
Wanderers Are Unable to MaintainEarly Lead and Darkness

Ends ContestBy Afldoclnted Press.

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21.— Tacomafind the locals were tied In tho ninthinningof today's game, which woe de-clared ft draw owing to the fact thatno nrlriillnmil Innings could be playedon account of darkneßO. The north-erners took the lend early In the gamennd It was not until the. eighth inningthnt Sun Frnriclsco evened the ncore,which stood 3 to 3. Score:

TACOMAABiumsnro ac

Dnyle, rf B 0 1 0 1 0 0Hheelian, Kb ,B 0 1 0 3 2 0Nordyke. lb 4 0 10 R 0 1ICuKJin, ss 4 0 1 0 2 t 0Cnsey, 2b 4 0 2 0 800r.ynch, cf 4 0 0 0 3 1 0Mnfrfiughlln, 1f.... 4 2 2 1 2 0 0Ornlinm. o, 4 1 2 0 7 1 0Keefe, p 4 0 1 0 0 1 1Hogan, c 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

Total 3* ~3" 11 "l 27 14 ~2SAN FnANCISCO

.AH R lltlKB JO A XWnldron, cf 4 n 1 o o 0 nMohle.r. 2b 3 1 0 0 3 2 0llllderbrtind,1f.... 4 0 1 0 .1 1 0Nenlon, 1b 4 0 2 0 60 0Householder, rf... 4 0 0 0 10 0Irwln, 3b i 1 1 0 2 1 I)(lochnaucr, ss 4 0 1 0 3 1 2fihen, c 4 1 2 2 it 1 1Wlllliuns, p 3 0 00 0 2 0

Totals Ti~8 ~i 2 27 8 3

SCORR BYINNINdSTaeoma 0200010 0 0— !l

Bas-J hits 2222120 0 o—ll0—

11Ban KranPlsco... .0 0 10 0 0 11 0


Baso hits 00100043 0— SSUMMARY

Game called on account of darkno3S.Three base hit

—Hlldebrand. Two base


Kcefe, Graham. First base ontrrors

—Tncoma, 2; San Francisco, 1

First base on called balls—

Keefe. Leltnn bases

—Tacoma, 7; San Francisco, 5

Struck out—

Williams, 8. Passed ball—Qrnham. Wild pitch

—Keefe. Time

—1:40. Umpire


may study the world's great picturesIn the Louvre or the Pantheon. To tlietnajorlty such pleasure Is denied. Ournew Art Gallery affords tho best op-portunity ln this city for the study ofleproductlons of the old masters andthe originals of the new. You arc al-ways welcome. Sanborn, Vail & Co.,f.r.7 South Broadway.

The Trnveleil Km

The McCreedites came back in thesixth. Van Buren reached second onDillon's error and scored on McHale'ssingle to left. ;\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0-."\u25a0 V-

The seventh saw things doing for th«Seraphs, and two more were chalkedup on the safe side. Brashear doubledto the center field fence, took third onDillon's sacrifice. To all appearancesJones intentionally walked Cravath, butto no purpose, as Kitty came home onSpies' sacrifice. Cravath scored the lastrun as Mitchell juggled Atz' throw of

Toman's grounder.

[JimMorley was the bluest man ln

town as his new team ran out for yes-terday's game but from the ball theyput up things will go on in' tho sam?old way. . \u25a0 . '.':".* \u25a0-,'

Schlafly'B envelope willbe $5 short thisweek, as he ventured too- strenuous nncplnlon regarding a decision, by 'DavisThe fact that It wan the 'last inning

prevented htm being ordered from- thegame. \u25a0"' . \u25a0 '..7 \

'• .' ,'


The score:,' •- '\u25a0- \u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.

,\u25a0'\u25a0 l"J. LOS ANGELKS

\u25a0>' ABRBIIBBPO AEBernard,!, cf 3,1 ,0.0 3 0 0Itoss. If.. 3 .0 2 0 3 0 0Ilrashear, .3b. ..'.;. '4

'1 10 2 3 1

Dillon, lb 3 0 0 0 0 11Cravath. rf 2 1 1 0 0 0 0Bples, lb 2 0 0 0 14 0 0Toman, ss 8 0 0 0 0 6 0Ijager, o.< 3 0 2 0 5 0 0Baum, p..... 3 0 0 0 0 3 0

Totals 31 1 6 1*27 14 1PORTLAND

ABRBHSBPO AXAtz, ES. 4 0 0 0 3 3.0Van Buren, If 4 1 1 1 0 0Mcliale. cf 3 1 0 0 1 0 0MUcheli, lb 4 0 1 0 11 1 1Schlafly, 2b 4 0 1 0 1 5 0McLean, c 3 0 1 0 6 0 0McOreedle, If 3 0 0 0 0 0 0Sweeney, 3b 3 0 1 0 0 4 0Jones, p 3 0 0 0 0 1 0

31. 1 5 1 *23 14 1•—Bernard nut; hit by batted ball.

;;.';".' :-{> SCORE BY INNINGS \u25a0

Los 1Angeles 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0•—

3Base Tilts ......00001221


Portland ..; 0 0000100 o—lBase hits 11001110 o—s

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..' summary aw «;Two bass hits

—Schlafly, Brashear.

Sacrifice hits—

ltosn, McCreedte, lie-Hale, McLean, DlPon, Spies. FirstViaao on errors

—Los ,Anifeles, 1; Port-land, SS.< Left on bases

—Los Angales,

4; Portland, G. Itasc-s on balls—OffJones,.' l. Struck out

—By Jones, li;

J'auin, 3. Doublb plays—

Mitchell toAtz to. Mitchell. Paused ball—Me-Lean. Hit by pitched ball—Bernard.Time of game— l.2o. Umpire


The Angels took the first run in theInitial inning, when liernard went tofirst on a slap in the ribs from the arm

of Bertie Jonea, got second on a passer]ball and loped to third on Ross" out.He scored on Brashear's out.

KittyBraßhear was over where Smith*used to pick them up, and the regularthird baseman was not missed yester-day nt least.

The infield worked like a charm, con-sidering the sudden make-up, and pen-nant liopes are still alive in the breast?(if the fans who were, out yesterday.

Toman's playing at short shone: upwith all the brilliancy of his old-timeform and several difficult ones weregathered ln and snapped to iirst thathad the racing qualities of a base hit.

Manager Morley and Umpire Davisstated yesterday thnt they did not knowwhether Flood's expulsion would barhim from league ball throughout thecountry;

Jud Smith occupied a seat In thebleachers and for the remainder of theReason will not be seen in a Los An-geles uniform.

