
Course name: Science for life

Topic 1 – The role of science in everyday life.

Semester 1-2561

Asst.Prof.Dr. Chupong Pakpum

Mobile phone : 0891301699Line id : chupongp

What is science ?

Meaning : Science

• “Scientia” (Latin) “Science” (English) Means : knowledge

• Knowledge gained from observation and research from the natural manifestation, or research with evidence and reason, then organized. (Royal Academy, 1982)

• It is a branch of knowledge or a systematic study of the facts. It is the principle and method by performing and setting up hypothesis.

(Guralnik, 1962)


• “Natural Science” or “Pure Science”

It is the basic scientific knowledge derived from the discovery in nature,

which including; fact, principles, rule and theory.

• Involved with various academic courses;

mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.

• Call this scientist “Pure scientist”.

The study of science is subdivided into “Natural Science” and “Applied Science”

Charles Robert Darwin,contributions to the science

of evolution.

Albert Einstein,introduce mass-energy equivalence

formula (E=mc2)(Theory of relativity)

Thai scientist

• King Mongkut (Rama IV of Siam) was able to calculate and predict the solar eclipse two years earlier before August 18, 1868. (at Wa Ko, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province)

• King Mongkut (Rama IV of Siam) is considered to be a “Father of Thai Science”.

• National Science Day was held for the first time on August 18, 1982 to commemorate King Mongkut.

Example of total solar eclipse (Oregon – August 21, 2017)

Chachiyo Correlation

Dr.Teepanis Chachiyo

• Dr.Teepanis Chachiyo is the person who discovered the formula that scientists around the world chase more than 50 years.

Applied science

• To bring the basic scientific knowledge to apply to benefit and facilitate the life of man.

• Applied scientist – engineer, physician, doctor, pharmacist, farmer

Example of applied scientist

Thomas Alva Edison (invent : electric light bulb)

Michael Faraday(invent : electric motor)

Galileo Galilei (invent : telescope )

Example of applied scientist

Louis Pasteur (The idea for the injection of poisonous snakes and poison)

Wright brothers (inventing, building, and flying the world’s first successful airplane)

Orville Wright Wilbur Wright

Example of applied scientist

• Professor Emeritus Dr. Prawase Wasi - Discovering genetic mechanisms of alpha thalassemia. Two types of alpha thalassemia genes were identified; alpha thalassemia 1 and alpha thalassemia 2

• Professor Dr. Krisana Kraisintu - Anti-HIV drug research in Thailand. ZIDOVUDINE (AZT) is the first anti-HIV drug to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission.

Bone graft surgery using 3D printer technology


Scientific method

Step 1 – Identify problems

Step 2 – Gather information about the problem

Step 3 – Setting up a hypothesis

Step 4 – Observe the result and/or perform experimentation

Step 5 - Conclusion from observation data and/or conclusion

from experimental data

Scientific research

• “Research” is the process of creating new knowledge for answering questions or solve problems.

• In “science”, is a quest to answer question about natural phenomena.

• In “Engineering”, will focus on the process. New inventions or additional development.

“Science” “Engineering”

The scientific knowledge is divided into 6 categories

1. Scientific fact - It is a basic knowledge of science which is able to direct observe, having a reality and get the same result after test in every time, such as the sun rise in the east and set in the west.

2. Concept - This is due to the introduction of several related facts. The combination of new knowledge such as the heart is the most important organ.

3. Principle - A group of general knowledge ideas. Can be repeatedly tested. For example, the light is deflected when traveling through a medium that having different density.

4. Law – It is a principle but intensively emphasize the relationship between reason. Usually present in the form of equation. For example, Newton’s laws of motion (F = ma).

5. Hypothesis – It is a predictable explanation of the answer in advance before to perform experimental. Experimentation is a validation of the truth. For example, goldfish lose their color if they are not exposed to light.

6. Theory - knowledge which a broad principle that describes the phenomena. For example, the evolution theory.

Scientific Attitude

Attitude is the element that promotes the process of seeking knowledge.

Having 6 elements

1. Reasonable2. Eager (would like to know everything)3. Tolerant (open mind)4. Honest5. Perseverance6. Circumspect

Contact place : Building (Science 60 years)2th Floor

Mobile phone : 0891301699Line id : chupongp

Please drop paperwork here!!!

Applied Physics office door My office room

Assignment ( for June 29, 2018 )for 2% scores

1.) Write down the benefits of using science and technology in your daily life

(at least 5 items) and also explain briefly how you obtained that benefits.

2.) Write down and explain briefly, about the downside of science and

technology that has an impact on our daily lives and the environment

(at least 5 items).


1.) Don’t forget to write your; name, student ID and group section number on your

submitted paperwork.

2.) Due date: July 13, 2018 (before 4.30 p.m.)

In case you’re able to finish the work in time then you can send to Khun.Koy, but if not please drop your work in the box that put in front of my office room (within 4.30 p.m. on July 13, 2018.)

งานทีม่อบหมาย ( ส าหรบั 29 มถินุายน 2561 )ส าหรบัคะแนนเก็บ 2%

1.) เขยีนประโยชนข์องการใชว้ทิยาศาสตรแ์ละเทคโนโลยใีนชวีติประจ าวนัของคณุ (มาอย่างนอ้ย

5 ขอ้) และอธบิายสัน้ๆ วา่คณุไดร้บัผลประโยชนน้ั์นอย่างไร

2.) เขยีนและอธบิายสัน้ๆ อย่างนอ้ย 5 ขอ้ เกีย่วกบัขอ้เสยีของวทิยาศาสตรแ์ละเทคโนโลยทีีม่ี

ผลกระทบตอ่ชวีติประจ าวนัของเราและสิง่แวดลอ้ม

หมายเหตุ1. อย่าลมืเขยีน ชือ่-สกลุ, รหสันักศกึษา และกลุม่เรยีนของคณุ ลงบนกระดาษทีส่ง่มา

2. ก าหนดสง่งานภายในวนัศกุรท์ี ่13 กรกฏาคม 2561 เวลา 16.30 น.

2.1 หากท าเสรจ็ทนัในเวลาเรยีน เฉพาะวนัที ่29 มถินุายน 2561 สง่ในหอ้งเรยีน

2.2 หากเสรจ็ไม่ทนัในเวลาเรยีน สง่ทีก่ลอ่งหนา้หอ้งพกัอาจารย ์ผศ.ดร.ชพูงษ ์ภาคภมู ิ

ตัง้แต ่30 ม.ิย.61 – 13 ก.ค.2561.
