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Pandora's Box

Cristina GuzmanMs. Monette

English 9B Period 7February 3, 2012

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The Story Behind the Creation of


Pandora was created as a punishment for Prometheus, a titan that liked humans. Unlike him, Zeus, the chief god disliked humans.

Prometheus first betrayed Zeus by tricking him into giving the best meat from the animals to the humans and leaving the fat and bones to the gods. As a punishment to the humans Zeus took away all the fire from earth. Once again Prometheus betrayed Zeus and returned

the fire to the humans. This angered Zeus, as a punishment, Zeus ordered Hephaestus, god of the forge and fire, to build a clay woman with a humans voice. This would become, Pandora, the first

woman on earth.

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Hephaestus completed the task given to him by  Zeus. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, liked the clay

figure and breathed life into it, she then taught the woman how to weave and clothed her. Aphrodite, the goddess of love, gave her beauty. Hermes, known as

the messenger of gods, taught the woman how to charm and deceive. Zeus was pleased with the

woman, he named her Pandora and offered her to Prometheus as a wife, yet he refused, knowing it must

be one of Zeus's tricks. Zeus was angered and punished him. he then decided to give her as a gift

to Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus. Zues also handed him a box and warned him never to open it. 

The Creation Of Pandora

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Prometheus tried to warn his brother, never to accept anything from Zeus, for he is very tricky. Yet Epimetheus did not listen and he accepted Pandora as

his bride, along with the box. Pandora's curiosity began temping her, she wanted to open the mysterious box, but he did not  allow her to. Pandora could

no longer withstand her curiosity she needed to know what was in the box. One day while Epimetheus was away Pandora opened the box, when she did,

evil things flew out. She quickly closed the box, but it was to late. She had released envy, crime, hate and disease. Pandora began to weep. Epimetheus awakened, Pandora explained that she had opened the box and all the  evil had come out. She opened the box to show him, however the box was not

empty. Hope flew out before she could close the lid and it flew into the world.

Pandora's Box is Opened

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The story of Pandora's box is a story of the release of evil and despair, giving reason behind all the evil in the world. Many may say it was created to warn people about

letting their curiosity get the best of them, for the outcome could be brutal. However many, may also say that it is a story which shows that no matter what the situation is

there is always hope left.

The Moral Behind The Myth

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Donn, Lin. Pandora's Box. Retrieved on February 2, 2012 

Gill, N.S. Pandora's Box Retrieved on February 2, 2012