The Portland team was confident yes-terday and the small crowd that bravedtlie biting air prepared themselves foranything that might happen. Therewas no beating the new team, however,nnd Spindles Baum allowed but one run,nnd thnt on a close decision at the

Spies Back in GameHeinle Spieß,' delighted to get ln the

game again, frisked around the flrstbag like a Hal Chase, and Cap Dillonheld down tho place made vacant bythe passing of Tlm Flood from Cali-fornia diamonds.

But the fact that moat concerns localfanrlom la that Flood will not playngaln on the coast, and the passing ofthe popular player will be a cause ofregret to thousands whohave witnessedhis work. He erred and the punishmentis severe.

Whether there Is any limit to the ex-pulsion will notbe known until furtherword arrives from Bert.

A telegrnm received from Bert yes-terday afternoon by Umpire J. IraDavis red: "I have expelled TlmFlood and suspended Jud Smith for thebalance of the season. Positively donot permit these players in any con-test." . ."


And all this because of Tim Flood'sfit of linger last Sunday. Presidentllert of the Pacific Coast league hasspoken nnd Tlm must play no more-titleast on the Pacific coast. The prideof local fandom Is to hang up the suitwhich hns clone yeomen service by thekeystone bng, nnd lay down the batthat In the ptist brought more than oneilotous outburst of Joy from the Chutespark Rtands.

Score curds were thrown away In dls-Ktist us the Seraphs came to bat andtome of the fans spent hnlf of the gamelurntliiß their favorites.

A cm ay quilt would have been anlmplo proposition compared with thopnU'hril-up utigellc nßgreßatlon thnt1rotted out nn the diamond at Chutespink yesterday afternoon to down thexvehfootrrs by v score of 3 to 1.

Los Angeles 3, Portland 1

STANDING OF THE CLUBSPlayed. Won. Lost. P.O.Los Angeles y3 D 73tl fA

Bail Kruni-lHco 101 M 47 .iajOakland mi r.:j 51 .;,VuHeuttlo H4 44 Ml .408Portland , yii 42 -is M7Tacoma t>3 87 115 ,w


N0v..23....<15:45' 'frlT M?' «

Nov. 23.... 8:23 . 7:20 ..... \u25a0 {Ijy!gs:i#:::ia J!8 fS 1




Popular Second Baseman Probably

Will Play No More on Coast.Seraphic Line-up a



Tremendous CrowdsTake Advantage ofthe Offer ofJ.R.-Lane Dry Goods


327-329 SO. BROADWAY

lime Extended Ten Daysin Order to Allow EveryWoman in Southern Cali-fornia an Opportunity toShare in the bargains

The crush of women at the LaneStore on Broadway, between Third and

Fourth, yesterday, attests the power of

good values and judicious advertising.$10,000 worth of Dress Goods is anenormous quantity, when one remem-bers that ln reality it Is 520.000 worth,

for they bought at 50c on the dollar.Mr.Lane says he regrets that they

could not wait upon everybody, butstill more salespeople have been put


more counter and display space


and he's sure now of taking

care of today's crowds. The selling ofsuch large quantities of goods calls for

the best of generalship and. manage-

ment. It is impossible to show one-tenth of the variety at one time, con-

sequently they have adopted the plan

of bringing forward new patterns andfabrics each day and ten days of very

brisk selling willbe all too few to dis-

pose of this large lot of dress goods.One big advantage gained by the buyerlv a sale of this sort is that the lastyard Is aB good aB the

-first, and at

the prices prevailing—

half or less ofwhat they formerly sold at, you uresure of a bargain. This cooler weathercalls for changes ot raiment, and cer-tainly this enterprising firm could nothave> found a more favorable time for

such a enap. You can afford twodresses now, new style fabrics, too,

when you can bo Judiciously spendyour money—2sc, 33c, 47c, 67c, 83c, 94cthe yard, and In some of the hundredsof lots you will find the fabric thatpleases and at the price we know you

can afford a dress. The truth is, wo-men can afford to come to Lane's fromall over Southern California for theirdresses, but we'd advise coining soon—and buy as early in the day as pos-sible, for the crowds are not alwaysso large, and you can make a morecareful selection. Don't forget theirnumber— 327-828 South Uroadwuy, be-tween Third nml Fourth streets.


Kottee Inviting I'roponala for Furulxli-!\u25a0\u25a0!&- NtcfiMrf I'^uiiliiiut*ut fur tlio< ..11.-.lluu of (Jarbuife.Notice in hereby given that aeiile'l

proposals will be received by the CityClerk of tho City of Loh Angeles up to11 o'clock a. m. Monday, December I,1905, for furnishing unit hitting tv thucity for a period of three yearn fromund after January 1, i'mu. ItitniM .milwtiKons for colluding and hauling gur-bagu and • refuse lv uccordauco withHiJfcilicutioiiH iluirufor adopted by theCity.Council at Itlinertia* of Muud.iy,November 7, IUUS, on Jllo 111 the office


An Ordlnflnce amending An Ordinanceentitled "An ordinance, regulntlng thnui"e of the public streets of the City ofT«oa Angeles."

PUBLIC ADVERTIBINQef tho City Clerk, nnd entitled "Oar-bnge Specifications 1006."Hldrtcrs willbe required to file withtheir bid a cheek, drawn to tho ordernf It. J. t,elande, City Clerk, and cer-tified by a responsible bank In the Cityof Los Angeles, In tho nmount of $1500ns a guarantee that tho bidder willenter Into a contract with the city Inconformity with his bid and plve Abond In th*> sum of $10,000 satisfactoryto the City Council, for the falthfmtc-rformnnce of the, contract, as pro-vided In said specification*.

Council reserves the right to rejectnny nnd all bids.Hy nr.ier of thn City Council of theCityof Los Angeles.

H. J. LRLANDB,City Clerk.

H-13-15-17-20-22-2'l-27-29, 12-1-2 lOt

Oriifnnnre'lVn. 12,6-M(New Series.)

An Ordinance nmetidlng nn Ordinanceentitled "An Ordlnnnc.e regulating tfieI'se of tho public streets of the Cityof Los Angeles," numbered 25.1, nndnppioved September 13, 1888, by amend-ing Section 1of said Ordinance.

