Page 1: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

CrossRef Linking and Library Users

“The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars find most valuable in e-journals. Seamless linking to and from citations, the original articles cited, and bibliographic databases always ranks extremely highly. DOI and CrossRef provide an increasingly flexible way of enriching scholarly literature online with actionable and persistent links.”

-- Sally Morris, Chief Executive of the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers

Page 2: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars


• Why the DOI and CrossRef?

• What’s a DOI?

• What does CrossRef do?

• DOIs in Use

• How CrossRef Enhances OpenURL Linking

• CrossRef’s Benefits to Librares and Users

Page 3: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

The use of Internet references in academic literature is common, andInternet references are frequently inaccessible. The extent of Internetreferencing and Internet reference activity in medical or scientificpublications was systematically examined in more than 1000 articlespublished between 2000 and 2003 in the New England Journal of Medicine, TheJournal of the American Medical Association, and Science. Internetreferences accounted for 2.6% of all references (672/25548) and in articles27 months old, 13% of Internet references were inactive. Publishers,librarians, and readers need to reassess policies, archiving systems, andother resources for addressing Internet reference attrition to preventfurther information loss.

Dellavalle et al., INFORMATION SCIENCE: Going, Going, Gone: Lost Internet References, Science 2003 302: 787-788 (DOI:10.1126/science.1088234)

Why the DOI and CrossRef?

Page 4: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

What’s a DOI?

• Analogous to the UPC bar code for physical objects, a digital object identifier is an alphanumeric string created both to:

•uniquely identify/name a piece of electronic content, and to

•serve as a stable, persistent link to that content’s location on the web

Page 5: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

DOI: THE persistent identifier

• DOI is the only widely adopted persistent, actionable identifier for online scholarly works

• A DOI persists throughout changes in copyright ownership or location because it’s just a name used to look up an address in an easily updateable directory

• The core functionality of the DOI system is to resolve the DOI to the registered, updateable URL

Page 6: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

What’s a DOI look like?

The DOI syntax is a NISO standard

In future, internet browsers will handle DOI s natively

Page 7: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

CrossRef’s mission

• To provide services that bring the scholar to authoritative primary content, focusing on methods that are best achieved through collective agreement by publishers

Page 8: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

What Does CrossRef Do?

• Provides technology infrastructure for linkingNo broken links in citations or database records

because it uses the DOI

•Provides business infrastructure for linkingOne agreement with CrossRef is a linking

agreement with all CrossRef publishers

Page 9: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

Handle System

CrossRef/DOI linking recap

DOI Resolver


Cited Item


Citation with DOI link




Full text

Page 10: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

DOIs in Print

Page 11: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

DOIs in Table of Contents

Page 12: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

DOIs in Online Full Text

Page 13: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

E-First Publishing

Page 14: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

DOIs in Reference Citations

Page 15: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

DOIs in PubMed

DOI link

No DOI shown

Page 16: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

DOIs in Google

Reference to article

Publisher Site

Page 17: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

DOI links on the rise!

Page 18: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

DOI and OpenURL

•OpenURL is not an alternative to CrossRef and DOIs – they work together

•The DOI system and CrossRef are OpenURL aware; therefore publishers are OpenURL enabled via use of CrossRef and DOIs

Page 19: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

Appropriate copy problem



Page 20: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

Localized linking via DOI redirection

• Library installs local linking server

• User in library context clicks on a DOI link

• A “cookie” on user’s machine alerts DOI proxy server to redirect this DOI to the local linking server

• Article-level metadata needed for local resolution can come from the source of the link or from CrossRef via OpenURL

Page 21: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

CrossRef, libraries, & the OpenURL

• CrossRef members are automatically OpenURL-enabled by via DOI redirection

• The DOI and OpenURL are complementary technologies

• CrossRef integrates with several local linking solutions

• CrossRef access is free for libraries!

Page 22: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

OpenURL Aware

OpenURL Linking Complements CrossRef


DOI Server




DOI link doi=10.1034/j.1399-0039.2000.560502.x doi=10.1034/j.1399-0039.2000.560502.x

Page 23: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

CrossRef Benefits Libraries and Users

• User navigation at the article level leads to increased usage of electronic resources (access)

• DOI links can extend access to content not owned (access)

• CrossRef provides persistent DOI links (valid and robust)

• CrossRef helps find the appropriate copy (appropriate and in context)

• Article-level metadata look-up makes CrossRef publishers OpenURL compliant

Every month, over 5 million DOIs get clicked…

Page 24: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

…and more !!…and more !!


…and more !!

• Gateway to the DOI world

• Develops and maintains the DOI standard

• Develops and maintains the Handle system upon which the DOI executes

The DOI Community

Page 25: CrossRef Linking and Library Users “The vast majority of scholarly journals are now online, and there have been a number of studies of what features scholars

DOI is the persistent linking standard.The CrossRef network is rapidly expanding and already includeshundreds of primary andsecondary publishers, hundreds oflibraries, and millions of links….
