


� Assorted wood � Wood glue � Finish � Sand paper

TOOLS NEEDED: � Sander � Table saw � Clamps � Planer


� Read Scripture and discuss parable. � Start class with prayer. � Play and discuss quote used from the Jubilee tape during break.

SCRIPTURES: Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ. QUOTES: 64-0216 Identification And His character was, that, He did everything that pleased God, and He stayed with the Word. That's what He wanted us for, we'd stay with God's Word, find our place, and then know where we were at. Stay with His Word! And, think of it, we are invited to shape our own character to His. Now we're going to find out what we've done. Shape our character to His Own, by His Own Spirit. Then we, by Him, are sons of God, just what I've expressed, by having His mind in us, to shape our character to His, His mind. "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." If that mind is in you, then, you see... He only did that which pleased God. There's an old proverb that's more than a proverb. No matter how--who is there first, you have to play the rules of the game or you'll never win. If a runner is running around the track, and one takes a short cut, and cuts

through the field, and beats the other one there by a half hour, still he will be disqualified at the end of the race. He's got to play it according to the rules of the game or he's disqualified. And that's the way we have to do, the race of life that we're running now, it's has to be played according to God's qualifications or we'll lose when we get there CHECKERBOARD TUTORIAL:

1. Cut four 2” by 18” strips of two different species of wood for a total of eight strips. *NOTE* the 18 inches to compensate for blade thickness.

2. Glue the 2” strips together alternating the different types of wood.

3. Clamp together and let dry.

4. After glue is dry scrape off excess glue.

5. Plane down the board to get a flat surface.

6. Square your board by cutting a straight edge on one side of the board.

7. Cut into 2” strips again but going perpendicular to your previous strips of wood.

8. Invert every other strip to give you a checkerboard look.

9. Glue, clamp, and let dry. *NOTE* we used a wood square to ensure all squares line up.

10. After glue is dry scape off excess glue.

11. Once dry, plane, sand, and finish (lacquer, mineral oil, etc...).
