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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Local Funding Partnerships

New Grantee Seminar – “Creating your Theory of Change”

RWJF –LFP Deputy Director - Leticia Peguero, MPAOctober 13th 2010


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To know how well you’re doing….you must have some place you’re trying to get to….

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If you don’t know where you’re going….you’ll end up somewhere else

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Evaluation is….

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Evaluation is….

Program evaluation is the use of social research methods to systematically investigate the effectiveness of social intervention programs. It draws on the techniques and concepts of social science disciplines and is intended to be useful for improving programs and informing social action aimed at ameliorating social programs (Rossi, Lipsey, and Freeman, 2004)

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Evaluation is….

Program evaluation is the systematic collection of information about the activities, characteristics, and outcomes of programs to make judgments about the program, improve program effectiveness, and/or inform decisions about future programming. (Patton, 1997)

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Great Society – War on Poverty

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Great Society Programs – War on Poverty

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Era of Accountability….

What gets measured gets done…

If you don’t measure – How do you know that it worked..if it was a success?

If you can’t see success…you might be rewarding failure

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Era of Accountability….

If you can’t see success you can’t learn from it

If you cannot recognize failure, you can’t correct it.

If you can demonstrate results you can win public and funder support….

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Theory of Change…

Explains your underlying understanding of the issue you are addressing

It helps to clarify WHY you are doing WHAT your doing

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Theory of Change….


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Describes the program/project/organization accurately in ways that the internal staff acknowledges and of which it feels proud.

Designed to accomplish something of value

Has social meaning – recognizable to interested parties and stakeholders

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If followed, the courses of action (program services and activities) are likely to achieve the desired outcome objectives.

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It is realistic and takes into account the program/project/organization’s capacities in relation to its environment.

It should be something that the program/project/organization could really do not just wish it could do.

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The theory is made real through a series of testable hypothesis

All elements can be assessed

Outcomes are defined using empirically verifiable indicators

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Outcomes are…

Changes in Behavior Skills Knowledge Attitudes Conditions Status

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Outcomes are…



Related to the project’s sphere of influence

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Outcomes are…

What your program is accountable for….

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Outcomes are related to…

Your population: Who are they?


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Outcomes are related to…

Activities (outputs) How often to clients engage? Is it a duplicated service? How long do clients engage in these services for?

Staff…requirements, expertise, skills

Where do your clients get referred to?

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Outcomes are…

Changes in Behavior Skills Knowledge Attitudes Conditions Status

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Outcomes are…



Related to the project’s sphere of influence

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Putting it all together…

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Thank you