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Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.

Honorable, the principle of SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung. Unforgettable, all teachers and my friends

whom I love.

All price due to Allah, the lord of the word. The master of the creators of everything in the universe.

For enabling us to meet together in this simple but peaceful place.

First, I want to let you know the definition of cramming. Cramming is the practice of working

intensively to absorb large volumes of informative material in short amount of time. Nowadays,

cramming has become a trend habit among of students in many countries. Not only for high school

students but also college students even do the same. They usually will stay up every night before the

examination to learn the whole lessons at once. But many of them, when they face the exam, usually

just can see the paper with the blank mind and cannot answer all the questions correctly. As the result,

they will get bad scores.

Why does it happen?

Since cramming is making students learn the abundant number of the subject matters, they cannot

retain all the lessons learned. At first right after they do cramming, they may feel like at ease because

they thought they already “learn” or may actually just read it without getting the hang of the lessons.

However, when the test comes in the next morning, the lessons learned have left their brain. Why? It is

because their brain is overload. Consequently, their brain gets shocked because it is forced to retain all

the information when it is not ready yet to receive it all at once.

On the contrary, some people think that cramming can give them rashness as they at least can

review the lessons even they must learn it all at once. But I think they can make the summary of lessons

on their notebook, so they can read it whenever and wherever they want even when they are busy or

have many other activities.

So, in order to overcome the students from cramming there are some solutions that can be done.

First, students should review the lessons regularly, so they will not feel worry about the upcoming test

as they have learn on the days before. Second, teachers should give advice to them to review the

lessons at home after school. Lastly, parents should remind them to not cramming way every night

before they face the exam. It is suggested that parents can support their children to learn diligently and

effectively so that they can get better grades as they have already learned well at home.

Now, we know that cramming is not an effective way to lean before the examination. It can make

students forced themselves to retain all the lessons they learned that can cause them get lower grades

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in exam. Because cramming has more disadvantages thean its benefits so they should avoid cramming

all the way.
