mengembang resume Anda, riwayat hidup (CV)? Beberapa minggu terakhir sejak saya datang kembali ke adegan perekrutan, saya perhatikan cukup beberapa keluhan dari manajer HR tentang Riwayat Hidup meningkat. Saya pikir itu menarik untuk mengetahui apa yang mereka prihatin. Cukup adil, Anda membaca semua tentang cara yang tepat untuk menulis resume, apa yang harus Anda fokuskan, apa yang Anda harus meningkatkan dan bagaimana Anda harus mengatakan hal yang ingin Anda katakan. Apa yang Anda dapatkan pada akhirnya harus sepotong disusun dengan baik untuk memasarkan keahlian dan pengalaman Anda di bidang pilihan Anda. Apa ...


JOHN LEE 1-1-1 Pangsapuri Idam

Jalan Aman Damai, 10000 Penang

Phone: (04) 699-1234

Email: [email protected]


Project Management / Product Development / Marketing Excellence

A confident, creative and highly qualified marketing professional with 10 years of distinguished performance in the computer industry. Broad-based background encompasses exceptional work ethics and commitment to organizational objectives within a highly competitive and rapidly changing market place. Proactive manager, team builder and tactical planner with ability to attract and secure key players in building strong and lasting business relationships. Recognized for decisive leadership and proven ability to face challenges head-on and execute sound decisions while directing product launches.

Core Strengths:

– Competitive Market Analysis - Excellent Presentation Skills – Strategic Planning Skills - Direct & Channel Marketing – Relationship Building - Trade Show Management – Business Development - Management & Development – Strategic Partnerships & Alliances - E-Commerce Strategy &



COMPANY ABC, Kuala Lumpur 2003 to Present

Marketing Manager

Responsible for developing marketing plans and driving all marketing products and programs for this manufacturing company. Instrumental in making the Education Market segment the fastest growing market segment in company history. Developed and Implemented highly effective sales tools and trained a 40-person sales force on their use. Orchestrated strategic marketing relationships with OEMS such as Microsoft and Intel. Coordinated simultaneous advertising campaign and multiple direct marketing campaigns including case studies, product and program brochures. Key accomplishments include:

– Working closely with product marketers during product development to ensure that products and services meet market needs and were executed on time and within budget.

– Working closely with Trade Show managers to develop regional and national trade show strategies and execution plans.

– Coordinate with Web Team to develop website and e-commerce logistics.

– Develop financial models including forecasts, margin analysis and pricing policies.

– Collaborated with research professionals to conduct primary research. Analyzed secondary research to develop effective strategy and direction.

– Demonstrated competencies in writing and successfully executing multiple business plans.

COMPANY EFG, Kuala Lumpur 2000 – 2003

Business Development Executive

Responsible for driving all marketing communications for the company. Initiating trade shows, presentations, direct mail campaigns, advertising and development of company website. Key accomplishments include:

– Developed and implemented comprehensive marketing plans and research documents for the Education market segment.

- Worked closely with sales team to develop and execute marketing and follow-up programs. Also worked

closely with OEMs and vendors.

– Developed financial models including forecasting, pricing and margin analysis.

COMPANY XYZ, Kuala Lumpur 1998 - 2000

Marketing Executive

Supported regional sales team by coordinating regional marketing activities including seminars, trade shows and executive briefings. Worked with individual sales representatives

to help fulfill marketing needs such as direct mail to vertical market segments., lead generation and sales analysis. Interfaced with vendors and Channel Partners on marketing issues including trade shows, seminars partnerships and equipment showcasing. Supported District Sales Manager by managing sales budget, demo equipment inventory, interfacing and sales representatives and organizing sales recognition events.


University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

Bachelor of Science in Business Management

Daftar Riwayat Hidup


· Nama Lengkap : Ahmad Rosidi, S.Kom.

· Tempat /tanggal lahir : Pasuruan, 21 November 1985.

· Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki.

· Agama : Islam.

