Download pdf - Corsair Leader

  • Getting StartedCorsair Leader places you in command ofaircraft operating in the Pacific during WWII.During the game you get to fly missions in

    different historical campaigns. Your responsibilityis to successfully lead your men through a series of

    missions against hostile targets in the area, keeping your pilotsstress under control, and achieving victory in the Pacific!

    As squadron commander you will be given missions and targets todestroy. You will be given an intelligence briefing before eachmission, which is designed to give you sufficient informationabout the target and the positions of potential enemy threats toyour mission. Based on this information it will be up to you tochoose the pilots that will fly the mission and to arm their aircraft.The success of each mission will affect the enemys ability torespond to future missions, so strategic as well as tactical missionplanning and execution is very important.

    In Corsair Leader you wont have to worry about actually flyingyour aircraft. You and the pilots of your squadron are assumed tobe professionals with all the training and skills you need to doyour jobs. Instead, your challenge is to successfully lead yoursquadron through each mission. Youll need to successfully choosethe best weapons to use against the target and defenses, how todivide your forces between air to air and air to ground attacks, andif any special weapons will be needed for the mission. If youregood enough, youll be able to consistently accomplish yourmission and bring all of your aircraft home.

    The following rules govern the play of Corsair Leader. They arepresented in an order that is roughly according to the Sequence ofPlay. It is a good idea to read all of the rules before playing thegame.

    Play FormatsThese rules include information for both the PDF download andVassal formats of the game.

    Some of the graphics shown in the rules might look different dueto the differences between the two formats.

    Vassal InformationThis section only applies to the Vassal format of the game.

    Demo and Full GameSome Vassal games come as a Demo/Full combo and others as twoseparate games. If you download and purchase the Full game,enter your registration information to unlock the game.

    Registering this GameWe have made these rules freely available through our websitebecause we feel that by showing people the rules, our audiencewill see what a cool game we have made, and will want to startplaying.

    Here are the basic steps you need to do to get started. Each iscovered in much more detail in their respective web pages.

    Go to our website's "Order" page and purchase the game usingPayPal's secure online service. Install the game using theregistration code that is immediately emailed to you. Connect toVassal's online room, chat with the other players, and start up agame.

    Pay Pal's buy page:

    To enter your registration code, double-click on the Vassal iconnow on your computer.

    You will see the game screen appear.Go to: File -> Edit Preferences -> RegistrationEnter the Username and Registration code contained in yourregistration email.

    Game TutorialIncluded in the game is a quick tutorial. This tutorial will give youa very basic overview of the game. To open the tutorial, go to theHelp pull down menu and select "Tutorial". Information will thenappear in the Chat area. The first instruction will direct you to hit


    Corsair Leader 10/29/05By Dan Verssen

  • the "Step Forward" button. Continue hitting this button to movethrough the tutorial.

    In some games, the play area is larger than the area displayed onyour screen. Use your scroll bars to move around the play area tofollow the action.

    Starting-Up a GameHere is our standard instruction sheet for creating and joiningVassal games

    Adjusting the ScreenBetween the map and the Chat area is a thick gray line. You canhold your curser over that line and drag the line up or down tochange the size of the Chat area. In fact, all thick gray lines can beadjusted in this way.

    Vassal CommandsThe Vassal module contains a rich set of right-click commandsbuilt into the game pieces.

    Right-click on the games cards and counters to discover how youcan adjust the values and markers that are built into them.

    Here are some samples from the Vassal game...

    Here is asample maindisplay from agame.

    Above is a sample of the the main control buttons that activatevarious game windows. Each game will have its own unique set ofbuttons.

    Above is a sample empty weapons selection window for theAircraft. To load your Aircraft drag and drop the counters fromthis window to the Aircraft you wish to arm.

    All game components come with built-in right-click menus tomaximize functionality. Here are a couple examples. Each gamewill offer different right-click commands to best match the gamessubject matter and game functions...


  • Game ComponentsHere are the game components and a brief description of how eachis used in the game.

    Target Display SheetYou use the Target Display toorganize tactical air-to-air and air-to-ground combat.

    A turn track is included to recordthe four turns the Aircraft get tospend over target during eachmission.

    Help SheetThis sheet has all the referencecharts and general informationneeded to play the game.

    Base SheetYou will find a briefsequence of play, as wellas areas on the sheet toorganize your cards.

    Player LogAfter you select your squadronpilots and campaign you record thisinformation on the Player Log. Aftereach mission you record the targetand mission results on the PlayerLog. The information recorded onthe Player Log is used to determinepilot promotion, Ordnance Pointsexpenditures, target status, andcampaign outcome. This sheetshould be photocopied.

    An electronic Microsoft Wordtemplate is included with the Vassal game so you can fill out yourLog on screen.

    CountersAircraft Leader uses many different types of counters. Samplecounters and explanations of their values are contained in thissection.

    Aircraft: Each Aircraft counter features the name of its Pilot.Throughout these rules Aircraft is used to refer to any of theaircraft under your command. In this game you have 4 types ofAircraft that you can command: F4U Corsairs, SBD Dauntlesses, B-2 Mitchells, and B-17 FlyIng Fortresses.

    Air to Ground Weapons: These have more than oneto hit number. These numbers indicate what youneed to roll to score 1, 2, or even 3 hits on the target.

    The Weight Points (WP) used to carry each munitionare listed on the counter.

    High Quality Air to Ground Weapons: You can alsouse High Quality Air to Ground weapons. Thesecounters are noted with a red check mark and willhave superior to hit numbers.

    These weapons are used to represent munitions that have beenselected, inspected, and adjusted for maximum reliability. HighQuality weapons cost more Ordnance points than their normalcounter parts.

    Stress: Used to record the amount of Stress sufferedby a Pilot.

    Pilots suffer Stress when they fly missions based onthe range to the target. Pilots can also suffer Stress

    when they are attacked by Bandits and Sites.

    Enemy Sites: Their attacknumbers are on top. Thenumber in the white circleis applied to all Aircraftattacks against the Site.

    Enemy Bandits: Very Similar to Sites, except they canmove. If a Bandit is not in the same Area as anAircraft, it will move one area toward the nearestAircraft.

    Target Damage: Used to note damage scored againstthe Target. Sites and Bandits are removed from themap when they suffer a single hit, so Damagemarkers are not required for them.

    Campaign Sheet counters: Place the Recon counteron the Recon track, the Infra counter on the Infratrack, the Radar counter on the Radar track, and theIntel counter on the Intel track.

    Tactics: The Tactics countersare used to record thetactical special orders yougive to your aircraft whenthey are attacking a target.


  • Pilot/Aircraft CardsEach Aircraft is flown by a pilot orcrew. Each Pilot/Aircraft cardrepresents the pilot/crew and aircraft.The upper portion of the card containsExperience, Cool, Promotion, andCombat information for the pilot. Eachcard has two sides that show differentexperience levels for the pilot. The pilotexperience level may change during acampaign if the Promotion number forthe pilot is reached. The Cool numberis used to reduce the Stress Points forthe pilot. The Combat information isused to determine when the pilot can

    attack and shows the modifiers used for air to air and air toground attacks. The number of Stress Points a pilot has determineswhich Combat information is used.

    The area where the weapon counters are carried by the Aircraft islocated on the bottom part of the card.

    Some Aircraft card might have notations for weapons that are notincluded in this game. Such weapons will be added in laterexpansions.

    Target CardsEach target card is associated with aspecific Campaign Map sheet. Whenyou start a campaign, separate theTarget Cards for that campaign fromthe other target cards, shuffle the cardsand place them on the Target CardDeck section of the Mission Display.

    These cards detail the target of yourmission and its defenses. The TargetCard for a mission is placed in thecenter of the Tactical Overview on theMission Display.

    Target cards also list the Weight Point penalty and base pilot Stressincurred by the mission.

    Event CardsShuffle this deck at the start of eachmission. Each of these cards has threesections.

    During the Target-Bound Event step,draw an Event card and look at theupper section. This shows missionevents that occur on the way to thetarget.