Tlio Mayor and Council ot the Cityof Lns Aiißcieß do ordain ns follows:

Section 1, Thnt Section 1 of Ordl*nance No. 253, entitled "An OrdlnnncotcgnlntlniT tlm use of the public streetsof tho City of Loa Angeles," approvedSeptember 13, 1880, be and tho same Inhereby amended to rend as follows:

Section 1. It shall bo unlawful fornny person, firm or corporation to u«othe public sidewalks of tho City of LosAngeles for tho dlsplny ot merchandiseor to leave any goods, merchandise,boxes, barrels, trucks or other artlclenupon any portion of the public streetsof the City of Los Angeles, described asfollows:

Los Angeles street from Arcadiastreet and Allso street to Seventhstreet; Main street from tho Plaza toSeventh street: tipper Miilnstreet, nowknown and called Snn Fernando street;Mnrchesaault street to the Junction ofSan Fernando street and AlameiUstreet; Spring street from Templustreet to Seventh street; nil that por-tion of New High street lying betweenthe eentar line nnd westerly line there-of from Temple street to Franklinstreet; Broadway from Temple street toSeventh street; Hillstreet from Firststreet to Seventh street; Commercialstreet from Mnln street to Alamediistreet; Arcadia street from Mmin streetlo Los Angeles street; Roqiionu streetfrom Main street to Wilmington street;Temple street from Mnln street to Hillstreet: Court street from Main street loSpring snrect; Market street fromMain street to Spring street* Frnnklinstreet from Spring street to Broadway;First street from Hillstreet to Los An-geles street: Second street from Hillstreet to Los Angeles street; Thirdstreet from Hillstreet to Los AngelesPtrect; Fourth street from Hillstreet toLos Angeles street; Fifth street fromHillstreet to Los Angeleß street: Sixthstreet from T-T111 street to Los Angelesstreet; Seventh street from Hillstreetto Los Angeles street.

Sec. 2. That all Ordinances nndparts of Ordinances In conflict herewitharo hereby repealed.

Sec. 8. This Ordinnnco is urgentlyrequired for the lmmedlnte preservntionof the public pence, health and safety;and tho City Clerk shnll certify to Itspassage by a two-thirds vote of theCouncil, and cause It to bo publishedonce ln tho Los Angeles Herald, andthereupon and thereafter it shall takeeffect and be ln force.Ihereby certify thnt the whole num-ber of members of the City Council of

the City of Los Angeles Is nine, andthat tho foregolne Ordinance waspassed by a two-thirds vote of saidCouncil, at its meeting of November 20,1905. by tho following vote, to wit:


Messrs. Rlanchard, Hnmmon,Henly, Hillcr, Houghton and Summer-land (G).


None.11. J. LKLANDE,'

City Clerk.Approved this 21st day of November,

OWEN McALEER,11-22 It. Mayor.

Notice ot Street WorkPublic notice is hereby given

that at its meeting held onMonday, the 30th day of October, 190ii,the City Council of tho City of Los An-geles adopted an Ordinance, designatedns Ordinance No. 11,1)13 (New Series),declaring its intention to order the fol-lowing Improvement to bo mado, to wit:

That a vitrified pipe sewer be con-structed In said city in

AVENUE FIFTY-SIXfrom center line of Pasadena avenue680.19 feet southeasterly, between thepoints, on tho lines, at the elevationsand on tho grades as are designated onthe plan and profile of said sewer onfile in tho office of the City Engineerof said city, snid plan and profile beingnumbered 15,578 in the records of saidoffice; aald sewer shall be built acros3such street or alley intersections, andwith such manholes. Junction cham-bers, fiushtanks, iron covers, steps anlbuckets, and other appurtenances, asare designated upon .said plan andprofile.

Said improvement p.hall bo con-structed in accordance with said planoiid profile; In accordance with plansNos. 20,452, 24,748 und 25.453 on 1110 Inthe oftico of uniil City Engineer; nndIn further accordance with the Bpeelfl-catlons therefor ou fllo in tliooftico ofthe City Clerk of said city, said speci-fications being entitled "Specificationsfor the construction of a sower in Ave-nue I<"ifty-sixfrom center line of Pasa-dena avenuo GSO.lfl feet southeasterlyln the City of Los Angelos," and whichspecitlctitions were, approved by saidCouncil at its meeting of October 30,1005, which said plan nnd profile, saidplans and said specifications are herebyreferred to formore particular descrip-tion of said work.

Sec. 2. That the said contemplatedwork of Improvement, in tho opinionof said City Council, Is of moro thanlocal or ordinary public benefit, andsaid City Council hereby declares thattho district in the said City of Los An-geles benefited by said work or im-provement, nnd to be assessed to paythe costs and expenses thereof is de-scribed us follows:

All that portion of the City of LosAngeles included within the followingdescribed exterior boundary line, to ,wit:

Commencing at the most southerlycorner of lot 1 of Map of Block 47"Highland Park," as per map recordedln Hook 11, page 79, .Miscellaneous Hoc- ,\u25a0ords of Lob Angeles County; thencefrom said point of beginning northerlyand parallel to tho westerly line of :Avenue Fifty-six to tho southerly lineof Pasadena avenue; thenco easterly jalong: (hi! said luat mentioned Hue toIho most northerly corner of lot 1 of jG. W. Morgan's Map of block 48 of ,Hlglila.iUPark Truct, as per map re- ,corded in Hook 30, page 88, Miseellan- .cous Hecords of said county; thence ;southerly and parallel to the easterly ,line of said Avenue Fifty-six to themost easterly coiner of said last men-tioned lot; thence easterly in a direct :lino to the most northerly corner Ot lot \u25a0

22 of said last mentioned map; thence ,(southerly and parallel to the Bald east- ,trly lino of Avenue Fifty-six ;o tll'imost easterly corner of lot 21 of said ,last mentioned map; thence westerlyina direct line to the most northerly .corner of lot 20 of said last mentioned .map; thence southerly and parallel tothe said easterly line ot Avenue Fifty- jsix to the most easterly corner of lot ;17 ot said lust mentioned map; thence ,easterly ln a direct line to the mokt ,northerly corner of lot 19 ot said lastmentioned map, said last mentioned ipoint being on tlie westerly line of JAvenue Fifty-seven J thence southerlyalonK the said westerly line ot Aye-,nue I'Mfiy-si'vi'iito the most easterlyn.iiH-rnf lot Hi of suld lust mentionedniiip: thenco weeleily in a direct lino ,to the most southt'ily turner of saidlast mentioned lot; thence westerly In .a. direct line to the most easterly oor-ner of lot 12 of said mentioned map of .block 47 "Highland Park;" thence :westerly in a direct line to the most ,southerly corner of said last mentioned .lot: thence northerly and parallel -totha said westerly line of Avenue Fifty-.six to the moat westerly corner of lot ,5 of said last mentioned innp; tlunoo.enHterly In a direct lino to the point ofbeginning.

Reference la hereby made to said i

ordiiiunco mi lll>' lv iii>' i-jVl'-e <>f Hi*. !Cliy (.Murk of »uld city for further par-tUululß.