· Status Perkawinan : Menikah.

· Pendidikan Terakhir : Sarjana Komputer


· SD Negeri Ketanireng Prigen, berijazah tahun 1998.

· SMP Negeri 2 Pandaan Pasuruan, berijazah tahun 2001.

· SMA Prigen Pasuruan, berijazah tahun 2004.

· Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, berijazah tahun 2009 .


· Microsoft Office (Windows, Word, Excel)

· Desain grafis (photoshop, coreldraw, illustrator.

· English for Basic Conversation.

· Internet (Homepage Design, E-Mail).

· Delphi Program.

· Video, shooting and Photo Editing.


· Pernah bekerja sebagai staff Audit dan Entry tahun 2004-2006 (Communication Company)

· Pernah bekerja sebagai staff Export Import tahun 2006-2008(Rubber Company)

· Pernah bekerja sebagai desain grafis tahun 2008-2010 (Newspaper Printing Company)

· Pernah bekerja sebagai supervisor produksi tahun 2010-2011 (Moslem Magazine Company)

· Setting dan percetakan. (Corel Draw, Microsoft Office)

· Video Shooting, Photo Editing, Video Clip, DVD & VCD format. (Adobe, Pinnacle, Ulead)

· Pembuatan homepage internet. (Front Page, Dreamweaver, Publisher, Manual)

· Memiliki SIM dan kendaraan pribadi. (SIM A dan SIM C)

· Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi, berbahasa inggris, (Course English Conversation)


Alamat :Jl. Tanjung 14 Wilo Prigen Rt. 05/03 Pasuruan

Telepon / HP : 085646-7444733

Internet : | Email/FB : [email protected]

Demikian Daftar Riwayat Hidup ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya.

Hormat saya,

Ahmad Rosidi, S.Kom.



1-1-1 Pangsapuri Idam

Jalan Aman Damai, 10000 Penang

Phone: (04) 699-1234

Email: [email protected]


To obtain a challenging position with a market leader that utilizes my experience in product management, sales management, account management and project management.

Professional Summary

Experienced sales representative with effective selling skills, experience in managing a product line, justifying new product development investments, determining and documenting new product requirements, developing sales forecasts and recommending product pricing and launching new products to the market place. Proven ability to manage key account relationships and large-scale projects. Experience with presenting to senior management, representing senior management in discussions with customers, vendors and distributors. Train and assist dealers, and coordinate sales and promotional activities in the region.


Sales Executive, Since Year 2002

Company ABC, Kuala Lumpur,

Reporting to Sales Manager and Product Manager, responsible for a product line of 7 products representing RM1.2 million in sales revenue for a leading manufacture in ABC equipment. Generating sales of RM2.5 million annually.

Increased product line sales from RM800,000 to RM1.6 million in year 2003, an increase of 100%.

Launched a new product into the market place to replace an existing product, increasing annual unit sales from 3000 to 9000.

Meet with dealers, distributors and end-users to define new product requirements and work with product development to document these requirements in product specifications.

analyze competitive product offerings in terms of features and benefits, as well as pricing.

Determine sales forecasts for proposed new products and justify new product development investments.

Advice for review on product pricing and gross market goals for existing products annually and establish new product pricing.

Conduct new product training for dealers including providing test units to key dealers for use in demonstrations and roadshows.

Work with equipment suppliers and distributors to manage product offerings. Exhibit products at trade shows and trade fairs, and attend trade shows and trade

fairs to review competitors and their products.

Sales Executive, 1999 - 2002

Company XYZ, Kuala Lumpur

Managed all product launches in the branch office. Coordinated new product training for 300 company dealers and their sales

representatives. Coordinated telemarketing and conducted market research to determine target sales. Prepared written status reports for senior management detailing launch status and

sales report. Processed incoming orders, coordinated shipments and handled customer-related



University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

Bachelor of Science Degree: Business Management


MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Baan


Mr Lee Ang Wah

Company EFG, Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 010-9876543

Contoh Curriculum Vitae International

Name: Ollman Mohd. Kishk


To increase the shareholder value and maximizing profit by improving the operational efficiencies and maximum utilization for the available resources.