    During the Over-Target Event step,draw an Event card and look at thecenter section. This shows missionevents that occur at the target.

    During the Home-Bound Event step, draw an Event card and lookat the bottom section. This shows mission events that occur on theway back to base.

    Campaign MapSheetThe game includesCampaign Map sheets thatindicate the geographicalarea where your battles aretaking place. The map sheethas information used toconduct a campaign.

    Target locations are shownon the map sheet asnumbers. The locationnumber corresponds to aTarget Card associated withthe Campaign Map sheet.

    In the Vassal format, you can right-click on the Target numbers tonote that it has been destroyed. You can also right-click on the Day,Ordnance, and Victory Point counters to adjust their values.

    CampaignsThis section of the Campaign Map sheet lists the differentCampaign Types, the number of missions in each Campaign Type,the Victory Levels, and the Ordnance Points available for theCampaign Type.

    The Campaign Type selected determines the number of missionsthat will be flown during a campaign and the Victory Conditionsfor the campaign. There are three Campaign Types on a CampaignMap sheet, each of which is explained below:

    ShortThis represents a short series of attacks. This is the easiest andshortest campaign type. However, it is still challenging even forexperienced players.

    MediumThis represents a moderate number of missions.

    LongThis represents an extended number of missions.

    When starting a campaign you get to will choose the CampaignType and use the information associated with that type.

    Campaign TracksThe Campaign Tracks are used totrack damage inflicted on the enemynation by your squadron. There arefour different Campaign Tracks oneach map sheet, each track affects adifferent aspect of a mission. Thecurrent levels on each track areshown by placing the appropriatecounter on the track to the left of thecurrent level, so that you can easilyread the level and the arrow on thecounter is pointing at the number.

    The movement of the tracking counters is based on the results of amission. Each track and its effects are explained below:

    Recon (Reconnaissance) This track represents the enemy nations ability to limitreconnaissance efforts by your aircraft. As the enemys abilities aredamaged, it opens up more target possibilities for your squadron


  • by increasing the number of Target Cards drawn whendetermining the target for a mission.

    Infra (Infrastructure)This track represents the enemy nations ability to maintain andrepair its infrastructure (transportation, supplies, power, etc.). Asthe enemys infrastructure is damaged, the number of hits requiredto destroy a target is reduced. A target will always have at least 1hit.

    Intel (Intelligence) This track represents the enemy nations ability to determinewhich targets your aircraft may attack and to position defenses inthe area. As the enemys intelligence abilities are damaged, thenumber of Sites available to defend a target is reduced.

    Radar (Early Warning)This track represents the enemy nations ability to detect, track,and intercept air attacks launched against it. As the enemysabilities are damaged, the number of bandits available to defend atarget is reduced.

    The DieWhenever a die roll is called for in the game, roll the ten-sided die(d10). This will generate random numbers from 1 to 10. Treat allrolls of 0 as 10.

    Setting-Up a CampaignChoose one of the campaign sheets. Place the sheet to one side ofthe Mission Display.

    Choose the type of campaign you will fly for this map sheet. Thereare three campaign types (Skirmish, Conflict, and War) whichspecify the number of missions that you will fly in the campaign.

    The campaign type also determines the number of OrdnancePoints that are available and the number of Victory Points youneed to score to win the campaign.

    Each Campaign has its own unique list of available weapons. Thisis a per counter cost.

    Each Campaign Map sheet has specific Target Cards associatedwith it. All the Target Cards for the selected campaign areseparated from the other Target Cards shuffled and placed on theTarget Card Deck section of the Mission Display. The Campaignsheet might note the removal of some Bandits and Sites that arenot used. Remove these counters from the campaign.

    Write the Campaign Map sheet name and campaign Type selectedat the top of the Mission Log for this campaign.

    Selecting Squadron PilotsAt the start of the campaign select 12 Pilot cards that will be usedin the campaign.

    Select the following pilot experience levels for the squadron: 1Veteran, 2 Skilled, 6 Average, 2 Green, and 1 Newbie.

    Note that each pilot card is double-sided. Each side shows thePilots stats at different levels of experience. If you want topromote a Pilot during the game, be sure and select the Pilots lessexperienced side.

    Pilot cards selection example:Captain Marrs has a Skilled side and a Veteran side. If you would like thechance to promote Marrs during the game, be sure to select his Skilledcard as part of your initial Pilot selection.

    Write the name, promotion number, and Cool number of eachPilot on the Mission Log.

    Set-UpPlace the Mission Display on a flat surface in front of you with theCampaign Map sheet and Base display placed near-by. Shuffle theTarget and Event decks and place them in the appropriate sectionof the Mission Display. On the Campaign Map sheet, place theIntel, Radar, Infra, and Recon information counters in the Start boxof the Campaign Track with the same name. Place the containerwith the Site and Bandit counters near the Campaign Map sheet.

    Sequence of PlayPre-FlightDraw Target Card(s)Determine Sites PresentAssign Pilots and Arm Aircraft

    Target-Bound FlightDraw Target-Bound Event CardPlace Aircraft on Tactical OverviewDraw Site Adjustment Event CardDetermine Bandits Present

    Over-Target Resolution (4 Times)Advance Turn counterJettison Decision / Remove Tactics countersFast Pilots AttackSites and Bandits Attack

    One Aircraft may attempt SuppressionAircraft under attack may use Evasion

    Slow Pilots AttackAircraft can MoveBandits Move

    Home-Bound FlightDraw Home-Bound Event CardRoll for SAR results (if needed)

    DebriefingRecord Mission Outcome, Victory Points, Gain Ordnance Pointsfor the Mission, and adjust Campaign Map sheet TracksAdd Target Card stress to PilotsPilot stress recovery (all Pilots)Record Pilot Experience and Stress


  • Pre-FlightMission BriefingRefer to the Recon Track on the Campaign Map sheet to determinethe number of Target Cards drawn for this mission. The numbershown to the right of the counter (where the arrow is pointing) isthe number of cards the player draws.

    Examine each of the Target Cards and select one as the target ofthe mission and place it in the Target Area (the center) of theTactical Overview on the Mission Display. Return the other TargetCards to the Target Card Deck, shuffle the deck and place it backon the Mission Display.

    Ordnance PointsEach Campaign Map sheet specifiesthe number of Ordnance Points thatare available for the Campaign Type.Ordnance Points are used to purchaseweapons. The weapons are purchasedduring the Arm Aircraft portion of the

    Sequence of Play.

    Ordnance Points Example:The player selects the Solomons Late 1942 Campaign Map sheet and theSkirmish Campaign Type, which consists of 3 missions. The totalOrdnance Points available for the campaign is 30.

    Determine and Place SitesThere may be different types of guns on the ground in each of thefour Areas. There different gun types are collectively referred to asSites.

    Check the Target Card to determine thenumber of Sites in each Area. At thebottom left corner of each target cardthere are numbers noting the numberof Sites in each of the four Areas. Thecurrent level on the Intel Track of theCampaign Map sheet is then used to

    adjust the number of Sites in the Target Area. The number used toadjust the Target Area Sites is shown to the right of the counter(where the arrow is pointing).

    For each Area randomly draw theappropriate number of Site countersfrom the opaque container.

    Place the counters, with their Siteside up, in the Area for which theywere selected. These represent thereported ground-based defensesthat are defending the target.

    Some Areas may contain zero Sites.

    Mission PreparationYou must now decide which Pilots to send out in order toaccomplish the mission. The importance of the target will helpdetermine what Pilots you send on the mission. Your Pilots willsuffer stress as a result of the mission, therefore, you must takeinto account the current stress levels of your Pilots when assigningthem to a mission.

    Each target card indicates the maximum number ofAircraft that can participate in a mission. Thisnumber is shown below the overhead view of theAircraft in the lower center part of the Target Card.You may send fewer Aircraft on a mission, but youmay never send more than the listed number.

    Select the Pilot cards you want to fly the mission and place theircards near the Mission Display so they can be armed. Pilots thatare Unfit may not be assigned to a mission.

