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Page 1: Cuento 1 Tallín 3

Cristian Concha Y Daniela Tripaiñan

A factory

Once upon a time in a country lives a man, he keeps in the background, he is a building contractor, but today he has no job. he looked for a job, but he found no employment, and he needs a job because he must pay the rent, so one day, he looked at a Factory, where needs a different employer, so he dialed the number and applied for an interview with de manager, The manager was an interesting and famous man too, he is the founder of the company, and he is in business for himself, and he is in command, and he always said I´m in favour of automation because this is a sound foundation, in this world there is a heavy competition and the cost was estimated, but the condition are the same, as Lenin was a revolutionary, I’m a revolutionary too. But the firm went bankrupt and everyone unknown this information. The defect is hidden in this moment. His employer think that the trade is in a healthy state, but they are wrong, But the manager know that the consumption increased, and he knows that he has an opportunity to improve his condition, because the legislation in different now. So the power is concentrated and a series of measures were taken to look for a new employer, whit different condition. He needs a lot of new employer, because he has a big factory in the town of city, everybody said about him “he is a chief executive” but he has debts, this is the true. In this undertaking only adult are allowed in, so he made a bid, if someone corrects the errors, I will award a pension for all your life, but there was no contestation. But the building contractor thought “This my opportunity¨ and he said, I can do it. But another man thought the same, and another, and another, so in this moment there are four candidates, but two candidates were eliminated by the manager.