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Generation Date: 03/23/2016

Generated By: Stacy Roland

Title: 8th Grade Milestones Study Guide

How Tea Came to Be

The brewing and drinking of tea is believed to have originated from Chinese culture. One story tells how tea was discovered accidentally by a Chinese emperor in 2737 B.C. The emperor did not want to get sick, so he always insisted on boiling his drinking water to be assured of its purity. One day, some tea leaves from his garden accidentally fell into his hot water. The emperor noticed the pleasant aroma. He tasted the new beverage and found it delicious and refreshing. The habit and custom of drinking tea eventually spread all over the world. Dutch and Portuguese sailors brought tea to Europe in the seventeenth century. At the time, tea was very expensive. Only the rich could afford it. In Britain and Holland, tea was sold at auctions where it was popular among aristocrats. In Europe, drinking tea became symbolic of the upper class. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the popularity of tea began to reach further than just the wealthy. Prices came down and tea became a commodity available to all segments of the population. The buying and selling of tea between the East and the West turned into a booming industry. Companies specializing in tea were formed and grew into powerful businesses that brought in huge revenues. Because tea brought in so much money and became so powerful, it was even used in political maneuvers. In the mid-1800s, when Britain and China were at war, China set an embargo on the exporting of tea to Britain. This stopped the flow of Chinese tea coming into the Britain and made it more difficult for the British to buy. Tea today remains an enormous industry worldwide. What seemed like a trivial event in the emperor's garden centuries ago has now become a global multibillion-dollar business. Over 2.5 million tons of tea are grown and produced around the world each year.

1. In the context of the first paragraph, what is the meaning of the word purity?

A. a pleasurable taste

B. an abundant supply

C. a remarkably high temperature

D. an absence of contaminants

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2. In the second paragraph, the word aristocrat most likely means

A. people who explore the world.

B. people with knowledge about tea.

C. people who work at auctions.

D. people with a high rank in society.

Taken for a Ride

by T. Herlinger

Laurel and her best friend, Paula, had boarded the Seattle ferry at 9 that morning—the first day of Spring Break—stowing their backpacks in a locker and climbing to the top of the ship. They had watched from the stern as the Space Needle and other Seattle landmarks faded away and the San Juan Islands gradually appeared. It would be another few hours before they reached Canada, which left them plenty of time to explore the boat. In no time, Laurel befriended one of the ship’s stewards, Ronald, who oriented the girls a bit, pointing out the snack bar and naming the various geographical sights they were passing. Laurel was fast developing a crush on the boy, and he was flirting right back, telling jokes and spending more time with her and Paula than with other passengers. The trip was shaping up just fine—that is, until Laurel went to buy some chips and discovered her wallet missing! “Paula, it’s just disappeared,” she desperately told her friend, “my passport, all my money, my mom’s credit card, everything!” Paula tried to remain calm and to offer some comfort. “Could you have left it in your backpack, in the locker?” Laurel shook her head, nearly in tears now, but they raced down to the lockers anyway and emptied out the contents of both their packs—no luck. Laurel started pacing the floor, in a panic. There was no way Customs in Canada would ever let her in without any identification, which meant her vacation was ruined. Just then, Ronald appeared out of nowhere—a welcome sight to the distraught girls. Paula related the predicament they were in, and Ronald offered to announce the lost wallet on the PA system, but Laurel begged him not to. She felt humiliated enough as it was without the whole ship knowing about it. “You probably just dropped it or misplaced it,” he suggested. “Let’s split up and search the ship’s decks. Laurel, you and I can search the upper level, and Paula, you search the lower, okay?” Paula was amenable to the plan and quickly began scouring the area around the lockers. Laura and Ronald headed upstairs to the upper deck. Five minutes into their searching, Laurel slumped down on a bench and wept in frustration. Then, to her amazement, Ronald sat beside her and promptly produced her wallet from the inside pocket of his vest! “Oh, thank goodness!” Laurel cried. “But where on earth did you find it?” “I had your wallet all along,” the steward confessed. “I knew you and your friend were inexperienced travelers, and I wanted to show you what an easy target you could be for

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pickpocketers. Always carry your wallet in an inside pocket, or deep in your backpack, okay?” Nodding solemnly as she wiped away her tears, Laurel promised that she would. It was a tough lesson, but not one this young traveler would soon forget.

3. How might this story be different from the ferry steward's point of view?

A. There would be more description of Ronald's personal attire.

B. There would be more information about the local geography.

C. There would be more focus on Ronald's plan to take the wallet.

D. There would be more of a focus on the girls' travel plans in Canada.

Do not believe the claims on all of the television commercials. Dr. Bogart’s Weight-Loss Solution just does not work. I ordered the book and the nutritional supplements and have been on the program for six weeks, and I have gained four pounds. If you have been considering purchasing this product, do not do it. It is a waste of money. I can gain weight on my own without Dr. Bogart’s help. Plus, Dr. Bogart expects you to get 30 minutes of exercise four times per week! Who has that kind of time? And, to top it all off, Dr. Bogart says that you must stop eating fast food. Well, Dr. Bogart, that is impossible. I don’t have enough money to buy wholesome food at the supermarket every day, but I do have enough money to shop on the dollar menu at the fast food joint down the street. Dr. Bogart, I believe you are living in a world of make-believe!

4. The writer of this passage is most likely

A. a medical doctor.

B. a weight-loss expert.

C. a fast food cook.

D. a lazy person.

One early morning, Thomas Garret and his family arrived in the small town of Wiltshire. The atmosphere was that of a ghost town. There was absolute silence on the streets, as if the town had been emptied out. Fog covered everything. They had to look carefully to find their way to their new home since the visibility was very low. Garret’s son Blake was getting restless at the thought of having to stay cooped up at home because of the weather. Blake thought to himself, I’m going to lift the fog and turn things around in this town. Garret knew what his son was thinking and immediately cautioned him about using his powers. They were trying to keep a low profile and did not want to attract any attention. The CIA was watching the Garrets closely. Federal authorities long suspected the Garrets of having superhuman abilities. Suspicions arose when their previous neighbor in Oregon called in a mysterious object in the Garrets’ backyard. However, when the authorities arrived, the object was long gone. When the CIA agent asked Thomas Garret about the incident, Thomas played dumb.

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Right after this incident, Thomas decided it was time to move to another town. He wanted the entire family to keep their powers undercover and act like normal people. Although his wife and daughter agreed, it was hard for Blake to listen to his dad. Thomas realized that his son was having trouble listening to his instructions, so Thomas came up with an idea. He told Blake that he would beam him up to planet Zeneca once every month in order to be able to carry out his experiments. This made Blake very happy, and he promised his dad that he would not blow their cover.


Character (s) - WHO?

Plot - WHAT?

Conflict - WHAT?

Thomas Garret Blake Garret

mother daughter

trying to keep a low profile from the authorities

What belongs in the empty space?

A. Blake changes the weather, and his family gets upset.

B. Blake does not want to follow his father's instructions.

C. The Garrets refuse to surrender to the CIA agents.

D. The new neighbors are having trouble with the Garrets.

On July 4, 1939, Lou Gehrig gave one of the most famous speeches in sports history. The occasion was “Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day” at Yankee Stadium in New York. Parts of the speech are well known to this day: “Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.” The audio recording of his voice echoing throughout the stadium has been replayed countless times. The “bad break” Gehrig alluded to in his speech was his contraction of a fatal disease known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS. ALS is a neuromuscular disease that attacks nerve cells in the central nervous system, causing paralysis and eventually death. No one knows what causes ALS, and nearly 30,000 people in the United States live with the disease. Because of Gehrig’s extreme celebrity and the tragedy of his death, ALS is commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Before the symptoms of ALS began causing problems for Gehrig, he was one of the greatest baseball players in history. Known as the “The Iron Horse” because of his durability, Gehrig played in 2,130 straight games without an absence. The streak was cut short by Gehrig’s retirement due to ALS. The streak of 2,130 consecutive games

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stood for 56 years until it was broken by Cal Ripken, Jr. in 1995. Sixty years after he retired, fans made him the leading vote-getter for the Major League Baseball All-Century Team. Over 70 years later, what many remember about Gehrig is his humbleness. He always recognized that he was, in his own words, “the luckiest man on the face of the earth.” He had been given extraordinary athletic ability and played on one of the greatest baseball teams in history. He had loving, supportive parents and a wife of tremendous bravery. He was able to do what he loved most, play baseball, for 16 seasons. Though he died only two short years after his disease was diagnosed, Gehrig will long be remembered.

6. This article is mostly about

A. Lou Gehrig's disease, what causes it, and how it affects people.

B. Lou Gehrig and a speech he gave over 70 years ago.

C. Lou Gehrig's spectacular baseball career with the Yankees.

D. Lou Gehrig's record of playing 2,130 consecutive games.

The Roof of the World

by Yeti Yakman

The Himalayan mountain range, also known as the Himalaya, is the world's tallest mountain

range. It is spread between the South Asian countries of Nepal, Tibet (China), India, Pakistan,

and Bhutan. The Himalayan range is also one of the most challenging sets of mountains to climb.