    You can also choose to not fly any mission for the Day and allowyour pilots to rest. However, this still counts as one of yourcampaign Days.

    Arm AircraftYou now allocate various weapons to each of the Aircraft youveselected for this mission. The specific ordnance you choose willdepend on the combat role you expect each Aircraft to performduring the mission. The number and types of weapons yourplanes can carry are limited in three ways: Weight Limit, Countermix, Ordnance Points

    MunitionsChoose your weapons from the list that is detailed below:

    Air to Ground Weapons (AtG weapons)250#: The 250 pound bomb is a small bomb that willinflict little damage. However, it only uses 1 WeightPoint and 1 Ordnance point.

    500#: The 500 pound bomb is a good all aroundweapon that will inflict moderate damage. It uses 2Weight Points and 2 Ordnance Points.

    1000#: The 1000 pound bomb can cause a lot ofdamage but it uses 4 Weight Points. It also use 3Ordnance points.

    High Quality Weapons:These munitions have beenspecially selected by yourground crews and put intothe best shape possible for

    the mission. These weapons have better than normal attacknumbers but do cost extra Ordnance points.

    Machineguns andCannons: In addition tothe weapons you assign,each Aircraft is equippedwith either machine guns

    or cannons. For game purposes, these will be referred to as


  • Guns. Each Aircraft is different in how it can use its Guns. SomeAircraft can use them for air combat, others for attacking groundcombat, and some Aircraft can use them for both. This is noted oneach Aircrafts card.

    In Air-to-Ground combat, Guns may be used to strafe Targetsand Sites in the same area as the Aircraft.

    In Air-to-Air combat, Guns may be used to attack Bandits in thesame area as the Aircraft.

    Purchasing WeaponsWhile arming your Aircraft, youmust spend Ordnance points foreach counter loaded on to anAircraft.

    Once you purchase a weapon, youmay place it on an Aircraft. TheOrdnance Points used to purchaseweapons are spent, even if theweapon is not expended duringthe mission.

    Load your weapons carefully, atthe end of the mission, any unused munition counters arediscarded and are not returned to your Ordnance points.

    Weight Point LimitEach Aircraft is limited to theWeight Points listed on its card.The maximum number of weightpoints that an Aircraft can carry isreduced by the targets location on

    the Campaign Map sheet (these weight points are assumed to beused to carry extra fuel).

    Each weapon has a certain amount of weight points associatedwith it. The weight points for a weapon are shown on the counterfor that weapon. The weapon counters provided do limit selection.You may not use more of a given type of counter than the actualnumber of that counter provided in the game.

    Once you select the weapon counters, place them on theappropriate Pilot/Aircraft Cards.

    Mission Preparation Example:This example mission takes place in the Early Solomons Campaign. Thetarget of the mission is #9, the Freighter. The mission is to be flown by 3Aircraft.

    After looking at the target, I decide to have one dedicated Air-to-AirAircraft (Major Anderson), one Aircraft loaded for anti-Site work (1st Lt.Wallace), and one Aircraft loaded to take out the Freighter (LemonDropper).

    The Freighter has a -1 Weight Point penalty, so the F4Us can carry 3Weight Points and the SBD 4. I select the following munitions...

    Andersons load-out: NoneWallaces load-out: 250# x2, 250# High Quality x1Lemon Droppers load-out: 500# x2

    This costs me a total of 8 Ordnance points.

    Target-Bound FlightThis represents the time from when the Aircraft take off from yourbase until they reach the Targets location.

    Determine Target-BoundEventsYour flight to the target may not beuneventful. Draw the top-most Event

    Card and resolve the Ingress event.

    Event Site and Bandit attacks can be Evaded, but not Suppressed.

    Aborting a MissionAfter the target-bound event is resolved, you may decide to abortnone, some or all of the Aircraft on the mission. This allows you tosend damaged Aircraft back to base without having to face atargets defenses or abort the entire mission if it cannot succeed.

    Aircraft that do not abort must go through the Over-Targetresolution and Home-Bound events.

    Initial AircraftPlacementPlace your Aircraft in the Pre-Approach Area. If the Pre-Approach Area does not containany Sites, you can also place yourAircraft in the Approach Area.

    Determine SiteAdjustmentThere is a chance that the targetdefenses will not be as you were told.

    To determine any Site changes, draw the top-most Event Card andresolve the Target event.

    Determine and Place BanditsThe Target Card shows the amount of fighter cover found over thetarget. But the exact quantity and type of fighters present is notknown until you reach the Target.

    Check the Target Card to determine thenumber of Bandits in each Area. At thebottom left corner of each target cardthere are numbers noting the numberof Bandits in each of the four Areas.The current level on the Radar Track ofthe Campaign Map sheet is then used

    to adjust the number of Bandits in the Target Area. The numberused to adjust the Target Area Bandits is shown to the right of thecounter (where the arrow is pointing).


  • For each Area randomly draw theappropriate number of Banditcounters from the opaque container.Place the counters, with theirBandit side up, in the Area forwhich they were selected.

    After all Bandit counters have beenselected review the counters, if thecounter reads No Bandit removeit from the Mission Display andreturn it to the opaque container.The remaining counters representthe fighter cover available to defendthe target.

    Over-Target ResolutionThe Over-Target Resolution phase is divided into four identicalturns. During each turn, movement and combat may take place onthe Mission Display.

    Use the Turn Marker counter to keep track of thecurrent turn. The Turn marker begins each mission inthe Pre Over Target square of the Tactical Display.

    Jettison Decision / Remove Tactic CountersAny Aircraft may now jettison (release) any and all munitionscarried. These munitions are lost and do not attack enemy units.This is usually done by Aircraft carrying air to ground munitionsto avoid negative air combat penalties.

    During this step you also remove any Tactic counters that wereplaced on your Aircraft during the previous turn Over Target thismission.

    Aircraft Attack Sequence During the appropriate portion of a turn, Aircraft can expendmunitions to attack the Target, Sites, or Bandits. The Speed of eachPilot, based on the number of stress points a Pilot has, is used todetermine when an Aircraft attacks.

    Pilots with a Speed rating of Fast attack before Sites and Banditsattack.

    Pilots with a Speed rating of Slow attack after Sites and Banditsattack.

    Each Aircraft attacks individually and may only attack one target.Resolve the attack for the Aircraft before starting an attack withanother aircraft.

    Attack RestrictionsAn Aircraft is limited to which enemy units it may attack based onits current position and weapons load. In any given turn anAircraft may:

    Attack the Target Card with any and all Air-to-Ground weaponcounters if it is in the Target Area. ORAttack the Target Card with Guns, if it is in the Target Area.ORAttack any one Site in its same Area with any and all Air-to-Ground weapon counters..

    ORAttack any one Site in its same Area with Guns.ORAttack any one Bandit in its same Area with Guns.

    When an Aircraft is ready to attack, specify the target of the attackand the munitions to be expended, or if the attack will be madewith Cannon. Resolve the attack as described in the appropriatesection below.

    Tactic CountersWhen your Aircraft are Over Target you can fine tune their actionswith Tactics counters. These counters cannot be used during theTarget-Bound and Home-Bound stages of a mission.

    Each pilot can only have ONE Tactic counter at a time placed onhis card. There are three types of counters:

    Offensive/DefensiveWhen your pilot is about to attack, you can place an Offensivecounter on his card to gain +2 with all your attack die rolls. If thepilot is attacked while the counter is still on his card, the enemygets to add +3 to its rolls (the +3 is added to both enemy rolls if thepilot decides to use Evasion).

    When your is declared the target of an attack, you can place aDefensive counter on his card to subtract 1 from all enemy dierolls as long as the counter is on his card. While the counter is onhis card, your pilot must subtract 2 from all his attack rolls,including Suppression.

    SuppressWhen your pilot, or one of your other pilots in the same Area isbeing attacked, you can place a Suppression counter on the pilot toattempt to Suppress the enemy attack.

    Rush/WaitYou can place Rush counter on one or more of your Slow pilotsduring the Fast pilot attack step to allow them to act. When theydo so, their attack rolls are at -2.