Btreet Superintendent ot th« Cityof Loi ,Angel**. il-SO-26 «t


Kotlee of Sale nf Property for nrfinqnrnt Aa*<>N«inpnt I'viol to Pn? theKxprnaca for Wlri>nln* of Silntli Strerl, Ilttwrrn Mnln Sfre*f nml pig-nernn strrrt In the < ll.vof i,«« Angrlr*.

Notice Is hereby given that, pursunnt to thp provlMon of ths Statutes of theBtntflof California relative to tne collection of assessment* to pay the expenses ofppenlnrr and widening streets within municipalities, I, Jnmcs Ilanley, Street Super-!"<pn<!ent of the City of Lo* Angeles, willon Friday, Hi* Sth day of December.1905, at 10 o'clock n. m., In the office of the Street Hnnerlntenflent of the City of

«'?u An,?c!elVn the Clt¥ IIn"


nl<lcit*'"Hl ftt Public nnctlon for lawful moneyof the United Statos, nil the property described In tho following delinquent list ofnascsnmerits for the widening of Ninth street, between Main street end Flg-leron street, attached to thin notice, upon which property the delinquent ns-jessments described In snld list are a lien, together withthe costs and penal-ties accruing thereon, unless Bald assessment shall be paid before snld sale, to-gether with the co«ts and penalties thereon.?£ » IS" > >*:S « 3 S3 5- agil owner. MaTr,o' U ii. i rji .' i* Is t j68--TV. B. Stewart, south 40 feet of lot 12,

ro w t>'2fa.llltb<ir. Trn(it. .• $360.00 $18,00 1.50 $575.8069— -VV. H. Stewnrt, lot 11, except south 5 feet,block 62, Huber Tract 3548.20 177.41 .fiO A725.1111-20-2!) lOt Street Superintendent of the City Los Angeles.

JVntlre of Street WorkPubllo notice Is hereby given that onMonday, the 30th dny of October, A. I).1908, the Council of the City of Los An-geles, did, at Its meeting on snld day,fulopt nn Ordinance of Intention, himvhered 11,012 (New Series), to havo thofollowing work done, to wit:Thnt a vitrified pipe sewer be con-structed In said city In

TKMI'LE rITHKRT,from Henderson street to Alvnradostreet; In

CASro STREET.from Temple street to Heilevue nvc-nue; hi

ORO STRKET.from Templo street to Bellevue ave-nue; InLONDON STIIEKT,

from Cnsco street 450 feet westerly;and In ,

BELLBVUR AVENUE,from Cnsco street 501 feet westerly, be-tween the point.-", on tho lines, nt theelevntlons nnd on the grades ns aredesignated on tho plan and prollle ofMid sewer on file In the office of theCity Engineer of snld city, snld plnnmid profile being numbered 11,673 lnthe records of suld office; said sewerRhull be built across such street or alleyIntersections, and with such manholes,junction chambers, flushtankH, Ironcovers, steps nnd buckets nnd other up-purtetiances ns are designated uponsaid plan and profile.

Said improvement shall be con-ftructed in nccordnnce with snid plnnnnd profile; In accordance with plansNos. 25,402, 25,485, 25.455, 24,748 nml25,453 on file in the office of tho saidCity Engineer; and In further accord-ance \v4th the. specifications therefor onfile In the office of the City Clerk ofsnld c.'ty, said specifications being en-titled "Speclficatluns for the construc-tion of a sewer In Temple streot, fromHenderson Htrect to Alvamdo street; InCasco street, frjm Temple street toHeilevue avenue; In Oro street fromTemplo street to Bellevue avenuo; InLondon street, from Cnsco street 450feet westi-rly, and In Heilevue avenuefrom Casco street 504 feet westerly, inthe City of Los Angoles," nnd whichrpeclflcatlons were approved by BadCouncil nt Its meeting of October 30,1905, which said plnn nnd profile, snldplnns and snld specifications are herebyreferred to for moro particular descrip-tion of said work.

Sec. 2 That tho snld contemplatedwork of Improvement, ln the opinion ofsaid City Council, Is of more than localoi ordinary public bene.lit. and sniiiCity Council hereby declares that thedistrict ln the said City of Los AngelcHbenefited by said work or Improvement,and to bo assessed to pny the costs nndexpenses thereof Is described as fol-lows:

All that portion of the City of LosAngeles included within the followingdescribed exterior boundary line, towit:

Commencing nt tho most northerlycorner of lot R of Cary's Subdivision ofa part of lot 2 block 27 Hancock's Sur-vey of Los Angeles City,as per map re-corded in Book 78. page 100. Miscellan-eous Records of Los Angeles County;thence from said point of beginningsouth' 29 degrees 39 minutes east 180feet along tho easterly line of snid lot8 to a point on said last mentioned lino;thence southeasterly In a direct Unoand parallel to the northerly lino ofTemple street to a point on tho easterlylino of Temple road: thenco continuingIn a direct linonnd parallel to the saidnortherly lino of Templo street to iipoint on tho northwesterly line of lotIl*block 5 of mnp of the Hutchlnson tract,

