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Page 1: Cosmetic dentistry

Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

“Your Personal Guide to Cosmetic Dentistry”

A special report written by Dr Sia Manni

Page 2: Cosmetic dentistry

Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255


Hi there, and thanks for downloading our complete guide to cosmetic dentistry. This guide contains information on how

you can enjoy a confident smile with straight and healthy teeth and goes through some of the ways we can help you

with this.

One of the things we are passionate about is what is known as ‘Minimally Invasive Dentistry’ – this means we do the

absolute smallest amount of treatment possible to achieve the desired result, and that desired result could be better

dental health or better aesthetics. Modern thinking is to align teeth, whiten teeth and then apply some minimal

wondering to correct the tooth shape - Most certainly, this is the thinking to which we subscribe as it maintains as much

of your natural tooth as possible.

Up until fairly recently the only option for cosmetic dentistry was to have healthy tooth structure removed to make way

for either crowns or veneers, this is still a common treatment option and in many cases is the right thing to do. However

modern advances in 3 key areas have changed this dramatically.

1. Our ability to move crooked and misplaced teeth in to the perfect alignment with modern orthodontic

techniques that are almost invisible

2. Modern advances in Teeth Whitening & bleaching techniques to reduce the dark and/or yellow colour on teeth

3. Advances in materials for dental bonding to restore broken tips and make minor changes to the shape of teeth

This philosophy is known as ‘Align, Bleach, Bond’ for obvious reasons, and so this guide is written in that order to reflect

our conservative and minimal approach. This guide, whilst containing information about veneers, is primarily aimed at

showing and explaining how you can have the smile with the least amount of dentistry… great news for you and your


Please take some time now to relax in a quiet place and start your journey to a more attractive and confident smile. As

you read through this now picture your own teeth and your own problems you have with your dental health – see how

the ideas we suggest could make the changes you want in how you look and feel. Take hold of the ideas in this guide

and apply them to your own situation, would they make eating more comfortable, would they help you to feel better

about your teeth and smile?

And as you read through this now, think about the way these concepts would specifically work for you and what would

seem like the best logical choices in your own situation.

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Why choose Orthodontics?

Having a beautiful natural smile certainly creates a positive first impression in today’s image-conscious society. It can

enhance your overall looks and in turn boost your self-confidence and feeling of well-being. In the past, often these

smiles were traditionally created by fitting crowns and veneers to disguise poorly positioned teeth. However,

combining orthodontics with dentistry allows you to conserve your natural tooth tissue by gently straightening your

teeth instead of removing tooth tissue to make space for the crowns or veneers. Orthodontics can also be used to

improve the position of certain teeth to allow your dentist to place a crown, bridge or implant in the best position within

your jaws.

Other benefits of having straight teeth can include making it easier to keep your teeth clean, therefore reducing the risk

of tooth decay and gum disease. Improving the position of your teeth within your jaws can improve your function

during eating and speaking, as well as reducing the risk of excessive tooth wear.

Studies have shown that children and adults with prominent teeth are more likely to damage them when participating

in sport or if they fall. Above all, the main reason to choose orthodontics is to create a beautiful smile with your own

teeth for the rest of your life.

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Invisible Orthodontics with Invisalign©

The steps to a beautiful new smile with Invisalign

Step 1: Visit Your Dentist

During this first step you will need to make an appointment with an

Invisalign® Certified Dentist.

During the initial visit, your dentist will help you decide on your

course of treatment. He will take bite impressions of your teeth and

send them, along with a set of precise instructions.

Step 2: Invisalign Makes Your Aligners

Invisalign uses advanced technology to transform your bite

impressions into a custom-made series of clear and removable

aligners. There may be as many as 48 in the series or as few as 12,

depending on your individual treatment plan.

Step 3: You Receive Your Aligners in a Few Weeks

During your next visit to your dentist, you will receive your first set of aligners. Your dentist will most likely give you a

few additional sets for you to wear before you return for your next visit.

Step 4: You Wear Your Aligners

You'll wear each set of aligners day and night for about 2 weeks, removing them

only to eat, drink, brush, and floss. Total treatment time averages 9-15

months, but will vary from case to case. You'll visit your dentist only about every

6 weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned.

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Step 5: You've Finished the Treatment

Congratulations! When you're finished wearing each aligner in the series, your treatment will be complete and you will

have the beautiful smile you've always wanted.

What are the primary benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign is clear, this means you can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing, great if you have a job that

involves being in front of people a lot.