    Also during the Fast pilot step you can place Wait counters on oneor more of your Fast pilots. Those pilots do not act during the Faststep, but wait until the Slow Pilot step to attack. When they do so,they add 2 to their attack rolls.

    Aircraft Air to Air AttacksWhen you attack a Bandit with Guns you may score a hit on theBandit. Roll a d10 and look at the Hit number on the Aircraftcard. If the modified die roll is equal to or greater than the numbera hit is scored on the Bandit.

    ModifiersAdd the current Pilot AtA modifier to the die roll. The current AtAmodifier is based on the number of stress points the Pilot has.

    Use the following table to determine a modifier applied based onthe Air-to-Ground munition weight points carried by the attackingAircraft.

    AtG Weight Points AtA Penalty1 or less -0

    2 or 3 -14 -2

    Each Bandit has a modifier in a white circle on the lower part of


  • the counter. Apply this modifier to all attack die rolls against it.

    Air Combat ResultsIf a hit is achieved, the targeted Bandit is destroyed and removedfrom the Mission Display. Place the Bandit counter back in theopaque container with the other defense counters.

    Air to Air Combat Example:Major Anderson is in the Approach Area with an A6M2 Zero that is -1to be attacked. Andersons base chance to hit with Guns is 6 or higher. Hehas +1 AtA skill, and I decide to make him Offensive for another +2. Thismeans he needs to roll a 3 or higher to shoot down the Zero, but the Zerois -1 to be attacked, so Anderson must roll a 4 or higher. He rolls a 7 andthe Zero is shot down and removed from the mission. HopefullyAnderson will not come under attack as he is now in a vulnerableposition!

    Bomber Air to Air AttacksBomber cards and counters are marked with a B ina black square. Bombers cannot attack in air combat,they can only react when attacked.

    When a Bomber survives an air combat attack, it can then shootback at the aircraft that just attacked it. It can do this each time it isattacked.

    A Bomber can only perform Suppressing fire itself, not anotheraircraft.

    If a Bomber is targeted for attack, and the attack is Suppressed, theBomber can still shoot at the attacker.

    Aircraft Air to Ground AttacksWhen you expend air to ground weapons or attack the Target or aSite you may score one or more hits on the target of the attack.Roll a d10 for each weapon used and look at the Hit number(s)on the weapon. If the modified die roll is equal to the first numberand less than the second number, one hit is scored. If the modifieddie roll is equal to the second number and less than the thirdnumber, two hits are scored. If the modified die roll is equal to orgreater than the third number, three hits are scored. Remove eachexpended weapon counter from the Aircraft, even if they were notneeded. Note: Not all weapon counters have multiple Hitnumbers.

    If you are strafing the target or a Site with Guns, you may score ahit on the Target or Site. Roll a d10 for the Guns. If the modifieddie roll is equal to or greater than 10 one hit is scored on the Targetor Site.

    ModifiersAdd the current Pilot AtG modifier to the die roll. The current AtGmodifier is based on the number of stress points the Pilot has.

    Some Sites have a modifier in a white circle on the lower part ofthe counter. Apply this modifier to all attacks against it.

    Extra Damage AbilitiesSome aircraft, like the SBDs get a x2 Hit multiplier when theyscore hits against Naval targets with their munition counters.Note, they do not get a bonus when using their Guns.

    Apply the multiplier before taking into account Target modifiers.

    Example:An SBD drops a 500# bomb on a Battleship and rolls a 10. The bomb

    scores 2 Hits, doubled to 4 Hits, then the Battleships Heavy Armor takesaffect and reduces the Hits by 1, down to 3.

    Damage to SitesIf one or more hits are achieved, the targeted Site is destroyed andremoved from the Mission Display. Place the Site counter back inthe opaque container with all the defense counters.

    Air to Ground Site Attack Example:Major Anderson is in the same Area as a Light Machine Gun (LMG) anda Heavy Machine Gun (HMG). He can only attack one of them anddecides on the LMG. He decides to drop two 250# bombs on it. Thebombs need an 8 to hit and he gets +1 for his skill and +2 for the modifieron the LMG counter. He needs to roll 5 or higher on each die. His firstroll is a 9 and destroys it. The second bomb is wasted.

    Damage to the TargetFor each hit scored, place one or moreexplosion counters in the Target Areaon the Mission Display.

    A Target is destroyed if the totalnumber of hits is equal to or greater

    than the number listed on the Target Card modified by the currentCampaign Tracks Infra level. A Target cannot have its Hitsreduced below 1 by the Infra track.

    Air to Ground Target Attack Example:Green Giant is flying a Mission against Target #14, the Supply Depot.The Supply Depot has a -2 Weight Point penalty, so the B-17 is loadedwith 13 Weight Points as follows: 500# x2, 500# High Quality x2, 1000#x1. The last Weight Point is not used. This load costs 13 Ordnancepoints. The bombs are dropped Offensively in that order with rolls of:3, 9, 5, 8, 7. Green Giant has a -3 AtG skill and +3 to bomb Largetargets, so these two modifiers cancel out. So the rolls become: 5, 11, 7,10, 9 and score a total of 7 Hits, not quite enough to destroy the target.

    Spill Over DamageDamage never spills over to effect another ground installation.This means that overkill against a Site cannot be carried over toaffect another Site or the Target. Likewise, overkill hits scoredagainst the Target will not effect Sites.

    Site and Bandit Attack SequenceAfter Fast Aircraft attack, the surviving Sites and Bandits canattack the Aircraft in their Areas.

    Each Site or Bandits attacks individually and may only attack onetarget. Resolve the attack for the Site or Bandit before starting anattack with another Site or Bandit.

    Target DeterminationAn attacking Site or Bandit will automatically target the closestAircraft. If more than one Aircraft is closest, randomly determinewhich one is attacked.

    Aircraft ReactionsAfter the target for a Site or Bandit attack is determined, the playermay have his aircraft react to the attack. There are two possiblereactions for the players aircraft; Suppression and Evasion, whichare explained below.

    SuppressionAny one Aircraft (including the one under attack) may performone Suppression Attack on the Site or Bandit as normal. Specify a


  • Gun attack, or the weapon counter(s) to be expended. If the attackresults indicate that one or more hits are inflicted, the Site orBandit attack is canceled. However, the Site or Bandit does notsuffer damage from the Suppression attack.

    EvasionThe Aircraft that is the target of an attack may choose to goEvasive to reduce the chances of being hit. When an aircraft goesEvasive, place 1 Stress on its Pilot card. When rolling for theattack, roll 2 dice, and use the lower roll.

    Attack ResolutionAfter the player reacts to the attack, if the Site or Bandit isSuppressed, it cannot attack, resolve attacks for any other Sites orBandits. If the Site or Bandit is not suppressed resolve the attack asfollows:

    Roll a d10 for the Site/Bandit and look at the Hit numbers on theSite/Bandit. If the modified die roll is less than the first number,there is no effect on players aircraft. If the modified die roll isequal to the first number and less than the second number, 1 StressPoint is added to the target pilots current stress level. If themodified die roll is equal to the second number and less than thethird number, the target aircraft is damaged. For damaged aircraft,remove all weapon counters and give the pilot 2 Stress Points forfinishing the mission in a damaged aircraft. If an aircraft isDamaged a second time it is Destroyed. If the modified die roll isequal to or greater than the third number, the target aircraft isdestroyed. Destroyed aircraft are removed from the game; a SAR(Search And Rescue) check is made for each destroyed aircraftduring the Home-Bound Flight phase.

    Site Attack Example:There is an Infantry and 20mm Site in an Area. Also in the Area areAnderson and Wallace. I can resolve the attacks in any order and I chooseto resolve the Infantry attack first. I first roll a die to determine whichpilot is attacked, 1-5 for Anderson, 6-10 for Wallace, and the roll is a 4,so Anderson is attacked. Wallace attempts to Suppress the attack with aGun attack, he needs to roll a 10, and rolls a 7, failing. A Suppressioncounter is placed on his card. Anderson chooses to go Evasive and aStress point is added to his card. The Infantry now attacks and must rolltwo dice because of the Evasion and rolls a 2 and 8. The 2 is used and hasno effect. A die is then rolled for the 20mm Site and it rolls a 3, so it willattack Anderson also. Wallace cannot Suppress and Anderson choosesnot to,but he will go Evasive again and another Stress point is added tohis card. The 20mm rolls a 5 and 9. The 5 is used and inflicts one moreStress on Anderson.

