Page 1: Coursework Evaluation: Question 6

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this


By Molly Simmons

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• Photoshop:- During our pre-production stage, we used Photoshop so that we could create and finalise our floor plans.

• Word:- When creating the shot list, we decided to use word. This is so that we could create an easy readable list that everyone would be able to understand.

• Google Chrome:- While we was planning ‘Terror Plane’. We used the internet in order to research the audience and who we wanted to target the film at.

• Celtx:- We used this programme in order to create the script for ‘Terror Plane’. This software is specialised in order to produce script-writing.

• Pages:- In order to produce the schedule for our group, we uses ‘Pages’ to create when we wanted everything to be done and when it had to be completed.

• Scanning:- Once we had finished drawing the storyboard, we scanned them through the printer so that we was able to get in onto our laptop and computers. After we managed to get the storyboard onto the computers, we were able to upload it to our blogs.

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• Canon 7D – We used a Canon 7D in order to get the shots for our film. We only used this camera for the first part of our production. Being as the camera quality is high, we felt that we could capture the film perfectly.

• Canon 600D – After the Canon 7D fell off the tripod and broke, we reverted to using the Canon 600D. By using this camera, it enabled us to gain angular shots as there was a swivel screen on it.

• Reflectors – While filming, we used reflectors so that we could brighten the faces of our actors while on screen. By doing this, it made out film a lot brighter and looked more professional.

• Fluorescent soft boxes – By using the fluorescent soft boxes, we were able to add lighting in our scenes. Most of our scenes consist of using ambient lighting so therefore, using the soft box lights gave our shots a nice look and was very useful to have.

• Zoom H4N – The audio recorder that we used was the Zoom H4N. This meant that we could get the dialogue and diegetic sounds that we need for the film. Some of theses sounds include walking, zipping, taps and doors.

• Green-screen – We used the green-screen in shots such as the car scene. This is so that we was able to get moving images onto our film and create the scene that we wanted.

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• Premiere Pro CS6 – In order to edit our film, we used Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. This meant that we could edit our video at a high quality make the film the way that we wanted it to turn out.

• After Effects – In order to place the moving images onto the green screen recordings, we used chroma key in After Effects.

• Twixtor – In order to slow down our frame, we used the programme Twixtor. We slowed down some of the scenes so that we could match the two split-screen frames together.

• Logic Pro X – So that we could create the non-diegetic sound track for ‘Terror Plane’, we used Logic Pro X. We also added the diegetic sounds such as the character dialogue and sipping from the suitcases.

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While we was filming, we hit an issue with the camera. After an incident with a lose leg on the tripod, the camera fell on the floor and broke. Although this isn’t much of a technology issue, we have learnt to check our equipment before filming. This is so that we don’t break another piece of equipment and think of a salutation when on set.

Due to not getting permission from the Bournemouth Airport we had to rethink of where we could go in order to get the footage that we needed and hope for during our planning stage. Although this put of filming schedule back, we were still able to get footage from the Aviation Museum, which is based next to the Bournemouth Airport. Obviously we couldn’t get the terminal interior here, we was able to get footage of the two characters on an actual plane. After we had filmed and looked back at the footage, we decided that we was happy with the footage and managed to get what we had planned at the start.

As well as that, we were also denied permission to film at the Poole Dolphin Centre, which would have been used to replicate the airport terminal. We wasn’t too sure on were to film after this as we needed to make a scene look roughly like an airport. After such discussion, we decided to film the airport terminal scenes in Magna Academy Poole. By angling the camera and being selective of where we filmed, we where able to get the footage what we needed for this scene. After we had film this section, we liked how it turned out due to not looking like we was filming in a school. We was able to create the footage that we needed with having easy access to the venue of which we needed.