Page 1: CRICOS #00212K EBOOKS: TURNING THE PAGE ALIA URLs (ACT) and AGLIN E-Books and e-learning Issues for online teaching programs Dr Stuart Ferguson Knowledge

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E-Books and e-learningIssues for online teaching programs

Dr Stuart Ferguson

Knowledge & Information Studies

University of Canberra

Page 2: CRICOS #00212K EBOOKS: TURNING THE PAGE ALIA URLs (ACT) and AGLIN E-Books and e-learning Issues for online teaching programs Dr Stuart Ferguson Knowledge

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Contents of presentation

Context of e-book development: the e-student

Research into benefits/problems of e-book for learners

Challenges for university libraries and educators

Turning the page: opportunities for learners

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Personal context

Convener of fully online course One of a suite of online courses Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle) Strong library support key for learner Professional background in DE

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UC Library

E-book holdings: approx. 40,000 Well-established e-journal holdings Majority on the EBL or ebrary platforms Packages not too attractive for a smaller library Patron Driven Acquisitions trial just started

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What is an e-book? (revisited)

Electronic form of a book, read/viewed on:• Computer (streamed from internet)• Handheld device (PDA, iPAD, mobile)• E-reader (Sony, Kindle, Nook)

Different technology for different purpose• e.g., Harlequin romance novels to mobile

PDF copy VS interactive media• When does an e-book stop being a book?

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Problems with print collections driver? Growth DE + e-learning driver? Growth Virtual Learning Environments driver? Threat to academic monograph driver? Strength of e-book penetration Cost of academic monographs Research dissemination + open access Legal constraints (next page)

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Context (legal)

In an e-environment:

Potential for unlimited use of e-books Rights holders control access (unlike print) Contract law overrides copyright law

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Benefits (1)

Remote access (important) Availability 24/7 (important) Easy search for specific information Multi-user access? (important) Ability to download to laptop? (important) Extra functions (e.g. link, highlight, copy & paste) Ease saving, copying, printing?

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Benefits (2)

Lower cost? (for students) Time efficiencies Saving of physical space (plus for library service) Reduction/elimination of loss of/damage to book Easier integration with VLEs Reduced pressure on library print-based services Vendor agreements upfront & easy

• (once they’re in place)

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Benefits (3)

Timely access to new titles? Improvements for visual learners Better access for disabled learners (customisation) Benefits for those with visual/mobility problems Convenient bibliographic management Indexing/metadata functionality Digital visibility

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Problems (1)

Screen reading (has been major disadvantage) Difficulties navigating/browsing e-book? User uncertainty about functions (interface issue) Perceived lack of user friendliness Relative quality of content Limited content seen as a barrier Lack of awareness/promotion

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Problems (2)

Limitations in terms of viewing times Limitations in terms of printing quotas Limitations in terms of number of users Digital Rights Management (DRM) in general Lack of encouragement from academics General inability to download to portable devices?

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Problems (3)

Cost for libraries? Budgeting difficulties for libraries Problems with e-readers (including cost) E-readers and linear reading Lag in publication of e-version Difficulties for dyslexic users

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University of Ulster research

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University of Ulster research

Findings of many previous studies are validated:

E-books are significantly used Students favour access via desktop PC or laptop Users prefer print books? Students have problems locating e-books Format choice relates to study need

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Standards, technology management Protection of IP rights Variety of platforms and usage models Academics writing and setting print texts Need for sufficient content/critical mass

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Challenges for educators

Technologies & learning/usage barriers 'Reliability' of e-books Significant barriers that DRM can present Perceived learning curve Student learning experience

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Challenges for libraries

Issues with respect to: Purchasing models Cataloguing/metadata standards Preservation, archiving User/staff training E-book promotion Evaluation E-textbooks Student expectations

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Turning the page

Good business models - less restrictions Chapter, paragraphs the units of consumption Increasingly good scholarly products Critical mass – tipping point UG students and different cultural attitudes Learning technologies nearing tipping point Different functions of print and e-book E-media - will they usurp the e-book? E-research, e-learning, e-student

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References (1)

1) Abdullah, N. & Gibb, F. (2008a), Students' attitudes towards e-books in a Scottish higher education institute: part 1. Library Review, 57(8), 593-605.