    Bandit Attack Example:Once again Anderson and Wallace are in a jam. This time there is anA6M5 in their Area. The Zero randomly selects Wallace as the target.Anderson attempts to Suppress on a 6 or higher. But, the Zero is -1 to behit and Anderson has a +1 AtA skill, which cancel each other. Andersonrolls a 4 and fails. A Suppress counter is place don Anderson. Wallacegoes Evasive and gains 1 Stress. The Zero rolls an 7 and 10, so the 7 isused, which Damages Wallace. Wallace must discard any munitioncounters on his aircraft and gains 2 more Stress. If he is Damaged again,he will be shot down.

    Aircraft MovementIn this step you may move your Aircraft from their currentlocation to an adjacent area.

    Movement is voluntary, however any Aircraft in the Pre-Approach,Approach, or Target Area at the end of the 4th turn will run out offuel on the way back to base and are treated as being shot down

    during the Home-Bound stage.

    Early DisengagementIf you have Aircraft in the Withdraw Area, you can move them offthe Display as a movement. This will remove them from the Over-Target part of the mission.

    Such Aircraft then perform no actions until the Over-Target step iscompleted for the other Aircraft, then all the Aircraft proceed tothe Home-Bound step together.

    Bandit MovementBandits move after the players Aircraft move. Each Bandit maymove one area but is not required to move. Use the following rulesto determine if and where a Bandit moves:

    If there are one or more Aircraft in the Bandits Area, it does notmove.

    If no Aircraft are in the Bandits Area, move the Bandit one areacloser to the closest Aircraft. If more than one Aircraft is theclosest, randomly determine which Aircraft the Bandit movestowards.

    Home-Bound FlightBefore the start of the Home-Bound section, remove any Tacticcounters remaining on your Aircraft.

    Determine Home-BoundEventsYour flight back to your base may notbe uneventful. Draw the top-most

    Event Card and resolve the Egress event.

    Determine Search and Rescue ResultsAfter resolving any Home-Bound events, check the Search andRescue (SAR) results for each Aircraft that was shot down whileOver Target or by Target-Bound or Home-Bound events. This isdone by rolling a die, modifying the result and comparing it to thetable below. Roll one die for each Pilot shot-down. Before rollingthe die, you can discard AtG counters from your surviving Aircraftto modify your die roll.

    ModifiedDieRoll Result:

    > 9 Quick Recovery: The Pilot adds 3 Stress Points to itscurrent total.

    6 to 8 Recovered Under Fire: The Pilot adds 5 Stress Points to itscurrent total.

    < 5 Captured: The Pilot becomes unfit for the rest of thecampaign unless rescued.

    The SAR check die roll is modified as follows:1) Subtract the Weight Point penalty for the Target.2) Add 1 to the roll for each Weight Point of AtG weaponsexpended by the player for this roll. (This modifier only applies tothe current SAR die roll not for all SAR die rolls)3) Other modifiers may be applied due to Target-Bound or Home-


  • Bound events.4) Add 2 to the roll if Shot-Down during Target-Bound or 1 if Shot-Down during Home-Bound.

    DebriefingIn the column for the current mission on the Mission Log write thenumber for the Target Card you just attacked (this number isshown in the upper left corner of the Target Card).

    Below the pilot information in the column, record the number ofOrdnance Points you have remaining. Ordnance Points may alsobe gained during a mission through Event Cards. AdditionalOrdnance Points are added to your campaign total at this time.

    Below the Ordnance line, record the final Target Status of thetarget. If the Target was destroyed during the mission, place anX in the Target Status and write the number of Victory Points(VPs) for the Target Card (shown in the lower right of the targetcard) on the Victory Points line. If the Target was not destroyed,place an O in the Target Status and 0 (zero) is written on theVictory Points line.

    Adjust Campaign MapSheet TracksIf the Target was destroyed duringthe mission, refer to the Target Cardto determine which tracks areadjusted. The number shown for thetrack is the number of boxes to theright that the information counterfor that track is moved. However, aninformation counter is never movedoff the track or to cover the last boxof the track.

    If the Target was not destroyed, no adjustments are made to theCampaign Map sheet Tracks.

    Target Card PlacementIf the Target was destroyed during the mission, the Target Card isset aside until the campaign is over. If the Target was notdestroyed, return the Target Card to the Target Card Deck, shufflethe deck and place it back on the Mission Display.

    Campaign OutcomeIf this mission was the final mission of a campaign, compare yourtotal Victory Points to the numbers listed in the Campaigns sectionof the Campaign Map sheet for the Campaign Type you wereplaying. This will show you the results of your campaign.

    Pilot Stress, Recovery and ExperienceDuring the mission pilots gain Stress and Experience Points due toflying a mission, combat, and event cards. Pilots that do not fly amission do not gain Stress Points. The number of Stress Points aPilot has determines how effective a Pilot is in combat. Theamount of Experience Points a Pilot has determines promotion forthe Pilot.

    Stress Points gained during a Mission do not take effect until thisstep.

    Pilots/crews that are Unfit because they were captured during the

    SAR check do not have their Stress or Experience Point levelstracked unless they are rescued.

    Adding Target StressAfter the mission is over each Pilotthat flew the mission also adds anamount of stress based on theTarget. The number of Stress Pointsadded to each Pilot is shown onthe Target card.

    Pilot Stress RecoveryAfter the target Stress Points are added, the total Stress Points for aPilot are reduced by the Cool number shown on the Pilot card forthat Pilot. This number was also written on the Mission Log at thestart of the campaign.

    Important Rule: Pilots who did not fly the mission have theirStress Points reduced by their Cool + 2. So, a Pilot with a Cool of 1would have his Stress reduced by 3 if he did not fly a missionduring the campaign Day.

    Shaken PilotsIf a Pilot has accumulated enough Stress Points to be Shaken, thePilot can still fly missions. A Shaken Pilot uses his Shaken skills.

    Checking for Unfit PilotsAfter all Stress Point adjustments are made, if a Pilot has StressPoints in excess of his Shaken range of points, he is Unfit to fly. APilot that is Unfit cannot fly missions until his Stress Points arereduced into his Shaken range.

    Recording Pilot Experience & StressWrite the current number of Stress Points for each Pilot on theMission Log in the column for the current mission.

    Give each Pilot that flew on the mission 1 Experience Point in theXPs Gained column on the Mission Log. If during the mission theTarget was destroyed and no Aircraft were destroyed each Pilotthat flew on the mission gains 1 additional Experience Point.

    Promoting PilotsIf the Experience Point total for a Pilot is equal to or greater thanthe Promotion number for the Pilot they are promoted. Promotionconsists of flipping a Pilot card over to the side with the higherlevel. If the other side of the Pilot card is not a higher level, thePilot stays at its current experience level. Pilot promotion is limitedby the card mix.

    If an Unfit Pilot is promoted, recheck the Stress Point totals forPilot to determine if the Pilot is still Unfit.

    Pilot Experience levels are (from highest to lowest): Ace, Veteran,Skilled, Average, Green, and Newbie.

    Pilot Stress, Recovery and Experience Example:2nd Lt. Dirksen (with a Newbie Experience level) had 1 Experience Pointand 0 Stress Points at the start of a mission.

    During the mission he gains 3 Stress Points from combat. The missionsbase Stress adds 2 Stress Points. This gives him a total of 5 Stress Points(0+3+2).

    He has a Cool number of 1, so 1 is subtracted for a total of 4 Stress.Dirksen becomes Unfit if his Stress points exceed 3, so he is Unfit.