Among other geographic wonders, Mount Everest is found in the Himalayas. 1The mountain

range is aptly known as the roof of the world.

The origin of the Himalaya can be traced back about 80 million years to the Mesozoic Era 2.

The Himalaya, or "abode of snow," was formed after the Indo-Australian and Eurasia plates

collided 3. More than 250 million years ago, India, Africa, Australia, and South America were

one continent called Pangea. Pangea was surrounded by a large ocean. When the geographic

plates collided, Pangea was turning inside out 4. Then the shift caused the bottom of the ocean to

rapidly fold into ridges. These ridges formed the Himalaya. The mountains still continue to


1. For more information on the geographic wonders of the world, see Sherpa Kiss the Sky 2012.

2. See Hilary Continents of Yesterday 1992 for more information on the Mesozoic Era.

3. See Novlan Continental Collides 2004 for details on geographic plates and their collisions.

4. For research information on the ancient land mass called Pangea, see Henderson The Wonder

of Pangea 2001.

7. Based on the footnote notations, who wrote Kiss the Sky?

A. Sherpa

B. Henderson

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C. Hilary

D. Novlan

The "Narrow" Escape

Riley stood in nervous anticipation at the corner of Waller and Mason. Riley had always walked to school with her neighbor Ian. However, Ian was sick with the flu and couldn't walk with her. Now, Riley had to face the block with the giant ferocious dog on her own. What did Ian always say? Riley thought hard. You need to check for tree branches on the ground, and do not make any noise. When Riley neared the house with the monster of a dog, she slowed her pace. She tiptoed up the sidewalk, hoping that she could quietly sneak by the beast. However, all her carefulness was undone in a single step. She stepped on a branch that broke with a deafening crack, and the silence was broken. Riley yelled, "Don't bother me, and you should stay where you are!" Then, she broke into a sprint. Meanwhile, the old dog sleepily opened his beady eyes and scanned the surrounding yard before dozing off again.

8. Read the following sentence from the passage.

You need to check for tree branches on the ground, and do not make any noise.

Identify the inappropriate shift or inconsistency of verb mood in the sentence.

A. from indicative to imperative

B. from imperative to indicative

C. from indicative to subjunctive

D. from subjunctive to imperative

Vitamin D’s best known trait is probably the role it plays in maintaining healthy bones. Vitamin D sends chemical messages to your intestines to increase the absorption of calcium, an important nutrient in creating healthy bones. It not only helps to form and maintain bones by promoting calcium absorption, it also works with other vitamins, minerals, and hormones to promote bone mineralization. Without Vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, and deformed. Having enough Vitamin D in your diet prevents skeletal diseases that weaken bones. Vitamin D also helps prevent the onset of osteoporosis, a disease that weakens bones. Vitamin D helps stop osteoporosis if it has already started.

9. Which statement best describes a theme of this passage?

A. Calcium is important to overall health.

B. Vitamins are crucial for a good personality.

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C. Vitamin D is important for strong bones.

D. Vitamin D is an important mineral.

Milk Chocolate and Dark Chocolate

Milk chocolate and dark chocolate are made from the cacao bean. Cacao trees, which are native to Central America, grow pods. Each pod can contain approximately 20-60 cacao beans. The cacao beans are harvested, fermented, and dried. The beans are then cleaned and roasted. Once this processing is complete, the product has many uses. For example, the beans can be crushed and combined with sugar. That mixture can then be formed into chocolate bars. Dark chocolate contains a higher percentage of pure cacao than milk chocolate. Some studies have shown that consumption of cacao can benefit blood pressure and cholesterol. _______, dark chocolate is considered a healthier form of chocolate. Dark chocolate usually contains sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa liquor, and sometimes vanilla. Milk chocolate contains the same ingredients as dark chocolate. However, milk chocolate also contains milk. The addition of milk makes milk chocolate sweeter and gives it a smoother, creamier texture than dark chocolate. This also explains why milk chocolate is lighter in color than dark chocolate. However, many chocolate lovers strongly prefer one or the other even though the differences are slight. People prefer one over the other for different reasons. People who prefer milk chocolate tend to enjoy its sweeter, creamier taste. People who prefer dark chocolate enjoy its stronger flavor. Those who eat dark chocolate also appreciate the health benefits.

10. Read the following sentence from paragraph 2 of the passage.

_______, dark chocolate is considered a healthier form of chocolate.

Choose the correct linking phrase to fill in the blank.

A. On the other hand

B. For example

C. For this reason

D. In conclusion

11. Read the following sentence from paragraph 3 of the passage.

This also explains why milk chocolate is lighter in color than dark chocolate.

Which word is used as a transition in this sentence?

A. why

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B. explains

C. also

D. than

12. Which sentence could be added to the beginning of paragraph 4 to improve the flow of the


A. Cocoa butter is an ingredient used to make many types of chocolate.

B. Milk chocolate provides fewer health benefits than dark chocolate.

C. The percentage of pure cacao is printed on the labels of packages.

D. Both milk chocolate and dark chocolate are popular around the world.

13. Read the following sentence from paragraph 1 of the passage.

That mixture can then be formed into chocolate bars.

Which word is used as a transition in this sentence?

A. then

B. into

C. be

D. formed

The Midnight News

by Jon Caswell

Say good-bye to the pupfish, He’s gone and hardly missed; No one knows why he deserves it, He just no longer exists. Without knowing the pupfish at all, He is gone and surely forgotten: No fins waving in the current, His bubbly breath stamped forbidden. The fish-counting scientist insisted There were no survivors. But of what were there no survivors? Our toilets flushed into their living rooms? Fish-counting divers? Say good-bye to the fishpup,

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Ignoble and scaly dish That lived into the twentieth century When men couldn’t talk to fish. In the way we think about Nature, It’s just another kink, Someone—pupfish, man or eagle— Has to become extinct.

14. Which best states a theme of this poem?

A. Water pollution is caused by human waste.

B. Counting fish can be dangerous work.

C. Humans are not in harmony with nature.

D. Dirty water is not good for the fish.

Mark thought it was strange that Molly left Linda’s party without saying good-bye to him, especially since they’d come together. The next week he called her every day and left messages on her voicemail, but she did not respond. She had never done that before. At a basketball game after school, he saw her talking on her cell phone and thought it would be a good time to catch her and dialed her number. She did not pick up the call, and it went to voicemail again. That Saturday he drove by her house with his mother on the way to the store, and there was Molly holding hands with Rob Becker. Mark felt a sinking feeling in his stomach.

15. What can the reader infer from this paragraph?

A. Molly likes Rob Becker because he plays basketball.

B. The voicemail on Molly's cell phone isn't working.

C. Molly's parents have given her a strict curfew.

D. Mark and Molly have been boyfriend and girlfriend.

Passage 1


Sometimes, I wonder if I am alive, I feel so little. Here are some of the ways I ignore the messages my body is sending me:

Consulting a clock to see if I’ve had enough sleep Trying to recall how much I have eaten in order to know how hungry I am Putting on glasses when my eyes hurt, instead of resting them Using aspirin and antacids

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Breathing through my mouth, which has no sense of smell Putting thick-soled shoes between me and the ground

Passage 2

Everything Spring

She scooped up life like spring flowers, Feeling the earth with her bare feet. She breathed in the fragrance and described her experience With a merry twinkle. Sometimes a musical laugh. Nothing escaped her notice, She felt everything.

16. How are these two pieces of writing similar?

A. Both involve eyesight.

B. Both are about the five senses.

C. Both occur in the spring.

D. Both focus mostly on smell.

17. What contrast can be made between the two passages?

A. Passage 1 has a list; passage 2 is a poem.

B. Passage 1 occurs in the fall; passage 2 occurs in the winter.

C. Passage 1 conveys a joyful tone; passage 2 conveys an angry tone.

D. Passage 1 is not true; passage 2 is true.

Everyone in the conference feared playing the Samuel Middle School Huskies because of their fearsome halfback Dekwon Johnson. Dekwon was a monster on the field, and not one team had been able to keep him out of the end zone all season long. Dekwon was everyone’s pick for player of the year in the conference. There are no guarantees, however, in the championship game, and Hobbes Middle School was not planning to make things any easier for Dekwon and the Samuel offense. The Hobbes defensive line was a brick wall. Only four touchdowns had been scored against them all season, and they had shut out six different teams. No doubt about it, the championship game was going to be epic.

18. What is the denotative meaning of the word monster?

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A. a skilled football player

B. a person that is very strong

C. a very unattractive person

D. a scary fairy tale creature

19. What does brick wall suggest about about the Hobbes defensive line?

A. It is strong and difficult to get through.

B. It is constructed from blocks of stone.

C. It is about 10 feet tall and red in color.

D. It is one of the sides of a house.


Where would you find this information?

A. Entertainment Magazine

B. a commercial on TV

C. an entertainment TV show

D. the Vault Videos' Web site

21. Dante was preparing for his debate meet. He was presenting the positive aspects of the school enforcing a uniform policy. He made the chart below to help him prepare his thoughts.