Invisalign is removable. Unlike braces, you can eat and drink what you want during treatment, so long as you remove

your aligners during meals and whole drinking fizzy drinks. You can also brush and floss normally to maintain good oral


Invisalign is comfortable. There are no metal brackets or wires as with braces to cause mouth irritation, and no metal or

wires means you spend less time in the dentist’s chair getting adjustments.

Invisalign allows you to view your own virtual treatment plan before you start—so you can see how your straight teeth

will look when your treatment is complete.


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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Rapid Orthodontics with FastBraces©

Hearing the words “you need braces” can send some people into a battle of insecurity.

You’re trying to be a grown-up, but you feel like a teenager again. When they are wearing

adult braces, some people are afraid to speak up during a business meeting or enjoy the

adventure of a first date. As frightening as it may be, Fastbraces® Technology could be the

fastest, most affordable and best alternative for you and can give you the advantage of a

quick, permanent solution.

Fastbraces® Technology is different by design which allows for typically treatment time of one year instead of two.

Some patients even see results in as little as 3 months! The old braces are usually square in shape and typically move

the crown of the tooth in the first year, and the root of the tooth in the second year, thus requiring two years of

treatment time.

The patented triangular bracket in the Fastbraces® Technology gently allows for movement of the crown and the root of

the teeth at the same time with no extra risk for the patient.

The Fastbraces® Technology patented bracket design uses unique, triangular

shaped braces that allow for the use of just one super-elastic nickel-titanium wire

during the treatment process. This brace technology works on an entirely different

mechanical principle altogether. Historically, old braces would move the crown of

the tooth in the first year, and the root of the tooth in the second year.

The Fastbraces® Technology helps move the crown and root of the teeth at the

same time, from the beginning of the treatment. Patients can now get results

often with less sensitivity, in about a year, and in some instances, just 3 months.

University Research has shown that Fastbraces® Technology had “lower sensitivity”, “a clear-cut reduction in sliding

friction” and “the lowest mean frictional forces” compared to the old braces systems. through university research.

Fastbraces® Technology typically works with just one orthodontic wire from start to finish, whereas old braces usually

require a series of wires and tightening procedures. Fastbraces® Technology uses a special square super-elastic nickel-

titanium wire which is activated by the heat of the mouth. This dynamic wire helps upright the whole tooth using the

natural temperature of the mouth in just one stage, safely and comfortably.

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

The science

Teeth are crooked because they come in the mouth tilted, sideways and not upright in the position they need in order

to be straight. This means that the root of a crooked tooth is not straight, or upright, as it should be had the tooth come

in straight. Fastbraces® Technology targets the roots of the tooth from the beginning of treatment. If the root is upright,

then the tooth becomes straight.

To do this properly, a special square super-elastic nickel-titanium wire is used in order to torque and upright the root.

Old braces are typically square in shape and don’t provide for enough room between them (figure 1). If the square

braces are replaced with triangular ones, the distance between the braces doubles (figure 2). Therefore, by doubling the

distance, the flexibility of the square wire increases eight times (23 = 8). Thus, with Fastbraces® Technology, one square

wire can be engaged comfortably and easily between the braces in order to upright the root from the beginning of

treatment. Therefore, treatment time can be completed in about a year or as little as 3 months in some cases (figure 3).

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Before and After FastBraces ©

Take a look through these photo and identify which one is most like your own problem, FastBraces can help…

Before After


Open Bite

Over Bite

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Before After

High Canines


Cross Bite

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

The Damon Braces System

A great new smile is a gateway to greater confidence and a better self-image. Using the Damon system you can now have an improved smile in far less time and with far fewer visits to the dentist than with treatments involving conventional braces. The Damon system is fast (up to six months faster!), comfortable, works for patients of all ages and (in the majority of cases) straightens your teeth without the need for extractions.

Who is the treatment suitable for?

The Damon System may be just what you are looking for if any of the following apply to you:

You are unhappy with the appearance of more than just a few teeth at the front of your mouth You need a full brace, but want one that works more quickly than conventional treatments You want to avoid potentially invasive treatments like crowns and veneers You have had orthodontic treatment in the past that is now relapsing

Before After

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

These before and after photographs below show you what can be achieved using Damon bracket technology:

Example 1

In dental terms, the Damon System can help people experiencing: deep overbite, extreme crowding, jaw pain, jaw clicking and overlapping of front teeth.

