
====================================================================== CREATE A WORDPRESS THEMED WEBSITE ====================================================================== ********************************************************************** INSTALLING WORDPRESS ==================== 1. Start XAMPP/WAMPP. 2. Go to (http://localhost/phpmyadmin) and create new database for your website ex: steelpoint. 3. Download wordpress. 4. Download new copy of _s name it according to your website name. (http://under 5. Put the wordpress folder in your htdocs. 6. Open your browser and type (http://localhost/wordpress) on the address field. 7. Create wp-config.php file by clicking the "Create Configuration File" button . 8. You will need to insert the correct details for Database name, Database usern ame, Database password, Database host, Table prefix (just leave it as it is). EX: Database name: steelpoint Database username: root Database password: Database host: localhost Table prefix: wp_ 9. Insert your website name, your username and password. Note: remember your use rname and password you will need this for logging in your wordpress website. 10. Type (http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin) in your browser address and inser t your username and password to log in. IMPORTING YOUR CUSTOM THEME IN WORDPRESS ======================================== 1. Copy the folder that you download in _s website and paste it in (C:\xampp\htd ocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes). 2. In the folder that you download from _s, open style.css and copy the site det ails above. 3. In your custom theme folder, open style.css and paste what you've copied in _ s style.css. EX: /* Theme Name: SteelPoint Theme URI: Author: Author URI: Description: Description Version: 1.0 License: GNU General Public License License URI: license.txt Text Domain: steelpoint Domain Path: /languages/ */ 4. Replace _s style.css with your custom theme's style.css. 5. Import files and folders that are in your custom theme into _s folder (css, j s, images, fonts, etc). 6. In photoshop, create a 600x450 size file that shows the website logo and name it Screenshot.png. 7. Save the Screenshot.png in your _s folder (C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-conte

nt\themes\steelpoint) 8. Go to (http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/themes.php) you should see your cu stom theme below the "Available themes". 9. Activate your theme by clicking the "activate" link below the image(Screensho t). 10. Visit your website (http://localhost/wordpress) you will notice that some of the styles are missing(background, images, etc) this is because you still need to tweak few codes so that wordpress would recognize your styles completely.

====================================================================== THE HEADER.PHP AND FUNCTION.PHP ====================================================================== ********************************************************************** ADD EI CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS ============================= >Paste the following codes below EX: ADD CUSTOMIZER CODE FOR LOGO HEADER UPLOADER ON WORDPRESS ========================================================= 1. Paste the following codes below