    During the mission the Target was destroyed and no Aircraft were11

  • destroyed, so he gains 2 Experience Points. This gives him a total of 3Experience Points, which is equal to his Promotion number. His card isflipped over; showing that he now has a Green experience level.

    His Stress Point level is checked again and because of the promotion. Heis now Okay to fly.

    CreditsGame Design Dan VerssenVassal Module Marcos Hidalgo

    www.toposolitario.comGame Development Holly VerssenPilot Log Template John FerryPlaytesting Kevin VerssenSpecial Thanks The guys on the Battlefront

    ( forum for theirvaluable research on Corsairs and theSolomons campaign.


  • Campaigns

    Skirmish Missions: 3Special Options: 7Victory Points Evaluation7 or more Great4 or 6 Good3 or 4 Adequate1 or 2 Poor0 or less Dismal

    Conflict Missions: 6Special Options: 14Victory Points Evaluation14 or more Great10 to 13 Good6 to 9 Adequate3 to 5 Poor2 or less Dismal

    War Missions: 9Special Options: 21Victory Points Evaluation21 or more Great16 to 20 Good

    Solomon Islands (Late 1942 to mid-1943)







    17 8









    Base Base Base -1 -1 -2

    IntelBase Base Base -1 -1 -2

    Infra Base Base -1 -1 -1 -2






    Start 2 2 2 3




    3 3




    4Target CardsDrawn

    Initial Sites inTarget Area

    Initial Bandits inTarget Area

    Hits to DestroyTarget (1 min.)

    CampaignsShort Days: 3Ordnance Points: 30Victory Points Evaluation7 or more Great5 or 6 Good3 or 4 Adequate1 or 2 Poor0 or less Dismal

    Medium Days: 7Ordnance Points: 60Victory Points Evaluation14 or more Great10 to 13 Good6 to 9 Adequate3 to 5 Poor2 or less Dismal

    Long Days: 12Ordnance Points: 90Victory Points Evaluation28 or more Great23 to 27 Good18 to 22 Adequate13 to 17 Poor12 or less Dismal

    Strategic Situation:The Solomon Islands

    campaign began with theshore assault by US Marineson Guadalcanal in late 1942.

    The US "Cactus Air Force" wasable to begin flying missionslater that year. During 1943,

    the US slowly worked its waywestward along the

    chain of islands.

    Weapon AvailabilityAvailable OrdnanceWeapons Point Cost250# 1250# High Quality 2500# 2500# High Quality 31000# 31000# High Quality 4

    Bandits/Sites RemovedNone

  • Campaigns

    Skirmish Missions: 3Special Options: 7Victory Points Evaluation7 or more Great4 or 6 Good3 or 4 Adequate1 or 2 Poor0 or less Dismal

    Conflict Missions: 6Special Options: 14Victory Points Evaluation14 or more Great10 to 13 Good6 to 9 Adequate3 to 5 Poor2 or less Dismal

    War Missions: 9Special Options: 21Victory Points Evaluation21 or more Great16 to 20 Good

    Solomon Islands (mid-1943 to Early 1944)



















    Base -1 -1 -1 -2 -2

    IntelBase Base -1 -1 -2 -2

    Infra Base -1 -1 -1 -1 -2






    Start 2 2 3 3




    3 4




    4Target CardsDrawn

    Initial Sites inTarget Area

    Initial Bandits inTarget Area

    Hits to DestroyTarget (1 min.)

    CampaignsShort Days: 3Ordnance Points: 25Victory Points Evaluation7 or more Great5 or 6 Good3 or 4 Adequate1 or 2 Poor0 or less Dismal

    Medium Days: 6Ordnance Points: 50Victory Points Evaluation12 or more Great9 to 11 Good5 to 8 Adequate2 to 4 Poor1 or less Dismal

    Long Days: 9Ordnance Points: 65Victory Points Evaluation22 or more Great17 to 21 Good12 to 16 Adequate8 to 11 Poor7 or less Dismal

    Strategic Situation:As the US forces slowly

    worked their way westward,they began flying from more

    westerly airfields as well.During the phase of the

    campaign the battle shifted todriving out the Japaneseforces around Rabaul and


    Weapon AvailabilityAvailable OrdnanceWeapons Point Cost250# 1250# High Quality 2500# 2500# High Quality 31000# 31000# High Quality 4

    Bandits/Sites RemovedNone

  • Capt. Marrs F4USkilled Cool: 1 XP: 9

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Fast +0 +05-8 Shaken Slow -2 -2

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Capt. Guadagnino F4USkilled Cool: 0 XP: 8

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Fast +1 +05-7 Shaken Slow -1 -2

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    1st Lt. Johnson F4USkilled Cool: 0 XP: 6

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast +1 +04-5 Shaken Slow -1 -2

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    1st Lt. Wallace F4UAverage Cool: 0 XP: 10

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast +0 +04-5 Shaken Slow -2 -2

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    2nd Lt. Doriott F4UAverage Cool: 0 XP: 6

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-5 Okay Slow +1 +16-10 Shaken Slow -1 -1

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    1st Lt. K. Loftis F4UAverage Cool: 1 XP: 6

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Slow +0 +25-7 Shaken Slow -2 -0

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    1st Lt. B. Loftis F4UAverage Cool: 0 XP: 11

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast +0 +04-6 Shaken Slow -2 -2

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Capt. Erik F4UVeteran Cool: 1 XP: 10

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-6 Okay Fast +2 +07-11 Shaken Slow +0 -2

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Major Anderson F4UVeteran Cool: 1 XP: 12

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-7 Okay Fast +1 +18-13 Shaken Slow -1 -1

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

  • Lemon Dropper SBDAverage Cool: 0 XP: 11

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast -1 +14-5 Shaken Slow -3 -1

    4 Weight PointsCan Dive Bomb to get +2 AtG

    .50 Machine Guns (Range 0, AtG: Hit 10+)

    Block Buster B-17Average Cool: 1 XP: 5

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-5 Okay Slow +0 -26-9 Shaken Slow -2 -4

    15 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    AtG: +3 vs. Large TargetsAtG: -2 vs. Naval Targets

    -2 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    Green Giant B-17Skilled Cool: 1 XP: 6

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast +0 -34-5 Shaken Slow -2 -5

    15 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    AtG: +3 vs. Large TargetsAtG: -2 vs. Naval Targets

    -2 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    Danny Boy B-25Average Cool: 1 XP: 5

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-5 Okay Slow +0 +16-9 Shaken Slow -2 -1

    10 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    -1 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    Lucky 25 B-25Green Cool: 0 XP: 3

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Slow -1 +05-8 Shaken Slow -3 -2

    10 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    -1 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    2nd Lt. Bryant F4UGreen Cool: 0 XP: 5

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Slow +1 +04-5 Shaken Slow -1 -2

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Lemon Dropper SBDGreen Cool: 0 XP: 3

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Slow -1 +24-5 Shaken Slow -3 +0

    5 Weight PointsCannot Evade

    AtG: x2 Munition Hits vs. Naval Targets

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Lemon Dropper SBDAverage Cool: 0 XP: 11

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast -1 +14-5 Shaken Slow -3 -1

    4 Weight PointsCan Dive Bomb to get +2 AtG

    .50 Machine Guns (Range 0, AtG: Hit 10+)

    Wild Ride SBDNewbie Cool: 0 XP: 3

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-2 Okay Slow -2 +13 Shaken Slow -4 -1

    5 Weight PointsCannot Evade

    AtG: x2 Munition Hits vs. Naval Targets

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    2nd Lt. Richardson F4UGreen Cool: 1 XP: 3

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Slow +0 -14-5 Shaken Slow -2 -3

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    2nd Lt. Dirksen F4UNewbie Cool: 0 XP: 3

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-2 Okay Slow -1 -13 Shaken Slow -3 -3

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    B B B

    B B B

  • 1st Lt. Santino F4USkilled Cool: 0 XP: 7

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast +0 +14-6 Shaken Slow -2 -1

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    2nd Lt. Smith F4UAverage Cool: 1 XP: 7