Keys of success:

Integrity & Ethics






Continuous Improvement


3rd Ind. city RiyadhP. O. Box 9999913333Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Phone: +99999.1111111 (Ext. 999)Phone (Evening): +9999.2222222Mobile: +999.3333333Fax: +99999.4444444E-Mail: [email protected]


To find a challenging position to meet my competencies, capabilities, skills, education and experience.


Nationality: Jordan

Resident of: Saudi Arabia

Birth date: 14 Jan, 1973

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Married

Number of Dependants: 1


September 2005 -Present:

Production ManagerGulf Hygienic Industries LTD2ed Industrial City - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

1.Establishes production standards of efficiency, minimum wastages and maximum utilization of resources (machines, raw material and manpower).2. Supervise production processes to ensure implementation of company standards.3. Prepares annual production plans and obtains approval of Director of production.4. Coordinates with Sales Managers to:a. Plan production capacities according to yearly sales projections. b.Monitor production vs. sales to review production schedule accordingly. Ensure enough replenishments of finished goods supply. c.Applay effective modification on production plan for timely production of special orders or promotional items.5. Coordinates with procurement officers to ensure smooth supply of raw materials.6. Establishes quality control standards and procedures. Ensures strictly adherence to those standards.7. Supervises machines maintenance programs. Recommends machines modifications if needed. Ensures smooth supply of spare parts.8. Prepares annual manpower plan. Makes sure all vacant positions are filled in coordination with personnel manager.9. Coaches and trains production staff prepares on job training programs. Evaluate performance of staff, recommends promotion, additional training or termination.10. Prepares employees safety procedures and makes sure that these procedures are enforced.

February 1999 -October 2005:

Production ManagerAmiantit Groups of companies1st Ind. City, Dammam, Saudi Arabia

1. Prepare production budget and maintain/improve budget limitations to meet plant’s annual objectives and standards according to sales projections.2. Prepare of short and long term plans to determine the manufacturing objectives3. Participate in putting the company strategies in short and long term.4. Manage and monitor the operation of the plant and finish goods warehouse to ensure continuity of production and maintain organized receiving and dispatch of finish product.5. Manage maintenance department and apply the preventive maintenance program on all machines and equipment to minimize problems and shutdown scheduling to ensure timely and appropriate solutions are adopted avoiding major breakdown.6. Establish production scheduling and recording system that will ensure accurate recording of production figures and stoppage analysis to make timely and precise reports for company management and future planning.7. Establish safe working procedures for all areas of operation in coordination with the safety department and ensure its implementation to keep accident to the minimum and reduce downtime. 8. Established and maintain overall emergency procedures in coordination with safety department and oversees emergency training by making periodical drills, further acting as a field leader for the whole plant.9. Leads special projects of maintenance department for the enhancement or modifications on process, following through to their successful completion.10. Ensures proper training of plant personnel to upgrade their professional and maintain the

equipped level of quality standards to achieve the operational equipments.11. Coordinates with Quality Control regarding glass condition, binder formulation and quality of production to ensure timely and appropriate solutions are adopted avoiding customer’s complaint12. Participate in preparing, reviewing and evaluate the manufacturing cost to ensure the company cost are efficient.

December 1997 -February 1999:

QC SupervisorAmiantit groups of companies’1st Ind. city Dammam Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia

Responsible in maintaining/Developing the product quality, Batch Formulation, chemical plant formulation for resin material, quality & Process audit.