Which best fits the empty space on Dante's chart?

A. equality

B. freedom

C. boring

D. originality

22. I was trying desperately to battle the waves that came crashing down on us. I stirred the boat as hard as I could before the next waves were on us. I could see it tower

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over us menacingly, ready to smash down on anything that came in its way. Nature's fury was truly nerve-wracking.

The above entry is taken from the book A Seafarer's Account. Tim is planning on using this in

his report. What type of source is the above passage?

A. an article

B. secondary source

C. primary source

D. a quote

23. Which of the following sentences would most likely come FIRST in a paragraph?

A. It is fun to debate the history of sports.

B. It all makes for an entertaining discussion.

C. This compares players from different times.

D. This is all based on your own opinion.

24. Cedric was writing a science paper about the different kinds of bugs. He made the chart below to help him plan out his paper.

What best fits the empty box in Cedric's chart?

A. Monarch

B. Termite

C. Wasp

D. Beetle

25. Identify the meaning of the prefix underlined in the word imperfect.

A. not

B. same

C. away

D. one

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26. The Ajanta caves in Maharashtra, India are considered one of the greatest historical monuments of the world. They are also a masterpiece of the Buddhist art. The thirty caves in Ajanta were built around second century by the followers of Gautama Buddha. The caves are carved out of rocks. The walls of the caves contain paintings that portray the life events of Buddha. These paintings also tell the stories about Buddha's previous lives. It is believed that the paintings illustrate the transmigration of Buddha's soul among different bodies.

In the passage, the word transmigration means

A. away from.

B. tales about.

C. freedom of.

D. traveling across.



The swarming faces float across the room With careless whispers and dreaming eyes The pages are open and letters crawl And, thus begins yet another fall They seem like daffodils in the bloom The fresh, young minds unaware of the world Their laughter echoes like the summer rain I wait till they are settled down again And, then a girl motions her pals to stop Perhaps she sees me pacing about the room —The graying hair reflected on my chalk And, a thousand winters weighing down my walk

From what point of view is the poem written?

A. the book

B. the girl

C. the author

D. the teacher

28. Which sentence is written in active voice?

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A. The famous ice cream shop was owned by Angel's grandfather.

B. First prize at the science fair was presented by the mayor.

C. The scientists discovered a new way to fight the common cold.

D. The best essay was written by the newest student in class.

29. "This math test is going to be a killer!" Matt said. "Yeah, I know," Raul agreed. "Mr. Robinson is the hardest teacher in the whole school." Matt nodded. He didn't know what he'd do if he didn't pass this test. He hadn't failed one of Mr. Robinson's tests all semester, but his math grades weren't the same as they'd been in eighth grade. Algebra was much harder than anything he'd studied before—and Matt was a great math student! Plus, Mr. Robinson was truly the hardest teacher he'd ever had. His algebra teacher really made everyone think, but Matt sometimes wondered if Mr. Robinson was secretly plotting to drive all of his students insane. It could definitely happen. "Well, I think I'm catching on a little bit better," Matt told Raul. "I mean, I was pretty lost last week, but it's making a little more sense now." "Really? You're lucky, man. I'm totally going to tank this test," Raul responded. Raul flipped to the next page of his notes. He wished he could be a better math student like Matt. He knew he was great at other subjects—English, earth science, French—but math would never come easy. Even so, he studied until his brain hurt. That was one of Raul's strengths—persistence. Everyone said so, which made Raul feel like he could accomplish anything. Except for Mr. Robinson's class! "Man, if I bomb on this test, I'm going to ask Mr. Robinson for extra help," Raul said. "He may be the hardest teacher in the history of the universe, but I know he stays after school to help people. Connor and Tanya have stayed after school a bunch of times, and they're doing pretty well now. It wouldn't hurt to give it a shot." "Count me in," Matt said. "But it may all be part of Mr. Robinson's evil plot to drive us nuts." Raul laughed, "Yeah. Probably."

From what point of view is the story told?

A. first person

B. third person omniscient

C. third person limited

D. second person

30. The sprawling grounds of Highland Park were in the possession of a Mr. George Wilson. Mr. Wilson was known for his great success in the farming industry and for his extravagant spending habits. He did not believe in being thrifty when it came to buying things that he found enjoyable in life. Despite Mr. Wilson's immense success and

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wealth, he was a pauper in many respects. He no longer was welcomed to major social functions, and no one dared to approach him anywhere in public. Isolated from society, Mr. Wilson eventually withdrew into his own exclusive world.

What does the word pauper suggest about Mr. Wilson?

A. He depends on other people in order to succeed.

B. He is deprived of something other than money.

C. He spends a lot of time helping charitable causes.

D. He has very little money at this point in his life.

31. Arnold is going to write a story to share with his class. He wants to outline the story in a chart. Arnold wants the story to be about a boy who becomes a rock star. He made the chart below.

What best fits the box marked "X" in Arnold's chart?

A. The boy becomes lead singer.

B. The boy buys a CD.

C. The boy becomes famous.

D. The boy learns the drums.


Which of the following sentences gives the most vivid description of the photo above?

A. The different-colored fireworks lit up the dark sky.

B. The fireworks were shot at different heights in the air.

C. The brightly assorted fireworks burst all over the night sky.

D. The colored fireworks were shot off into the dark sky.

33. instrument \ˈin(t)-strə-mənt\ n.

1. a device to produce musical sounds 2. a tool used in procedures, like surgery 3. a mechanical device used to measure something

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4. document related to business, like bond, drafts, etc. 5. a means through which something is done

What is the meaning of instrument in the sentence below?

She was the chief instrument of change in the revolution.

A. definition 5

B. definition 2

C. definition 4

D. definition 3

34. How should the sentence below be rewritten to show correct capitalization?

The music producer was from Mount vernon, New York.

A. The music producer was from Mount Vernon, New York.

B. The Music Producer was from mount vernon, New York.

C. The music producer was from mount vernon, New York.

D. The Music Producer was from Mount Vernon, New York.

35. Kevin was preparing to write a paper. He wanted to make a list so he would know what he needed to do to get his paper done. He made the chart below.

What best fits in the box marked "X"?

A. Revise

B. Turn in

C. Re-outline

D. Break

36. Which statement is written in passive voice?

A. The teacher inspired her students to be the best they could be.

B. The firefighters fought bravely against the wildfires in the forest.

C. The town hall was filled by the concerned citizens of the area.

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D. The acrobats at the circus brought joy to the children in the crowd.


Using Energy

Many things that we use every day, like televisions, computers, refrigerators, and microwaves, require energy in order to work. We also rely on energy to make a car run and to heat water. All of the energy that we need to use must first be produced. Some sources of energy, such as gas and oil, can be harmful to the environment. Burning gas and oil can pollute the air. Also, gas and oil are limited, and we are using up the small amount that is left on the planet. This is why people should use alternative energy sources, which do not pollute the environment and are plentiful. Solar and wind energy are clean energy sources that should be used more often to reduce the pollution on Earth.

Which text structure does the author use to organize the passage?

A. definition

B. sequence

C. problem and solution

D. classification

38. Shannon is researching sleep requirements for different age groups and finds this passage on

the Internet.

The Sleep Expert by Aunul Sharma, M.D.

The average teenager needs around nine and a half hours of sleep per night. According to the American Sleep Disorders Association, this amount of sleep is essential for growth hormones that are mostly released during sleep. The sleep requirement is contrary to parents' popular belief that older children need less sleep.

Is this article a reliable source for Shannon to use for her paper?

A. Yes, because the article presents a strong opinion on the topic.

B. No, because the article lacks a neutral tone and presentation.

C. No, because the article disagrees with Shannon's argument.

D. Yes, because the article is written by a medical doctor.

39. In which sentence is the capitalization correct?

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A. Japan has the Second Largest Economy in the world.

B. The country adopted its current Constitution in 1947.

C. The country was heavily involved in World War II.

D. It is one of the most densely populated Countries in the world.

40. Coca-Cola has a long history, and several men are responsible for its success. In 1885, John Pemberton invented the drink, which he called initially called "French Wine Coca." Pemberton was a pharmacist at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia, and he sold the beverage as a health drink. Pemberton's bookkeeper and partner Frank Robinson is responsible for the printing of the famous trademark. In 1892, Asa Griggs Candler bought all rights to Coca-Cola and formed The Coca-Cola Company. Immediately, he began to open more syrup plants. As a result, a soda fountain owner by the name of Joseph Biedenharn installed a bottling machine in his Mississippi store and sold the first portable version of the drink to his customers. Thereafter, Benjamin Thomas, Joseph Whitehead, and John Lupton created the Coca-Cola bottling system.

Which sentence would be the BEST concluding sentence for the paragraph above?

A. Robert Woodruff, company president in 1923, focused on overseas marketing.

B. The Coca-Cola Company also makes Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Fresca, and Fanta.

C. "I'd Like To Buy the World a Coke" was a song from a popular 1970s commercial.

D. Thanks to these men, Coca-Cola is enjoyed in over 200 countries worldwide.

41. Aldah's family lives in Lothal and is planning a trip to Rupar. They pulled out this map to

plan their trip.