Before and after treatment with the Damon System

Example 2

Before and after treatment with the Damon System

“The Damon System means great results with shorter treatment times and fewer appointments.”

Damon benefits at a glance:

• Greater comfort without the need for tightening • Extractions usually not needed • No headgear • More comfortable • Faster treatment • It’s gentle and safe • Easy to keep teeth clean for better oral hygiene • You’ll want to be in every photograph!

What makes the Damon system different to other braces?

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

The Damon System is designed to deliver a smile that will last for a lifetime. To create a superb new smile for you, your Damon orthodontist will take a number of factors into account. This will include the shape of your face, your profile and what you will look like in your 40s, 50s and beyond. Your orthodontist will then design a brace for you that uses very light “shape memory” titanium wires to gently guide your teeth to their ideal position. The Damon System, does more than simply straighten your teeth; it acts as a passport to a beautiful smile and a new and happier you.

How long does treatment take?

Treatment time with the Damon System is typically much faster than with conventional braces. Also, far fewer appointments are required during treatment. Shortest Damon treatment times will be around 6 months with more complex treatments lasting around a year.

Is the Damon System safe?

The Damon System is very gentle and very safe. It uses more biologically sensitive forces and far less friction than conventional braces to guide your teeth into their

improved positions.

Does it hurt?

Damon braces don’t require tightening and so many people experience very little discomfort indeed during their treatment. The Damon System uses braces that have a unique slide mechanism. This allows your dentist to use far lighter forces to move your teeth into their correct positions. So not only is your treatment shorter, but using the Damon approach, it is also far more comfortable.

Page 13: Cosmetic dentistry

Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Will I need to have any teeth pulled?

Whereas with conventional braces, orthodontists are often forced to pull teeth in order to create space in a crowded mouth, The Damon System works with the body’s natural adaptive processes to create space naturally. This means that dentists using the Damon System can now treat most cases without having to remove a single tooth. So a Damon smile tends to be broader and more natural – and have a nicer profile. And what’s more, you’ll enjoy your new smile for many years because it will last as you age.

Does the treatment require headgear or palatal expanders?

The Damon System’s revolutionary approach uses very light forces to create space and develop beautiful natural arches. This makes it far easier and more comfortable to get the beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of and (in most cases) this can all be achieved without the need for headgear or palatal expanders.

How visible are the braces?

Braces are much smaller than they were just a few years ago, and new materials are now used that make them very discreet. You can also choose to have white brackets fitted to your teeth which, although a little more expensive, makes your brace very discreet.

What age groups is the treatment suitable for?

The Damon System is suitable for patients of all ages. Adults can be treated quickly and easily, and can be assured of a really high-quality result.


Certified Damon System doctors combine three key components, which when used together, deliver faster treatment,

fewer appointments, greater comfort, and consistent high-quality results:

Damon passive self-ligating braces that eliminate the need for elastic or metal "ties". With Damon tie-less braces you can experience treatment without tightening.

Light high-technology shape-memory wires that move teeth faster and require fewer adjustments.

A new clinically proven treatment approach that aligns your teeth and enhances your facial aesthetics—usually without extractions or rapid palatal expanders.

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Traditional braces on the left are tied in with elastics, which cause friction and pressure, making treatment slower and

less comfortable. Damon braces use a slide mechanism to hold the wire, which allows teeth to move more freely,

quickly and comfortably.

Damon braces are designed to be discreet, comfortable and easy to keep clean. Without the elastic ties which attract

and collect plaque, Damon braces make dental hygiene easy during treatment. Plus the Damon System is available in

clear brackets for those image conscious patients.

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Your General Orthodontic Questions Answered

Questions that you should ask before having treatment

While the treatments above can be used with virtually any treatment philosophy, specific training is needed. All

orthodontists and dentists interested in treating patients with these services must attend training before cases will be

accepted from their premises.

So here are a few questions to ask your dentists before having any of the above:

are you certified

how long have you been doing it

how many cases have you treated

can I see examples of your work

how often will you review my progress – we normally recommend a minimum of every 4 weeks

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

The Top 6 Questions Everyone asks About Orthodontics

1. How much will treatment cost?

We know price is an important consideration for you. There is no way to

accurately answer this question without first coming in for a consultation.

At that initial meeting the dentist will examine you and take xrays etc. From

this he will be able to give you an accurate figure of cost.