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-6 Okay Slow +1 +07-11 Shaken Slow -1 -2

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    1st Lt. Edson F4UAverage Cool: 2 XP: 6

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Slow +0 +05-8 Shaken Slow -2 -2

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Lemon Dropper SBDAverage Cool: 0 XP: 11

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast -1 +14-5 Shaken Slow -3 -1

    4 Weight PointsCan Dive Bomb to get +2 AtG

    .50 Machine Guns (Range 0, AtG: Hit 10+)

    Black Cat SBDAverage Cool: 1 XP: 9

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast -2 +14-5 Shaken Slow -4 -1

    5 Weight PointsCannot Evade

    AtG: x2 Munition Hits vs. Naval Targets

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Max Damage B-25Skilled Cool: 0 XP: 8

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-5 Okay Fast +0 +16-9 Shaken Slow -2 -1

    10 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    -1 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    3 Strikes B-17Green Cool: 0 XP: 4

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-5 Okay Slow -1 -36-9 Shaken Slow -3 -5

    15 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    AtG: +3 vs. Large TargetsAtG: -2 vs. Naval Targets

    -2 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    B B B

  • Major Marrs F4UVeteran Cool: 1 XP: 9

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-5 Okay Fast +1 +16-10 Shaken Slow -1 -1

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Major Guadagnino F4UVeteran Cool: 1 XP: 7

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-6 Okay Fast +1 +07-11 Shaken Slow -1 -2

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Capt. Johnson F4UVeteran Cool: 0 XP: 7

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Fast +2 +15-8 Shaken Slow -0 -1

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Capt. Wallace F4USkilled Cool: 0 XP: 9

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Fast +1 +05-8 Shaken Slow -1 -2

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    1st Lt. Doriott F4USkilled Cool: 1 XP: 6

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-7 Okay Slow +1 +18-14 Shaken Slow -1 -1

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Capt. K. Loftis F4USkilled Cool: 2 XP: 8

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Slow +1 +25-8 Shaken Slow -1 -0

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Capt. B. Loftis F4USkilled Cool: 0 XP: 12

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Fast +1 +15-8 Shaken Slow -1 -1

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Major Erik F4UAce Cool: 1 XP: 0

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-8 Okay Fast +3 +19-16 Shaken Slow +1 -1

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Lt. Col. Anderson F4UAce Cool: 2 XP: 0

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-8 Okay Fast +1 +29-16 Shaken Slow -1 -0

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

  • Lemon Dropper SBDAverage Cool: 0 XP: 11

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast -1 +14-5 Shaken Slow -3 -1

    4 Weight PointsCan Dive Bomb to get +2 AtG

    .50 Machine Guns (Range 0, AtG: Hit 10+)

    Block Buster B-17Skilled Cool: 1 XP: 13

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-5 Okay Fast +0 -26-9 Shaken Slow -2 -4

    15 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    AtG: +3 vs. Large TargetsAtG: -2 vs. Naval Targets

    -2 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    Green Giant B-17Veteran Cool: 1 XP: 8

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-5 Okay Fast +1 -26-9 Shaken Slow -1 -4

    15 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    AtG: +3 vs. Large TargetsAtG: -2 vs. Naval Targets

    -2 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    Danny Boy B-25Skilled Cool: 1 XP: 7

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-6 Okay Slow +1 +27-12 Shaken Slow -1 +0

    10 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    -1 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    Lucky 25 B-25Average Cool: 0 XP: 14

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Fast -1 +15-8 Shaken Slow -3 -1

    10 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    -1 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    1st Lt. Bryant F4UAverage Cool: 1 XP: 7

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Slow +1 +15-8 Shaken Slow -1 -1

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Lemon Dropper SBDAverage Cool: 0 XP: 14

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast -1 +34-5 Shaken Slow -3 +1

    5 Weight PointsCannot Evade

    AtG: x2 Munition Hits vs. Naval Targets

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Lemon Dropper SBDAverage Cool: 0 XP: 11

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast -1 +14-5 Shaken Slow -3 -1

    4 Weight PointsCan Dive Bomb to get +2 AtG

    .50 Machine Guns (Range 0, AtG: Hit 10+)

    Wild Ride SBDGreen Cool: 0 XP: 4

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Slow -2 +25-8 Shaken Slow -4 +0

    5 Weight PointsCannot Evade

    AtG: x2 Munition Hits vs. Naval Targets

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    1st Lt. Richardson F4UAverage Cool: 1 XP: 11

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast +0 -14-5 Shaken Slow -2 -3

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    1st Lt. Dirksen F4UGreen Cool: 1 XP: 4

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Slow +0 -14-6 Shaken Slow -2 -3

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    B B B

    B B B

  • Capt. Santino F4UVeteran Cool: 1 XP: 9

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Fast +1 +25-7 Shaken Slow -1 +0

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    1st Lt. Smith F4USkilled Cool: 2 XP: 7

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-7 Okay Slow +1 +18-13 Shaken Slow -1 -1

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Capt. Edson F4USkilled Cool: 2 XP: 8

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-6 Okay Slow +1 +17-11 Shaken Slow -1 -1

    4 Weight PointsNo 1000# Bombs

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Lemon Dropper SBDAverage Cool: 0 XP: 11

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-3 Okay Fast -1 +14-5 Shaken Slow -3 -1

    4 Weight PointsCan Dive Bomb to get +2 AtG

    .50 Machine Guns (Range 0, AtG: Hit 10+)

    Black Cat SBDSkilled Cool: 1 XP: 10

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-4 Okay Fast -1 +25-8 Shaken Slow -3 +0

    5 Weight PointsCannot Evade

    AtG: x2 Munition Hits vs. Naval Targets

    .50 Machine Guns (AtA Hit = 6+, AtG Hit = 10+)

    Max Damage B-25Veteran Cool: 1 XP: 11

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-5 Okay Fast +1 +26-9 Shaken Slow -1 +0

    10 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    -1 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    3 Strikes B-17Average Cool: 0 XP: 8

    Stress Status Speed AtA AtG0-6 Okay Slow +1 -27-12 Shaken Slow -1 -4

    15 Weight PointsNo Rockets or Napalm Cannot Evade

    AtG: +3 vs. Large TargetsAtG: -2 vs. Naval Targets

    -2 from attack die rolls against this aircraft.50 Machine Guns (AtA: Hit 6+)

    B B B

  • Conduct 2 Site attacks against arandom Aircraft (d10: 8- = 1 Stress,9 = Damaged, 10+ = Destroyed).Conduct 1 less attack for each AtGcounter expended.


    Conduct 2 Site attacks againstrandom Aircraft (d10: 8- = 1 Stress,9 = Damaged, 10+ = Destroyed).Conduct 1 less attack for each AtGcounter expended.



    rget Add 1 Site counter to

    the Approach Area.

    FFllaakk SSiitteess

    Marines: During your next Mission,after determining Sites, destroy theSite of your choice.Eg


    B-17 Raid: Inflict 2 Hits to theTarget.



    rget Remove 1 Site counter of your

    choice from the Target Area.


    Rough Ride: Place 1 Stress oneach Pilot flying the Mission.


    Turbulence: Place 1 Stress on eachPilot flying the Mission.



    rget Swap the Sites in the Approach and

    Target Areas.

    BBaadd WWeeaatthheerr

    Rationing: Gain 5 Ordnance points.


    Getting Aggressive: Select 1 ofyour Slow Pilots to be Fast thisMission.In



    rget Swap the Bandits in the Target

    and Withdraw Areas.


    Enemy Intel: If you Destroyed thisTarget, move the Intel counter 1extra space to the right.

    Enemy HQ: If you expend 2 AtGcounters, move the Radar counter 1to the right.

    No adjustments.

    VViittaall TTaarrggeett

    Enemy Communications Repairs:Move the Intel counter 1 to the left.


    Rack Failure: Remove 1 randommunition counter from 1 randomAircraft. Ignore if the affectedmunition is High Quality.In



    rget Swap the Sites in the Pre-Approach

    and Approach Areas.