Where did Aldah's family most likely find this map?

A. an almanac

B. an atlas

C. a novel

D. a dictionary

42. Which verb agrees with the subject in the sentence below?

Nobody _______ Tara's motivation for running for class president this year.

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A. know

B. knowing

C. did know

D. knows

43. The uproar once Evan's parents announced to change their annual Grand Canyon trip to one closer to home was deafening. Evan looked forward to the trip all year long. He didn't understand why his parents wanted to change everything now. The Grand Canyon had it all. Evan could go kayaking down the river by himself. He could also hiking through the canyon to find new plants and insects. These were essential for a great summer. The place Evan's parents proposed was entirely different from the Grand Canyon. It had stuffy, old museums and a small swimming pool. Evan couldn't even go hiking or kayaking. This was going to be a disastrous summer.

The passage above uses what organizational structure?

A. compare and contrast

B. cause and effect

C. classification

D. sequence


Today's Word – Yesterday's Word – Previous Word – Mailing List – Help


smear \smeer\, verb 1. to spread over a surface 2. to stain by spreading a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance 3. to attempt to destroy a reputation by saying bad things about somebody 4. to smudge or stain 5. to defeat somebody Example using the word smear Anjelica's make-up was smeared after a long day of swimming. from Middle English smeren, from Old English smerian

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The image above is an entry from an online dictionary.

Based on this entry, which of the following uses definition 3 of the word smear?

A. For breakfast, my little brother loved to eat toast smeared with butter.

B. Rachel noticed that she had smeared the words on her essay, making them hard to read.

C. After a long road trip, the car's backseats were smeared with grease from potato chips.

D. Jason Powers smeared his opponent's name by spreading damaging rumors.

45. What is the best way to change this sentence from passive voice to active voice?

The entire barn was moved across the field by the strong winds.

A. Across the field, the entire barn was moved by the strong winds.

B. Moved across the field, the entire barn was by the strong winds.

C. The entire barn across the field was moved by the strong winds.

D. The strong winds moved the entire barn across the field.

46. Use your knowledge of affixes to complete the sentence below.

In a business, if a person is a subordinate, then he or she works

A. under another person.

B. against another person.

C. without other people.

D. before other people.

47. In extreme sports, players have to mend their dislocated bones often. What has happened to

their bones?

A. They are beyond repair.

B. They are made smaller.

C. They are broken again.

D. They are not in place.

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48. "Come on, Izumi, why won't you help me?" "Because it's your turn, and you always try to get out of it, that's why." Daito thought for a moment. He knew that there had to be some way to get his little sister to wash the dishes for him. "Look, I'm older," Daito said, "and I have a lot of homework to do. I'm a very busy person. You don't understand how rough it is being in junior high." "You already did all of your homework, Daito. I heard you tell Mom." Oh, man, Daito thought. I need to be a lot quieter with this little snoop around. "What if I promise to take out the garbage for a week? I know how much you hate doing that," Daito said. "No, I don't hate doing that," Izumi said. "You do." Daito knew Izumi was right. He hated every chore Mom and Dad gave him. He hated doing the dishes, he hated taking out the garbage, he hated making his bed. . . . If Mom and Dad considered eating ice cream a chore, he'd probably start hating that, too. That was all the more reason to find a way to get Izumi to do the dishes for him. Daito couldn't think of a single thing that was fun about it. Who wanted to get their hands soapy or put away a zillion pots and pans? Boring! "I know!" Daito said. "What about. . . " "What about getting started on these dishes?" Mom said. Daito spun around. Mom was standing in the doorway. Think fast, he told himself. "Oh, sure. I was just going to. . . " Mom's lips pulled together into a straight line and then she said, "Daito, please stop bugging your sister. She has a lot of homework to do." Izumi smiled. "Yeah. I'm a very busy person." She walked out of the room like she owned the world. As Daito ran the soapy sponge over the first dish, he wondered how he could get Izumi to take out the garbage for him.

From what point of view is the story told?

A. second person

B. first person

C. third person limited

D. third person omniscient


If the basketball team makes the playoffs, the players might have to travel a lot.

The sentence above uses the verb mood in the

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A. imperative.

B. subjunctive.

C. interrogative.

D. conditional.


Will you help me adjust my bicycle seat?

The sentence above uses the verb mood in the

A. indicative.

B. interrogative.

C. conditional.

D. subjunctive.

51. At the end of a letter, a writer may write P.S. to include more information. The letters P.S.

stand for _______.

A. physicist

B. postscript

C. prescribed

D. prosperous

52. The dehydration of food involves removing the moisture from food so that it will last longer. Some people have food dehydration machines in their homes to help them preserve food for longer periods of time. To be successful at dehydrating food, start with fruits and vegetables. Meat and fish can also be dried, but they are more complicated. Only use the best quality produce for drying. Many people think that since the food will be wrinkled up when it is dried that low quality produce can be used. This is not so! Choose produce that is fresh, firm, clean, and free of bruises. Fruits and vegetables at the peak of ripeness always have the finest flavor. They are also prettier to look at. Unripened food will lack color after dehydrating. Overripe fruit will be too soft and mushy to dehydrate properly, and overripe vegetables become tough. In short, use the best quality produce you can get your hands on for dehydrating because that will determine the quality of the dried food you ultimately take out.

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What word best describes the tone of this passage?

A. informative

B. negative

C. adventurous

D. hopeful


Musical Request

Megan was finally straightening her room after being nagged by her mother about it for days. Megan's mother had also asked her to clean out the closet to donate clothes to the community shelter. Although she liked donating her clothes, Megan always hated having to do the actual work of sorting through everything. Halfway through cleaning her room, Megan decided that she needed some extra motivation. She plopped down on the floor and rifled through her CDs. This calls for some seriously loud beats, she thought. I can definitely get through this faster with a little musical distraction. She popped a CD into the CD player and pumped the volume to nine, adding some extra bass for good measure. Soon, she finished cleaning the room and moved on to the closet. She was so caught up in sorting her clothes into "keep" and "donate" piles and singing along the music that she did not hear the door open. She did not even notice her father standing by the door looking annoyed. "Hey, Megs," he shouted, "Can you turn up the music? I can barely hear it!"

Megan's dad saying, "Can you turn up the music? I can barely hear it!" is ironic because

A. the music Megan is playing is very loud.

B. he wants to listen to Megan's CD, too.

C. he wants Megan to finish cleaning quickly.

D. the music is making Megan work slower.


Pitiful Pony

Every morning on the farm, the rooster crowed at the break of dawn. Then one day, the barn animals grew weary of his crowing. "We have decided to wake ourselves up every morning," said the cow to the rooster. "Your services are no longer needed."

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The cow remembered that the pony had been having trouble sleeping and was usually the first animal awake. "Pony, give a loud yell tomorrow as soon as you notice the sunlight creeping through the cracks of the barn door." The next morning, the rooster kept silent as the sun rose in the distance. Not a sound could be heard anywhere on the farm, including the barn. In fact, the barn animals were still sleeping when the farmer entered to begin his day of work. "Why didn't you wake us up?" the cow angrily asked the pony.

Which of the following responses would make the pony's answer a pun?

A. "I didn't know how."

B. "I forgot about it."

C. "I'm a little hoarse."

D. "I slept too late."


You could borrow my car if you mowed the yard.

The sentence above uses the verb mood in the

A. indicative.

B. conditional.

C. subjunctive.

D. imperative.

56. In which sentence is the capitalization correct?

A. He particularly enjoys touring buddhist temples.

B. He usually spends his Summers traveling East Asia.

C. My Grandfather works as a translator in Tokyo.

D. He wrote a book called Land of the Rising Sun.

57. Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question.

Walking back home for my lunch bag was inconvenient because I was running late.

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What does the word inconvenient mean in the sentence above?

A. convenient before

B. not convenient

C. toward convenient

D. convenient again

58. Which of these sentences uses the imperative mood?

A. If I were Robin, I would work on my homework now.

B. Have you seen my latest sunglasses?

C. Clear the room when you are finished.

D. I might be able to go to the party if I finish work early.

59. Identify the meaning of the suffix underlined in the word amphibious.

A. the study of

B. the process of

C. having qualities of

D. capable of

60. Bundling the baby into her layers of woolen blankets, Laura steeled herself and opened the front door. The arctic blast shocked her, reeling her back into the warmth as she caught the door before it slammed shut. No sense waking the rest of them, she thought sullenly. He was her responsibility, and she suddenly realized what an amazing surprise awaited them all, come morning. Little Ferdinand started in with his incessant cooing and gurgling, and Laura swung into action, buoyed by the imminent excitement. Singing softly to calm the little one, Laura eased the door open, took a deep breath, and plunged out into the ever-fading darkness.

Which sensory detail describes a sense of touch?

A. The arctic blast shocked her, reeling her back into the warmth.

B. No sense waking the rest of them, she thought sullenly.

C. Laura swung into action, buoyed by the imminent excitement.

D. Laura steeled herself and opened the front door.

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61. Below is a table with four famous presidents and their vice presidents.