In our practice the average investment is in the region of £2000+/- – this

will include all necessary impressions, records, radiographs, all aligners, any

refinements needed and retainers.

There are many factors that determine the cost of your Orthodontic

treatment: how extensive the issues you want corrected, how long your

treatment plan will last, where you live, and the specific treatment details

prescribed by your dentist or orthodontist.

Cost specific treatments

Prices range from around £2800, depending upon the exact

treatment that is required. The best way to find out sure is the book

for a free assessment where we can discuss them further, no hard

sales techniques we promise!

These prices are for illustrative purposes only and individual prices

may vary.

>> 0% finance options available to spread the cost of treatment <<

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

2. How can you prepare for treatment?

We would carry out an extensive oral health assessment ensuring that you are dental ready for any treatment. We

would need to make sure all teeth are disease free and the gums healthy. This will provide optimum conditions for the

best result.

3. How can your dentist work out if you are suitable for treatment?

The best and cheapest way is to book in for a FREE smile assessment. At this appointment we can see if which treatment

is suitable for you and what kind of final result you would expect.

4. How long will the process take?

Each individual case varies. This can range from 6 months to up to a year for the other forms of treatment.

5. What are the downsides/side effects of treatment?

There are very few downsides to these systems. With Invisalign you will be required to remove the aligner or braces

when you are eating to prevent food getting stuck under it and for 6 months smiles with brackets you need to ensure

your teeth cleaning is excellent.

6. Will it hurt?

There could be some discomfort during the initial stages of tooth movement. The way orthodontics works is to

introduce constant but steady pressure on your teeth. This results in you only feeling light pressure on the teeth. You

would not experience any pain, just some discomfort, which means the teeth are moving.

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

New ways to change your smile – Teeth Whitening The many ways in which Teeth Whitening will change your life

Many people are no longer satisfied with yellow teeth no matter how healthy they may be. More and more people are

demanding whiter and brighter teeth to avoid an ‘unhealthy’ appearance.

Over 85% of adults say that an unattractive smile makes someone less appealing to the opposite sex. It is said that a

healthy and good-looking smile is part of one’s own appearance and marketing. Your Smile is unique. It tells the world

about you in so many ways. Your smile influences communication and your social standing. Your smile is a sign of your

vitality, state of happiness and general well being.

People consider Teeth Whitening for all sorts of reasons like

• Their Big (Wedding) Day - Most people want to capture and treasure their

wedding day inside beautiful pictures with happy smiles, forever.

• Looking for better career opportunities in their lives where their smile

portrays a warm welcoming and confident image to others.

(Research has shown that a beautiful smile doesn’t only make you more attractive to

others; it can even improve your job prospects! A coy ‘hand over the mouth’

approach may work among friends but like it or not, in a one-to-one interview that

smile is just going to show.)

• Socially wanting to look good at parties with friends

• Before going away on holidays – Happy holiday snaps become more


• Boosting their self-confidence that brings out the best in them

• Dating – I know I will enjoy more talking to someone with a nice, bright smile

• Comments from friends & family making them feel self-conscious – I have had people requesting whitening

because of comments from their grandchildren.

• Wanting to look more youthful – we all love to look and feel young all the time.

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

How can I ensure my teeth look white? What foods and activities should I avoid?

The majority of people are born with healthy teeth. Due to modern diets, we are all prone to extrinsic staining to

greater or a lesser extent. The most common reasons why people’s teeth darken with time are:

1. Smoking

2. Beverages (tea, coffee, red wine, cola)

3. Foods (curry, fried foods, foods with colouring, berries, beetroot)

4. Mouthwashes – Corsodyl

5. Antibiotics – Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Tetracycline stains within teeth

6. Iron supplements

7. Fluorosis stains (ingestion of too much fluoride in water, toothpaste or fluoride tablets)

8. There maybe unsuspected decay that appears like stains

9. Darkened white fillings or crowns

10. Natural ageing process

11. Some are just born with darker teeth

12. Excessive grinding

You can maintain the colour of your teeth by using whitening toothpastes to help avoid teeth staining. If you are looking

for a brighter smile, consider safe professional teeth whitening treatments. Definitely avoid using domestic bleach or

any acid containing products to whiten your teeth. Consider having your teeth cleaned professionally by dental


Dear Sia & the team,

I knew nothing about IQ Dental when I pressed the intercom button, however I do know that I was rather anxious, but that disappeared at

reception. Such friendly, efficient and-may I say - attractive staff.