ns per map recorded In Hook 13, page36, MHccllnneous Kecorda of saidCounty; thenco north 27 degrees 19minutes cast to the most northerly cor-ner of lot 11 of said block G; thencenorth 82 degrees 30 minutes west 309 12feet to the moat westerly corner ot lot1 of said block 5; thence north 27 de-grees 19 minutes west to the mostwesterly corner of lot Iblock 4 of siildlnst mentioned mnp; 'hence continuingalong the snld lnst mentioned course tothe most southerly corner of lot 1 ofmap of Shnfer & Town Trnct, us permap recorded ln Book 19, page 05, Mis-cellaneous Hecords of said county:thence northwesterly nnd pnrallel tothe southerly line of Bellevue avenueto the most westerly corner of snid lnstmentioned lot, snld lnst mentioned pointbeing on the easterly line of Sonomastreet; thence northerly along the saidlnst mentioned line to the southerlyline of Hellevuo nvenue; thence easterlynlong the snlil last mentioned lino tnthe most easterly corner of lot 1 of salillast mentioned innp; thenco northeast-erly in a direct lino to the most west-erly corner of block 9 of m:ip of Mara-thon tract lands of Funning & Hub-bard In lots 7 and 8. block 28 Hancock'sSurvey, as per mnp recorded ln Hook 14,page 31, Miscellaneous Records of snidcounty; thence northeasterly 150 f<-etalong tho westerly linnof snld block !>lo a point; thenco easterly In a directline mil parallel to tho northerly lineof K.-ild Bellevue nvenue to thn mosteasterly corner of lot 1, block 10 of sdMlast mentioned map: thPiicn southerlyin a direct line to the most northerlycorner of lot 9, block 0 of map of thoBellevue Avenue Tract, as per map rc-ccrded In book 30, page 44, Miscellan-eous Records of siild county; thencaeasterly inn direct lino and riarnllel tothe said northerly line of Heilevue nve-nue to the most easterly corner ot lot 7,block C of map of Bellevue AvenueTrnct No. 2. as per map recorded InBook 7, pa go, 41 of Maps, Records ofsaid county, thence southerly In adirect line to the most southerly cornerof snld lnst mentioned lot, said lastmentioned point being on the saidnortherly line of Bellevue avenuo;thence southerly In a direct line to thomost easterly corner of lot 1, block 2of said map of the Hutchlnson Tract;thence southerly ln a direct lino to themost southerly corner of said lnst men-tioned lot; thence easterly In n directline and parallel to the southerly lineof said Bellevuo nvenue to the moatsoutherly corner of lot 1, block 1 off.ald last mentioned map; thencesoutherly ln a direct lino to the mostsoutherly corner of lot 2 of snld lastmentioned block 1; thence easterly In adirect line and pnrnllel to the saidsoutherly line of Bellovue avenue tothe most easterly corner of lot 3, block1 ofamended mnp of Chas. M. Hutehln-son Tract, as per map recorded InBook7, page «9 of Maps, Records of saidCounty, said lnst mentioned point beingon the westerly line of Znlvldea street;thence southerly ln a direct linoalongthe said westerly line of JJalvldea streetto the most southerly corner of lot Bof said hiFt mentioned :nnp: thencesouthwesterly In a direct Hub to thumost southerly corner of lot 0 of saidlast mentioned map: thence southwest-erly ln a direct line to the most south-erly corner of lot 10 of satd last men-tioned map; thence southerly lna directUna to the most easterly oorner of lot20 of said last mentioned map; thencaeouthwesterly nlong the easterly line ofBald last mentioned lot to the mostsoutherly corner of anld last mentionedlot, said lnst mentioned point being onthe northerly line of Temple street;thence continuing on th« southerly pro-li'iiuiitlonof (ho Hiild easterly line ofsaid last mentioned lot 20 to a point onthe southerly line of lot 9. block 1 ofmap allowing1 subdivision of the High-land Tract In lots 8, 4 and a. block 89and lot 1, block 27 Hancock's Survey,as per map recorded In hook b, page119, Miscellaneous Records of saidcounty; thence northwesterly In adirect line to the most westerly cornerof lot 1» of »ald inentloned block 1;thence north 61 degrees 41 minuteswest nlong the southerly Una of lot B.block 27 Hanccick'H Survey as ahowu onmiipof Iho <!nry Tract In lot 8, block 87Hancock's Survey, uh per map «f Urn{superior Court Case No. 15,032, Clerk'sFllad Map No. 347, office ot tba CountySurveyor of said county, to a point lnth* •outhtaiterly line of HeuUersou

street; thence northerly In a. direct linoto tho most westerly corner of snld lotS of Cary's Subdivision of part of lot 2,block 27 Hancock's Survey; thence,rnrtheimterly nlong tho westerly line offcnld lnst mentioned lot to tho point ofbeginning,

Referencn Is hereby mnde to snld Or-dlminre of Intention for further pal'tlculan,

JAMKS IIANLKY,It-20-2i- fit Street Superintendent... Notlee nf Street WorkPublic notlco Is hereby Riven thnt onMonday, tho 30th dny of October, A. D.1005, tho Council of the City of Los

Angeles did, at Its meeting on saidday, adopt an Ordinance of Intention,numbered 11,908 (New Series), to havethe following work done, to wit:


In said city from the west curb linoofSlain street to the east line of Monelanvciiue, including nil intersections ofstreets (excepting such portions of snldstreet and Intersections as are requiredby law to be kept In order or repair bynny person or company havlnpr raliro-.idtrucks thereon, nnd nlso excepting «uchrcrtlona nn havo already been pralednnd graveled and accepted), be gradeJnnd graveled to the official grade Inaccordance with the plans and profileon file ln the office ot the City Kn-glnecr and specifications for gradingfind graveling streets ln the City of LosAnffelcs with the natural Bravel of thestreet (Clnss H) on file ln the officeof the City Clerk of said city, saidspeculations being No. SI (NewSeries).

2nd. That a cement curb be con-,ftructed along each lino of the roadwayof snld Rlcn avenue, from the westcurb line of Main street to the east linoof Moneta avenue (excepting alongsuch portions of tho line of said road-way upon which a cement or granitecurb hns nlready been constructed tothe official linoand grade), in accord-ance with specifications for construct-ing cement curbs, on fllo In the officeof the City Clerk, said specificationsbeing No. 22 (New Series).

3rd. That a cement sidewalk five (5)feet in widthbe constructed along each&lileof said Rico avenuo from the westcurb line of Main street to tho east lineof Moneta avenue (excepting such por-tions of said street between said pointsalong which a cement or asphnlt side-walk five (G) feet In width has beenconstructed to the official lino nndprade), quid side.wnlk to bo constructedIn accordance with specifications forconstructing cement sidewalks on filein tho office of the City Clerk of saidcity, paid specifications being No. 23(New Series).

Sec. 2. The Council of said city findsupon estlmnte of tho City Engineerthat the total cost of said Improvementwillbo greater than fiftycents per frontfoot nlong each lineof said street. Includ-ing tho cost of Intersections, and it Isdetermined, In pursuance of anAct of the Legislature of the State ofCalifornia, approved February 27th, 1893,as amended by nn Act ot the Legislatureamending said last named Act, whichamending Act became a law March 2d,1599, that bonds shall be issued to repre-sent the cost of said improvement. Saidbonds shall be serial, extending over aperiod of ten years, an even proportionof the principal sum of which shall bepayable annually, on tho second day ofJanuary of each year by coupon, aftertheir dato untilthe whole nre paid, and tobear Interest at the rate of seven (7) percent per annum, payable seml-annuallyon the second days of January and Julyof each and every year.

Reference 1s hereby mado to saidOrdinance of Intention for further par-ticulars.

JAMES HANLEY,11-20-25 Ct Street Superintendent.

