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yes, the door attracted me to enter and the security also calls you in to shopIt is open for all.It makes made me felt like shopping at that moment.The font size is 97.It gives me more understanding about why their shop is always busy with customers shopping even when it rains.

ENVIRONMENT:The stores color scheme were glass . It drew my attention when I got to the place because the products were displayed to attract.The store have a smooth tils.The ceiling is 20 freight high . It gives no limitation to persons hight.lightning was okay. the environment was clear and fresh.The environment was cool and quiet with a very attractive cool songs in the background music.

The store was cold.It was well sparsed with a distintive smell. The cash register was located right in front of the exit.

The security at the shop was strict with cameras all over the least two to three hours to shop for all my needs at the place.No it does not affect it because the prices of their products is cheaper comparing with order shops around them.

Personnel:less than 30 seconds. Every salesperson with his own type of assistance to customers.

Every customer is treated the same in some shops like ‘Max Mart shopping centre’ but different in ‘Dhaga & I’.In ‘Max Mart shopping centre’ the ratio is 1:1 but in ‘Dhaga & I’ the ratio is 1:3. The ages of the employees are 19 - 40 including the security and the cleaners.They eat and shop there from their salary. They put on the store t-shirt with any other down. They match the stores image with their dressing and combination of their colors which also create attraction to the customers to shop with them.


The first product i noticed was towels.

there were a lot of tables with features products like. All the items in the shop was for sale and they are nitely arranged accordingly my function.There are no free samples or demonstrations in the shop, the products at eye level is shoes in the boutique, teddy bears in the toy store and bottle drinks in coffee shop. The least expensive products are located on the shares when i entered. All the prices are arranged accordingly. There were candies on the cashier register.


Most of the customers are with their family and others are alone and the gender are mostly women between the ages of 18 - 50 years. The security directs customers straight to their place of need. The customers stay at least one hour for shopping. in the boutique, customers touch the clothes and shoes the same as the toy shop, it is at least encouraging

because it helps the customer to choose the right product. Most customers appear to be on a mission, while other do not. About 67% of customers purchase products in the store.
