
Feast of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Church June 14, 2020


Monday, June 15, 2020 7:30 AM For Peace in our Country 9:00 AM Rev. Lawrence O’Leary 8:00 PM Spanish Intention Tuesday, June 16, 2020 7:30 AM Holy Souls in Purgatory 9:00 AM Return to faith for fallen away Catholics Wednesday, June 17, 2020 7:30 AM Jack Lopes (1st Anni) 9:00 AM End to the Corona Virus Thursday, June 18, 2020 7:30 AM Joseph & Nancy Carroll 9:00 AM Frank & Emily Cerar (Anni) Friday, June 19, 2020 7:30 AM Jack Lopes 9:00 AM Louis Staiano Saturday, June 20, 2020

5:00 PM Robert D. Fitton Joseph DeSorbo Antonio, Gracinda & Jose Silva Maria de Lurdes Martins

Sunday, June 21, 2020 7:00 AM Edward Hendrickson 8:30 AM Portuguese Mass 10:00 AM Bob Flynn 11:30 AM People of the Parish 5:00 PM Spanish Intention 7:00 PM For the Hungry As of Memorial Day (Monday 25 May), your priests now are celebrating all Masses in the Church with your intentions listed here in the bulletin. The three on-line Masses which we will continue, always are offered for your intentions listed in the bulletin.

Banns Of Marriage 1st Time: Melissa Ann Makowski, Corpus Christi Church & Michael Sleswynski, Our Lady of Assumption, Copiage

Thank you to our many magnificent parishioners who came to Church when Masses were not celebrated publicly. Your profound prayer life in God's house before the Blessed Sacrament in Exposition is a deep expression of your love for our Lord Jesus Christ here at Corpus Christi.

PRIEST CELEBRANTS’ SCHEDULE Saturday, June 20, 2020 5:00 PM Fr. Ngozi

Sunday, June 21, 2020 7:00 AM Fr. Malcolm 8:30 AM Fr. Tomaz 10:00 AM Fr. Malcolm 11:30 AM Bishop Anjay 5:00 PM Fr. Carlos 7:00 PM Fr. Ngozi

Corpus Christi Mass on YouTube This Sunday June 14th, you can watch Fr. Tomaz celebrate the English & Portuguese Masses and Fr. Malcolm will celebrate the Spanish Mass. All three Masses will be on YouTube as of 7:00 AM on Sunday. Please type tgomide to watch the Mass in the language of your choice from the comfort of your homes or wherever you are. The masses will be posted to our Facebook page as well. Tell all your friends and family about it so they too can watch.

STEWARDSHIP CORNER Sharing Time, Talent and Treasure

The Scriptures today remind us that, “we, though many, are one body for we all partake of the one loaf.” How are we using our gifts of time and talent to build up the Body of Christ? See 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 (Our Sunday Visitor, ibid., page 33). Because of your immense generosity, the parish deposited $11,779 from donations, mail-in offerings, candle money and poor box. Thank you for your great sacrificial love for our blessed parish of Corpus Christi!

Feast of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Church June 14, 2020

Pastor’s Notes

The Catholic Solemnity of Corpus Christi is always a special day in Mineola; recalling that we are the only Church in the Diocese with this sacred Latin name. As your Pastor, I was so pleased back in January when we unveiled the old/new Last Supper stained-glass window in the sanctuary, which nearly everyone embraced enthusiastically. The image of Jesus holding the Bread of Life connects so intimately with the Real Eucharistic Presence of Christ in the Tabernacle. And of course at every Mass on the main altar, we recall the words of our Lord, “Do this in memory of me”; reminding us of His everlasting power and peace.

Sadly, because of the lingering effects of COVID-19, this Corpus Christi Sunday we will not be able to have our outdoor procession through the local streets with the Blessed Sacrament. But it is the first weekend since March 15th, when we will open our Church Masses to 25% of our 1000-people capacity (250 maximum/Mass) by New York state regulations.

Happily, Bishop Barres has given permission to all the parishes of our Diocese, to distribute Holy Communion at all Masses, beginning Saturday evening 13 June, the vigil of Corpus Christi! Certain protocols will be in place (i.e., Communion after the final blessing; only the Body of Christ and not the Blood) so that both the sacredness and safety may be protected. We will continue to video tape our tri-lingual Masses for your home viewing on the internet. And the Bishop has extended the dispensation from the obligation of attending Sunday worship. So those of you not receiving the Eucharist, please continue to pray the prayer of the “Spiritual Communion”, to instill that devotion, desire and longing for Jesus Christ in your lives. “My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament

of the Altar. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,

come spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never let me be separated from


Feast of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Church June 14, 2020

Finally, let us all give thanks to God for the graduates of the Class of 2020, both from high school and college!! They may have lost out on so much of the traditions and festivities of their educational landmark. But they certainly will have gained in character and courage for facing down the Coronavirus, and moving ahead with their academic lives and careers. Here at Corpus Christi, we are so proud of all the 13 students (8 for College and 5 for High School) who applied for each of the $5000 scholarships/grants we are offering in the name of our parish. All of these young people are so worthy, and we pray for their ever-deepening commitment to Christ! Yours in Christ, Father Malcolm

