
PowerPoint Presentation

Fostering the Creative Community and Business Collaboration with Creative Commons Licenses in Vietnam

- Mario Behling & Hong Phuc Dang


1. Background and Motivation
2. Work and Projects with Creative Commons
3. Generating income
4. Outlook and Goals

1. Background and Motivation

What is our background and motivation for supporting CC?

1. Operating in Vietnam as a registered limited company with staff from Germany, Japan and Vietnam
2. Fields of work: Consulting, ICT, Marketing
3. We use CC a lot our business is based on Open Source, Free Software, Open Content (Wikis, Photos, Design, Fonts)

2. Our Work and Projects with Creative Commons

Market Research
& Design

Software Development and Translations

LXDE Start up Times

Tests on eeepc 900

Fred Chien, Andrew Lee (Taiwan)

light Ubuntu

Release May 3, 2010
Continuously in top 5 on distrowatch

Software Development

Open Education Projects

Training & Event Organization

Organizing Developer Events

Organizing Recruitment Events

Courses and certificates

Why not use Creative Commons?

* We do not directly earn an income through Creative Commons...

* But using it does not hurt us and we know the community will profit.

3. Generating Income

Generating an income

* On our ads revenue sites, we earn the same with Ads with or without using CC.

* Byuing books licensed under CC makes sense to many customers.

* There are many indirect benefits like opportunities to co-work with individuals and companies on projects to a mutual benefit.

* Creative Commons is a setting to facilitate cooperation in the content production sector.

4. Outlook and Goals

Outlook and Goals

* To foster the Open Content community and increase usage of CC among partners and clients

* To expand business activities around Open Content and publish more materials and books in cooperation with new
and existing projects under CC.

* To highlight CC through events and campaigns, e.g. photo competitions like Advancing Vietnam featuring people and ideas advancing Vietnam

Better Together.

* Please visit us in the Mekong Delta, Ho Chi Minh City or Cantho.
* We offer every contributor to Open Source and Open Content a place in our new office, free Internet connection and unlimited Vietnamese coffee for the time of their visit!

Thank you.

Mario Behling
[email protected]
+84 1286380690

Hong Phuc Dang
[email protected]
+84 939 871001