Notice of Street Work.Public notice Is hereby given

that at Its meeting held onHoliday, the 30th dny of October, 1903,the City Council of the City of Los An-geles adopted nn Ordinance, designatedus Ordinarce No. 11,907 (New Series),declaring its Intention to order the fol-lowing Improvement to be made, to wit:Ist. That a cement curb return be con-

structed along the line of the roadway

MICHIGAN AVIWUE,at each corner of the Intersection of saidMichigan avenue with ench street fromthe east curb linn of Pleasant uvenueto the west curb line of Kvergreen ave-nuo (excepting along such portionsof the line of said roadway uponwhich a cement or granite curbban already been constructed totho official Hue and grade), ln accord-ance, withspecifications for constructingcement curbs on lilo ln the ofllco of theCity Clerk, said specifications being No.22 (New Suiies).

2nd. That- a cement sidewalk five (5)feet In width ho constructed along eachside of said Michigan avenue from thecast curb line of Pleasant avenuo to thewest curb line of Uvergreen nvenuo (ex-cepting such portions of said streot be-tween said points along which a cementor asphalt sidewalk live (ol feet In widthhas been constructed to the official linoa.n'Igrade), suld sidewalk to bo con-structed in accordance with specificationsfor constructing cement sidewalks on fileln tho offlco of tho City Cuerk of saidCity, said specifications being No. 23(New Series).

Reference Is hereby made to said Or-dinance, on file ln the office of the CityClerk of said city, for further par-ticulars.

JAMI3S HANLEY,Street Superintendent of the City of Los

Angeles. 11-20-25 (it

Notice of the Piling of the ANNrHmuentfur the OpeniiiK or Crocker Street,from the .Southerly I.lnc ot (iua U.lIIU'm Vernon Avenue Tract to theNortherly I.lnc of l-'orly-Hlxth Street.Together "ill"<he UluKrani ot theAMaeaanient lllslrlcl for Suld Im-provement.Notice is hereby given that the Street

Superintendent Ims filed withthe Clerkof the Council of the City of Los An-geles the assessment for the opening ofCrocker street, from the southerly linoof Gun B. Hill's Vernon Avenue Tractto the northerly line of Forty-sixthstreet, aB contemplated by OrdinanceNo 10,922 (New Series), together withthe diagram of the assessment district.The date of the first publication of thisnotice is November 20, 190S, and allparties Interested are hereby requiredto tile in writing their objections, Ifnny they have, to the confirmation ofsaid assessment by the City Council,with the suld Clerk of tha Council,within thirty days after tlm said dateof the first publication of this notice, towit: on or before December 20, 1903.

Persons signing objactlons mustgive postofflc. address. liELANDRC1c


Cn'cTl* tt"d CX




Motive to Coutruutora'Notice Is hereby given ihat sealed

proposals willbe received by the CityClerk of the City of Loh Angeles up to11 o'clock Monday, November 27, l'JOu,for thu construction of v concrete ru-Ulnlng wall on Hope street betweenS« conil and Third Htreets, the same toconnect with the west portal of thuThird street tunnel, In uccordance withnliiiisand specifications onfile withtheCity Engineer per his plan No 1forthis Improvement, concrote wall only,however, to be constructed.

A certified check, payable ta the ordeiof H- J- Lelunde, City Clerk, In 10 parcent of the amount of bid, must accom-pany each pruposul us a guarantee thatthe bidder willenter into a. contract withthe city In conformity with his bid. .

Council ivK.'l-ven the right to rejectany in- all bldi.

By order of tha Council ot tha City ofLoa Angel**.. 11. J. LELANjm

U-16-S3 lot City CUrk.


ffAflc*of Pnbtle WorkPublic notice l« hereby given that *l

Ita meeting held on Monday, tho 23ddaf of October, 1905. the City Council otthe City of T,of< Angeles adopted anOrdinance, designated as Orrtlt.ance No.11,897 (New Herles), declaring Its ln«tentlon to order the following Improve-ment to be made, to wit:

Section 1. That It Is the Intention ofthe City Council of the City of Los An-

?elea to close up, vacate and Abandon,of street purpose*, nilthat portion of

LAOIINAAVKNUB. ,n publlo street of the City of Lob AnnMei,between La Vetft Place and flunoet boul«<yard, described ns follows, to wit:

beginning at the Intersection of th*southerly line of Sunset boulevard withthe easterly line of Legunn nvenue, Midpoint being Rlso the most northerly cor-ner of lot it,block 16 of Angeleno Hel*ht*,ns per map recorded In Hook 10, fitjwr*« »et|., Miscellaneous Records of Los An-geles County; thence southwesterly Alongthe easterly line ofsold lot 41 to Its Inter-lection with the northerly Una of thatcertain alley conveyed to the City of LouAngeles by Amos S. Klmbnlt et ft],bydeed dated March 24, l»03, and recorded InHook 1838 of Deeds, nt tinge 137, Hecords otLos Angeles County; thence northwester-lyalong the prolongation of the northerlyline of unld alley toa point which Is dls-tnnt 5 feet southerly, mensured at rightangles, from the southerly line of lot 1,block 1 of th9south pnrt of the MontanaTract, as per map recorded In Hook 13,nt page 73. Miscellaneous Records of LosAngeles County; thence westerly andparallel withthe southerly line of lots 1, 2and 8, said block 1 of the south part oftha luontann Trnct, to a point on a lineaxtendlng from the most westerly cornerof snld lot 3, block 1, to the northwesterlycorner of lot 43, of wild block 16. AngelenoHeights; thence northwesterly along saidlnst described line to said most westerlycorner of lot 3, block 1, of the south partof the Montana Tract; thence easterly lna direct line to the southeasterly corner nfsaid lot x, block 1 of the south part of theMontana Tract: thence northeasterly In adirect line to the most easterly corner otsnld lot 1; thence Eouthensterly ina directline to the point of beginning.

AIbo: Heglnntng at the Intersection ofthe southerly line of Lnguna avenue withthe southerly line of that certain alleyconveyed to the City of Los Angeles, ashereinbefore described; thence northwest-erly along the prolongation of the south-erly line of said alley to a point whichIs distant 45 feet northerly, measured atright angles, from wild southerly lineof Lnguna avenue; thence westerly andparallel with said souther!? line of La-

?una avenue toa point on a line extendingrom the most westerly corner of lot 8,

block 1 of the south pnrt of the MontanaTtact to tho northwesterly corner of lot43, block IS, of Angeleno Heights, ashereinbefore mentioned; thence southerlyIn a direct line to enld northwesterly cor-ner of lot 43, block 16, Angeleno Heights:theme easterly ina direct line to the pointof beginning.

