
  • Coral reefs are diverse underwater ecosystems held together by calcium carbonate structures secreted by corals. Coral reefs are built by colonies of tiny animals found in marine waters that contain few nutrients. Most coral reefs are built from stony corals, which in turn consist of polyps that cluster in groups.

    Coral reefs benefit the environment and people in numerous ways. For example, they

    Protect shores from the impact of waves and from storms;

    Provide benefits to humans in the form of food and medicine;

    Provide economic benefits to local communities from tourism.


  • Reef Bleaching

    Reef bleaching occurs when water conditions cause coral to expel the internal microorganisms that give corals their vibrant colors. Bleaching events are caused by a number of factors including an increase in water temperature. As global warming warms the planet, ocean water temperatures are also on the rise. With warmer waters, bleaching events have become more common.

    Poison Fishing

    It is unfortunately a common practice to use poisons to fish for coral reef dwelling creatures. The poison is not designed to necessarily kill the desired catch, but is used to stun fish that will then be used in domestic salt water aquariums. Although many fish and are only temporarily harmed by its effects, but not for coral polyps. When the poison is released in the nooks and crannies of the reef, the coral often dies in the cloud of poison.

    Water Pollution

    Water pollution is perhaps the most obvious cause of coral reef destruction. Reefs are harmed when oil, fertilizer, human and animal waste are dumped in the area. Not only do these elements change the chemical make-up of the water, waste can also block life-giving sunlight to the reef. Large floating trash can cut young coral polyps off from nutrients they need to grow into a thriving reef.


    Construction and mining along sea coasts can create a great deal of silt and soil run off. Particles that enter the ocean can smother coral reefs, depriving them of sunlight and nutrients. Fish are unable to feed and coral polyps are unable to grow leaving the area inhospitable to reef life.

    Careless tourism

    Much destruction to coral reefs could be prevented with just a bit of education for those who want to explore these interesting natural creations. Divers, snorkelers and other sea lovers often inadvertently damage the reef. By simply touching coral the oils on human fingers can kill whole areas of coral reefs. Boating and fishing can also damage coral reefs with carelessly dropped anchors or lines.


  • Conserve water: The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater will pollute our oceans.

    Help reduce pollution: Walk, bike or ride the bus. Fossil fuel emissions from cars and industry raise lead to ocean warming which causes mass-bleaching of corals and can lead to widespread destruction of reefs.

    Research what you put on your lawn: Although you may live thousands of miles from a coral reef ecosystem, these products flow into the water system, pollute the ocean, and can harm coral reefs and marine life.

    Dispose of your trash properly: Don't leave unwanted fishing lines or nets in the water or on the beach. Any kind of litter pollutes the water and can harm the reef and the fish.

    Support reef-friendly businesses: Ask the fishing, boating, hotel, aquarium, dive or snorkeling operators how they protect the reef. Be sure they care for the living reef ecosystem and ask if the organization responsible is part of a coral reef ecosystem management effort.

    Plant a tree: Trees reduce runoff into the oceans. You will also contribute to reversing the warming of our planet and the rising temperatures of our oceans. Help us Plant a Billion.

    Practice safe and responsible diving and snorkeling: Do not touch the reef or anchor your boat on the reef. Contact with the coral will damage the delicate coral animals, and anchoring on the reef can kill it, so look for sandy bottom or use moorings if available.


  • The End of Habitats with a High Density of Biodiversity:

    Coral reefs are truly the rainforests of the sea. They cover only about 1% of the ocean floor, yet are home to about 25% of all marine life- approximately 35,000 to 60,000 different types of organisms. They are beautiful, lush, habitats brimming with natural resources.

    The Demise of Economies Dependent on Reefs:

    Many humans are dependent on Coral Reefs for their livelihood. It is estimated that reef fish and mollusks feed between thirty and forty million people each year. Also, beautiful and exotic reef fish can also be sold as pets, providing cash income to families in poverty stricken areas. Tourism provides the basis for entire economies in many regions. With responsible treatment of the reefs, it would be possible to sustain the lives of people who have close relationships with the reefs.

    The Loss of Natural Coastal Protection:

    Reefs form near the shores of low lying coastal lands. They are a natural barrier of protection against currents, strong waves, and storms. Without the reefs to slow the water before it reaches the shore, these areas are very vulnerable. In one area where a reef was destroyed, it cost about $10 million per kilometer to build a protective wall along the coastline.

    Killing the Hope for a Cure:

    Coral reefs are probable sources of medicines to cure the diseases that currently plague the earth. Chemicals found in the reefs have been used to treat ulcers, heart disease, leukemia, and more. In one of the most famous instances, AZT, which is based on chemicals extracted from a Caribbean reef sponge, has been used to treat HIV infections. Currently, more than half of all cancer research is focused on finding cures from marine sources. Every time a reef is destroyed, the chance of relieving the pain and suffering of people all over the world is reduced.

    In the background of this beautiful scene, it is possible to see the reef which protects the shore from destruction

    Shrinking a CO2 Sink:

    As mentioned earlier, coral polyps use Carbon Dioxide to form their shells. This helps decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the ocean and is one way the Earth combats pollution and works to regain homeostasis. With less coral, the ocean absorbs less Carbon Dioxide, leaving more in the atmosphere.