President Vice President

Abraham Lincoln Andrew Johnson

Franklin D. Roosevelt Harry S. Truman

George Washington John Adams

John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson

How is this chart organized?

A. by vice president first name Z to A

B. by president first name A to Z

C. by vice president last name A to Z

D. by president last name Z to A

62. In the English language, some words can be pronounced in different ways. These words are called polyphones. One example of a polyphone is the word "a."

Based on your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, what is the meaning of the word polyphones

in the passage above?

A. many writings

B. many sounds

C. small talk

D. fake sounds

63. Which verb agrees with the subject in the sentence below?

The artist and the writer _______ the same passion for nature.

A. shares

B. share

C. is sharing

D. sharing

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64. Cell phones have made the roadways more dangerous in the past several years. The American Automobile Association has released a report on cell phone usage and driving. The report found that more than 50% of American drivers have used a cell phone while driving a car. Talking on the phone also makes a driver 30% more likely to be involved in an accident. To make travelling in a car safe, people are going to have to hang up the phone and drive.

What kind of support does the author give for the statement that cell phones have made the roads

more dangerous?

A. opinion

B. analogy

C. statistics

D. example


I recommend that Sharoon trust her instinct when it comes to people.

The sentence above uses the verb mood in the

A. interrogative.

B. indicative.

C. subjunctive.

D. conditional.

66. Annie closed the cardboard box and shoved it across the attic floor. "It's not here!" she said. "Calm down," I told my sister. "It's got to be here somewhere." "No, it isn't, Bethany! It isn't anywhere in this whole house! It isn't anywhere in this whole world!" Annie wasn't searching for the Hope Diamond or some lifesaving medicine. All she wanted was a picture. One picture. This picture happened to be for a memoir project she was doing for social studies class. It also happened to be completely ridiculous—Annie pouring ice cold water over my head at the beach. For some reason, she just had to have this picture for her project. Personally, I hated the stupid thing. I had a stupid, surprised 9-year-old grimace on my face while Annie, a sweet-looking 6-year-old girl in pigtails, looked happy as a clam. Annie wouldn't admit it, but she loved anything that made me look silly. Sisterly rivalry, I

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guess. "Well, I give up," Annie finally said. "Mom must have lost it when we moved, or Dad accidentally threw it away when he cleaned out the attic last year." Annie got to her feet, brushed off the dust, and headed toward the stairs. "Thanks for helping me look, Bethany. Sorry this was a total waste of time." "No problem," I told Annie. "I wasn't busy anyway." "You coming downstairs?" Annie asked. "Yeah, in a second. I'm just going to move these boxes back the way they were so Mom and Dad don't freak out," I replied. As soon as I heard the door to the attic close, I stuck my hand in my back pocket. "Well, well, how did that get there?" I whispered, laughing to myself. I tucked it back in the photo album I'd snuck it out of. I felt kind of bad about it, but I'd have felt a whole lot worse if Annie had shown that picture to her entire sixth grade class.

From what point of view is the story told?

A. third person limited

B. third person omniscient

C. first person

D. second person

67. My friend Calvin understands dogs. He can get them to do amazing things. He has two dogs, Willie and Renegade. Despite the name, Willie is a female, and Renegade is a male. Willie is Renegade's daughter, and she is a really sweet dog. Whenever Calvin is outside with them, Willie is right by his side. She never wanders off. Renegade is completely different. Like his name suggests, he's always doing his own thing. Every chance he gets, he wanders off. When he was young, he constantly found ways out of the backyard. I had to call Calvin several times at work to tell him Renegade was running loose around the neighborhood. Even though Renegade escaped a lot, he would always come whenever he saw Calvin or heard him whistle. If Renegade started to wander off when he was out with Calvin, all Calvin had to do was whistle sharply and point where he wanted Renegade to go, and the dog would go right there. However, as Renegade has gotten older, he's lost his hearing. Sometimes, he wanders too far to hear Calvin and doesn't come back when he whistles. I am amazed at the way Calvin solves this problem. Now, when Renegade wanders too far to hear Calvin's whistle, Calvin sends Willie to get him. When Calvin calls Willie's name, her ears prick up, and he says, "Go get Renegade," and points in the direction he wants her to go. Immediately, Willie runs off in that direction, and when she finds her father, she herds him back to Calvin. One night while we were in the front yard talking, Calvin sent Willie after Renegade seven or eight times. A couple times Renegade was a full block away, but Willie found him and brought him back.

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Which word best describes the mood of this passage?

A. sinister

B. festive

C. sarcastic

D. respectful

68. We've all heard the saying "Good things come in small packages." However, today it seems like many small things ordered over the Internet come in huge packages. For instance, when my wife ordered a tube of lipstick from an online store, it came in a container the size of a shoe box. When I ordered a new pen, it came in a box that could have held 200 pens! Shipping things in boxes that are too big is very wasteful. Manufacturing cardboard boxes uses a lot of paper and water. Even though small items don't weigh much, when they are packed in big boxes they take up more room in delivery vehicles. That means those trucks have to make more trips and use more fuel, which in effect gives off more pollution. What can consumers do about this waste? First, they can complain to the companies that ship small things in large packages. Second, they can recycle those big boxes.

Which of these sentences would the author most likely agree with?

A. People should shop on the Internet instead of in local stores.

B. Products that weigh more should be packaged in larger boxes.

C. Trucks are not helpful for transporting cardboard boxes.

D. Many companies should rethink how they package and ship items.

69. Studies have found that flying is about 29 times safer than driving. Still, many people have a fear of flying, even if they know how safe it is. A fear of flying often stems from feeling out of control. Unless a person is a pilot, he or she really has no control over the plane's movement. Also, planes make many odd sounds, and rides can be very bumpy. Usually, the best way to combat a fear of flying is with education. Knowing the physical laws that make flight possible, knowing what all the sounds a plane makes mean, and knowing how bumps affect flight can all help to lessen the fears people have of flying. Because flying is the fastest way and one of the safest ways to travel, a person should not let the fear of flying get into his or her way.

Which of these best summarizes the passage?

A. To get past a fear of flying, the best help is education about planes and flight.

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B. Fear of flying is caused by many things, including lack of knowledge about planes and


C. Despite its safety, flying scares people for several reasons but can be treated by education.

D. Even though flying is 29 times safer than driving, many people are scared of flying.

70. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?

A. Sara was excited to find $10 dollars— in her pocket, 2 notes of $5 dollars

B. Everything I saw around my college campus—from the elm trees to the old brick

buildings—reminded me of my hometown.

C. Oscar Wilde— the author of Dorian Gray, is one of the most popular British authors of the

20th century.

D. It is hard to believe that we are—finally going—on a vacation to Hawaii.

71. I believe that metal detectors are a necessary security feature. They should be installed in all public buildings to keep people safe. It is not always possible to know if someone is dangerous by looking at them. By using metal detectors, however, we can keep those who may be carrying concealed weapons away from innocent people.

What is the main point of the article writer's argument?

A. Metal detectors do not always work and are not reliable.

B. People should not be allowed to carry weapons in public.

C. Metal detectors in public buildings help keep people safe.

D. There should be more security officers in public places.

72. Disc golf is one of the fastest growing sports in the United States. Most cities have at least one disc golf course while some, like Dallas, Texas, have over a dozen. There are many reasons for the sport's growing popularity. First, a new player only needs to invest about $10, for a golf disc, to begin. Second, unlike regular golf which can cost over $100 to play, disc golf is free. Third, because most people know how to throw a Frisbee, learning to play disc golf is relatively easy. True, it takes a lot of time and practice to become a skilled player, but a new player can have a good time on the course the first time they decide to give it a try. Courses are popping up all over the country. If you are interested in playing but have no idea how to begin, there are several Web sites devoted to the sport that can help.

What is the best summary of this passage?

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A. Disc golf is a sport that uses a Frisbee-type disc. Because most people can throw a Frisbee,

it is easy to learn.

B. Disc golf is a fast-growing sport because it is affordable. A new disc costs only about $10.

C. Disc golf courses are being built in cities all over the country. Many cities have over a

dozen courses.

D. Disc golf is growing in popularity because it is easy and cheap to begin playing. More

information is on Web sites.

73. All week long, there was commotion in the neighborhood. A house down the street was under construction because new people were moving into it. The noise was so loud that babies in the neighboring houses could not take their naps. The babies wailed and howled, but nothing could pacify them.

Based on your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, what is the meaning of the word pacify in

the passage above?

A. bring peace

B. roll down

C. make smaller

D. turn away

74. Which of the following would work best as a concluding sentence?

A. The Stirling Castle has been seized at least 16 times.

B. From 1130 to 1975, Stirling was known as a royal town.

C. Although small, this city has a long, rich history to preserve.

D. The Holy Church of Rude is the second oldest building in Stirling.

75. What relationship is most similar to the one below?

employer : employee

A. customer : cashier

B. teacher : student

C. child : babysitter

D. soldier : hero

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76. Justin pounded down the sidewalk as he ran. The run was terribly tough because he was heaving his giant backpack. However, Justin had no other choice but to run fast and hard. Mr. Peterman's Doberman was on the loose again and terrorizing all of the kids walking home. Fortunately, Justin was almost safe at home.