The consultation answered many questions regarding the complete Implant treatment (I was a little disappointed that 'NO', I could not have full

upper and lower Implants in 1 month!). Thankfully you were honest with me. Now I can honestly tell everyone that during such advanced

dentistry I felt no pain whatsoever. Amazing!

My family have got the old me back to dining out. As you know I thought I was too old but now this 72 year old is going to enjoy life and much of

this is thanks to all of you, my new friends. I shall miss you. Thank you so much

Mrs R. Harris

Page 20: Cosmetic dentistry

Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Can I lighten the colour of my teeth?

Teeth whitening can be a highly effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without damaging their

structure. Whitening toothpastes may improve the colour by removing only the surface stains on the teeth, but this

lightening is only temporary.

How does Teeth Whitening work?

Professional Teeth Whitening is an extremely versatile way of making your natural teeth look brighter without causing

them any harm. It can be carried out in a number of ways depending on the nature and intensity of discolouration.

The 'active ingredient' in the gel is usually hydrogen peroxide. As it is broken down, oxygen gets inside the enamel of

the teeth and dissolves the discoloured pigments, thereby, making the teeth look overall lighter.

What are the Teeth Whitening options available to me?

Professional Home Teeth Whitening

The best part about this type of teeth whitening is that you are in control and it is tailor-made to suit your daily routine

or lifestyle. For example, if you find it difficult to wear the trays overnight, then daytime gels are available which are

used for only 45 minutes, twice a day. If you are not happy to wear the trays during the daytime for any reason, then

you can have the night time gel available, which has to be used overnight for a minimum of 5-6 hours.

The procedure involves making tailor-made soft and comfortable 'whitening trays' that are user-friendly. They fit snugly

over your teeth. A very small amount (dot-sized) of whitening gel is placed inside the trays.

We always recommend that you come back to the practice after a few days of wearing your whitening trays. This

ensures that your whitening is progressing well and that there is no sensitivity. When you come back for this

appointment we will check to see how white your teeth have become compared to when you started.

How long should I wear the trays for?

This depends on the amount of lightening that you desire and the original colour of your teeth. If your teeth are quite

dark or very yellow / grey / tetracycline stained it will take longer to lighten the teeth. For how long to wear the trays,

depends on the product and concentration of whitening gel recommended to you by us, keeping in mind your personal

circumstances. Some products require only overnight wear while others require daytime wear. When using the trays

with whitening agent for half an hour or one hour twice daily, please make sure there’s a time interval of at least two

hours in between the two sessions.

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

In general, the darker your teeth, the longer it takes to lighten them. Tetracycline stained teeth can take 6 months or up

to one year to lighten.

It is important for you to know that different techniques will suit different types of discolouration and that there is no

hard and fast rule for how long it would take for teeth to lighten with a technique. We invite you to discuss your

concerns with us.

“Smiling is contagious. Not only is the action itself returned, but the good feeling as well. “- Dr Paul Ekman, Professor

of Psychology, University of California

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

How safe is Teeth Whitening?

It is not true that Teeth Whitening damages teeth. It is also not true that yellow teeth are healthier than whiter teeth.

Teeth Whitening is a non-invasive and safe procedure causing no harm to the dental health or otherwise overall health

of an individual.

The only people in whom we avoid using whitening chemicals are the expecting and nursing mothers, individuals with

known allergies or children under 18 years of age.

The most common after effects could be teeth sensitivity or a blister/laser burn, both of which are very temporary.

Rarely, existing hidden dental abscesses may become active as a result of whitening gel penetrating the tooth surface.

What do I do if I have any sensitivity?

Many people have naturally sensitive teeth any way.

Sensitivity of teeth the most common side effect of teeth whitening on those teeth surfaces where enamel is absent or

is very thin. It often occurs around the necks of the teeth where the gum may be receded. If you are experiencing

sensitivity, you should stop whitening and obtain support. Based upon our experience, we can suggest you some tips

that you will find effective in minimising teeth sensitivity.

If you are at all concerned, please seek professional advice.

What happens if the teeth do not whiten evenly?

During the first few days of whitening, you may notice new white spots forming on your teeth. Do not worry. These

white spots were originally present on your teeth but were not visible to your eyes. As the teeth start to become lighter

they become more visible because these white spots are also whitening.

As the whole tooth becomes lighter these spots fade and so become less noticeable. Sometimes the dentist can do a

special procedure called Micro-abrasion where the white spots can be more permanently removed. Ask us about the

procedure if you are concerned about this.