Sec. 2. That the exterior boundaries ofthe district of land to be affected by saidwork or Improvement are hereby specifiedand declared to be as follows, to wit:

Beginning at tho most easterly cornerof lot 41. block 16. Angeleno Heights, asherolnbefora mentioned; thence south-westerly in a direct line to the mostsoutherly corner of lot 42, mild block 16;thence northwesterly In a direct line tothe most westerly corner of lot 44, saidblock 1G; thence northerly In a direct lineto the most westerly corner of lot 8, block1 of the south part of the Montana Tract,as hereinbefore mentioned; thence north-easterly lna direct line to ihe most north-erly corner of said lot 3, block 1: thencesoutheasterly ln a direct line to the pointof beginning; excepting therefrom anyland therein contained which is now apart of any public street or alley insaid city.

Reference Is hereby made to saidOrdinance, on file In the office ot theCity Clerk of said city, for further par-ticulars.

JAMES HANLEY,Street Superintendent of the City of

Los Angeles. \u0084

'11-13-22 lOt •

"~Notice of Street Work

Public notice Is hereby giventhat at Its meeting held onMonday, the 30th day of October,1905, tho City Council of the City ofLos Angeles adopted an Ordinance,designated as Ordinance No. 11,903(New Series), declaring Its Intention toorder tho following improvement to bemade, to wit:


In said city from the west line ofDomlng-uez street to tho east line ofMcKlnley avenue, including nil inter-sections of streets (excepting suchportions of said street • and In-tersections ns are required byInw to bo kept ln order or repairby any person or company hav-ing railroad tracks thereon, nnd alsoexcepting such portions as have al-ready been graded and graveled andaccepted), be graded and graveled tothe official grade In accordance withtho plans and profile on fllo In thooffice of the City Engineer and specifi-cations for the construction of grav-eled streets (Class D) in the City ofLos Ang-eles, Cal.. on file in the officeof the City Clerk of said city, saidspecifications being No. 29 (NewSeries).

2nd. That a cement curb be con-structed along- each line of the road-way of snld Forts'-nlnth street, fromthe west line of Domlnguoz street tothe east line of McKlnley avenue (ex-ccptlns along such portions of tho lineof said roadway upon which a cementor granite curb hns nlready been con-structed to the official line and grade),In accordance with specifications forconstructing cement curbs, on file Inthe office of the City Clerk, said speci-fications being No. 22' (New Series).

3rd. That a cement sidewalk five (5)fret in width be constructed along thosouth side of said Forty-ninth streetfrom tho west line of Domingucz streetlo tlie east lino of McKlnley avenue(excepting such portions of said streetbetween said points along which acement or asphalt sldowalk five (5)feet In width has been constructed tothe ofTiclnl line and grade), said sklc-v.-;ilk to be constructed in accordancewith specifications for constructing(\u25a0(ment sidew.-ilkH on fllo In the office,

of the City Clerk of Rnld • city, saidFpeeincations being No. 23 (New

""'Sec! 2. Thn Council of said cityfinds upon estimate of the City Engineerthat the total cost of said improvementwill bo greater than fifty certs perfront foot along each lino of saidstreet. Including :he cost of Intersec-tions, and it Is determined. lnpursuance ot an Act of the Legislatureof the State of California, approved Feb-ruary 27th, 13«. as amended by an Actof the Legislature amending said last-named Act, whichnmendlng Act becamo aInw March 2d, 1899, that bonds shall b»Issued to represent the cost of said im-provement. Said bonds shall be serial,extending over a period of ten years, aneven proportion of the principal sum ofwhich shall be payable annually, on thesecond day of January of each year bycoupon, after their date until the wholeare paid, and to bear interest at tharate of seven (7) per cent per annum,payable seml-annually on the seconddays of January and July of each anUevery year.

Reference Is hereby made to said Ordi-nance on file In the office of the City

Clerk ot said city for further partlcu-lfU'3'3'

JAMKS HANLEY,Street Superintendent of the City of LO3

Angeles 11-20-25 6t

Notice to Sener ContractorsSealed proposals for the construc-

tion- of the proposed Storm Sewer InAlhambra avenue under the right ofway of tho San Pedro. Los Angeles <cSalt Lake railroad, willlie received atthe office of the City Clerk of the Cityof LOB Angeles. California, until 11 ii.

m. of Monday, November 27. 190"i. Allproposals must bo on forms furnishedby the city and inu«t be uc.compuiiledby a certified check drawn to tho ordorof tha City Clerk of th« City of LosAngeles, for the sum of five (5) percent ot the amount of the bid. Thocity reserves the right to reject any orall bids. Plans, profile, detull draw-ings, specifications, etc. niuy b« mpkii

at the office of tliu City Knglneer.Prints of tlm plans, profllo and detulldrawings, formii of proposul, contractund bonds and copicn of the specifica-tions willbo delivered to proßpectlvabidders upon receipt by tb« City En-gineer ot $2.00. Each bidder Is re-quired to make personal examinationof tha ground In which the newer in tobe constructed. . , .. • ,

Sizes and approximate lengths of the\u25a0ewer follow:

80 feet of 80-lnch vitrifiedpipe, dou-ble strength.

One end wall.Una No. 4 I'utch basin.K;k-1i bid Khali ho submitted In a

settled envelope addressed "11. J. Le-|:iiul». City OU'i'k, U"H Angeles, Califor-nia." an.lendorsed. "Proposal for uon-bti'uctlng Hlin-iu Hewer in Alhambr*Hvenu..'

•r-.rv :j::L


> U-lt-ZiXOt City CUrk.

PUBUO ADV^RTJBJITjO^^^>(i(irc nt Street Work .

Public notice Is hereby *lventhut ftt Its meeting held onMonday, the 30th day of October, 190S.the cify Council of the City ofI.o» Angeles adopted an Ordlnflnce. rte«-ißnnted ns Ordinance No. 11,911 (NewBerleK), declaring Ita Intention td orderthe following Improvement to be made,tOlTt. "That

ARAPAHOH BTREBTIn Midrlty from the south line of Six-teenth street to the north line of tme

Reeve Tract, Including nil Intersectionsof utreetn (excepting such portions ofunlit street and Intersections as are re-quired by law to be kept in ordef ortepalr by any person or company hav-ing railroad tracks thereon, and alsoexcepting such portions ns lmvo al-ready been graded and graveled andaccepted), be graded and graveled tr»the official trade In accordance withthe plans and profile on file ln the of-fice of the City Knglneer and specifica-tions for tho construction of graveledttreets (Clasft D) in the City o( LnsAngeloß on flloIn the office of tho CityClerk of en Id city, snld specificationsbeing No. 29 (New Herles).

2nd. That a cement curb be con-structed along each lino of the road-way of Bald Arapahoe street, from th«iouth curb line of Sixteenth street to

1the north line of the Reeve Tract (ex-cepting along such portions of the lineof said roadwny upon which a cementor granlto curb hns already been con*structed to the official line and f?rade),ln accordance with specifications forconstructing cement curbs, on fllo Inthe office of tho City Clerk, said speci-fications being No. 22 (New Series).