1.Manage and monitor the quality of all finished products (Wool Line, Rigid Pipe and Ceiling Board Line) to maintain the company’s high standard and meet the market requirements. 2. Manage the work activities of Quality Assurance Department to ensure that Q.C. Technicians adhered to approved quality control procedures.3. Coordinate with Furnace Supervisor to ensure that the mixing procedure and the amount of ingredients based on formula are strictly followed. 4. Manage inspected of incoming new materials and conduct material evaluation to determine acceptability based on purchase acceptance standard set by the company. 5. Inspect incoming new materials and conduct material evaluation to determine acceptability to purchase acceptance standard set by the company.6. Establish safe working procedures in the area of responsibilities to keep the number of accident to the minimum or zero.7. Ensure proper training of Q.A. Technicians to upgrade their knowledge required to maintain high quality standard.8. Maintain sample level in sample room to ensure availability of sample any-time for AFICO customers.9. Implement statistical process control in quality assurance department. 10. Manage and ensure ISO 9000 implementations.11. Improve quality culture in all AFICO departments i.e. production, marketing, HR, finance, etc.12. Implement TQM principles and tools to solve the management problems and help them to improve the company strategically.

July 1995 -December 1997:

Plant Chemist & Product DeveloperIntermediate Petrochemicals Industries Co. Ltd.Amman, Jordan- Zarka Tel.No. 962-5-3653775, Jordan

In charge in product development for chemical such as Urea, Phenol, Formaldehyde, PVC Compound, Polyester, Plasticizer, Relon, Peroxide and Solvents.


December 2004: Middleham University, United StatesMasters, MBA by Distance Learning

November 2004: Hilal Conferences & Exhibitions, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, The Annual Insulation Conference 2004

July 2004: Amiantit Group Safety & Environmental Dept., Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Permit To Work System

May 2004: National Inspection & Technical Testing Co. Ltd., Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Internal EMS Auditing

April 2004: Group safety & Environmental Dept. of Amiantit, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Accident Investigation And Analysis

December 2003: Meric Training & Consulting, Dubai, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Improving Productivity Through Quality & Cost Reduction

December 2003: Progress Management Consultants, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Effective Budgeting & Operational Cost Control

May 2003: SAP Arabia Education, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, LO 985 Classification (Production Planning).

March 2003: SAP Arabia Education, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, LO 205 Basic Data For discrete Manufacturing (Production Planning).

March 2003: SAP Arabia Education, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, LO 206 Basic Data part 2 (Production Planning)

October 2002: Group of Safety & Environmental Dept. of Amiantit, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Emergency Evacuation Plan

July 2002: Intelligroup Asia Private Limited, Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Certification/Diploma, SAP R / 3 Production Planning( Training & Implementation)

Period From April 2002 to July 2002

June 2002: Group Safety & Environmental Dept. Of Amiantit, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Home Safety & Actual Fire Drill

April 2002: SAP Arabia Education, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, LO 050 Customization (Production Planning)

March 2002: SAP Arabia Education, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, LO 100 Plant Maintenance

March 2002: SAP Arabia Education, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, AC 040 Cost Management & Controlling

March 2002: SAP Arabia Education, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, LO 955 Batch Management (Production Planning).

February 2002: New Horizons Computer Learning Center, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Microsoft Excel XP Level (2)

October 2001: Institute For International Research, Dubai, United Arab EmiratesCertification/Diploma, Finance For Engineers Seminar

April 2001: National Inspection & Technical Testing Co. Ltd. (FAHASS / TUV), Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, ISO 14001(Environmental Management System)

January 2001: Hay Management Consultants, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Hay Job Evaluation

October 2000: The Institute Of Industrial Management & Information Technology, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Global Learning Organizations

October 2000: Owens Corning, Ohio, United StatesCertification/Diploma, ISB Licensee Product / Process Understanding Seminar

November 1999: institute Of Industrial Management & Information Technology, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Challenges in Quality & Maintenance Management in the Year 2000 & beyond

September 1999: FAHSS / TUV, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, ISO 9001: Year 2000 Version

February 1998: FAHSS / TUV IQM Middle east, Dammam, Saudi ArabiaCertification/Diploma, Internal Quality Auditors ISO 9000