Some people’s teeth may appear banded with lighter / whiter areas. Again these bands were originally present on the

teeth. As the teeth become lighter, the lighter parts of the teeth will lighten first followed by the darker banded area.

After a week or so these will not be noticeable any more.

How will my teeth feel?

Normally the teeth feel very smooth and clean after the whitening procedure. The whitening materials also have an

indirect effect on the gums in helping them to heal or improving their health of the gums. Amazingly, this is how the

technique was invented as it was first used to heal gum irritation during orthodontic treatment.

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

What about my existing crowns or veneers?

If you have pre-existing white fillings (or crowns) on your front teeth that match the existing shade of your teeth, then it

is very likely that they may not match the teeth afterwards. This is because your teeth can lighten, but the fillings (and

crowns) do not lighten.

When the desired colour has been achieved, we can replace these fillings with a lighter shade of filling material to match

the new shade of your teeth. Normally we would wait two weeks before renewing the fillings.

How long does the whitening last? Will I have to whiten my teeth again?

Normally the new white colour of your teeth will remain bright for 12-18 months. However, depending on what caused

the teeth to discolour in the first place will dictate the treatment’s prognosis. If you drink lots of black coffee, red wine,

cola drinks or have curries then the teeth may discolour again.

In this situation some people prefer to do a top up treatment as and when required. If you practice good oral hygiene

and brush normally, especially after consuming foods that stain teeth then the results could last for years.

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Does Whitening harm the teeth or gums?

Safety studies have shown that Teeth Whitening, under the supervision of an experience dentist using the right

products, is perfectly safe on the teeth, cheeks, gums and other tissues of the mouth.

Problems have been reported with the whitening kits that are purchased over the counter and other non licensed teeth

whitening providers such as hairdressers and nail clinics. Although they are inexpensive, some contain an acid rinse,

which can damage the teeth or thin down the enamel of the teeth. This acid rinse can be extremely harmful to the


There was a case where someone purchased a kit over the counter, whitened their teeth. The teeth went darker and so

they continued over using the treatment. This was because the acid rinse had worn the enamel away and the darker

shade was the inner dentine that was now exposed.

If you smoke, it is not advisable to whiten your teeth. It is best to stop smoking for at least 3 weeks before commencing

the whitening procedure. Smoking causes the teeth to darken anyway and the effects will be diminished.

The technique of whitening teeth is not for everybody. There are some situations where whitening teeth is contra-

indicated such as where the front teeth are already crowned or veneered or where there are very large fillings on the

front teeth or where the teeth are already excessively worn and there is loss of tooth surface.

The most ideal situation is where there is not much wrong with the teeth except for the colour which has become more

yellow with age.

Some useful tips:

1. Do not use household bleach to whiten your teeth.

2. This technique is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

3. Keep gel out of heat/sunlight. Keep it refrigerated. Do not freeze.

4. Tooth coloured fillings and crowns do not respond to teeth whitening.

5. Foods and juices high in acid may cause sensitivity. Avoid having too much tea/coffee/red wine/curries during

whitening treatment. Please do rinse your mouth well after having any of these items mentioned.

6. If you have questions about any aspects of this treatment, please seek professional advice.

7. Do not use tobacco products or eat/drink while whitening

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Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

New Way to Change Your Smile - Dental Bonding/Immediate Veneers

This treatment is a great way to overcome slight imperfections in a quick and totally comfortable way. It is performed

with a ‘composite’ material that mimics natural tooth structure, this is bonded to your tooth to correct:

1. Chipping

2. Small gaps

3. Minor tooth rotation

4. Minor tooth shape alterations

In some cases this technique is more prone to staining and may not last as long as porcelain veneers so selecting the

right case is vital.

Composite veneers are much cheaper than porcelain veneers in general, but considering that they do not last as long

and need replacing more often, they could end up costing more in the long run.

Composite work is ideal for small chips, as this treatment preserves more of your natural tooth structure.

Before and After Dental Veneers/Smile Makeover at IQ Dental

Page 26: Cosmetic dentistry

Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

New Way to Change Your Smile - Dental Veneers

Veneers are used to create the ultimate smile makeover. They make it possible to transform crooked, stained, damaged

or badly worn teeth into brand new straight white smiles

What are Veneers?

Veneers are wafer-thin laminates or shells of tooth-coloured material (which can be porcelain or composite (white filling

material). They are “cemented” to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance.