Which sentence from the passage uses an infinitive?

A. Fortunately, Justin was almost safe at home.

B. The run was terribly tough because he was heaving his giant backpack.

C. However, Justin had no other choice but to run fast and hard.

D. Mr. Peterman's Doberman was on the loose again and terrorizing all of the kids walking


77. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?

A. It is unreasonable to ask a student to study for hours even after school…

B. "I am finally home alone and now I can..." Jessica was interrupted by the sound of the door


C. "I don’t know what I will do with my life... if I don’t pass this test." Katherine moaned

over the phone to her best friend.

D. Antarctica... is said to be the largest frozen desert on Earth.

78. Using your knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and word roots, answer the question.

Today, Bill Gates is known as a philanthropist because his foundation helps a lot of people in need.

What does the word philanthropist mean in the sentence above?

A. someone who is able to speak

B. someone who has many houses

C. someone who has a state of peace

D. someone who loves people


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Finishing the assignment became more difficult for Oz after his sister spilled juice on his library books.

What is the gerund phrase in the sentence?

A. on his library books

B. after his sister spilled juice

C. became more difficult for Oz

D. Finishing the assignment

80. Keesha wanted to outline a story she was going to write. The story was about a beautiful princess who was guarded by an evil monster. A knight would come to save her, and they would live happily ever after. Keesha made the chart below.

What best fits the box marked "X" in Keesha's chart?

A. The princess plays a game.

B. The princess does a dance.

C. The knight has a cup of tea.

D. The knight slays the monster.

81. Marsh is part of a group that is making a presentation on the Holocaust. He has been given

the responsibility to collect some secondary sources. Which of the following would be

considered a secondary source?

A. a journal article about the survivors of the Holocaust

B. real life accounts from people at the time of the Holocaust

C. diary of Anne Frank written during the Holocaust

D. art work from a famous painter during the Holocaust

82. Choose the correct word to complete the analogy.

Feast is to famine as life is to _______.

A. food

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B. happiness

C. death

D. years


Isabella knew she would have a tough road ahead, but she remembered her mother saying, There

is a light at the end of every tunnel.

Which word or phrase from the sentence needs to be in quotation marks?

A. Isabella knew she would have a tough road

B. There is a light at the end of every tunnel.

C. but she remembered her mother saying,

D. remembered her mother saying, there is a light


The blue dress, fraying at its seams, snagged on the brambles in the dark woods.

What is the participial phrase in the sentence?

A. The blue dress

B. fraying at its seams

C. in the dark woods

D. snagged on the brambles

85. Which of the following citations should come first on a works cited page?

A. Lesko, Leonard H. "Pyramids." The World Book Encyclopedia. 2001. Print.

B. Talcott, Richard. "Great Comets." Astronomy. 2004. Print.

C. Brinkley, Alan. The Unfinished Nation. New York: Knopf, 1993. Print.

D. Carpenter, Allan. Facts About the Cities. New York: Wilson, 1992. Print.

It will not be easy for the boys of the Lawndale High School football team to get past last night’s heartbreaking loss to the visitors from Buckingham High. However, they

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should not feel shame about this loss, because it was not their fault. The blame for the loss rests squarely upon the shoulders of the referees. Lawndale was called for 15 penalties in the game while Buckingham was called for only two. Are those refs blind? Even from up in the media booth far from the field, I could see those Buckingham players taking cheap shots on the Lawndale quarterback all night! You can’t blame the Buckingham players for playing dirty. I’m sure they were just doing what their coach told them. He’s nothing like Lawndale’s classy, respectable Coach McCalister. He teaches his players to win the right way, with strong fundamentals. Sure, Lawndale did not have much of a passing game last night, and their defense gave up a lot of easy points. Still, I truly believe that they would have won if the referees had called a fair game.

86. The writer of this article is most likely

A. a visitor from Buckingham High School.

B. a coach for Lawndale High School.

C. a player for Buckingham High School.

D. a fan of Lawndale High School.

When certain stories become popular, readers want to find out where certain characters came from. It is a way to explain how the characters of a popular story arrived at the start of the first story. It gives the reader more background on some of the favorite characters.

87. Which opening sentence goes best with the details in the above paragraph?

A. It allows the reader to better understand their favorite characters and to learn why they act

the way they act.

B. Many popular stories lately have introduced "prequels", or events that happened before the

original story.

C. When readers become interested in certain popular characters, they enjoy reading more

about the characters.

D. This method had become more popular in the last 10 years, proving how readers have

become more interested.

Uses Tixradicate Flearadicate

1. Repels Ticks X X

2. Kills Ticks X

3. Repels Deer Ticks X

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4. Kills Brown Dog Ticks X X

5. Kills Lone Star Ticks

6. Repels and Kills Sand Flies X

7. Controls Lice X X

88. In the chart above, what is one thing neither medication can treat?

A. Sand Flies

B. Brown Dog Ticks

C. Lice

D. Lone Star Ticks

Cindy tapped her foot impatiently as the phone rang. She expected it to go to Renee’s voice mail, but instead it just kept ringing. Finally, she got a message that her voicemail was full, so Cindy clicked off and set the phone down. She walked over to the desk and picked up the short story that Renee had left for her to read. She liked the title, “The Forgotten Lantern.” She smiled as she remembered the connection of the title to the hero of the story and the climax of the story. Still, the story wasn’t perfect, and Renee’s spelling and punctuation were terrible. The thought of bringing that up made Cindy nervous because she didn’t know how sensitive Renee was about her writing. She had helped several friends with their papers, and they didn’t always appreciate her feedback. Cindy and Renee had English together. While there, Cindy had learned that Renee had immigrated to America only the year before from Ghana in West Africa. She knew it had been hard on Renee and her brother trying to fit into a sprawling suburban high school. There weren’t any other immigrant students in the school, and Renee didn’t have many friends. She always sat by herself on the bus. Cindy always made a point of talking to her after class and respected the good-natured way she approached her new life. As Cindy flipped through the pages, her phone rang. It was Renee. “I’m so sorry I missed your call,” she said. “My brother was just accepted to college, and I am at the celebration. This is a really big deal for us. He’s the first in our family to go to college.” “Your parents must be proud,” Cindy said. “They’re from Ghana, aren’t they?” “That’s right, we speak Ibo at home.” She paused and then timidly asked, “What did you think of my story? You’re the first person I showed it to. Do you think it’s any good?” “I thought your story was fantastic,” Cindy said. “Where did you get the idea?” “Oh, it’s a story my grandmother from Ghana told me when I was little.” “Well, it’s a wonderful story,” Cindy said. “There is one thing, however. You really need to work on your spelling and punctuation.” Renee was silent for a moment. “I was afraid of that,” Renee said. “I was hoping you

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could help me with that.” Cindy breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ll be glad to. We’ll go through the story together. It won’t take you long at all. I think my brother has some vocabulary flash cards. That will help, too.” “Thanks, Cindy! I really appreciate your help. You’re the smartest girl in our English class. I really want to be a writer some day. I have lots of stories to tell.”

89. Why is Cindy willing to help Renee?

A. She would like to meet Renee's brother.

B. She wants to impress her English teacher.

C. She thinks it will help her get into college.

D. She respects Renee for her attitude.

90. What is Renee's motivation for getting together with Cindy?

A. Renee wants to tell Cindy her grandmother's stories.

B. Renee thinks Cindy can help get her story published.

C. Renee wants Cindy's help in getting into college.

D. Renee wants to be a writer but knows she needs help.

91. Why is Cindy concerned about talking to Renee about her story?

A. Cindy fears it will anger Renee's parents.

B. Cindy is afraid she will hurt Renee's feelings.

C. Cindy does not want to make a bad impression.

D. Cindy wants to get paid for tutoring Renee.

(1) One morning in February 2009, the staff at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium arrived to find the place flooded with more than 200 gallons of spilled saltwater. (2) The one responsible for the mess was not a human, but a foot-long, two-spotted California octopus, calmly watching from her tank. (3) Evidently, this octopus had pushed and nudged until she released a valve near the top of her tank, spilling all the water. (4) Luckily, the staff got there in time to save any sea creatures from harm. (5) Tara Crow is the Aquarium's Public Programs Manager. (6) She is quoted as saying the whole thing was actually pretty funny, though it took many hours to clean. (7) In the future, the curious octopus likely won't be able to repeat such a stunt. (8) Aquarium staff has made sure there are extra clamps and tape securing the lid of her tank.

92. Which of these sentences least supports the main idea of the passage?

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A. sentence 3

B. sentence 2

C. sentence 7

D. sentence 5

Lissa comes across this Web site while researching the effect of music on teenagers.

Welcome to! As industry experts in teenagers’ taste, we offer great music that you can relate to. Browse through our selection of various genres from pop to rock. We have music for every occasion and every need. You can find music that keeps you from being distracted while driving. We can even help you find music that helps pass your SAT! Tell your ignorant elders to leave you and your music alone! For a study that shows loud music helps students concentrate, click here.