June 1995: Mutah University, Karak, JordanBachelors in science of chemistry


Skill Level Years practiced

MS Word, MS Excel, Power point, Intermediate More than 9 years


Language Level

Arabic Expert

English Expert

Language Level


Reference Relation Phone E-Mail

Abdul Rahman GalebGM

Baglaf steel Company

+999.55555555 [email protected]

Walid Mohammad MustafaLegal Advisor

Amiantit +888.66666666 [email protected]

Reference Relation Phone E-Mail

Simple CV


PERSONAL DATA· Full Name                              : Chandra Saputra· Date & Place of Birth             : Tapus, June 1st, 1983· Sex                                        : Male· Religion                                 : Moslem· Education                              : SMK

FORMAL EDUCATION· SD Negeri 035 Batam, graduated 1995· SMP Negeri 4 Batam, graduated 1998· SMKN 1 Batam, graduated 2001

JOB EXPERIENCE· PT. Matsushita Electronic Components Batam  From September, 10th 2001 – October 12th 2004 as Operator· PT. Securindo Packtama Indonesia  From February, 20th 2005 – November, 7th 2005 as Supervisor· Internet café as Computer technician from 2006 until now.

SKILL· Computer ( Install, Software, Hardware, Service and Maintenance )

· Microsoft Office· Networking· Blog

CONTACTAddress            : Bengkong Permai B30 RT/RW 03/03Phone / HP       : 0852 7222 0252 / 0821 7405 2200Internet             : | Email/FB :[email protected]

Sincerely yours,

Chandra Saputra

Posted 12th March by Chandra SaputraLabels: CV Example Format Sederhana Contoh CV

DAFTAR RIWAYAT HIDUPDATA PRIBADINama : Justin Bieber PutraJenis kelamin : Laki-lakiTempat, tanggal lahir : Jakarta, 01 Januari 1980Kewarganegaraan : IndonesiaStatus perkawinan : Belum menikahTinggi, berat badan : 170 cm, 61 kgKesehatan : Sangat baikAgama : IslamAlamat : Jl. Melinda Dee No. 1 Jakarta SelatanTelepon, HP : 085 238 111 888E-mail : [email protected]


1985 - 1991 : SDN 1 Bandung1991 - 1994 : SMPN 2 Bandung1994 - 1997 : SMAN 1 Bandung1997 - 2001 : Program Sarjana (S-1) Akuntansi Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta

» Non Formal1998 - 1999 : Kursus Komputer dan Internet di Puskom Gilland Ganesha, Jakarta1999 - 2002 : Kursus Bahasa Inggris di IALF Denpasar, Bali2004 - 2004 : Kursus Pajak (Brevet A & B) di FAIUP, Jakarta


Anggota OSIS SMUN 1 Bandung Periode 1995-1996

Ketua Sub-Divisi Akademis OSIS periode 1996-1997

Anggota Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi Universitas Pancasila periode 2000-2001

Kepala Departemen 2 HIMA Jurusan Akuntansi periode 1999-2000


Kemampuan Akuntansi dan Administrasi (Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty

Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary


Sistem Perpajakan.

Kemampuan Komputer (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook).

Kemampuan Internet.

PENGALAMAN KERJABekerja di PT. Bali Bersemi Jaya, BaliPeriode : Januari 2009 - Juni 2011Status : Pegawai TetapPosisi : Staf Akuntansi dan Perpajakan

Uraian singkat pekerjaan :

Mengontrol persediaan dan pembelian peralatan kantor.

Turut membantu pembuatan laporan keuangan perusahaan

Mengatur jadwal pertemuan bisnis, pertemuan internal, dan perjalanan bisnis.

Melakukan surat-menyurat bisnis dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris

(via internet maupun non internet).

Melakukan perhitungan pajak perusahaan.

Menerbitkan dan menerima faktur dari pemasok.

Turut membantu pelatihan pegawai baru.

Bandung, 12 Juni 2011

Justin Bieber Putra-------------------------------------------------------------------------
