Page 1: CSS Flexbox (flexible box layout)

Flexbox(Flexible Box Layout)

Page 2: CSS Flexbox (flexible box layout)

The CSS3 Flexible Box, or flexbox, is a

layout mode providing for the arrangement

of elements on a page such that the

elements behave predictably when the page

layout must accommodate different screen

sizes and different display devices.

Mozilla Developer Network

Page 3: CSS Flexbox (flexible box layout)

What is Flexbox?

Designed to provide a better way to lay out, align, and

distribute space among items in a container - even when


Flexbox is a CSS layout mode designed to ensure that

elements behave predictably in different screen sizes and

devices. … it creates Intelligent boxes.

Easily Defined in CSS and markup (incl. media queries).

Directionally agnostic. (block = vertically-based & inline

= horizontally-based)

Best used for smaller modules over broader layout

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“Old” and “New” syntax

Oddly, the syntax has changed since initial conception -

which has resulted in common references to “old” and “new”


Weaving together the two, (and in-betweens) provides decent

browser support - especially for order-controlled grids

▪ Chris Coyier (2013)

Requires additional code and prefixed code when authoring

for best results. … consider a js library (autoprefixer)


NEW: display: flex;

TWEEN: display; -ms-flexbox;

OLD: display: box;

Page 5: CSS Flexbox (flexible box layout)

Core Concepts

Flexbox consists of:

▪Flex Containers

▪Flex Items

Flex Container

Declared on an element using the display property

display: flex or display: inline-flex

Flex Item

Flex items are positioned inside of a flex container along

a “flex line”. By default 1 flex line per flex container.


< items

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Core Concepts

Flex Line (axis, rope)Flex items are laid out in a single “line” (default) or on

several “lines” according to the flex-wrap property. No

longer think about top-to-bottom or left-to-right. Abandon

rows/columns thinking.

direction orientation

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Core Concepts

Flex LineIn addition to Alignment, Orientation and Direction, flex

lines can be reordered! This is huge. We can now

structure our HTML for semantics, accessibility, and SEO

.item { order: <integer>; }


By default, flex

items are laid

out in source


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Core Concepts

Nested Flex LinesEach flexbox layout (box) can contain another set that is

on their own line.

Nested flexboxes

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Core Concepts

flex-wrap By default all flex items will try to fit together into one

line. This can be changed and direction can be modified

using the flex-wrap property.

.container {

flex-wrap: wrap; nowrap | wrap | wrap reverse


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Core Concepts

flex-grow Defines the ability for a flex item to grow if needed.

(unitless values serve as proportion) An item set at 2

would be twice as big as an item set at 1.

.item {

flex-grow: <number>; /* default = 0 */


flex-shrinkDefines the ability for a flex item to shrink if needed.

.item {

flex-shrink: <number>; /* default = 0 */


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Core Concepts

flex-basis Defines the default size of an element - before remaining

space is distributed. Length or keyword values.

.item {

flex-basis: <number>;


If set to 0, the extra space around it is not factored in.

If set to auto (keyword), the extra space is distributed by

its flex-grow value

Page 12: CSS Flexbox (flexible box layout)

Core Concepts

flex (shortcut)Combines flex-grow, flex-shrink (opt) and flex-basis (opt).

Default = 0 1 auto

RECOMMENDED over individual properties.

.item {

flex: 1 0 0;


Page 13: CSS Flexbox (flexible box layout)

1Let’s look at some Code

To the text-editor!

Page 14: CSS Flexbox (flexible box layout)

Some other examples (that I didn’t have time to build)




Page 15: CSS Flexbox (flexible box layout)

Browser Adoption

Can I Use? -

Page 16: CSS Flexbox (flexible box layout)

Flexbox is the current new and now way of

thinking about CSS layout - but not the end.

Historic and current layout practices

▪ Table based layouts

▪ Float based layouts (CSS1)

▪ Positioning (CSS2)

▪ Flexbox “This is real layout. It’s not a hack” - Jeremy Keith

▫ Flexbox (old)

▫ Flexbox (mid/transitional)

▫ Flexbox (standard/final)

The future is coming ‘soon’ and will likely build upon the

flexbox model and techniques.

▪ Grid Layout (ie10 has adopted an early specification)

▪ Regions and Exclusions (Adobe initiative)

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