Feast of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Church June 14, 2020

Fathers’ Day Sunday

21 June 2020

Our Church Community of Corpus Christi is so blessed to have so many gifted dads and granddads, who imitate the example of St. Joseph as the foster-father of Jesus, husband to Mary, and protector of the Holy Family. Like Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth, these men work by their words and deeds in building up the Body of Christ here in Mineola. We will pray for and honor all the fathers and grandfathers of our parish family, at all the Masses during the month of June. Please write their names (both living and deceased) on the envelopes received in the mail, or additional envelopes by the doors of the church. We will keep them on the Altar and by the Tabernacle, to remind us of our fathers’ perpetual love and prayers.

During this time of unprecedented uncertainty, Parish Outreach has had the honor of providing food and supermarket gift cards to many of our clients in need. We are in desperate need of the following items:

Rice Dry Beans Jarred Pasta Sauce Macaroni & Cheese Fruit Juice Coffee Sugar Diapers (all sizes) Bathroom Tissue Baby Wipes Soap Mustard Mayonnaise Peanut Butter

Ketchup Kleenex Supermarket Gift Cards (Western Beef & King Kullen) This is not an exhausted list of our needs but anything you can donate is greatly appreciated.

Feast of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Church June 14, 2020

Eagle Scout Project Update The beautification of Corpus Christi Religious Education, CYO and Youth Center continues. In March shrubs and a stump was removed to prepare for planting trees. The current sign and posts were removed. We placed new sign posts with concrete. An interior wall was scraped and painted. With the help of my grandfather, Alexandre DaSilva, Sr., we were able to fix the brick wall and point the concrete at the main entrance. Earlier in the month a hand rail was installed at each entrance by Helmut Dill of Mineola Iron Works. On Saturday, May 30th with the help of Tower Ladder 168 from Mineola Fire Department, I worked with members of the MFD, Alex DaSilva, Jr., Michael Montavano and Brendan Corrigan to place the

banner above the windows of the west side of 120 Searing Avenue. After installing the banner, we secured the new Corpus Christi sign where the original sign stood. I worked with Alex DaSilva, Jr., Michael Montavano and Thomas Franz to complete that part of the project. Thank you for all your support. Domingos DaSilva

Feast of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Church June 14, 2020

416 – Corpus Christi – Page 6

As we anxiously await the opportunity to reschedule our Confirmation Day, this is a good time for our High School and Eighth Grade candidates to be sure they have gone to Confession and completed their work in the red Confirmation workbooks.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your

protection, implored your help or sought your intercession, was left unaided.

Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, O

Virgin of Virgins, my mother. To you do I come; before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not on my

petition, but in your mercy, hear and answer me. Amen

Mary, Mother of the Church, Pray for Us!

Final CMA Numbers for 2020 Goal = $99,400 Pledges = $26,160 Payments = $16,280 Donors = 96 Average = $273

Thank you to all the families who already have made a sacrificial gift. Please consider a yearly offering.

Please remember the sick in your daily prayers, including the following who have asked to be included in our list:

Connie Altvater, Armandina Araujo, Vinnie Benedetto, Anne Boland, Marie Byrnes, Jeanne Carroll, Michael Castalino, Arlene Cavanagh, Vincent Ciurleo, Manuel DaPonte, Frank de Carolis, Anthony Donnelly, Kate Donovan, Virginia Fallon, Joanne Fitzgerald, Lilly Fuentes, Kenneth Gallagher, Vanessa Gomes, Robert Hartlett, Eileen Hendrickson, Sue Krebs, Diane LaBianca, Joseph LaBianca, Vincent Lodato, Christine Lucivero, Jason Lopes, Jack Maia, Rosemary Mastandrea, Pat Nicolosi, Susan O’Brien, Melissa Ogunsuyi, Linda Pires, JoAnn Russo, Mary Santucci, Robert Santucci, Lisa Simeone, MaryAnn, Andy & Jaclyn Simonetti, Alice Squeri, Beatriz Silva Pontes, Paul Tubito, Lorraine Verdade, Phillip Washburn, and any other members of our parish who are sick at this time.

Feast of Corpus Christi

First Reading – Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14-16 • Good stewards strive to live by the Word of God and develop a deeper prayer life through reading and listening to Scripture. Scripture enhances devotion to the Eucharist, which becomes the focal point and strength of our lives. Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20 • Good stewards thank God for His blessings of children, food, and peace in our families. Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 • Christian stewardship promotes unity and fellowship in our parishes by encouraging Mass attendance and the partaking of the Eucharist. Gospel – John 6:51-58 • Jesus is truly “the bread of life.” As Christian stewards, we are deeply grateful to God for this tremendous gift.