What are Veneers used for?

There are a wide variety of reasons why people opt for dental veneers:

Staining - Badly stained teeth that cannot be improved by teeth whitening or professional cleaning can be improved

with dental veneers, which cover any existing stains on your teeth.

Damaged teeth - Teeth that have become badly worn through excessive grinding or fizzy drinks, as well as those that

have been chipped or broken can benefit from veneers. A single damaged tooth can easily be repaired with a porcelain

veneer that has the same characteristics and colour as your natural teeth.

Gaps - spaces between your teeth can easily be closed using dental veneers, giving you a more uniform-looking smile.

Crooked teeth - Veneers are not the ideal treatment for crooked teeth as we would rather preserve your natural teeth

structure, orthodontics or Invisalign braces would probably a better solution. However, these treatments can take up to

a year. For teeth that are not severely crooked, veneers placed over their front surface will give a straight and perfectly

aligned-looking smile.

How are Veneers fitted?

1. The first part of any dental procedure is the initial consultation and examination, so that our dentist can get a feel for

what you want and understand your needs and concerns. Our dentists will explain the treatment procedure to help give

you an accurate guide to the likely costs of your treatment.

2. Before your veneers are designed, your dentist will need to reshape and prepare the front surfaces of your teeth so

that they can accommodate the veneers.

3. A mould (copy) of your teeth is taken and sent to our dental laboratory. They will then use this as a guide to help

them make your new veneer. This can usually take them around two weeks.

4. While we wait for your veneers to be made, we will fit you with some temporary veneers to protect your teeth.

5. On your next appointment, we will fit your new veneers to your teeth.

Page 27: Cosmetic dentistry

Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

How will I know what I will look like afterwards?

This is a great question and you are right to ask it.

We do this by what we call a ‘Provisional Smile’.

This is a complete mock up of your new smile that we will produce for you on a replica of your teeth. This mock up can

be modified until we both feel the result will be great. We are then able to transfer this mock up to your own teeth.

This then provides you with the opportunity to see how you will look and decide whether you wish to carry on with the


This is a vital step in our procedure and is one of the things that sets us apart from other dentists in the area.

Before and after a cosmetic smile makeover

Page 28: Cosmetic dentistry

Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

How long do Veneers last?

Porcelain veneers will typically last between ten and fifteen years, while composite veneers last a year or two at most.

Although veneers will eventually need to be replaced when they become old and cannot be repaired. To make your

veneers last longer, follow a good oral hygiene program and visit us for check-ups on a regular basis.

How much do Veneers cost?

A great question. Let me put it to you this way, how much would the typical woman have to pay for ALL their beauty

treatments for 10 years? Let's do a quick calculation on the averages people spend:

* Hairdresser £50 every 6 weeks = £450 per year

* Nails - manicures, care and varnishes, Face creams & Makeup =£200 per month = £2400 per year

* TOTAL cost = £2850 per year

So over a 10 year period you will typically spend around £28,500 on beauty treatments. Now, how much do you think

dental veneers would cost over the same period? £20,000? £15,000? What about £10,000?... in fact, for around half this

amount, that's £6,000 approx, you could have a brand new smile with 10 dental veneers.

So think about your teeth now and notice which ones you would like to change, and notice now how you would like

your smile to look once your veneers are done. This is a GREAT place for us to start and will provide us with excellent

information on starting to design your new smile.

Page 29: Cosmetic dentistry

Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

What next?

How would it be if we could help you smile more confidently?

Would it make a difference to your life if you could smile without putting your hand over your mouth?

How much would you like to smile eat and chew with absolute confidence again?

With that in mind, IQ Dental offer you:

A General practice and dentists with special interests all in on building – no need to travel miles

An experienced team

Extended opening hours for private patients

Flexible payment plans that are accessible and affordable.

Choice for every treatment option, and NO pressure to choose any option, simply go with what you feel is best.

Please call us today on 01732 522 255 and book for an initial assessment, as a special thank you for downloading this

guide we have attached a voucher for a complimentary consultation with me, Dr Sia Maani. We can discuss your

concerns with your smile and find out which orthodontic system would suit you best.

This means this is a low risk and low cost way to finding out more about smiling, eating and chewing again with straight

teeth – call us to book your review today …

We look forward to seeing you soon,

Page 30: Cosmetic dentistry

Dental & Implant Centre

15 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA 01732 522 255

Dr Chig Amin