    BBaadd DDaayy

    Lucky Break: Save this card.Discard this card after any die roll toadjust the roll by 2.Eg


    Good Ground Crews: Replace 3AtG counters with High Qualityversions of the same weapon.In



    rget Draw 1 less Bandit counter for the

    Target Area during the DetermineBandits Present step.


    Hot Date: Remove 1 Stress from 1of your Pilots.


    Easy Duty: Remove 2 Stress from 1Pilot of your choice that did not flythis Mission.In



    rget Remove 1 Site counter of your

    choice from the Approach Area.

    RRaacckk TTiimmee

    Conduct 4 Bandit attacks againstrandom Aircraft (d10: 7- = 1 Stress,8-9 = Damaged, 10+ = Destroyed).Conduct 1 less attack for each Pilotwith an AtA skill of +1 or higher.


    Conduct 3 Bandit attacks againstrandom Aircraft (d10: 6- = 1 Stress,7-8 = Damaged, 9+ = Destroyed).Conduct 1 less attack for each Pilotwith an AtA skill of +1 or higher.



    rget Draw 1 Bandit counter for the

    Target Area.






  • TargetCards









  • Marine Rescue: Save this card.Discard this card after any SAR dieroll to add 4 to the die roll.

    Downed Pilot: If you expend 3Weight Points you gain 1VP andretreive a Pilot that was Capturedearlier in this Campaign. The Pilotcomes back with 6 Stress.

    Add 1 Site counter to theApproach Area.

    RReessccuuee MMiissssiioonnEg





    Conduct 5 Site attacks againstrandom Aircraft (d10: 6- = No Effect,7+ = 1 Stress). Conduct 1 lessattack for each AtG counterexpended.

    Conduct 2 Site attacks againstrandom Aircraft (d10: 8- = 1 Stress,9 = Damaged, 10+ = Destroyed).Conduct 1 less attack for each AtGcounter expended.

    Add 2 Site counters to the TargetArea.

    GGrroouunndd FFiirree





    HQ Vehicles: If you expend 2 AtGcounters, move the Recon counter 1to the right.

    Bridge: If you expend 2 AtGcounters, move the Infra counter 1to the right.

    No adjustments.

    PPaassssiinngg TTaarrggeett





    Surprise Attack: Save this card.Discard this card to make all of yourPilots Fast during the first turn overTarget of 1 Mission.

    Sun at your Back: You can startwith all your Pilots in the TargetArea.

    Remove 1 Site counter of your choice from any 1 Area.

    OOuutt ooff tthhee SSuunn





    High Quality Weapon Shortage:During your next Mission, youcannot purchase High QualityWeapons.

    Rushed Mission: All Pilots flyingthis Mission gain 1 extra Stress and1 extra Experience Point.

    Draw 1 Bandit counter for theTarget Area.

    FFoogg ooff WWaarr





    Fighter Escort: Remove 1 Stressfrom each of your Pilots that flewthis Mission.

    Hellcats: After determining Bandits,discard 1 Bandit counter of yourchoice for each Special Option pointyou expend.

    Draw 1 less Bandit counter for theTarget Area during the Determine

    Bandits Present step.

    CCaarrrriieerr SSuuppppoorrtt





    Squadron Reputation: Remove 1Stress from each of your Pilots.

    High Profile Target: All Pilots flyingthis Mission gain 1 less Stress if theTarget is Destroyed, or 1 extraStress if the Target is not Destroyed.

    No adjustments.

    LLiiffee MMaaggaazziinnee





    On His Tail: Save this card. Discardthis card after any AtA die roll to add2 to the die roll.

    Team Work: Remove 1 Site counterof your choice from any Area.

    Remove 1 Site counter of your choice from the Approach Area.






    Recon Flight: During your nextMission, draw 1 extra Target card tochoose from.

    Skilled Enemy Pilots: Draw 1Bandit counter for each Area.

    Draw 1 Bandit counter for theTarget Area.

    EEnneemmyy PPiilloottss





  • EventCards









  • Pre-Approach Area

    Approach Area

    Target Area

    Withdraw Area









  • Even
















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  • Sites and Bandit Attack SequenceDetermine which of your Aircraft the Site or Bandit will Attack1) Target the closest Aircraft, if more than one...2) If there is more than one Aircraft equally close, roll a die and assign an equal chance

    to each Aircraft of being the target.Your Aircraft Reactions1) Suppression - Any one Aircraft may attack the Site or Bandit as normal (including

    the Aircraft under attack). A Bomber can only Suppress an attack directed at itself.Specify a Gun attack, or the Munition counters to be expended. If the result indicatesone or more Hits being inflicted, the Site or Bandit attack is cancelled. The Site orBandit does not suffer damage from the Suppression attack. Place a SuppressionTactic counter on the Suppressing Aircraft.

    2) Evasion - The Aircraft under attack may choose to go Evasive. Roll two dice (insteadof one die) for the Site or Bandit attack and use the lower of the two die rolls. Place 1Stress on the Evading Aircraft. Bombers cannot go Evasive.

    Resolve Site or Bandit Attack1) Roll one die and apply any applicable modifiers.

    Bandit Move DeterminationDetermine which Adjacent Area to Move to1) Bandit does not move if there are one or more Aircraft within its range.2) Enemy Bombers do not move.3) Bandit moves one Area closer to the closest Aircraft.4) If there is more than one Aircraft equally close, roll a die and assign an equal chance

    to each Aircraft of being the Aircraft the Bandit moves closer to.

    SAR(Search and Rescue)

    d10 Pilot Condition9+ Quick Recovery

    Gains 3 Stress6-8 Recovered Under Fire

    Gains 5 Stress5- Captured

    Removed from game

    Perform once for each PilotShot-Down during themission.

    Subtract the Weight Pointpenalty of the Target fromthe die roll.

    Add one to this die roll forevery Weight Point of AtGyou discard to modify thisdie roll.

    Add 2 to this die roll ifShot-Down during Target-Bound, or, add 1 if Shot-Down during Home-Bound.

    Stress Accumulation Place Stress counters as Stress is incurred. Each Target card specifies the Stress points each Pilot flying the mission accumulates. If an Aircraft is Damaged, remove all Munition counters from the Aircraft, and the Pilot

    gains 2 Stress for finishing a Mission in a Damaged Aircraft. If an Aircraft is Destroyed, remove it from the game, and roll for SAR during the Home-

    Bound Flight

    Pilot Experience Each Pilot gains 1

    Experience point each timehe flies a Mission.

    Each Pilot flying a Missiongains 1 extra Experiencepoint if the Target DamageStatus is Destroyed and noAircraft were Destroyedduring the Mission.

    Player Help Sheet

    Starting Pilots1 Veteran 2 Skilled6 Average 2 Green

    1 Newbie

    Friendly Aircraft Attack Sequence1) Specify one target, then specify the Munitions to be expended, or to attack with

    Guns.2) Roll one die for each Munition to resolve its attack, or roll one die to resolve the

    Gun attack.3) If the Fighter is conducting an AtA attack, use the following table to determine the

    penalty applied to your die rolls based on the Weight Points of AtG Munitionscarried by the Fighter. These penalties do not apply to Bombers:WPs AtA Penalty0 or 1 -02 -13 or more -2

    4) Apply Hits inflicted to the target.5) These rules do not apply to Bombers, see below.

    Bomber Attack Sequence1) This applies for both friendly and enemy Bombers.2) Bomber counters have a B in their top-right corner.3) A Bomber cannot initiate an Air to Air attack, it can only react when it is attacked.4) Resolve the attack against the Bomber as normal. If the Bomber survives the

    attack, it can conduct its own AtA attack against the aircraft that just attacked it,even if the attack was Suppressed.

  • Campaign:


    Ordnance Points:

    Cross-reference the Mission and Pilot to record the current Stress Point total of each Pilot after each Mission

    CoolXPs Gained





    Target #

    Special Option Points Used

    Ordnance Points Remaining

    Target Status (X = Destroyed, O = Operational)

    Victory Points Earned

    Player Log

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