2) Abdullah, N. & Gibb, F. (2008b), Students' attitudes towards e-books in a Scottish higher education institute: part 2: Analysis of e-book usage. Library Review, 57(9), 676-689.

3) Behler, A. & Lush, B. (2011), Are you ready for e-readers? The Reference Librarian, 52, 75–87. DOI: 10.1080/02763877.2011.523261.

4) Buckley, M. & Tritt, D. (2011), Ebook approval plans: Integration to meet user needs. Computers in Libraries, 31(3), 15-18.

5) Carlock, D.M. & Perry, A.M. (2008),Exploring faculty experiences with e-books: A focus group. Library Hi Tech, 26(2), 244-254.

6) CILIP (2012), Ebook acquisition and lending briefing: Public, academic and research libraries. Available at:

7) Croft, R. & Davis, C. (2010), E-books revisited: Surveying student e-book usage in a distributed learning academic library 6 years later. Journal of Library Administration, 50, 543–569. DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2010.488600.

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References (2)

8) Ebrary (2008), Global student e-book survey. Available at:

9) Estelle, L. & Woodward, H. (2009), The National e-Books Observatory project: Examining student behaviors and usage. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 21(2), 172-177.

10) Goodwin, S., Shurtz, S., Gonzalez, A. & Clark, D. (2012), Assessing an e-reader lending program: From pilot to mainstream service, Library Review, 61(1), 8-17.

11) Grensing-Pophal, L. (2010), Are textbooks obsolete? An education in the impact of electronic textbooks. EContent. Available at:

12) Jamali, H.R., Nicholas, D. & Rowlands, I. (2009), Scholarly e-books: The views of 16,000 academics: Results from the JISC National E-Book Observatory. Aslib Proceedings, 61(1), 33-47.

13) JISC (2009), JISC National e-Books Observatory project: Key findings and recommendations. Available at:

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References (3)

14) Lamothe, A.R. (2012), Factors influencing the usage of an electronic book collection: The size of the e-book collection, the size of the student population, and the size of the faculty population. College & Research Libraries, 73(6), (forthcoming publication).

15) Lonsdale, R. & Armstrong, C. (2010), Promoting your e-books: Lessons from the UK JISC National e-Book Observatory. Program: electronic library and information systems, 44(3), 185-206.

16) Mantell, A. (2012), Apple’s iBooks: New kid on the block. Information Today, 29(4), 31-33.

17) Milloy, C. (2009), Dispelling myths about e-books with empirical evidence. JISC Collections. Available at:

18) Nelson, M.R. (2008), E-Books in higher education: Nearing the end of the era of hype? EDUCAUSE Review, 2, 40-56. Available at:

19) Nicholas, D., Rowlands, I., Clark, D., Huntington, Jamali, H.R. & Ollé, C. (2008), UK scholarly e-book usage: A landmark survey. Aslib Proceedings, 60(4), 311-334.

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References (4)

20) Nicholas, D., Rowlands, I. & Jamali, H.R. (2010), E-textbook use, information seeking behaviour and its impact: Case study business and management. Journal of Information Science, 36(2), 263-280. DOI: 10.1177/0165551510363660.

21) Rowlands, I., David Nicholas, D., Hamid R. Jamali, H.R. & and Paul Huntington, P. (2007), What do faculty and students really think about e-books? Aslib Proceedings, 59(6), 489-511. DOI: 10.1108/00012530710839588.

22) Shelburne, W.E. (2009), E-book usage in an academic library: User attitudes and behaviors. Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services, 33, 59-72.

23) Smyth, S. & Carlin, A.P. (2012): Use and perception of ebooks in the University of Ulster: A case study. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 18(2), 176-205 (forthcoming publication).

24) Wu, M. & Chen, S. (2011),Graduate students' usage of and attitudes towards e-books: Experiences from Taiwan. Program: electronic library and information systems, 45(3), 294-307.

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Questions/general discussion

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