93. Which of these best explains why this resource is unreliable for a research paper?

A. It lists only two types of musical genre.

B. It is created by a group of teenagers.

C. It is primarily motivated to sell a product.

D. It presents academic experts' opinions.

Looking Out by Jon Caswell

Jackson was cautious by nature. It was a trait that had served him well in his years as a military scout. Looking from the ridge, he could see tiny specks in the sky miles out over the plains, and then his gaze slowly dropped to the ants crossing the rock a few feet from his chin. From there, his gaze rose again more slowly, to follow the gradual slope of the ridge, which fell away before him, ending in the dusty plains that stretched to the horizon. The sunlight glared off the white of the alkali flats, causing the scout to squint his eyes until they were just small slits in his face. Jackson rolled his stomach slightly from his prone position to reach the field glasses. He took another look over the barren nothingness to get a fix on the specks in the distance. He put the binoculars to his eyes and found the floating specks. He focused the lenses. Sure enough, they were buzzards, which meant some poor creature hadn’t made it across the waterless flats. He had crossed those flats himself just two days before, and he knew how unforgiving they were. Jackson tilted the field glasses down till he found the horizon. As he scanned the glaring plains, he caught a glimpse of something moving – something darker than the monotonous white glare. It was just a pinpoint of motion. He focused the field glasses skillfully. The pinpoint was made up of four moving things: two ponies and two pack mules. The ponies each carried a rider, and the mules were loaded high, which he

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made out right away. He had watched them for several minutes when the lead rider stopped and dismounted. He could plainly make out a skirt – a woman! He studied the other rider, and she, too, was a woman. Two Apache women riding alone with two pack mules was very unusual. Behind them, the buzzards floated, circling lower to the carcasses they had been feeding on before the riders had interrupted them. After a few more minutes of watching, Jackson could see the women were heading in his direction. That meant there had to be a village nearby because Apache women would not just be wandering about, certainly not with two mules. Those two mules were carrying awfully big loads. That, and his years of experience, told him those women were up to something. He wouldn’t be surprised if those mules were hauling rifles. He packed the binoculars in his knapsack and pushed himself away from the edge of the ridge. He headed back to his regiment. The captain would want to know about the two Apache women and their heavily laden mules.

94. Which statement best describes the plot?

A. Jackson worries when he sees several buzzards circling in the distance.

B. Jackson resents having to lie on his stomach for long periods of time.

C. Jackson discovers Apache women and decides there is a village nearby.

D. Jackson uses the position of the buzzards to find two lost Apache women.

(1) In an alarming piece of news, it seems the bee population in the United States is taking a dive. (2) CNN reported on February 12, 2007, that beekeepers in 22 states have claimed as much as an 80 percent loss of their bee colonies. (3) Jerry Bromenshenk is the head of Bee Alert Technology, a business that is keeping a close watch on this problem. (4) He reported to CNN that this is a severe and potentially devastating loss. (5) If this continues, beekeepers will not have enough bees to rent to farmers to pollinate their crops. (6) No one knows exactly why the bees are gone. (7) One bee researcher at the U.S. Department of Agriculture says that parasitic mites and a lack of nectar in pollen may have done them in. (8) Other researchers have different theories. (9) Although the mystery has not been solved, there is some reason to hope. (10) The January 2006 issue of Science News reported that scientists are studying species of solitary, or loner, bees. (11) They are hoping to use them to replace the bees that have been lost.

95. Which sentence could be added to the first paragraph to support the main idea?

A. In the United States, the most common bee raised is the Western honey bee.

B. A beekeeper keeps bees to collect honey and beeswax or pollinate crops.

C. Some of the more harmful pesticides have already been banned in Europe.

D. Farmers could stand to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Are Natural Remedies Always Safe?

by T. Tocco

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In recent years, many people have opted to use natural remedies in place of traditional drugs. People often object to taking medicine due to side effects or the long-term effects they might cause. Alternative remedies, on the other hand, are sometimes preferred because they are labeled "natural" and thought to be harmless. Unfortunately, people are sometimes unaware that these remedies can do harm as well as good. For example, St. John's wort has been used in other countries for thousands of years. In the U.S, it is sometimes used to treat mild to moderate depression. Over the past 22 years, scientists have performed more than 30 clinical studies in an attempt to determine how effective St. John's wort is. Even with two decades' worth of data, the benefits are still being studied. However, St. John's wort can have the same drawbacks as many prescriptions medications. For example, it can result in an allergic reaction or raise people's blood pressure. It can cause stomach problems and increased sensitivity to sunlight. Its long-term use can result in fatigue. People considering St. John's wort should reflect on all aspects rather than take it merely because it is more natural than prescription pharmaceuticals. Likewise, kava is a root that is popular with many people. As with St. John's wort, kava has been used medicinally for a very long time. People take it to decrease muscle tension and muscle spasms. Some find it effective in lessening anxiety and restlessness. However, because it is known as a natural remedy, people often overlook its potential side effects. For instance, kava can cause people's hair, skin, and nails to temporarily turn yellow. It may result in a rash or shortness of breath. It may even cause liver problems. Although some people find kava's effects beneficial, its disadvantages should be taken into account as well. Overall, people need to treat natural remedies with the same care as pharmaceutical alternatives. There is no fast-and-easy cure-all out there, so people should consider all options before deciding what is best for them.

96. Sydney is writing a paper about natural remedies for her science class. She is using

information from this Web article. Which sentence from her report correctly quotes the article?

A. Tocco states, "As with St. John's wort, kava has been used medicinally for a very long

time" (2011).

B. For example, kava can cause people's hair, skin, and nails to temporarily turn yellow

(Tocco 2011).

C. Tocco explains, "People do not always think about the results of natural remedies" (2011).

D. "There is no fast-and-easy cure-all out there," so people should consider all options (Tocco


97. What is the best paraphrase for the following sentence from the Web article above?

Over the past 22 years, scientists have performed more than 30 clinical studies in an attempt to determine how effective St. John's wort is.

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A. According to scientists around the world, St. John's wort may or may not be helpful

(Tocco 2011).

B. To see if St. John's wort is really helpful, more than 30 studies have been conducted in the

past 22 years (Tocco 2011).

C. Scientists have performed more than 30 clinical studies to test St. John's wort (Tocco


D. Unfortunately, scientists continue to find it impossible to determine the effectiveness of St.

John's wort (Tocco 2011).

That Smells Good!

by Jon Caswell

"Barnett, pick up the phone. I've got my hands full with dinner," Barnett's mother said as he

came through the door.

Barnett dropped his books. By the time he reached the phone, it had gone to voicemail.

"Couldn't get it," Barnett said. "What smells so good?"

"Nothing special, just an onion sautéing," his mother said. "If you want to make your house

smell mouth-watering good, sauté an onion. How was school?”

98. Where is this scene set?

A. a cooking school

B. a home kitchen

C. a basement

D. a restaurant

99. Which of these items would most likely be found in this setting?

A. a spice rack

B. a laundry basket

C. a mouse trap

D. an MP3 player

The vacant site at the end of our street had grass and shrubs growing wildly. When we called the owner of the property to let him know of the terrible condition, he refused to take our call.

100. What is the antonym of the word vacant in the passage above?

A. blank

B. bare

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C. full

D. empty

Ariel is helping her mom make a grocery list. They need to know how many granola bars of each kind to buy. Ariel made a bar graph of how many of each kind of granola bars her family ate for a month.

101. According to the bar graph, what type of granola bar did they eat the most amount?

A. mixed berry

B. chocolate chip

C. mixed nut

D. peanut butter


Vaudeville was a live form of entertainment in North American theaters from the 1880s to the 1930s. These shows stemmed from circus acts, saloon acts, and theater acts. Tony Pastor, theater manager and performer, is credited for making these shows family-friendly. Other managers soon followed his lead. Because of its roots, vaudeville featured all kinds of performers. Comedians, singers, dancers, jugglers, animal trainers, and everything in between would put on a killer show that lasted for hours. However, vaudeville diminished after radios, movies, and TVs became popular. Nevertheless, vaudeville served as a training ground for movie stars like Charlie Chaplin and James Cagney.

Which sentence from Tito's school assignment above contains inappropriate language?

A. "However, vaudeville diminished after radios, movies, and TVs became popular."

B. "Nevertheless, vaudeville served as a training ground for movie stars like Charlie Chaplin

and James Cagney."

C. "Because of its roots, vaudeville featured all kinds of performers."

D. "Comedians, singers, dancers, jugglers, animal trainers, and everything in between would

put on a killer show that lasted for hours."

103. Michah wrote the following report about Edgar Degas. His report is below.

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Edgar Degas, the oldest of five children, was born in 1834. Edgar attended a school for the wealthy children, and after graduating, he enrolled in law school. However, he spent much of his time in the Louvre, a famous art museum in Paris. At the age of 21, Edgar began studying art and developing his own painting style, which is super cool. Edgar Degas is perhaps most famous for his really awesome paintings of ballet dancers and horse jockeys. His career extended six decades, even after he became blind around the age of 40.