Feast of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Church June 14, 2020

416 – Corpus Christi – Page 7


EVANGELIO DE SAN JUAN 6, 51-58 En aquel tempo, Jesús dijo a los judios: Yo soy el pan vivo que ha bajado del cielo; el que coma de este pan vivirá para siempre. Y el pan que yo les voy a dar es mi carne para que el mundo tenga vida. Entonces los judíos se pusieron a discutir entre sí: “Cómo puede éste darnos a comer su carne?” Jesús les dijo: “Yo les asseguro: Si no comen la carne del Hijo del hombre y no beben su sangre, no podrán tener vida en ustedes. El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, tiene vida eterna y yo lo resuscitaré el último día. Mi carne es verdadeira comida y mi sangre es verdadeira bebida. El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, permanece en mi y yo en él. Como el Padre, que me ha enviado, posee la vida y yo vivo por él, así también el que me come vivirá por mí. Este es el pan que ha bajado del cielo; no es como el maná que comieron sus padres, pues murieron. El que come de este pan vivirá para siempre”.

El dia de Corpus Christi celebramos gozosos la presencia real del Cuerpo de Christo en la Eucaristia. Adoramos al Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, en que está real y verdaderamente presente Cristo vivo, el Amor de los amores, entregado por nosotros. Cristo vive para siempre y está realmente presente con toda su persona y su vida, con todo suy mistério y con todo su amor redentor, en el pan y en el vino de la Eucaristía y se da a quienes le buscan. San Pablo en la segunda lectura de hoy (I Cor. 10, 16-17) nos disse que foermamos un solo cuerpo, porque todos comemos del mismo pan. La Eucaristía es el médio privilegiado para edificar la Iglesia. Por eso podemos decir con San Agustin que la Eucaristía es sacramento de piedad, signo de unidad, vínculo de caridade. De la Eucaristía ha de tomar fuerza nuestro amor a Dios y a los Hermanos. La celebración y participación en los mistérios de nuestra redención en el Sacramento del altar debe inpulsarnos a promover la inalienable dignidade de todo ser humano por médio de la justicia, la paz y la concordia.

Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Corpus Christi Church June 7, 2020



Naquele tempo, disse Jesus à multidão: “Eu sou o pão vivo descido do Céu. Quem comer deste pão viverá eternamente. E o pão que Eu hei-de dar é a minha Carne, que Eu darei pela vida do mundo”. Os judeus discutiam entre si: “Como pode Ele dar-nos a sua Carne a comer”? Jesus disse-lhes: “Em verdade, em verdade vos digo: Se não comerdes a Carne do Filho do homem e não beberdes o seu sangue, não tereis a vida em vós. Quem come a minha Carne e bebe o meu Sangue, não tereis a vida em vós. Quem come a minha carne e bebe o meu Sangue, tem a vida eterna; e Eu o ressuscitarei no último dia. A minha carne é verdadeira comida e o meu Sangue é verdadeira bebida. Quem come a minha Carne e bebe o meu Sangue permanece em mim e Eu nele. Assim como o Pai que vive, me enviou, eu vivo pelo Pai, também aquele que me come, viverá por Mim. Este é o pão que desceu do Céu; não é como aquele que vossos pais comeram, e morreram; quem, comer deste pão viverá eternamente”.

Hoje celebramos a festa de Corpus Christi, o Corpo de Cristo, Nesta festa, queremos realizar a ação admirável do Senhor de ficar ao nosso lado quando voltou ao Pai Celeste. Jesus ficou conosco de uma forma tão simples e familiar como o pão que nos serve de alimento. Durante a última ceia, quando Jesus celebrava a Páscoa dos judeus com os seus discípulos, antes de morrer na cruz pelos nossos pecados, Ele fez algo admirável, transformando o pão e o vinho no seu corpo e sangue. Depois de fazer isso, Ele manda aos discípulos que façam o mesmo em sua memória. A celebração da Santa Missa é exatamente isso. Como é possível? E como não? Por acaso Deus, que criou o mundo do nada, não poderia fazer-se presente no pão eucarístico? Nada é impossível para Deus. Essa presença de Cristo na Eucaristia é o sinal da nossa união. Como diz São Paulo aos Coríntios: “Visto que há um só pão, nós, embora sejamos muitos, formamos um só corpo, porque participamos do mesmo pão. E participando desse pão e desse vinho, vamos ter a vida eterna”.

Este ano não podemos sair em procissão com o Santíssimo Sacramento. Se Deus quiser, no ano que vem teremos novamente a nossa procissão. A igreja já está aberta para as missas e para os casamentos, batismos e outras celebrações. Agora podemos ter até 200 pessoas na igreja. É importante porém, quando venham à igreja, colocar a máscara, desinfetar as mãos na entrada e na saída da igreja e, muito importante, manter a distância entre as pessoas. Se Deus quiser, logo, logo os cientistas vão conseguir uma cura e desenvolver uma vacina para esse vírus que controla o mundo e nos deixa tão apreensivos.