3rd. That a cement sidewalk four(4) feet In width be constructed alongeach sldo of said Aratmboo streot fromthe south curb line of Sixteenth streetto the north line of the Reeve Tract(excepting such portions of said streetbetween said points along which acement or asphalt sidewalk four (4)feet In width has been constructed tothe official lino and grade), said side-walk to be constructed in accordancewith specifications for constructingcement sidewalks on file ln the officeof the City Clerk of said city, saidspecifications being No. 23 (NewSeries).

4th. That a cobble-paved gutter beconstructed along the east line of theroadway of said Arapahoe street fromthe south curb line of Sixteenth streetto a point 157.47 feet south ot the southUno ol Sixteenth Btreet; and along thowest line of the roadway of Arapnhoestreet from tho south curb line of Six-,teenth street to a point 170 feet southof the south line of Sixteenth street(excepting along such portions of tholine of said roadway along which Acement or granite gutter hns alreadybeen constructed to the official linoand grade, and aiso excepting- such por-tions of said street and Intersections asare required by law to be kept in orderor repair by any person or companyhaving railroad tracks thereon).

Said gutters shall be three and one-half (3V4) feet in width excepting atIntersections of streets, where saidgutters shall be seven (7) feet inwidth; and said gutters shall be con-structed in accordance with the plansand profile therefor on file in the officeof the City Engineer, and in acoord--ance with specifications for the con-struction of cobble-paved gutters onfile in the office of the City Clerk, saidspecifications being No. 7 (New Series).

Reference is hereby made to said Ordi-nance, on file In the office of the City.Clerk of said city, for further partlcu-larB>

JAMES HANLET,Street Superintendent of the Cityot Los

Angeles. 11-20-25 6t

Notice of Street WorkPubllo notice is hereby given that on

Monday, the 30th day of October, A. I>.l»0B, the Council of the City of Los An-geles, did, at its meeting on said day,

adopt an Ordinance of Intention num-bered 11,910 (New Series), to have thefollowing work done to Wit:


in said city from the ;- southerlyline of Ninth street to the north-erly line of Twelfth street, in-cluding all Intersections of streot.s(excepting such portions of said Btreetand intersections as are required by lawto be kept. in order or repair by anyperson or company having railroad tracksthereon, and also excepting such- por-tions as have already been graded andgraveled and accepted), bo graded nndgraveled to the official grade In accord-,ance with the plans and profile on file.ln tho office of tho City Engineer andspecifications

'for tho construction of

graveled streets. Class C, In the City ofLos Angelos on file in tho office of thoCity Clerk of said city, said specificationsbeing No. 28 (Now Series).

2d That a cement curb bo constructedalong each line of the roadway of saidSan Julian street from the southerly lineof Ninth street to the northerly curbline of Twelfth street (excepting alongsuch portions of the lineof said roadwayupon which a cement or granite curb hasalready been constructed to tho official :line and grade), In accordance with Bpe- .cincatlons for constructing cement curbs .on file ln the office of the City Clerk, Bald'specifications being No. Ti (New Series).

3d. That a cement sidewalk five (5) feotin width be constructed along each >sideof said San Julian street from the Bouth-erly line of Ninth street to the norther-lycurb line of Eleventh street (exceptingsuch portions of said street between saidpoints along which a cement or asphalt


sidewalk five (6) feet ln width has beenconstructed to the official line and grade); .also that a cement sidewalk four (iifeet in width be constructed along each

'side of said San Julian street from thesoutherly curb line of Eleventh street tothe northerly curb line of Twelfth Btreet(excepting mich portions of said street'between Bald points along which a ce-ment or asphalt sidewalk 'four (4) feetin widthhas been constructed to.the of-,flclal lino and grade); said sidewalks tobo constructed In accordHnco withspeci-fications for constructing cement side-walks on file In the offlco of tha CityClerk of satd City,said specifications be-ing No. 23 (New Series). ,

Soo. 2. The Council of said cityfinds upon estimate of the City Engineer,that the total cost of said improvementwillbo greater than lifty cents per frontfoot along each lineof wildstreet, induct-ing the cost of intersections, and it isdetermined, in pursuance of an Actof tho Legislature of the State of Call-fornla, approved February 27th, 1893, asamended by an Act of the Legislatureamending said last named Act, whichamending Act became a law MarchLM.ltti.'.that bonds shall bo Issued to representthe cost of said Improvement. Said bondsshall bo serial, extending over a period .of ten years, an even portion of the prln->cipal sum of which shall bo payable an-nually, on tha second day of January ofeacn year by coupon, after their date un-til tho whole are paid, and to bear In-terest at the rate of seven (7) per centper annum, payable seml-annually on thosecond days of January and July of each'and every year.

Refcrenco Is hereby made to said Or-dinance ot intention for further par--tR'"UUS"

JAMES HANLEY, !11-10-25 fit Street Superintendent.

ITOtlce of Slrrrt WorkPubllo notice Is hereby given that on

Monday, the 30th day of October, A. 1).1905, the Council of the City of Loa An-geles did, at Its meeting on said day,adopt an Ordinance of Intention, num-bered 11,906 (New Series), to have thefollowing work done, to wit:

Ist. That a cement curb - b« con--structed along the east Una of the road-way of

nEAUDRT AVENUE.from the south line of First street to thesouth lino of Diamond street and that ncement curb return bu construoted alongeach linoof the roadway at each corner'ot Urn Intersection of suld Beaudry ave-nue with each street betweeu the southlino of First street and the south curbline of Temple street (excepting alonesuch portions of tlm Una of saidroadway upon which a cement orKi-tuilt•! curb him already been .con-klructed to tho official line andKiadei, lv uocordance with specification-)for constructing cem«nt curbu on file hithe office of tho City Clerk, said gpeclfl-tutions being No. ti (New Series).

lid. That a cement sidewalk five(5) feet in width be constructed along .each Bide ot Bald lleaudry avenue, fromtha south line ot First street to the southcurb Una ot Templu street (excepting .such portions of «uld street betweeu saidpoints along which a cement or asphaltsidewalk five (5) feet In width has beenconstructed to the official linoand grade).

'suld sidewalk to be constructed in,ac-cordance withspecifications fur construct-ing cement sUlewulks on tile lv the officeof the City Cltrk of mtl'l city, suld niicci-lutin.ins beltijr No. 23 (New Series).

Itcfereiicu Is heroby mado to said Or-dinance of Intention for further paruo*ular» \u25a0

\u25a0 • \u25a0 :.».....

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