Which part of this passage contains inappropriate language for a biographical report?

A. "Edgar Degas, the oldest of five children, was born in 1834."

B. "At the age of 21, Edgar began studying art and developing his own painting style."

C. "Edgar Degas is perhaps most famous for his really awesome paintings of ballet dancers

and horse jockeys."

D. "His career extended sixty years, even after he became blind around the age of 40."

Coconut Water

(1) People in tropical areas around the world have enjoyed drinking coconut water for ages. (2) However, in just the last few years, its popularity has boomed, and it can now be found on U.S. supermarket shelves. (3) Companies that market coconut water are singing its praises, saying it is "nature's sports drink." (4) They also claim it has some important health benefits. (5) However, coconut water may just be another passing fad. (6) Even those who enjoy it admit that the drink is an acquired taste because of its unusual flavor. (7) Some people think it has a nutty, sour taste while others swear it tastes like old socks. (8) Coconut water's popularity is not based so much on its taste but rather on its other qualities. (9) Ads for coconut water claim it can improve circulation and even decrease the chances of heart disease and stroke. (10) These claims are based on the fact that coconut water is high in potassium, a vital nutrient. (11) Potassium is also essential because people lose much of it when they work out or sweat. (12) Many companies that bottle coconut water assert that the water can help people refill their lost potassium. (13) There are a lot of sports drinks rich with potassium on the market. (14) Sports drinks have many additional nutrients, such as other vitamins and minerals, that coconut water does not have. (15) In addition, if a person eats enough vegetables and fruits, like bananas, he or she is probably getting enough potassium without the help of coconut water or a sports drink. (16) The fact is, unless one is a serious athlete who exercises heavily, coconut water isn't needed. (17) For the average person, good old water is likely the only drink required.

104. The author should add, "You may be in for a surprise if you are trying coconut for the first

time," before

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A. sentence 15.

B. sentence 2.

C. sentence 6.

D. sentence 10.

105. Which transitional word or phrase should be added to the beginning of sentence 13?

A. To summarize,

B. As a result,

C. Finally,

D. However,

Would You Like a Liger?

Biologists have found that about 10 percent of animal species may sometimes breed with other species. This means that two animals of different species can produce offspring. Scientists have discovered more of these animals in the last 25 years. One example of a hybrid animal is the mule, which is a cross between a donkey and a horse. It is more difficult for hybrid species to survive in the wild, however. Occasionally, species that are too different genetically might mate in nature. Many babies that come from the different species are unable to reproduce. This means that the hybrid species cannot grow in number. Zorses, which are a hybrid of a horse and a zebra, and mules, are two examples of species that cannot reproduce. Another problem that hybrid species have is that they face competition from the members of their parent species. There are also positive things about producing hybrid species in the wild. Hybrids may develop adaptations to conditions that neither of their parents was able to live in. This could happen because of new gene combinations being produced in hybrids. Scientists have studied the adaptation of hybrid species using sunflower and honeysuckle plants. Two common species of sunflower are the common sunflower and the prairie sunflower, and both species only grow in moist soil. Their hybrids can grow in desert climates and salt marshes, however. When parent sunflowers were planted in the desert, they failed to survive. Results of the studies done with plants are comparable to similar things that have happened in animals. The studies of animal and plant hybrids could help us discover how humans have adapted.

106. Read this sentence from the passage.

When parent sunflowers were planted in the desert, they failed to survive.

Based on this statement, what is the author suggesting?

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A. Parent species may be less able to adapt than their hybrid offspring.

B. Hybrid species will be wiped out by lack of adaptation in several years.

C. Parent species will be unable to adapt after their offspring are born.

D. Hybrids are born without the ability to adapt to the parents' conditions.

107. Which statement supports the idea that animal hybridization is unsuccessful?

A. Scientists have studied the adaptation of hybrid species using sunflower and honeysuckle


B. The studies of animal and plant hybrids could lead to discoveries about how humans have


C. Many babies that come from the breeding of different species are unable to reproduce.

D. One example of a hybrid animal is the mule, which is a cross between a donkey and a


108. What does the statement "Results of the studies done with plants are comparable to similar

things that have happened in animals" mean?

A. Animal hybrids and plant hybrids are both able to adapt.

B. Animals and plants are able to adapt but humans are not.

C. Humans are unable to produce hybrid offspring like animals.

D. Plant hybrids are more able to adapt than animal hybrids.

Galapagos Islands

(1) The Galapagos Islands are located around 600 miles to the west of Ecuador, a country in

South America. (2) These islands were first discovered in 1535. (3) They were named in Spanish

as "Isolas de Galapagos," which meant the "Islands of the Tortoises," from sailors' accounts of a

large number of tortoises inhabiting the isles.

(4) These islands are home to active volcanos, meaning the volcanos here can erupt at any

time. (5) Volcanic eruptions created the archipelago, or a group of islands, which forms the

Galapagos. (6) They are a collection of sixteen islands scattered over an area of 36,000 square

miles near the equator. (7) Each of these major islands was created from a single volcanic


(8) The Galapagos Islands have a unique and diverse variety of life forms. (9) Therefore, they

have been called the "living laboratory" of evolution. (10) They are home to many life forms that

are endemic, which means they are not found anywhere else on Earth. (11) The animals here

show no fear of humans. (12) The marine iguanas, giant tortoises, and flightless cormorants

prove the evolutionary change they underwent to adapt themselves to the unique ecosystem. (13)

Although all the islands share similar volcanic composition, environment, and climate, each

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isolated isle has its own unique set of animals and plants. (14) These islands played an important

role in helping Charles Darwin explore and develop the theory of evolution.

109. Where would the following sentence best fit in the passage?

Isabela, the largest and main island of the Galapagos, was formed from the eruption of six

volcanoes and covers an area of 1,700 square miles.

A. before sentence 4

B. after sentence 7

C. before sentence 3

D. after sentence 12

In 2009, scientists suspected that the swine flu came into the United States from Mexico, and President Obama was asked why he didn’t close the U.S. border with Mexico. “Closing the border now,” he said, “would be like closing the barn door after the horses were out. I think our healthcare system is up to the task of taking care of the sick while we combat this disease and bring it to its knees.” Americans are the key to keep the swine flu from spreading. Health officials advised that the swine flu was a raging fire that could be stopped if more Americans would keep their hands washed, cover their mouths while coughing, and stay home from work or school if they were sick.

110. What does the President mean by the simile "like closing the barn door after the horses are


A. Although called "swine flu," the President knows that the disease is spread by horses.

B. The disease has already entered the country, so closing the border won't keep it out.

C. U.S. border crossings usually are housed in big buildings referred to as "barns."

D. The President used the simile because he knows that border gate is similar to a barn door.

111. Which of these is an example of a metaphor?

A. ". . .key to keep the swine flu. . ."

B. ". . .swine flu came into. . ."

C. ". . .the swine flu was a raging fire. . ."

D. ". . .keep their hands washed. . ."

When Sharie visited Australia, the various things that she saw bewitched her. She captured these moments on her newly bought Nikon SLR camera. These pictures now adorn her walls.

112. Which word is a synonym for bewitched in the passage above?

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A. disgusted

B. fascinated

C. dressed

D. troubled

Wilson wanted to see the monument but had not anticipated the long set of steps to the terrace where the statue stood. Looking at the steps, his first thought was to wonder if he could do it. Without thinking, he rubbed his chest. The surgeon had said he needed to be careful about the amount of effort he exerted, at least in those first few weeks. Glancing at his wife, he could see that she was doubtful. “Come on, we can take the elevator,” she said. “No,” he said, “I’m too young for that. We can rest if we need to. My heart will never get stronger if I don’t exercise.”

113. Which of the following can the reader infer from this passage?

A. Wilson's wife thinks he is lazy.

B. Most monuments have too many steps.

C. Wilson and his wife are out of shape.

D. Wilson has recently had heart surgery.


1. D

2. D

3. C

4. D

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. C

10. C

11. C

12. D

13. A

14. C

15. D

16. B

17. A

18. D

19. A

20. D

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21. A

22. C

23. A

24. A

25. A

26. D

27. D

28. C

29. B

30. B

31. C

32. C

33. A

34. A

35. A

36. C

37. C

38. D

39. C

40. D

41. B

42. D

43. A

44. D

45. D

46. A

47. D

48. C

49. D

50. B

51. B

52. A

53. A

54. C

55. B

56. D

57. B

58. C

59. C

60. A

61. B

62. B

63. B

64. C

65. C

66. C

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67. D

68. D

69. C

70. B

71. C

72. D

73. A

74. C

75. B

76. C

77. B

78. D

79. D

80. D

81. A

82. C

83. B

84. B

85. C

86. D

87. B

88. D

89. D

90. D

91. B

92. D

93. C

94. C

95. D

96. A

97. B

98. B

99. A

100. C

101. C

102. D

103. C

104. C

105. D

106. A

107. C

108. A

109. B

110. B

111. C

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112. B

113. D
